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The Paradox Of Creation

BreakThrough book about CREATION

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Home FREE Stuff Powerful Programs Resources The Paradox of Creation - Wake Up You Are God in Disguise.

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Multiverse How To Time Travel Size of The Universe The Big Bang

How to reprogram your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND

Universal Laws
Universal Laws 11 Forgotten Laws Law of Attraction Law of Vibration 7 universal Laws 12 universal Laws 20 universal Laws Learn more

Are we all One Mind?

The Paradox of Creation Energy Are we all connected The Inner World Kabbalah Dreams

How did Creation occur? We have all heard about The Big Bang and many scientists say it came out of nothing without the intervention of a divine being. At the same time there is intelligent design behind it all. How can that be? How can The Universe come from nothing and at the same time involve a divine being - an intelligent entity? Science sticks to no divine creator, but religions across the world beg to differ. They claim God, an intelligent entity, created the world. Who is right? Both are right.

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No Thing turning into Some Thing - The Cosmic Mind expressing its potential
Science is correct since The Universe came from nothing, but it is not their definition of nothing. Nothing in the case of creation means No Thing - a potential - not a thing yet. The Universe was un-manifest prior to the Big Bang - No Thing turned into Some Thing when the Big Bang occurred. Abstract becoming
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How to DISSOLVE Old Thought Patterns

The Power Within

Power of Thought

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Brainwaves Affirmations Passion You are Unique What is intuition? Make a ripple Divine Operation Be or Do What You Want BioCommunication The ABC of Success You can Break Free

concrete, and in order for this to happen there must be intelligent design behind The existence of The Universe - a Creator - a God. God is realizing His potential by creating a space-time construct - a doing/creating environment in order to manifest the un-manifested. If God did not exist it would be necessary to invent him. But all nature cries aloud that he does exist; that there is a supreme intelligence, an immense power, an admirable order, and everything teaches us our own dependence on it. Voltaire (Franois-Marie-rouet) Creation is actually a Paradox and it is now being revealed through my new book The Paradox of Creation - Wake Up You Are God in Disguise
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Life is... Wealth

The truth is a like a movie being shown to us frame by frame and now a new frame is emerging. A frame showing us how creation is actually a Paradox. Why? Because All is Mind and this Mind is conscious. And consciousness created this space-time construct we call The Universe in order to be consious. It facilitated itself since it needs space and time to be conscious. This is explained in detail in The Paradox of Creation - Wake Up You Are God in Disguise.

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Subscribe To One Mind - One Energy

The Mind is both infinite and finite

The Mind is both infinite and finite, both asleep and awake, both unaware and aware, both unconscious and conscious at the same time from the same perspective and that is impossible. It is impossible when we use logic since logic alone will never explain how it all came into being. Our existence is bigger than logic - it is also magic and the magic begins where logic ends. Logic is a tool to explain the finite world - our space-time construct. It cant be used to explain anything beyond the Big Bang and that is why scientist will never figure out creation since they are slaves to logic. There is only One Cosmic Mind and this Mind is experience itself through you and

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There is only One Cosmic Mind and this Mind is experience itself through you and me and everyone else. We are points of consciousness representing this One Mind. As such we are actually God in Disguise since we are hiding from ourselves - God is hiding from Himself/Herself/itself. We are here to express, create, produce and to do in order to be. The ultimate goal is Love. In order to be love we must experience its opposite - fear. So we live in this polarity 3D world to go through all the e-motions from fear to love - from pain to pleasure and when we wake up and realize we are all one we can move on and the pain stops. Look at the word pain. Its a code in the English language like many other words. I list many of them in The Paradox of Creation - Wake Up You Are God in Disguise PAIN = PAY IN We pay in here in life time after life time until we get it - until we to realize what love is. We realize we have been hurting ourselves since there is only one of us here. The Pain stops and we move on to a new reality where we dont have to Pay In anymore. We Pay In here so we dont have to Pay In "there" - the next level of the cycle we move along. What many call Heaven on Earth - or Atlantis or The Golden Age as the ancient scriptures talk about. This page contains just a fraction of information from my latest book The Paradox of Creation - Wake Up You Are God in Disguise To learn more about the content of this thought provoking book take a look here:

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