5 Benefits The Holy Spirit Brings

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The late Corrie ten Boom, a Holocaust survivor who became an international preacher, used to say: The most joyous command in the Bible is :Be filled with the Holy Spirit. The importance of the Holy Spirit in the believers life cannot be over-stated. Consider: The apostles had been with Jesus for about three years. They heard His teachings, they saw His miracles. They even healed the sick and cast out demons in His Name. But when He was captured and crucified, they fled in fear of their lives. On the Sunday of His resurrection it is recorded- they were gathered together in a room that was locked, for fear of the Jews. (John 20 : 19.) They certainly could not be accused of impacting the city for Christ, could they?

Yet, just about six weeks later, these same men (excluding of course Judas,) were standing boldly before a large crowd in the very city that had crucified our Lordproclaiming boldly the marvelous works of God and the resurrection of Jesus! The Bible records that 3,000 were converted to Christ that day.(Acts 2 : 41.) And that was only the beginning! Verse 47 of the same chapter states: The Lord added to their number daily! What made the difference? Yes, they saw and spoke with the resurrected Christ, several times. That certainly made an impact on them. But they only began to impact the city after His ascension when they were filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2: 1-4.) It is not surprising then, to note that the apostles were careful to bring new

converts into the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit soon after their conversion. For Example in Acts chapter 8 we read of Phillip bringing many Samaritans to faith in Jesus. When the apostles in Jerusalem heard this, they sent Peter and John to the city to pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit. Then Peter and John laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:14-17.) When Saul of Tarsus (who later became Paul the apostle) was struck blind by the glory of the Lord on his way to Damascus and converted, a certain disciple named Annanias was sent by the Lord to pray for him. We read this account in Acts 9;17. Placing his hands on Saul he said Brother Saul, the Lord Jesushas sent

me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit Some time later Paul finds certain disciples in Ephesus, and asks them : Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? This indicates that when we are converted to Christ we are not automatically filled with the Spirit. It is a separate experience to our conversion. These men knew nothing about the Spirit, although they had trusted in Jesus. Paul instructed them more fully, placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. (Act 19: 1-6) What does this teach? From the foregoing accounts we note two truths. 1.) Conversion to Christ is not the same as receiving the Spirit, or being filled with the Spirit. It may

happen almost simultaneously with conversion, when we are born again, but it is distinct from conversion. 2.) It was considered so important in the Early Church, that the leaders made sure that new converts had prayer specifically to receive the Spirit, or to be filled with the Spirit. Note Acts 8:14-17. Acts 9:17. Acts 19:1-6.. Lets think about this: Jesus the Son of God, in His humanity, was totally dependant on the Holy Spirit during his ministry. The apostle Peter stated: God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil (Acts 10: 38.)

Consider; He was conceived of the Holy Spirit in Marys womb. But He only began His public ministry at about 30 years of age, when the Spirit came on Him when He was baptized in water by John the Baptist. In Luke 3:16 we read After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water,; and behold, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting upon Him.. After this, Jesus returned to Galilee IN THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT. It is from that time we read of His powerful public ministry.( Luke 4:14) Our Lord thus set the pattern for us: The Holy Spirit is present and active in our CONVERSION to Christ, answering to Jesus conception and birth by the Spirit. The Spirit convicts us of

sin and of our need of the Saviour. (John 16:7) and causes us to be BORN AGAIN spiritually to new life as true believers. (John 3:3) This is also described as the washing of REGENERATION and RENEWING by the Holy Spirit. (Titus 3: 5.) But the promise, or gift of the Spirit is for every believer to empower us to serve the Lord effectively You shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be My witnesses .to the uttermost parts of the earth. (Acts1: 8.) This answers to Jesus beginning His public ministry after the Spirit like a dove came upon Him. This INITIAL receiving of the Spirit is also called the Baptism in or with the Holy Spirit.

In fact, the Bible indicates three separate baptisms for the Christ follower. So, you ask, how can I know which is which? Simple, ask these three questions. In each case: 1). Who is the Baptizer. 2.) Who is the candidate. 3.) Who, or what-- is the element into which the candidate is baptized. The First Baptism: 1 Cor. 12:13. We were all baptized BY ONE SPIRIT into one BODY Note: Baptizer - The Holy Spirit. Candidate WE- new believers. Element the BODY, the church of Christ. This is conversion, where we are born again and are spiritually joined together or immersed into Christs Body, the Church.

The Second Baptism: Baptism in WATER, a command in the New Testament for all who are converted to Christ. Repent and be baptized, every one of youActs. 2:38. The Baptizer- Church leader, The Candidate - Obedient believer. The Element - Water.

Anyone may receive Him as Saviour, if they repent The Holy Spirit then baptizes them into Christs Body, the Church.. The Sons Gift: Jesus Gift to His followers is the Holy Spirit Exalted to the right hand of God, He (Jesus) has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.(Acts 2:33) The not-yet- converted CANNOT receive the Holy Spirit. Only those who have been converted can receive Him The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. John 14: 17. If youve been saved, you have the Holy Spirit; He has been working in you, to bring you to Christ; He has brought about the new birth in you. Now you need to be filled with the Spirit. Another term for this initial infilling is being baptized with the Spirit.

The third baptism: Matthew 3: 11. He (Jesus) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. The Baptizer - Jesus. The Candidate - Believer. The Element - Holy Spirit. The Fathers Gift: John 3:16, Gods Son Jesus is the Fathers Gift to a lost world.

Key Questions Since turning your life over to Christ, have you been baptized with the Spirit? * If you have experienced this baptism, are you being filled regularly? The apostles in Acts 2 were filled with the Spirit. Vs. 4. A while later, Acts 4 records; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit (again!).Acts 4:31. This ongoing, repeated infilling is what is the most joyous command referred to in Ephesians 5:18. Dont get drunk with wine.but be filled with the Holy Spirit. Five of the many benefits the Holy Spirit brings to us

1/ He brings about the conversion of the repentant sinner. By His convicting activity in our lives we repent and are born again. (John 3: 3,6) 2/ The Holy Spirit Glorifies Christ. He makes Him more and more real to us. (John 16:14) 3/ He guides us into all truth. The Bible becomes understandable to us, it speaks to us as we read and hear the Word of God. (John 16:13) 4/ He brings Gods love into our hearts; He makes it REAL to us, and through us to others. (Romans 5 :5) 5/ The Holy Spirit empowers us to be bold , articulate witnesses for Christ. (Acts 1: 8) How to be filled with the Spirit.

Simple, child-like faith.

Receiving the Spirit is a GIFT, not a reward. Jesus said: Everyone who asks, receives. Luke 11: 10.

Strong spiritual thirst.

John 7 : 37-39(a). If you are THIRSTY, come to ME. If you BELIEVE in Me come and drink. For the Scriptures declare that rivers of living water will flow out from within. .He was speaking of the Spirit who would be given to everyone believing in Him You may want to have a Christian of proven characterpreferably a leader lay hands on you, as occurred frequently in the New Testament. Acts 8: 17, Acts 19: 6. However, the Lord may baptize you while you are reading the Scriptures, or hearing the preaching of the Word, as happened in Acts 10: 44-46.

While Peter spoke, the Holy Spirit fell on all them who heard the message. The important thing is to be thirsty for the Lord to fill you, as someone thirsts for water. Then , have faith that Jesus will do as He promised, and that He will fill you with the living water of the Spirit. A GOOD QUESTION How will I know that I have received the Spirit?. The answer is- in response to your faith, you will experience in some measure at least the previously mentioned benefits of the Spirits ministry working in youfor example: * Christ will be more real to you. The Scriptures will come alive, you will find God really speaks to you as you read the Bible.

* You will be more conscious of Gods love, both for you, and working through you to others. * You will have greater boldness to speak out for Christ as His witness. These are some of the signs that you have received the Holy Spirit. But the INITIAL sign recorded in the Book of Acts is: They spoke in other tongues. Of the Five occasions recorded in Acts of people receiving the Spirit INITIALLY, 3 times it states: they spoke in tongues Acts 1: 4, Acts 10: 44-46, Acts 19:6. For the other two occasions no mention is made of any signjust the statement that they received the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:17 the Samaritans, Acts 9:17(Saul, who

became Paul). However, later on Paul writes to the Corinthians: I thank my God that I speak in tongues more than all of you 1 Cor. 14:18. Do not seek tongues, seek the Holy Spirit. Focus on Jesus the Giver. But dont be surprised if you find yourself wanting to bubble over in joy, and the words coming out of your mouth are not of your own language! Jesus is the Baptizer. Let Him do it for you HIS waythats always the best way! Just co-operate with Him in simple faith! Youve asked for the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and that is what He will give you! Receive the Gift by faith. In Luke 11 Jesus says If a son asks a father for bread, will he give him a stone? He goes on: If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, HOW MUCH MORE will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to them who ask Him.

When I was baptized with the Holy Spirit laughter bubbled up from deep down in my stomach as I rolled across the floor. (I was filled in my own home, I wouldnt act in such an unrestrained manner in a church service!) AND, by the way, I spoke in tongues, and still do so today. Others I have prayed for received much more quietly. Objection: I dont want tongues, Id rather have love. Answer: Love is a FRUIT of the Spirit; Galatians 5:22. But the fruit of the Spirit is love We are talking about the GIFT of the Holy Spirit. The ability to speak in tongues is a great blessing. Though the apostle Paul downplays the unrestrained speaking in tongues during a church service, he says some very good things about this practice.

1 Cor. 14 : 2, We speak mysteries in the Spirit. Verse 4, we build ourselves up spiritually. Vs. 5., The apostles writes: I wish that you ALL spoke in tongues. Vs. 16. We can praise God in tongues, and give Him thanks. All this shows the personal benefits of speaking in tongues. Paul does not devalue the practice; he seeks to regulate its use in a public meeting where prophecy-inspired utterance in the vernacular, is better; it is understood by all, and thus is all the more beneficial. Note: The Bible does not urge us to seek to speak in tongues. We are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is a consequence of, or a response to the

Spirits infilling. As such, it is greatly beneficial for the individual. As you exercise this gift it may open the door to more of the gifts of the Spirit in you life. The most joyous command - Be filled---(continuously)with the Holy Spirit. Another way of putting it Be under the influence of the Holy Spirit. If you have not yet been filled come to Jesus and drink.. If you have been filled, but have run drycome to Jesus, and drink again. Remember the promise: Everyone who asks, receives. Scriptures to encourage you to seek the Spirits fullness. Acts I:8. John7:37-39. Acts 2:1-4. Acts 4: 23-31.

Romans 8:26,27. Jude vs20. Luke 11: 5-13.

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