Itm Topic Ba6

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assessment Type: [ Closed book Examination and Assignment ]

One individual assignment is worth 40% and a closed book exam is worth 60% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;One individual assignment (of 3000 words ) (do not exceed 3000 words) and a closed book exam is worth 60% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Assignment Question
Technology is a resource that, like financial and human resources, is pervasively important in organizations.Burgelman R , Christensen C and Wheelwright S, Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation, McGraw Hill, p.237 Critically analyse the statement and take a position on the importance of technology and of its contribution to modern organisations. Use cases and examples to argue your position.

Guidance notes Your work must be presented in report format style. As an academic piece of work you are expected to link theory and practice. You should take care to ensure that the work you submit has a high standard of presentation. You must acknowledge the sources of information and evidence using the Harvard referencing system. All assignments are subject to the Universitys regulations on plagiarism and must be submitted in electronic form for checking. Please ensure that your assignment has A table of contents A list of figures and/ or list of tables where appropriate Executive Summary-( 10 marks) Introduction -( 10 marks) (** 3000 words starts from here very important**) Literature Review-& Critical Analysis (60 marks) ( AT LEAST 30 DIFFERENT POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE REVIEWS) Conclusions- -( 10 marks) (**3000 words finishes after conclusion,conclusion included **) References / Presentation 10 marks Bibliography Appendices if appropriate
MARK CONTENT: Has the question been answered? 29 or less Vague, random, unrelated material 30 - 39 Some mention of the issue, but a collection of 40 - 49 Barely answers the question just 50 59 Some looseness/ Digressions 60 - 69 Well focused 70 + Highly focused

disparate points

TOPIC KNOWLEDGE Is there evidence of having read widely and use of appropriate and up to date material to make a case? UNDERSTANDING & SYNTHESIS Are ideas summarized rather than being reproduced, and are they inter-related with other ideas?

No evidence of reading. No use of theory not even hinted at implicitly.

No evidence of reading. An implicit hint at some knowledge of theory, etc.

No theory included.

Vague assertions/po or explanations.

reproduces what knows about the topic No evidence of reading. Very basic theories mentioned but not developed or well used. Long winded descriptions of theory.

Some reading evident, but confined to core texts.

Good reading. Good range of theories included.

Excellent reading. Well chosen theories.

Some long winded sections. Some quotations, but stand alone. Some interconnections.

Good summary of theory. Good use of quotations that flow with narrative. Good interconnections.

APPLICATION Does it show appropriate use of theory in a practical situation? ANALYSIS Does it identify the key issues, etc in a given scenario, proposal or argument?

No examples

No/limited/ inappropriate examples

Few examples

Uneven examples

Good examples

Succinct, effective summaries of theory. Excellent choice and threading of quotations into argument. Good counterpoising of a range of perspectives. Excellent range of examples.

Vague assertions about issues.

EVALUATION & RECOMMENDATIONS Does it critically assess material? Are there a workable and imaginative solutions? REFERENCING Thorough and accurate citation and referencing PRESENTATION Logical and coherent structure to argument and effective presentation

No evaluation.

Largely descriptive with no identification and analysis of central issues. Uncritical acceptance of material.

Limited insight into issues.

Some good observations.

Good, detailed analysis.

Comprehensive range of issues identified and discussed fully.

Some evaluation but weak. Little insight.

Good interpretation. Some but limited sophistication in argument. Some inconsistencies in referencing Reasonable structure. Good presentation.

Good critical assessment. Independent thought displayed.

Full critical assessment and substantial individual insight.

No referencing

No referencing

Limited/poor referencing

Appropriate referencing

Appropriate referencing

No structure apparent. Poor presentatio n.

Poor structure. Poor presentation.

Acceptable, but uneven structure. Reasonable presentation.

Good argument. Well presented material.

Excellent argument. Very effective presentation format.


Module Learning Outcome from the Assignment

After completing the module, the student should be able to: Advance a multidimensional understanding of the causes and consequences of technology

Critically evaluate a range of normative questions in relation to people, technology and the marketplace in the 21st Century Have insights into contingency factors of firm size, technological complexity and environmental uncertainty which influence the precise choice of processes

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