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GAMEPLAY Welcome to the eight-mile adventure of a lifetime.

You, lucky player, now find yourself in a team of six (or more) noble adventurers. These men or women you will run for, crunch for, and yes, die for. Well, maybe not die for Teams are selected by the benevolent flag master, Coach Amy Jones. Adventurers should be placed into two teams of equal size. Think long and hard about the brotherhoods you form; teams ought to be of equal ability. Upon the first gameplay, one minute will be provided to each team for the sole purpose of creating a one word team name (within good taste). For example, Musketeers and Noblemen. Each gameplay begins with a process known as mitosis. Mitosis is a unique process that embodies the spirit of The Big Game. Each team will be split in half, then crossed with the half of another team. This creates mitosis team 1 and mitosis team 2. For example:
Musketeers Noblemen

Mitosis team 1

Mitosis team 2

Mitosis groups can be created randomly, equally, or cynically; however, it is important to note that the groups should be different each gameplay. The flag master will signal the beginning of the game, keeping track of time. Adventurers must then run a reasonable pace to the BP gas station, 1.03 miles from the starting point, as a warm up. Stretching at the BP is a wise decision, and will benefit each adventurer. Achieved: Warm up req.

The flag master, once satisfied with the limberness of her adventurers, will signal the phase 1 of The Big Game. Runners, staying in mitosis groups, must proceed 1.03 miles to the starting point of the game. Speed is advantageous during this portion of the game; it is in the best interest of each member of a mitosis team get to the starting point quickly. Once an entire mitosis team has reached the starting point, they may proceed to phase 2 of The Big Game. Total Distance: 2.06 Miles. Achieved: Distance req. Phase 2 of The Big Game evokes the dynamics of mitosis to pit adventurers against one another. At the starting point, the left and right stop signs will be labeled with either mitosis team 1 or mitosis team 2. These indicate which path the respective team should dare to brave. Each path is labeled with the name of one of the two teams in The Big Game. For example: Team Adventurers and Team Noblemen, therefore Path Adventurers and Path Path Adventurers .82 Miles Path Noblemen .84 Miles Noblemen.

Certain requirements must be met by adventurers on Path Adventurers and Noblemen. Clearly marked areas of each path are known as speed bumps. Speed bump areas are determined by the illustrious flag master. Speed bumps might require sprinting, crunching, crawling, and perhaps flying. A speed bump is guaranteed to be a mystery. Achievement: Speed workout req. When an adventurer finds his or herself not in a speed bump zone, he or she may be afforded special abilities. In each mitosis group, three (or more) members will be from one team, while the other three (or more) members will be from the opposing team. If an adventurer is traveling on the path that is named the same as his or her team, he or she will gain the power to attack an adventurer from the opposing team.

An attack consists of tagging an opposing adventurer. Should you be so unfortunate as to be tagged, you must immediately stop and perform a task assigned by the flag master. For example: 15 crunches. You may be attacked any number of times. Achieved: Core workout req. It is worth noting that players may never go backwards, stop, or maliciously linger during The Big Game. This prevents blood-hungry attackers from ruining the fun. So, adventurer, you have reached the end of your path (and the end of the attack zone). The Grand Arena (Stadium) holds items that are extremely precious to you. Perched in the highest reaches of the Arena are 12 (or more) flags. Half of these flags represent the lively color that your brotherhood has been assigned. Take the appropriate flag, and hold it close to your heart. Achievement: Cardio req. Proceed now, adventurer, to the exit of the path that you did not take. Take heed, perhaps on this path you may be an attacker Or, perhaps, the prey. It is in your best interest to follow your path quickly. Once you reach the stop signs, you must unite with the team members with the same color in your mitosis group. You may begin phase 3 once the 3 (or more) members of like color in your mitosis group have tied your flags together. Adventurers, you must take hold of your rope, and make haste of the 1.29 miles to Odell The Big Game Stats Rd. Total Mileage: 7.51 Warm up req. Distance req. Core workout req. Speed workout req. Cardio workout req. Cool down req. Total Fun: 100%

Adventurer, you now face one more speed bump (specially designed by the flag master) before final, grueling phase 4. After the speed bump, you may begin phase 4. Untie your rope, and separate yourselves, adventurers. You face before you the 1.21 miles of Odell Rd. Third times a charm, so prepare to do three repetitions of the foulest hill in the land. Speed is an asset. After your final repetition, adventurer, the flag master will take your flag. Points will be assigned to each team based on the order in which the flags were so valiantly returned. Once the game has been declared over, a cool down of 1.29 miles will commence. Achieved: Cool down req. Place 1 (20 points) Place 2 (16 points) Place 3 (12 points) Place 4 (10 points) Place 5 (8 points) Place 6 (6 points) Place 7 (5 points) and all other places, (2 points) Winning a game affords you privileges in future games, such as speed bump skips, fast paths, and many other surprises. Winning a game also carries an additional one repetition penalty at Odell Rd.

Also, points will be totaled on The Big Game leaderboard. At the end of The Big Game season, the team with the greatest number of points will receive bounty fit for a king.

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