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MALIFAUX Gaining Ground 2012 to 2013 Organized Play Tournament Guidelines

Gaining Ground
The Gaining Ground Tournament format is intended for Malifaux Tournaments organized by Wyrd Henchmen at stores and conventions throughout the year. For events sponsored or organized directly by Wyrd Games, please refer to the Governors Decree Tournament Guidelines document.

Tournament Organizer

The Tournament Organizer, or TO, is the sole authority at Malifaux tournaments. TOs are expected to be fair and equitable in their adjudication of debates and rules questions. Regardless of the outcome, a TOs decision is final. Players are encouraged to work out simple rules disputes among themselves because the round clock does not stop while waiting for the TO to answer questions. TO Responsibility: It is the TOs responsibility to ensure the events participants are aware of which tournament options are in effect prior to the event start. This includes: proxy and pre-release miniatures use, painting requirements, Crew selection format, Strategy selection format, and any other alternative tournament formats the TO is using.

Player Responsibility

Players are responsible for providing: Crew models Rulebooks and official Wyrd printed Stat Cards Official Wyrd Fate Deck (no custom decks to be used) Measuring tape Counters/Markers/Tokens


Malifaux is designed to be fun for all players. Players are expected to behave civilly and respectfully at all times. When asked, players should provide the information and statistics for models as well as any additional public information. Activations should be played in a timely manner, and players should allow opponents to cut their Decks whenever shuffled.

Warning System

Players are given a single warning when the TO judges their behavior toward other players or the TO is considered unacceptable. If the behavior persists, and the TO determines the player to be a disruption to the tournament, it is within the TOs authority to disqualify the player from the tournament. Dont be that player.


There is zero tolerance for cheating (other than Cheating Fate, which is, of course, encouraged). If the TO determines that a player is cheating, the player will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

Proxy Rules

It is up to the individual TO whether proxy models are allowed.

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Pre-Release Models

Models not yet available as a general release to the public. Models released early at GenCon or on Wyrds website during GenCon are considered pre-release models. It is up to the individual TO whether pre-release models are allowed.

Conversion Rules

Conversions are an excellent way to show off your modeling skills. Original sculpts and conversions are allowed if the TO deems them to be accurate representations of the models portrayed. If using a model that was converted with manufactured pieces, no more than 33% of the finished model may be built using other game companies models, while the rest must be either wholly or a combination of original sculpt or Wyrdmanufactured pieces, as determined by the TO. The player should have a standard version of the model available in the event the TO determines the conversion does not meet the above requirements.

Stat Cards

Players must physically possess the official up-to-date versions of stat cards for tournaments unless an official stat card is not yet available for that version, in which case a printed copy is permitted.

Painting Rules

It is up to the individual TO whether his or her event requires painted models. A fully-painted and based model does not show any visible bare metal or primer. The paint job should look like the painter made an effort to stay within the lines and enhance the appearance of the model with their painting. Bases should not be bare.

Tournament Rules

Remember, the TOs goal is to ensure that all the players are having fun. The TO should take all players into consideration when establishing the Rounds, Time Limit, Strategy Selection, and Crew Construction types for the tournament.

Number of Rounds

The number of rounds in a tournament depends on the number of players in attendance. The TO may choose to establish the number of rounds based on time constraints or other reasons, but the suggested number of rounds are: 4-15 Attendees: 3 Round Tournament 16-32 Attendees: 4 Round Tournament 33+ Attendees: 5 Round Tournament

Round Time Limit

The amount of time provided for each round is based on the Soulstone Size of the Encounter. The round time begins when all players are at their assigned tables. A 10-minute period occurs at the beginning of each round, during which players complete the Encounter Setup. Players may begin play if they complete set-up prior to the end of the 10 minutes. The TO will announce the end of the Encounter setup period and the start of the timing for the round.

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Scraps 20 29 Soulstones: 80 minute Rounds 30 39 Soulstones: 95 minute Rounds 40 55 Soulstones: 115 minute Rounds Brawls 30 39 Soulstones: 110 minute Rounds 40 54 Soulstones: 130 minute Rounds 55 80 Soulstones: 155 minute Rounds

Calling Time

10 minutes before the time limit the TO calls Last Turn to inform players that they should complete the Turn they are on and not start another turn. At the end of the allotted time, the TO calls Last Activation to inform players to finish the current model activation then and then resolve the Turns Closing Phase before the end of the Encounter. After this players count their Victory Points (VPs).

Deployment Type

Gaining Ground Tournaments use only Standard Deployment for Tournament games.

Strategy Selection

The TO chooses the manner in which Strategies are selected for each round. The TO can either establish which Strategies are used in each round, or allow the players to flip for their Strategies each round. Strategy method is announced to players before the tournament. Story Encounter Tournament The Tournament uses a series of unique Story Encounters rather than players generating their own Strategies each round. Fixed Shared Strategy Tournament Each round, the TO announces the Shared Gaining Ground Strategy to be used by the players. The TO selects a different Gaining Ground Shared Strategy each round. Random Gaining Ground Encounter Tournament All players flip for their Strategies from the Gaining Ground Encounter Chart on p.12. If both players flip the same Strategy, they use the Shared version of that Strategy. Random Gaining Ground Shared Encounter Tournament One player per table flips for the Strategy from the Gaining Ground Encounter Chart on p.12. The players then use the Shared version of that Strategy.

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Crew Construction

The TO establishes the Crew Construction methods used for the tournament from the following options. Open Faction Each player selects the Faction he or she wishes to use at the beginning of each round before pairings are announced, and then follows the normal hiring restrictions and time limit for each round. Single Faction At the start of the Tournament, each player commits to a specific Faction (noted by the TO), then follows the normal hiring restrictions and time limit for each round. Fixed Crews (Open OR Single Faction) At the start of the Tournament, each player commits to a number of pre-made Crews (noted by the TO) as established by the TO. Each Crew must have a different leader. A Crew cannot be used a second time by a player until all selected pre-made Crews have been used at least once. Hiring Pool (Requires Single Faction) At the start of the Tournament, each player commits to a specific Faction (noted by the TO) and provides a list of models that are worth double the Soulstone Size of the Encounter. For example, players would need to provide a 60 Soulstone Hiring Pool list for a Tournament with 30 Soulstone rounds. Hiring Pool Guidelines: Leaders are not factored into the Hiring Pool Soulstones, but should be listed. A player pays a flat 2 Soulstones for the option to Manifest Avatars during the Tournament. He or she does not need to indicate which Avatars are being included when listing the Hiring Pool. A Henchman that a player might hire as a Minion and not a Leader at some point during the Tournament is included in the Hiring Pool. Out of Faction models may be included in a Hiring Pool if one or more special hiring rules would allow those models to be included in at least one Crew the player might build. These models do not cost an additional Soulstone when calculating the Hiring Pool total. However, hen generating a Crew list for a Tournament round apply any hiring discounts or increases as per the special rules for those models being included in that Crew (e.g. Comes Cheap, Mercenary, or Dues Paid). A player does not need to include models in his or her Hiring Pool if the model does not cost Soulstones (e.g. Summonable models) just as they would not need to include them in a standard Crews points. At the start of each Round, a player builds his or her Crew using only the models in his or her Hiring Pool. Any special hiring rules (such as Comes Cheap, Beastmaster, or Special Forces restrictions) are applied to that specific list for the round, including any increases or discounts in Soulstone Costs for hiring the models into that Crew. Simple Hiring Pool Example: A player brings Resurrectionists to a 30 Soulstone Tournament. His Soulstone Pool may look something like this: Leader slot: Hes chosen to bring Seamus, Nicodem, and Molly 2ss for the option to Manifest Avatars 12ss for three Rotten Belles
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6ss for one Convict Gunslinger 10ss for one Rogue Necromancy 7ss for Mortimer 10ss for two Punk Zombies 4ss for one Crooligans More Complex Hiring Pool Example: A player brings Arcanists to a 25 Soulstone Tournament. His 50 Soulstone Hiring Pool may look something like this: Leader slot: All Arcanist Masters and Kaeris 2ss for the option to Manifest Avatars 6ss for Johan 9ss for one Rail Golem 3ss for one Mobile Toolkit 5ss for one Silurid (no additional ss cost to include in the Hiring Pool, can be used by Marcus) 8ss for Kaeris (he may include her in a Crew list as a Minion rather than a Leader) 6ss for Iggy (no additional ss cost to include in the Hiring Pool, can be used by Kaeris) 7ss for one Guardian (no additional ss cost to include in the Hiring Pool, can be used by Ramos) 3ss for one Night Terror (no additional ss cost to include in the Hiring Pool, can be used by Marcus) There are several overcosts and undercosts represented here. For example, Johan costs 7ss in the Pool, but when hired by M&SU Members (Ramos, Mei Feng) he will cost 6ss, and when hired by Collette his cost goes down to 5ss. Meanwhile the Silurid and Night Terror, which can only be taken with Marcus, remain cost neutral. Iggy and the Guardian also recieve a discount in the Pool (they are not Mercenaries), but when hired in by a Ramos crew (must include Kaeris for Iggy) each of these models cost an additional Soulstone to hire. Other A special Crew Construction format may be in place for a special Tournament event or based on the Story Encounter provided. This is up to the TO and should be advertised well in advance of the event.

Hiring Crews

To Hire Crews fairly during competitive play, each player must pick their choice of Leader for that round and note it in secret on their score sheet. Once this has been done, each player must reveal his or her choice to the other player at the same time. Only then will players continue to hire their Crew as per the rules, up to the required Soulstone Size of the game.

Scheme Usage

Each round, the player has the option to use Schemes to help achieve victory. Each player can choose from General Schemes, Faction Specific Schemes, and Master Specific Schemes as long as the choice is valid based on the Strategy and the Crew being used. (Refer to p.100 of the Rules Manual for Scheme details) Schemes are considered unique, meaning that each player can select each Scheme only once during the Tournament. This requirement overrides any rule the Scheme includes about being selected more than once (such as Assassinate or Bodyguard). Players are responsible for accurately listing Schemes on their score sheets at the end of each Encounter.

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Terrain Setup

The Terrain for each round will be set up by the TO in advanced and should not be moved by the players. The recommended amount of terrain for each playing surface is 12-18 pieces, which may be of any size. The minimum requirement for terrain is 8 pieces (if a TO does not have access to the necessary amount of terrain). Each half of the playing surface closest to each player should have at least 4 pieces completely within it. The Terrain should be placed fairly by the TO and not moved by the players before game begins. If the players have a Strategy which requires terrain adjustment, the TO must be present for the adjustment. Encounter Location Special Features The TO has the option to establish Special Events and Special Terrain for the tournament. These special rules should follow the location special rules in the Malifaux rulebook, or be available in printed format from the TO. Special rules being used by the TO should be announced to the players before the tournament.

Round Pairings and Scoring Format

Round Pairings First round pairings are random. Effort should be made to avoid pairing the same Factions against one another if able. After the first round, the TO pairs players based on their Tournament Point (TP) scores. Players will always play other players with similar TP scores. After round one, and continuing for all rounds, players with higher TPs should be paired off against one another, while players with lower TPs should be paired off against one another. In the event of multiple ties, pairings should attempt to be made between differing factions, then paired by similar DIF scores and then VP scores. Tournament Points, Victory Points, Victory Point Differential At the end of each Encounter, players count the VPs they earned that round. The player that earned more VPs than his or her opponent wins the Encounter, and the opponent loses the Encounter. When each player earns the same VPs, the Encounter is a Draw. The number of Tournament Points a player receives depends on if he or she Wins, Draws, or Loses the Encounter. Victory Points [VP] The amount of points each player earned. The player with the most VP is the winner of the Encounter. If the VP are tied, the Encounter is a Draw. Example: Josh and Emma played an Encounter. Josh scored 6 VP while Emma scored 4 VP. Victory Point Differential [DIF] Note the difference between the players VP at the end of the Encounter. The player with the higher VP score receives DIF equal to the positive amount of that difference, while the player with the lower VP score receives DIF equal to the negative amount of that difference. Example: Using the example above, Josh receives +2 DIF, while Emma receives -2 DIF. Tournament Points [TP] A Win awards 3 TP to the winner, a Draw awards 1 TP to each player, and a Loss awards 0 TP to the defeated player. Example: Using the example above, Josh receives 3 TP, while Emma receives 0 TP. Combining the above statistics, at the end of round one: VP DIF TP Josh 6 +2 3 Emma 4 -2 0

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Byes and Scoring Byes

If there is an odd number of players in the Tournament, and no ringers are available to fill in, the TO will establish Byes for the Tournament. No player should receive more than one Bye round in an event. When a ringer is available the player should compete against that stand-in opponent with the results of the Encounter never being worse than a tie for the player. First Round Bye The last player to arrive at the tournament receives the Bye. Second Round and later Byes Each round, the player with the lowest total Tournament Points (TP), who has not yet received a Bye, receives the Bye. If the player with the lowest TP total has already received a Bye, the player with the next lowest TP total receives the Bye. If that player has also already received a Bye, the next lowest receives the Bye, and so on. When a player receives a Bye, the players score sheet for that round is empty except for the word BYE for VP. The final scores for players with a Bye are not calculated until the tournament ends. At the end of the Tournament, follow these steps for all players who received a Bye: 1. Score each players VP, TP, and DIF. 2. Multiply each of those scores by the total number of rounds in the tournament. 3. Divide each of those scores by the number of rounds that the player played (should be 1 less than the total number of rounds). 4. This is the final score for that player. Example: Here is how Joshs score sheet totals would look if he had received a Bye in a three round tournament. Josh VP DIF TP Round 1 BYE Round 2 6 +2 3 Round 3 5 +3 3 Joshs final adjusted totals are: Josh VP DIF Round 1 BYE Round 2 6 +2 Round 3 5 +3 Total 11*3/2=17 5*3/2=8 TP 3 3 6*3/2=9

Forfeits and Conceded Games

If a player forfeits or concedes an Encounter for any reason, the opposing player picks up a full score of 3 TP/+8 DIF/8 VP for the round, with the forfeiting player receiving 0 TP/-8 DIF/0 VP for the round. A forfeit should not be questioned, as the player may have an emergency or a personal situation arise that he or she may not want to discuss. However, TOs should be careful with forfeits as they can be abused by people trying to boost their friends scores in a Tournament. A player forfeiting an Encounter must forfeit the entire Tournament, losing the opportunity to win any awards for the Tournament itself, but still eligible for any side awards such as for a painting contest. If the forfeit was not emergency related, that player may be excluded from future Official Tournaments based on the TOs ruling. Forfeiting to boost another players score is considered cheating.
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Determining a Winner TP/DIF/VP

At the end of the Tournament, rank all players in descending order from highest TP to lowest TP. The winner of the tournament is: 1. The player with the highest TP. In case of a tie 2. DIF becomes the first tie-breaker, meaning the player with the highest DIF wins. If this is also tied 3. VP is the final tie-breaker: the player with the higher VP wins the tie.

Alternative Gaining Ground Organized Play Formats

Disparity Format
Disparity Format uses the players DIF scores to determine Byes, pairings, and winner. Byes As above, but use DIF scores instead of TP scores. Pairings As above, but use DIF scores instead of TP scores. Winner As above, but use DIF to determine winner, then VP in case of ties, then TP in case of remaining ties.

Victory Format

Victory Format uses the players VP scores to determine Byes, pairings, and winner. Byes As above, but use VP scores instead of TP scores. Pairings As above, but use VP scores instead of TP scores. Winner As above, but use VP to determine winner, then TP in case of ties, then DIF in case of remaining ties.

Attrition Format

Attrition Format uses the standard scoring rules above for determining Byes, pairings, and winner. Round Sizes In each round of an Attrition Format event the number of Soulstones players use to hire their Crews reduces. A typical reduction is 10 Soulstones per round (although larger Soulstone events may want to increase this amount. It is up to the TO how many Soulstones each round will be reduced. For example, a 35 Soulstone Attrition Tournament would allow Crews of 35 Soulstones for round 1, Crews of 25 Soulstones for round 2, and Crews of 15 Soulstones for round 3.

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Gaining Ground Format Details

The following details should be made available to all players by the TO when announcing the event.

Malifaux Gaining Ground Format Tournament

Soulstone Size of Event: ________ Crew Construction: Open Faction / Single Faction / Fixed Crews Open Faction / Fixed Crews Single Faction / Hiring Pool / Other __________________ Tournament Format: Gaining Ground / Disparity / Victory / Attrition Proxy Rules: No proxies allowed / proxies allowed Pre-Release Models: No pre-release models allowed / pre-release models allowed Painting Requirement: Enforced / no painting requirement Number of Rounds: 3 / 4 / 5 Strategy Selection: Story Encounter / Random Gaining Ground / Random Gaining Ground Shared Sample Scorecard Round # Opponent Name Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Your VP / Opps VP DIFF TP (W=3, T=1, L=0) Round TP / DIFF / VP Total TP/DIFF/VP


1 (scoring example) 2 3

5/3 +2 3 5 / +2/ 3 5 / +2/ 3

/ /

/ /

/ /

/ /


Red/Black Joker 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-13

Gaining Ground Strategy Chart

Contain Power Treasure Hunt (Gaining Ground variant) Land Grab Slaughter (Gaining Ground variant) Line in the Sand (Gaining Ground variant) Master of the Hill
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Contain Power

What is the best way to prevent your rival from becoming more powerful? Kill them. Victory If all of your opponents leaders are no longer in the game at the end of the Encounter, you score 2 VP.


If all of your opponents leaders are no longer in the game at the end of the Encounter and were either killed or sacrificed by your leaders, you score 4 VP.

Shared Contain Power

Both Masters have watched their opponent gain too much influence and too strong a foothold in Malifaux. Its time to settle this once and for all. Victory A player scores 2 VP if all of his or her opponents leaders are no longer in the game at the end of the Encounter. That player scores +2 VP if his or her leaders killed or sacrificed all of the opponents leaders.

Treasure Hunt (Gaining Ground Variant)

You have discovered the location of a valuable artifact and must take possession of it. Setup Place a 30mm Treasure Counter in the center of the table. Special Beginning on Turn 2, your non-insignificant models in base contact with the Treasure Counter may perform a (1) Interact Action to pick it up if it they are not engaged by an enemy model. A model carrying the Counter can drop or pass it to another model in base contact as a (1) Interact Action. Models controlled by your opponent can take this Action once one of your models has picked up the Counter at least once during the Encounter. A model carrying the Treasure Counter changing position on the table by an effect other than the Walk Action or leaving play drops the Treasure Counter in base contact with itself before it changes position. While carrying the Counter, a model reduces its Wk to 4, and cannot have its Wk increased by any means. Spirits lose the ability to move through other models and the ability to ignore terrain penalties while carrying the Treasure Counter. Models lose Flight or Float while carrying the Treasure Counter. Victory At the end of each Turn after the first, if the Treasure Counter is carried by one of your models and that model is not engaged with an enemy model, you score 1 VP up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Shared Treasure Hunt (Gaining Ground Variant)

Both you and your opponent have uncovered the location of an important Malifaux artifact, and must race to be the first to claim it. Setup Place one 30mm Treasure Counter in the center of the table after Crews have deployed, but before the Encounter begins.
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Special Beginning on Turn 2, a non-Insignificant model in base contact with the Treasure Counter may perform a (2) Interact Action to pick up the Treasure Counter if it is not engaged by an enemy model. A model carrying the Counter can drop or pass it to another model in base contact as a (1) Interact Action. A model carrying the Treasure Counter changing position on the table by an effect other than the Walk Action or leaving play drops the Treasure Counter in base contact with itself before changing position. While carrying the Counter, a model reduces its Wk to 4 and cannot have its Wk increased by any means. Spirits lose the ability to move through other models and the ability to ignore terrain penalties while carrying the Treasure Counter. Models lose Flight or Float while carrying the Treasure Counter. Victory At the end of each Turn after the first, if the Treasure Counter is carried by a players model and that model is not engaged with an enemy model, that player scores 1 VP up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Land Grab

Time to take some of theirs and make it yours! Setup Divide the table into equal quarters. Special Insignificant models do not count toward the Victory condition. You control a table quarter when the majority of models completely within that quarter are yours. Victory At the end of each Turn after the first, you score 1 VP if you control more table quarters than your opponent up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Shared Land Grab

This place isnt big enough for the both of us. Setup Divide the table into equal quarters. Special Insignificant models do not count toward the Victory condition. A player controls a table quarter when the majority of models completely within that quarter are theirs. Victory At the end of each Turn after the first, a player scores 1 VP if he or she controls more table quarters than his or her opponent, up to a maximum of 4 VP.


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Beatdown (Gaining Ground Variant)

Theyve gone too far. Time to wipe them out. Victory At the end of each Turn after the first, if your opponent has no models in the game, you score 1 VP. Otherwise if your Crew killed or sacrificed more enemy models than the enemy Crew killed or sacrificed of yours, you score 1 VP. You may score a maximum of 4 VP for this Strategy.

Shared Beatdown (Gaining Ground Variant)

Only one of us walks away from this... Victory At the end of each Turn after the first, if a player has no models in the game, his or her opponent scores 1 VP. Otherwise the Crew that killed or sacrificed the most enemy models scores 1 VP. A player may score up to a maximum of 4 VP for this Strategy.

A Line in the Sand (Gaining Ground Variant)

Youre tired of your opponent invading your turf, so youre going to draw a line in the sand.. with dynamite Setup Place five 30mm Dynamite Markers along the centerline of the table at least 6 apart. Special The Dynamite Markers begin the Encounter disarmed. Your models may perform a (1) Interact Action while in base contact with a disarmed Dynamite Marker to arm it if they are not engaged by an enemy model. Mark which Dynamite Markers your Crew has armed. An enemy model may perform a (1) Interact Action while in base contact with an armed Dynamite Marker to disarm it. Insignificant models or models engaged with an enemy model cannot perform the arm or disarm Interact Actions. Victory At the end of each Turn after the first you score 1 VP if you have three or more Dynamite Markers armed, up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Shared A Line in the Sand (Gaining Ground Variant)

Youre tired of your opponent invading your turf, so youre going to draw a line in the sand.. with dynamite Setup Place five 30mm Dynamite Markers along the centerline of the table at least 6 apart. Special The Dynamite Markers begin the Encounter disarmed. A model may perform a (1) Interact Action while in base contact with a disarmed Dynamite Marker to arm it if they are not engaged by an enemy model. Each player should mark which Dynamite Markers his or her Crew has armed. A model may perform a (1) Interact Action while in base contact with a disarmed Dynamite Marker to disarm it. Insignificant models or models engaged with an enemy model cannot perform the arm or disarm Interact Actions.


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Victory At the end of each Turn after the first a player scores 1 VP if he or she has more Dynamite Markers armed by his or her Crew than his or her opponent does, up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Master of the Hill

The path to the top is always littered with the bodies of those we had to climb over. Setup Place a hill/pyramid/ziggurat/or other applicable terrain piece in the center of the table. The top of the terrain piece must have room for at least two 50mm bases to fit while in base contact. The terrain piece should not be set up in such a way that no model is prevented from moving to its top. For example, a tall pillar of rock with a flat plateau only Flying models can reach should not be used as the hill in this Strategy. Victory At the end of each Turn after the first, you score 1 VP if the number of your models with bases completely on the terrain piece is greater than the number of your opponents models with bases completely on the terrain piece, up to a maximum of 4 VP. A model counts as two models for determining how many models are on the terrain piece if it is alone at the top.

Shared Master of the Hill

Getting pushed down just means theres someone above that you can grab ahold of and yank down yourself. Setup Place a hill/pyramid/ziggurat/or other applicable terrain piece in the center of the table. The top of the terrain piece must have room for at least two 50mm bases to fit while in base contact. The terrain piece should not be set up in such a way that no model is prevented from moving to its top. For example, a tall pillar of rock with a flat plateau only Flying models can reach should not be used as the hill in this Strategy. Victory At the end of each Turn after the first, you score 1 VP if the number of your models with bases completely on the terrain piece is greater than the number of your opponents models with bases completely on the terrain piece, up to a maximum of 4 VP. . A model counts as two models for determining how many models are on the terrain piece if it is alone at the top. This terrain piece should be some sort of sloping or stepped structure that rises up over the middle of the table. The top of the hill should be Ht 3 to 5, but its diameter will depend on what is in your collections. As you will be setting up the terrain and the hill, you may need to relocate some terrain pieces that may interfere with placement of the hill. Also, no model should be unable to move up the hill, as might happen when the hill is more of a cliff side or column. The hill should not be something only models with special movement types (Flight/Float for example) can access. If a typical model couldnt walk up it, then its not a hill for this Strategys purposes. This strategys typical hill will be Ht 4 with no other terrain traits. If you do not have access to enough hills for this Strategy mark the centerpoint of the table with a 50mm Marker. The Crew with the most models completely within 6 of the Marker scores the VP (the Marker replaces the hill).

A note to TOs about the hill in this Strategy:

If the TO does not have enough hills:


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