ABQ Journal Letter To Editor

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A Link to the referenced article: http://www.abqjournal.com/224147/opinion/letswalk-the-walk-on-being-businessfriendly.


A Better Way to Restore NM Economy

Jon Hausman Albuquerque Resident

Like Robert Monday, and all New Mexicans, I am very concerned with the prospects of our states economy. In his letter to the editor Lets walk the walk on being business-friendly appearing on July 22nd, Mr. Monday offered a few suggestions to Senator Tim Keller on how to boost New Mexicos economic prospects. I fear that if we take the steps Mr. Monday suggested, we will place our state in an even more dire situation than we are in today. Mr. Monday begins by asking why parents do not value education and encourage children to succeed? Undoubtedly, education is critical to a childs success in life and the success of our states economy. So, rather than unfairly blaming all parents for their philosophical indifference to a quality education, I would turn your attention to one parent who has made it clear in the past 3 years that she has no concern with progressing education nor the economy of our state. Since 2011, New Mexico has seen some of the deepest cuts to an already struggling education system, and Gov. Susana Martinez hasnt shown any interest in supporting a system that Mr. Monday and I value so much and agree is critical to a strong New Mexican economy. Mr. Monday says that Gov. Martinez and Mayor Richard Berry have stood head and shoulders above their predecessors and seem to be working hard at moving our state forward, Id ask him then, for his definition of moving our state forward because from where most New Mexicans are standing Martinez and Berry are doing the exact opposite. If our Governor was concerned with education and our economy, would she appoint a Secretary of Education who hasnt taught a day in her life? Would she force school districts to add 5 to 10 more students per class? Or would she force our hard working teachers to pay for school supplies, as their already underfunded districts cant afford them? And would she veto a bill that would increase the pay of hardworking New Mexicans a bill passed by both the state house and senate?

Sorry but the verdict is back on this one. Demos, a non-partisan public policy center, has just released a study proving an increased minimum wage pulls families out of poverty, creates jobs and adds billions to the economy. I also wonder by how many heads and shoulders she stands above her predecessor after just being named by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington as one of the worst Governors in America amid her current FBI investigation? And in Albuquerque we arent faring much better. I personally wouldnt call progress losing nearly 20,000 jobs in the last 4 years a number that has put us among the worst of all municipalities in the country. Maybe it was hard to hear the termination packets hitting the table over the shots being fired across the city and the whine of Department of Justice sirens following close behind. Rather than mock Sen. Keller and his peers who have continued to work on legislation like the wage increase that will in fact help our economy, maybe Mr. Monday should take some time to review his ideas for economic growth. The suggestion to pass Right to Work legislation and breaking public unions is not the answer. Id urge him to look at the facts on this one. How could New Mexico benefit from passing legislation that has created higher poverty rates and lower median wages like Right to Work has done in other states? And lets not forget the benefits that teachers unions play in our childrens education. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, our countrys most proficient students in reading and math do not live in Right to Work states. In fact a Right to Work state doesnt even crack the top 10. We need new blood, Mr. Monday says, and on this I do agree. Lets put leaders in office who are actually concerned with whats most important: jobs, education, higher wages and lifting New Mexico out of poverty.

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