LIVE 12D - Your Choice

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1736, Tuesday, 1 st journal, Mayan day 11 Lamat / Star or Rabbit or Venus

LIVE ~ 12D Your Choice

Video Journal
Wow. Not sure what to say about this live talk by the 12D. It was really intense , at least within my perceptions or experience. I haven't felt them come through quite this way, before. Looks like my work with them has shifted into something closer, more intense. Who'd a thunk it is also what I have to say. Once again, it was the beauty of the rainbows all around that inspired me to turn on the web-cam. I figured it would be another live video, since I wasn't moved to open one of the written ones to read. Didn't know it would be the 12D until it happened. (Who knows, maybe they tricked me a bit, keeping that hidden :) Anyway, I feel it's a worthy offering, so I'm very glad to upload it and invite you over to view it. I'm still a little stunned by the delivery, so I don't have much to say, here. I hope you follow the link to the live vid. Thanks! Namaste ~~


your body is Light, channeling the 12D beings, 13 major chakras, larger aura, 8 th & 9 th chakra, Family of Light, soul family, you choose your beliefs, don't be attached, you came here for Joy, Spiritual Guides & Advisers, our unity being restored, Source God or Spirit, OWN being divine, watch and observe, awaken or enlighten, flexible perspective, live from Heart, surrender beliefs

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