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Garden Cities of tomorrow 1902

TUTOR: Hand out date: Seminar presentation: Report submission: Feedback (Generic): May 3, 2013 May 28, 2013 Adebayo Oladapo January 21, 2013

Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 Demonstrate an understanding of and the ability to identify and quantify risk and value at both the strategic and project levels Develop and apply systems and tools to the management of risk and value Develop and justify contingency and disaster recovery plans Apply an integrated risk and value management approach to project development and evaluation and communicate the findings in a clear and coherent manner

Assignment Brief The assessment is in two parts. Part A has a weighting of 40% and Part B a weighting of 60%.

Part B. This is an individual assignment (Equivalent of 2000 words) Assignment Scenario You are a project manager in a manufacturing company, AutoPlast Ltd. The main business of your company is the manufacture of plastic products for the automobile manufacturing industry in the European Union. Your factory is situated inside the Industrial Park of Blumac town and is close to three

housing estates and a small village, which in total have a population of about 3000 people (See map below). River Cruze passes directly alongside your site boundary. The river is a successful habitat for several kinds of fish, and supports a thriving local small-scale fishing industry. Your manufacturing plant has been in its present location for over 25 years and is a prime location because of the nearby road and rail networks which the firm uses to transport its raw materials and finished products.

River Cruze

AutoPlast Ltd


In recent times, unusually heavy rains have caused the river to overflow its banks. This flooded your site and caused a large chemical leak from your storage tanks into the river. In the summer of 2011, a fire outbreak in the storage area of the factory for finished products spread toxic fumes to the surrounding residential area and the fishing village. This has had serious health consequences, especially a dramatic increase in respiratory diseases, on the local population for which your organisation is currently facing legal actions from various individuals and groups. As a result of these incidents, a section of the local community has been quite vocal in their objection to your continued presence at the site. However, because you employ approximately 1250 workers the majority of whom come from the local community, there is still some tolerance of your business among a sizeable majority of the locals. Whilst the local administration and planning authorities want your factory to relocate, they cannot enforce the move through the planning laws as the factorys site carries immunity. They are also acutely aware of your contribution to the local economy as a major employer.

In addition to the environmental and planning issues, your company has been unable to achieve its projected annual sales growth rates in the last three years due mainly to the introduction of cheaper, comparable products to your market by competitors from Eastern Europe. This has been of great concern to the shareholders of your company who are worried about the value of their investments You are required to carry out the following tasks: 1) Profile the risks to your organisation given the above scenario and prepare a quantitative assessment of the risks using an appropriate quantitative risk register for the following strategic categories of risk: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Political Economic Social Technological Legal Environmental Competitive (20 marks) 2) Prepare a disaster recovery plan against some possible hazards to your organisation. The plan must include 2 environmental hazards and 2 technological hazards. The format of your report should include a profile of the hazards, the contingency plan and the disaster response for each hazard. (15 marks) 3) Provide a detailed value chain analysis of your business with a view to improving your performance in the market. (20 marks)

Marking Criteria This assessment carries 100% of the weighting for this module. To pass this module, a student must achieve a minimum of 50% in the assignment

Marking Scheme for Part B (Individual Assignment) Task 1 Profiling the risks in each category Risk register with appropriate mitigations 10% 10%

Task 2 Hazard identification and profiling Contingency plans & response strategy Task 3 Clear identification of a business-specific value chain for your company Identification of possible non-value adding activities (hypothetical) and suggestion of appropriate value-adding improvements Overall Presentation demonstration of research/analysis and communication skills; appropriate formatting of report; quality of references using the Harvard style and free from plagiarism Total Marks for Part B ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION Assignment Part B should be deposited in the relevant module box provided by the School Office by 4pm on Friday 3rd May, 2013. Please make sure that you retain a copy of your submission. 10% 10% 5% 60% 5% 10%

UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE School of Built & Natural Environment APPENDIX TO ASSIGNMENT BRIEF Submission instructions - This assignment is to be submitted by not later than 4pm on the date specified in the assignment brief. You must ensure that you keep another copy of what you submit. Your submitted original will not be returned to you until after the end of year Assessment Board. When you submit your work, please note that it must be emailed to the module tutor. Feedback - The module tutor/assessor will normally provide you with generic feedback on any formative or summative aspects of the assessment within 20 working days of the date of submission. This may be either posted on a website, or sent to you electronically, or provided in a class-based session. Individual written feedback - will be provided on a proforma feedback Assessed Work Submission sheet which will address the extent to which you have met the learning outcomes of the assignment and indicate the mark or grade attained in accordance with the original marking 5

criteria shown on the assignment brief. It will also provide you with an indication of areas for improvement. Deadlines - It is essential that you assist your tutor by complying with submission deadlines so that you can benefit from the generic feedback process. Note that work offered for submission within 10 working days after the date/time specified without an authorised extension will obtain a maximum mark of 50% for that element of assessment. Work submitted after 5 working days of the date/time specified will be awarded grade 0. The Dean or nominee is authorised to give permission for one extension period of between 1 and 5 working days. (See Academic Regulation G9) Extenuating circumstances - If you are prevented from submitting work for reasons which could not be disclosed prior to the required submission date/time eg. illness or accident you must use the Extenuating Circumstances procedure so that your claim may be dealt with prior to the end of year Assessment Board. Details of the procedure can be found in your Student Handbook and the Students Guide to the Regulations. Pass grades in order to pass the module you need to pass each main element of the module with a minimum mark of 50%. If you fail the module and subsequently obtain the required 50% mark after reassessment then the maximum mark for the module is 50%. Retrieval - In certain cases you may be allowed to resubmit components of assignment work which you have failed before the end of Semester 3. Retrieval will only be available for those assignments which can be reassessed before the end of Semester 3. The maximum grade awarded for resubmitted components of assignment work carried out under the retrieval system is 50%. Plagiarism - Plagiarism is regarded by the University as a very serious offence. Please ensure that you read the relevant academic regulations (G7) concerning what constitutes plagiarism and ensure that what you submit as an individual or as a group is clearly all your own work and that the source of any information or material is fully identified and properly acknowledged/referenced.

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