Reading The Bible As Literature: Worksheet 5 On The Principles of Literary Interpretation

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Reading the Bible as Literature


GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Use the three principles of literary interpretation to come up with a full reading of a Biblical passage.

SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS: 1. As a group, agree on which text i.e. passage each of the members is going to read. 2. Individually, research about your passage. Make sure that your sources are valid and legitimate. 3. After gathering enough data, discuss among yourselves the passage you have chosen. Agree on the genre of the text. Cite evidences to support your claim (genre). Then articulate the Author Meaning and Text Meaning of the passage. When you do these, make sure that you employ the big ideas of the three principles on literary interpretation. 4. When your group is done, work individually for the Personal Meaning of the text. Elaborate on it i.e. articulate your context so that any reader would clearly understand your reading. 5. Complete the table on the next page. 6. When you are done, upload your worksheet to Scribd, and embed it to your PLW.


The Potters Vessel

JEREMIAH 18, 1-12

Promises of Redemption & Restoration

ISAIAH 43, 1-11

The Visit of the Magi

MATTHEW 2, 1-12

The Healing of a Deaf Man

MARK 7, 31-37

The Parable of the Lost Son

LUKE 15, 11-32

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Percival Lao


August 6, 2013

The Healing of a Deaf Man (Mark 7, 31-37)


AUTHOR MEANING Mark sees Jesus as a healer, as seen at the end of most of his passages, where he ends with a healing story whether it be disabilities like lameness or blindness or even spiritual conditions like clearing out unclean spirits. Passages of Mark are meant to more likely be read aloud than to be studied in a philosophical manner. Ritualistic acts like spitting in a persons mouth is uncommon to Jesus, especially how he opposes rituals, but he does it in this passage.

TEXT MEANING In this narrative, we are told of Jesus as someone powerful being able to do miraculous acts yet also a humble person, as evidenced by Jesus giving orders not to tell anyone of what he has done. Jesus opposes those who follow rituals and traditions. Jesus has just come from the region of Tyre, driving out an evil spirit from a Gentile. From the verses before this passage, it seems as though Jesus is trying his best to make sure that others dont know about his activities as to where he is headed to, etc.

PERSONAL MEANING It is ironic and very contradicting how Jesus follows the ritualistic acts of putting His ngers in His ear and spitting in a persons mouth because he opposes these, yet in this passage, he does these acts. This is to probably show that Jesus is also part of the people in Galilee, those who follow these traditions, to gain the peoples trust. Following those traditions made people trust that Jesus can heal the deaf man. It also makes me wonder why Jesus is trying to keep a low status. From the previous verses, in the region of Tyre, he was making sure that people not know that hes there. Also, in Galilee, he didnt want his miracles be known to others. Maybe its just really His humble nature, or is there something Hes hiding from? Just like those who were astonished by Jesus miracle, this act also gives me a sense of awe. His humility still is amazing.

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