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Michael Miller (millergamedesign.weebly.

11915 Stonehollow Dr. Austin, Tx 78753 | [281]796-4356 |

Entry level Game Designer breaking into the growing world of Video Game design. Eager and motivated to make his mark in the industry.

Skills and Abilities

Level Design JavaScript Unity Engine Unreal Engine Adobe Premiere Pro 3DS Max Adobe Photoshop Quality Assurance Game Design Problem Solving Technical Writing Communication Computer/Software Skill

Professional Experience
Tester | Dec 2011 March 2012 | Twisted Pixel Responsible for finding bugs and defects in the PC and mobile version of Ms. Splosion Man. Cataloged defects in database to be fixed. Unpaid internship. Beta Tested Elder Scrolls Online | June 2013 Beta Tested PixOwls Mobile Game The Sandbox. Beta Tested Planetside 2 Alpha Tested Battlefield 3

Games Designed
Blink 1st person survival horror. Worked as lead designer of 10 person team. Maintained Game Design Documents and Task/Asset Lists. Designed 3 out of 5 levels for project. Scripted puzzles, transitions between levels, menus, UI, health system. Worked to maintain clear and constant communication among art and design team. Strived to create and implement level flow and a consistent feeling and atmosphere to the game world. Formatted and created sound effects and music. Scripted audio system for implementation of scripted events. Dino Escape 2 dimensional top-down twin stick shooter. Responsible for creation of all aspects and mechanics. Designed spawning system, weapon system, implemented art and sound effects. Designed Dinosaur behavior, player controller and levels.

Photoreal Frogger Photorealistic recreation of classic Frogger game. Created and implemented all assets and systems. Created photo-realistic textures and background for game. Formatted audio and sound effects for implementation. Game Rules faithfully recreated from original game.

Associates of Applied Science | August 2013 | Austin Community College Majored in Game Design Specialization, Maintained 3.7+ GPA Associate of Arts | 8/2009 5/2011 | Austin Community College

Majored in English, Maintained 4.0 GPA

Transient Student | 5/2009-8/2009 | University of Texas at Austin

Studied Rhetoric and Writing, Earned 3.6 GPA

Associate of Arts | 8/2007 5/2009 | San Jacinto Junior College Majored in Music, Journalism and English, Maintained 3.6+ GPA

Member of Phi Theta Kappa (International Honor Society for 2 year Colleges) Member of Deans Honor List (3 Semesters) Columnist on College Newspaper

Photography project featured in local paper and college art gallery.

Interests and Hobbies

Listening to and creating music (Guitar, Reason, Garage Band, DM-1 Drum Machine) The Arts and Cinema (Science Fiction, Wes Anderson Films, Independent film and Horror) Digital and Analog Photography (Still Life, Nature) Reading (Science Fiction like the Dune series, short fiction, fantasy) Video Games (FPS, RPG, RTS, Rogue-like, simulation, racing, stealth)

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