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We know of no better way to express our sincere appreciation

for the kindly and helpful advice given us throughout our high
school years, than to bestow upon Mr. Robert M. Bartlett the
highest honor that is in our power to give: The dedication of the
I 9 56 Rampage.
Dedication .......... ............... . ........ .. .... . ...... .. ...... ........ ... .... .......... .......... ... 3
Administration and Faculty ....... ............................ ..... .. ...... ........... .. ........ 5-11
Bus Drivers, Janitors and Cooks ... .... ................................... ........ .... .... 12
Senior and Junior High Classes ............... ...... ...... ....... .... ........ ... ........... ! 3-34
Seniors ................................................. ..... ....... ..... ......... ............... 14-25
Juniors ..... .......... .... ...... ............... ... ........... ... ..... ... ... ....... .......... ... .. 26-29
Sophomores ................ .................. ............ .. ... .... ......... .. ........... ...... 30-31
Freshmen ............... ..... .. ....... .............. ........ ......... ..... ...... ..... ........ .. 32-33
Eighth Grade - - - - --- - 34
Seventh Grade .......... ..... .. .. ..... .. .. ....... .... ..... ........... ....... ................. 34
Elementary Grades ............... .. .. ... ...... ...... .... .. .. .......... .... ............ ... .......... 37-42
Sixth Grade ... ...... .............. ..... .......... ........................................... 38
Fifth Grade --- -- 38
Fourth Grade -- - 39
Third Grade ... ...... ...... ........ .... ... .................................................. 39-40
Second Grade ... ...... .............. ... ................................... ... ............... . 40
First Grade ... .... ....... ...... ......... -- 41
Christmas Program ... .... .. ...... ....... .... .................... ............. ...... ..... 41
Kindergarten ... .. ... .. .... ........ .... .............. .... .......... ............................. 42
Activities ... ... ..... ............ .. ... ...... ..... .. ..... ... .......... ...... .... ... ................... .. .43-52
Student Council ....................... ... ........ ... ......................... ,......... ..... 44
C. Y. C. ----- - 45
Rampage Staff .. .... . .. .. .......... ...... .............. ....... ................... ...... ..... 46
Rams' Roundup .... ... .. ... ....... .. ... ..... ... .... .. ... ... .. ... .. .... ....... ........... .... 47
F. F. A. -- --- -- 48
F. H. A. ... ... ......... ... ....... .............. .... ............ ...... .... ........ ..... ... ....... 49
Music Department ..................... ... ....... ......... ......... ...... .... ... ........... 50-51
T. A. B. Club ................... ............ .. ......... .. .......... ... .. ....... ... ..... .... .. 52
Librarians - - -" - 52
Office Staff ...... .. ...... ...... ......... ..... ... ...... ... ...... ......... .... ........... .... .... 52
Athletics .................................... .. ........................................................ 5 5-67
Football ... ....... .. ...... ... .. .... .... ........................ ..... .............. ......... ..... 56-57
Homecoming - ~ - - - - 58
Basketball .......... .. .... .... ... ............... ............................ ........ .... ... .... 59-63
Cheerleaders ...... .................. ...... .. ... ..... ........ .... ..... .......................... 59
]. V. Basketball -- - -- 61
]. H. Basketball and Cheerleaders .... ........................................... .
Conservation and Skiing ......... .............. .................. ...................... .
Ram Rooters - -------------------------------
Varsity Club - - ----- --- ------- --- ------- - --
Advertisements and Donations -- -------------------------------------------------68-75
1st row (1. to r.) Dr. T. Graham, Mr. J. Bond, Mr. J. Clarke
2nd row (1. to r.) Mr. T. Cummings, Mr. A. Zachrich, Mr. J . Matthews
Mr. Alvin N. Zachrich
Michigan State University
Mrs. Rober! Armstrong
Northwestern University
School Secretary
Mr. William C. Walker, B.S.
Michigan State University
Principal, Geometry, Advanced
Mr. William T. Baker, M.A.
University of Michigan
(On leave of absence as recipient
of Ford Foundation Fellowship)
Mr. Henry Bruno, B.A.
Chicago City College, Albion
Physical Education, Geography,
Mr. Robert M. Bartleit, B.S.
Central College of
Industrial Arts
Miss Edith D. Carpenter, M.S.
Michigan State University
University of Michigan
Mr. Edward W. Beer, B.S.
Ferris Institute
Miss Lois Jane Corey, M.A.
Michigan State UniversitY
English 10, 11, 12, Journalism
Mrs. Carl L. Brown, A.B.
Western Michigan College of
French, Librarian
Mr. Ivan S. Davis, Jr., B.S.
Central Michigan College ot
Science, Mathematics, History,
Miss Jane Helm, B.S.
Michigan State Normal College
Physical Education, First Aid,
Mr. Maxwell Simon, B.S.
Michigan State University
Mr. Joseph Jezisek, B.A.
Olivet College, Michigan State
University, Juilliard Institute
of Music
Music, History
Mr. Edwin R. Videan, B.A.
Western Michigan College of
English, Driver's Training
Mr. Thomas La Voie, B.S.
Michigan State Normal College
Seventh Grade
Mr. William J. H. Wilde, B.S.
Michigan State Normal College
Chemistry, Biology, General
Science, Algebra
Mr. William D. Perry, B.S.
Michigan State Normal College
History, Civics
Mrs. Paul Bathke, B. S.
c e ntral Michigan College of Education
Third Grade
Mrs. Paul Friend
Northern State Teachers' College
Fourth Grade
Mrs. Albert Gridley
Centr3l Michigan College of Education
Fourth Grade
Mrs. Harold Hahn
Central Michiga.n College of Education
Wayne University, Bay Vi ew Liberal
Arts School
Mrs. L. W. Ingraham
Central Michi gan Co1l ege of Education
Fifth Grade
Miss Irene M. Leahy, A. B.
St. Mary's College, Notre Dame
Sixth Grade
Mrs. Byron Thomas, B. S.
Kent Un ivers ity, Geneva College
Second Grade
Mrs. Douglas Miller
Western Michigan Coll ege of Education
First Grade
Mrs. Vern Stradtner, B.S. Mrs. Robert Roe, B. A.
Northern State Teachers ' Coll ege Cent ral Michigan College of Education
Second and Third Grades Firs t Grade
~ ~ J . . _
(1. tor.) Mrs. J. Jezisek, Mrs. W. Corey, Mr. W. Walker, Mr. R. Hall, Mr. W. Corey, Mrs G. Myers
(I. to r.) Mr. J. Jezisek, Mrs. G. Wightman, Mrs. C. Howse, Mrs. C. Bliss
-10- -11-
l. to r.) Mr. John Ponu'us, Mr. Sidney Newman,
Mr. Lewis Bond
(1. to r.) Mr. Andrew Kloss, Mr. Willis Warner, Mr.
Claude Allerding, Mr. Edward Beer, Mr. Louis
Hoffman, Mr. Joseph Jezisek ..
Mrs. Glenn Jardine (left)
Mrs. Reuben Hilderbrant
(1. to r.) Mary Jane Shurtleff, secretary; Norman Pemberton, vice-president; Tor Brager-Larsen, president:
Bette . Ward, student council; Lynn Dee Wells, treasurer
We semors scored the winning run while completing this game of high school. We
led off with the concessions at the St. Francis football and Char'levoix basketball games.
The annual Senior Carnival was held on November 12, after many weeks of
planning and building booths.
The class play, which was a success, was presented on January -19 and 21. Here
we tried a new idea of having the sponsor, Mr. Bartlett, direct.
During the year we had cider and doughnut sales, bake sales, and sold stationery.
We successfully planned and carried out a talent show on April 7.
On May 24 we started on the first leg of our journey to see many points of m-
terest in New York.
On class night we went through the usual antics and enjoyed the last real party
of our senior year.
Baccalaureate serv1ces were held on June 3. On June 10, we crossed the last
base of our high school career with graduation exerc1ses.
(College Prep.)
Basketball 1; Band 1,2,3,4; Vice-Presi-
dent 3; Student Council 2; RAMPAGE
3 : Orchestra 2,3; Pep Band 4; Indu-
t rial Arts Award 2.
(Commercial 1,2 ; General 3,4)
Pep Club 3,4 ; RAMS' ROUNDUP 4 ;
RAMPAGE 4; Chorus 1,2,3; T .A.B. Club
3; Poem published in Nat'!. Anthology
of High School Poetry 3.
(College Prep.)
Basketball 1,2,3; Track 1; Co-chairman
assembly committee 4; Office staff 4.
(Commercial 1,2 ; General 3,4)
Librarian 4.
Junior play; Senior play; Pep Club 1,2,
3,1: RAMPAGE 3; Bowling 3; Home-
coming Queen's Court 3; Office staff 4;
Flag bearer for band 3,4 ; Poem publish-
ed in Nat' !. Anthology of High School
Poetry 4.
(Commercial 1,2 ; General 3,4)
Senior play; RAMP AGE 4 ; RAMS'
(College Prep. 1,2,3; General 4)
Junior play; Senior play; Band 1,2,3,4;
RAMP AGE 3 ; Chorus 1,2 ; Sextette 1,2 ;
Poem published in Nnt' l. Anthology of
High School Poetry 3,4.
Band 2,3,4; Y. F .A. 2,3.
Poem published in Nat!. Ant hology of
High School Poetry 4.
Football 2,3,4 ; Basketball 1,4 ; Baseball
2,3,4; Junior play; Y.F .A. 1,2,3 ; Office
staff 4 ; Varsity Club 3,4; Track 1,4.
(Commer cial 1,2,3 ; General 4)
Junior play; Senior play ; P ep Club 4;
Chorus 1,2,3 ; Sextette 2 ; Band 1,2,3,4.
Football 1,2,3,4 ; Basketball 1,2,3,4 ; Base-
ball 2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Class President
2 ; Student Council 3 (president 4) ; Va r -
s ity Club 3,4 (treasurer 3, president 4) ;
Pep Club 4 ; F .F.A. 3,4 (president 3,4);
Leadership Award 3 ; RAMPAGE 3,4 ;
RAMS' ROUNDUP 4 ; Dairy Awa rd 2.
Senior play ; Chorus 1 ; Office staff 4 ;
Poem published in Nat' !. Ant hology of
High School Poetry 3.
Football 1,2,3,4 ; Track 2 ; Senior play ;
Junior play ; Vice president 4 ; Student
Council 4 ; Pep Club 4; Varsity Club
4 ; Office staff 4 ; Chorus 1,2.
Junior Play; Senior Play ; Football 1,2,
3,4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Baseball 2 ;
PAGE 4; Varsity Club 3,4 ; T rack 2,3;
Class president 4.
(College Prep.)
Band 1,2,3, 4 ; Football 4 ; Junior play;
Senior play; RAMS' ROUNDUP 4 ;
RAMPAGE 4; Kiwanis essay 2.
Senior play ; Pep Club 1,2,3,4 ; RAM-
p AGE 3,4 ; RAMS' ROUNDUP 4 ; Bowl-
ing 3 ; Chorus 1,2, 3; Homecoming
Queen' s Court 4; Senior Carnival Queen
4 ; Sextette 2.
(College Prep.)
Basketball 1,2,3,4 ; Footba ll 3 ; Track 1,
2 ; Baseball 2,3,4; RAMP AGE 3,4 ; RAMS'
ROUNDUP 4 ; Class treasurer 1,
F.F.A. 1,2,3,4; RAMPAGE 4; RAMS'
(College Prep. )
Junior play; Senior play ; Pep Club 1,2,
3,4 ( secretary 4, treasurer 3) ; class
secretary 4; Bowling 3; RAMPAGE 3,
4; Office staff 4; RAMS' ROUNDUP 4.
(College Prep.)
Office staff 4; Poem published in Nat' ].
Ant hology of Hi gh School Poetry.
Basketball 1.2,3; F.F.A. 3,4 (Vice p r es i-
dent 4); Track 1 ; Varsity Club 4.
( College Prep.)
Football 1 ,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3; Track
1,2,3,4 ; Baseball 2,3,4 ; Pep Cl ub 4 ;
Junior play; Senior play; RAMPAGE
4; RAMS' ROUNDUP 4; Varsity Cl ub
3,4 (trea:-; nrer 4) : Chorus 2.
(Commercial 1,2 ; Gener a l 3,4)
Chorus 1 ; Office staff 4; Poem publish-
ed in Nat'!. Anthology of High Schoo)
(College Prep. )
C. Y.C. 2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4 ; Basket ba ll
2,4; Track 2; B'aseball 3; Pep Club 4.
F .F.A. 3,4 ( secretary 4) ; Y.F.A. 1,2 ;
Chorus 1,2.
C.Y.C. 2,3,4; Chorus 1.
Baseball 3; RAMPAGE 3,4; RAMS'
ROUNDUP 4; Chorus 1,2; C. Y.C. 2,3,4;
Track 3; Junior play; Senior play;
Office staff 3; Class president 3; F.F.A.
3,4; Assemblies 4 ; Improvement Award
Queen's Court 4; Junior play; Office
staff 3; Librarian 4; Class secretary 3:
Student Council 4.
(Commercial 1,2,3 ; General 4)
Junior play ; Senior play; Class treasurer
3,4 ; Majorette 1,2,3,4 ; Pep Club 2,4;
Office staff 4; Bowling 3; Band 3,4; Ki-
wanis essay 3 ; Pep Band 4 ; Poem pub-
lished in Nat' !. Anthology of High School
Poetry 3; Valedictorian.
Chorus 1; Poem published by Nat'], An-
thology of High School Poetry 3,4.
(College Prep.)
Band 1,2,3,4; Librarian 3,4; Junior play;
Senior play ; RAMPAGE 3,4; RAMS'
ROUNDUP 4 ; Pep Band 4 ; Pep Club 4 ;
Orchestra 2,3,4; T.A.B. Club 3; Cheer-
leading 1; English Award 2.
( Commercial)
Junior play; Senior play ; Majorette 1,2,
3,4: Pep Club 1,2,3,4 (Pres ident 4);
Office staff 4; Homecoming Queen's
Court 2; Bowling 3; Salutator ian.
(Commerc.ial 1,2; General 3,4)
Poem published in Nat'!. Anthology of
High School Poetry 3,4.
l. to r. - L. Wells, J . Patton, S. Winegarden, T. L arsen, M. Shurtleff, P. Wightman
STRICTLY FORMAL was presented by the class of 1956 m the high school
auditorium on January 1 9 and 21 .
Mr. Robert Bartlett was the director, assi sted by Miss Jane Helm. The action in
the play centered around a group of teenagers who were inv olved in a situation whi ch
contained two feuding fathers, played by Wilbur Wagenschutz and Norman Pember-
ton; an unexpected guest, played by Sue Winegarden; a siren from New York, played
by Lynn Dee Wells ; and a big dance.
J ane, who didn't have a date for the dance, was played by Mary Jane Shurtleff.
Sally Pifer played the part of her best friend. Jon Patton played the part of Elroy, who
would rather put the shot than think about girls. Tor Larsen played the boy whom
Jane was sweet on, and Kent Talcott played Sally' s boy friend.
Others in the cast were : .Phyllis McDonald, the maid; Pat Wightman, Rose, who
got the mumps; Mary Keller, Rose' s mother ; Donna Jardine, Rose' s kid sister; Mary Lou
Johnston, Maril yn, who was " after" Elroy; Raye Kleinhenz, Jane's mother ; and Ted
Shinn, a lieutenant in the Air Force.
"Cott on pickin' son ... "
"I got a letter from Jim today."
"You little farmer
"Let's have a party!"
Daddy-O's Darling
typing speed
"Ain't that a shame!"
shop work
"Is that right?"
pretty hair
"Oh. my gosh!"
"Joe called me last night."
"Marjorie! "
tall stories
"See what I mean?"
"You dumb thing!"
"She' s from Pellston, too."
"Oh, climb a tree!"
"I'll say !"
"Hot dog!"
bass horn
"I don't know."
"Well, what do you know
about that! "
"Funny one"
redundant speech
"Oh, shucks!"
"What a figure!"
"Holy cow!"
atomic brain
"It can't be done."
"You bet!"
wavy hair
"I don't know."
"Bonnie said so."
"Oh, gee!"
"Oh, gosh!"
long hair
"Oh, cripes! "
pony tail
"Ya don't say!"
sense of humor
"Oh, darn!"
curly lashes
"Dry up!"
"Uh-huh. "
Class Will
Buddy Byars leaves his seat in journalism class to any junior who can fill it.
Bob Cassidy leaves his quietness and ability in shop to Alfred Miller.
David Cease leaves his guitar and beautiful voice to Alford La Count.
Ruth Cooper leaves the schoo'l for anyone who likes it. She's going to Texas.
Jerry Hoffman leaves all his alibis to Richie Clarke.
Donna Jardine leaves all her child ways to the freshman girls.
Clara Johnston leaves her ability to get along with the cooks to her sister, Betty.
Mary Lou Johnston leaves her ability to get along with the boys to Karlene Howse.
Raye Kleinhenz leaves her ability to get along with the boys across the bay to Doris Hoffman.
Adonis Kruczek leaves his quietness to his girl friend, Margie Friend.
Gordon Kruskie leaves all his secret admirers to his brother, Don.
Tor Larsen leaves his ability to speak up, to Richard King.
Pete Marihugh leaves his big ways to anyone who can tack'le them.
Jon Patton leaves the school. Thank heavens I
Norm Pemberton leaves a1ll his night li fe with the boys t o his brother, Jerry.
Sally Pifer leaves her secret code, "Let's have a party," to all the sophomore girls.
Jerry Reinwand leaves his crazy ways to Don Kaniarz.
Virginia Rosemeier leaves her ability to be quiet to Gene Greenier.
Tony Serva leaves his curly hair to Billy Billiau.
Dick Shepherd leaves his ability to hot-rod to Gerry Congleton.
Ted Shinn leaves his remarkable personality to Bob Bonter.
Mary Jane Shurtleff leaves all her slumber parties to anyone brave enough to risk her life.
Kent Talcott leaves his way with the girls to his brother, Lanny.
Carl Tippett leaves Bonnie to all those cunning underclassmen.
Joan Wagenschutz leaves her long hair to Imelda Lightfoot.
Wilbur Wagenschutz leaves his ability to be courteous to Dick Barkley.
Bette Ward leaves her ability to write letters to Joan Gokee.
Carmen Ward leaves all her free tickets to the Bundy Mt. Jamboree to Ada La Count.
Lynn Wells leaves her expression, "That's debatable," to Nadine Bawkey.
Pat Wightman leaves the Rampage to next year's staff.
Sue Winegarden leaves all the sophomore guys to their girls.
Vena Young leaves her quiet ways to Harold Sevener because she won't need them any more.

Here it is the spring of 1966, just ten years after we graduated from Harbor High. Re-
member? Our class president that year was TOR LARSEN. He and his wife, the former SUE
WINEGARDEN, are living in Norway now, They are raising mink and little Larsens. BUDDY
BYARS, another member of the class of '56, visited them recently while he was taking a trip
through Europe, looking at kitchens in restaurants and hotels. Buddy is well-known as head
chef of the Aldorf-Wastoria.
SALLY PIFER is singing with Gary Crosby's band. She also sang the vocal on JON PAT-
TON'S latest record. Jon's piano playing has made him famous across the country. Sally and
Jon were the featured guests on JERRY HOFFMAN'S TV program the other night. Jerry is now
one of the top ten comedians in television.
Looking through the New York TIMES the other day we saw that prominent nuclear phy-
sicist RICHARD REPPARD was hospitilized after he out (with 1he help of his partner,
KENT TALCOTT) what a reactor would do when it ran away. When Kent and his pretty secre-
tary MARY JANE SHURTLEFF visited Richard, nurse JOAN WAGENSCHUTZ said he would
be dismissed tomorrow.
We also noticed the "Roaming with Reinwand" sports column written by another member
of the class of '56, JERRY REINWAND. Jerry predicts a great season for the Detroit Tigers and
their pitcher PETE MARIHUGH. Another member of the class of '56 has made a name for him-
self in sports: GORDON KRUSKIE, coach of the Detroit Lions.
Secretary of Agriculture TONY SERVA announced the sale of Swift and Armour meat
companies to DICK SHEPHERD.
Ford Motor Company today announced the promotion of BOB CASSIDY, to chief designer.
A new comic strip by CARMEN WARD will appear in the TIMES starting Monday.
The Emmet County GRAPHIC also gave us news of several members of the class of '56. In
fact the headline this week tells of the birth of quadruplets to Mr. and Mrs. NORMAN PEM-
BERTON, the former DONNA JARDINE. The whole family is doing fine.
BETTE WARD reached ambition, she is an Air Force wife.
WILBUR W AGENSCHUTZ starts his duties this Sunday as pastor of the Baptist Church
in Harbor Springs.
TED SHINN, one of the country's leading orators, has been invited to his hometown to give
the commencement address, just 10 years after his own graduation.
CLARA JOHNSTON is working as a home demonstration agent in Emmet County.
PAT WIGHTMAN announces the opening of an animal hospital in Harbor Springs. Pat stud
ied veterinary medicine at Michigan State University.
LYNN WELLS, cover girl, announced this week thai she is giving up her modeling career
for a home and family. The grapevine says the lucky guy is an architect.
Remember typing speedster MARY KELLER? She recently set a world record in typing
speed. It's no wonder with that speedy Mr. Ireland for her boss!
RUTH COOPER is working in a hospital in Spokane, Washington.
MARY LOU JOHNSTON is the United State's ambassador to Luxembourg. Her personal
secretary is RA YE KLEINHENZ.
VENA YOUNG is writing poetry for several national magazines.
ADONIS KRUCZEK is mayor of the booming town of Cross Village. Did you notice the new
jet base there?
VIRGINIA ROSEMIER just opened a department store in Harbor Springs.
CARL TIPPETT has one of the most modern dairy farms in 1he United States.
PHYLLIS MCDONALD is a stewardess for Pan-American Airlines. Did you notice the won-
derful service we've been getting?
Strange things have been happening during the past ten years. The time really flew,
didn't it? I wonder what we wUl be doing in 1976.
(1. to r.) Sharon Johnston, secretary; Deanna Bradley, treasurer; Dale Haven, president ; Gerry Congleton.
vice-president. Absent, Hazen Gregory.
Our busy team started this year under the leadership of Dale Haven, president;
Gerry Congleton, vice-president; Sharon johnston, secretary; Deanna Bradley, treasur-
er; Hazen Gregory, student council representative; and Mr . Beer and Mr. Bruno, our
class advisors.
Our activities and projects were very numerous. They started with selling at the
Boyne City Harbor football game on October 2 1. October 22 we sponsored the an-
nual Sadie Hawkins Dance. In October we sold mums for the homecoming game and
also entered our float into the parade, which won third prize for us.
December 24th we had a Christmas bake sale at the City Grocery.
During the winter we had the concession booth at the ice rink.
In January we had a doughnut sale which was very successful.
April was our big month. On April 14 the junior-Senior Banquet was held in the
high school gym and April 20 and 21 we presented our class play, "Little Sweetheart".
On May 5 we sponsored the annual J-Hop.
We are looking forward to a prosperous semor year. We hope we will never be
any busier than we were in this junior year, although we have loved every moment
of it.
_ ,
- ~
C. Backus
N. Bawkey T. Borowski D. Bradl ey D. Cease
A. Cook D. Corey C. Cruff
E. Greeni er L. Greenier H. Gregory G. Halt er
K. Howse B. J ohnston P. Johnston
S. J ohnston D. Kaniarz
D. Lauer I. Lightfoot
E. Penoyer B. Peterson
C. Sterly W. Wagenschutz
R. Keller
E. Mathews
K. Pontius
M. Whitaker
R. King
M. Mottor
R. Poziemski
J. Gokee
A. Kloss
J. Pemberton
E. Sabin
ictures not available:
D. Arman
M. Dickey
D. Bonter
W. Kurburski
J. Martin
D. Seller s
R. Whitaker
Standing (1. to r.) S. Johnston, I. Lightfoot, G. Congleton, K. Howse, E. Penoyer, B. Johnst on.
D. Lauer.
Seated (1. to r.) J. Gokee, P. Johnston, D. Haven. B. Peterson.
The progressive Juniors presented their annual play, "Little Sweetheart", Apri l 20-
21. It was held in the high school auditorium at 8 o'clock, and was directed by Mr. Walk-
Octavia, Clyde's rich aunt, gave him a great deal of money for a wedding gift.
Clyde was in love with Emily, but his aunt thought he was married to Yvonne. She was
mixed up because Yvonne had a baby which was not her own, but made people believe
it was. Action was taken to find out where she got it, and whose it was.
The cast consisted of the following:
Imelda Lightfoot: Emily Stevens (a dream walking)
Dale Haven: Clyde Nelson (in love with Emily)
Betty Johnston: Zenobia Janes (colored cook)
Joann Gokee: Karen Taylor (in need of a baby sitter)
Sh uon johnston: Jane Carson (a model)
Gerry Congleton: Grant Booth (in love with ] ane)
Eddie Penoyer: Pat Murphy (a policeman)
Karlene Howse: Yvonne Bardeau (nightclub singer)
Blanche Peterson: Octavia Nelson (Clyde's a unt)
Don Lauer: Harry Taylor (Karen's jealous husband)
Pat J ohm ton: Rosa Rosella (vegetable deale r)
(l. to r .) Alice Erwin, secretary; Doris Hoffman. treasurer; Richard Clarke. president; Pete Graham, student
council; and Jack Meyer , vice-president.
Our class is at second base now. Our officers for this year are: Richard Clarke,
president; Alice Erwin, secretary; Doris Hoffman, treasurer; and Pete Graham, student
council representative. Miss Corey and Mr. Videan are our coaches.
Among our activities for this year were selling candy at P. T.A. meetings, enter-
ing a float in the homecoming parade, and sponsoring parking concessions at home
football games.
We made a few hits when we sponsored two bake sales, 'a sleigh ride, and a
dance after the Charlevoix game. We also operated an archery range at the Senior
A. Allerding V. Andrews L. Babcock D. Barnefiher E. Bartlett L. Bennington E. Billiau
J. Billings P. Bradley
R. Clarke R. Dickey
P. Graham D. Halter
D. Kruskie J . Kushak
J. Masteau H. Mattick
N. Peters G. Sevener
M. Cassidy M. Cetas R. Cetus
S. Dubiel R. Dutton A. Erwin M. Friend
D. Headley D. Hoffman E. Juilleret B. Juilleret
R. Lauer R. Lauer B. Marihugh H. Marshall
,. ; -
- - < - , '
J. Meyer A. Miller D. Miller A. Mottor
H. Sevener S. Terpening M. Tippett B. Wagenschutz
(1. to r.) Carol Brown, secretary; Helen Ward, treasurer ; Sam Gokee. president ; Kenneth Gar-
ver, vice president; George Coveyou, student council representative.
We have just reached first base with our officers: Sam Gokee, president; Kenneth
Garver, vice president; Carol Brown, secretary; Helen \Vard, treasurer; George Cove-
you, student council representative; and our coaches, Miss Carpenter and Mr. Simon.
We entered a float in the homecoming parade for which we won second prize.
We have had two bake sales, and we sponsored a program of one act plays put on by
the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades on March 3.
S. Adams C. Allen D. Allen
F. Andrews J. Barkley R. Bernhardt C. Billiau
B. Bliss
G. Banter V. Booth
J. Borowski C. Brown M. Burdick T. Burns D. Brubaker R. Chingwa
A. Cole
R. Johnston
R. Saddison
R. Van Baarle
A. LaCount A. Lightfoot C. Lightfoot S. McDonald P. McGuire E. Meyer
J. Phillips S. Priest R. Reinwand R. Rosemeier
V. Schlappi C. Sevener D. Smith D. Stradling L. Talcott
G. Ward 'H. Ward E. Warner F. Warner G. Wells D. Wiseman
Pictures not available. S. Greenier J. Kushak
First Row (l. tor.) K. Ira. J. Heinz, L. Tucker, D. Wagenschutz, S. McGuire, J. Bond, C. Gokee,
S. Heynig, M. Babcock, N. Mottor, D. Billiau, S. Penoyer, Headley.
Second Row (l. to r.) M. Bartlett, R. Rose, N. McFarland, M. Washburn, M. Billings, M.
Moore, V. Halter, J. Saddison, H. Johnson, E. Stanley, E. Pontius, K. Kraeger, H.
Radle, M. Scott.
Third Row (l. to r.) R. Bruce. S. Parrow. F. Kasuske. N. Terpening, R. Lasley, E. Borowski,
D. Whitaker, J. Pemberton. F. Lasley. F. Dubiel, D. King, A. Myer, D. Meeker, E.

First Row (l. tor.) J. Moulton. B. Wi ghtman. K.Walstrom. M. Br uce, L. Burrows, C. Cetus, B.
Whitaker, M. Peariso. N. Bliss, S. Talcott . N. Gilbert, B. Cook.
Second Row (l. tor.) J. Howden. G. Greenier, L. Swiss. S. Gar ver, M. Hahn, S. Swadling, N.
Baldwin, R. Cole. B. Dohm. B. Phillips. T. Miller. D. Schlappi, K. Backus.
Third Row (l. to r.) T. Graham, S. Pemberton, N. St r inger. J . McDonald. J. Banter, R. Mottor,
H. Cease. A. Ellwanger, J. Brown, D. S prague. W. Verseput, K. Pifer.
K. Talcott
J . Reinwand. G. Congleton.
Mrs. Hilderbrant. Mrs. Jar-
riinP Mr 'R.rnnn 1\!Ti<::c H Phn
g i x t ~ q'
First Row (!. t o r.) K. Pembert on. J . Thompson. J. Miller. S. Penoyer. J. Taylor . J. Barnefiher.
N. Gregory. L. Andrews. S. McFarland. D. Terpeni ng. S. Martin. Miss Leahy.
Second Row (l. to r.) S. Erwin. M. Li ghtfoot. P. Gokee. K. Saddison. D. Li ghtfoot. S. Headley.
W. Warner. D. Gregory. M. Rosebohm. P. Backus. J . Bylsma.
Third Row (1. to r .) H. Kasuske. D. Corey. J . Burdick. T. Rockwell. T. Kushak. J . Halter. C.
Schl appi. M. Hughey. G. Greunhagen. R. Booth.
Absent: B. Brown.
First Row (1. to r.) K. Cetas. B. Ward. B. Pemberton. N. Bester. D. Backus. J. Halter. D. Casco.
D. Holmes. Mrs. Ingraham.
Second Row 0. to r.) G. Ira. M. Barnefiher. C. Bancroft. L. Allerding. J. Bonter . S. Brainerd.
B. Young. P. Ranney, S. Graham. T. Pifer.
Third Row (1. t or.) D. Heinz. M. Tucker. B. Holmes. A. Sprague. C. Billings. G. Pgmp. M. Heinz.
M. Penney. J . Cole. P . Cetas. Absent: B. Moore.
1st row (1. to r.) Mrs. Gridley, S. Washburn, R. Ward. B. Washburn, S. Horton, F. Walstrom J .
Stradtner, M. Phillips, F. Heminger, B. Moore. M. Geary, B. Kleinhenz. L. Andrews, R. Nis-
wander, B. Hall, B. Seamon, B. Washburn.
2nd row (1. tor.) S. Cease, L. Wright, D. Johnston, D. Peariso, P. Coonrod, C. Harper, N .Walker, K.
Greenier, W. Bennington, L. Morse, J. Ward. R. Shinn. M. Halter, M. Rosemier, T. Johnston.
L. Hartung, L. Myers, Mrs. Friend.
3rd row (1. to r.) A. AHerding, A. McDonald, S. Baughman, J. Burrows, D. Ward, L. Rosebohm, R.
Cole, J . Young, G. Ward, L. Bosma, R. Ira. R. McFarland, J . Berry, J. Ward, M. Corveyou.
(Absent: E. Schlappi. D. Matthews. H. Sprague)
1st row (l. to r.) M. Ford, J . Brown, L. Hu,ghey, W. Holmes, L. Mathews, J . Rockwell, D. Suther-
land, P. Ease, M. Boynton, Mrs. Bathke.
2nd row (1. to r.) L. Arman, A. Reppard, U. Bonter, B. Hathaway, S. Pike, S. Taylor, C. Rosebohm.
L., E. Gokee, T. Andrews.
3rd r ~ w (l . to r .) J . Miles, G. Squier, D. Swadling, 0. Hughey, C. Bennington, J . Juilleret. D. Aller-
dmg, D. Penney, D. Backus, J . Heinz.

Jst row (l. to r.) Second Grade: J. Sterley, L. Crouterfield, S. Bruce, D. Bowers, B. Bond, J. Ras-
mussen, C. Morse, T. Walker, K. Young, K. Hansen, Mrs. Stradtner.
2nd row (1. to r.) B. Halter, B. Barnefiher, J. Hodge, R. Morris, G. Brainerd, B. Bester. Third Grade:
D. Winegarden, M. Sayan, R. Curnow, D. Cummings.
3rd row (1. to r.) C. Verseput, D. Seelbach, R. Morse, A. Wilson, B. Stark, S. Ward, J. Cooke, S.
Matthews, D. Cole. B. Tippett. (Absent: B. Pemberton)
1st row (l. to r.) L. Moore, J . Parrow, J. Allerding, A. Horton, L. Sisco, M. Moulton, J. Armstrong,
D. Hathaway, B. Washburn, Mrs. Thomas.
2nd row (l. tor.) R. Ward, F. Vroman, J. Cone, D. Sydow, T. G. Cook, J . Burrows, J. Peariso,
D. Backus, H. Oldham.
3rd row (l. to r.) J. Horton, W. MacDonald, L. Niswander, H. Rhine, G. Ki1born, S. Hickman, R.
Wagar, J. Niswander, A. Rosebaum.
First Row (1. to r.) J. Kruzel. J. Gokee, R. Hall, J. Kr uzel. J. Graham. C. McFarl and .K. J ohn-
ston. R. Schlappi. E. Radle. L. Horton. V. Berry. L. Mathews. D. Babcock. J. Peariso.
A. Ward.
Second Row (l . to r.) W. Heminger. L. Simon. M. Kurnow. R. Bester. J. Hodge. L. Sayne. S.
Backus. B. Zachrich. F. Ettawageshik. C. Cummings. D. Horton. C. Garver . S. Morse.
J . Wright. S. Ward.
Third Row (1. to r.) Mrs. Miller. G. McDonald. R. Cl ark:. R. Gokee. S. Pike. G. Pesarcyk. G.
Marihugh. E. Warner. D. Tippett, G. Morse. R. Horton. C. Whitaker . E. Wagenschutz.
S. G. Tucker. Mrs. Roe.
Fourth Rov- (1. to r .) L. Halter. A. Clairmont, L. J ardine. M Walker. C. Haynes. K. Baughman.
C. Niswander. S. Boynton. L. Troup. R. Moore. N. Oldham. C. Ford. C. Vroman. D. Wil
son. G. Kruzel.
Absent : J . Sterly. D. Swadling.
The kindergarten, first and second grades gave an excellent Christmas program this
year on December 16, 1955. The program consisted of music by the Rhythm Band, group
singing, and various songs acted out by the students.
__________________ _..ta .... _ ----- -- . -
------- --
First Row (1. to r.) D. Swadling, D. Schlappi, D. Rhine .. J. Lauer. N. Bliss. C. Hickman. R. Tay-
lor, W. Jenson, R. McGuire.
Second Row (l. to r.) E. Allerding. D. Stanley, W. Burley. T. Hoffman. M. Burrows. L. Kruzel.
D. Schlappi. B. Engler. K. Heinz. S. Allerding.
Third Row (l. tor.) W. Wiklanski. T. Pangborn. J . La Count. S. Morse. J. Hathaway. R. Hof-
bauer. M. Brown. J. Pisarcyk. H. Pede rsen. Mrs. Hahn.
First Row (l. to r.) .J. Kilborn. W. Walstrom. A. Coveyou. S. Penney. E. Smith. S. Tippett. P.
Kaniarz. D. Rarick.
Second Row (l. to r.) P. Young. M. Hutchings. M. Trobridge. N. Garver. S. Hasper. J . Cook.
P. Moser. M. Simon. H. Gasca.
Third Rovv" (l. to r.) Mrs. Hahn. R. Saddison. R. Cone .. J. Clairmont. R. Booth. P . Backus. J .
Sterly. C. Swiss. C. Mil es.
First Row (1. to r.) G. Coveyou, G. Congleton, J. Meyer, N. Pemberton, P. Graham, K. Garver,
Mr. Walker.
Second Row (1. to r.) B. Wightman, G. Kruskie, J. Bond, S. Garver, H. Gregory.
President ----- ------- Gordon Kruskie
Vice President .......................................... Pete Graham
Secretary . . ...... .. ...... ... ......... ............ ..... Gerry Congleton
Treasurer ............................................ George Coveyou
Adviser ..... . ....... Mr. Walker
The Student Council joined with the Pep Club in selling magazines, and had
concessions for ball games. We sold salt water taffy during noon periods and at ball
games. The Student Council also sponsored the second annual student teacher's day.
Seated (1. to r .) V. Halter, N. Motter, W. Wagenschutz, B. Peterson, G. Halter, J. Wagen-
schutz, N. McFarland, R. Halter, D. Wagenschutz.
Standing (1. to r.) W. Wagenschutz, R. Halter, J. Martin, T. Shinn, B. Wagenschutz, M. Mottor,
A. Mottor, A. Cole.
lfoutlt etub
The Christian Youth Club has experienced one of its most suocessful years since its
founding in 1952 by Richard Wagen. These Christians have been helped and encouraged by
the inspiring Bible messages. Bible quizzes were also a great source of enjoyment.
The speakers who addressed the C.Y.C. were from many walks of life. They included
Mr. Max Gidley, who played seven years of professional football; a youth evangelist, Elwood
Mahurin; and ministers from the Harbor Springs Churches, and in the surrounding area. The
greatest attendance came when Rev. Oscar Van Impe played his accordian at the March 15
The officers this s-chool year are: president, Ted Shinn; vice president, Blan:che Peterson;
secretary-treasurer, Marjorie Mottor; song leader, Wilbur Wagenschutz; pianist, Ruth Halter;
and publicity chairman, David Halter. The sponsors for this club are Mrs. Kenneth Shinn
and Mr. Lyle Hoover.
C.Y.C. meets every Thursday at 12:15 in the band room.
Taking advantage of a psychological opportunity, the club canvassed the town at Hallo-
ween with an appropriate gospel tract, after which a film was shown and a party held at the
Wagenschutz home.
At Christmas time the town was again supplied with gospel tracts which revealed the
true Christian Christmas spirit.
At the homecoming parade. a beautiful float , "Victory Through Christ," was entered.
Although it didn't win a prize, it was a testimony of the club's fine school spirit and received
many compliments from spectators.
The Hoovers invited the C.Y.C. members to a sliding party at Good Hart, after which
everyone ate their fill of waffles and maple syrup.
The purpose of our club is to win souls to Christ and to promote and cultivate good
Christian character. It is non-sectarian and has the Bible as its final authority.
We are expecting God's blessing as C.Y.C. continues to point the way to a successful
Hfe: one which is built upon Christ.
' I
Mary and Jon. feat ure Jerry. sports
editor; Donna. news editor.
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the,. attempted to present the students of Harbor
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Spnngs H1gh Schepl,.t b t er yearBoelC: than _!he last one.
"t . . .to ,fto.r "'
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The Rampage J , j "a sponsored by the Jour. nahsm class. We smcerely hoP..e that
. . . 1 r . "'. 01'
you w11l enJoy th s ,yearbooK, cand that 1t w,dl brmg back happy memon es to .the gradu-
....,f ... ' 1 -, i
ing class of '56,, as well Jas underclassmen who have the greatest years ahead
"> l'f'!t {' ' " '
of them. ... ,, PB.z-. (J:..Jri :, );1c,. ,; .... . r
,<J:: 'oot. r r* '
n . $.:J l;.j,. n 2t \ r . ' l
l We extt;,nd
our appreci1i1_on' J o f . r . fld,vjser, Miss' Corey, who worked her
hardest to make this yearbook a Is w,; give our}sincei e , t hanks to Mr. Robert
'r - .. '
Fowler of the Review Printing Co1npany for in the Rampage
;,h - " "" ; '1- ...
A.; ( "'l. r l
. 8
00l t, (J
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of '56.
.. 1
Ruth. photographer; Lynn. art
editor; Mary Jane, photography
editor ; Bette, photographer.
Kent. assistant advertising man-
ager ; Sally. advertising manage;
Sue. cir culation and promoti on
manager; Wilbur and Tony,
sal esmen.
t' ..
,-.1(., s
. . second semes-
editor, second semes-
ter; Mary .Tarli:!, editor, first se
me'ster fashion editor second se-
mester; ass't. editor, first
. semester.
Sue, society_editor:; Norm, sports
editor; Donna, exchan ge editor.
Kneeling (1. to r .) B. Billiau, G. Kruskie, H. Gregory, F. Warner.
Second row (1. to r.) Mr. Simon, T. Serva, R. Barkley, D. Lauer, G. Banter, B. Bernhardt, D.
Shepherd, R. Lauer, J. Kushak, D. Arman, C. Tippett, B. Lauer, C. Cruff, D. Corey, J.
Pemberton, D. Haven, V. Booth, B. Dickey, C. Lightfoot.
Third row (1. to r.) J. Martin, W. Kurburski, G. Moulton, R. Johnston, H. Marshall, P. Ell-
wanger, B. Banter, A. Kloss, D. Kruskie, L. Greenier, H. Sevener, J. Borowski, R.
Barkley, S. Huffman, W. Harbus, D. Johnston, A. Lightfoot, R. Luhellier.
Background - Farm Shop Building under construction.
In the first few weeks of school, the F.F.A. was busy studying and going on field trips
trying to get prepared for the annual soil judging contest which is held on a local farm in
Emmet County. This year the contest was held on a farm close to Pellston. A group of twelve
boys went to this event and placed first in the county; then went to judge for the district
in Antrim County, and placed first in that.
Another contest that the F.F.A. did well in was the Potato and Apple Show at Traverse
City. They placed first in hay judging and second in grain judging.
A few boys of the F.F.A. attended Farmer's Week, February 3 and 4, which was held at
Michigan State University at Lansing, to see the new methods of farming.
The F.F.A. bought a registered Holstein calf to start a calf chain. This calf is at the farm
home of Bob Dickie.
Some of the ways the club has earned money have been by holding dances, selling Christ-
mas trees, selling garden seeds and wood, and sponsoring a pancake supper.
The F.F.A. adviser is Mr. Maxwell Simon. Club officers are Gordon Kruskie, president;
Dick Shepherd, vice president ; Carl Tippett, secretary; Jerry Pemberton, treasurer; Ed
Mathews, sentinel; and Hazen Gregory, reporter.
Seated (1. to r .) R. VanBaarle, D. Sevener, S. Priest, J. Kushak, V. Schlappi, S. Heynig, J.
Standing (1. to r.) Miss Carpenter, E. Stanley, R. Dutton, M. Jesse!, A. LaCount, S. McDonald,
A. Cole.
We started our Harbor Springs F.H.A. chapter on November 28, 195 5 when
d h d b h
. ~ . ards. We were officially installed by the
we receive our c arter an mem ers 1p
Pellston chapter on February 22, 1956.
We made Christmas corsages, pins, and earrings to sell. There was a Christmas
party at Stella Priest's house where we saw a movie of "Christmas in other Lands",
then went caroling and returned to exchange gifts and have refreshments.
We prepared and served the dinner given by the F.F.A. boys for their parents on
March 14.
A candy sale was held at the March 22 P.T.A. meeting m hope of boosting our
Our officers are: Joan Kushuk, president; Donna Miller, vice president; Stella
Priest, secretary; Virginia Schlappi, treasurer; Rea Dutton, parliamentarian; Donna
Brubaker, historian; Rosemary VanBaarle, reporter; Mary Lou )essel, pianist; Mrs.
Tyrus Miller, chapter mother; Miss Edith Carpenter, chapter adviser.
First row (1. to r.) G. Halter, H. Ward, V. Halter, M. Tippett, D. Pemberton.
Second row (1. to r.) A. E:rwin, B. Bliss, D. Wiseman, V. Peterson, L. Bennington, B. Cassidy.
Third row (1. to r.) K. Howse, P. Cook, M. Cetas, G. Wells.
Fourth row (1. to r.) S. Johnston, M. Burdick, A. Greenier, M. Ellwanger, S. Squier, G. Cove-
The band practiced some new and different formations last fall. These we used at our
football :games here, and also in our performance at the Stanford ,game at Michigan State
University. We felt honored to be asked to take part in their annual Band Day. We en-
joyed the trip and profited much from it.
We took part in a Christmas concert, December 19 in the gym and also in the winter
festival in February, and the spring festival in May.
This year the dance orchestra is com-
posed of eight players: Jon Patton, drum-
mer; Arnold Howse, trumpeter; Pat Wight-
man and Adonis Kruczek, trombonists; Lin-
da Bennington, tenor saxophonist; Rosemary
Cetus and Edie Juilleret, alto saxophonists;
and Alice Erwin, pianist. Our director is Mr.
Jezisek. On December 3, we played at the
Harvest Ball sponsored by the freshman
First row (1. to r.) Alice Erwin, Linda Ben-
nington, Rosemary Cetas, Edie Juilleret.
Second row (1. to r.) Arnold Howse, Jon Pat-
ton, Adonis Kruczek, Pat Wightman.
First row (1. to r.) D. Halter, R. Rosemeier, A. Howse.
Second row (1. to r.) E. Juilleret, R. Cetus, V. Andrews, B. Peterson.
Third row (1. to r.) R. Kleinhenz, T. Shinn, P. Wightman, A. Kruczek.
Fourth row (I. to r .) R. Niswander, J. Patton, S. Winegarden, L. Wells, P. Bradley, Mr. Jezi-
~ e x t e t
The sextet this year is composed of Margaret
Cassidy and Rosem<3,ry Cetus, first soprano; Linda
Bennington and Alice Erwin, second soprano; and
Doris Hoffman and Doris Smith, alto. We sang for a
pep meeting, and between acts at the junior and
senior plays.
(1. to r.) Linda Bennington, Rosemary Cetus, Alice
Erwin, Margaret Cassidy, Doris Smith, Doris
Seated (1. to r.) P. Cook, D. Wiseman, C. Brown, J. Kushak, R. Halter, B. Bliss, G. Halter,
B. Peterson.
Standing (1. to r.) D. Smith, R. Dutton, M. Cetas, S. McDonald, M. R. ReinwB:nd,
J . Barkley, V. Peterson, P . Bradley, H. Ward, M. Ellwanger, J . Ph1ll1ps, S. Terpemng,
D. Headley, M. Friend, S. Squier, S. Greenier, A. LaCount, H. Mattick.
1. a. B. Cluh
This is the third year for the T.A.B. Club in Harbor Springs High and it's bigger this
year than ever before. Our group is only one of sixteen thousand such clubs in the United
States. We have been led by our able officers : president, Joan Kushak; vice president, Bon-
nie Bliss; secretary-treasurer, Ruth :Halter; and sponsor, Miss Corey.
We held our first evening meeting at the city library February 21. Mr. Herman Verse-
put gave a book review of the Day Lincoln WJs Shot and also told us about the importance
of books and reading.
Along with our other activities this year we have had a book review by Miss Harriet
Kilborn and several movies.
(1. to r.) Bette Ward, Virginia Andrews, Clara Johnston, Mrs. Brown, Patricia Wightman,
Lavina Babcock.
G. Congleton, J. Wilton
R. Reinwand, D. Kaniarz
M. Cassidy, G. Coveyou,
A. Erwin
Christmas Ball
National Education Week
P. Johnston, B. Johnston
M. Whitaker, J. Gokee
B. Heynig
Christmas Ball
V. Young
C. Johnston
Mr. Fowler, L. Wells,
Miss Corey
Harvest Ball
Senior Play
Senior Play practice
D. Bradley,
c. Brown

J .I
S. Pifer, S. Winegarden,
L. Wells, M. Johnston
R. Kleinhenz
L. Wells, :S. Pifer D. Kaniarz,
J. Reinwand
Senior Play practice Mr. Bartlett, Miss Relm
Harvest Ball
D. Lauer, .M. Lowry
Harvest Ball Slumber party? L. Wells, M. Shurtleff M. Johnston
First row (l. to r.) R. Clarke, G. Congleton, G. Kruskie, T. Burns, S. Gokee, J. Borowski, D.
Second row (l. to r.) E. Mathews, P. Graham, P. Marihugh, B. Juilleret, E. Meyer, B. Lauer
A. Kloss, D. Barnefier (manager).
Third row (1. to r.) Mr. Bruno, D. Lauer, T. Larsen, N. Pemberton, J. Patton, G. Coveyou,
A. Allerding, J. Meyer, Mr. Perry.
Harbor Springs 18 St. Francis 19 Harbor Springs 0 Charlevoix 14
Harbor Springs 13 Grayling 6 Harbor Springs 0 Pellston 7
Harbor Springs 13 East Jordan 0 Harbor Springs 6 Mancelona 15
Harbor Springs 6 Boyne City 24
Harbor Springs 20 Gaylord 0
Under Coach Henry Bruno, the Rams played very good football this year. They
won their share of games and could have won at least two more games if the breaks
had gone their way.
The Rams voted Kent Talcott and Gordon Kruskie this year's most valuable
players, and awarded then gold trophies.
Kent Talcott, Pete Marihugh, Gordon Kruskie, and Tor Larsen are made
orable mention on the team.
Tor Larsen and Pete Marihugh made the second
Don Lauer, Gordon Kruskie, Kent Talcott, Tor Larsen, and Pete Marihugh
ceived honorable mention for the Northwestern Michigan team.

(Pictures courtes'y
of News-Review)
This year the Harbor Springs High School celebrated their fourth annual Home-
coming on September 30. The queen was Sharon Johnston, and her court consisted
of four girls: Sally Pifer, Bette Ward, Bonnie Bliss, and Joan Gokee.
The parade was very colorful with all the floats from various classes, school or-
ganizations, and merchants. First prize was won by the seniors who entered the
Queen's Float.
The most important part of our Homecoming was the part that the Rams beat
the Grayling Vikings I 3 - 7.
A dance sponsored by the Varsity Club was held in the gym following the game.
(1. to r .) S. Huffman (manager). P. Marihugh, P. Graham. T. Larsen, D. Keller, D. Lauer, A.
Allerding, R. King, R. ClarkE>. T. Shinn, Mr. Davis.
The Rams. coached by Mr. Ivan Davis, started the season by downing their first two opponents,
then hit a streak of bad luck. Toward the end of the season they again showed considerable strength.
The games the Rams lost were usually close and the boys were always scrapping, even though the
score did not show them ahead.
In the tournaments the Rams lost to the Pellston Hornets by the score of 64 to 52.
Don Lauer made the All-Conference first team and Gordon Kruskie received
Don also led the conference in scoring, and should do the
Harbor Springs 47 Charlevoix 45
Ha1.1bor Springs 66 Cheboygan 58
Harbor Springs 53 Grayling 62
Harbor Springs 44 East Jordan 67
Harbor Springs 40 Pellston 59
Harbor Springs 44 Boyne City 84
Harbor Springs 41 Mancelona 43
Harbor Springs 61 Gaylord 70
Harbor Springs 49 Charlevoix 65
The 1955-56 varsity cheerleading squad consists of
four girls. We have worked particularly hard this year
and feel very fortunate that we have such a good and
experienced sponsor. Many thanks to Miss Helm for
all the time she has spent with us.
We purchased white V-neck sweaters with our
names on the back and school letters on the front. These
improvements were made possible by the interest each
girl had in purchasing her own uniform.
(1. to r.) Deanna Bradley, Carol Brown, Linda Benning-
ton, Sharon Johnston.
same next year.
Harbor Springs 59
Harbor Springs 65
Harbor Springs 55
Harbor Springs 55
Harbor Springs 37
Harbor Springs 67
Harbor Springs 52
Harbor Springs 52
honorable mention.
Grayling 53
Cheboygan 48
East Jordan 66
Pellston 57
Boyne City 61
.Mancelona 72
Gaylord 43
Pellston 64
Pete Don
Richie Dick
Gordie Coach
Swede Ted
- 60-
(1. to r.) S. Huffman (manager), E. Meyer. B. Juiller et. R. Lauer. G. Moulton. G. Coveyou. S. Gokee, J.
Meyer, T. Burns, B. Lauer, D. Kruskie, K. Garver. Mr. Bruno.
The Little Rams started the season with considerable experience and played good ball throughout
the year.
Coached by Mr. Henry Bruno, they . had good fighting material in Bob Lauer.
Barnefiher. Sam Gokee, Bill Juilleret. Ken Garver, and George Coveyou.
Quite a few of these boys will be playing varsity ball next year and should do
Harbor Springs 39 Charlevoix 45
Harbor Springs 54 Cheboygan 46
Harbor Springs 50 Grayling 57
Harbor Springs 60 East Jordan 51
Harbor Springs 33 Pellston 32
Harbor Springs 67 Boyne City 59
Harbor Springs 58 Mancelona 34
Harbor Springs 46 Gaylord 49
The first event in which the Junior Varsity Cheer
Leaders participated was the annual Homecoming
game. The girls practiced with the Varsity Cheer Lead-
ers in preparation for this event.
They started practicing in the middle of October
regularly once a week.
These girls had new unifonns of black jumpers
with their names and the school letters in orange. made
in time for the first basketball game.
The girls' successful season ended with an jnvita-
tion to the Athletic Banquet.
(1. to r. ) Edee Juilleret, Nancy Peters, Virginia Andrews.
Velda Peterson.
Harbor Springs 67
Harbor Springs 38
Harbor Springs 37
Harbor Springs 40
Harbor Springs 32
Harbor Springs 48
Harbor Springs 50
Harbor Springs 68
Jack Meyer, Dean
very well.
Charlevoix 58
Grayling 52
Cheboygan 41
East Jordan 50
Pellston 42
Boyne City 75
Mancelona 42
Gaylord 60
First row (l. to r.) B. Cook, D. King, D. Whitaker, J. Brown. D. Sprague.
Second row (l. to r.) W. Verseput, N. Stringer, M. Matthe,ws, R. Cole, N. Terpening, K. Backus, T. Graham.
Third row (l. to r.) R. Bruce, R. Rose, S. Pemberton, D. Meeker, M. Scott, J. Bonter, H. Radle, K. Pifer.
The Junior High Team, which consists of seventh and eighth .grade boys, gained valuable experience
by playing with surrounding schools this year.
Under the supervision of Mr. Perry, the boys didn't concentrate on winning so much as they did on
learning the fundamentals of the game.
Top to bottom: Gloria Greenier, Leta Swiss. Bar-
bara Wightman. Left : Susan Garver. Right : Judy
Top to bottom: Judy Bond. Kay Ira, Joanne Heinz,
Sandra Heynig. Linda Tucker.
Pellston Tournament Game
Grayling Game
D. Lauer, R. Keller, T. Larsen
(Picture courtesy of News-Revie'N)
Grayling Game
Grayling Game
(l. t o r.) A. Allerding. R. Clarke. K. Talcott, R. Bernhardt. R. King. D. Barnefiher , J. Meyer,
Coach Davis. G. Moulton. T. Burns, S. Gokee.
A ll eight of the schools in the Northern Michigan Class C Conference sponsored
track teams this spring. The Rams participated in eight meets ..
April 19
Apri l 25
------ --- ----- ------- -- --- ---- ------- -- -------- -- ---- --------------- -
--------- ----- ------- ---- -- ----- ---- ----- -- ----- --- --- -- ------------- --------- -- -- -- -- -
April 28 .. oo oo -oooooooooo oo oo OOO oo--oooo-- - oo--- oooo oo ooo- oooo oooo ooooOO Mt. Pleasant Relays
May 1 oo---- -oo -oooooo oo oo oo o oooo--oooo oooo-- . oo oo oooooo oo oo oo oo oooo oooooooooooooooo ooooooooOO St. Francis
May 8 ooooooooooooooooooooo-oooooo ooOO OO O OO 00000 ooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo oooo Cheboygan
May 12 oooooooooooooooo oo oo oo oo oooooooooooooo oo oo oo oo oooo o oooo oo ooooooo oo- Regional Track Meet
May 1 5
00 00 00 0000
.. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 OO oo 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 ooOO 00 Petoskey Relays
May 19 oooooooooooooooooo .. oo oo oo .. . oo .. oo ...... .. .. .. ... .. oooo oooooo ............ .. oo .... oo .. oo State Meet
May 22 oooooo .... oo oo -- ....... oo .. OO ...... ........... ooooo0oo 00 00 0 .............. Conference Meet
The Rams thinclads were coached b y Ivan Davis, Jr. Coach Davis was a member
o f the track t eam at Central Michigan Coli ege while a student there, and he coached
track at Flint Kearsley High School last yea r.
( l. to r .) S. Priest, Mr. Walker, R. Keller. T. Burns (l. to r.) T. Burns. R. Reppard, J. Patton, Mr. Kaniarz.
For the past four years we have had a conservation class for prospective deer
hunters. It has been required that anyone taking time off from school to go deer hunt-
ing take this course, which has been held a t noon.
This year Mr. Walker was our r egular teacher, but Mr. Kaniarz also spoke to us
several times.
The class studied such things as gun safety, how to get along m the woods, and
how to clean a deer.
At the e nd of the hunting season, Mr. Walker and one of the students, Kent
Talcott, appeared on a television broadcast on WPBN-TV to explain how the class is
run, and what its benefits are.
This has been a fine project and we sincerely hope it will be continued.
(l. to r.) R. Reppard. T. Burns. J . Patton. Game Warden
First row (1. to r.) A. Mottor, P. Wightman, S. Pifer, L. Wells, M. Johnston, N. Bawkey, D. Bradley, R. Klein-
henz, S. Winegarden, R. Reinwand, B. Bliss, M. Shurtleff, P. Johnston, J. Barkley, S. Squier, D .
.Pemberton, N. Pemberton, Miss HeLm.
Second row (1. to r.) S. Greenier, A. Greenier, P. McGuire, D. Wiseman, S. Terpening, P. Bradley, M. Tip-
pett, V. Peterson, L. Bennington, D. Hoffman, R. Cetus, E. Juilleret, D. Smith, R. Saddison, H. Mat-
tick, G. Kruskie, T. Shinn.
Third row (1. to r.) D. Headley, M. Friend, S. Priest, P. Cook, C. Brown, M. Burdick, S. McDonald, F. An-
drews, M. Hessel, R. Masteau, H. Ward, M. Ellwanger, J . Phillips, M. Cetas, K. Talcott.
The Ram Rooters is one of the most active or>ganizations in the school. Their members are constantly
striving to raise school spirit, and this year succeeded very nicely.
The officers for this year are: Sue Ellen Winegarden, president; Bonnie Bliss, vice president; Mary
Jane Shurtleff, secretary; and Rita Reinwand, treasurer.
Some of the club's projeds were selling pennants, putting on pep meetings, serving at the Athletic
Banquet, selling refreshments at the Mancelona basketball game, and presenting four-year pins for seniors.
Miss Helm Harbor Highlanders Senior Trio
Seated (1. to r.) P . Graham. T. Larsen. P. Marihugh. N. Pemberton. G. Congleton.
Standing (I. to r .) Mr. Bruno. S. Gokee. J. Rein wand. D. Shepherd. E. Mathews. G. Kruskie.
J. Meyer. A. Kloss. D. Lauer. A. Miller. D. Keller. R. Clarke. K. Tal cott.
The Varsity Club was organized one year ago and Eince then has been carried on
successfully. To be a member, one has to win a varsity letter.
Officers for this year are Gordon Kruskie, president; Don Lauer, v1ce president;
Kent Talcott, treasurer; 1 ack Meyer, _ secretary; and 1 erry Reinwand, reporter.
Activities for the year were very successful. We purchased black and white. Var-
si ty jackets, which the boys paid for themselves.
Another activity was the Varsity Club Banquet, which honored a thletes of '55 -
'56. Letters were given to the boys who played well, and trophies were given to the
outstanding players of the year: Kent Talcott and Gordon Kruskie, for football; Don
Lauer, for basketball.
The Varsity Club also sponsored a Valentine Hop, and a dance after the home-
coming game.
The Rampage staff wishes to thank the following merchants who, through their
donations, have helped make this yearbook possible.
Mary Kushak
Baker's Shoe Repair
Erwin's Drug Store
Adams' 5c to $1.00 Store
Squier's Electric
Johnston's Restaurant
Mathews and Hall Agency
Peters' SeH-Serve
The Rampage staff, especially the photography department, also wishes to thank
Mr. Virgil Haynes for the help and advice he has given us as our official yearbook
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2 09 E. Third Street
Phone 5
120 Main St. Harbor Springs
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1 OS Judd St. Harbor Springs
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