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Months April July 2013

Things continue here in Guatemala. We have seen many of the projects here advance. We are so thankful to God for our safety and for the provisions that have been given to us. Thank you all for your prayers and support. And a special thanks to all the volunteers we have had these months. Without them this work would be next to impossible. Thank you!

April 2013
Feeding center The feeding center has been going great. We have been feeding around 60-70 kids Monday to Friday every week. The kids seem to be getting healthier. Well Drilling The well drilling continues. They feel they may have hit water and they are going to check to see if it is enough. Currently they are 260 ft down. (In April) Bridge Built The bridge was built and the road was passable during the construction. This was a blessing. Angelitos ear operation was scheduled for this month. David packed their bags and headed up to the specialized ear clinic for a three day stay just to find out that they could not do the kind of operation that he needed. We took him to another hospital and his operation is scheduled for August.

May 2013
Beach Vacation We got to go to the beach this month. It was lots of fun and the kids really enjoyed it! School time with the toddlers The babies have turned into toddlers. We do pre-school after lunch. We now have 10. Daves mom for a visit Daves mom came for a visit this month. We had a nice time and she was a great help! Counselors Drew and Cindy Metcalf continue to be the counselors for our kids. They are now counseling the children in the Zimmerman house as well - a blessing to be sure.

June 2013
A baby born Maria in the Zimmerman house had her baby girl on June 20th, also here own 14th birthday. Helping Couple Eric and his wife Noemi are helping us for two months. They are a huge help and we love working with them. Noemi is also a great cook and does most of the cooking. Trip to the State We took a two week trip to the U.S.A. this month. We visited Wisconsin and Michigan. Thanks to all for your hospitality. The Campbell family came and watched the kids for us as well as Katelyn and our friend, Micah. A big thanks to them for their help! The pool has finally filled up with enough rain water to reopen! During dry season we ran out of water and had to drain the pool for showers, toilet flushing, etc. The pool has been a great blessing to the kids for daily exercise and cooling off. Deborah is busily teaching the 12 youngest children to swim. Please pray for continued safety and that they would all learn to swim soon. Passport approval- we got the permissions for our older kids to travel with us on future trips. Please pray for favor at the embassies and border crossings.

July 2013
Plenty of Water Praise the Lord! At 300 feet we have more than enough water! We are now praying for the money to purchase the pump and all the other things we need to get the water into the houses. New Boy - We received Kelvin on different terms than normal. He has a colostomy. His mother is a nice, loving mother, but could not pay for the rest of the surgeries he needed. We are going to get the operation done and then give him back to his mother. He is around four years old and a rather nice boy. Filling up - Both homes are filling. The Zimmerman house now has five girls and two babies. We now have 25 children. Lucia and Maria- our two oldest girls have gotten a job cleaning for a family on Saturdays. This has been a good opportunity for them to make some spending money and learn responsibility. Van Robbed Our van was broken into and the radio as well as some electronic items of a mission team were stolen. Pray we can find a new window ASAP. Praise the Lord they did not take the car!

Please see bottom 2 pages.

Child Highlight

Name: Vidalia Tautiu Quisquina Age: 12 yrs Sex: Female Home Town: Solola, Solola Guatemala Arrival Date: March 2009

Story: Vidalia age 8 and her younger brother, Angelito-age 4, were living on the streets of Solola. Their mother was not caring for them. They told us they looked for herbs and worms to eat with tortillas. Their older sister, age nine, died from eating a poisonous weed. When we got them, both children were way smaller than they shouldve been for their ages and very malnourished. They had orange hair, a typical sign of malnutrition. Thanks to Grandmas vitamins, Vidalia now has beautiful, shiny black hair. After some prayer, a bath, and some new clothes, they began a new life here in our family. They hold a special place in our hearts because they are the first children Dave and I received together as a couple. Vidalia is now in the 5th grade and likes to play games with mom, cook, write letters, help with the toddlers, and play jump rope. Her best friend is Lucia. Please pray as she continues to grow in the Lord.

Prayer Requests

Water!!! Thank you Lord that we have hit enough good water. We are thankful for the safety God has given us. Our needs are met every day! The feeding center continues to go well That we were able to attend the Stukenberg Family reunion Give thanks to the Lord, Lord, for He He is good Psalm 136:1

Please Pray
For continued safety from robbers That the funds will be raised for the well pump and other things we are I need of For the children to get closer to God and farther from evil That we will be protected from both physical and spiritual harm That Angelitos ear operation will go well in August That Kelvin can get the operations he needs and be returned to his mother ASAP and that he can learn all about Jesus while he is in our home. That our kids will apply themselves in their schooling and pass the year. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith Matt. 21:22

Please keep all of us in your prayers. Feel free to e - mail us at or call at 011-5024407-0519 or 011-502-4407-1480. We would love to hear from people. If you would like to support us on a monthly basis or to give one-time gifts please see the information below on page 4. Please do not write our names on checks. Attach a note with the check as to who it is for. Thank you all for your support and your e- mails. God Bless.

Contact Info Below

How to Contact us
Our Address in Guatemala for letters and packages: Dave and Deborah Reichard APDO POSTAL #35 San Lucas, Sacatepequez, Guatemala. For those who wish to contribute and want a tax receipt, please make check out to and send to: Harvest Fellowship of Colebrookdale 584 Colebrookdale Road Boyertown , PA 19512.

Contribute online @

FACEBOOK Our Facebook page - Manos de Compasion Web site Links to other pages and a page on how to donate. Blog We have a blog where we post the newsletters and write about what is going on. Skype Our Skype name is - david.e.reichard

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