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This double-blast is initiated by recognizing three errors: [1]The assumption that the BHO ScandalSheet would not be easily

repopulated with fresh items following Congressional adjournment, [2]The resolve not to monitor MSNBC; and [3]The plan to limit the frequency of these blasts to once, daily. [1]Regarding the BHO Scandal-Sheet, Linda Rosen notes there are as many as twodozen distinct categories, utilizing a more expansive model [congruent with prior assertions in these blasts] that addresses their overlap. Therefore, this compilation prioritizes overnight essays themed upon overt-corruption admixed with the covertcorruption to be remedied by defunding ObamaCare [which democrats-are increasingly uncomfortable that they own], and then complements them by noting what has been arriving in torrents, throughout the day. [2]Regarding the irrelevancy of MSNBC/Politico, noted this-a.m. was the continuation of GOP-bashing focused on GOP-16 potential-candidates. The ambient complaint was to lambaste the boring POTUS-16 candidates except when pausing to praise the lib, Christie. [3]Regarding the data-onslaught, these blasts cannot yet issue only once daily; indeed, it has become necessary to split [somewhat arbitrarily] the concepts to be conveyed [as other professional work is multitasked], inasmuch as some require expository exploration and, thus, arent conducive to simply being hyperlinked. Look at it this way: if the reader is sensing information-overload, imagine what the compiler has experienceddailyduring recent weeksas these blasts have been disseminated. It is absolutely necessary to spur leaders to recognize that this call-to-arms [ted-Cruzs-latest-freedomminute] has gone viral [and even the discredited Rubio is claiming if-youre-willing-to-fund-ObamaCare, you-cant-possibly-say-youre-against-it]. Therefore, it remains vital to prompt politicians to commit to the simple task of defunding ObamaCareand then to WIN THE ARGUMENT by remembering not to blink when unjustly/viciously attacked [for insensitivity, racism, divisiveness, ideological-purity, etc.]. For surcease, listen to the levity @ this site [NewsBusted 8/06/13] and then double the resolve to act.

BHOs Scandal-Sheet Benghazi. Valerie Jarretts having functioned as Commander-in-Chief [obama-bin-busted: the-story-ofleading-from-behind-and-his-backseat-driver] is again being ignored by the media, perhaps due to theother-Benghazi-scandal: journalists-worry-covering-the-attack-threatens-white-house-access. In any case, as the PRESS CORPS IGNORES CNN'S BENGHAZI STORY AT WH PRESS BRIEFING, Politicos claim that the Media Didn't Ignore Benghazi has been thoroughly debunkedas desperation emerges-in-the-

benghazi-coverupwhich may be compounded by the fact that the man behind the film blamed for the Benghazi attack is speaking out, as the imprisoned-innocence-of-muslims-producer-[nakoula-nakoula] claims i-want-the-world-to-see-the-truth! AG-Holder. Seven-more-reasons-to-impeach-Eric-holder have been distilled. NSA. A Police State exists when multiple entities [USPS, DOE, IRS, FEC, GSA, DEA, FBI, NSA, DoS, DoD] are known to be Spying on all Americans without warrants. IRS. A BHO mega-donor provided a nice new job for staffer who set up admin. IRS meetings. Meanwhile, Guzzardi reports that government needs the taxpayer's trust or it risks facing the fate that befell King George III; he posits that politics [standard-operating-procedure in Congress] must not overcome principle [recalling when Nixon had simply threatened to invoke a politicized-RS]. He wonders whether the IRS scandals [a cancer on the body politic] will be thoroughly investigated by Congress by invoking the 1998 Taxpayer Bill of Rights [part of the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act], which was enacted after Congress faced outraged taxpayers; while many of its provisions were rather superficial in application or ignored in practice, the IRS was specifically required to terminate an employee if certain violations were proven [notwithstanding the somewhat-misleading headline] citing these five excerpts from what are known in professional tax circles as the "10 Deadly Sins" [particularly the latter-two]: Number 2 Providing a sworn false statement under oath in a material matter concerning a taxpayer. Number 3 employees. Violating the constitutional rights or discriminating against taxpayers or

Number 4 Falsifying or destroying documents to cover a mistake made by any employee with respect to a matter involving a taxpayer. Number 6 Violating the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations or the policies of the IRS (including the Internal Revenue Manuel) for the purposes of retaliating or harassing a taxpayer, taxpayer representative or other employee. Number 7 Willfully misusing of Internal Revenue Code section 6103 to conceal information from Congressional inquiry.

BHOs Economic Debacle Jobs. The Great Obama Depression is characterized by chronic un-/under-employment, even as Teachers tell protesting unions to shove their dues and rules. It is recognized by everyone except BHOs acolytes that there-is-no-jobs-recovery, as it is dawning on people that it is necessary to Fight For American Jobs [rather than allowing for open-borders]with the question framed properly as Immigration Reform versus Unemployed America. BHOs Administrative-Corruption. Consonant with how Democrats use Federal Agencies to Influence Politics, is the generation of U-S-Debt-Obligations-totaling-$70-Trillion; for example, $500-millioninvestment-in-green-job-training-yielded-neither-green-jobs-nor-trainees [Stephen Moore having noted thatunder the ridiculous definition of green jobseven lobbyists who lobby for more green job subsidies count as having green jobs]. This phenomenon has infested Detroit and threatens Chicago, for Public Debt could even cause nycs-good-times-to-sour-like-detroits, bloomberg-warns. ObamaCare. As the maryland-gop-gubernatorial-candidate-bashed-ObamaCare-as-an-insurer-fled-thestate, Projected Premium Increases by State have been compiled [Pennsylvania = 39%]; meanwhile, a small-business-survey dramatized what everyone knows, namely, that uncertainty precludes full-time hiring and, indeed, in reaction thereto, a Bill has been Introduced to End ObamaCare Incentive that's causing Workers' Hours to be Slashed [with this curious/somewhat-false observation included in this puff-piece: The Forty Hours is Full Time Act of 2013 mirrors a bipartisan Senate bill (S. 701) cosponsored by another *Democrat*, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.]. Pennnsylvania. These economic forces affect statewide politics, as D-oriented messaging is constantly emitted [e.g., 18-million-across-pa-are-projected-to-feel-cut-in-food-aid] as the GOPs Corbett fails to use his bully-pulpit to combat this D.C.-inspired indoctrination [as BHO so-effectively does]; meanwhile, Corbetts inability to resolve key-issues [Pension bomb, Transportation bill, State-Store sale, Right-toWork philosophy] is projected to continue [metcalfe-corbett-spat-presages-upcoming-legislativedifficulty]. Now that the sandusky-scandal-is-known-to-have-cost-psu-close-to-$48m and AG-Kanes brutal assessment of the performance of Corbett while AG pends [themed on insufficient trooperassignment for inordinate time-frame], it has been noted that Kane-would-be-sestaks-toughest-2016opponent in a senate-primary against incumbent-Toomey.

Politics. Perhaps anticipating Sarahs competing for the Alaska-Senate next year, public-policy-pollingasked-alaskans-if-they-can-see-russia-from-their-houses [overtly trying to discredit herdespite the fact that she never uttered this quote]; just as is occurring big-time with Cruz, the Media are again attempting to diminish the potential impact [via ridicule, la Alinsky] of a true-conservative. Meanwhile, Guzzardi sounded the RINO-ALERT regarding LOBBYIST christine-todd-whitman. POTUS-16. As Chelsea-Signals-She-May-Run-for-Office [Im-Purposely-Leading-More-Public-Life.], Pollsters have found seemingly-contradictory moods among Ds; HRC tops two lists [the nominee both most-wanted and least-wanted in 2016, per Rasmussen. On the R-side, compiled have been 73-rulesfor-running-for-president-as-a-republican and, perhaps as an offshoot, the RNC Demanded CNN/NBC Pull Hillary documentary; it has been suggested that the the rncs threat to boycott big media debates is brilliant, noting: [I]deological candidate debates, put on by right-wingers, might be more interesting than the "MSM" debates. Ten questions from Fred Kagan or Ed Meese are more likely to burrow into the GOP's philosophy than 10 questions from Handsome Cable Host of the Week. Indeed, though it was seen as a snoozer at the time, the think tank-sponsored debate of 2011 was the only one that got candidates on the record on drones and PATRIOT renewal. Let's not be Pollyannas, though. This is a popular campaign among Republicans not because they want harder questions, but because they mistrust the press and think they let candidates be exploited for ratings in 2011-2012. "Why in the world would this be a bad idea?" one former candidate spokesman told me. "Chris Matthews and Piers Morgan should never moderate a GOP debate. It's impossible for them to be objective. It is like a child with their parents' credit card in a toy store they just can't help themselves." Media. In this regard, the flux @ CNN is notable, as per the RNCs threat (vide supra); although Newt has started prepping for his contribution to the exhumed CrossFire by ditching neoconservatism, evencnn-is-getting-fed-up-with-jay-carneys-attempts-at-deflection, Jake Tapper is revealing key-stories, and pregnant Erin Barnett has always appeared professional (even when on MSNBCyears agowhen reporting for a brief minutes on business @ 8:35 a.m.)].

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