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FOR REAL intermediate

Students Book & Workbook


Martyn Hobbs Julia Starr Keddle

e ultur C & CLIL ation r a p pre y Exam uenc n so Focu


UNIT present simple and present continuous countable and uncountable nouns quantiers make and do fashion adjectives to describe clothes Reading: a blog; street fashion; article about teamwork Listening: students doing a quiz Speaking: discussing personal style; how to work in a team Writing: a paragraph about your style Pronunciation: showing interest


CLIL | CULTURE | SONG READING | DVD DVD Film 1: Fashion designer Song: Dedicated Follower of Fashion (NB Words in LINKS, audio on Class CD)

Identity p.7 About me Teamwork Fashion denitions of words related to life and lifestyle get

Functions: talking about the present Real communication: getting started; eliciting; listening; llers; suggesting and responding; moving on

past simple and present perfect present perfect and present perfect continuous

In LINKS CLIL: Mathematics; Economics; Sociology Culture: The Family: UK and US Reading: The poetry of identity

Lifestyle p.15 Parents A study trip Family life

Functions: talking about the recent past and nished past Real communication: greetings; replies; thanks; introductions; asking for clarication; making requests; goodbyes

Reading: article about what young people think of their parents lives; a dialogue; a webpage Listening: a conversation with a parent, three situations for meeting someone; someone making requests; conversation at a language school Speaking: giving advice; discussing parents lives; discussing what has been happening in a picture Writing: a paragraph about your parents lives Pronunciation: sounding polite

Fluency for real p.16

Talking about social networking sites and safety online; Game: WebWise

Exam skills p26

Listening: Towards FCE Paper 4, Part 1 gist and detail; Writing: Towards FCE Paper 2, Part 2; Trinity ISE II, an informal letter to a friend

Language check p 28

UNIT past simple and past perfect past simple and past continuous could have using the -ing form childhood



CLIL | CULTURE | SONG READING | DVD DVD Film 2: Wheelchair rugby Song: Sk8ter Boi (NB Words in LINKS, audio on Class CD)

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

reported speech reporting verbs indirect questions extreme sports reporting verbs holidays

Stories p.29 A mystery A good read Telling anecdotes

Functions: talking about an earlier past event; talking about events in progress in the past; talking about imaginary past alternatives Real communication: starting; showing interest; keeping the story going; attitude expressions; turn taking; closing the story

Reading: two articles about the Piano Man; extracts from novels Listening: talking about childhood events; radio report about the Piano Man; talking about memories; a childhood memory Speaking: explanations for situations; discussing novels Writing: a description of a memory Pronunciation: Past simple endings

In LINKS CLIL: Literature Culture: Newspapers and books Reading: In the beginning... Reading: Urban acrobatics; On top of the world; tourist brochure for Scotland Listening: a dialogue; answerphone messages; conversations in tourist situations Speaking: quiz how adventurous are you; asking and reporting questions; talking about extreme sports; role play tourist situations Writing: a reported conversation Pronunciation: intonation in direct and reported questions

Out and about p.37 Parkour Adventure Getting around

Functions: reporting statements, questions and negative requests Real communication: buying souvenirs; asking for directions; asking for information; getting a bus; booking a hostel

Fluency for real p.45

Talking about a mystery, news stories, performing a TV interview

Exam skills p.48

Speaking: giving personal information, Towards FCE Paper 5, Part 1; talking about topics, Trinity ISE II the interview Writing: Towards FCE Paper 2, Part 2, Trinity ISE II Portfolio: a short story

Language check p.50

UNIT present continuous, will, be going to for future zero and rst conditional when, as soon as, unless future predictions geographical features get DVD Film 3: Gap year



Reading: Working round the world; emails Listening: a conversation; a conversation about asking people out, gossip, Speaking: giving reasons for taking a gap year; making resolutions; discussing gap-year situations; role play a visit to a fortune teller; inviting friends; gossiping Writing: advice for a gap-year student Pronunciation: expressing degrees of enthusiasm; expressing surprise In LINKS phrasal verbs jobs take CLIL: Geography Culture: University phrasal verbs second conditional wish / if only + past simple Reading: Onestop career shop; article about exceptional young people; career quiz Listening: a TV programme; a phone call Speaking: hypothetical situations; making and answering phone calls Writing: sentence patterns; a paragraph describing your ideal job Pronunciation: Id and Ill

The big year off p.51 On the road Journeys Inviting and arranging

Functions: talking about the future; talking about facts and possible conditions; expressing certainty about the future Real communication: inviting; making arrangements; making and accepting excuses, gossiping, saying yes; persuading and encouraging; expressing surprise

Song: Marrakesh Express (NB Words in LINKS, audio on Class CD)

Functions: talking about imaginary or unlikely situations; talking about a desire in the present Real communication: calling and answering; messages; taking down information; asking for clarication; getting connected

Careers for life p.59 Exceptional youth What if? On the phone

Reading: Jerome K. Jerome comic genius

Fluency for real p.67

Talking about unusual interviews; performing at a job interview

Exam skills p.70

Speaking: Towards FCE Paper 5, Part 1 describing; Writing: Towards FCE Paper 2, Part 2, Trinity ISE II Portfolio: a newspaper article giving a point of view

Language check p.72

UNIT talking about obligation and advice comparatives and superlatives crime violence give punishment minor offences



CLIL | CULTURE | SONG READING | DVD DVD Film 4: Knife and gun crime Song: I Shot the Sheriff (NB Words in LINKS, audio on Class CD)

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

indenite pronouns linkers of contrast clauses of purpose speculating have lms protest

Crime and punishment p.73 Knife crime Ideas and opinions Is it a crime?

Functions: talking about obligation and advice Real communication: asking for opinions; saying how much you know; agreeing and disagreeing; giving opinions; talking about likes and dislikes

Reading: Dead cool; report about stupid criminals; article about banning chewing gum Listening: interview about knife crime; three opinions; conversation about a crime; Speaking: quiz: How honest are you?; putting your point of view; talking about crimes; talking about things that worry, scare and bore you; discussing appropriate punishments Writing: a paragraph about things you had to do in the past Pronunciation: weak to

In LINKS CLIL: History; Society Culture: Ancestry and slavery Reading: Slave narratives

Rebels p.81 Romantic rebel Talking about lms Stand up for your rights

Functions: contrasting ideas; giving reasons for actions; drawing conclusions about the present; speculating about the past Real communication: plot; characters and acting; being vague; sets and visuals; moving on; your interpretation

Reading: blogs about being a conformist; article about the poet Shelley; Battle for what you believe Listening: extracts from Shelleys writing; two people discussing their favourite lms Speaking: discussing statements and reaching group consensus; talking about lms; giving a description of a lm Writing: sentences about contrasts in your life; a paragraph about an issue you feel strongly about; a short description of a lm Pronunciation: vague language

Fluency for real p.89

Talking about a crime, motives, and alabis; Game: alabi game

Exam skills p.90

Listening: note completion, Towards FCE Paper 4, Part 2; Writing: Towards FCE Paper 2, Part 1, Trinity ISE II Portfolio: a formal letter

Language check p.94

UNIT relative clauses articles relationships personal qualities word formation appearance


CLIL | CULTURE | SONG READING | DVD Song: You were always on my mind (NB Words in LINKS, audio on Class CD) DVD Film 5: Living in the UK

Reading: haiku; The three stages of love; three extracts from novels; advice for managing difcult conversations Listening: people talking about how they met their partners; two people having an argument Speaking: talking about personal qualities; describing and guessing people; role play difcult situations Writing: a love letter; a description of a person Pronunciation: word stress In LINKS CLIL: Music

Love and friendship p.88 The science of love Difcult conversations People -ing and innitive presentation aids

Functions: dening information; adding information; identifying people, things and places Real communication: getting the point across; reective listening; disagreeing; recriminations; disagreeing strongly; acknowledging and apologising

third conditional modal verbs wish / if only use of to, innitive and -ing form

Feelings p.96 Things I wish I hadnt done Emotional intelligence Presentations

Functions: talking about imaginary situations in the past; talking about regrets in the past Real communication: introductions; starting; sequencing; giving examples; moving on; showing visual aids; giving reasons; summarising and concluding

Reading: two articles about stress; a students blog about past regrets; article about emotional intelligence; presentation tips Listening: people talking about what makes them stressed; a talk about Mexico City Speaking: imaginary situations; 5-minute quiz; a talk about about your region Writing: a short composition about an argument Pronunciation: third conditional

Culture: Communication Reading: Shakespeare on love

Fluency for real p.111

Talking about personal proles, stereotypes, performing a TV show

Exam skills p.90

Writing: Towards FCE Paper 2, Part 2, Trinity ISE II Factual writing: a composition; Listening: multiple matching, Towards FCE Paper 4, Part 3

Language check p.94

UNIT environment go useful verbs to discuss the environment



CLIL | CULTURE | SONG READING | DVD Song: Big Yellow Taxi (NB Words in LINKS, audio on Class CD) DVD Film 6: Global Xchange

future perfect future continuous future in the past present tenses for plots the passive used to and be used to feelings thing

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

question tags short questions emphatic do / does / did reexive pronouns

Global issues p.108 World under threat Book review Saving the world

Functions: talking about the future Real communication: author and genre; background; sequence; relative clauses; characters; memory lapses; moving on; concluding

Reading: Water for life; an article about ways to help the world; a book blurb Listening: a radio programme about rubbish; someone describing a book Speaking: reducing your carbon footprint; discussing how youve changed; discussing how you choose a novel; talking about a novel youve read Writing: a book review Pronunciation: words with -ough


In LINKS CLIL: Society, Geography, Science Culture: Cafs and city life Reading: Sleepers

Global citizen p.116 Volunteering abroad Discussion Ethical thinking

Functions: conrming facts and opinions; emphasising Real communication: eliciting; asking for explanation; giving your opinion; giving reasons; agreeing/disagreeing / adding and contrasting information

Reading: a dialogue about gap year travels; article about Fairtrade Listening: a dialogue about gap year travels; a description of a place; interviews about Live Earth; students discussing organic food Speaking: talking about what worries you; arguments for and against organic food; arguments for and against animal testing; discussions about cloning, green tax and biotechnology Writing: an email giving rst impressions of a country; a composition Pronunciation: question tags; continuing and nishing tones

Fluency for real p.133

Talking about a country and its development, having a discussion

Exam skills p.136

Listening: Towards FCE Paper 4, Part 4 opinions, feelings, points of view, conversation about holiday expeditions; Writing: Towards FCE Paper 2, Part 2 report writing, report about new homes

Language check p.138

Workbook Exam reading, Writing, Use of English Word list

pp 129-223 pp 224-241 pp 242-247

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

You all laugh at me because Im different. I laugh at you because youre all the same. JONATHAN DAVIS The question of who or what the Me is, is not a simple one at all. MArk TwAIN

Unit 1

Get started
1 GROUPWORK Discuss the quotes above. Why does Jonathan laugh at people? Do you agree with Mark Twain? 2 PAIRWORK Take it in turns to ask Who are you? and try to give as many different answers as possible.
Im an Italian. Im a daughter. Im a student. Im a person who believes in protecting the environment. Im someone who lives in the city centre. Im a person who wants to be an athlete. Im a person who likes dark clothes. Im a person who loves music. Im a person whos tall and slim. Im a guy with two sisters. Im a person whos quite shy.

Who are you?

I get so upset when I see people destroying the planet people who hurt others or dont seem to care about others. They are just out for themselves. I believe I can make the world a better place. I fight for what is right. EMILY

Im not sure what I am, but I know what I want to be. I want to be a performer. I love music and dance. I love being the centre of attention. Playing music makes me feel great. LIAM

3 Read the profiles and answer the questions. Who talks about... 1 their ethnic background? 2 their desire to be different? 3 their ambition? 4 their confusion? 5 their beliefs? 4 PAIRWORK Discuss these questions. Which person are you most similar to? Which person are you most different from? 5 Find words or expressions in the profiles that mean the following. 1 being focused on by other people 2 only thinking about yourself and what you want 3 being happy with who you are 4 a transient stage in your life 5 feeling part of a group 6 Write three sentences about who you are.

Im mixed race. But I hate that term Im just me. My father is from Ghana and my mum is white. I love being part of two different cultures. Sometimes people look at me and wonder where Im from. But Im comfortable in my own skin. Im proud of who I am. MICHAEL Being a goth is an expression of my personality. I think it looks cool. People tell me its a phase, but its not. I know how unhappy Id be if I dressed normally. I would feel like I fitted in too much. TYLER For the last couple of years it seems like everyone else has found their style, their vocation, their group. But Im not sure who I am yet. I have so many sides to my personality. Its the biggest mystery of life finding out who you are. AMELIA

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

Unit 1

About me
Welcome to

Present simple and present continuous



Next blog

Jessicas Place!



I love going out and having fun. And I love music. I never leave home without my iPod and I download new tracks every day. Check out my music links on this page. I adore shopping, especially with my mates. The only thing that stops me is money. Or rather the lack of it! In fact, to get money for shopping, mobile phones and going out I do a part-time job. It isnt a great job. Im not a top model or a singer. Those are just my dreams. I work in a clothes shop on Saturdays and two evenings a week. Its really, really boring! I dont like working there and I dont like my manager, but it pays OK. Im an expert at sleeping. I sleep a lot my record is 12 hours non-stop! After a late night on Saturday I can sleep a whole morning away and only get up for Sunday lunch. It gets on my mums nerves. But I need my beauty sleep. I cant wait for next summer. My friends and I are going to South America for four months in our gap year. How cool is that? Im saving up like mad. Were making extra money. Were selling all our old clothes on eBay and even asking our parents for things to sell. And Im doing a few chores around the house which my mum pays me for. I put the extra money in a savings account. Im a bit of a dreamer and I can just sit and think for hours. I worry a lot, too. I can worry about anything exams, money, boys, the end of the world. I dont know how to stop. I get really upset about cruelty to animals and I dont believe in wearing fur. Im a vegetarian, too. That makes life difficult for my mum. One last thing I spend a lot of time writing my blog. In fact, Im sitting here in my room and writing it right now. Im listening to Kings of Leon, drinking coffee and getting very tired. So bye bye for today.


It gets on my mums nerves. I need my beauty sleep.

How cool is that? One last thing ...

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

Reading and speaking

1 PAIRWORK Discuss these questions. What sort of things do you find in blogs? Whats the difference between a blog and a diary? Have you ever read a blog? Do you have your own blog? 2 1 2 3 Read the blog. Then cover the page and answer the questions. What are Jessicas interests? 4 What worries her? What things doesnt Jessica like? 5 What is she doing next summer? What are her dreams? 6 How is she making money?

Create a blog

Its a


3 PAIRWORK Compare your lives to Jessicas. I don't like shopping. I prefer doing sports.

in here!

4 Study the sentences. Then complete the rules with present simple or present continuous and match the sentences with the rules. a I adore shopping. I dont like my manager. b I work in a clothes shop on Saturdays. c My friends and I are going to South America for four months. d Were selling all our old clothes on eBay. e Im sitting here in my room right now.

Present simple and present continuous

Use the... 1__________________ to talk about temporary situations and activities. 1 d 2__________________ to talk about habits and routines. 2 3__________________ to talk about future plans. 3 4__________________ to talk about things happening now. 4 5__________________ to talk about facts and opinions. 5 Get the grammar, page 14

Blog name: Jessica Age: 17 Location: UK Favourite quote: Live the life you love. Love the life you live. Heroes: Frida Kahlo (fab artist), Nelly Furtado (what a voice!) PHOTOS > more

5 Think of things that the class probably dont know about you. Write four true sentences and one false sentence. family My nephew is older than me. skills something you are learning to do interests websites / films / music you like chores you do 6 GROUPWORK Read your sentences to the group. The group asks questions and then decides which one is false. How old is your nephew? What does he do?


Showing interest


make do

wOrD E X PA N D E r
Is it make or do? Add these words and expressions to the lists. an exam | an excuse | a noise | a job | housework | money | homework | a mistake | ones best | a phone call

make and do

j j
a meal your bed a mess a suggestion a decision

research nothing good / harm business

Random Fact

The term weblog (web + log) was coined in 1997. In 1999 Peter Merholtz divided weblog into we and blog, and blog was born.

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

Unit 1

Vocabulary: fashion baseball cap hair gel
body piercing WRISTBAND T-shirt jewellery mini-skirt jeans make-up hoodie dreadlocks leggings dyed hair aftershave perfume trainers beard

Countable and uncountable nouns Quantifiers


3a Read the article carefully and and make notes about each movement.
MOVEMENT: Swinging DaTE: 1960s PlacE: HOw IT OrIgINaTED: MuSIc: STylE:


3b GROUPWORK Write a sentence to summarise each movement. Compare it with the rest of the class. 4 Complete the lists with adjectives to describe clothes from the article.

1a Decide if the words above are countable, uncountable, or always plural. Countable baseball cap Uncountable hair gel Always plural jeans





Countable not many | a few Uncountable not much | a little Both not any | some | a lot of / lots of Get the grammar, page 14

Listening and speaking

CD1 2 Listen to the interview with Danny. Note his answers. 5a

1b PAIRWORK Discuss the items above. Which of them do you use, have or wear? Which would you like to have?

Whats your style?

What are you wearing at the moment? What do you always take with you when you go out? Whats your favourite clothes label? What have you got too many of? What have you got too much of? Which of your clothes do you never wear? What is your favourite item of clothing? 5b PAIRWORK Ask and answer the questions above.

I use a lot of hair gel. I dont have any body piercings and I dont want them. I would like a few tattoos.

2a PAIRWORK Discuss what you know about the fashion, hairstyles and accessories in these decades.

6 Write a paragraph about your style using the questions in exercise 5. Include more information. I never go out without my wallet. unfortunately, I never have enough money! 7
3 Go to LINKS p 58 and listen to Dedicated Follower

1960s 1970s 1980S

2b Read the article on page 11 quickly and underline clothing, hairstyle and accessories. Did you think of the same things?

of Fashion.

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

From London to Los Angeles, the most influential fashion trends have come from the street


Hip hop

S w i n g i n g s i x t i e s In the 1960s, for the first time
ever in the history of fashion, the young took command. London was at the heart of the revolution with new ideas coming from the pop scene and bands like the Beatles. The most radical item of clothing for women was the mini-skirt. And with short skirts, out went stockings and in came tights. For men, the days of dark, plain clothes were over. This was the Peacock Revolution with bright, patterned shirts, slimfitting trousers and boots. Men wore their hair longer and clothes became more unisex. and covered with angry slogans. They used razor blades as jewellery. Body piercing was fashionable with studs and rings worn in eyebrows, noses and lips. Punks dyed their hair and wore it in spiky styles (with lots of gel), while black eye makeup was popular with both girls and boys.

H i p h o p The hip hop style originated in the early 1980s

with the music and dance of African-American youth on the streets of New York and Los Angeles. Its look baggy jeans, large T-shirts, hoodies, gold or platinum chains and expensive trainers is now a worldwide phenomenon. The heavy jewellery suggests prestige and wealth and is often called bling. Brands such as Tommy Hilfiger are fundamental, and many hip hop artists have their own clothing lines including Eminem, Jay-Z and 50 Cent. SO THE NEXT TIME you wear some ethnic jewellery, get a piercing, buy a hoodie, or put on a mini-skirt, think about the rebels who made it possible!

F l o w e r P o w e r Peace, love and understanding and

Stay cool were the unofficial slogans of the hippie movement of the late 1960s. Hippies believed in an alternative lifestyle. They dropped out from society, and protested against the Vietnam War and nuclear weapons. They had long hair and beards, and wore flared jeans and ethnic clothes, particularly from India and the East. Both men and women wore lots of beaded necklaces. Hippies also developed the first music festivals such as Woodstock and Glastonbury and listened to psychedelic rock and folk music.


P u n k It was anti-establishment, anti-fashion, and had its own music scene. In the mid 1970s, young people in London with limited cash cut up and re-made clothes, holding them together with safety pins and chains. T-shirts were torn


drop out bling hoodie

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages


Right. OK. Ready?

Real Communication

Yes. Uh huh. Mmm. Sure. OK. Right.

Shall we move on to the next one? Lets move on to...



What about you? What do you think?

Thats a good idea. Um... Lets go with that. Er... The problem with that is... I mean... Wouldnt it be better to...? sort of... Why dont we...? you know... Shall we...? Let me see. Im not sure. How can I best explain?

How to work in a team

GROUPWORK Discuss these questions.

When do you work or play in teams? What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a team? Which do you prefer, working in a team or on your own?

2 Read the article. Does it mention any of your ideas? Can you think of any other secrets to successful teamwork?

Team spirit

Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success

orking in a team is a dynamic experience. Each person brings their own points of view and experience to the table. By brainstorming ideas the team is able to come up with better solutions. And by working together you arent responsible for the whole task and you share the work. You also develop personal skills from teamwork and learn to deal with challenge and criticism. Help each other. Talk about the best way to do things, work collaboratively and let other people know when you find their contribution helpful. Listen carefully to all the members of the group.

Dont worry about making a fool of yourself. Speak up and get involved.

Be involved Plan

Golden rule

Planning is fundamental to getting things done effectively. Establish your goal at the start of the project and you will ensure the group is working together.

Take a fair share Share work fairly. You can do different things in a group, but each person should be prepared to pull their weight.


FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

3a Listen to the friends Luke, Aisha and Silas doing a quiz. Make a note of the questions they are asked.

the A to Z challenge
To win this activity your group has to do the quiz as quickly as possible. First find out how the quiz works. Then decide how to do the task. You may decide to divide it up, or get a group member to look difficult questions up in a dictionary or even use the Internet. Its up to you. Lifeline: each group can ask the teacher for a clue to three questions. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z punctuation used to show something belongs to someone small insect that makes honey a sort of small boat the opposite of wet when a doctor looks at you a large amount of water that causes problems the British national anthem a hard hat you wear to protect your head the opposite of decrease prison to take someone prisoner, and ask for money to release them a place where you can find lost belongings a combination of different things a fictional story long enough to fill a whole book exclamation to express sudden pain a large round vegetable with thick orange skin to give up or leave a workplace the structure that covers the top of a building small European animal that climbs trees and eats nuts a famous historical building in London very frequently relating to words a romantic poet a type of radiation that can pass through objects shown by the referee in a football match to punish bad behaviour metal or plastic teeth that you pull together to hold clothes together

3b Listen again and make a note of the answers. 3c Listen again and tick the expressions you hear from the File. 4 GROUPWORK Do the quiz on the right. Use the language from the File and the advice in Team Spirit on page 12.

How to work in pairs

5 PAIRWORK Discuss the questions. Why is being a good listener important? What are the qualities of a good listener?

Are you a

6a Complete the sentences for yourself.

I am happiest when... My greatest fear is... All my money goes on... The music Im listening to at the moment is... The shop I cant walk past is... If I have time to myself, I... My favourite smell is... When I was a child I wanted to be... Something I hate about other people is... The food I eat to cheer me up is... At the moment Im reading...

Its easy to hear words, but its more difficult to listen.


What can you do to improve your listening skills?

Give your full attention. Look at the speaker and nod and smile. Let the speaker finish before you start speaking. Listen for the main ideas, they are often repeated. Ask questions if you are not sure what the speaker meant. Show you are listening by saying OK, Uh huh, etc. Sometimes it helps to rephrase what the person said: So what you are saying is... So you mean...

6b PAIRWORK Discuss the answers. Try to use the the advice from the article. 7
LINKS Real communication p 4

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages


Get the

3 Complete the table with these words.
many | not much | a little | very few uncountable nouns much
2 3 1

Present simple and present continuous

1 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous.

SCHOOL I ________ (do) my final year at school and I 2 ________ (plan) what to do next. I 3________ (want) to take a gap year before university, but my parents 4________ (not agree).

countable nouns _________ a few not many


both a lot of/lots of/ plenty of some hardly any not any/no

_________ _________ very little


GIRLFRIEND I 5________ (have) problems with my girlfriend at the moment. We 6________ (not get on). She often 7________ (try) to tell me what to do and I 8 ________ (hate) that. Shes a year younger than me, but she 9________ (talk) to me like my mother! PET HATES Well, I 10 ________ (think) you probably 11 ________ (know) that already. Why 12________ (people, want) to give me advice? My parents, my teachers and now my girlfriend! FREE TIME I 13________ (go) running after school. I 14 ________ (try) to get fit for a charity fun run and it isnt easy! THE LAST THING I DO AT NIGHT I always 15________ (check) my mobile in case someone has sent me a text.

4 Underline the best words to complete the texts.

Liam, 15 We get along OK. Were both interested in music, cars and sports. I like 1a lot of / a few the same music my dad likes, which is cool. Were both into reggae. Theres not really 2much / many of a generation gap in our tastes. He likes playing his music late at night, it keeps me awake sometimes. But I get my revenge by playing my music first thing in the morning! We dont have 3lots of / many time to go out together, but we go to the Festival of Speed at Goodwood once a year and take pictures of the cars. We dont have 4some / many arguments. Steve, 42 We get on really well. We both like the same music. He hates 5a few / very little albums in my collection (like Genesis), but he likes most of them. He gives me advice on clothes he says Im old-fashioned. He thinks I wear 6too many / too much suits and ties. I agree, but I have to wear them for my work. We like 7hardly any / very little of the same films. I like comedy, but he prefers action movies, so we dont watch 8much / many TV together.

Countable and uncountable nouns

2 Decide if the nouns are usually countable (C), uncountable (U) or always plural (P).
accommodation parcel furniture police luggage lm wine scissors clothes company advice perfume information trafc damage rubbish education hair homework job work dream news music money transport space paper help glasses

DVD film 1, Fashion designer CD-ROM Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, Exam Practice WORKBOOK page 140


FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people. THICH NHAT HANH All children must look after their own upbringing. Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a persons character lies in their own hands.

Unit 2

Get started
1 PAIRWORK Read the quotes above. In what way are your ancestors alive in you? Do you agree with Anne Frank? 2 Look at the pictures. What is happening? What do you think the people are discussing? Is this typical of the relationship between parents and teenagers?



3 PAIRWORK The website on the right is written to help parents. Read the tips and choose three tips you think are good ideas. 4 You write advice for this website. Add two more tips for being a good parent. 5 GROUPWORK Give advice for these situations on the website.
My son wont keep his room tidy. My daughter never tells me where she is going to be. I ask my son to take out the rubbish and he always forgets. My daughter has come home with a lip stud. I want her to remove it. My son never speaks to me or tells me about his life. Im worried about the friends my daughter is hanging out with.

Ten tips for being a good parent of teenagers

Treat your teenager with respect. Listen carefully. Talk and share your feelings. Welcome their suggestions. Dont shout. Be precise and detailed about what you want. Keep your promises. Do things together as a family. Dont walk away from arguments. Try to give reasons for your decisions.

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

Unit 2


Past simple and present perfect

hat do young people really think of their parents lives?

Grammar and reading

Grace Lynch Father: bank manager Mother: immigration ofcer

My mum and dad broke up around the time I was born but they are friends now. I was brought up by my mum. They are doing jobs they like they both have a good worklife balance. My mum has always been a happy person, with a bubbly personality, Id be happy to live her life. Shes a good role model. She works hard, but still has time for her family. My dad wasnt around much when I was younger weve missed out on things and weve never been on holiday together, but hes making an effort now.

1 Study the sentences below. Then complete the rules with present perfect or past simple and match the sentences with the rules. a Ive had this bag for two months. d Ive just washed my hair. Its still wet. b Ive never eaten shellfish. e Shes lived in this house since 2000. c Ive visited all the states in the USA. f They played computer games last night.

Past simple and present perfect

Use the 1________ to talk about completed past actions or states. Past time expressions are often used. 1 Use the 2________ to talk about actions or states that began in the past and continue up to the present time. 2 Use the 3________ to talk about experiences that have/havent happened at an indefinite time in the past. 3 Use for with the 4________ to talk about the length of time. 4 a Use since with the 5________ to talk about when an action or state began. 5 Use just, yet, already with the 6________. 6 Get the grammar, page 22 16

2 Read the article above and underline an example of each rule. 3 Read the article again and write the names. 1 ________ and ________ think that life is easier for young people than for their parents. 2 ________, ________ and ________ think that their mothers have good lives. 3 ________ and ________ think that their fathers arent happy in their work. 4 ________s and ________s parents want them to do better than them. 4
PAIRWORK Discuss these questions.

Is your family life similar to any of these? How do you want your life to be different from your parents? What kind of relationship would you like with your children?

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

Milton Kovach, 17 Father: IT consultant Mother: computer programmer

Stephanie Hayman, 18 Father: owns a small business Mother: solicitor

My parents both have good jobs and we live in a nice area in a decent house. They dont complain, but you can tell they dont like their work much. My parents biggest struggles were probably their childhood and coming to a new country. My mum came over from Portugal and my dad from Croatia. But they have lived here for 20 years. Life will be easier for me; education here opens doors for you. My parents are ambitious for us. They tell us that you can do anything you put your mind to.
Brandon Ellis, 17 Father: factory worker Mother: hospital receptionist

My father has succeeded workwise. But I dont think that money has made him happy. Hes just earning it for the sake of it. Its pointless. Life is not a competition. But my mums life is cool because she has children and shes doing a good job. My generation is less motivated than my parents. Women in their generation had jobs, but they struggled to get them and they wanted more power. We dont have to ght so hard nowadays.

My mum has worked since I was about eleven. Before that she stayed at home and looked after me. I admire my mum and her lifestyle. She enjoys going out with friends, but she is always there when I need her. We all get on well as a family. My dad often works night shifts its hard work. But I know he is working to give me a better life. When I was younger he took me to the park to play football, but we havent done anything together for a while. I dont want to work as physically hard as my dad, I want to get an education.

Vocabulary: definitions
5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Match the words and expressions from the article with their definitions. work-wise a attempt to do something for the sake of it b not experience things most people do struggle c someone with qualities worth copying put your mind to something d in relation to work role model e separate from each other in a relationship miss out f decide to do something and work towards it break up g try hard to do something difficult make an effort h for no real reason, just because you want to


Write sentences about yourself using these verbs. My friends all get on very well with their parents. We often get together with our friends at the youth club. Its really difficult to get through to my parents that Im not a kid any more. I got round my dad and persuaded him to let me go abroad this summer. My sister was upset when she and her boyfriend broke up, but she has got over it now. Jack got out of the household chores by saying he had a project to finish.

Writing and speaking

6 Write a paragraph about what you think of your parents lives. Include: what your parents do whether they seem happy with their life choices what activities they do with you what they have taught you what you think of their lives if your parents are role models for you

7 PAIRWORK Swap your paragraphs. Ask each other questions about what you have written. 8
LINKS CLIL & CULTURE The Family: UK and US pp 28-30

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages


Unit 2

Family life
Are you OK? Ive just been talking to my parents. Did I say talking? Theyve been shouting at me. AISHA What have you been arguing about? LUKE You know my 18th birthdays coming up and Ive been planning a big party AISHA Sure, and thanks for my invitation, by the way. I got your text. LUKE Well, Ive been organising it for ages. And Ive been doing loads of extra jobs to help pay for it. Ive really been looking forward to it! AISHA So whats the problem? LUKE My parents. Theyre the problem! They dont want me to have a party. AISHA What! Why not? LUKE Theyve organised a family dinner in a restaurant. Oh, and theyve invited my cousins, too. You know, the really boring ones! AISHA You poor thing! LUKE I mean, Ive been sending out invitations all day. Ive

Present perfect and present perfect continuous

Luke has been talking to his parents

sent over 50 texts. And emails. And Ive booked an amazing DJ who is brilliant at mixing. Ive set the whole party up and now this! AISHA But didnt your parents know about your party? LUKE Of course they did! Sort of. AISHA Sort of?


Well, Ive been trying to tell them. But theyre always too busy or they just dont seem to listen. So now Ive got over 100 people turning up next Saturday and no one will be at home! What am I going to do?
for ages You poor thing!

Listening and reading

5 Cover the dialogue between Luke and Aisha, 1a listen and answer the questions. 1 What is Luke going to celebrate? 2 What has he organised? 3 What have his parents organised?


1b Read the dialogue and write notes like these.

Luke has been... Luke has... talking to his parents. sent over 50 texts and arguing about his birthday. emails. Lukes parents have been... shouting at him. 18 Lukes parents have...

2 GROUPWORK Discuss these questions. What should Luke do? What should his parents do? Have you ever had a big argument with your parents? What was it about? How did you resolve it?
6 Listen and circle T (True) or F (False) for 3 each sentence. 1 Luke apologised to his parents. T / F 2 Lukes parents refused to let him have a party. T / F 3 His parents apologised and let him have a party. T / F 4 Luke rearranged the day of his party. T / F

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

4 Study the rules on the right, then match these sentences with the rules. a Ive been tidying my room. b Im tired. Ive been working all day. c Ive been waiting an hour. Im very upset. d This books quite hard. Ive been reading it for a month.

Present perfect and present perfect continuous
Like the present perfect, you can use the present perfect continuous to describe activities that began in the past and are still continuing. But choose the present perfect continuous to emphasise that the activity is ongoing. 1 Like the present perfect, you can use the present perfect continuous to describe activities that have just finished. But choose the present perfect continuous to emphasise that the activity was ongoing. 2 Use the present perfect continuous for actions and situations that have just finished, but which have present results. You look hot. Yes, Ive been playing tennis. NOT Yes, Ive played tennis. 3 Use the present perfect to describe very short actions. Shes cut her finger. NOT Shes been cutting her finger. Use the present perfect when you want to say how much or how often you have done something. Hes written six emails. NOT Hes been writing six emails. We often use the present perfect continuous to make an excuse, or to express annoyance or emotion. 4 Get the grammar, page 22

5 Look at the picture at the bottom of the page and say what has just been happening. Someone has been using a computer.

) ( ) ( ) (

6 GROUPWORK Take it in turns to give different explanations for the situations below. a Why is your face red? B Ive been crying. c Ive been running for a bus. D Ive been sitting in a very hot room. E Ive been chasing a thief.
your hands are shaking your clothes are dirty your hair is wet Alice has put on weight Daniel is very angry

there is water all over the floor you look very tired

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages


Hi. Hello. Hey. How are you? Hows it going? How are you doing? Whats up? Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.

Real Communication

a study tRip
Not too bad. Fine. All right, thanks.


Hi, my names... / Im... Im Daniel. But call me Dan. Hello. Can I / May I introduce...? This is my friend, Alex. Have you met...? Are you...? Is your name...? Pleased / Nice to meet you. Hi! Ive heard a lot about you.


Sorry? / Pardon? Sorry, what was your name again? Can / Could you repeat that? What do you mean by...? I didnt quite get that. What did you say? Sorry, I missed that.

Can / Could I possibly use your phone / pen? Do you mind / Is it OK if I study in here? Can / May I have a clean towel? Do you happen to have a spare alarm clock? Would it be all right if I asked a friend round this evening?

Thanks. Cheers. (informal) Thank you (very much). Thats very kind of you.

Goodbye. Bye. Good night. See you later. See you around. I must be off now. Id better go.

Staying in the UK
1 PAIRWORK Imagine you are going to the UK for a summer language course. Discuss these questions. How will staying with a host family be different from being at home? Will you have to change the way you behave? How? 2a Read the webpage on page 21 quickly. Does it mention any of your ideas? 2b Read the webpage carefully. Circle T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. 1 You can stay with many different types of families. T / F 2 You have to stay in a twin room with another student. T / F 3 You have to bring your own sheets and towels. T / F 4 Your family will wash your clothes if necessary. T / F 5 People can call you, but you cant call from the house phone. T / F 6 A full English breakfast is served every day.

Greetings and introductions

7 Listen to Alessia, a student. Number the situations in 3a the order you hear them. meeting her host family for the first time meeting friends at the language school introducing a friend to her host family

3b Listen again and tick the expressions you hear from the File. Which ones are more formal / polite? 4 GROUPWORK In groups of three. Take it in turns to be a student and role play each situation from exercise 3a.

Making requests
8 Listen to the conversations and make notes. What 5 does Alessia want? Does her host agree?



Sounding polite

7 It is OK to go out after your evening meal.


6 PAIRWORK Take it in turns to be the student and the host. Before you begin, note some things you want to ask. You can also use ideas from exercise 5 and the File. Remember to use the correct intonation.

8 You spend time with your English family on Sundays. T / F

phone home (my mobile battery is flat) invite five friends home


FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

Unit 2
Come to our school for a lively international atmosphere with students from many different countries.
Spending time with an English family and speaking English every day is part of experiencing British culture. All our families are carefully selected and give you a warm welcome, comfortable accommodation and good food, regardless of the size of the house! Your hosts include single mothers and older people, as well as families and couples. Students say they are very happy with our choice of families and we believe we offer the best family accommodation in the city. WHAT TO EXPECT Usually you will stay in a twin room with another student of the same age and sex as yourself. If possible, you will share a room with someone who speaks another language. If you require a single room, this can be arranged. The price includes towels and bedding. Our


Alive School



host families will do some laundry for you, but we suggest you bring enough clothes for your stay. It is possible to receive calls at your host home, but we ask you not to use the phone to make calls. Every day you are given breakfast, packed lunch and an evening meal. Your packed lunch includes sandwiches, crisps, a drink and a piece of fruit or yoghurt. Dont expect a full English breakfast. These days you are more likely to have toast or cereal. The main meal of the day is in the evening and is usually between 18.00 and 18.30, so you have time afterwards to go out and meet up with your friends. On Sundays, your rest day, you are free to do your own thing, or meet up with your friends in town.


9 Listen to a conversation at a language school 7a party. What do you learn about Alessia and Ben? Make notes.

8 GROUPWORK Imagine you are at the same party. Find out about the other people in your group. Remember to introduce yourself and to introduce other people. You can use the questions below but try to make up your own!
What do you do? Where do you live? How do you get to school? What was the last film you saw? What sort of music do you like? Do you like...? Do you ever...? Have you ever...? What do you do in your spare time? Where do you go on holiday?



from Paris

7b Listen again and tick the expressions you hear from the File > Asking for clarification.

LINKS Real communication p 5

Random Fact

The greeting whats up? is often shortened to sup. written on the Internet it becomes: sup bro? (whats up, brother?).

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages


Get the

Present perfect and present perfect continuous
2 Complete the sentences with either the present perfect or the present perfect continuous. Use the present perfect continuous whenever possible.
1 I 've been sitting (sit) here for half an hour. Im bored. 2 Tom ________ (try) to call an ambulance for half an hour, but the line is busy. 3 Oh no! Our teacher ________ (give) us five exercises to do tonight. 4 She ________ (write) that letter since she got home. I dont think shell finish it today. 5 A Youre late. What ________ (you, do)? B Im sorry. I ________ (help) my mother with the shopping. 6 A I ________ (read) three books this week. B Really? What were they about? 7 I lent my friends an Ugly Betty DVD. But they ________ (not finish) it yet. 8 A Why have you got paint on your hands? B Oh, I ________ (paint) my bedroom. 9 I ________ (go) to three European cities so far this year Paris, Budapest and Prague. 10 I ________ (think) about you a lot just lately. So I thought Id write an email. 11 Sam ________ (eat) three ice creams today. Hell get fat! 12 ________ (you, decide) what you are doing this summer? 13 Ella ________ (not feel) well for a couple of days. Shes got stomach ache and feels sick. 14 A How long ________ (know) your girlfriend? B We ________ (go out) for about six months now.

Past simple and present perfect

1 Circle the correct form of the verb.
1 That book is excellent. We read / have read it last year in school. 2 My mobile phone broke / has broken yesterday. I didnt send / havent sent any text messages for two days. 3 My friend Adam went / has gone abroad on a gap year. He sent / has sent me an email yesterday. He just arrived / has just arrived in Peru. 4 A How long did you live / have you lived here? B I lived / have lived here all my life. 5 Jane worked / has worked as a vet in Birmingham for the last three years. She loved / has loved animals since she was a little girl. She trained / has trained to be a vet in London and graduated / has graduated three years ago. 6 Im really sorry, but I burnt / have burnt the pizzas. What else is there to eat? 7 A Did you see / Have you seen the new Johnny Depp film yet? B Yes, I saw / have seen it last week. 8 Our computer just went / has just gone wrong. We didnt have / havent had it very long. We only bought / have bought it last month. 9 My grandparents lived / have lived in the USA between 1995 and 1999. 10 Steven Spielberg made / has made many famous films, but I think that Jaws was / has been his best. 11 I love travelling, I went / have been to South America three times. Last time, I travelled / have travelled overland by bus with two friends. 12 My mother joined / has joined a fitness club. She goes twice a week. Last night she got / has got home late and we had / have had a take-away pizza. Cool! 13 A I didnt play / havent played that computer game yet. Is it good? B Yes, it is. I played / have played it four times already and Im getting quite good at it. 14 A Did you do / Have you done your Maths homework? B No, I didnt / havent. Its too difficult. A I have done / did it last night. Do you want me to help you? 15 I like this cafe! I went / have been here six times. Last time I ate / have eaten their chocolate cake. It was / has been fantastic. Im going to have it again.

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Complete these sentences for you.

I have been living in since I have been studying for I have been playing since I have been in this class for I have known my best friend since I have been learning English for I have liked since I have had for

CD-ROM Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, Exam Practice WORKBOOK page 147


FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

You are going to talk about you and your world. Youre also going to look at the Internet, and explain what it means to you.

for real

Random Facts
1a PAIRWORK Some social networking sites have a section called 25 Random Facts About Me. Read about the four people below. Can you guess the missing facts?





1 Ive never worn ____________. 2 My first pet was a dog called Bruce. 3 Both my parents are from Hong Kong, but I cant ____________. 4 I learned to ski when I was three years old!




1 I was born in ____________ on the way to hospital. 2 Ive never flown in a plane. 3 Ive got three uncles, and theyve all got ____________. 4 I always drink a glass of milk before I go to bed.




1 Ive been going to judo classes for five years. 2 Every time I go on holiday, I always buy a new ____________. 3 I love fashion and I make all my own ____________! 4 Ive got the same birthday as Eminem (October 17)!




1 Ive watched Avatar on DVD over fifty times. 2 Im taller than my brother but hes two years older than me! 3 Ive never eaten an ____________. 4 Last year I had ____________, but my dad told me to cut them off!

10 Listen and check your answers. 1b

2 1 2 3 4

PAIRWORK Discuss these questions. Listen again and check.

Who taught Julie how to ski? What country does Eric want to visit? What colour judo belt has Becky got? What does Mike say about his class at school?

3 PAIRWORK Write five random facts about you. Four are true, but one is false. Then swap them with another pair. Can they guess the false one?
FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages 23


Safety online
4 Look at the guidelines for being safe online. Can you think of another guideline to add?


I safe

Dont put personal information online (your full name, address, school, phone number, bank information).


Choose a long (8-letters+) password for websites. Use characters like # % & as well as letters and numbers. Be very careful talking to strangers online many people lie about who they are. Dont arrange to meet people that you talk to on the Internet without talking to your parents first. If you are worried about something that happens online, tell a teacher or your parents, or tell the website directly. Be fair dont put embarrassing or bad photos of other people on the Internet.

My guideline:

The Internet and me

5a GAME In groups of three. Play WebWise on page 25. 5b What was the most interesting/surprising answer in the game? 6a PROJECT Plan your own webpage in English. Sketch out a design on a piece of paper. Include: some information about you some information about your hobbies / free time a photo of you a list (e.g. My 6 favourite films, My favourite books) 6b Look again at your webpage. Did you follow the guidelines from exercise 4?
24 FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

Play the game in a group of 3: A, B, and C. You need a coin and counters. Heads = move 1 square. Tails = move 2 squares. One player tosses the coin and answers the question. The group discusses each question for 1-2 minutes. The winner is the first to reach the end.


What kind of email attachments do you send and receive?

Have you got an avatar? What does it look like?

go forward one space!

How long do you spend online every week?

Do you download anything? What? Where?

Which websites help you to do your homework?

Are you on a website like Facebook? How many friends have you got there? Which of your friends has got the best website?

miss a turn!

Do you use any websites in English? Which ones?

go forward one space!

Whats the funniest website you know?

miss a turn!
Whats the best website with information about your local area? Which website do you use most often?

Whats your home page? Do you write a blog? When? Why?

Do you use emoticons when you chat? Whats your favourite?

Have you ever stopped using a website? When? Why?

Do you speak to people by webcam? Who?

Whats the best website for news/ gossip?


miss a turn!

r po
Has your school/ college got a website? Do you use it?

Whats your favourite music website? Has anyone in your family got their own website? Whats on it?

If you google your name, do you get hits about you, or someone else?

Do you often log on to a famous persons website? Why? Which is the best website in your language?

go forward one space!

Whats the best website for photos? Is it safe to put pictures online? 25

FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages


Exam skills



NOTES Before you listen, read the questions and find key words such as topic words. Then when you listen, listen for those key words. After you listen the first time, work with a partner and summarise what you heard. Then listen again and choose the best answers. If you hear a word or phrase that appears in a question option, it may be a distractor. After youve done the task, go through the options with your teacher and make sure you understand why each one is correct or incorrect. Think of ways to develop and improve your vocabulary. Listen to a variety of accents, voices and situations.

When you listen to a conversation you need to understand both the general meaning (the gist) and the detail. In exams, this is tested with listening tasks where you listen to different situations and answer questions. Practice is very important both for the exam and for real life listening!
Towards FCE Paper 4 Listening, Part 1

11 Listen and circle the correct answer. 1

1 You overhear a student talking on her mobile. Who is she speaking to? A her mother B her friend C her boyfriend 2 You overhear a mother and teenage son talking about his friends. How does the mother feel? A angry B worried C disappointed

3 You hear someone talking about her free time. What does she say about her gym? A It is a good way to keep fit. B She has made a lot of new friends. C She loves the sauna and hot tub. 4 You hear a teenager talking about his ambitions. What does he want to be? A a surgeon B a doctor C a nurse

5 You overhear an announcement on the radio. What kind of programme is being advertised? A a documentary B a comedy programme C a drama series 6 You overhear someone talking about his apartment. Where is it located? A in the city centre B in the suburbs C near the office 7 You overhear a conversation between a student and her host English family. What is the student doing when she speaks? A complaining B asking for permission C apologising 8 You hear part of a TV programme. What is the man talking about? A a new exhibition B a new film C a new book

Exam listening p 16 Exam speaking p 22



FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages



USEFUL LANGUAGE Opening Many thanks for your letter / email. Thank you so much for... Its been a long time since we wrote to each other. Im sorry I havent written lately. How are you and your family? You remember I told you in my last letter / email... Thank you for your invitation to... Closing Once again thanks for... Id better stop now. Write soon Im looking forward to... I hope... Give my love to... / regards to... Love / All the best / Best wishes

We often write in response to an advert, letter, email, etc, referring to the points made in that text as we write. In the FCE exam you are given a text, such as an advert, to read and then asked to write a letter in response. You need to consider who you are writing to, why you are writing and what sort of information you need to include.
Towards FCE Paper 2 Writing, Part 2 | Trinity ISE II

NOTES In informal letters the following features are common: contractions such as Im, Ive, its abbreviated sentences such as Feeling better now? simple connectors such as and, but, so, because colloquial expressions such as cool, brilliant, rubbish exclamation marks

USA top summer camps

Looking for the summer job of a lifetime?

Be an activity leader for children at a summer camp and have an exciting, amazing summer, develop new skills, and make friends for life. Your job will be to help run activities, ranging from sports and camping to the arts and performing. What were looking for Experience of working with children. This may be babysitting, helping in a play scheme, or simply having younger brothers and sisters. You must be available before June 28th for a minimum of 8 weeks. Fluency in English. What we offer Free flights to the USA Free accommodation and food After your work at the camp you can travel in the USA for 10 weeks Fantastic pocket money from $525$775 depending on your role

You have decided to go to America in the summer and work in a summer camp. You would like your English-speaking friend, Chlo , to go with you. You want to persuade her to do the job as well. Read the advertisement and write a letter explaining to Chlo about the job and persuading her to go with you. Use the expressions in the File to help you. (Write about 120150 words.) Follow the plan. Para 1 Greet your friend, ask how she is. Thank her for a letter / an email she sent. Briefly say what you have been doing lately. Para 2 Explain about the job. Para 3 Encourage her to join you, explain why it is good experience. Para 4 Close the letter with more encouragement to your friend.
FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages 27


6 Julie ____ three best-selling books since 2009. a) writes b) is writing c) wrote d) has written 7 Peter and Joe ___ house last week. a) have moved b) are moving c) moved d) have been moving 8 How ___ hair gel have you got in your hair? It looks ridiculous! a) many b) more c) much d) less 9 Ive seen ____ interesting films recently. a) a few b) a little c) plenty d) lots 10 Weve got hardly ___ fruit in the fridge. Could you buy some, please? a) some b) few c) many d) any
TOTAL: __/10


1 Choose the correct words. 1 I ___ shorts and a T-shirt at the moment because its very hot. a) wear b) am wearing c) have worn d) wore 2 She ___ that fashion is really boring. a) thinks b) is thinking c) has thought d) has been thinking 3 We ___ for Simon for three hours and hes still not here. a) wait b) are waiting c) waited d) have been waiting 4 I love France. I ____ to Paris last year and it was fantastic. a) go b) am going c) went d) have gone 5 ____ your history project yet? a) Do you finish b) Are you finishing c) Did you finish d) Have you finished


2 Write the letters in the correct order to make fashion words. 1 ksealcrdod ___________________ 2 nwbrtiads ___________________ 3 dihoeo ___________________ 4 sgelngig ___________________ 5 s l a b l e b a / p c a ___________________

3 Match these nouns and prepositions with the correct verb. together with / research / a noise / business / over it / a mess / decisions / round someone / nothing / housework make: __________ __________ __________ get: __________ __________ __________ do: __________ __________ __________ _________
TOTAL: __/10


4 Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue.

heard | Thats | how | Why | could | met | go | Wouldnt | Nice | kind Hi Jen, 1_______ are you doing? JEN All right, thanks. Have you 2_______ my cousin, Molly? 3 BOB _______ to meet you, Molly. Im Bob. MOLLY Hi Bob. Ive 4_______ a lot about you. BOB Jen, 5_______ I possibly borrow your phone? Mines not working at the moment and I need to call my dad. JEN No problem. BOB Thats very 6_______ of you, thanks. Are you two busy later? 7_______ dont we meet up at the Blue Note caf in town this evening? 8 JEN _______ a good idea, but the Blue Note gets really busy on Friday nights. 9_______ it be better to go to the Morocco Lounge instead? BOB OK. Lets 10_______ with that.
TOTAL: __/10

5 PAIRWORK Discuss your answers to these questions.

My parents get annoyed with me when My favourite way of relaxing is My worst fashion mistake was My favourite time of day is I get really upset when
TOTAL: __/10

TOTAL: ____/40

LINKS Extra reading A pp 46-47


FOR REAL intermediate Helbling Languages

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