Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi - Archinomy

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Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi | Archinomy

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Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi

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Log in Create new account Forgot your password? The Indian Habitat Centre : A short introduction The India Habitat Centre, located in New Delhi, was conceived to be a catalyst relationship between individuals and institutions (e.g. NGOs) working in habitat related areas to increase their effectiveness. Sharing a common concern for habitat, various organisations have come together to participate in institution-building, evolving a synergy within the India Habitat Centre complex. Some of the organisations involved in this endeavour include the International Labour Organization (I.L.O), the National Institute of Design, and the Council of Architecture among others. complex was designed under the supervision of architect, Joseph Allen Stein.

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Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi | Archinomy

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The whole complex consists of five main building blocks with aerial walkways interconnecting the building blocks.


the elements. Design review

Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi | Archinomy

These building blocks being separated manage to create interesting courtyards that are partially open to

Though of an imposing nature, the building complex manages to blend in with its surroundings through its natural embellishments. In keeping with its habitat theme, the whole complex has been generously provided with natural greenery to provide an undiluted experience of open nature. The fountain just beyond the second entrance serves purpose not only by being spectacular, but also by relieving the surroundings of the heat. The interesting glass/steel structure near the second entrance provides natural light to the underground parking area. The buildings two entrances are not one and the same. The first entrance depicts a seemingly long deep corridor. The second entrance seems to hide the spacious courtyards. The absence of roof gutters rids the complex of clutter. Instead, separations between walls that are lined with tiles facilitates the disposal of rain water. The roof shading devices not only look spectacular in sky blue, but also serve to block out the Suns rays. The external facade of the Convention centre has a mundane appearance which masks the open inner space. The courtyards laden with various types of vegetation from tall trees to small shrubs create different spaces. The presence of an amphitheatre also marks an interesting feature of the complex. The area without the shading devices is laden with grass lawns to provide a different setting altogether.

CONCLUSION: Every part of the building speaks different language. One can enjoy different moods at different places. The environment in the courtyard gives a feel of freshness, when one is having his Pepsi under the blue light. Allen stein planned the building in such a manner so as to have clean looks. Energy Efficiency: The building stands out in enery efficiency. The intresting blue sunshade provided between the two buildings in court helps to maintain the environment and gives a cool effect. The trees also helps to maintain the environment and gives the natural effect. Trees are planted at very part of the court. Fountains makes the environment more cooler & gives a effect of lightness. Allen stein planned the building in such a way so that the the maximum part of the floor enjoys sunlight. Allen stein also planned to give sunlight in basement through very interesting ways.


Universal Access:

Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi | Archinomy

Handicap car parking is provided, plus railing is provided at very parts of the building where needed. Lift is provided from basement to the terrace. Emotions: IHC serves different emotions at different places. Gate no.2 creates curiosity to a person when stands infront of the building. Gate no.3 gives surprise when it opens to a huge space.

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Tags: Other Case Studies

Submitted by dilip muralidharan on Thu, 28/05/2009 - 3:03am. fair documentation #1

Member since: 28 May 2009

quote Submitted by adiwall on Thu, 04/06/2009 - 2:40pm. Good work... Could have been more interesting... #2

Member since: 21 February 2008

quote Submitted by Kailas (not verified) on Wed, 27/04/2011 - 6:50am. hey, nice documentation. needed this badly. thank you very much. #3


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