Open Letter To City Councillors at The Toronto Police Services Board

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August 6, 2013

TO: Councillor Michael Thompson Councillor Frances Nunziata Councillor Mike del Grande Toronto City Hall 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

RE: --WALK IN MOTION -Dear Michael, Frances and Mike:

On August 13,2013 the Board wont be dealing with the Death of Sammy Yatim and the circumstances surrounding the case . Understood. Nevertheless, I do have an urgent matter to the Board. Would you request the chair of the T.P.S Mr ALok Mukherjee to add to the agenda of August 13, 2013 the following Walk in item: ITEM : MOBILITY INTERVENTION CRISIS TEAMS and T.C.H.C Residents Why? in view of the tragedy of last July 26th 2013 on Toronto Streets by members of the T.P.S a young man died unnecessarily, He appears to have had a mental crisis..and no M.I.C.T were in the scene. Remember , T.C.H.C is regularly patrol by members of the T.P.S at different hours of the day, whom you have give them "Permission" to enter T.C.H.C properties via the "letter of the Landlord". Residents/ Staff of T.C.H.C are not aware that this teams/units are to be called in case of an event in which a resident is experiencing a mental crisis. We need to SAVE lives. Precious lives of Toronto Taxpayers. HEALTH CANADA statistic shown that 1 on 5 Canadians suffer from some type of mental illnesses.

T.C.H.C boast to have 10% or 9,9900 residents with Mental Illness and / or addictions are residents of T.C.H.C, for your information there are 164,000 Toronto Taxpayers living in T.C.H.C. As you may know Miguel Avila, is the ONLY , t.c.h.c resident who attends the meetings on a regular basis. Please move the player slide time: 217 to view and hear my deputation. T.P.S MEETING OF JUNE 20 2013 : Listen to my deputation to the Toronto Police Board.. No questions asked.. that is arrogance, lack of concern and an insult to the memories of people like Charles McGuillivary, the T.C.H.C resident who died in 20111 , this resident was pinned down to the ground and died of asphyxia by T.P.S officers, he lost his life in vain.. Charles was a person with mental illness.

Another death occurred on May 2013, we don't know yet the identity of the Scarborough T.C.H.C resident who was shot FOUR (4) times in May 2013. similarly the Scarborough resident was mentally disturbed and the T.P.S officers shot him down. For the record the S.I.U is STILL investigating this incident. and my written deputation: Expect to hear your reply . Please lets act now, we dont have to mourn again another T.C.H.C resident / T.T.C transit rider that falls under a barrage of bullets Please do not tell me I did not know. Times have changed , Social Media is changing the way evidences are provided in court., Who knows the next victim could be Yours truly? Look Forward to hear from you,

Miguel Avila T.C.H.C Resident Leader T.T.C user City Hall Monitor Visit:

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