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Accepted Manuscript

Title: From gaze cueing to dual eye-tracking: Novel

approaches to investigate the neural correlates of gaze in
social interaction

Author: Ulrich J. Pfeiffer Kai Vogeley Leonhard Schilbach

PII: S0149-7634(13)00188-7
Reference: NBR 1815

To appear in:

Received date: 10-4-2013

Revised date: 16-7-2013
Accepted date: 26-7-2013

Please cite this article as: Pfeiffer, U.J., Vogeley, K., Schilbach, L., From gaze
cueing to dual eye-tracking: Novel approaches to investigate the neural correlates
of gaze in social interaction, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews (2013),

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From gaze cueing to dual eye-tracking: Novel approaches to

investigate the neural correlates of gaze in social interaction

Ulrich J. Pfeiffer1*, Kai Vogeley1,2, Leonhard Schilbach1

Neuroimaging Group, Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Cologne, Kerpener Strasse

62, 50937 Cologne


Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine – Cognitive Neuroscience (INM3), Research Center

Juelich, Leo-Brandt Strasse, 52428 Juelich


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*Correspondence should be addressed to:

Ulrich J. Pfeiffer, Neuroimaging Group, Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Cologne,

Kerpener Strasse 62, 50937 Cologne, mail:, phone : +49 (0)221 478



Tracking eye-movements provides easy access to cognitive processes involved in visual and

sensorimotor processing. More recently, the underlying neural mechanisms have been examined

by combining eye-tracking and functional neuroimaging methods. Apart from extracting visual

information, gaze also serves important functions in social interactions. As a deictic cue, gaze can
be used to direct the attention of another person to an object. Conversely, by following other

persons’ gaze we gain access to their attentional focus, which is essential for understanding their

mental states. Social gaze has therefore been studied extensively to understand the social brain. In

this endeavor, gaze has mostly been studied from an observational perspective using static

displays of faces and eyes. However, there is growing consent that observational paradigms are

insufficient for an understanding of the neural mechanisms of social gaze behavior, which

typically involve active engagement in social interactions. Recent methodological advances have

allowed increasing ecological validity by studying gaze in face-to-face encounters in real-time.

Such improvements include interactions using virtual agents in gaze-contingent eye-tracking

paradigms, live interactions via video feeds, and dual eye-tracking in two-person setups. These

novel approaches can be used to analyze brain activity related to social gaze behavior. This

review introduces these methodologies and discusses recent findings on the behavioral functions

and neural mechanisms of gaze processing in social interaction.

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Social interaction, gaze, eye-tracking, joint attention, hyperscanning, mentalizing, autism

1. Introduction

1.1 The special case of gaze in social cognition

Whenever we look at a face, the eyes are the primary and most consistent target of our visual

attention from early infancy on (Haith et al., 1977; Walker-Smith et al., 1977). Despite the

emergence of other means to navigate the social world (e.g. language), gaze remains a crucial cue

system for our understanding of others throughout adulthood and serves a variety of social-

cognitive functions beyond mere visual detection (e.g. Frischen et al., 2007). It has been related

to the seeking of information, signaling interpersonal attitudes, regulating the synchronicity of


speech during dialogue, and it plays a significant role in the regulation of interpersonal distance

(Argyle et al., 1973; George and Conty, 2008). Furthermore, the eye region provides information

related to a person’s identity, emotional state, and focus of visual attention. The latter is a result

of the unique morphology of the human eye (Kobayashi and Kohshima, 2001): Non-human

primates generally have darkened eyes which makes it difficult to distinguish the iris from the

surrounding sclera. In contrast, the human eye is characterized by an exposed, depigmentated

sclera surrounding the dark-colored iris. The development of these features facilitates the
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detection of the gaze direction of other individuals (Emery, 2000), which provides an important

cue to the thoughts of others regarding entities in a shared environment and thereby to their

mental states. Accordingly, social gaze has been termed a ‘window into social cognition’

(Shepherd, 2010). Hence, the behavioral functions and neural mechanisms of gaze behavior are

of interest not only for neuroscience, but for a wide range of disciplines encompassing social

psychology, linguistics, human-computer interaction, as well as developmental and evolutionary


1.2 Non-interactive methods to study social gaze

Until recently, gaze behavior in social contexts has been studied using comparably static
methods. A large body of the literature has relied on gaze-cueing paradigms in which the

influence of a static gaze cues on attentional processing is examined (e.g. Frischen et al., 2007;

Langton et al., 2000). In these paradigms, an attentional cue towards a certain object or location

is exerted by a picture of a real face (e.g. Hood et al., 1998; Mason et al., 2005), a virtual agent

(e.g. Nuku and Bekkering, 2008; Pelphrey et al., 2003), or simply a symbolic drawing (e.g.

Friesen and Kingstone, 1998). This approach has proven extremely helpful in unraveling the

effects of social orientation on attentional processing. Another class of studies has used more

dynamic stimulus materials including videos of real persons or virtual agents moving their eyes

towards or away from a participant (e.g. Kuzmanovic et al., 2009; Pelphrey et al., 2004;

Schilbach et al., 2006; von dem Hagen et al., 2013). These experiments have often been

complemented by concurrent recordings of participants’ eye-movements using eye-tracking

devices which can be applied in behavioral as well as functional imaging settings. While such

‘diagnostic’ eye-tracking (Duchowski, 2007) provides insights about a person’s focus of visual

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attention, further important cues to cognitive and affective processes can be obtained by

pupillometry (Granholm and Steinhauer, 2004; Laeng et al., 2012). For example, it has been

shown that increases of pupil diameter correlates with switches of attention (e.g. Karatekin et al.,

2004), increases in cognitive load and task difficulty (e.g. Kahneman and Beatty, 1966), motor

preparation (e.g. van der Molen et al., 1989), and emotional processing (e.g. Steinhauer et al.,

1983). As all these processes play a role in social interactions, pupil diameter is an important

source of information in studies of social cognition. However, all the methods mentioned above

have in common that they do not capture the interactive nature of real-world social cognition

(Schilbach et al., in press). One major aim of this review is therefore to present novel

methodological developments which allow studying gaze in truly interactive settings and to

integrate the findings obtained with these methods with previous research.

1.3 Motivation of this review


In the past, social cognition has been studied from a detached, observational perspective in tasks

involving inert social stimuli (offline cognition), which has led to a situation in which social

cognition is studied without actual social interaction in what has been termed ‘isolation

paradigms’ (Becchio et al., 2010). Recent claims emphasized that the active engagement with

others in interaction (online cognition) plays a particular role in understanding other minds

(Schilbach et al., in press) and might underlie the development of our ability to think about

others, rather than the other way round (Reddy and Morris, 2004). A growing number of

researchers has therefore postulated the study of social interaction from an interactor’s instead of

an observer’s point of view (e.g. Becchio et al., 2010; De Jaegher and Di Paolo, 2007; De Jaegher

et al., 2010; Froese and Fuchs, 2012; Hobson, 1991; Konvalinka and Roepstorff, 2012; Marsh et

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al., 2009; Pfeiffer et al., 2013; Reddy and Morris, 2004; Riley et al., 2011; Schilbach et al., in

press). The importance of studying behavior and neural activity in truly interactive contexts is

particularly important in studies of social gaze, because social gaze always involves two

individuals who are engaged with one another face-to-face and in real-time. In the last years, the

wealth of literature based on applying ‘conventional’ (i.e. non-interactive) methods to the study

of social gaze has been complemented by exciting methodological developments which allow

studying gaze in interaction These developments and related new insights into the neurobiology

of social gaze will be the focus of this review.

The structure of this review is as follows. In chapter 2, a brief overview is provided

regarding the function and processing of gaze in social contexts. Results reviewed in this part
have been obtained with conventional (i.e. non-interactive) methods. Emery (2000) has identified

mutual gaze, gaze aversion, gaze-following, joint attention, and shared attention as the core

processes constituting what will be termed social gaze throughout this article. This chapter does

not represent a comprehensive review but rather provides an overview and update of key aspects

of social gaze that have been discussed in more detail elsewhere (e.g. Carlin and Calder, in press;

Emery, 2000; George and Conty, 2008; Haxby et al., 2002; Itier and Batty, 2009; Langton et al.,

2000; Nummenmaa and Calder, 2009; Shepherd, 2010). In chapter 3, the major focus of this

article will then be on novel research methods which can be used to disentangle the neural

mechanism underlying gaze behavior in dynamic, real-time social interactions – an aspect that is

greatly underrepresented in the current literature. In chapter 4, novel findings obtained with

interactive techniques are discussed and integrated with previous research to provide a detailed

picture of the neural mechanisms supporting joint attention, which has been described as the most

pivotal non-verbal skill enabling an understanding of other minds (e.g. Clark, 1996; Mundy and

Newell, 2007; Tomasello et al., 2005). Chapter 5 discusses new insights into impairments of
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gaze-based social interactions in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is a developmental

disorder which is characterized by deficits in communication and social interaction (Baron-Cohen

and Belmonte, 2005). In particular, impairments in social gaze and the underlying neural

mechanisms are characteristic for ASD (e.g. Dalton et al., 2005; Pelphrey et al., 2005; von dem

Hagen et al., 2013). The study of interactive gaze behavior in ASD might hence provide a key to

understanding the core deficits of this disorder. Eventually, chapter 6 discusses a putative

neurofunctional model of gaze in interaction on the basis of the previous chapters before a brief

outlook to future research is given to conclude the review.

2. The core processes of social gaze

2.1. Mutual gaze


Any gaze-based interaction starts with two individuals looking at each other, a situation referred

to as mutual (or direct) gaze (Fig. 1A). Mutual gaze illustrates a key feature of social gaze,

namely that perception and action are coupled in single acts of looking (Gibson and Pick, 1963).

Moreover, it represents a situation in which we mutually perceive an action through an identical


action. Consistently, numerous studies have found that direct gaze is a powerful modulator of

cognition – a phenomenon referred to as the ‘eye-contact effect’ (Senju and Johnson, 2009). For

example, it has been shown that faces displaying direct gaze are spotted faster among distractor

items (von Grünau and Anston, 1995) and memorized better than faces with averted gaze (Mason

et al., 2004). Direct gaze also speeds up the identification of faces and facial expressions (Adams

Jr. and Kleck, 2005) and has a positive effect on our judgment of the attractiveness of other

persons (Mason et al., 2005), and the likeability of objects associated with them (Strick et al.,
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2008). Most importantly, however, mutual gaze serves as an ostensive cue: it signals

communicative intent and ‘opens the channel’ for social interaction (Cary, 1978). A recent model

by Senju and Johnson (2009) proposes that on the neural level the eye contact effect is brought

about by a subcortical ‘fast-lane’ via the amygdala and low-level visual areas including the

superior colliculus and the pulvinar. This subcortical mechanism is supposed to modulate social

brain areas involved in the detection of gaze direction, such as the superior temporal sulcus

(STS), and intentionality, such as the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the temporo-parietal

junction (TPJ). The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) administrates current task demands

further manipulating this system in a top-down manner (see Fig. 2 for an overview of brain

regions involved in the processing of social gaze).

2.2. Averted gaze and gaze-following

The perception of averted gaze is a prominent cue signaling that another individual’s attention is

not directed at oneself but at another person or object in the environment (Fig. 1A). Studies using

Posner-task-like gaze cueing paradigms have demonstrated that the detection of averted gaze

results in a shift of visuo-spatial attention by means of reflexive gaze-following behavior (Fig.


1B) even when a gaze cue is counter-predictive of a target (cf. Shepherd, 2010). The detection of

gaze direction is associated with activation of the STS, which is commonly separated into an

anterior and a posterior region (a/pSTS). Neuroimaging studies have consistently reported the

pSTS to encode the perceived gaze direction of other individuals (cf. Nummenmaa and Calder,

2009). In a seminal study, participants watched video sequences in which an animated virtual

agent walked toward them and either expressed mutual or averted gaze when passing them

(Pelphrey et al., 2004). Mutual gaze resulted in greater activation of the pSTS than averted gaze,

thereby suggesting that this region encodes approach and avoidance associated with direct and

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averted gaze, which might play a role in the detection of communicative intent. However, in

recent years it was shown that the aSTS encodes gaze direction in a more fine-grained fashion

than the pSTS (Carlin and Calder, in press). While the pSTS responds rather generally to the

direction of attention and is not only activated by perceived gaze direction but also by other

forms of biological motion (Redcay, 2008), the aSTS contains neural populations encoding gaze

direction independently of head direction and physical features of faces (Carlin et al., 2012,

2011). It has therefore been suggested that there is a posterior-to-anterior specialization for gaze

direction which is increasingly invariant to gaze-irrelevant features (Carlin and Calder, in press).

There is evidence that in addition to its role in the general processing of gaze and head direction,

the pSTS is also sensitive to the social context in which a gaze shift occurs. This has been shown

in an experiment, where participants watched brief video clips in which a visual stimulus
appeared to the left or right side of a virtual agent looking at them. The agent then either shifted

its gaze towards the stimulus or towards the blank side. Whenever the agent’s response was

incongruent, activity in the right pSTS was increased. As a visual stimulus should evoke more

interest than a blank space, the shift away from the stimulus violated participants’ expectations

regarding the agent’s behavior. It was therefore concluded that the pSTS is involved in analyzing

intentions expressed by gaze shifts (Pelphrey et al., 2003).


2.3. Joint attention

Following another individual’s gaze to a novel focus of visual attention creates a situation of joint

attention (JA, Fig. 1C). In contrast to a situation of coincidental looking, the follower is aware of

sharing the gazer’s focus of attention in joint attention. However, according to Emery (2000), JA

does not require the gazer to be aware of the follower’s reaction. Based on this, a distinction has

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been made between joint and shared attention (SA), with the latter requiring both individuals to

be aware of focusing on the same object and on each other (Fig. 1D). However, most researchers

commonly use the term JA to denote situations that would actually fall into Emery’s definition of

SA (e.g. Carpenter et al., 1998; Redcay et al., 2012b; Saito et al., 2010; Schilbach et al., 2010;

Tomasello et al., 2005). To avoid confusion, in the present article we will also use the term JA to

denote situations involving mutual awareness. JA is a particularly interesting aspect of social

gaze. While mutual gaze and gaze-following represent dyadic processes involving two

individuals, it represents a triadic interaction involving a ‘referential triangle’ of two individuals

and some third entity (e.g. object, person, location etc.) in the environment (Carpenter et al.,

1998). As people look where they attend and where they intend to act, JA is considered a

fundamental developmental milestone and essential to an understanding of other minds (Fig. 1E).
In light of the importance of this capacity, two previous functional neuroimaging studies have

addressed the neural basis of JA, but have done so without the use of interactive eye-tracking

technologies. Materna et al. (2008) found that engaging in JA by following another individual’s

gaze cue to an object recruited the pSTS, which is consistent with studies on the perception of

gaze direction. More importantly, these authors demonstrated that this activation is specific for

gaze cues, while symbolic cues recruit the IPS which is more generally implicated in re-directing

spatial attention. Another study reported activity in the mPFC while participants engaged in JA

coincidentally (Williams et al., 2005). The mPFC is a well-known key region of the ‘social brain

network’ consistently activated across a wide range of mentalizing tasks (Amodio and Frith,

2006), thereby suggesting a direct link between JA and the inference of mental states. An

important distinction has been introduced between responding to a bid for JA (RJA) by following

someone’s gaze and initiating JA (IJA) by making another individual follow one’s own gaze

(Mundy and Newell, 2007). Importantly, IJA is not to be confused with initiating behavioral
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regulation (IBR) which has been numbered among joint attentional skills in infants by some

researchers (e.g. Leavens and Racine, 2009). IBR refers to the operationalization of others to

achieve a behavioral goal by protoimperative gestures – e.g. when infants point towards an object

that is out of reach (Bates et al., 1975). Although IBR represents an expression of personal

intentions, it does not necessarily require shared intentionality as it is the case in IJA. Whereas

IBR and RJA can also be observed in non-human primates, IJA is believed to represent a

uniquely human capacity (Moll and Tomasello, 2007; Tomasello and Carpenter, 2005; but see

Leavens and Racine, 2009 for a different interpretation). Moreover, children with autism are

relatively intact in their ability to follow gaze, while they do not initiate the sharing of perceptual

experience themselves (Mundy, 2003). Despite a wealth of developmental studies, neuroimaging

literature on JA is still sparse. Due to the lack of interactive technologies, the problem researchers
were facing until today was that they could only address RJA by using gaze-cueing procedures in

static experimental designs. However, this did neither capture the reciprocal nature of JA, nor did

it allow for disentangling differences in the neural mechanisms subserving IJA and RJA. The

next chapter shall therefore introduce the use of interactive eye-tracking paradigms in the study

of JA before the neural mechanisms of JA are discussed.


3. Gaze in interaction: Novel methods and findings

Until present, the majority of studies on social gaze made use of gaze-cueing paradigms and other

experimental designs in which static stimuli were presented to participants. While these studies

provided important insights into the neural mechanisms of social gaze, they failed to capture an

essential aspect of real-life social encounters, in which a person cannot only react to another
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individual’s gaze behavior, but also has the opportunity to initiate social interaction and to

observe reactions to their own gaze behavior (Schilbach et al., in press). In sum, real-time social

interactions in everyday life are characterized by reciprocity and interdependence of actions

rather than by simple stimulus-response patterns. The following chapters describe four types of

experimental setups, which allow the study of gaze-based interaction face-to-face and in real-time

as well as the findings obtained using these approaches: In chapter 3.1, the application of virtual

reality techniques for the study of interactive gaze is introduced. Subsequently, chapter 3.2

discusses findings obtained with live video-feeds of real interaction partners. Results from fMRI

and EEG hyperscanning studies which allow acquisition and analysis of neural activity of both

interaction partners are discussed in chapters 3.3 and 3.4, respectively. In chapter 3.5, the

different approaches are compared and evaluated.

3.1. Gaze-based interaction in virtual environments

The first group of setups makes use of virtual reality technologies to create more realistic

interactions. Although such gaze-contingent eye-tracking has already been used in human-

computer interaction and marketing previously (Duchowski et al., 2004), it has only recently

found its way into social neuroscience: Wilms and colleagues (2010) created a paradigm that

allows participants to interact with anthropomorphic virtual agents (i.e. virtual characters with

realistic human features) on a computer screen via their eye-movements (Fig. 3A). This allows

participants not only to react to the agent, but also to observe the agent moving its eyes in a gaze-

contingent fashion – that is, in response to their own gaze behavior as this would occur in

everyday social encounters. Various studies have demonstrated that the interaction with

anthropomorphic agents results in comparable reactions and social behaviors as real human

interactions. For example, socially induced inhibition as well as facilitation of task performance

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cannot only be observed in the presence of another person, but also in the presence of human-

controlled avatars (Hoyt et al., 2003). Likewise, participants’ regulation of interpersonal distance

and approach behavior is comparable in immersive virtual environments and real social

encounters (Bailenson et al., 2003). It was also demonstrated that participants displayed empathic

concern for virtual agents in distressful situations, thereby demonstrating that encounters with

virtual characters readily elicit prosocial behavior (Gillath et al., 2008). Another study revealed

that the simulation of gaze behavior by virtual characters in face-to-face interactions results in

similar experiences of social presence and intimacy as real gaze behavior (Bente et al., 2007).

Taken together, these studies demonstrate the usability of virtual agents in research on social


In a seminal study, this method of applying gaze-contingent social stimuli was used to

investigate the neural correlates of IJA and RJA as well as self- and other-initiated non-joint

attention (NJA) in a combined eye-tracking and fMRI experiment (Schilbach et al., 2010).

Participants received the instruction that they would participate in an interactive game with

another person outside the scanner. They were informed that the eye-movements of the other

were displayed by a virtual agent and that the other would see a similar visualization of their own

gaze behavior (Fig. 3A). The experiment employed a 2x2 design with the factors ‘initiation’ (self

vs. other) and ‘gaze reaction’ (JA vs. NJA). In the self-condition, their task was to direct the gaze

of the other to an object by fixating it. The virtual agent was programmed to either follow their

gaze or avert its gaze to another object, thereby engaging in JA or NJA, respectively. In the

other-condition, the agent initiated situations of JA and NJA. Importantly, the algorithm required

participants to establish mutual gaze at the beginning of each trial. Prior to each interaction block,

participants were cued whether it was their turn to initiate or to respond. Independent of who

initiated the interaction, JA was associated with activation of the mPFC, while NJA recruited a
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fronto-parietal network related to the voluntary control of visual attention. Interestingly,

activation of the mPFC was higher during RJA as compared to IJA. This is consistent with results

of a previous study which demonstrated that the reaction to another person’s gaze cues recruits

the same area (Williams et al., 2005). The mPFC is consistently recruited whenever we reason

about other person’s mental states (Amodio and Frith, 2006). The observed increase in mPFC

while we follow another person’s gaze to a location of her interest is therefore likely to reflect an

increased demand for mentalizing. Most intriguingly, however, results indicated that the

successful initiation of JA recruited the ventral striatum, a pivotal component of the brain’s

reward system. Moreover, the strength of the BOLD signal in this region correlated with

pleasantness ratings of IJA in a post-experiment questionnaire. Interestingly, it has previously

been argued that JA is not only characterized by its functional role of establishing perceptual
common ground, but also by an intrinsic motivation to share (Tomasello et al., 2005). The finding

that the engagement of others in JA recruits the reward system can therefore be seen as providing

first-time evidence for a neural mechanism underlying this intrinsic motivation.

In the meantime, several behavioral studies have applied interactive eye-tracking


paradigms to study cognitive processes underlying self-initiated gaze behavior. These are

sketched briefly here because of their potential to inform future neuroimaging studies. For

instance, in what the authors called a ‘non-verbal Turing test’, it was recently shown that

participants discriminate a human interaction partner from a computer program based on the

degree a virtual character engages in JA, thereby demonstrating that we have a natural

expectation of others following our gaze and to engage in JA (Pfeiffer et al., 2011). Another

study used a gaze-contingent setup to explore the ‘microstructure’ of JA and SA (Pfeiffer et al.,

2012). Results demonstrated that the latency of a gaze-following reaction needs to fall into a

certain temporal range to be perceived as contingent upon one’s own behavior. Furthermore, the
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self-initiated establishment of SA requires more gaze shifts between an agent and an object as

compared to JA, thereby arguing that these phenomena are indeed two different cognitive

processes as suggested by Emery (2000). It has also be shown that the successful initiation of JA

resulted in differences in dwell time on faces, facilitated looking back at the faces, and resulted in

preference for faces that had previously engaged in JA in comparison to faces that had not

(Bayliss et al., 2012). Finally, novel studies have also started to investigate individuals’ sense of

agency and self-regulation of social gaze in virtual social contexts (Grynszpan et al., 2011, 2012).

In sum, these behavioral approaches and findings provide a wealth of opportunities for further

neuroimaging studies based on gaze-contingent social stimuli.


3.2. Gaze-based interaction via live video feeds

The use of virtual agents in interactive eye-tracking paradigms was paralleled by the development

of experimental setups allowing face-to-face interactions between a subject inside an MRI

scanner and an experimenter located outside the scanner in real-time (Redcay et al., 2010). This

was enabled by a live video feed of the face of an experimenter to a participant inside the scanner

whose gaze was monitored by an eye-tracker to enable the experimenter to monitor the

participant’s eye-movements on a dedicated screen (Fig. 3B). Similar to gaze-contingent eye-

tracking, live video setups had been previously used in other areas of research without making

their way into social-cognitive neuroscience yet (e.g. Murray and Trevarthen, 1985; Wellens,


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In the first of two crucial experiments, participants either engaged in live interactions with

the experimenter, or saw recordings of the experimenter’s behavior from earlier interactions. In

the live interactions, participants saw the experimenter and two containers with different objects

in them. Their task was to use their eye-movements either to prompt the experimenter to show

them the content of one of two containers, or to choose the correct container for an object the

experimenter was showing to them. Results indicated that live interactions were associated with

greater activity in areas that have been implicated in mentalizing, attention, and reward. Among

the mentalizing areas were the right TPJ, and anterior as well as posterior regions of the STS.

Additional activation of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), of the cuneus and of the cerebellum

suggested an increased demand of visual attention during live interaction. Furthermore, the

ventral striatum and the amygdala were activated, which suggests that live interaction recruits the
reward system. While this is generally consistent with the finding of increased striatal activation

during IJA, live interaction resulted in activation of the putamen rather than the nucleus

accumbens as describe earlier in the study by Schilbach and colleagues (2010). This points

towards potential differences in the exact nature of the reward processes involved in these two

situations (Delgado, 2007). In a second experiment comparing joint and solo attention,

participants engaged in a game in which they had to find an item in one of four locations on the

screen. In the JA condition, they received a gaze cue to the correct location by the experimenter.

In the solo attention condition, participants had to locate the object while the experimenter

disengaged from the interaction by closing her eyes. JA evoked greater activity in the pSTS and

the TPJ and to a lesser extent also in the aSTS and the mPFC. The activation of the pSTS is

consistent with previous studies on the detection of gaze direction (as discussed above), which is

a crucial component of responding to another individual’s bid for JA and has also been reported

in a previous study on responding to JA (Materna et al., 2008).

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In another study, Redcay and colleagues directly compared self- and other-initiated JA

using the same setup in which participants were instructed to play a game together with the

experimenter (Redcay et al., 2012b). Their task was to locate an object on the screen following

the gaze cue of the experimenter, or to help the experimenter to find the object by providing them

with a gaze cue. Again, a solo attention condition served as the control condition. The most

consistent activation for JA as compared to solo attention was observed in the right pSTS. This is

in line with previous studies that demonstrated the involvement of this region in RJA (Materna et

al., 2008; Redcay et al., 2012b). As it has been described above, the pSTS is crucially involved in

decoding the direction of another person’s gaze direction as well as the intention behind a gaze

shift, particularly in the context of social interactions (Nummenmaa and Calder, 2009). When

compared to a solo attention condition, both IJA and RJA also showed greater activation of the
dorsal mPFC (dmPFC) which is consistent with the results of other studies (Schilbach et al.,

2010; Williams et al., 2005) and is likely to reflect the sharing of attention that is necessary for

the inference of another individual’s mental states. During RJA, however, the ventral mPFC

(vmPFC) was activated to a greater extent as compared to IJA. This activation extended in the

mOFC, which is considered to be a principal component of the brain’s reward system. As the

gaze cue of the experimenter was a cooperative cue in the framework of a collaborative game

involving a joint intention (i.e. ‘finding the object together’), the authors argued that this

activation might be related to the anticipation of rewards. However, although there is some

evidence for the involvement of the mOFC in reward anticipation, a recent meta-analysis

demonstrated that it is more specifically involved in the subjective hedonic experience of reward

(Peters and Büchel, 2010). This activation could therefore rather be related to the experience of a

cooperative cue by another person per se. IJA recruited a fronto-parietal attention network

including the inferior parietal cortices and the inferior and middle frontal gyri, which is explained
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by greater attentional demands attributed to the voluntary initiation of JA in comparison to

following someone’s gaze. In the study cited above, this network was only recruited during NJA

(Schilbach et al., 2010). Although this discrepancy cannot be entirely clarified here, it might be

related to the explicit instruction to engage in NJA that participants received in the study by

Schilbach and co-workers (2010), while the control condition in the studies using live video feeds

was a solo attention condition in which the experimenter closed her eyes and thereby disengaged

from the interaction.

3.3. Gaze-based interaction in fMRI hyperscanning setups

The approaches discussed so far provide important insights into the neural mechanisms
supporting the engagement in gaze-based interactions within the brain of a single person.

However, it is conceivable that the neural processes within the brains of two interacting persons

are interdependent (Konvalinka and Roepstorff, 2012). A more complete understanding of the

mind in interaction would therefore require an analysis of two data sets collected at the same

time. This has been made possible by so-called hyperscanning paradigms, in which the brain

activity of two (or more) persons is measured simultaneously while they are engaged in social

interaction (Montague et al., 2002). Very recently, an fMRI hyperscanning setup using live video

feeds was introduced for the study of JA (Saito et al., 2010). In this setup, two interconnected

fMRI scanners were equipped with eye-tracking systems including infrared cameras capturing

participants’ eye regions (Fig. 3C). These video images were transferred to the upper half of the

screen of the other participant in real-time. The lower half was used for stimulus presentation

which consisted of two targets that were presented on the left and the right side of the screen.

Stimulus presentation, video transmission, and fMRI data acquisition were synchronized

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throughout the experiment. In a 2x2 design, participants’ task was to shift their gaze either

according to a gaze cue by the other participant or due to a color change by one of the targets (i.e.

gaze-cueing vs. target-cueing). In so-called concordant blocks, they had to look in the same

direction, whereas discordant blocks required a gaze shift to the opposite target. A condition in

which participants were instructed to engage in mutual gaze in the absence of the targets served

as a high-level baseline.

A first analysis aimed at unraveling the effects of gaze- versus target cueing without

differentiating between JA and NJA. Apart from visual association areas, dmPFC and right

inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) showed increased activity during all gaze-cued trials. When focusing

on RJA, however, the only region that was differentially activated was the intraparietal sulcus
(IPS). These results are somewhat at odds with previous studies on joint attention. For example,

other studies provide converging evidence that the mPFC is specifically activated in situation of

JA but not NJA, consistent with the previously described role of this region in inferring mental

states (Bristow et al., 2007; Materna et al., 2008; Redcay et al., 2010, 2012b; Schilbach et al.,

2010; Williams et al., 2005). Furthermore, the unspecific involvement of the rIFG appears

puzzling. The IFG is a component of the putative mirror neuron system which plays a role both

in the execution and in the observation of actions and has therefore been related to the

understanding of the intentions behind actions by means of shared representations (Rizzolatti and

Sinigaglia, 2010). Obviously, situations of JA result from subsequent gaze-shifts to the same

target by two individuals and thus might be considered to involve an imitative component which

potentially requires mirroring. If the IFG was specifically involved in gaze-cued shifts of

attention, this should become particularly obvious in situations of JA but not NJA. However, this

was not the case as the analysis of neural activity during RJA exclusively revealed activation of

the intraparietal sulcus (IPS). Materna and colleagues (2008) reported a similar IPS activation,
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but were able to show that this was independent of the type of cue which triggered participants’

gaze shifts (i.e., arrow vs. gaze). This finding is consistent with the domain-general function of

the IPS in reflexive and controlled shifts of attention (Corbetta and Shulman, 2002). In sum, the

activations reported by Saito and colleagues cannot be interpreted unequivocally in the light of

previous findings and hence warrant further investigation.

One potential reason for the discrepancies observed in the hyperscanning study and other

investigations of JA might be the application of different experimental designs (see also Redcay

and Saxe, 2013). Interestingly, however, this study is the first study on interactive gaze behavior

pointing towards an involvement of the putative mirror neuron system in joint attention. To

further explore this possibility, Saito and colleagues analyzed between-subject synchronization of
brain activity during the baseline condition in which participants engaged in mutual gaze. This

analysis indicated the rIFG as a locus of neural synchronization during the baseline task. This is

highly plausible considering that mutual gaze is a situation in which the observed and the

executed action are identical. The authors hence argue that rIFG activity could be the neural

correlate that is required for the establishment of communicative intent, thereby providing some

kind of ‘readiness potential’ for subsequent gaze-based interactions. Indeed, it has been shown

that the rIFG is more active during complimentary as compared to imitative actions (Newman-

Norlund et al., 2007). Although mutual gaze necessarily involves an imitative component it can

be assumed that it is understood as a complimentary action due to its social salience (Senju and

Johnson, 2009) and relevance in initiating communication (Cary, 1978) and joint actions (e.g.

Sebanz et al., 2006; Vuilleumier et al., 2005). Interestingly, also the duration of direct gaze

displayed by an interaction partner modulates rIFG activity. A recent study reported greater rIFG

activity when direct gaze was expressed for 4 seconds as compared to 1 second (Kuzmanovic et

al., 2009). In addition, these authors showed that likeability increases with increasing duration of
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direct gaze. The duration of baseline trials in the hyperscanning study was 4.5 seconds, which

might be taken to suggest that situations of mutual gaze need to persist for a certain time until the

mirror neuron system is activated. This might explain the lack of rIFG activation in other studies

of joint attention, in which mutual gaze was only briefly established (or not at all in the case of

mere gaze-cueing studies) before participants engaged in JA or NJA. Alternatively, it is

conceivable that rIFG activity might only be detected by analyzing between-brain

synchronization but not by analyzing brain activity of single subjects (Konvalinka and

Roepstorff, 2012). The findings by Saito and collaborators (2010) provide exciting first insights

into the neural mechanisms that are related to the actual actions involved in JA rather than to the

re-orienting of (social) attention or higher-order mentalizing processes. Nevertheless, due to the

uniqueness of these findings more research is needed in characterizing the role of the mirror
neuron system in social gaze (Schilbach, 2010).
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3.4. Gaze-based interaction in dual EEG setups


A more general drawback of fMRI scanning and hyperscanning is the low temporal resolution

due to the inertia of the BOLD response. Accordingly, it has been argued that this might make an

informative analysis of the neural processes supporting minute interactions between mutually

coordinated agents very difficult (Konvalinka and Roepstorff, 2012). For this reason, a recent

study has applied dual electroencephalography (dual-EEG or EEG hyperscanning) to study the

temporal dynamics of JA in live interactions (Lachat et al., 2012). This setup has the major

advantage over fMRI studies that it allows true social interactions in which two participants are

seated face-to-face with each other. Stimuli consisted of a circle of differently colored LEDs that

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were visible to both participants. Similar to the fMRI hyperscanning task, a 2x2 design was

chosen in which participants either engaged in JA or NJA in response to a gaze cue by their

interaction partner, or in response to one of the LEDs lighting up. EEG data acquisition and

stimulus presentation were synchronized throughout the experiment. Results revealed that gate-

cued JA resulted in the modulation in the alpha- and mu-rhythms, which have frequencies

between 11 and 13 Hz and are measured over parieto-occipital and centro-parietal regions,

respectively. Specifically the suppression of oscillation in the mu frequency band has previously

been related to activity in the mirror neuron system (Pineda, 2005), thereby suggesting that the

mirroring of gaze shifts is a crucial process involved in joint attention. As the analysis of dual

EEG studies is computationally demanding, there have been only few studies addressing social

interaction using this method. Interestingly, however, these studies suggest that mu rhythm
suppression is generally associated with inter-individual coordination in social interaction, for

instance during spontaneous imitation (Dumas et al., 2010) or during the coordination of finger

movements (Naeem et al., 2012; Tognoli et al., 2007).

Unfortunately, while providing exciting tools to study realistic interactions, none of the

hyperscanning studies contributed to disentangling the neural mechanisms subserving IJA and

RJA. In the fMRI study, this factor was not included as a variable of interest. In the dual EEG

study, the preselected unit of analysis was the time participants’ gaze dwelled on the object of

joint focus which made it impossible to address this aspect. Studies using a more fine-grained

experimental design and/or different temporal regions of interest would therefore be required to

exhaust the full potential of truly interactive setups. Finally, in order to unify data from fMRI and

EEG studies, a better localization of the anatomical sources of neuronal oscillations is needed.

Very recently, a dual magnetoencephalography (MEG) setup was developed for the study of real-

time social interaction (Baess et al., 2012). This provides exciting opportunities and might
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possibly help to close the gap between temporal and spatial resolution in studies on gaze-based


3.5. Evaluation of interactive approaches to the study of social gaze

All four approaches to the study of dynamic gaze-based interactions that have been discussed in

this article have advantages and disadvantages. FMRI hyperscanning has the advantage that it

allows face-to-face interactions while neural activity is recorded simultaneously from two brains.

A general problem is the methodological complexity and the costs involved in hyperscanning.

More specifically, a potential problem of the study by Saito and colleagues (2010) is that the

methods used for data analysis do not rely on general linear models commonly used in fMRI
studies, but instead on the inter-subject correlation of what the authors refer to as ‘innovations’.

These represent “the residual time courses of the neural activities obtained by modeling out the

task-related effects and other confounding effects” (Saito et al., 2010, p.2) and have previously

been used to model correlations between regional activity within single brains (Riera et al.,

2004). While this method has the advantage of incorporating the structure of the background

noise relating to intrinsic spontaneous activity, it has not been used before with the aim of

detecting inter-subject neural synchronization. Therefore, the results of the hyperscanning study

have to be taken with some caution and might not be easily comparable to the results of other

studies. Notwithstanding, the hyperscanning setup provides an exciting opportunity for studies on

JA in a highly realistic fashion.

At the moment, the only systems allowing true face-to-face interactions between two

participants are EEG hyperscanning setups (Babiloni and Astolfi, in press). Although the use of

live video feeds allows ecologically valid gaze-based interactions, no comparable possibilities

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exist for fMRI, which presently represents the most common method to study the neural

mechanisms of social interaction. However, the study of gaze behavior in interactions with live

faces is prone to substantial noise because gaze direction is only one - albeit powerful - cue out of

multiple facial cues conveying non-verbal information (Grant, 1969). Even slight changes in the

muscles controlling the eye region or the labial angles can result in differences in the perception

of a person (Ekman and Oster, 1979) and it has often been demonstrated that facial features and

facial configuration bias our impression of others (Berry and McArthur, 1986). Studies focusing

on gaze-based aspects of social interaction hence require strict control of these features which is

very difficult when an experimenter or actor functions as the interaction partner.

These complications can be overcome by using anthropomorphic virtual agents that have
been suggested to provide a highly efficient tool in the study of social interaction (Vogeley and

Bente, 2010). The use of virtual agents has the advantage that cues of interest can be isolated

while confounding variables can be neutralized (Fox et al., 2009). This enables examining the

effects of gaze reactions while other facial features such as emotional expressions or

attractiveness are kept constant. Furthermore, these features can be modulated in a step-by-step

fashion, for instance by pairing congruent gaze reactions with a smile, a frown, or an eye-blink.

Despite their usefulness, however, it is clear that the use of virtual reality techniques intrinsically

entails an abstraction from reality that cannot be neglected. A more specific caveat concerns the

potential application of virtual faces in research including persons with ASD. A study examining

the influence of stimulus type on visual exploration demonstrated that persons with ASD do not

show differences during the exploration of real and virtual faces (Hernandez et al., 2009).

However, a second study investigating changes in pupil size during the exploration of real faces,

virtual faces, and objects in children with ASD and healthy controls found pupil dilation during

the exposure to real faces but not virtual faces or objects in the ASD group, which has been
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attributed to increases in cognitive load (Martineau et al., 2011). Such changes in cognitive load

in the absence of behavioral differences indicate that caution needs to be applied when using

virtual agents to study social gaze in ASD.

Although both approaches have limitations, the decision between virtual and real

interactions is at the moment predominantly a decision between taking a bottom-up or a top-

down approach to the study of gaze-based interaction, respectively. A symbiosis of both

approaches might promise exciting possibilities. Recently, a dual eye-tracking setup was

introduced in which two individuals can engage in multimodal interactions via gaze cursors,

mouse movements, and verbal communication. While it does not provide a realistic visualization

of gaze, a more integrative approach to the integration of several channels of communication is
taken by this setup (Carletta et al., 2010). This system has inspired work in our group resulting in

the development of a system which enables two individuals to engage in gaze-based interaction

with each other while their gaze behavior is visualized by virtual agents (Barisic et al., 2013). For

a quantification of gaze parameters beyond gaze direction, this platform allows very fine-grained

behavioral measurements and allows describing interactive gaze behavior in terms of direction,

scan path length and area, number of saccades and fixations, fixation duration, and saccade

velocity. In comparison to other systems described here, this platform has the advantage that real-

time interactions between two individuals can be combined with the benefits and experimental

control provided by virtual reality methods and can possibly be used in future imaging studies.

4. The neural mechanisms of joint attention revisited

As interactive methods have in particular been used to study JA, the underlying neural
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mechanisms are re-evaluated in the following. This re-evaluation points towards commonalities

as well as discrepancies with respect to those mechanisms. For instance, only two of the studies

reported here have shown an involvement of the right TPJ (Redcay et al., 2012b, 2010). Studies

by Saxe and colleagues (for an overview see Saxe, 2006) emphasized the relevance of the TPJ in

differentiating the actual content of other people’s mental states by an inference of transient goals, beliefs,

or desires. Although it is possible that this area might have been recruited because participants interacted

with a live human whose face was fully visible and whose gaze behavior might not have been controlled

to the same extent a virtual character’s gaze could have been, this needs to be put to the test in future

studies. The same is true for the involvement of the mirror neuron system during JA which has

been suggested by both hyperscanning studies discussed above (Lachat et al., 2012; Saito et al.,

2010). These findings are neither consistent with results from passive viewing studies of JA
(Materna et al., 2008; Williams et al., 2005), nor are they comparable to other interactive eye-

tracking studies of JA (Redcay et al., 2012b, 2010; Schilbach et al., 2010). A vital question for

future studies will thus be to determine the parameters which influence recruitment and possibly

co-activations of cortical midline structures and regions of the mirror neuron system.

A region critically involved in JA is the mPFC, which is commonly divided into the

dmPFC and the vmPFC. The most reliable activation during JA was observed in the dmPFC

(Redcay et al., 2012b, 2010; Saito et al., 2010; Schilbach et al., 2010; Williams et al., 2005)

which is involved across a wide range of social-cognitive tasks requiring the inference of mental

states. Despite early evidence that the dmPFC is consistently active during mental state

attributions (e.g. Gallagher et al., 2000; Vogeley et al., 2001), later studies indicated that the

dmPFC is also activated during social interactions which do not require explicit mental state

attribution (Schilbach et al., 2010). One study measured neural activity in situations in which

participants were addressed either by direct gaze or by a voice calling their name showed that the

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intention to communicate engages the dmPFC independent of the modality used to convey the

intention (Kampe et al., 2003). Another study showed that the dmPFC was more active when

participants inferred other individuals’ communicative intentions than when they reasoned about

private intentions (Walter et al., 2004). The dmPFC was also differentially related when

participants observed animations of virtual agents directing their gaze at them and displaying

socially salient facial expression. This was not the case when participants observed the agent

directing this behavior at another person (Schilbach et al., 2006). In one study, the dmPFC was

more active during IJA as compared to RJA (Redcay et al., 2012b), which might be related to the

establishment of communicative intent. Taken together, the activation of the dmPFC appears to

provide a neural substrate enabling communication about the shared environment and hence

supports a ‘meeting of minds’ (Amodio and Frith, 2006). In contrast, the vmPFC was more active
during RJA than during IJA, which might reflect that being intentionally directed to a certain

location by another person is likely to involve more mentalizing as compared to leading


someone’s gaze (Redcay et al., 2012b; Schilbach et al., 2010). Nevertheless, the role of this

region is less clear at the moment, although the extension of the vmPFC cluster into the mOFC in

the second study by Redcay et al. (2012b) might be indicative of reward-related processes

triggered by the cooperative nature of the interaction partner’s gaze cues in the game-like context

of their study.

The involvement of the pSTS is less clear as only some of the studies examining JA have

shown increased activation of this region (Materna et al., 2008; Redcay et al., 2012b, 2010) while

others did not (Saito et al., 2010; Schilbach et al., 2010; Williams et al., 2005). This absence of

pSTS activation is surprising given the essential role of the pSTS in the decoding of the direction

as well as the underlying intentions of gaze shifts (Pelphrey and Morris, 2006). Redcay and

colleagues argue that this might be due to dissimilarities in the experimental designs – in
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particular in the control conditions – used in the different studies of JA (Redcay et al., 2012b). In

the studies by Redcay, the control condition consisted of disengagement of the experimenter from

the interaction, while there was an explicit instruction to look at the opposite object in the study

by Saito et al. (2010) or to look at one of two different objects in the study by Schilbach and co-

workers (2010). Despite the requirement of an anti-saccade to complete the task, participants still

need to coordinate their own behavior with a gaze cue presented by another person. Considering

the previously described role of the pSTS in processing other’s gaze direction in socially relevant

contexts, NJA might therefore result in equal recruitment of this area as JA. This suggests that the

pSTS is not specifically recruited for JA, but rather encodes the direction of gaze shifts bearing

communicative meaning. This is consistent with the broader role of the pSTS in the processing of

communicative cues that – depending on sensory modality and task demands – might be
modulated by network co-activations (Redcay, 2008). This has been taken to suggest that future

studies should focus on connectivity analyses to detect similarities and differences in STS

activation between different tasks (Hein and Knight, 2008).

Taken together, the mPFC and the pSTS appear to be central for the establishment of JA.

The activation of these areas may represent the cognitive aspects of JA, such as the detection of

gaze direction, the re-orientation of attention, and the inference of mental states. However, it has

been argued that JA requires a combination the cognitive mechanisms enabling us to engage in

JA and an intrinsic motivation to share attention and establish common ground with another

person – i.e. ‘a special motivation to feel and act and perceive together’ which is uniquely human

and develops during the first year of life (Tomasello et al., 2005, p.8). This emphasizes the

significance of the ventral striatal activation observed for self-initiated JA in one of the studies

(Schilbach et al., 2010). As the activation of the reward-system by a successful engagement of

others in JA might indeed foster the development of social interactions, this has been interpreted
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as the neural mechanism supporting the motivational aspect of JA. Consistent with this idea,

Redcay et al. demonstrated a role of the reward system during live versus pre-recorded

interactions (Redcay et al., 2010). As other studies on JA failed to report reward-related

neurocircuitry during JA, a final conclusion about the intrinsic motivational forces driving JA

cannot be drawn at present. In the following chapter, differences in the JA network in persons

with ASD are discussed.

5. Impairment of gaze-based interaction in autism spectrum disorders

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by deficits in communication, and social
interaction (Baron-Cohen and Belmonte, 2005). For instance, there is evidence that autistic

persons avoid the eye region during the visual inspection of faces (Pelphrey et al., 2002). Eye-

tracking experiments have revealed that autistic persons spent significantly less time fixating the

eye region of people as compared to non-autistic controls in passive viewing studies involving

social scenes (Klin et al., 2002). Furthermore, they have difficulties with interpreting gaze as a

non-verbal cue supporting the disambiguation of social scenes, thereby suggesting a more general

problem in using gaze as a tool to infer the mental states of others (Boraston and Blakemore,

2007). Interestingly, autistic children appear to be able to follow someone’s gaze, but tend to

spend less attention to congruent objects in a gaze-following task (Bedford et al., 2012). This

suggests that while core processes of social gaze can be functional, they might be driven by

different motives than in non-autistic individuals, possibly indicating changes in the functional

connectivity of autistic brains (e.g. Kleinhans et al., 2008; Murphy et al., 2012). A more detailed

discussion of the specificity of gaze behavior in ASD can be found elsewhere (Falck-Ytter and
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von Hofsten, 2011).

Pelphrey and colleagues repeated their fMRI study on the processing of congruent and

incongruent gaze shifts (Pelphrey et al., 2003) in autistic persons in order to disentangle

differences in the neurobiology of gaze processing (Pelphrey et al., 2005). Results demonstrated

that the STS did not distinguish between congruent and incongruent gaze reactions in participants

with ASD. This lack of a neural mechanism supporting the inference of intentions from gaze cues

might contribute critically to the deficits in social gaze behavior. These observations are

corroborated by a recent attentional cueing task comparing the neural responses to gaze versus

arrow cues. Results indicate that gaze cues result in greater activation of a fronto-parietal

attentional network only in non-autistic controls but not in subjects with ASD (Greene et al.,
2011), which suggests that a neural preference for gaze cues is absent in autistic persons.

Nevertheless, neuroimaging literature on social gaze in autism is still scarce. Two recent

studies have addressed differences in the neural mechanisms of JA using interactive techniques.

Redcay and co-workers used their live video feed setup to unravel neural differences underlying

IJA and RJA in autism (Redcay et al., 2012a). Results indicated that – unlike in controls – JA was

not differentiated from solo attention by activity in the dmPFC and the pSTS. Between-group

comparisons revealed that this absence of neural differentiation was greatest in the RJA

condition. Despite the previously described lack of motivation for spontaneous initiation of JA,

there were no differences in the neural activity underlying IJA (Mundy and Newell, 2007), which

is likely to reflect the explicit instruction to cue the interaction partner’s attention to a target

location. Additional analyses showed hyper-activation of the pSTS in the ASD relative to the

control group, which possibly indicates an atypical development of this region in ASD. These

data are supported by a recent hyperscanning study in which dyads comprising an ASD and a

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control participant or two controls engaged in a gaze- versus target-cued RJA task (Tanabe et al.,

2012). This yielded a reduction of inter-individual coherence of intrinsic activity fluctuations in

ASD-control as compared to control-control pairs in the right IFG possibly related to decreased

mirroring of gaze behavior in these dyads. Surprisingly, intra-individual coherence of activated

brain regions was indifferent in ASD and control subjects. However, connectivity analyses

revealed a substantial reduction of effective functional connectivity between right aSTS and the

IFG in controls who were paired with ASD participants which correlated with their accuracy in

establishing JA following a gaze cue. Albeit speculative, the authors advocate that this is due to

the lack of shared intention in ASD-control dyads that might be reflected by the decrease of inter-

individual coherence of IFG activity.

Taken together, the study of social gaze in ASD using interactive paradigms is likely to

foster our understanding of the underlying communicative deficits in ASD, whilst simultaneously

providing valuable information about the neural mechanisms underlying neurotypical dynamic

social interactions.

6. Towards a neurofunctional model of social gaze in interaction

This review demonstrates how methodological advances in the experimental paradigms used to

investigate social gaze have led to an increasingly refined understanding of the functional

neuroanatomy of gaze perception and social interaction. Based on these findings, we indicate

Page 31 of 57
directions towards a putative neurofunctional model of social gaze in interaction. Figure 2

illustrates the presumed components of such a model.

Initial studies have highlighted the importance of brain regions for perceptual processes

concerned with invariant features of faces and the eye region (e.g. Hoffman and Haxby, 2000;

Tong et al., 2000). Later studies then began using more dynamic stimuli to also investigate

action-related aspects of gaze processing (e.g. Kuzmanovic et al., 2009; Pelphrey et al., 2004;

Ramsey et al., 2011). These studies, indeed, were successful in delineating a ‘social attention

network’ (Nummenmaa and Calder, 2009; Nummenmaa et al., 2010) which comprises a variety

of brain regions, but may be subdivided into two subsystems thought to subserve different

functions: the 'dorsal attention network’ (including fronto-parietal cortical regions) has been

described as the neural correlate of attentional top-down control mechanisms, which are assumed
to bias the processing of stimulus features in such a way that they allow a selection of them based

on internal goals or expectations and a link to appropriate motor responses (Corbetta et al., 2008).

The 'ventral attention network’ (including IFG and anterior insula) is thought to serve as a circuit

breaker, which helps to reconfigure attention-related networks and can thereby promote rapid

attentional reorienting in order to respond to behaviorally relevant targets (Sridharan et al., 2008).

However, a network purely dedicated to social attention is insufficient as it neither


incorporates affective components nor social-cognitive functions of gaze-based interaction.

Interestingly, the social attention network also bears some resemblance with those two large-scale

neural networks that have gained center stage as the neural substrates of social cognition, i.e. the

‘mentalizing network’ and the ‘mirror neuron system’ (Van Overwalle and Baetens, 2009).

Mainly due to methodological constraints, previous research, however, has not been able to

address the precise roles of these two large-scale neural networks during ongoing social

interactions (Schilbach, 2010). Consequently, it has remained unclear how activity in these
Page 32 of 57
networks might be modulated by the extent to which a person feels to be part of an ongoing

interaction and whether the networks may play complementary or mutually exclusive roles in this

case. Also, it is not entirely clear whether real-time behavioral parameters of interpersonal

coupling such as gaze recurrence (Richardson and Dale, 2005) are correlated to activity changes

in these networks and what their relation could be to models of social cognition that draw upon

the notion of predictive coding (Zaki, 2013). The methodological advances and studies discussed

in this review provide means to circumvent these problems and to elucidate the precise roles of

these networks during online interactions. In particular, these studies have shown that gaze in

social interaction can serve as a powerful social reward, whose experience can be pleasant and

motivating. Having an effect on someone else's gaze behavior has concomitantly been shown to

activate reward-related neurocircuitry, such as the ventral striatum (Schilbach et al., 2010).
Furthermore, the ventral striatum is also closely connected to hubs of the networks described

above: for instance, measures of connectivity between VS and mPFC have been related to self-

evaluations in comparison to conspecifics (Yamada et al., 2013) and are likely to represent a

driving force behind the human motivation to engage in social interaction (Lebreton et al., 2009).

Recent studies also show inverse relationships between activity in the VS and another

brain region that has been implicated in gaze processing, the amygdala. Whereas VS appears to

be more relevant for processing the hedonic aspects of gaze, the amygdala - apart from its more

general function as a salience detector - has been linked to processing aversive aspects of gaze.

VS and amygdala might, therefore, implement a subcortical system of 'checks and balances',

which biases processing of the affective and motivational aspects of social gaze. Recent studies

are also beginning to provide insights concerning the anatomical connections of brain regions

relevant for gaze processing. Ethofer et al. (2011) have been able to show that dynamic gaze

shifts toward a human observer not only increase activity in the pSTS, but also functional
Page 33 of 57
connectivity with the anterior insula cortex. For this connection, Ethofer and colleagues were also

able to demonstrate direct fiber connections by means of DTI measurements. In addition to this,

other recent work has related connectivity differences in the 'social attention' network to

differences in autistic traits in the neurotypical population (Nummenmaa et al., 2012; von dem

Hagen et al., 2011) while even more pronounced structural and neurofunctional differences have

been detected in individuals with ASD (e.g. Greene et al., 2011; Pitskel et al., 2011; von dem

Hagen et al., 2013). Intriguingly, based on the social motivation theory of autism (Chevallier et

al., 2012), recent findings also implicate alterations of reward-related neurocircuitry in autism

(e.g. Dichter et al., 2012; Kohls et al., 2012) but have so far not been able to connect this to the

literature on social attention and gaze processing. Here, a more comprehensive network model

targeting social gaze in interaction might help to provide a more parsimonious account.
In sum, the work presented in this review builds upon, but also extends previous accounts of

a neural network dedicated to social attention by taking into account interaction-specific


additions to this model, which highlight the involvement of additional brain regions related to

affective and motivational processes and relevant connectivity patterns that may be crucial for

successful participation in real-time social interaction.


7. Conclusion

The present review illustrates that the development and application of interactive methodologies

to study social gaze provides an innovative and powerful tool in social-cognitive neuroscience. It

enables scientists to go beyond studying social cognition as a detached and observational process

Page 34 of 57
by obtaining behavioral and neural measures while participants are active participants in

dynamic, real-time social interactions. While this work is still in its infancy, the various different

implementations of interactive gaze paradigms which have been developed over the past years

provide a sound basis for uncovering the neural mechanisms sustaining social gaze behavior. Due

to the dynamic nature of social gaze, this will provide broad access to the neural basis of our

ability to engage in social interaction. While first implications for network models of social gaze

have been discussed in the previous chapter, future studies will hopefully enable the development

and test of a more complete neurofunctional model of social gaze in interaction while

simultaneously fostering our understanding of the core deficits underlying ASD and possibly

other psychopathologies involving impairments of social interaction. Moreover, the application

of interactive technology may not only have diagnostic value, but could also be used to provide
therapeutic tools for the training of social interactions in these disorders (e.g. Bellani et al., 2011;

Lahiri et al., 2011).

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Page 35 of 57
This work is partly based on the PhD thesis by U.P., which is supported by grants of the Köln

Fortune Program of the Medical Faculty at the University of Cologne and the Volkswagen

Foundation to L.S.

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Figure Legends

Figure 1: The core processes of social gaze.

This figure indicates the core components of social gaze behavior (adapted from Emery, 2000).

Green arrows indicate mutual awareness, blue arrows indicate unidirectional awareness. See

chapter 2 for details on distinct processes.


Figure 2: Brain regions involved in the processing of social gaze.


Regions depicted in blue are related to motivational and affective components of social gaze.

Regions involved in mentalizing are depicted in orange, while components of the mirror neuron

system are represented in green. A: The amygdala receives inputs from low-level visual

processing areas and is activated by behaviorally relevant cues such as direct gaze. IFG: The

inferior frontal gyrus is part of the mirror neuron system. Hyperscanning revealed synchronous

activity during mutual gaze, which might indicate that this region provides a neural substrate of

common psychological ground. mPFC: The ventral portion of the medial prefrontal cortex
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(vmPFC) is involved in the detection of communicative intent and the processing of the affective

value of the actions of other individuals. The dorsal portion (dmPFC) is crucially involved in the

inference of mental states during social interactions. STS: The superior temporal sulcus is

functionally divided in an anterior and posterior region. The pSTS is involved in decoding the

direction of general social attention involving head orientation and body posture, while the aSTS

is more specifically tuned to the processing of gaze-related information. TPJ: The temporo-

parietal junction is known to play a general role in the encoding of the content of mental states.

VS: The ventral striatum serves as an intrinsic motivator of engaging others in joint attention and

drives prefrontal regions involved in mentalizing and valuation.

Figure 3: Types of interactive gaze setups.

A) Interactive eye-tracking using virtual agents. B) Gaze-based social interactions using live

video feeds (taken from Redcay et al., 2012b). C) A combination of fMRI hyperscanning and

dual eye-tracking (taken from Saito et al., 2010). D) Live gaze interaction in combination with

EEG hyperscanning (taken from Lachat et al., 2012). See chapter 3 for details on the different


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Gaze behavior is central to social interaction and the understanding of others

Besides passive observation, active participation in interaction must be studied

Interactive gaze paradigms allow assessing face-to-face interactions in real-time

Novel studies reveal neural systems supporting active social engagement

Interactive approaches are the key to understanding autism spectrum disorders

p te

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