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Tommy Wells

Washington, D.C. mayoral

Likely 2014 Democratic Primary voters
June 27 July 1, 2013


1. If the April 2014 Democratic primary election for D.C. Mayor were held today and the candidates were
[RANDOMIZE] _Tommy Wells, _Vincent Gray, _ Muriel Bowser, [and] _Jack Evans, for whom would you
vote, or are you undecided?
[IF CANDIDATE:] Would you say you support that candidate strongly or not so strongly?
[IF UNDECIDED:] Well, if you had to decide today and couldnt be undecided, toward which candidate
would you lean?
Wells - strong............................................................................. 11
Wells - not strong......................................................................... 3
Undecided - lean Wells................................................................ 2
Gray - strong.............................................................................. 13
Gray - not strong.......................................................................... 4
Undecided - lean Gray................................................................. 4
Bowser - strong.......................................................................... 13
Bowser - not strong ..................................................................... 1
Undecided - lean Bowser ............................................................ 4
Evans - strong.............................................................................. 6
Evans - not strong........................................................................ 2
Undecided - lean Evans .............................................................. 4
(Other) ....................................................................................... 2
Undecided.................................................................................. 31
Wells ......................................................................................... 16
Gray........................................................................................... 21
Bowser...................................................................................... 17
Evans ........................................................................................ 13

2014 DC Democratic Mayoral Primary LVs

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Now I am going to read you some statements about the candidates for mayor. [RANDOMIZE]
Ward 6 Councilman Tommy Wells wants to create a livable, walkable D.C. where everyone can thrive. Wells
spearheaded the efforts to revitalize the H Street corridor and will take this success to other parts of the city
adding small businesses and creating jobs. Wells wants every resident to have access to public transportation,
quality schools, and economically strong neighborhoods.
Mayor Vincent Gray, a lifelong resident, will continue his work to create one city and provide all residents with
quality schools and education, fiscal stability, job opportunities, and safe communities. Gray has cracked down on
corruption in the city and worked to fix all the problems of the Fenty administration. Gray will continue the
progress he has made for a better future for all in D.C.
Lifelong D.C. resident and Ward 4 Councilwoman Muriel Bowser is ready to make D.C. proud of itself again.
Bowser has an ambitious agenda for D.C. focusing on an open and ethical government, rebuilding quality
neighborhoods, and transforming our schools and commercial corridors. She will take a hands-on approach to
leadership and bring change faster than the current administration.
Ward 2 Councilman Jack Evans, has been a tough leader for over 20 years. Hes the reason D.C.s economy is
so strong - balancing the district's budget for eleven consecutive years and being a steward of prosperity and
jobs. Evans spearheaded the construction of the convention center, Nationals stadium, and Verizon Center.
Evans will take his experience and build a better D.C.
2. Sometimes over the course of a survey like this, people change their minds. If the April 2014 Democratic
primary election for D.C. Mayor were held today and the candidates were [RANDOMIZE] Tommy Wells,
Vincent Gray, Muriel Bowser, [and] Jack Evans, for whom would you vote, or are you undecided?
[IF CANDIDATE:] Would you say you support that candidate strongly or not so strongly?
[IF UNDECIDED:] Well, if you had to decide today and couldnt be undecided, toward which candidate
would you lean?
Wells - strong............................................................................. 15
Wells - not strong......................................................................... 3
Undecided - lean Wells................................................................ 3
Gray - strong.............................................................................. 11
Gray - not strong.......................................................................... 4
Undecided - lean Gray................................................................. 6
Bowser - strong.......................................................................... 12
Bowser - not strong ..................................................................... 2
Undecided - lean Bowser ............................................................ 5
Evans - strong.............................................................................. 5
Evans - not strong........................................................................ 4
Undecided - lean Evans .............................................................. 4
(Other) ....................................................................................... 2
Undecided.................................................................................. 24
Wells ......................................................................................... 21
Gray........................................................................................... 21
Bowser...................................................................................... 19
Evans ........................................................................................ 13

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