The Ultimate Book of Game

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Ultimate Book of Game"

All of this great information on dating, relationships, self-improvement, and finance comes from the forum before the server crashed in mid-2012 and lost all of its information. Hopefully, I saved all this great info and would like to share with everyone. Also, make sure to check out my mentor who motivated me and other guys to Step Our Game Up, Tariq Elite Nasheed on

GOALS & Having a PLAN

The first thing ANY grown man needs is an objective. There has to be something you are working towards in all aspects of your life. Your finances, your physique, your dating choices for a potential team OR a wife if that is where you are in life. If you cannot honestly answer the question; "Where do I want to be 3-5-10 years from now?" You need to get a plan together ASAP. This starts the groundwork for making you into a REAL MAN.

Alpha Males know what they want to do and they do it...or at least attempt it regardless of who or what is going on. Beta Males know what they want to do but allow things to interfere that change the course of their plans or kill them all-together. Taking over your hood, having 10,000 females on your Facebook or having all the girls checking for you in the club IS NOT A PLAN. That is the shit that keeps young guys from focusing on real shit. If you are doing things in your life for anyone else other than yourself you are losing...period.

Don't be afraid of criticism. This is your fuel. When people critique your ideas or your work you should use this to re-tool your game plan and make your plans better.

Get with people who are doing well or at least trying to do big things. This is discussed below in detail in the TEAM topic but this is important. "Your NETWORTH is equivalent to your NETWORK"

Have multiple plans for hustles/income streams. Any good hustler knows you cannot be a "one trick pony". Being One-Dimensional is killing the IT dudes in my field because they got certified to do ONE THING and technology is ever-changing so now they are looking for work. You also find this with older cats in most fields that have been in a position for 20+ years trying to retire with a small amount....that shit is wack. If you are not moving and shaking you are stagnant and will be passed up and passed over...every time. Be multi-dimensional playas. Learn how to do other shit to make money....legally of course - lol. This economy is not friendly to the CNN has shown you.

UPGRADE YOURSELF & YOUR WOMAN Upgrading yourself is simply staying HUNGRY for better. First upgrade your knowledge. LEARN something new. Then upgrade your attitude and be ready to take on all challenges... be places you work early, leave late and stay focused on what you are doing and where you need to be going. Don't ever stop trying to get more and achieve greater things in your life. Look the part. If you cannot afford the suit, get a clean dress shirt and slacks but at all times dress how you want to be paid. If you don't dress seriously no one will take your seriously. I often get cats who want to link up on some business and they holler at me in a business setting in some Jordans.....I wear them too but not to talk business to anyone. It does matter. Use your head and stay Business-FLY if you are on that. There are several things to being "fly" there is a suit & tie-fly, polo's & khakis-fly, casual fly (jeans, sneakers, etc.)....KNOW WHEN TO USE THEM.

Upgrade your lady - she is a reflection of you. The majority of cats I have seen have women with daddy issues or come from broken homes or women who work fast food and can bring some chicken home and if that is all you are working with then I understand but you should always be striving to get better. You are not a Mack cause you got a woman at KFC and one at Subway plus one that works in the mall at the Earring are doing some low-budget macking if anything. Step your game up and upgrade your woman. If you have a woman with potential then you should give her the game she needs to be more of what you require for your goals. If you have a 7, once you upgrade her she will be the 10 you need. I hear a lot about dudes here saying that you should look for a woman who is already a dime (in terms of looks)....thats all cool but if she got everything what the hell does she need you for? Be ready to inject small amounts of game into the woman you want to "keep" so that she is of use to you and can bring something "real" to the table. Contrary to popular belief tangibles are not necessarily bringing home biscuits from her fast food job....make her bring something taxes, her business connections, money, make her learn a foreign language or something new to add to your shyt. If you are worried about her leaving you with the game you have given her - don't....that's why I said inject small amounts not all of it. Consider that a gift. If you are the type of dude with a lot of game others around you will absorb anyway. That's the beauty of the game...its infinite.

BELIEVING IN YOURSELF Not trying to get spiritual but those who know a higher power or understand the dynamic of "The Secret" know that what you believe will conceptually become your reality. If you truly believe in what you have established as a goal it will come to you. Often times I think about past years when I wanted set little goals for myself and after I met them I thought that I should have set them higher because it seemed so fast they came to fruition. In the world we live in if you do not believe in yourself how in the hell will anyone? With women, business, school, job, everything - no one wants to lose in life and you have to be able to be believable to yourself before you can even begin to gain the belief of others. This is going past confidence...this is true belief in your work/output and your abilities. Confidence is emotions that exude from you, belief if what you feel internally about yourself - You "show" confidence but you "feel" belief (IMHO). There are people who exude confidence but really don't believe in their own shyt....they just lie to themselves. If you have to do that then you are not in a comfortable place. The things in life that you believe in that turn out successfully are our greatest rewards.

EXECUTION - Handling Your Business

Everyone is not cut out to lead and that is cool. Everyone is not cut out to play the role of the boss or the businessman....all of that is fine as well....but at the very least a man should show follow-thru on everything you touch and handle your business. In life there are only a few things a man is measured by, his word/integrity (of course) but his "output" is extremely important too. How you execute your plans

and handle your business shows how disciplined and focused you are. All of us are not as disciplined as we would like to be but being on some grown-man shit is about making sure whatever you are involved in you handle your business and execute WELL. Doing a half ass job or being a lazy bull shitter can get you so far until one day you'll actually have to show your stuff....this is where a lot of men get exposed. Macking as it pertains to manhood has persuasion and manipulation involved in it however you need to have some skill to go along with the slick talk. Don't be the nigga with a lot of fly talk but cannot deliver on any of it. If you have heard the expression "fake it til' you make it" then you know that putting on a facade does work but the question is once you make it....then what? Be a grown man about your shit and PUT IN THE WORK. You can spit fly shit to people all your life but someone's going to call BULLSHIT on you and you need to be able to back it up. Be a "stand up" dude and quit bullshitting your peers. The internet has helped some cats get away with bullshitting the masses but once you log off......who are you really? Stop the faking and fronting and handle your damn business....and BE A MAN.

As this pertains to women - Women will fall for the bullshit you are spitting but sooner or later you WILL be exposed. So got laid because some women fell for some lie you told...once you are exposed and she puts you on blast your credibility is SHYT and she will effectively ruin you and fuck with your future. Pay attention to the trends gentlemen...women (and men who think like and want to be women) are taking over the media and in some parts the justice systems so we have to continue to dominate the REAL WORLD and execute. Handle your business with YOUR woman/women as well and be the nigga you are selling them you are. If you are executing your plans she will see that and cooperate. If not she should be traded.....let her flop around in the CBA for a while but she needs not fuck around in the Pros where the grown men are making shit happen.

As this pertains to your kids (if you have them) - There is nothing in the world worse than a kid who has no direction. This is important for a grown man to be able to impute his philosophies, and experiences to his seeds so that the game is perpetual and lives on after you check out of here (die...for the slow). Who you are needs to resonate in your children and shape them into being individuals who can pass the game along to the next generation so your legacy lives on. That may be a little deep for some cats but think about that while you are trying to bang out some big booty hood she REALLY who you want to be the mother of your kids....then after you realize that is a resounding NO put your dick back in your pants and go qualify a worthy women to kick it with. See handling your business with your kids is more than picking up pampers and saving the receipts so the dirty bitch doesn't roast you in court on some child support....handling your business is also what you do with the mother of your child. It is important that if she is not "right" in the head then you need to handle business to get her on the same page to raise that child properly and delete the immature-hood mentality. I see a lot of cats who can manipulate all the whores in the club but when it comes to their baby mama they get shook....she is a woman just like the rest of them. She has your kid and all but if you are handling your biz you have nothing to worry about as far as her taking you to court on some bullshit. Be present, pay for shit, be instrumental in the learning process (i.e. their schooling), talk to them about real shit in life, teach them

the value of money, don't drop them off at someones crib so you can go fuck off....BE A FATHER nigga. I understand that niggas make mistakes and knock up the wrong women....its all part of the game to learn from those mistakes to make better choices afterwards. As a grown man you need to walk the walk and handle your business with all things so that your kids can see that in you and they will walk that line as well. BE A GOOD EXAMPLE - Handle your got damn BUSINESS.


On some real talk....time is the one thing you cannot get back. Once its gone - its gone. Doctors, Lawyers, Consultants, many men of means equate their time to $. How much are you worth? How much is your time worth? Wasting time is equivalent to wasting money. We all do both. I would be the first to say I have blown a lot of money and time but I try to let the productive part of my shit overrun the nonproductive stuff. We all need a break and as long as you have more billable hours than are keeping it mackish. As a man you have to value the time you spend on anything where you are putting forth any effort, brain power, etc. If you are on the phone, on the computer, on the corner NOT making money you are LOSING - period. Right now as we speak most of us are making money while we are on the net chopping up game....this is good. All things need to be approached like that. When a woman is trying to bait you into hours at a time of giving her attention on FB, MySpace, Twitter....nigga STOP THAT SHYT. Its useless. The social network thing is beautiful because it allows the masses to communicate with each other informally but who's making money while they are bullshitting on FB....honestly? If you run an online business or something of that nature then cool but the majority of us do not so that means we are NOT valuing our precious time if we got several logged hours online looking at pictures and chatting up hoes. Shout out to Royal Flyness. His books teach you how to close the fucking deal and not waste time online with the banter. Back to the money.....if a doctor or a lawyer makes six-figures + because their time is worth money to them (and you) then why shouldn't you approach it the same way? Its all BILLABLE HOURS. If you take a simple $5 for every hour you have spent doing nonproductive shit in your life by the end of the week you would kick yourself in the ass at all of the paper you have let slip by. I have Jay Z in my signature for more than just the popularity thing...that shit he spoke is the real deal playas - You have to look at yourself as a BUSINESS. People charge you when you need something from need to be charging them for your service or time as well. It costs to have me work on anything....and I am expensive - LOL.

As it pertains to women - The gains from dealing with a woman are not often seen upfront but take time. Its like planting a have to do a little work in the beginning but when they catch a little water and sun they start coming into full bloom and the rewards/fruit they bear for you are the gains. If you are wasting time with a woman you DO NOT gain from then - kill yourself. Not literally - LOL. Let every exchange with a woman bear some kind of fruit for you. Value the time you spend with them and

it will pay dividends...if she is a qualified woman. An empty woman bears no fruit. That is the reason you qualify them properly prior to giving her ANY of your precious time.

As it pertains to your peers/partners - Plain and simple your own people can be your downfall and the time you spend around cats with no goals or plans will eventually affect you. Nobody wants to be a loser but if you hang with loser dudes guess what you are? Its hard to see the ones you grew up with commit major infractions in the game and become simps, slackers, posers, and over all losers BUT to be the man you need to be you must shed some things. Younger cats will see this shortly when they get on their grown man and their buddies still got dumb shit going 30+ guys have already got through the initial stages of comes the hate. Your own niggas will hate on you so be smart and go ahead and play them like the Heisman Trophy and find people who you can learn from. Value the time you spend to the degree that you are gaining from those who are trying to GET IT CRACKIN' out here. Time is much too short to be wasting at the trap house or hang out spot with a bunch of idiots. A harsh truth is that we all are USERS....we use those around us to gain something and as long as the exchange is mutual its all good but as far as your time is concerned utilize people you can gain knowledge and/or insight from as payment to you for the time they spend in your presence.

The Principle of Using Your Mind People often overstate or over complicate how things seem to work from my experience. The mind works on the same principles that computers do, i.e., garbage in garbage out. For example, a male chauvinists and women alike promote the notion that women are weak, adorable, less intelligent, etc. From my observations, those very beliefs allow women to do their dirt undetected/unsuspected while controlling how the man views his own manhood in relation to her. He looks down on her, so the possibility that she could be cleverer than he does not exist. So she runs things while he is merely a figurehead. He allowed (knowingly or not) ideas to enter into his mind without scrutinizing them for truthfulness and such. If the mind is not protected by the owner than it will be subjugated to the whims of others. Note that this involves reflection on beliefs they gained as a youth so that they can accept or dismiss them. It is also very uncomfortable (cognitive dissonance) for people because they identify themselves as the things they do instead of the doer that made a choice to do certain things.

THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY Over the years I struggled with keeping a long term plan in mind and acting on it. Recently I realized that the map is not the territory. This can mean different things, but from my experience it means that becoming comfortable with plans is a trap. Plans are just maps meant to guide behavior. The real power in implementing the plan comes from being able to adapt and adjust to situations as they arise without violating/breaking the original plan regardless if the situation was predicted or not. A person cannot

predict and control everything, so it only makes sense that the plan/map for supreme mackhood be the bones that give support and framework while the ability to adapt be the changing muscles, all of which need positive reinforcement.

Applying What You Learn I know tons of people who are book smart, street smart, or both and they are still broke sitting up having conversations about how intelligent they are. I also know cat's with plenty of knowledge about women and their ways of thinking, but are still scared to approach a woman. I know people who studied business in college and know a lot about business, but theyre still broke and living at home with their parents. This board has so much info and we all can take in all this information, but if we do not apply what we learn, we are cheating ourselves.

The treadmill effect creates a lot of frustration, and frustration leads most people to giving up or searching for the easier route. You are creating a treadmill effect by not applying what you learn. Your reading and learning in order to improve yourself, but youre not applying it so youre moving but not going anywhere (the treadmill effect). The treadmill effect has messed me up plenty of times throughout my life.

What good is being smart if you don't use your smarts the right way? Cool, you read a lot of books and can have conversations about certain topics, but if youre broke you are still considered a loser in societys eyes. They say "If you knew better you would do better", but a lot of people know better and still don't do better, so in reality their doing worse.

Take a look at the pickup game. One good book could probably get the job done if the readers apply what they learn. Instead majority of the readers are in denial and they purchase more books looking for more "tricks" and easier ways to pull women. There is no real trick; the trick is applying what you know. The same goes for the game of life. There are plenty of book and street smart homeless and poor people around. The main reason why people are not applying what they know is because their lazy and want everything handed to them, the easy way. I was the same way, but I am learning that good rewards takes hard work whether its women, money, health, or whatever. What's the point of reading and knowing 48 Laws of Power front to back but still doesnt apply it? Youre just a powerless person with knowledge of power. That's equal to knowing when and how youre going to get punched, but not defending yourself against it.

I finally figured it out. Books, experiences, and mentors are there for you to gain knowledge and apply what you learn. Don't be mad at the authors and mentors. The reason a Self-help book or seminar worked for Jim is not because it related more to him, it's more than likely the fact that he applied what he learned. But applying yourself is easier said than done as I'm finding out, but I still take the lumps of failure with applying the knowledge. At least I know I tried and applied. So I believe one of the main goals for all of us on the board should be applying what we learn. If we all start to apply what we learn, UPA will be untouchable on and off the net.


Shout out to 1GMACK on this one. He touched on this earlier.

As a man you must realize that what you put INSIDE your mind and body will come out of you. Think long and hard about what goes into your brain daily....BET, MTV, Reality TV Shows, the latest rap music, gossip, bad news on all channels....all of this kind of stuff poisons us. We never realize it until we become some sick fuck doing some degenerate shit or getting mildly amused by someone else's sick ass on TV. I will say this for the community her on cats are the best at bringing good game and information/"food" for the brain. Websites like this and books from those identified within the pages of this board keep the brain fed WELL. Keep your mind as clean as water....but most of us have been drinking out of dirty taps for the last 20 years. Its time to feed yourself with knowledge and something that can help you WIN. Watching loser shit and listening to some loser over an 808 or Fruity Loops is great entertainment but when todays man (or young cat) cannot differentiate the entertainment from reality - ITS POISON. You know the old saying that music soothes the savage beast....well they were talking about US. They want us soothed and "sung to sleep" and then tranquilized so they can control and manipulate us. WAKE UP PLAYAS. You are a beast when properly motivated and "they" (feminists, simps, haters, racists, etc.) love it when the male masses are controlled. Like a cattle prod they jolt us with stupid shit to coral us into an area where they can slaughter us (may have been little dramatic there - but you get the point). I am not totally knocking the entertainment world....hell all/most of us listen to hip hop & will probably be out to see Transformers 2 next week (I can speak for myself - LOL) but don't let that become your reality. Separate the fact from the fiction and feed your mind with a "healthy" serving of knowledge and "morsels" of entertainment for the perfect balance in the game. Go past reading different things and do like Tariq ALWAYS suggests and take your macking on the road...hell take your MIND on tour and feed it different cultures. Knowing how other cultures make money and get down will undoubtedly help anyone expand their global game. Feed your mind through EXPERIENCE. Try new shyt and gain knowledge that way. I am unsure of many but I am a "hands on" guy whereas if I can put eyes and hands on it I can figure it out. I read the instructions last.....that's just me but this feeds my mind as well. The old saying is 100% on point - Experience is usually the best teacher.

Feed the BODY - Young Savvy and other physically fit cats can attest to this...what you put into your body will show on the outside. If you are putting bullshit inside yourself you know what is coming out...right? Staying fit and balanced is a tough thing for a man to do with a hectic schedule but we (MEN) are recognized for our STRENGTH and PHYSICAL PROWESS/DOMINANCE. A strong body indicates power and discipline. I commend cats that are keeping themselves healthy whereas I daily partake in that as well and it does make a difference. Ever notice how those who have a nice build keep their swagger on a zillion??? Its no coincidence. With women and men alike they take notice and show a different level of respect for you when you are fit. I have seen countless times where someone was passed up for jobs or deals because they were slovenly or sloppy. Some things in life you cannot control but your physical appearance you can damn sure alter by PUTTING THE WORK IN. If you know that fast food is some bullshit...SLOW OR STOP your intake. That's across the board. Although there are numerous things that work for people (exercise, diet, free weights, resistance, etc.) - Eating right is a constant. I am not a health nut or a fitness guru but I know that a MAN needs to be strong in both stature and mind....that is a constant as well.

Feed the SOUL - There are several different opinions on religion and a persons soul. We all have our own. Only YOU know what is good for your soul and that must be fed as well. If you choose not to believe in anything then that is fine. All of us have a day coming where we will have to answer to "someone". Like it or not - its coming. Feed your soul a little bit of humanity. See how others live and appreciate your situation. If you are doing what you are supposed to in the game you will be better than you were last year and so give back to the game. Lace someone, help someone out, do something to increase the number of actual STAND UP DUDES in this world. Everyone will not be that and to those cats let them fall on their own sword but to those who love the game and all that it embodies it is imperative to PAY IT FORWARD...and also GIVE BACK once you have succeeded. Respect is always given to those who are real men and understand that as long as you are immersed in the game people around you benefit as well. Whether its through your words, actions, ideology....someone is soaking this in. This kind of stuff is always good for the soul.

Although Tariq may or may not be feeling this in his mind and soul...this movement for awakening the senses and bringing real game to the forefront is on fire right now. His following and the extensions of what he has spit has created a forum for real game to be chopped up. With every podcast and appearance someone new comes into the fold with something to contribute. The numbers are growing.


American society was established on the idea that the western Europeans were "right" and everyone else was wrong. BS ideas like manifest destiny are evident of this. The paternalistic attitude is still prevalent in the culture and results in people trying to get the praise from the next man while hating on others to draw attention away from the fact that they are opportunists. In reality "right" and "wrong" are subjective concepts; stick with what works for you so you can relate to yourself and the next person who may be on something different.

DO NOT FLOSS YOUR GAME OR INTELLIGENCE This is simple; if I can tell you what you can and cannot do then I can control you. If I can tell you what values, beliefs, principles, etc. you live by then I can appear mysterious or illogical to you while taking advantage of you in different ways. Gather your resources swiftly, quietly, and with likeminded guys. Only use the weapons when necessary. Strike like a ninja. Intelligence is an asset if it cannot be measured, dictated, or controlled. Think about that next time you deal with snot nosed upper class people.

MIYAMOTO MUSASHI JEWELS It is important for the warrior to constantly meditate upon these things: 0. Think honestly within yourself in your dealings with all men 1. Constant training is the only Way to learn strategy 2. Become familiar with every art you come across 3. Understand the Way of other disciplines 4. Know the difference between right and wrong in the matters of men 5. Strive for inner judgment and an understanding of everything 6. See that which cannot be seen 7. Overlook nothing, regardless of its insignificance 8. Do not waste time idling or thinking after you have set your goals

* Do not become stricken with a single-minded attitude. This is fatal. You must be able to function flexibly within the structure of the one thing you are doing. You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain.

* Embody the spirit of winning by having the spirit to win.

* Constantly reevaluate yourself

* It is essential for a student on the path of the warrior never to close his mind to the possibilties of other possibilities.

* Strategy is based on quickness and not speed, power not strength.

* Showing extra strength indicates weakness in your technique. It also shows a lack of control on your part because you are depending on something outside of your true self. Your own preconceived ideas on what being "strong" means is not the Way of the warrior.

* The true warrior does not go around telling everyone he is a great. He permits his actions to govern others' responses.

* Do not take anything for granted and do not put emphasis on the things of men.

Cultivation & Skills

I think it is very important on multiple levels to have something to offer the world. And by something to offer the world I mean skills or knowledge. Whether it be knowledge of other languages, knowledge of cars, knowledge of technology, knowledge of literature, knowledge of martial arts, whatever. In fact, you should have multiple areas in which you have knowledge.

Why? Well other than a lot of these being marketable skills, when knowledge of self comes into play, and you have to evaluate yourself as a man of the world, knowledge is an objective, positive factor that increases value. When you value yourself as a man in your dealings with others, you now have leverage. You are a skilled, knowledgeable individual and no one can take that away from you. Your show of dedication to mastery of your craft(s) also plays into your overall value as a man.

As stated earlier in this thread sense of accomplishment is real swagger. And I cosign this idea completely, to the point that I see it as fact. This is why it is often said that "things" do not define you and you should not attempt to let your "things" define you. Your actions define you and in this case your actions are your dedication to mastery of your craft(s). Very definitive, something to be proud of, and certainly valuable.

Leak Your Own Secrets Sometimes The real purpose behind this rule is to test the (UN) reliability of your acquaintances. Find out which of your acquaintances tell your secrets repeatedly and which ones are consistently silent by following the flow of information. The so-called blabbermouth can be a useful tool for manipulating someone from a distance. If you've got a secret that you don't want anyone to find out, keep it to yourself. People have a dying need to tell other people's secrets no matter how trustworthy they may be. This is not to say that people will always succumb to this temptation. However, the only way to guarantee your secret will never be told is to not tell it.

Never Tell Another Man's Secrets When someone tells you a juicy secret, deny the urge to go and spread it around. The fewer secrets you tell, the more trust you build of your friends and foes alike. Keeping your acquaintance's little secrets leads to him trusting you with bigger and better secrets. These secrets can also be used as leverage when you need a favor from that person. These secrets can also be used as weapons. However, avoid threatening to use one's secrets against him, even if that is your intention. Some will kill to have their secrets kept unknown.

Know Your Strengths... Keep Them Hidden as Well Sometimes it is even wise to disguise your strengths as weaknesses. When you do this, you soon find who your true allies are and who are not. Typically an enemy in disguise will make his first attack on this so called "weakness". When he does, destroy him. Know your Weaknesses... Keep Them Hidden This rule applies to even people you consider allies. You can never know when that friendship will go sour.

The first area that a newly formed enemy will try to attack is your weakness. If you do reveal your weaknesses, be prepared to defend yourself against attacks on them.

Become Invisible Watch, Listen, Learn. Become a silent observer for as long as you can all the while preparing to make your move. Watch how others do what it is you want to do. Watch them make mistakes. Learn from them. When you feel that there is no more that can be learned from observing, start preparing to make your move.

Never Let Your True Intentions Known In your time of silence, make sure that you never let on what you are planning. If possible, mislead people into thinking that you are pursuing some other goal while quietly putting your efforts into your true goal. When you are ready to make your move, do it quickly and effectively. At this point, it will be too late for anyone to stop you.

Always have a Plan Having a plan is crucial in acheiving any goal. Make your plan and review it often. Each review will become a practice session so that when it comes time for execution, you will feel as if you had done it many times before.

Plain and simple, your money is dependent on your moves. You must always keep in mind that things don't always work out and even a well thought out plan can fail. You need to have some kind of plan in place when/if it all comes crashing down. Whether that be selling off assets, bankruptcy, working 2 jobs....always have something in mind = BE PREPARED. Investors need this too because its their risk as well and usually their exit plans include ruining your credit + filing on insurance and selling your debt to a 3rd they are cool. You need to be as well. If you work a job and have co-workers or bosses that consistently have it in for you or your job is closing its should have an exit strategy almost like oxygen (essential).

At the end of the day no one will have your best interest at heart like YOU. Protect yourself in all things and don't stumble through life...jog at a moderate pace so that you are moving but not so fast you will fall and not so slow you get passed up.


As described by webster is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace-making, trade, war, economics and culture. International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians.

But I'm going dive into being able to deal and effectively communicate with all types of people. As a mack you must achieve supreme mastery with social skills. You must be able to change your style, way of speaking to suit those you're speaking too. You must be as an chameleon always changing and adapting to your new social enviornment. You must have complete control over your emotions, be modest, and have great listening skills. You must know when to talk, when not to talk, and what to be concise when you do talk.


Although it may seem like a person is down with you or down for you, sometimes you have to set traps around your game so that the people you consort with expose your betterment. Lets say there are a few people in your circle you run with or quasi-trust and something is telling you that things are not what they appear. Some real good game will attract all kinds of people. In this economy and in this day & age people are STARVING. Starving for attention, money, prestige and sometimes quite literally food and with everyone wanting to eat.....if your plate is large or growing and you have some excess those same people will be waiting to collect it. Sometimes not on purpose but more times that few its planned. As a Mack you will be able to give out game almost unconsciously because the moves you make are so habitual for you that what you say and do in front of others will almost "radiate" with the game. Knowing this keep an ample amount of things in your midst that will trigger your internal alarms and booby-trap those who have a hidden agenda. Perfect example;

I have a guy who does what I do and we are often on the same jobs with each other and he tries to get me to go out for beers with him, offers to take me & the Mrs. out to dinner.....but never asks for anything in return. Occasionally we throw each other bones when one of us has a project load to heavy but for the most part we are both doing well. See niggas like this you must always watch because the agenda is going to come out eventually. I set a trap for him earlier this year and by having some project stuff on my white board in my office when he comes by. Now granted some of the things I have on that

board are real but some have large numbers near them. Little did he know those numbers were the contacts phone numbers (I just left the dashes out and no area codes). I knew he would think I had some big money guys on deck and he would try to contact them on the sly so he came to me about if I had anything I could throw his way this summer and I said no. He then proceeds to bring up one of the clients on the board "as if" I mentioned them to him a while back. 'Game'

I gave it to him and he got the contract but it was only three digits of the number he saw + it was far more work than I was willing to do for that small amount of money.

Moral of the story is....everyone wants something from you & as Jay Z put it: "when the grass is cut, the snakes will show".

Set traps to expose your adversaries.....


Even though we got them as our ladies, wives, GF's, roster, etc....they are always trying to play us. Set traps for their ass too. Women will forever be testing us. Its the natural balance of gender control in society. There's nothing we can do about it besides play smarter and set our traps. They have the most powerful trap in the known world....The Pussy. Don't fall for it. I have seen the strongest cats fall victim to the coochie and become weaker than public restroom tissue. Women know this and they use it to manipulate us. A real true to the gamer will not be phased or vexed but NO MAN is above this trap. Every man has a weakness and it is usually attached to a woman. The best way I have seen to trap a female is with good bait (our worth, your value, your game). Normally these things will be revealed to her and she will show her motives although some can/will play the role for months or even years before it comes out....ask Nasir Jones or Mos Def. At the end of the day they are probably our most defiant adversaries.

Gentlemen....set your traps.


A URM, you must obtain a lot of great skills. Its essential that as a Mack that you be adept in the art of self-defense and respectively possess the physical aptitude to protect you and your assets. While that Is imperative I propose that you acquire a skill that will cut your physical altercations back dramatically. One that can divert a high-risk situation into a comfortable one that plays out in a favorable outcome for you. What am I speaking of you ask? Im referring to the art of DIPLOMACY. Not only did I touch on this subject a few months on go on the UPA boards, but King Flex a.k.a Tariq Nasheed actually spoke on this subject on his 200th podcast hustlers mentality.

As described by Webster is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace-making, trade, war, economics and culture. International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians.

But Im going dive into being able to deal and effectively communicate with all types of people. As a Mack you must achieve supreme mastery with social skills. You must be able to change your style, way of speaking to suit those youre speaking too. You must be as a chameleon always changing and adapting to your new social environment. You must have complete control over your emotions, be modest, and have great listening skills. You must know when to talk, when not to talk, and how to be concise when you do talk.

Prior to speaking you must swiftly diagnose the person youre talking to and speak to them on a level upon which they can understand you. Dont underwhelm or overwhelm the conversation. For example if youre talking to Harvard grad, youd want to exercise your large vocabulary to effectively communicate with them in such a manner where you dont sound like an uneducated or simple minded person. You want to have great sentence structure and speak as correctly as you possibly can. Now on the other and if youre speaking with a thug from the hood it would be in your best interest to use a limited vocabulary and to speak using slang or Ebonics just so they can comprehend you. And always be cognizant of the fact that even though we have a foundation for Ebonics theyre some slang that varies from the Country, to region, to state, to city, to the area in the city. In other words what youll say to someone from the 9th ward of New Orleans wont be the same thing you would say to someone from Brownsville Brooklyn. Most people you see on the street well be in that mid-section of Thug and Ivy league graduate. And If youre talking just to a normal person whos not from the hood Id advise you to just talk in a manner thats easy for them to understand you dont have to say Ya Heard me after every sentence nor do you have to say I concur every time you agree with them. A great example of a brother

with great diplomacy skills would be Malcolm X. Malcolm X was able to converse with a criminal from the ghetto as well as possessing the ability to proficiently debate with an Ivy League alumni.

Once youve efficacious in the attempts to diagnose and communicate with people well move on to the next phase. Law # 4 of the 48 laws of powerAlways Say Less Than Necessary.(one of my favorite laws) You must be able to balance your talking and to persuade others to do your bidding. Never talk too little or to much. No one likes a chatterbox or motor mouth. When you speak always have a purpose. Now being quiet is a lot better than being very talkative. But its a gamble; you can either be left with a shroud of mystery upon your presence or can be viewed as weak and unable to express yourself. Though persuasion can be categorized as another skill in itself it can also be viewed as a sub-skill of diplomacy. To get someone to do something you have to make it appealing to them. You must be able to play on their fantasies, wants, and needs.

Lastly URM one of the most profound things about you is the fact that youre mobile, unlike your beta male counterparts you make it a hobby to travel. Id advise you to become bilingual. Hell I advise for you to assign a different language to each of your team mates also. When you go to these countries you can either go alone and bag a couple dimes in the country by being affluent in their language, you can even just know how to say hi and theyll be satisfied and aroused just by and American attempting to speak to them in their native tongue.(which most dont do due to arrogance and laziness) Or you can of course take one of your deserving team mates acting as a translator. If your game is tight she already knows the deal, you can either kick with her or not shed deserve for just coming along.


In my life I have had struggles with focusing on what really matters....but I have gotten better with time & experience. On this board, in real life, in college its hard for a player to keep his focus. We are actually self-programming the bullshit into our lives. Playa's when we feel like we MUST bust that nut off on some chic we are "low-key" giving the women the power.....because your dominant thought is to bust that nut with her. This is what becoming a man and a Mack is about = FOCUS. Do not take your eye off the ball young playas. I WISH I had someone back earlier to pull my coat-tail about this (pops passed away). Although the best teacher is experience we as men still need a PLAYBOOK to read by. When you keep your focus you are not giving the women the power. They cannot manipulate you and your actions and in turn they will approach you. I read a question on this board where someone asked "So you mean you focus on other stuff and the women will come?" and the answer is NOT EXACTLY. I mean your focus on your goals is for YOU and once you are flowing and glowing in your success it looks attractive to females....thats when the approach comes in to play. There is no magic trick to pulling women however

being the best you can in other areas of your life show women you are a winner....and the quality women want to be aligned with winners. Unfortunately the bullshit women want that too but this is your choice with whom you mess with. How many of us know someone who was banging many females and thought they were the Mack and after a few years of this behavior they got at least 2 (and a possible) kids by different women? This is not mackish playas. If you want to be tied up in court for child support and/or involved in a gang of drama with several nothing-ass-bitches then be this nigga. The ability to select or be selected and the act of making that into something beneficial for YOU....thats mackish. The random fucking of many and any woman is not mackish homie. A fool can smash several women. This is actually thirsty behavior. As a Mack you must be selective with whom you lay down with. Its not quantity...its quality.

Back to focus...the way it works is that real focus can help you accomplish the goals-that build the valuethat create the situation for a Mack to be chosen....not just by women but by ANY opportunity.

There are several books and threads on this board alone with ways to increase focus. Stay on course young playas. The pussi will come and its not going anywhere. Some cats may feel like if they don't fuk as many brawds as they can lay eyes on or they'll stop making pussi or something??? They are making new pussi for you cats every 10 seconds....its not going to run out. Stay focused and quit being thirsty. Running up behind a bunch of women is thirsty behavior. Your pussi count will be high but what about your education? What about your money? What about fitness? We got a lot of work to do other than letting the pussi take your eye off the ball.

Get off the bullshit playas. Stay focused my friends.....Stay thirsty for success & for the important shyt in life (gains).

Introspection: The self-observation and reporting of conscious inner thoughts, desires and sensations. It is a conscious mental and usually purposive process relying on thinking, reasoning, and examining one's own thoughts, feelings, and, in more spiritual cases, one's soul. It can also be called contemplation of one's self.

Your outward life is a direct reflection of the inner workings of your mind. If you are cluttering your mind with all types of negative thought patterns and glorifying all the wrong things mess those things will come out in your day to day. Changing any patterns of negative outcomes in your life need to start here. Now, scenarios where things arent going your way should start with introspection, it is the shortest route to the most effective portion of the solution. Instead what we find is that this step is avoided,

since a large portion of us were raised in a manner where we wouldnt have a strong moral base. Accountability was not stressed in our homes; in fact the exact opposite was shown to be the norm as a method of handling adversity. Young black males generally have been raised without key elements of manhood being instilled in their lives, and regardless of the reason, these traits are missing in a significant amount of adult males.

Although an emotional base is the foundation of many of these males thought patterns, there still has to be an accounting of the role that they themselves play in any situation they find themselves in. What instead occurs is that an immediate lashing out occurs and the situation spirals downward at an even quicker pace. Lashing out at the wrong individual or when you are not in a position of strength can have catastrophic effects on your life. Once you finally realize your role in the situation and how things didnt have to be that way it is too late.

Although most of us are hardwired now with our personalities and attributes we can however slow down our reaction time, ponder our role and RESPOND. Responding to a situation denotes contemplation, and then action. The greatest minds of the past spent large amounts of time in deep thought, a practice almost lost in todays young males. Young males spend time on things that are rarely going to be productive to them long-term. This is not accidental; there has been a structuring of a system where people that dont really have to practice introspection raise those that must have introspective behaviors to be successful. Impressionable children are like sponges and they take the things they learn in their youth and take them into their adult life. Although this impediment has been ruthlessly used against the males of our race, it can be overcome. Rushing in impetuously and not considering the potential hazards of reckless behavior can be easily avoided, and the after effects can be more malleable when you ponder the elements that have lead up to the impending conflict.

Every step you take today, will affect some aspect of tomorrow. Do you want hurried and emotionally based decisions to determine your future? You are the person that controls these outcomes; with selfdiscipline you can control them. It all starts in your mind and the decisions made therein.

Thinking and Feeling When you first encounter a conclusion in the course of a discussion, you do so with a history. You have learned to care about certain things, to support particular interests, and to discount claims of a particular type. So you always start to think critically in the midst of existing opinions. You have emotional commitments to these existing opinions. They are your opinions, and you quite understandably feel protective of them. This point deserves special emphasis. We bring lots of personal baggage to every decision we makeexperiences, dreams, values, training, and cultural habits.

However, if you are to grow, you need to recognize these feelings, and, as much as you are able, put them on a shelf in order for more contemplation.

Only that effort will enable you to listen carefully when others offer arguments that threaten or violate your current beliefs. This openness is important because many of our own positions on issues are not especially reasonable ones; they are opinions given to us by others, and over many years we develop emotional attachments to them. Indeed, we frequently believe that we are being personally attacked when someone presents a conclusion contrary to our own. The danger of being emotionally involved in an issue is that you may fail to consider potential good reasons for other positionsreasons that might be sufficient to change your mind on the issue if only you would listen to them.

Remember: Emotional involvement should not be the primary basis for accepting or rejecting a position. Ideally, emotional involvement should be most intense after reasoning has occurred. Thus, when you read or converse, try to avoid letting emotional involvement cut you off from the reasoning of those with whom you initially disagree. A successful active learner is one who is willing to change his mind. If you are ever going to be a critical thinker you must be able to change your mind, you must be as open to ideas that strike you as wrong or strange when you first encounter them.

Emotional Intelligence

The concept of emotional intelligence has been identified in recent years and provides some interesting insights into personality. Emotional intelligence, or EQ, refers to the extent to which people are selfaware, can manage their emotions, can motivate them, express empathy for others, and possess social skills.

These various dimensions can be described as follows:

Self-awareness: This is the basis for the other components. It refers to a person's capacity for being aware of how they are feeling. In general, more self-awareness allows a person to more effectively guide their own lives and behaviors.

Managing Emotions: This refers to a person's capacities to balance anxiety, fear, and anger so that they do not overly interfere with getting things accomplished.

Motivating Oneself: This dimension refers to a person's ability to remain optimistic and to continue striving in the face of setbacks, barriers, and failure.

Empathy: Empathy refers to a person's ability to understand how others are feeling even without being explicitly told.

Social Skill: This refers to a person's ability to get along with others and to establish positive relationships.

Preliminary research suggest that people with high EQ's may perform better than others, especially in jobs that require a high degree of interpersonal interaction and that involve influencing or directing the work of others. Moreover, EQ appears to be somthing that isn't biologically based but which can be developed.

In this installment I wanted to touch on dudes who let their women/wife run the show. Playas we got to step our intellect up and take on more roles within our houesholds as it pertains to the "business" of marriage and or relationships. Here recently one of my closest potnas took a major "L" and his wife hit him with the divorce papers + Child Support. Now the laws are different in each state but in a lot of areas the courts require a degree of counseling before a divorce is granted (akin to the bankruptcy process). Mainly this is because frivolous marriages and divorces waste tax payers dollars (or so they say). Anyway...the cat made the grave and fatal mistake of letting the women handle all of the bills, paperwork, house, property taxes, etc while he played the role of the provider. Here's where she gamed him; She went to school while he worked and got herself in position where she started making more than him. He already thought this woman was an asset because she knew how to handle business and he did not so he put the ship on auto-pilot for a few years. While he was doing that she started suggesting they get out of their rental and step up to a house. Nothing wrong with that at all. However his credit got tore up by a bad decision he made at the beginning of their marriage HOWEVER she was signing for everything. Although he brought income to the house and paid the bills on time that were in HER NAME....long story short he is now 30+ years old....sleeping on a twin sized bed in his mothers house while she has:

- The good credit

- The new Denali - The new house - Child Support

all in a matter of 3 months = Checkmate

She used the ole "I'm going through an emotional time due to postpartum and serious weight gain" routine on him and this nigga STILL believes it. While shooting ball I have asked him and his statement is always...."man I know my wife - something is wrong with her mentally".....very sad.

Moral to the story:

A. PLAYAS - Take control of your household early in the game. How you start is how you finish.

B. No matter how much you love a woman...she is still your adversary...even on your team.

C. Never take your hands off the steering wheel of life. (note: a lot of playas tend to put girls on their team and kick back while honey does her thing for you but beware the scandalous nature hidden in ALL WOMEN!


It seems that when family and friends are doing badly they swarm you like bees to a flower. Although many may be cool in their relationship/marriage/single life those around you with the wrong energy can subconsciously mess with your energy - IF YOU LET THEM. The above mentioned gentleman is a dear friend of mine and I have tried to put this negro up on game, point him to the scrolls and the podcasts for enlightenment but no avail. He is just lost and a wreck after this woman has gamed him for so much of his life now. The thing is I was starting to take personal offense to his situation and getting pissed that the bitch did him that way but as the saying goes - You cannot hate the player, hate the game. In essence his energy was starting to fuck with my flow and had me reaching out to him with more help

than I should have given him. See in this world MEN SHOULD BE MEN - PERIOD. Once I laced him I should have stepped away and let the seeds of game sink into the soil but instead I gave him a few books....asked him for a few days if he read them and about some items in them....invited him to hoop with this group of cats while we chop up game...gave him a little game on getting a little cash injection to put his life back together - all to no avail. I had to limit the involvement and keep his energy away from me. It is what it is.

Another incident I can think of is a guy I chopped it up with this weekend and his problem with his people and their incessant whining about spending money to take clients out for lunches and how they hit up the 99 cent menu daily to pinch pennies HOWEVER they smoke weed and shoot dice regularly. Broke nigga energy at it worst here. Man it says something when you cant even eat decent food for supplying your habits and vices. There is always a large group of cats who get down like this too....these are the dudes you want to avoid. I have partners who engage in this kind of activity and I only see them in passing for that very reason = they generate broke nigga energy. For some reason this energy also makes cats thirsty and generally the dudes are on some low budget love shyt with some hoodrat too (its almost like a combo meal that comes with the fries). Not many upscale females are around this energy from what I have seen.


All this goes without saying but some STILL don't get it:

1. Stay in control of your relationships 2. Sidestep the broke and unfortunate

I think we can all agree that the Finance Thread is laced with game out-the-ying-yang. We can probably all agree that since its not at the top of the board it often goes under-noticed to the untrained eyes. On some real grown man talksometimes when others fail to see the value in something it leaves the opportunity wide open for you and I. I have been criticized for saying this but I will say it again and again:

Everybody cant win out heresomebody has to be the loser Hence the reason this is called The Game.

When cats in your midst dont want to pay attention when you put them up on game or when they blatantly disregard REAL GAME being given that will lace pockets and minds.I say DAMN THEM. There have been a few posts here in this very section about rolling solo and THE GAME gives us all the opportunity to make something mackish happen for ourselves in that regard but we have to be receptive to it. When cats are not receptive and want to over hype other topics like pop-culture, dating, etc. they are subconsciously handing you money and opportunity. Its mainly because they have not learned better or just dont value that right now in their lives. Thats coolmore for the rest of us then. Black people have this problem where we dont want to get on something until we see SOMEONE ELSE shinning. Especially black men. We stay trying to one-up the next cat on some bullshyt when some of us see someone else out here winning. Its time to look at this site for what it really isits a TOOL. The words typed and logged on the pages of this website have so much game to offer the average cat, it will essentially make him ABOVE AVERAGE in a real way. UPA has the net on lock with SOUND ADVICE on Fitness, Finance, Empowerment, Relationships, Fashion, Race RelationsI mean damn man I dont know why anyone wouldnt want to have this site saved as a favorite.

To those who dont care and just swing through to get a rise out of people and an occasional chuckle Keep throwing away gold nuggetsits cool Well take it from here.

Dont be mad at us when were getting impatient with you and dont leave you a decent tip.

Knowledge is more than powerits oxygen.

Here are some tips for you homie:

1. Work hard for what you want and ENJOY IT. I worked a few gigs and had women at each one. I know its frowned upon but that helped me interact with older women and pick up some very useful game along the way. Don't sweat finishing school so much...get your money up playa...THEN focus on school. The whole clich of "going to school full time for 4 years and getting a great job" bullshyt. The world rewards experience FIRST...then education is the cherry on top. You have to have proven track record before anyone will believe in you enough to pay you what you are worth.

2. Get your money up; get your skills up, LEARN FROM THOSE AROUND YOU. I soaked up so much game working around those 30 & 40 year olds made me a superb playa. I got game from all angles in those spots...IT Tech game, Game from older women, Game from older dudes, Real Estate game....all the tools to get ahead. Nothing wrong with working two gigs to get your money where you can invest in something.

3. DONT WORRY ABOUT WOMEN. When you dont worry about women they come to you. Its wild bruh, but every time I basically said "fuckabitch" that is when they showed up...COOPERATING TOO. Dont let these dudes out here and on this site pump you up into thinking fucking barrels of bitches is living the life. It is only a ticket to having closer odds of illegitimate children, child support in your 20's, or a bunch of diseases.

4. MAKE YOURSELF RARE. Dont always be in the hotspots....Fuck all that socialite bullshyt these niggas and these hoes are trying to be on....smiling and posing for these club pictures....who gives a FUQ....wheres the money in that? Only show up to a few functions and when you do the women who are checking for you will be looking for you. Stay moving on some other level ish. Go to clubs where a total different race goes, go to older sets. Soak up all the atmospheres and experiences to make you well rounded.

5. And finally - LOOK FOR THE LIFESTYLE. If you want to travel to the exotic spots and live nice, research those things and what it takes to get at them and go do it. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Hustle hard for 90 days and reward yourself with a light trip...then hustle hard for 6 months and take a major trip. Make this a routine and abracadabra - You have a lifestyle.

Dont fear being homeless...dont even think about that pimpin' long as you have breath in body you can work a few jobs and get something going in life. As far as the cornyass social if you are worried about that shyt then you wont be successful. Those people you see smiling in the club pictures are struggling homie. They are perpetrating like they have money and are happy but in reality most of them are losing in the game. The ones who do have some money will not be on the scene all the time because they got money to make. Which one do you want to be?

Emotional Intelligence

Im going to go kind of deep on this one so bear with me. Over the last few years of my life I have been trying to master the business of ME. Learning things daily about myself in order to move around with enough knowledge about what I can and cannot do. In this continuous journey I have been stuck on the same chapter for about 3 years now in this book of life; Mastering Emotional Intelligence.

First off, the definition of Emotional Intelligence is paraphrased as a self-perceived ability to assess and control your emotions and the emotions of those around you.

Full definition:

Although this is considered and measured as a skill, I would venture to say that this my friends is essentially what we are all striving to do on this board. There are countless studies, books and measurements on this but in the real world these things have to be relate-able. Taking out the IQ and Measure-ability of the term, I think that having a high level of Emotional Intelligence does a few things to help the mission:

1. It helps you understand why you feel the way you do in reaction to certain things that are in AND beyond your control - This allows you to make better judgment calls on anything from business to personal

2. It helps you process the motivation of others - This is extremely important in the field whereas if you know what moves your opponent/ally/partner/acquaintances are going to make based on studying their emotions you can handle them better.


In business we often see a variety of things that are not all too noticeable on the front end. Such as gauging the temperature of an employer or client for a possible move that would put you into maximum earning position OR if you work a square 9-5; reading a coworkers motivation for wanting to assist you and other things that go on within the office that are "questionable". With raising your level of emotional intelligence you can basically PEEP GAME on a lot of these and other instances simply by observing how they get down for an extended period of time. The key to using THEIR emotions to YOUR advantage is in being the same person in front of them. I have found that if you are of a dominant

stature (i.e. an alpha) you speak LESS (Law #4) and JUST DO IT (Law #9). What this does to those around you is show them you are a man of action and you are reserved...people will start to talk about themselves and their issues because you are not talking about your business to them. This allows you to see what makes them tick emotionally. Take that information and use it wisely...knowing what gets people riled up or excited is a powerful thing in the wrong hands

I've done things for clients to invoke some kind of emotion that went bad because some people cannot handle that. I once saw that this cat was real sensitive about his wife cheating on him and to get him to by an IP camera setup from me I forwarded him a few articles on cheating wives...he bought the system (thanks for the $3K BTW ) but I read about him in the paper a few months later because he tried to run the bitch over with his car...ouch. Now I am not saying it was all me who had this dude wigging out but planting more seeds in his garden may have drove him over the edge - literally.


This is kind of a no-brainer here. About 85% of the questions on this board would NOT be asked if dudes knew what kind of power they had just by tapping into and managing a females emotions. Women are the most emotion creatures on the planet and all you have to do is OBSERVE. Outside of the obvious, if a woman is not into you cannot make her "Go" HOWEVER, you can still create favorable situations for yourself if you know what kind of emotions spew from her. I think BossMack said it best in a podcast he had about "The Bitches Gotta Like You" and in a sense they do but that comes from you knowing how to make her laugh, make her feel happy, etc. Now I'm not talking about tricking nor am I referencing cupcaking but just KNOWING what the female's emotions are can help you advance with her...or her friends. Personally I like to create an emotional need in females where they got to see me or chop it up with me just to even feel good about the day...this has helped me in my single life immensely. Not on an idle chatter tip but to the degree a female who had no intentions of ever fucking around with me wanted to drive 20 minutes just to get a damn hug. Of course it went further than that but you get my drift. On the other side of the emotional coin you got to be able to get some less pleasant emotion out of a female also. Women have to be fearful of losing you. This is a very powerful tool...use it with caution because when women become scared to be without you they tend to do crazy shit. Its safer just to retain the information and let the bitch pass on to someone else if you think she will be a problem.

Just some things I had rattling around on the mental...enjoy if you can use it...comments and criticism welcomed.

Common Sense- You have to make moves based off how you think. If think too fast, you will move to fast and your outcome won't be appreciated it. Rather it be by you or by other people around you (Family and Friends). Example: I did some street hustling when I was younger. One day the need for me to get money made me think too fast and had me in the back of a police car. That day woke me up and let me know to think a little harder on how to get financially straight. How did I do that? By using the greatest advice given to men! READING BOOKS and CONVERSATING WITH MORE EXPERIENCED PEOPLE!!! They been thru life before me, so why should I not listen?? By me reading books on financial savings and also sitting with older men who succeeded in life. I now have 4 mutual fund investments totaling 10k! About to be a business degree college graduate and will be pursuing a graduate degree soon afterwards! I now always take two thoughts before moving towards one action!!

Going to places where there will be other females there will cause your girl to see your value in other females' eyes. Funny, I had an instance of this last night. I was at a white party with the current female I deal with. She is not from my city so no one knew her but me. She didn't know what to expect, I made sure she talked to some females that really liked me. I also made sure she sat in areas where there were females that I had either had sex with or where there were females that I know would holla at me given a chance. She caught the cut-eye all night.LOL. Then when my frat brothers took a pic and they started calling for me to come and get in the pic she really had this look of admiration because everyone couldn't just get in the pic.

Not only her but other females were staring. Every female wants to be a part of something exclusive. And if they cant be in it, having a man that is the next best thing. When I came back and sat by her she was all over me because she knew other females were checking me out and she saw them.

Creating invisible amorphous opponents of the mind... Its hard to keep fighting an opponent of your own creation, but they do it without hesitation.

Vision: The thing about life is when you are trying to come up, it's so easy to let your current situation inject fear into your mind and heart so much so that you begin to doubt yourself and subsequently your potential.

This dynamic creates a cycle of self-defeat. Applied faith based on solid plans is the antithesis of any situation. Always walk in faith, no matter what

Vision II: The enemy is clever in knowing how to attack your mind using the element of discouragement. Don't allow discouragement to rule your mind and heart. Each day, envision yourself being where you desire to be mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially.

Continue to work in this direction regardless of the setbacks and detours because if you don't, you'll meet frustration head on. Frustration is typically a predecessor to discouragement to the point where you subconsciously beat yourself up. But playas, you cannot allow temporary defeats to bog you down.

It's of absolute imperative that you continuously remind yourself of your vision and push towards it.

A real man reads If you don't agree, go read the column of some guy from Arkansas who thinks owning a pickup truck is what defines a man. You'll see how far you get with his advice.

Trait No. 1: A real man is strong A real man doesn't cry, doesn't moan, doesn't complain, doesn't get sick, and doesn't need to go to the doctor every time he sneezes. A real man makes decisions and lives with the consequences. A real man accepts responsibility for his actions and his words. A real man is firm. If life is a b*tch, a real man will slap it and move on.

A real man is macho. A real man is tough. A real man doesn't show emotions. A real man is the backbone of his family and doesn't have time to be weak. If spiders scare you, you'll never be a real man.

Trait No. 2: A real man is focused

A real man knows the difference between what's important and what isn't. A real man doesn't waste time on stupidities that don't bring him any profit. Sure, there are things you can do as a hobby -- I like to shoot ducks -- but it must have a purpose. The purpose of my hobby is to improve my aim, and I don't have to tell you whether or not that's a useful thing in my line of work.

A real man focuses on power, money and family. He doesn't focus on sex. Sex comes as a result of having power, money and a wife (and if she doesn't satisfy you, there are plenty of other women who will, especially when you are powerful and rich).

Trait No. 3: A real man knows the importance of family A real man will keep his family strong and pass on his ancestors' history and traditions. A real man knows that his children are God's gift and should be treated as such, even if he disciplines them from time to time.

A real man must also remember his other Family, his organization. In my world, both my family and my Family hold the same importance; I protect them both with all my might. If you have a Family, don't forget where your loyalties lie and who has your back when you need it.

Trait No. 4: A real man doesn't gossip A real man follows omerta; he keeps his mouth shut. He shelters information and rations his words. A real man does not reveal more than he has to and doesn't engage in girlie talk about others. A real man doesn't discuss things he doesn't know about or people he has never met.

Trait No. 5: A real man's word is his bond When a real man makes a promise, he keeps it. If he can't keep a promise, he doesn't give his word. A real man would rather die than break his word. A real man knows that his words are as powerful as his actions, and that they must be taken at face value. That is why he rations them (see above).

Trait No. 6: A real man strives to be a role model A real man respects himself and others at all times, unless, of course, he has been disrespected. A real man sets an example for his disciples, and especially for his children. I never bring my work home, so my

children only know me as their father and not as a waste management executive. You should do the same; a real man sets the tone for his children and keeps them from discovering that he has weaknesses.

Trait No. 7: A real man makes his own fortune A real man doesn't settle for handouts or charity when it comes to his personal fortune. A real man isn't satisfied with papa's money. He spits on Lady Luck and decides his own destiny. A real man who inherits goods from his forefathers takes his inheritance and turns it into 10 times what it was.

Trait No. 8: A real man doesn't look like a woman A real man doesn't have piercings and long hair, and he doesn't shave his chest. Manicures, however, are acceptable. Massages from female attendants are also tolerated. A real man knows that, outside of his barber, all his personal hygiene needs must be taken care of by a woman.

A real man has at least three suits (with a mandatory pinstriped one) that cost more than a roomful of escorts. A real man wears a suit at least three times a week. Any man who doesn't know how to tie a tie should hand in his testicoli immediately.

Trait No. 9: A real man keeps his house in order

Have you ever been inside the boss house? There arent any pizza boxes sitting around, there arent any undershirts on the floor, and there sure as hell am not any unpaid bills being used as beer coasters. No ruler can rule over a territory if he isnt already the master of his own home.

This means you lazy pinheads out there need to stop using machismo as an excuse to live like a bottomfeeder; keep your sty spotless, keep your documents in order and -- listen up on this one -- clean your freaking suits

Trait No. 10: A real man can defend himself

You know whats missing in the world today? Leaders who have had to fight their way to the top. No joking, look at the head of any business thats circling the toilet bowl, and Ill show you a boss whose parents' power and money kept him from ever learning things the hard way.

Every successful capo has been on the wrong end of a beat down -- be it with words or be it with a set of A. Testonis. But those future capos got up again and again, until they knew how to stand their ground -and that, my students, is when you can start to climb the ladder.

Lesson over So what have you learned here today, class? You learned that you have a lot of homework to do before you can call yourself a real man. The essence of manhood is when a man has reached the pinnacle of his role.

You see? That was me trying to be a smart-ass. Here's a bonus trait: A real man keeps it simple. If you know big words, use them rarely and appropriately -- at least in front of morons who think they're smarter than you. Remember, the stuff inside matters most. Lesson over.

I was just talking to some of the cats that I work with today. One of Black Americas number one resources is being dogged and undervalued every day. The academic black male. I say this because the academic black male is really the only one that is going to be able to make a change in the political and global marketplace. So basically we treat poorly the only ones that will be able to represent us as a whole.

We already know the examples... Little Herman gets teased because he gets As on his grade card this occurs all the way from elementary to the end of high school. Then the teasing stops in college but he gets no play with the females unless he is really good at something else like sports, has money, or is Greek. Then comes graduation time and now sisters are throwing themselves at him because he is about to be a Dr. Lawyer or engineer. How is he supposed to feel? Other cats see the trend of no love and start dumbing down from early ages. Then we have a race of wannabe thugs and a few bitter academics (that a lot of times stop messing with sisters period) or people that just turn their backs on the black plight as a whole. And of course the slight few that come back and help make a difference.

Twincityslim wrote:

Quote: MACKIN isn't a recreational sport; it is a mentality, a philosophy, a way of life that enhances your sense of self-worth which allows you to have total awareness in your life. MACKS are champions; it takes a lot of attacks to your ego and pride to be confident in the face of adversity. However, eventually you will begin to realize that dealing with women is only a small percentage of what a MACK does. As you gain confidence you will realize that the MACK mentality is more important in the areas of life that really matter.

dre03 Quote: Some may say he is a man when he has reached certain Age, some may say when he has moved out from under Moms roof and has his own car and apartment, and some believe that making a certain amount of money is attaining manhood. None of these things, however, are characteristics of a man. Manhood is a process, a transition from maleness.

embrya2k wrote:

But if you not continuously disciplining your mind to keep upgrading yourself, then consequently, a woman who is supposed to be a reflection of YOU is not being upgraded either

So how do you keep adding pieces to the puzzle of YOUR FOUNDATION AS A MAN OF MEANS? Quote: There is not right or wrong answer, but generally you can: 1. Diligently pursue business endeavors in order to stack your paper 2. Keep other activities on the platter to avoid an idle-mind 3. Become active in your community via things such as tutoring inner-city children, Habitat for Humanity, etcthis is one attribute that generally separates you from simps, cupcakers, and tricks 4. Pursue some sort of certification, trade, or educational goal 5. Just chill by yourself at a nice lounge or bar rolling solo and not with your homiesyoull be surprised at yourself when you dont have friends around and influencing your thoughts. 6. Never fold your cards or put your dreams on ice just because a woman is giving you play and spending time with you..

You see fellas, there are a limitless source of things you can do to keep adding intrigue and puzzle pieces to your overall composition as a MAN OF MEANS.

The quotes above are pieces of gold in a place growing with simpism on a seemingly daily basis.


Becoming an Urban Renaissance Man isnt easy....Im scrolling through the older threads and comparing them to the newer ones. All I can say is DAMN this **** has gotten watered down. Everybody talking

about these females like they are really going to go somewhere. Now, dig this, if you really need advice on every little detail (I used to) rather than occasional events that do not always involve women, you are fucking up. With small events that involve ANYTHING all you have to do (according to me) is ask yourself this:

1)Is it going to benefit me on my path to become an Urban Renaissance Man?

If not, then dont trip folks.

When I say being true to the game I mean simply being a URM (urban renaissance man). If you are a self-respecting man, game is always going to respect game. In other words, a self-respecting man is going respect that in another man. Especially, if you are talking about men of color.

Let's face it, if you are a URM or working towards that goal. You re attempting to be at the top of the food chain. You are saying to the world that you have embraced the spirit of Mansa Musa. You are on some King tip that goes back 1000 years. If you are truly approaching life from that perspective man, woman, and child is going to feel your aura.

Youngsilk wrote: Quote: The majority of these cats like things the way they are or they have just resigned themselves to their current situation. You can even see it on here, you have to say the same things over and over, cats showing in their posts that they just want the quick fix and not doing anything that is going to affect their lives productively for the long term. Laziness isn't just the things they post about and ask questions about, it is a symbol of how they live their day to day lives. The majority doesnt want to be Urban Renaissance Men, they want to be like these chicks and have it easy and do as little as possible, but want to live with all the benefits that usually come with working and thinking. And then complain when they realize that their lives aren't going in the directions they wish for...

young Silk wrote: Quote: Cats have to get it through their heads...: We are not females, the system is not set up for us to have all types of support structures when we do dumb stuff and have to pay the consequences. We have to be vigilant and strive for better instead of taking what is offered us and conforming to this foolishness we see on the daily. Most of these cats are just chicks with dicks, they think just like their mothers, are emotional, attention whorish, and cant stand discipline and structure. I'm just calling it like I see it.

Quote: But I've noticed a trend where they are quick to be like "I don't have game like you," or "You must have come from a rich family..." I'm like whatever, I grew up in a welfare home with a mother with a disability, and it still didn't stop me. Why? Because I read, not just comic books and XXL and King either. I read whenever I wanted to understand something, I read to calm me, I read to get my life game tighter. When you are an active reader the way you approach things changes...

Until cats are active participants in their betterment the game will only worsen...

themill_worker said: Quote: Ever since I've spend at the Boys Club and got to know our youths true character and all they want to do is be the best and succeed but don't know how to go about it.

I knew at that point the system paints certain pictures to pit us against one another based on appearance. The educated brotha vs the thug brotha... At this point we begin to look and turn our back on our on youth as the current state of hip hop being attacked on every level.

You have to understand the system gets paid in all these transactions by sponsoring black vs black events by traveling there (oil), eating there, and renting state of the art space to host this stuff.

Don't fall into this optical illusion... Yes it's alot of bad but there's even more good taking place.

My thing is this I don't care if you have a Phd from Havard if your not adding value you ain't doing ****... Look at a guy like Malcolm X, he was in a room with guys that had book knowledge for days but they couldn't hold is jock strap because they couldn't add value by putting their thoughts in action

Twincityslim wrote: Quote: Then I thought to myself, I bet not one person has ever told him that he looks like an idiot in his entire life. I switched gears and started a conversation about this brutha and asked him what kind of phone he had. Told it was a tight phone. I used this to make an excuse to get him off the phone and give him some subtle game. I asked this brutha had he ever heard of Naim Akbar? He said no, I had a copy of Visions for Black Men by Na'im Akbar. I gave him my copy and told him that this brutha would make him rich. My stop was the next stop, I may never see that brutha again in my life but I know that he will read that book.

Silk, we are like the 300 man. We are outnumbered on all sides. They are against us but I'll be damned if I submit to these simps, lames, bigots, or these jezebels.

That's the trick to unlocking the youth's potential... Find a commonality and build rapport from there.

Communicate + Understanding = Trust

And with trust you allow that being to manifest himself in ways that being didn't know he could rise to...

There is one point being re-iterated throughout this thread playas which is key to well being-ness

Self-Knowledge + Hard Work = Freedom

Let me tell you, stepping into the fire felt so great. The joy you will receive for actually putting yourself outside your comfort zone towards a REAL objective is VASTLY superior than the little shock of rejection you get from a complete stranger. It's all about breaking down your current egoic self-image and letting a new reality flush in.

Great post.

If only these young cats would realize mommy is going to get tired of fixing your mess. You have to stand on your own two feet and be self reliant. That takes practice and not being afraid to fail. Get out here and get yours. Being a dumb dude is not going to benefit you at all. So when you are dumbing yourself down to get at some chick or to seem cool remember you are doing it to your own detriment...

aaustin81084 wrote: Quote: The Hustler and The Simp

As I grow older, I'm starting to understand the lessons that my grandfather was trying to teach me. The only problem was that I was born in the 80's, he in the 30s. I'm the "book-worm"/kinesthetic learner; however, he wanted to teach through anecdotes. What person in my generation learns through anecdotes?

When I was a child, all I remember was this 6'3 dark-brown man whose chest was always puffed out like he was some kind of G. Even his voice was rich in power, and he knew how to use it. One way he used it was to scare my cousins and I into submission before we even walked into the house. It wasn't just us kids that were afraid of him; his own children were too. Getting that old man to do something for you was like going to the godfather. I remember my mom going to him humbly; doing so had to be the most degrading thing she had to do. No woman, and I mean NO WOMAN, likes going to her father for anything, especially if she's over the age of 25. The worst part was that he always remembered your humble begging attempts, whether he said yes or no.

Although he was a mean old man, I could always tell that there was something more to him than he allowed to show. I could sense that he had his own weaknesses, and he knew that I did. Of course, I got myself in trouble for pointing them out. The only woman whoever REALLY knew was my grandmother, and I know she would never tell a soul what they were.

There's not much that I know about the man, but what I do know I'll gladly tell you. His name was Anderson, and he left home when he was a teenager. As a young man, he was a pretty good boxer but lost one fight and decided not to continue on. Instead, he chose to join the Army and fought in the Korean war. While he was in Korea, his mom got very ill, and died. I've been told that he was never quite the same after her death. When he returned home from the war, he married my grandmother, his high school sweetheart, and they travelled throughout Europe. When he left the Army, he bought a small three-bedroom house. As their family expanded (10 children in all), they moved to Mulberry where he built a five-bedroom, two-bath home. By the time he died, he had enough money saved for his wife to live off of (and probably invested but he never told me how) and had bought another lot where he built a brand new home, down the street from the main house, which he rented out.

Now, my dad was a different type of man. He, just like my grandfather was raised by his mother (both of their fathers dying while they were young), but he was a much nicer man. He was always dreaming. He started out great in everything he did, but he'd rarely finished anything, and he'd always let the fact that he didn't finish get him down. He was just too hard on himself. He'd ask my grandfather for help, and he wouldn't give it. Grandpa believed that a man has to figure it out on his own and that help wasn't something that was supposed to be given.

I think that's why I didn't like the old man. He would never give my father a break. Their feud was nonstop and it definitely didn't die with my father's death. I took it upon myself to keep it going. It was me against the old man.

So, at 17, I left too. I filled out ALL the applications and the FAFSA by myself, took the SAT and ACT while dealing with the drama of uneducated family members, packed my bags and caught the first bus departing Lakeland to Pensacola. Back then, I felt like it was me against the world. Looking out that window, at my aunt and cousin waiving goodbye, I was shaking like a leaf on a tree. I didn't really want to leave, but I knew that I had to.

The anger that I had for my grandfather didn't leave with me going away to college. He died my freshman year, and I kept my promise to him. I refused to even go to his funeral. If I had, I probably would have tried to kill him again myself; but then again, I was just a 18 yr old kid who thought I knew everything and didn't even understand what he was trying to teach me.

He taught me that if I wanted to have anything, I was going to have to go out an get it on my own. His main goal was to prevent me from being a beggar. If someone wanted to help me, then great. If not, I was going to have to use my brain. When I got myself into trouble, I wouldn't be able to call him or my grandmothers (my parents being dead), I would have to figure it out myself. This lesson, the value of self, he wasn't even able to teach his own daughters (and many of his sons). What he was trying to do was give me the game in his own way. In the "game," real fighters never give up, they just can't. It's unmackish to do so. People who choose to learn are blessed with minds that always search for new ways to conquer various challenges. If they meet one road block, then they find a way to burst through it, walk around it, or find another road that leads to the same destination.

He might not have been who I wanted him to be, but I've learned that men aren't supposed to be who I want them to be. Every man has to find out who he wants to be for himself. If I don't like it, I need to learn how to appreciate it.

The realization that my dad was a simp still gets to me. I love him, but he was. He could have been so much more, if only he would have kept on trying. He let things that were out of his control mess with his hustle. He also couldn't choose between the square world and the hustling world, and he wound up losing his life for not choosing wisely (many men out there who are reading this are in the SAME

situation). I'm not saying that being a square is wrong. Hustling isn't for everyone. You have to know which one is right for you and be confident with the one you choose (no simpin' fellas and no half-assed hustling).

Now that I'm trying to understand what this whole game is about, everything he said seems so much clearer. Still, at times, I'm as confused as ever (must be a girl thing). All I know is that if I could apply the lessons that I've learned from these two men, I'd come out on top. The hardest part about choosing to be a female hustler is that in my family, none have ever dared to go and do it. The women have only dreamed of what it would be like to OWN their lives. Grandpa said it could never be done. I understand his reasoning now. Most women are too emotional and can't see the world for what it really is. All I know is that I'm different. I'm more like him than he ever knew. I know that I can make this happen, and I intend to do so one day at a time.

Another thing:

These cats don't even ask themselves a simple question like: "Would a chick that is about something want to be bothered with me?" or "What is it about me that would make a chick want to have a long term relationship with me?" or the killer "What tangibles do I bring to the table?"

A chick that is about something is not going to want to be bothered with some dumb nucca that is only living for today... You will have to grow up sooner or later. And when you finally realize that life isn't a joke, other cats will have accomplished way more than you because they made productive use of their time. Then you will be at the bottom of the pile hating on the haves and saying stupid shyt like "How did he get her? He must be paying her..." "She only likes him because of **insert stupid reason of choice**" Never once thinking "Damn, I've fvcked off my late teens and twenties and have nothing to show for it. It will always be the other dude being a lame. No, nucca, sometimes cats just bring more to the table than you and outshine you. And their conversation isn't on some magic word shyt, they will have relevant conversation, not because they memorized some pickup lines either. It will be because that is who they really are and not because they are on some ol fake, I'm trying to cover up that I'm a wackass nucca type mess.

I love writing this type of stuff cause I know that some of the cats reading this are steaming mad at me. Good, because in the process of hating me, it might make your dumbass change the way you look at life.

Its not just about getting coochie. its not bout being deceptive, its bout being a man, and knowing your self worth, empowering yourself and elevating yourself to the highest degree, and not bowing down and doing clown shid for the vagina.gettin money should ALWAYS AND ALWAYS AND ALWAYS be ahead of coochie.

Kaanun wrote: Quote: This is like asking, "What would make a boy want to be a Man?" Answer: It's a natural course of progression because being a MACK is synonymous with being a REAL MAN. Let me explain.

As King Flex suggested on podcast #15 (What is a Mack?), being a Mack is really a reversal of the feminization of males in society today. There's been a serious campaign to SIMP-ify ALL males, paricularly black males (Willie Lynch papers). The average male today is only a "neutered shadow" of what a real man is supposed to be, which was systematically done. In other words, the avg male is a "metrosexual," which is a euphemism for saying that he is a CONFUSED man who is "lacking or imperfectly developed." But this doesn't apply to a REAL MACK!

You see, in this thing called the Game, everything mirrors the masculine-feminine (active-submissive, originator-nourisher, etc.) polarities of Nature. EVERYTHING! Including men and women. And a Mack overstands this intimately! HE KNOWS HIS TRUE VALUE as a male in the game. He overstands that he has two vitally important seeds that he imparts to any woman he chooses to f*** with: (1) his physcial seed -- his sperm, the SPARK OF LIFE he implants inside her womb; and (2) his mental seed -- his game, the SPARK OF KNOWLEDGE he implants inside her mind and soul (Read "Science Of Love" by John Baines).

So the main purpose that "Macking" serves -- at least in my opinion -- is that it allows us men to reclaim WHO & WHAT we are supposed to represent (via chopping up game amongst ourselves like on this board -- "steel sharpens steel"), and this, in turn, allows us to reach our fullest potential in the game as PURPOSE-DRIVEN MEN, LEADERS, ORIGINATORS, and INNOVATORS because this is what the feminine is attracted to in whatever forms it manifest, from Mother Earth to Mother Goose!

So the reason why a brotha would want to be a Mack -- again, in my opinion -- is because he recognizes (consciously or subconsciously) that the more masculine (mackish) qualities he possesses (i.e., wisdom, strength, courage, integrity, purpose, etc.) the closer he becomes to being a REAL MAN (MACK) and THE MORE POWERFUL HIS ATTRACTION WILL BE TO THE FEMININE because these are the only kind of males that women TRULY RESPECT and WILL HAPPILY "BREAK BREAD" with to have in their life.

Females have a vested interest in clogging up the pipe of good game and you see it happening if you have been reading. The "Status Quo" is them getting over. They want to maintain that. We are trying to get back where we are supposed to be (The Kings of this Ish).

And as far as these other cats are concerned: Bruhs, Is any of this mess benefiting the movement? Really, one little thing has grown into what us supposed players have to fight against everyday. This is supposed to be a refuge for us, not a place where we do what is done and has been done to us in the past because of who we are and are trying to be. Let's get back to the macking and put this bickering, back stabbing, chest pounding, and clouding of the issues behind us and grow in the game.

King Flex wrote: Quote: Remember playa..You have to look and act BOLD when you feel your weaknesses kick in. Its always better to be bold than to be weak.

My end note on the pedestal matter is this... our good deeds and accomplishment do deserve the pedestal treatment and if a being is consistently enhancing the lives of themselves and others they deserve recognition but the line is crossed when you put someone on a pedestal just because their a women or you want what they got.

frosty wrote:

Quote: "Youre a gentleman, but not a sucker. Youre a good man, not a nice guy (as some of you have already discovered, nice guys have sex at about one-tenth the rate other men do, while apologizing and spending ten times more). When Im asked what the difference is between a good man and a nice guy, I say that a nice guy will hold a door open for a woman. A good man will hold a door open for everyone. Also, nice guys cant tell a woman no."

Dr. Chambers wrote: Quote: Just because you a Mack does not mean you don't have to be friendly.Everyone is always thinking that we got to be rude to every female that comes along just to prove that they are not a Simp.

A Mack is not a hater of females but leaders of them.Shoooot a Mack isn't cold either,we can merely control women when they act up.

My philosophy is that Good Game is when preparation meets opportunity. To the unaware mind, they call it "GOOD LUCK".

But there is a process to acquiring Good Game. It can formulized as such: DO-HAVE-BE!

Preparation is the DO phase. It's information gathering, studying, chopping up on boards like this one, and studying some more. This is the mental aspect of the game and this is where most cats get caught up. Mind is the potential will, combining thought with desire to create action.

And this is opportunity comes into play--the HAVE phase. By applying what you've learned when the opportunity presents itself, you move into the sphere of having -- meaning you are now taking what you've learned and creating it into manifest form. It's at this stage that action precipates results and

there's an outcome to your preparation. Until this point, your game isn't concrete, tangible, or stable. It's usually hit-or-miss.

Once you've directly experienced your game getting good results from your preparation, then this 1st hand knowledge hardwires itself into your whole BEING, and now you are no longer acquiring good game, you ARE good game because it's now infused itself into the totality of who and what you are.

Most PUA's have good openers, scripts, etc. they memorize. But because they haven't evolved their game to 3rd degree (phase), as soon as they run out of scripts or canned material, they also run out of game. It's important to chop it up with like-minded Macks, but it's vital that you be ready to apply what you've learned when opportunities arise. This is the difference between merely having game and being a living, breathing, expression of The Game itself.

Many are called, but only a few are chosen! Which one will are you?

Twincityslim wrote: @ all the players

Unfortunately, we live in a world of impressions. People will judge you first by how you are dressed, what you drive, where you live, etc. After that initial impression they are going to judge you by what you know. The more knowledge and money you have the more opportunity to obtain power. A rich man with game, is going to be more attractive than a rich man without game. A poor man with game is going to bag more hoes than a poor man without game. However, a rich man with game is going to be superior to a poor man with game in the world we live in. That is the truth of the matter.

I am more attractive to a bitch in a ferrari than on a bus. Financial stability is a very seductive thing. Women want emotional and financial security. They will take the finances over emotional anyday. At the same time, when I was in college I was on the bus. I was still bagging women because I was a poor man with a lot of game, which ultimately is the most important form of wealth. Now I am not not poor, and I'm gaining more wisdom everyday. I can pull a chick from all walks of life because I think rich. I'm

superior to a bitch is my mentality. They love you when you stock is high, and hate you when you stock is low.

Life is a game. In the modern world, the structure is haves and have nots. You have to decide on which one you want to be. Having a car is better than not having a car. At the same time, material items without knowledge mean nothing. Always back up your material items with knowledge. You can have all the material items in the world but if you have no knowledge you are going to be a very insecure individual.

The goal is always to strive for greatness in every area of life. We live in a material world full of luxury and comforts. We live in an era where as a world we could eliminate poverty in one day if that is what we chose to do. Never cheat yourself of the finer things in life because you are very deserving of the best of everything.

However, our goal is to always be well-rounded. I'm an urban renaissance man. I want the information, money, and the power (or freedom). Knowledge is the foundation of greatness. Witout it you are a peon.


Kaanun wrote: Twincityslim wrote: Perfection is in the eye of the beholder.


Co-sign . . . Perfection is relative. What's "perfect" to one person may be "less than" to the next.

But on the real, don't simply strive for perfection, BE perfection! BEING perfect means living your life AUTHENTICALLY, being completely true to yourself about your wants and goals and then actively achieving them. This make perfection a process rather than a state. A "state" is static, while a "process" (which the suffix -tion denotes) is dynamic growth or unfolding of your inner potentials outwardly.

Im a spiritualist for this very reason. Why let someone else dictate your life? The game and religion can exist if capitalism and religion can exist or religion and racism can exist. Religion is ALL ABOUT interpretation. Game is a mindset of attaining whatever it is that you want in the most positive way possible. The most devout of christians will sin. Plus, all that repressed sexual tension will harm you in the long term. A man needs sexual release in some shape or form depending on your libido. It sounds to me that you are like most of us with a very high sexual appetite.

Mack as long as you like because TRUE mackin isn't about sex anyway. True mackin is based on bringing QUALITY women into your life until you find one that makes you want to make her your wife.

For the high school niggas. musbdluv wrote: I'm assuming you are in high school?

Step to her like you are the QB of the football team, the point guard on the basketball team, prom king, baddest mother****er on the planet.

Bold! With no fear of rejection. Like she is missing out by not giving you the time of day. And after you step to her, keep campainging and let it be known you aren't waiting on her, she is waiting on you.

how to get the headgame poppin King Flex wrote: Remember,most messages you send to people are not verbal..When a man "positions" himself in the "I want oral" position,most females KNOW what he wants.And you shouldn't have to asks.

Getting your shyt together is more mental than anything else. Thats why we pump reading so tough, and despise that whole dumbing down mentality. When you are well read you are able to handle situations that life throws at you better and also realize which situations are just not worth pursuing or getting yourself involved in. Thats why I love biographies so much, not because I want to be a voyeur to the stars but I like to see how they handled certain situations they were in, what they said/did in those situations, and what type/versions of hate were hurled at them in the process. Learn a little something about everything you can, I have been surprised at how little tidbits of random knowledge bring people that wouldn't have even paid any attention to me under my influence. Just the fact that I've read How to Win Friends and Influence People has helped me in conversation. Not that I was practicing what I learned (which of course I was) but that I actually read it. Most people of accomplishment have read it also. Its almost always something that you two will have in common. Plus, it will show that you are taking an active role in your mental betterment.

Getting yourself together is getting yourself prepared for adversity in all its forms and being ready to overcome lifes obstacles/impediments. Getting yourself together is the mental equivalent of a cat trying to cross you over in basketball and you staying with him and either stealing the ball or blocking his shot. Or at the very least (if you cant retreat and regroup, when/if you are outclassed/outnumbered/outmatched), slowing him/her/it down until your help arrives...

Yeah, Napoleon Hill is the man. He gives out some of the roughest game. A lot of it revolves around acquiring the game when YOUR mind is ready. Sometimes people just arent ready. Just like in The Matrix, they gave them a choice, and you have to let them decide. Some people would rather remain sleep, and will try and give excuses, rebel, and/or denounce it if you try and wake them up... You are the person that defines your limits, if you think that way that will be the way it is for you

donidintheplacetobe wrote Quote:

I believe not having a frame of reference for the topic plays a big role in why the opinions are coming out the way that they are. Not until recently did I realize in relation to the topic, it was really that possible and that easy so to speak. Recently I was able to do so, without trying, in less than 24 hours and with a chick I wasn't directly trying to get at. I can say it changed my outlook on the subject because I was able to do so, so unexpectadly. Now when I'm out, my game has changed even more because I can see and apply things that I couldn't before.

Piggybacking on the matrix example, neo dodged those bullets for the first time not by mistake and not on purpose but when he let go and reacted. Sometimes you gotta let go off what you think, feel and believe to get to that next level of life in general. I don't believe that anyone is telling fellas not to be themselves or get at anything in the club or wherever, but they are telling you, when you let go, you might innately release something that you didn't even know you have and attract a dime that wants to smash that night.

My boy has been telling me for years that it's certain things he see's in me that I am capable of. A lot of times I asked too many questions or prevented myself from reaching those levels, but when I went out and campaigned or whatever it may be I was successful. Then I'd tell him and he'd go, you could have done that 5 years ago, but now that you've done it, move onto to the next task.

Whether you know it or not, you show self doubt (true or not) as soon as you said no this can't or I don't believe. I chalk it up as it may not be time for you to get it and you will when it's time. People are telling you it can be done for a reason not just to tell you. Once the right time comes you'll go damn it really is that easy or attainable.

I have to say that a lot of you cats are scaring me with these posts. Either I'm living under a rock or the women these dayz coochie must be made of gold. The way some of you cats speak about the women you are dealing with leads me to believe that you are not reading the books, posts, or listening to the podcasts. My lil nephew is brave enough to say hello to a chick and he is only 7. Damn.

I mean, you cats turn dealing with women into a calculus problem. It isn't that difficult. Before I ever read a Tariq book, the very fact that I wanted to get some coochie forced me to get at a chick. If youre waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror, and aren't happy with what you see: STOP TRYING TO GET AT WOMEN UNTIL YOU ARE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU SEE. If you can't be proud of yourself, how can a woman be proud of you?


You should try practice achieving balance.

You know you got to look at duality as a round circle.

If you go to far east then you end of up west.

If you go to far west you end up east.

If you are too strong then you are weak.

If you use weakiness correctly then you can be strong.

Men who overdo the manhood are in fact expressing more feminine quality than manly.

Just like women who are trapped up in being supreme women appear hard and masculine.

Nature creates duality in order to create the illusion of life but it pushes us to strive towards oneness by putting us stressful situations. Life is a struggle and all struggle is character building.

The whole purpose of form is to experience existence but once that experience is obtained the soul gets lost in the sensory and has to be freed by karma.

That's why bad experiences can be enlightening.

Dr. Darwain studied the Finch bird and found that evolution was easier to study amongst this animal because of it's many generations and short life span.

Males came in two types ones with short beeks and ones with long ones.

Thus alpha and beta.

When the food source was plenty the birds with the short beeks had a hard time because the females prefered the ones with the long beeks because it was more attractive.

But when the food souce was scarce the birds with the short beeks had the advantage for they were able to pick up the small peices scattered here and there. The ones with the long beeks were more clumsy. The females prefered the ones with the short beeks.

Whomever the females prefered their genes got passed on and the next generation would have more of their qualities long or short beeks.

Thus we have natrual selection and the greatly misunderstood terminolgy of the survival of the fittest.

Now when we eject reincarnation and karma into the equation it appears that when we are new to a form a soul takes all of the qualities of that are most endowed of a species out of insecurity but also necessity.

As a soul matures in it's form it becomes more spiritual and thus relies less on the physical world and using instead its higher psychic powers.

Men who are brutes are normally stupid but dominate because of their physical strength. Alpha.

Women who are cunning are usually very beautiful and rely upon their physical abbtributes to decieve. Alpha.

Men who are not very strong rely instead upon mind power and spirituality. Beta.

Women who are humble in looks rely mostly on their true feminine psychic powers. Beta

One can have intelligence and still be a brute and one can appear to not have strength and be very strong.. One can be beautiful and still ugly as beautiful and very godlike. Contradictions are exceptions and they exist for the purpose of making the illusion more real. If life was too easy to fiquire out then it wouldn't be a struggle if the laws didn't contradict then souls would advance to quickly. All of us as souls are millions of years old but our time in the form of human has been very short. There are levels above human and that's where we are trying to get to.

In Taoism they say he who has mastered others has power.

He who has mastered himself has strength.

Inner power is greater than other.

The real deal is that it ain't in a woman nature's to "fall the f*ck back." As a woman, that ain't her job. And I agree that there's a leader in every man. That's why women (your woman) will forever challenge you becuase it's every woman's job to bring out that LEADER in you. And as long as she's seeing the Man in you, then she'll have no problem submitting because that's in her nature too. But a woman ain't ever gonna give you that position simply because you're a Man, you gotta prove it again and again for the rest of your life.

That's why if a man gotta ask for leadership or demand that his woman follow him, then he ain't really fit to be leading because any man worthy of the title "LEADER" will inspire it without ever having to say a word.

Most men talk that leader s**t more so out of an exaggerated sense of EGO than the fact that they are actually capable of leading of woman, let alone themselves.

My question to the brothers is what qualifies you to be a leader of any woman other than the fact that you saying you're a Man? What does it mean to be a Man anyway? Does it mean passing the buck and blaming the woman, like Adam did? Does it mean guiding and teaching her rightly before she's tempted to get "out of pocket," like Adam didn't do?

This s**t is too funny because if we using Adam as an example for Manhood, then that ain't saying much because Adam was the 1st Man to punk out BIG TIME when s**t hit the fan in the Garden. Instead of taking the "LEAD" as a leader, he actually turned his back on his woman and try to hang her azz out to dry. And that's the type of Man you trying to model yourself after? The bad press goes back more than 25 years; it's more like 6000 years.

Read it for yourself: Gen 3:8-12 "And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. (9) And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? (10) And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. (11) And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? (12) And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat."

Adam's first punk move was hiding insteading of accepting responsibility for his disobedience. His 2nd punk move was his stupidest move for trying to hide in a Garden that God created? And that's why n***a's hate being called stupid today. And his 3rd and biggest punk move was selling Eve out by saying "S**t God, you gave her to me and she gave it to me . . it ain't my fault." But the deepest thing about it is that over and beyond selling Eve out to try to avoid any punishment he thought he was about to recieve, Adam actually blamed God for it happening. Now if that ain't stupid, I don't know what is because God looked at Adam in his lonely state, and out of compassion, created him a "help-meet" -not a damn servant -- and Man hasn't been compassionate to Woman since!

Let's wake the f**k up and really consider what THE GAME is all about and how to play the s**t like WINNERS instead of PRETENDERS!

More good ****. Twincityslim wrote: Submit vs consent...I'm going with submit because that is what you want from a woman. You consent implies an equality between the sexes and there no eqaulity between the sexes. So submission would be the goal her consent alone isn't enough. It is no difference to someone submitting to the power of a governement or religion. Submit means to do something fully in mind, body, and soul. Whereas, to consent is to imply that conseting party is in control. As in, in a democracy people ive their "consent" to be governed.

I believe not having a frame of reference for the topic plays a big role in why the opinions are coming out the way that they are. Not until recently did I realize in relation to the topic, it was really that possible and that easy so to speak. Recently I was able to do so, without trying, in less than 24 hours and with a chick I wasn't directly trying to get at. I can say it changed my outlook on the subject because I was able to do so, so unexpectadly. Now when I'm out, my game has changed even more because I can see and apply things that I couldn't before.

Piggybacking on the matrix example, neo dodged those bullets for the first time not by mistake and not on purpose but when he let go and reacted. Sometimes you gotta let go off what you think, feel and

believe to get to that next level of life in general. I don't believe that anyone is telling fellas not to be themselves or get at anything in the club or wherever, but they are telling you, when you let go, you might innately release something that you didn't even know you have and attract a dime that wants to smash that night.

My boy has been telling me for years that it's certain things he see's in me that I am capable of. A lot of times I asked too many questions or prevented myself from reaching those levels, but when I went out and campaigned or whatever it may be I was successful. Then I'd tell him and he'd go, you could have done that 5 years ago, but now that you've done it, move onto to the next task.

Whether you know it or not, you show self doubt (true or not) as soon as you said no this can't or I don't believe. I chalk it up as it may not be time for you to get it and you will when it's time. People are telling you it can be done for a reason not just to tell you. Once the right time comes you'll go damn it really is that easy or attainable.

Good luck in all of your quest.

Lose your temper and you lose a friend; lie and you lose yourself.

I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself. Lone Man (Isna-la-wica)(Teton Sioux)

First organize the inner, then organize the outer ... First organize the great, then organize the small. First organize yourself, then organize others."

~Zhuge Liang

Self-trust is the first secret of success."

Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Difference for me is that I refuse to wither away because of cupcake crumbs sprinkled in the threads, like a lot of the old UPA macks who used to chop up game when the board was first created. I can honestly say that I learned a lot of good game reading threads from the older/first threads, but those cats have moved on to better and bigger things, I hope.

What I really want to achieve in listening to the brotha, is an older perspective in the game... a realistic perspective... cats on the turf are so ego driven and I guess hip-hop culture has bred all these super niggas... Reality is that we are all vulnerable, we all have problems, and aint no cat get every chick he ever wanted no cat!!!!! Brothas continue to brag and boast like they aint never had any women problems. I appreciate Tariq for letting brothas know its healthy and needed in our community to socialize with each other constructivley, not just kick it all day at the homies house, burning ET fingers, and playing Madden for hours on end...

To talk about our problems, needs, ambitions with other cats to FIND SOLUTIONS... as Tariq put it their is a major crisis going on in the Black family, this so called civil war going on between Black men and women, is mostly because brothas have turned into simps... And unfortunatley a lot of brothas who have knowledge keep it to themselves so they can run a monopoly... Thats weak ****, I wanna get different perspectives, from different brothas, from all over the world, to make me a better man...

Too many of us didnt grow up wit pops in the home, thats why we got so many simps in the game, cuzz they game comes from a woman, and that aint the ticket brothas...

Mackin is an art form that is based on a multitude of strong foundations. These foundations have remained the same since the begining of time so even though the game is in a constant state of motion, these foundations are the axle that keeps the wheel that is the game inline, ya know give it direction....

now before i can dwell even further into how to adequately mack these females i must first introduce you to the guidelines that i use to to weed out the winners from weak and wack.

In order for me to even consider any type of relationship with a woman she must:

Have the ability to conceive a reality in which her personal needs and wants do not outweigh the responsibilities and functions that it would take to stabilize situations in order for the equal enjoyment of said reality by me or others(mainly me).

Have the ability to disguise any attempt at manipulation in such a way that you both maintain my respect and engage my intellect. Any blatant half assed attempt will be ignored at the least.

Have the ability to realize that there is a wall that exist between what you feel and what you think. Even though emotions do have the ability to cloud judgment and one or even two irrational actions are tolerable within the constraints of immediate reaction but any actions beyond initial response becomes redundant and deems you unworthy of my attention...taking the time to throughly think out actions as an adult negates irrational action...thus this ability is crucial in order to deserve my attention.

Have the ability to realize and embrace the uniqueness that god has blessed you with, and that this uniqueness, being divine, should be cherished by you and you alone. Respect yourself enough to not allow others to cripple you perception of yourself and respect others enough not to drown them in your ego or your arrogance.

Have a strong belief that life is to be cherished during both its positive and negative increments. Regardless of you religion or beliefs know that you are alive so therefore function accordingly. Don't live life in away where you are an emotional siphon that drains the joy out of us that actually feel that we have a purpose and therefore want to live meaningful lives, either dump ya funk or keep it moving buster.

Have the ability claim responsibility when you make mistakes. We all have malfunctions sometimes its only natural. Its also natural for the child in us to want to blame others for our mistakes because it feels better to take the pain and exert it onto an outward source. This however is very irresponsible and age alone should give us a sense of knowing better than to take this action. Its best just to swallow your pride, admit your wrong, and take steps toward prevention of the same mistakes. At the same time

don't let "sorry" become a crutch that we use to get you by because eventually people will realize that you are either insincere or an incompetent idiot incapable of learning life lessons, neither of which is attractive in an adult.

In conclusion this is not me telling you how to qaulify your women...this is just me letting you know how I filter the creme da la creme from the crumb de la crumbs. Live your life how YOU want...I'm just letting you know what I want.

keep it pimpin playaz and live good

djbitches wrote: Lemme introduce myself by really droppin my philosphy on how life is....this is the theseis statement of how i really garnish the plate of the main dish that is this game ya dig...a lil sumthin xtra from a bonafide playa from the Southside of ATL, Ga....

Life is not an easy task. The whole idea behind survival is that you have to stay on your toes in order to survive. Unless you're naive, you understand that their are forces working against you in your quest to for survival.

The Mind is fragile. Who you are as an individual, how you function, and your perception of reality based its foundation on your mind and mental state.

Pressure busts pipes. Social and Economic pressure forces us as individuals make decisions that help us keep up with the Status Quo, not knowing in the process we lose focus on who we are individually, thus a conflict is created internally between the common sense that god gave us and the ideals that society has forced upon us causing a rift in our psyche. This internal battle leaves many of us in a confused and volatile state mentally. This state is fertile ground for negativity, self hatred, and manipulation which in turn expresses its self externally as prejudices and hatred for other human beings.

This means that we as individuals must, for the sake of humanity and self sanity, rid ourselves of this internal conflict. To accomplish this we must first acknowledge that the conflict exists. We must then respect the power that this conflict has on our minds and realize that even though you are alone in battling your own personal demons, we as a human community are all going through this same struggle and this is the very fact should be cement for the foundation of brotherhood and equal respect for all human beings.

The key is then for you as an individual to make a conscience effort to feel better about yourself. A person who truly loves themselves has the ability to transfer this positive energy to people around them without saying a word.

A person who loves them self isn't pressured by other peoples opinions of them because they already hold there selves in such high regard.

A person who loves them self realizes that happiness cannot be fueled by self interest...Only by sharing and helping the community can true happiness be achieved

A person who loves them self refuses to give moral ground to enemies by becoming blinded by anger....this person realizes that reacting emotionally can only stir up more emotion. Never a solution

A person who loves them self keeps their dignity in every situation because they understand the importance of reputation and knows that enemies will try to use something as common as human error and misjudgment as tools to unravel the truths and cause chaos

A person who loves them self knows that truly loving anyone including yourself is hard due to the self imposed perception that we place on people and ourselves...instead of reacting negatively to things that we dont like about ourselves and others we should embrace them for their uniqueness. The things that we dont like about ourselves we can my boy Pimp C put it "Its never too late to stop bein a Bitch!"

We should understand that forcing someone to change is never an option because they'll either completely rebel or half heartily conform, neither of which serves any real purpose for humanity...instead you should learn to enlighten the masses by talking less and loving more...the best way to show people how to love themselves is to really love yourself.

So the next time that the world seems to have you backed in a corner remember to switch your perception of being a timid kitten shaking with fear, to a ferocious Lion bursting with self pride rooted deeply in the love of others and yourself.

Remember to keep god first and to use his strength as means to push back the incoming negativity and stress and to use his vision and knowledge as a light to guide you through dark days.

In the famous words of some Jamaican Nigga- "Dont worry, Be Happy!"

djbitches wrote: What it do! A-town has officially landed in this bitch....the upcoming battle between real niggaz in bitch niggaz is approaching...which side are you on?

Its our responsibility as bona fide playaz and macks to really enrich this drab as society with good game so that the basic foundation of what it means to be a King of your own domain never gets lost in the cloud of confusion that these simp niggaz and wack bitches continue to perpetuate and dwell in.

So with all that said...yall niggaz remember to keep ya mack mind strong, and to continue to elevate your game on a daily basis....mack on!!!

I wrote and posted this in another forum a while ago a felt like posting it here to.

Recently, something was brought to my attention. I understand that some of you guys might disagree, but I wanna ask that you guys really think about this.

Your subconscious mind is mainly controlled by your experiences and by repetition -- not by you, like your conscious mind. In other words, you can control what your mind is thinking, but your subconscious mind is the only part of your brain that you have very limited control of. This is the part of your mind that reinforces your fears and such. One of the few ways to reprogram your subconscious mind is by repetition. For example, you can overcome your fear of anything (like approaching women), simply by taking action on a consistent basis. Once you convince yourself that it's okay to approach women, it'll no longer be a fear. That said, anything you do (and experience) on a regular basis, whether you realize it or not, affects your subconscious thinking.

Have any of you guys ever stopped and thought that watching porn (especially on a regular basis) can distort your perception or and your actual game with women? Think about what's going on when you view porn. We have women, who we generally find attractive, performing sex acts with numerous people, often times in ways that the average woman would not or be hesitant about doing. This is a fantasy that you're watching.

Many pornos start off with some random guy "discovering" a hot girl in a public setting and then, after a little small talk, he "surprisingly" has the girl agreeing to engage in wild sex acts with him. In the real world, how many guys can actually pull this off? Very few. Let's think about the sex scenes, where it usually consists of a girl, with a niche for giving oral sex, being dominated and allowing the man to have his way with her any way he chooses. Then, to top it off, he ends his session with her by "nutting" on her pretty face and/or other body parts. This is all fantasy. Granted some women are that freaky, you're not going to randomly find women who will just let you easily talk them into (virtually) making them sex slaves, let alone letting your boy get some too.

Getting back to my point, how do you think this affects your mind then? Sure, we all know that these are paid actors and that the women aren't doing it for free either, but does your subconscious mind think so too? Remember, your subscious mind is affected by what you feed it daily, so what do you think is happening when you're watching numerous sex clips with your dream girl(s) allowing any man to have limitless sex with her?

In my opinion, it may be doing one of three things to you:

1) It's allowing your subconscious mind to put women on a pedistal, making them seem virtually unachievable. Most people don't think that they can achieve their fantasies, so if you think of pulling a dime and doing all types of sexual thing with her as fantasy, then you'll be hesitant to try to achieve that.

2) It's convincing your mind to think about sex as the end-all/be-all of things when it comes to women. It also causes you to make all the wrong choices when trying to deal with women because your perception of them is distored.

3) It makes you think about sex way too much. It makes you lazy when you're supposed to be out meeting women and getting laid. When you're craving some sex, you're probably not going to go out and put in the work to find a girl to date and eventually have sex with, you're probably going to be content with jerking off to x-rated movies at any given time.

If you find that this thread has any truth to it in your situation, I suggest that you consider cutting down on the viewing of porn, if not stopping it all together. There's nothing wrong with watching every once in a blue but watching it all the time can have an effect on you. If you're sketical about this, try going a while (maybe a month or two) without porn and see what happens. See if your thinking, when attractive women are around you, doesn't change even a little bit. See if the process of approaching a gorgeous girl becomes a little bit easier. Try it out. Besides, it's not very mackish to not have discipline.

lonnie wrote Quote: As a reader of Think and Grow Rich you should prolly know that sex is the most powerful emotion that can be used to motivate action and creativity. So, how could you say porn is bad if it effectively generates this emotion to be transmuted into other forms. What would be unfortunate is if you use the energy effectively. Whenever I have a problem that I need to solve I consistently meditate on the problem then go watch a porn then come back to the problem. More times that not the sexual energy, I transmuted it into a very creative solution. Playas learn how to use the emotion of SEX.

Ill Bill wrote: I focks w/ Lonnie lol lol lol

EXACTLY, what I'm talking about. I say niggaz NEED to look at porn just off the strength of they won't put girls on pedastals, they regular broads that's just getting focked. Niggaz act like girls aint freaks FALSE. Just cuz you aint fockin, don't mean another nigga aint. It's always a dude that can fock any broad that night, the next , or w/in 72 hrs.

Life is like the matrix, and like it says in Think........Rich, people define themselves and OTHERS based on their own limitations. Take Matrix, Neo started to fly..... how ill is that, he flew and dodge bullets simply because he decided he can, when he was unplugged, he let lose a potential greater than anything he had ever known. That's why you should avoid self limiting people. Courage, confidence, skill sets and all that **** are merely mental muscles you simply can develop.

Take this back to the porno's. Even though its a movie, know that broads are getting focked out here.

Yall feel me tho.... mack on....

I think it comes down to looking at things for what they are and not what we want them to be, which comes from what society told us when we were little and has gotten ingrained in us to the point we think it's how we feel.

I went through the thought of needing to settle down and play the caring, family person and put more energy into others instead of what I loved and thought people would appreciate it only to find out they just found something else to complain about eventually and as time went on it beat me up mentally and I lost who I was.

I'm glad it happen because when I would be down in spirit I would ask myself what is it that makes me happy and what is it that doesn't and as time went on I would start to notice the things that made me

happy took up a lot of my time and I would be so happy and the only time I thought about women was when I needed some sex and a little softness around me but that was it.

When I didn't have the things that I loved doing around me, then I would think more about settling down and all the things I was taught from society as far as needing that special someone in my life.

I came to realize that the reason why I felt the need to have a special someone in my life was due to me not having that thing that gave me that euphoric feeling and made me think complex thoughts and having a woman would fulfill these needs but the more I learned and experienced how women are still people, I realized a price came with that small moment of joy and I made the decision to live my life as safe and as fun as possible by learning as much about sex, safe sex, and health as well as spirituality and doing things that get my mind going to live a whole and enjoyable life that doesn't need a special person because that special someone always changes depending where I'm at in my life. It doesn't mean I don't deal with the people from the past but I know they might not be the person who I will spend a good amount of my time with due to me being on another level than I once was. If they grow with me then it's all good but I can't make decisions for other people because they might have issues that keeps them from going where I'm going.

Basically, it's about finding out who you are and what you LOVE to do and finding women who can be there when the sex is needed, the talking comes along with it. Living with them and having a family is something you have to find a way to deal with but in this era the rules are different for us then they have been for people in our known history and we can do things people once dreamed about so I don't think you should throw this opportunity away by making choices that can make your life very hard in the long run.

Find out what you like in EVERY aspect of life, find out how to enjoy the good things about them while avoiding the negatives as much as possible, which isn't hard if your willing to do the research and listen to different sides of opinion and just live by what makes sense and not what you think is right because everyone else says it's the right thing to do. Peer pressure is a mother.

Tom Leykis is a good start. He's very explicit but a lot of what he says makes sense if you listen to them for what they are.

Hollywood in response to a highly questionable view about this game wrote:

What? C'mon you gotta be kiddin me good brotha, you're putting way to much emphasis on these females. I would consider what you said pimpin' before I would call it mackin'. I know you're a fan but you gotta understand that this nigga Topsoil be high on half those shows, don't let yourself get too wrapped up in everything he says, stick with Tariq's philosophy he appears to be sober on his The difference is this:

A pimp can only call himself a pimp when he's got women in his stable. A mack doesn't even need one hoe for the world to see he's on top.

A pimp learns how to master the art of playing women and not much else. A mack learns to master the game of life and can change the landscape he plays on and have equal or greater success.

A pimp runs game for life support and is azz out if beechez ain't choosin' A mack doesn't depend on anyone but himself to stay fly and make things happen.

A pimp's time is spent maintaining females and keeping them in line. A mack uses his time for constant improvement....all the time.

A pimp always has to keep his image up for his females A mack can care less what a female thinks, we fock 'em and feed 'em beans.

A pimp runs around looking for hoes so he can get paid. A mack understands that once he's paid, they will come looking for him.

A pimp stays focused on one thing in order to get his money...women A mack sits back and view's the world from a 10,000 ft perspective and becomes familar with all of the resources at his disposal.

A pimp needs to be able to trust his hoes in order to continue to eat. A mack only ever has to trust himself in order to create abundance in all areas of his life.

Having a team of women ain't got sheet to do with mackin' fam, they just happen to come along with the program. C'mon playa you know better than that.......having a team of females is cool but remember if you have a choice you want to be Bill Gates not Dennis Rodman playa, cut that backwards azz talkin out, kids is readin'

in a response to a question about sexual energy.

Hollywood wrote: You're probably missing these vibes because you're prbably walking around unconcious most of the time, what I mean by this is that you probably have too much going on inside of your head so as a result you're basing your your perception mostly on assumption and instinct. These ques are so subtle that unless you are fully present with a clear and quiet mind you will not pick up on 90% of them. The key to picking up on a female's vibe is to quiet your mind and increase your awareness. This can be done thru meditation for at least 30 minutes every day (usually first thing in the morning) if you do this you will find that your clarity and awareness increases dramitically. Another benefit of this is that you become more confident and your daily interactions will appear to slow down therefore giving you more control over your emotions and your enviroment. Once you have eliminated alot of the thoughts and "noise" in your mind you will then be able to pick up on the little subtle ques and hints alot better. You will notice that people will react to you in a more positive manner and your mouthpiece will be alot sharper, you will have also increased your energy vibration which means that people will be able to feel your positve energy just by being around you. Most women have the ability to pick up on energy vibration on some level even though they may not be completely concious of it. This is why your Mom can always tell when a chick is full of s*** after she meets your new girlfriend even though you can"t figure out why she don't like her and she just met her. This is also why you will often have better success with your mackin when you're feeling good and energetic as opposed to feeling tired and passive. For this reason it is better to curtail your alcohol consumption when your mackin...alcohol is a depressant which lowers your energy vibration.

Get on the meditation kick playas, it works.

Kaanun wrote: You hear statements like that because females -- in all species -- actually control the mating cycle. They go into "heat" at certain times each month (usually 5-7 days before their menstrual cycle), and males respond to this "heat" or "pheromones" or "sexual energy" by becoming sexually aroused.

Women don't necessarily "DO" anything to advertise sexual energy. At least not consciously anyway. Female sexual energy is intimately connected to their estrous cycle, which refers to the phase when the female is sexually receptive. During this time (and every woman knows when this time is for her), there are subtle physical changes in her appearance, like her breast becoming fuller, dressing more provocatively, flirting more, etc, but most of these thing happen on an unconscious or instinctive level.

You can become more "sensitive" to female sexual energy by opening and balancing your own chakras. A good book that explains the energy, chakras, and auras is Secrets Of Energy by Barbara Gray.






Universal Macking Rules...some good foundational rules. Great post. Lonnie wrote: You can be the richest dude in the world and not be a mack but you can be a poor dude and still be the biggest mack on the planet. Bottomline you can't call yourself a mack if you ain't got a team of females or potential females trying to get on the team who are williing to BREAK BREAD to support your goals and dreams. i don't care how much money you have or how much you can get out of LIFE. If you don't fulfill these requirement your ain't Macking playa.


Lonnie, I definitely understand where you are coming from. I also understand where the other playas are coming from too.

Lonnie is basically saying you can't call yourself a Mack if you're not macking on females...which is true. The other playas are saying that macking is about more than just females, it applies to all aspects of your life...thats true too.

The definition of Macking has changed over the years...

A Mack is a REAL Man. Period.

Just cuz you are highly successful in your career doesn't make you a mack or a playa. Just because you run a Forbes 500 company & make millions yearly doesn't make you a mack it just makes you a highly successful businessman.

A REAL Mack knows how to handle his bizness, true. From women to his business dealings.

A Mack gets his freak on every now & then but he's not sexually motivated. He's all about that knowledge, power, & paper...he's "Game Motivated." Don't get it twisted.

A Mack deals with one or several women at one time and knows how to deal with them accordingly. He can deal w/ square women, strippers, hoes, etc -- all types of women.

** A REAL Mack makes ALL of his women bring something to the table (more than just coochie...thats not a tangible). Technically, back in the day macking was all about a female bringing money to the table...but she can bring more than this -- gifts, skills, resources, etc.


- If you are a college nigga and you're dealing with a chick that works at Macy's or somethin get her to hook you up with some new clothes or fragrances.

- If you a high school nigga dealing with a chick that works at McDonald's or Taco Bell, get her to hook you up with some food.

- If you are a dude thats dealing with a chick that works as a flight attendant, get her to hook you up with some airline tickets.

- Say you're dealing with a female thats an investor or an accountant or a financial analyst, get her to do your taxes or give you financial advice for FREE.

You get the point.

Get these chicks to kick in for the cause. Females do this all the time with different niggas they know. Especially slick chicks (and I know quite a few) and they make all them niggas bring tangibles to the table. When you do this, it shows that you have standards and that her coochie has no value.

If the females that you are dealing with aren't bringing any type of tangibles to the table then you're not macking. Tariq talks about this all the time.

Shoutout to all the playas chopping it up on this discussion.

dray1211 wrote: The new generation has made their own definition of what macking, pimping, hustling, snitching, etc. is. If you wanna know the true definition of these terms then holla at a REAL Old School Playa and he'll break the game down for you.

Regardless of what you guys call yourselves (macks, playas, hustlers, gigolos, pimps, businessmen, whatever), our main focus should be to constantly upgrade ourselves all the way around. This is what most of the playas on this thread are trying to say and I totally agree.

dray1211 wrote:

mreric8377 wrote:

6. Mitt Before Dick

I absolutely never **** a bitch until she kicks in somthing first. I will pay for small things in tha beginning, like a dinner or whatever, Then if a bitch is really feeling me, she will always kick in somthing, Most of tha time it's goods and services, and or money. Bitches bring me **** they think I look good in, Bring me food, whatever they think will make me happy, without me asking. Then I will ****, I never sweat bitches for coochie, I never ask for coochie. If a bitrch does **** for you before you **** tha first time, there is a greater respect, I cannot explain why it works.

Real spit.

This is what Tariq talks about all the time -- making females bring something to the table besides coochie. Most guys are slaves to coochie, they'll do anything for it We live in a culture that tells guys to do any and everything for women to make them happy. But when you do this, you're shooting yourself in the foot. You're gonna get disrespected, rejected, & ejected by these females. You gotta keep it mackin'.

In my experience I've found that when you have standards and you don't waiver from those standards by only dealing with quality females and making them bring tangibles to the table (especially before having sexual relations), those females will literally do anything for you. I've also found that females that invest in a man won't leave as freely as a female that doesn't. They'll stay down (at least for a minute)...they'll ride or die. The more they invest the harder they'll ride for you.

I've been reading some of Boss's blog posts and he always talks about not fucking females until they bring something to the table. This kinda reminds me of when hoes choose pimps...they have to give the pimp a "choosing fee" which could range from $2,000 - $10,000 (depending on the pimp). This shows that the hoe is serious about a particular pimp's pimpin'. For a hoe to come up with that kind of money, she has to be serious plus she gotta get out there and do some serious hoin'.

By making a female bring something to the table, its the same dynamic. Its an investment that the female is making when she chooses you. Plus, when you don't sweat females for sex and you step to them on some mack ****, you can get sex & tangibles at your disposal.

First of all this is not about materials or outside appearance its all about the mind.

I have approached females when I look wayyy rough and scruffy but something still showed for them to respond and that was Confidence(which I try to project ALL the time).

Ice Cube's frame is not bad,shoooot in Ghost to Mars and Triple XXX you could see he lifted them weights.


1)Don't stress but express!-Never stress over anything we live once then thats it we transition to the next plain(death is a transition).

Represent yourself and your name and through that representations your confidence will shine, your existence will be more meaningful and not dictated by clothes or materials but by who you are.

2)Understand that you wear the clothes and the clothes don't make you.The purpose of clothing is to keep warm and cover 'neccesary' parts(in some countries they wear less-don't be so westernised but understand!).

Any idiot can wear the flyest gear but if he is perceived as an idiot then he is just an idiot trying to portray confidence thrugh the flyest gear and thats bad cause you suppose to be a Man first (not an idiot).

Besides that an idiot is not respected even if he succeeds in projecting confidence

3)Beauty is not a virtue but an asset-understand this and no woman will make you second guess yourself.Beauty is not enough.....

It don't matter what you got on as long as you make it work,then you are turning 'lead into gold'.Confidence is the best thing to wear.


1)Read the books mentioned on this site

2)Read the site itself,a lot of intelligent brothers here.

3)Become your own best friend.True reflection of self is in the heart,accept yourself.Once you have gained acceptance then this can be your starting point of your life if you ever go insane or stray you can always come back to that starting point....

4)Once you got your mind right then you will be more willing and determined to workout to the frame you want.


Words are your best weapons

Manhood and leadership brings attraction

Self control brings respect...

When approaching,no matter what you got on say to yourself:

I am not going to reject myself for any female,its time to turn lead to Gold.....[it starts with the mind!]

This is easy to answer. Do some research on the late great Miles Davis and see what he thought about having sex the night before he had a show to perform. You'll see that he never did, simply because he felt too drained the next day.

Have you ever wondered why you feel so sluggish the next day after a night of nut bustin sex? Have you ever wondered why you may pass out shortly after sex?

The Taoists was light years ahead of their time when they studied on sex between males and females. I'm in to Tantra and with the chosen few, I teach my bitches some things from it as well. In tantra, which is a few centruies old mind you, they talk about how the lifeforce of man is culminated in the semen and when man releases it, it's all his vital energy comprised to concieve another life. The body doesn't know if it's really going to help create another life or not but when you bust a nut, that's what it's expecting: the impregnation of a woman to bear a child. They notice that the male body goes into a sort of "transgressive" state after the expulsion of semen and it takes about a week for it to be fully restored. So, in a weeks times, all the food and things you put into your body is all filtered out and the good stuff goes to the muscles and other body parts, where do you think the rest of it goes? The semen. The taoists also noticed overall changes in men's perception of themselves and the energy they project on others. The ones who when weeks without releasing, were happier, more confident and better to be around as opposed to those who did release. THey also noted performance changes in men as well.

With that said, is it really a surprise to know that Asian people's life expectancy rate is higher than Americans? How many 100+ Asian people you hear and read about? Now compare that to how many 100+ Americans you hear and read about. You'll see a difference.

Now for my sports fans out there, look up to see if some of the coaches advise their players to not have the night before the big game. Mines did when I played football...and track and field. I didn't listen one day and tried it. I lost my relay race, my high jump and my 400 yard dash because I didn't feel I had enough "energy" to do so.

If you need another reason to value your seed, look to the animal kingdom. Who is the one who will most likely survive after sex? The female. Bees for example, have the best parallel to humans. What happens to the drone bees(males) in the colony after they have sex with the Queen bee? They die shortly afterwards. Why? Because all their life force is now injected into the queen bee. Same with drone ants. ****, the praying mantis female eats the male after sex, and goes on to have his babies and the black widow spider does the same.

In a nutshell, semen, is the ultimate life force. It can create life on it's own. The egg needs to be fertilized with what? Male life force. Once you bust a nut, you are releasing all that energy you've stored up. See, women have the pleasure of being able to orgasm and not lose anything (maybe their minds if you put it down right) but men, again, have something to lose when dealing with a woman. Your life.

There is two things I recommend: Physical activity and learning the art of the male mulitple orgasm.

Men need to master and harness their sex drive into something productive. I work out and go tot he gym and I don't have a high desire to always bust a nut because all that energy is getting expelled in a different way that doesn't require the release of it. Physical activity doesn't have to be the way (a hobby can work too. Next time you're feeling extra horny, pour all that focus into something else and watch what you create!)

As for multi-orgasms, it's very possible for men to separate orgasms from ejaculation. Once you learn that, you'll will be able to enjoy sex more often and not lose your seed each time. I forgot to mention, whenever you don't bust a nut, that energy is reaborbsbed in the body for more useful getting money, lol. This too, I learned from Tantra, but for those who would a more in depth knowledge of it, check out: The multi-orgasmic man by Dr. Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrahms. It's at your local bookstore.

I feel bad for the cats that think all women are sweet, innocent, nurturing "good girls." They're not pulling the wool over this man's eyes..

Indeed, that pedestal **** is sad. Man I once saw a chick piss outside, really further opened my eyes. lol

But what can we learn


1)No prenup no marriage 2)Never feel pressured to marry, you are the man, your value will increase;men are like real estate, women are like cars w/ the exceptions of the classic cars.... 3) Stand on your square and don't change it for no chick 4) Don't marry broke. 5) Don't claim no ambition-poor woman

If your mind isn't right you are in a recession. If you game is tight you are always going prosper. Unfortunately, most folks are in the matrix. If the media says the world is coming to an end, they believe it. If the media says we are at war for democracy, they believe. If the media says we are in a depression, they believe. Freedom, prosperity, and success are all in a cats mind. What you believe, is your beginning and end.


Twincityslim wrote: I checked out the Zeitgeist documentary. This is the type of information that the majority of US citizens have no clue about. I suggest that everyone begin to read the material that is available out there on the illuminati, rothschilds, etc. The power that be would love for you to believe that these are conspiracy theories. However, all the information from primary sources. Most of the information can be constructed from newspaper articles. Check out this cat:

"The issue of race and racism emerged at the heart of U.S. politics in the Democratic presidential campaign in January. But as any serious student of U.S. history knows, racism is always beneath the surface of U.S. politics."

This is an interesting read which gives some backgound into the Democratic Leadership Council and an opinion expressed by Earl Ofari (Hutchinson).

As a former associate and organizer of Sistah Souljah's National Youth Student Alliance between 198892, I dealt with personal conflict in voting for Bill Clinton in spite of his denouncement of my Comrade Lisa Williamson (Sistah Souljah) and at the time did not really know the degree to which the DLC worked to undermine Jesse Jackson and Black leadership within the Democratic Party. I was on the website earlier tonight and a blogger posted an article by Earl Ofari which prompted me to research some of his earlier writings. Being raised in Los Angeles I was familiar with his earlier work and witnessed his transformation as he later turned into a vociferous critic of the Black Panther Party. I was particularly interested in how he now is one of Barack Obama's most ardent critics. He makes what I am sure some of the Destee family will view as some relevant points concerning the Obama campaign. Ancestral Spirits willing I plan to soon be moving again, this time from Texas and finally to the Atlanta

metro area, so I may be gone for awhile longer. My family in Atlanta supports Obama as does my family in Brooklyn (and Las Vegas, California) but we are aware than an Obama Presidency will still leave us with numerous issues confronting Black people in Ameriklan society

Quote: Hillary Clintons crediting LBJ as a civil rights leader was a deliberate slap not only to Dr. King, Rosa Park, Fannie Lou Hamer, Ella Baker, SNCC, Mississippi Freedome Democratic Party and the Lowdnes County Freedom Organization and JFK but also an attempt (to be expected from a Goldwater Girl!) to channel our energy into honoring the very same man guilty of co-opting the CRM.

This was realized with the failure of the National Black Political Convention, the collapse of the National Black Political Party (NBIPP) and the division within the Black United Front. I was on the Arts Committee of the Black United Front of Los Angeles (BUFLA) in the early 80s after leaving the AAPRP and worked with former Panthers Kwaku Bob Duren and Michael Zinzun, not only within the Free South Africa Movement (FSAM) but also the Coalition Against Police Abuse (CAPA) and remember also the split that occured within NBIPP, BUFLA and the NBPC and how the rift between Walters and Jackson was followed by the ascendency of Al Sharpton, and all three led the remaining cadre of revolution black nationalist leadership (except for APSP, AAPRP and NAPO) into the program to 'expand the base of the Democratic Party'. This weakened the vanguard of the Black Liberation movement further which had galvanized in support of the ANC, PAC, AZAPO and Front for the National Liberation of Congo. Movement also was divided over who to support in Zimbabwe. ZANU or ZAPU. This was before even Louis Farrakhan resurrected the NOI as it became more vocally anti-Zionist, and this was largely de to the rise in leadership of Malik Rashadeen, who later most now know as Minister Khalid Muhammad.

The point here is that despite Cointelpro's effectiveness in squashing the, BPP and the RNA/BLA, revolutionary Black nationalism continued to have an activist base (I was part of this with NAYSA also in 1988) if it were not for our co-optation with the 'Rainbow Coaltion' and the later 'Shadow Convention' Bill Clinton and the DLC would have never gained the political leverage to put them as the cart before the Horse. We now seek to ride the cart to liberation but it has no effective driver so we have to place faith in Obama but we all know this is another Pale Driver with an empty cart of campaign rhetoric and no effective course in which to lead us because the DP lacks direction and is fractured from within.

I used to work closely in those days with a sister named Makani Themba whose brother Robin DG Kelley has written a series of books which I intend to purchase once I get re-settled. Kelley has written extensively on how Hip Hop culture has developed within this same time frame. We need to be ready to use the Obama phenomenon and organize a move Independent of the two party structure. One thing about this election process is it has me watching polls closer as if I was handicapping a horse race. I am sure many of us here are outside of both main parties, our numbers dont truly reflect the nearly 20% of Independents and Undecideds who factor as the swing voters when the general election comes in November. 20% is not a numer that is insignificant and is more than enought to not only influence the outcome but also to lobby the DP for a more progressive/militant agenda, or to take our votes and gather a larger, more effective organization to challenge the two-party monopoly. This is not intendedas a criticism of Obama but rather a critical analysis of the forces behind his Organiation and its real challenge which is not Hillary Clinton herslef bu the DLC which has co-opted our movement and will work to hamper an Obama presidency from the halls of the US Senate House and its Washington lobbyists and spin doctors such as Mark Penn and Dick Morris.

Im with frosty on this playa

From looks, Ill give her a 7, but if she is bringing solid azz assets to the table and is bringing things up with you, that can easily add another .5 to 1 point to her overall value based on the blue book philosophy.


Aside from looks, I am very reluctant to give 10s anymore just because a female has a banging body and off the chain looks! Nowadays, as always was the case, looks dont mean shyt man!

I was at this spot last night and ended up spitting to this one female who had a solid mouthpiece, had a nice body, and was coming with a hella great personality. From looks alone, she had great upper body and backside assets, but does that mean she gets an excellent value?


But thats how A LOT of cats see females in the game now..cats will give a lady a 9 or 10, just based on her face and body, and purposely discount her non-physical attributes

She could have daddy issues, low self-esteem, financial drama, and ex husbands trying to beat her up.but, because she has a big azz and a cute face, shes a Dime.

Hell nawh playas.

Last night, even though miss was nice physical wise, I discovered that she had some personal/mind damage from previous relationships and had two kids. The funny thing is that I was lacing this female with so much game last night about getting her mind right and upgrading that she was stuck to my azz like flies on fly paper, lol.

And didnt want to leave the club until I decided to bouncetell me why this girl gave me a big azz hug to top it all off. Said: Its been a long time since someone talked to me the way you do..

Supposedly shes in Dallas for the weekend and gave her my number and told her it would be nice to stop by my crib this Saturday and cook up some Mac N Cheese, chicken, vegetables, and hook up some kool-aid.

She agreed, but well see(damn, Im digressing like a b iatch)

But anyways, fellas, stop giving props only on PHYSICAL QUALITIES ONLY

from another board asking about manhood...


I see that good marriages may be a thing of the past. And with the pool of young black women available today, I can't see encouraging anyone to marry them. I think a black man going his way, not being controlled by a pretty face or a smile. Excepting no less then the best 100% of the time. Not willing to lower his standards for a a few minutes of fun which can cause a lifetime of pain. A man who sticks to his goal regardless of how tough it gets. Not willing to be shamed into doing anything. And that means marrying someone that is not best for him. Also realize a women does not make who you are. Understand you don't need a women in your life. A good women is nice to have. But if you don't have one don't worry. Live your life free and the why you want to. Have hobbies and while you are climbing the tree of success take time to eat some fruit on your way up. Don't let your race define you. If you like something that is not"black" then do it anyway. Don't let fools hold you back. Don't be afraid of anything. Don't listen to people like Harvey and understand he sold his soul years ago. Travel the world. Don't even think about getting married until you are over 35 or close to forty. Understand living like this will make most women and many men afraid and jealous of you.

Quote: Not conforming to the "Black man" stereotype even at the risk of being ostracized by Black women (and other Black men) for it.

Knowing that true success is finding your "niche".

Not letting coochie be the end-all-do-all to your existence.

Realizing the world is much bigger than the hood.

Knowing who you are.

Quote: I thought being a man means you work to develop yourself, you dont get swayed easily by dumb ass fads of people, you have your own mind, and when hard situations come up, you deal with them, and if by your own doing, own up to it and move on to solve it

Playa dedicate yourself to upgrading yourself and everything will work out perfectly. I mean, everything comes with a cost and sacrifice. If youre willing to pay the cost you'll come out on top. There is a good lil pamphlet you can buy on called "As a Man thinketh" by James Allen only 80 pages but full up game to make you wiser. Mackin is all about self-improvement. What I've discovered about the game is that the more you love yourself the more people will be attracted to you. The funny thing is that Mackin isn't even about the women. It's about self-love despite women. If you base your self-worth on women its over. They will only treat you as good or bad as you treat yourself. Just remember when Adam followed eve he lost everything.


Twincityslim wrote: Quote: I love the competitive nature of women. It's the x-factor that keeps them in check there are not too many more powerful tactics than creating a love triangle. Women want it all. When they know for a fact that you have options, and other women find you very desirable they try to lock you in lol.

To be honest, I've never been with just one chick in my life. Ive always been attracted to women of all ethnicities and personalities so i always see something different that i liked about each woman. Juggling females is easy as long as you don't start lying. i studied Political Science and Economics in college. I plan to become a lawyer sooner than later. I studied and read a lot of philosphy and treatises during school and continue to read avidly. Most women aren't prepared for a man with knowledge of self and the ability to articulate himself. tariq's method simply make you more smooth and subtle about expressing

that ability. You never make a statement that you can't back up or express a feeling or emotion that isn't sincere. I never allow myself to get backed into a corner that I can't get myself out of. i consider myself to be an alpha male. How can I let a woman out wit me? Never.

twincityslim wrote: Quote: A mack is like the Spartans in that movie 300. We are outnumbered but we have to stay true to the game so that we as men can change the mentality of these tricks and chicks out here. I can't say it enough. Mackin is about self improvement, manhood, and leadership. We have a responsibility to ourselves and others because to whom much is given much is expected. We are the 300 and our opposition is goliath but we will not bow down to the pussification of bruthas.

PROVERBS FROM EGYPTIAN TEMPLES 1. The kingdom of heaven is within you; and whosoever shall know himself shall find it. 2. The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth [is] Nature. 3. For every joy there is a price to be paid. 4. If his heart rules him, his conscience will soon take the place of the rod. 5. What you are doing does not matter so much as what you are learning from doing it. So It is better not to know and to know that one does not know ,than presumptuously to attribute some random meaning to symbols. 6. If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge. 7. If you are searching for a Nether, observe Nature! 8. Exuberance is a good stimulus towards action, but the inner light grows in silence and concentration. 9. Not the greatest Master can go even one step for his disciple; in himself he must experience each stage of developing consciousness. Therefore he will know nothing for which he is not ripe. 10. The body is the house of God. That is why it is said, "Man know thyself." 11. True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awakening of consciousness which goes through successive stages.

12. The man who knows how to lead one of his brothers towards what he has known may one day be saved by that very brother. 13. People bring about their own undoing through their tongues. 14. If one tries to navigate unknown waters one runs the risk of shipwreck. Leave him in error who loves his error. 15. Every man is rich in excuses to safeguard his prejudices, his instincts, and his opinions. 16. To know means to record in one's memory; but to understand means to blend with the thing and to assimilate it oneself. 17. There are two kinds of error: blind credulity and piecemeal criticism. 18. Never believe a word without putting its truth to the test; discernment does not grow in laziness; and this faculty of discernment is indispensable to the Seeker. Sound skepticism is the necessary condition for good discernment; but piecemeal criticism is an error. 19. Love is one thing, knowledge is another. 20. True sages are those who give what they have, without meanness and without secret! 21. An answer brings no illumination unless the question has matured to a point where it gives rise to this answer which thus becomes its fruit. 22. Therefore learn how to put a question. 23. What reveals itself to me ceases to be mysterious for me alone: if I unveil it to anyone else, he hears mere words which betray the living sense: Profanation, but never revelation. 24. The first concerning the 'secrets': all cognition comes from inside; we are therefore initiated only by ourselves, but the Master gives the keys. 25. The second concerning the 'way': the seeker has need of a Master to guide him and lift him up when he falls, to lead him back to the right way when he strays. 26. Understanding develops by degrees. 27. As to deserving, know that the gift of Heaven is free; this gift of Knowledge is so great that no effort whatever could hope to 'deserve' it. 28. If the Master teaches what is error, the disciple's submission is slavery; if he teaches truth, this submission is ennoblement. 29. There grows no wheat where there is no grain. 30. The only thing that is humiliating is helplessness.

31. An answer if profitable in proportion to the intensity of the quest. 32. Listen to your conviction, even if they seem absurd to your reason. 33. Know the world in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world, for this would be to project your illusion. 34. To teach one must know the nature of those whom one is teaching. In every vital activity it is the path that matters. 35. The way of knowledge is narrow. 36. Each truth you learn will be, for you, as new as if it had never been written. 37. The only active force that arises out of possession is fear of losing the object of possession. 38. If you defy an enemy by doubting his courage you double it. 39. The nut doesn't reveal the tree it contains. For knowledge ... you should know that peace is an indispensable condition of getting it. 40. The first thing necessary in teaching is a master; the second is a pupil capable of carrying on the tradition. 41. Peace is the fruit of activity, not of sleep. 42. Envious greed must govern to possess and ambition must possess to govern. 43. When the governing class isn't chosen for quality it is chosen for material wealth: this always means decadence, the lowest stage a society can reach. 44. Two tendencies govern human choice and effort, the search after quantity and the search after quality. They classify mankind. Some follow Maat, others seek the way of animal instinct. 45. Qualities of a moral order are measured by deeds. 46. One foot isn't enough to walk with. 47. Our senses serve to affirm, not to know. 48. We mustn't confuse mastery with mimicry, knowledge with superstitious ignorance. 49. Physical consciousness is indispensable for the achievement of knowledge. 50. A man can't be judge of his neighbor's intelligence. His own vital experience is never his neighbor's. 51. No discussion can throw light if it wanders from the real point. 52. Your body is the temple of knowledge.

53. Experience will show you, a Master can only point the way. 54. A house has the character of the man who lives in it. 55. All organs work together in the functioning of the whole. 56. A man's heart is his own Nether. 57. A pupil may show you by his own efforts how much he deserves to learn from you. 58. Routine and prejudice distort vision. Each man thinks his own horizon is the limit of the world. 59. You will free yourself when you learn to be neutral and follow the instructions of your heart without letting things perturb you. This is the way of Maat. 60. Judge by cause, not by effect. 61. Growth in consciousness doesn't depend on the will of the intellect or its possibilities but on the intensity of the inner urge. 62. Every man must act in the rhythm of his time ... such is wisdom. 63. Men need images. Lacking them they invent idols. Better then to found the images on realities that lead the true seeker to the source. Maat, who links universal to terrestrial, the divine with the human is incomprehensible to the cerebral intelligence. 64. Have the wisdom to abandon the values of a time that has passed and pick out the constituents of the future. An environment must be suited to the age and men to their environment. 65. Everyone finds himself in the world where he belongs. The essential thing is to have a fixed point from which to check its reality now and then. Always watch and follow nature. 66. A phenomenon always arises from the interaction of complementaries. If you want something look for the complement that will elicit it. Set causes Horus. Horus redeems Set. 67. All seed answer light, but the color is different. The plant reveals what is in the seed. 68. Popular beliefs on essential matters must be examined in order to discover the original thought. 69. It is the passive resistance from the helm that steers the boat. The key to all problems is the problem of consciousness. 70. Man must learn to increase his sense of responsibility and of the fact that everything he does will have its consequences. 71. If you would build something solid, don't work with wind: always look for a fixed point, something you know that is stable ... yourself.

72. If you would know yourself, take yourself as starting point and go back to its source; your beginning will disclose your end. 73. Images are nearer reality than cold definitions. Seek peacefully, you will find. 74. Organization is impossible unless those who know the laws of harmony lay the foundation. 75. It is no use whatever preaching Wisdom to men: you must inject it into their blood. 76. Knowledge is consciousness of reality. Reality is the sum of the laws that govern nature and of the causes from which they flow. 77. Social good is what brings peace to family and society. 78. Knowledge is not necessarily wisdom. 79. By knowing one reaches belief. By doing one gains conviction. When you know, dare. 80. Altruism is the mark of a superior being. 81. All is within yourself. Know your most inward self and look for what corresponds with it in nature. 82. The seed cannot sprout upwards without simultaneously sending roots into the ground. 83. The seed includes all the possibilities of the tree. ... The seed will develop these possibilities, however, only if it receives corresponding energies from the sky. 84. Grain must return to the earth, die, and decompose for new growth to begin. 85. Man, know thyself ... and thou shalt know the gods.

When you are continuously upgrading yourself and establishing new goals in your life, you are in essence adding new pieces to the puzzle of what makes you a MAN OF MEANS. When you become familiar to a woman, that could indicate that your ambition to life is falling off and you are simply appeased as an individual to have a woman interested in you.

What happens is that some cats lose all sense of direction to their dreams in life when they get with a woman.

This is indicated by you no longer working towards your personal, business, educational, and financial aspirations because you are too busy focusing on a woman. And at the end of the day, you cant really

blame a woman who lose interest because youve lost your sense of direction and exert all your efforts on her.

As a MAN OF MEANS, you are to guide a woman towards upgrading herself in every facet of her life. But if you not continuously disciplining your mind to keep upgrading yourself, then consequently, a woman who is supposed to be a reflection of YOU is not being upgraded either

So how do you keep adding pieces to the puzzle of YOUR FOUNDATION AS A MAN OF MEANS?

There is not right or wrong answer, but generally you can: 1. Diligently pursue business endeavors in order to stack your paper 2. Keep other activities on the platter to avoid an idle-mind 3. Become active in your community via things such as tutoring inner-city children, Habitat for Humanity, etcthis is one attribute that generally separates you from simps, cupcakers, and tricks 4. Pursue some sort of certification, trade, or educational goal 5. Just chill by yourself at a nice lounge or bar rolling solo and not with your homiesyoull be surprised at yourself when you dont have friends around and influencing your thoughts. 6. Never fold your cards or put your dreams on ice just because a woman is giving you play and spending time with you..

You see fellas, there are a limitless source of things you can do to keep adding intrigue and puzzle pieces to your overall composition as a MAN OF MEANS.

Another thing:

These cats don't even ask themselves a simple question like: "Would a chick that is about something want to be bothered with me?" or "What is it about me that would make a chick want to have a long term relationship with me?" or the killer "What tangibles do I bring to the table?"

A chick that is about something is not going to want to be bothered with some dumb nucca that is only living for today... You will have to grow up sooner or later. And when you finally realize that life isn't a joke, other cats will have accomplished way more than you because they made productive use of their time. Then you will be at the bottom of the pile hating on the haves and saying stupid shyt like "How did he get her? He must be paying her..." "She only likes him because of **insert stupid reason of choice**" Never once thinking "Damn, I've fvcked off my late teens and twenties and have nothing to show for it. It will always be the other dude being a lame. No, nucca, sometimes cats just bring more to the table than you and outshine you. And their conversation isn't on some magic word shyt, they will have relevant conversation, not because they memorized some pickup lines either. It will be because that is who they really are and not because they are on some ol fake, I'm trying to cover up that I'm a wackass nucca type mess.

I love writing this type of stuff cause I know that some of the cats reading this are steaming mad at me. Good, because in the process of hating me, it might make your dumbass change the way you look at life.

Women Like, Love, and Lust for MEN...period

wanna know how to attarct a woman, be a MAN

Being a MAN is a multi structured concept that requires a male to be reasonable, responsible, and resourceful.

Being Reasonable

This is virture that requires u to use ur head when asessing any situation, some of the **** i see yall boiz complain about could really be avoided if u just took the time to marinate on it..... like having the ability to realize that we live in 2007 not 1947....the standards that was placed on young ladies socially have changed thus u cant expect most women past the age of 18 that you meet to be this epitome of womanhood...hell keepin it real u cant expect ya moms to be this...women have the same urges that we do if not more so calling a woman a hoe for being sexually experienced is like the kettle calling the pot black

Being Responsible

Being responsible means having the ability to to take care of your own business meaning that u gotta make sure that u have some sort of ambition about something, have the ability to take care of yourself and to constantly be in a state of growth one thing women hate is the status quo, dudes seem to be more willing to keep **** the same while females like **** to grow, thats why alot of yall niggaz who be complaining about "my girl wanna leave me", or "every girl i done wifed up be actin funny" get into these situations, yall boring the hell out of em because ur becoming to predicatable and repetative. Be responsible and take the initiative to grow be it sexually, mentally, or financially.

Being Resourceful

<<< never keep banging up against the same walls everytime.

A characteristics of a psycho is somebody who does the same **** over and over and expects to have different results. Its more than a million billion ways to skin any cat u just gotta be resourceful enough to figure it out. This **** is Arithmatic not rocket science...if 4 + 5 aint gettin ya nine then try 6 + 3 or 3+3+3 or any other combination...they key to this is to never let one monkey stop ya show. U gotta stay on ya toes and have the ability adapt to any situation cause one thing that both life and women have in common is that they are going to test that ass like a scantron...u gotta be resourceful enough to take that test and to keep ya cool while u taking it. U gotta stay resourceful from the bedroom to the boardroom, from the cock to the block.

When a male can display these abilities then they should have no problems getting a REAL woman to follow suite and take guidance because she gon realize that u know what ur talking about because she can SEE what ur talking sum white dude on TV said one time" The Proof is in the Pudding"...u can talk a good game all day but u can only sell dreams to a muthafukka thats sleep.

So be a Man young nigga everything else will just fall into ya lap..TRUST ME

One of the greatest contributions of the Nile Valley civilization in Egypt to the world was its educational system. The ultimate aim of education in ancient Kemet was for a person to become one with God, to become like God or to become godlike through the revision of ones own Neter of how god is

revealed in the person. Education in ancient Egypt was religious at its base. At age seven, the brightest boys in Egypt were selected for training in the priesthood. This was the highest honor that could be possibly bestowed on a family-the selection of a son for admission into a caste of brilliant thinkers, the guardians of the state whom Plato so greatly admired and wrote about. When the boys (Neophytes) entered the Temple/schools (or Grand Lodge) they had to study for 40 years - subjects as Grammar, Arithmetic, Rhetoric and Dialectic, Geometry, Astronomy, Music, Architecture, Masonry, Carpentry, Engineering, Sculpture, Metallurgy, Agriculture, Mining, Forestry, Art and Magic.

The Neophyte was vigorously trained in how to:

1. Control his thoughts

2. Control his actions

3. Have devotion of purpose

4. Have faith in the ability of his master to teach him the truth

5. Have faith in himself to assimilate the truth

6. Have faith in himself to wield the truth

7. Be free from resentment under the experience of persecution

8. Be free from resentment under experience of wrong

9. Cultivate the ability to distinguish between the real and the unreal (i.e., he must have a sense of values)

10. Cultivate the ability to distinguish between right and wrong

What you will soon see is that your actions of focusing on self will attract the women of quality.

The dynamic is simple....the pursuit and acquisition of money and the betterment of life will attract women who have substance. You will not be able to totally shut women off....especially when you start getting attention by upgrading yourself. You become a commodity to the female community as you grow.

Women want men to chase them so they can feel needed/wanted but the cats who don't chase them they are the most attracted to. You look very strong to a female when you are not running up behind women. Mackish in fact playboy.

How do I still maintain my mackin wit these broads. While im waiting to upgrade myself.

How do you start to unlock success. When you waiting for it to happen?

- Swift

Ill Bill wrote: You simply enjoy the process. In the beginning you must love yourself right now, or else you won't ever be happy as you get older. Learn to recognize the good qualities that you possess at this point in time, at the same time keep improving yourself.

You should always strive for better. The new you should always beat the old you. As you get to the next level, see if you can get to the next. A chick aint suppose to know how much money you got anyway.

You aint bout to run to her and say "I got a 3 million dollar home!!!" Nah. Love the process, love where you're at, and unlock that potential.

Young Silk wrote: I'm coming out of my transition as well. One of the things that helped me out was hanging with the cats on the level you are trying to reach. While I was in school I hung with my frat brothers that had already graduated and the other quasi-mackish dudes in the other grad schools (there weren't many). When you kick it with cats that are already there most have females that have single friends that have graduated or are working. These are the types of females you want to get at anyway. Plus they will know where the other upper eschelon females congregate. Always put your best foot forward when you are around your next level friends wives and girlfriends (Meaning none of that dumbass cursing, and talking about what you are going to do to this female or that female while you are in the house, females hear that shyt even when you think they don't) and they will put you on with their girls, sorors, and family members. Thats if you are about something, meaning when they tell their girls about you they have something decent to say about you more/other than just "He's cute."

Young Silk wrote: stshep wrote: Money on my mind wrote: I kinda feel you, but I don't know if I can wait 2-3 years to meet the girl that I want to meet. I know that's how long it's going to take before I really have my sh*t together.

Who said it'll take you 3 years to get the kind of woman you like??? Why not let your character pull these women?? Enjoy the process means just that. If you want a bad ass broad, then go for it. What's stoppin you?? There're people shooting bad financially that are pulling dimes right now.

Bump, Thats the thing, I've said numerous times prior "When your lifestyle PROVES that you are about something." That could be that you are aggressively striving for a worthy goal. That is as attractive to some females as actually achieving it. There are so many dudes with no direction that it is refreshing to them and a turn on to know that their dude is REALLY trying to get to the next level. Especially if his lifestyle shows it. I think some of the posters took me wrong or are not understanding the fullness of when I say this. Lifestyle showing can mean other things besides flossing; Studying at the library when you really would rather be kicking it is an example. It shows self discipline which is a necessary trait in making it to the next level. I'm talking to a beautiful female as I type and she said "You have to show some sort of aspiration."

And for those that are like "I will fake it," your lifestyle will not show it because longevity is one of the elements of true macking as well. Quality females have been around dudes that are about something, they will have had a template to go off, and trust me they are going down the list and checking... They have even seen what quality dudes do during the struggle...

Money doesn't buy you confidence and confidence doesn't always guarantee money but the clear perspective of self is what's really attractive to a female. Getting your money, mind, and mechanics right should be done your own gratification and benefit instead of being a stipulation to obtain the attention and affections of the woman you seek. Focus your mind and efforts on the rest and the females will bring themselves towards a male with the mindset to make clear decisions.

So you don't have to necessarily wait till you have your money right to get with these chicks but your comfort level of yourself has to be suitable to let the female know that you are at peace and can look at yourself in the mirror with pride and confidence.

In the modern technoindustrial culture, it is possible to proceed from infancy into senility without even knowing manhood.

Quote: If S.B. sometimes railed against Western customs, treating democracy as if it was a euphemism for bad faith, red tape, and diplomatic evasiveness, this was not because he put himself above the lway, ready to waive constitutional procedures, or ignore the views of others. It simply reflected his impatience with indecisiveness, and his aristocratic heritage. It was his pride in this heritage that led him, as an eleven year old boy to stand up to Mr. Vincent's disparaging conflation of Kuranko and savages. To be Kuranko was, as his father had told him, the only conceivable way of being a man. But when S. B. invoked Kuranko-ness, it was not some form of tribalism that he had in mind, but the values he held dear-- not only forthrightness, stoicism, hard work, and self-reliance, but also honesty, generosit, and fidelity to one's principles. Pertinently, it was S. B. many years ago, who provided me with a not implausible etymology for the word Kuranko. "It iwas from the kure tree," he said, "whose wood is very hard."Thus, to say kure n'ko is to imply that the speaker is tough-minded, able to withstand all kinds of hardships, and persevere, like the kure tree.

This is real talk. Most cats are only on here to get punany, and don't realize that the punanay is actually the trap. Lack of attention to detail, single minded pursuit of sex, and no discipline will have you a poor disillusioned bitter man. Cats have to get it together, the game is about putting yourself in the best position to achieve your life goals which should be much more than just sex or getting some rims or jordans... I get sex thrown at me now because chicks notice a cat that has something going for himself, and I don't work as hard for the ones that arent throwing it. But cats won't get it until they take these chicks off the pedestal and put themselves on it.

This is the test of your manhood: How much is there left in you after you have lost everything outside of yourself?

Orison Swett Marden


Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs.

Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes Quote: I never thought of losing, but now that it' s happened, the only thing is to do it right. That's my obligation to all the people who believe in me. We all have to take defeats in life.

Muhammad Ali

Quote: Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don't let yourself believe it will happen to you.

Muhammad Ali Quote:

The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.

Everyone has a certain distance at which they are comfortable with you, and a certain distance at which they are uncomfortable. The distance depends on both who you are and who the person is. To see what I mean, find a close friend and have both of you stand facing each other, and start walking slowly

towards each other until your nose touches. Then find a stranger or someone you don't know very well and do the same thing.

Now when you are at the comfort distance people feel safe in talking to you, that's part of what all the leaning back business is all about. However being safe all the time is not so exciting. That's why sometimes you should go beyond the comfort distance and do something that shows you can lead her confidently, such as moving her around, taking her hand, playing with her earrings, etc. There is a right way and a wrong way to do these things, but they are pretty much impossible to describe over text. If you take a workshop you will get a chance to see them. Or you can just try it by yourself and eventually after screwing up a few times you will get it.

Sexual tension is about playing the line between comfort and discomfort -- if you get too close too quickly she will become alarmed and raise her defences. However if you get a little bit too close and then make her laugh, and then pull back, she will become more relaxed to your presence, and she will close the distance. Eventually the distance closes down to her skin and then you continue with the various things that you can do when skin is touching skin ...

So basically, there are three things I want you to get out of this post.

1) Don't make her uncomfortable all the time! This is part of why we teach the don't lean in thing. Similarly don't be touching noses the moment you meet, give her some time to find out how sexy you are first. Unless you are so hot that you immediately enter ...

2) Touch her when the time is right! This imo is more frequently a problem than 1). Sometimes she will just think you are hot for whatever reason, and she will want you to touch her the moment you meet. In these cases you have to push hard and then draw back at the heightened point where she REALLY wants you to touch her. Then repeat. I have seen many sets (and done them too) where the girl is really into the guy, but he just keeps standing there talking and talking and trying to get her to like him more, when she's already stopped paying attention to what he's saying and is just waiting for him to make a move. A lot of girls believe not only that the guy is supposed to make the move but also that guys don't like it when girls make the first move (duh?) :unsure: well you gotta work with what you gotta work with.

3) YOU ALSO HAVE A DISCOMFORT DISTANCE. If a girl allows you close but you get uncomfortable when you get close, your nervousness will also make her nervous, and she is going to raise her distance. Guys

often have the highest discomfort distance with other guys, (whereas girls for some reason often have very little discomfort distance with other girls) but sometimes you will feel very uncomfortable when you get really close to a cute girl. Who knows why, who gives a sh*t. The important thing is to GET RELAXED.

Quote: If you try to LEARN this type of things you will never be able to relax because your brain will be working all the time trying to pull the info from it's storage and apply it in real life situations and that is the core of indirect. You need to change the underlying beliefs. For example when you ingrain the belief that girls like you and want to be around you you will naturally relax. This is one of the things that cannot be done through knowledge, you must absorb it completely through belief system.

Changing your hobbies and what you do for a woman is akin to changing who you are. If they have a problem with who you are as a person than they need to go find somebody else because it's not going to work.

Unless the man is willing to be a simp and essentially her b#@ for the term of their relationship. I've seen people go that route completely playing themselves in the process. He was leaving his job in College Park to pick her up at her job in Stone Mountain(roughly an 1 trip) on a regular and his friends hanging out with him. Needless to say the last time I was around him he had a different job and was complaining about her not taking care of her part of things such as the rent.

I know I cannot waste my life on those who cannot honor or respect the good in one they claim they care about. We as Men, must scrutinize all we come across as we are dealing with those that all claim they are worthy and good yet their actions say otherwise.

Quote: - Females to me are crazy until proven sane. Heartless until proven loving and sincere.

Quote: ''Information is Power, If one does not have the knowledge nor the information One cannot seize power''- Professor Maurice Phipps the movie "Higher Learning"

"The Future belongs to those prepare for it today"-Malcolm X

"Respect yourself and others will respect you"-Confucius

"Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous"-Confucius

"Knowledge is Freedom"

Quote: Men must be very selective in who they have relationships with. It is better to be alone than to have your life disrupted for decades. A few minutes of pleasure is not worth a life time of pain.

The majority of those sites are comprised of bratty suburban white guys who love to go the extra mile to prove something and think that Black guys and Latinos are taking all the women.

They are not all bad, a few of them have truly reformed themselves into alpha males who have gone their own way and done their own thing. I know of a few cats who got disillusioned with it all (mainly with the bull propagated by the other guys), and said goodbye and **** you.

The basis of that stuff is supposed about having self confidence and being a man but here is where a lot of them get it twisted.

* They still seek the approval and attention of females. Not women, but any female that will give them attention and play. Like attention whores they will do anything (literally) and act any old kind of way as long as it gets them attention. Bottom line they are ego driven, and thrive off the approval of females. * Most of those guys can not get over their own deficiencies and set backs and try to overcompensate with some sort of fake bravado. * They have the notion that acting like a player, bad boy, thug, (or now more commonly effeminate homothug/duchebag) makes them a man and therefore will make life easier * The majority of them went that route because at some point in time, the dysfunctional town bicycle would not give them any play. Instead of chalking it up and realizing that she was (is) a whore they went out on a quest to get the panties of their "queen." * Many of them are nothing without their method's, tricks, and techniques. I have heard of guys going to pieces and getting pissed because the head hoe at a club or party did not respond to their jedi mind tricks, which leaves the burning question, why would care what hooker does with her free time? * Common sense often does not factor into their equations. Stuff like "don't date hoes", leaving brats alone, keeping your pecker clean, doing for oneself, and pursuing only quality women is all foreign. It is all about female attention and e-bragging rights.

The sad part is when most of them could be out learning a new skills, getting stronger (mentally or physically), traveling the world, moving up in life, or vesting some real confidence into themselves, they are sitting around worrying if they ran the right "pattern" on the drunken bar slut from last night.

Quote: It's time for these cats to be called out.

Many of these so called PUA's are charlatans that prey on men's insecurities. They're basically slangin' bullshit.

I've heard much of the PUA material, even perused some of the sites. I actually found out about BMV at around the 10th episode from a post Mr. Legend left on a PUA site.

There is some good in it, like be a man, learn social skills, take risks, improve yourself, become assertive, dominant, and decisive, don't put up with women's BS. Those are all attractive to women in general, however there is an ugly undercurrent in their world.

Some of these guys will absolutely lose themselves in it and it becomes a dick size contest. These guys will do all kind of ridiculous routines, they'll even dress and act gay, obsess over different types of approaches, techniques etc. They even have their own silly jargon and slang. They turn something simple, such as meeting women into a chess match, or worse, a calculus equation. They make things super complicated, then turn around and sell it to hapless chumps who think this particular tape, cd, dvd, or ebook will transform their lives. Also, most of these so called PUA's are not actually good with women, they just lie about it on line. Those that are actually good aren't much better, they'll brag about getting some club whore into bed like that's hard or something, like that magic routine actually did it. They don't realize that when a woman wants to ****, she's gonna **** period. Your silly routine had nothing to do with it.

What it comes down to is approval seeking. These guys in general are no different than any simp who makes his life revolve around women.

confidence is gained from the following....

Setting goals and achieving them


Advancement in employment

Learning a new skill (martial arts, drawing, racing (model cars or real cars, or shift carts), learning to ride a motorcycle, taking up another spoken language, or learning a new trade that can lead to stacking more paper).

Gaining more muscle by working out at the gym.

gaining more endurance by doing more cardio

Putting others needs before your needs

Following the gold rule.

We know from experience that women who are attracted to us when we have money aren't really attracted to us. They are only good for quick lays if we need them. Like Tom Leykis said many times on the show, "A man only needs to appear to be sucessful (makes $100,000+ a year) in order to attract chicks". He also said to pump them and dump them.

I think that a fundamental flaw in the nature of most human males is their weakness under the "power" of the pu*sy. A man's life force and sex drive, in my opinion, are intertwined. Fundamental to a man's instinct to survive is his intrinsic drive to procreate to secure his immortality through his progeny. This is why in most tribal conquests of ancient/biblical times women were not killed, but were often carried off as among the spoils of victory. Men would often lose their minds under the spell and the power of pu*sy. When homosexuals, weaklings and impotents are factored out, it takes an evolved man to walk away from ruinous pu*sy--no matter how attractive the woman or how good the farook-a-dooky is.

In the Garden of Eden (allegory or true story), Satan knew not to step directly to AdamAdam not being a homo. He had no power of beguilement over the first man; however, he knew that Adams weakness, his Achilles heel as it were, was his woman. Had Adam put Eve in check from the jump, mankind wouldnt be catching all the hell it has caught since then till now. Adam did not want to turn loose, in his mind, the only piece of foo foo in town; he knew what the penalty would be for eating from that particular tree--I guess he thought he only had one rib to spare. Lets not forget Sampsons Delilah, Ahabs Jezebel, King David's Batsheva, and Herods Herodias--biblical women who brought their men ruinous consequences, because the man didn't put his libido and/or his woman in check.

Remember the face that launched a thousand shipsHelen of Sparta/Troy? Myth, legend, folklore, hers was some mighty powerful poon jabbi. Dont forget Ulysses quest to get back home to his woman; and, when he finally made it home, he had to kill up a bunch of fools who tried to get at his woman in his absence. And while were at it, lets throw in Cleopatra and the Queen of Sheba. History is replete with accounts of men losing their mind over the slippery divide. King Solomon was known to be the wisest man on earth, but it was the mighty power of the pu*sy that brought him low. He was no match for the 700 wives and 300 concubines he had to service. His true wisdom came after he was corrupted and repented in his old age. This is his take on the ankles of his day:

Proverbs 5 (New Living Translation)

Avoid Immoral Women

1 My son, pay attention to my wisdom; listen carefully to my wise counsel. 2 Then you will show discernment, and your lips will express what youve learned.

3 For the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. 4 But in the end she is as bitter as poison, as dangerous as a double-edged sword. 5 Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. 6 For she cares nothing about the path to life. She staggers down a crooked trail and doesnt realize it. 7 So now, my sons, listen to me. Never stray from what I am about to say: 8 Stay away from her! Dont go near the door of her house! 9 If you do, you will lose your honor and will lose to merciless people all you have achieved. 10 Strangers will consume your wealth, and someone else will enjoy the fruit of your labor. 11 In the end you will groan in anguish when disease consumes your body. 12 You will say, How I hated discipline! If only I had not ignored all the warnings! 13 Oh, why didnt I listen to my teachers? Why didnt I pay attention to my instructors? 14 I have come to the brink of utter ruin, and now I must face public disgrace. 15 Drink water from your own well

share your love only with your wife. 16 Why spill the water of your springs in the streets, having sex with just anyone? 17 You should reserve it for yourselves. Never share it with strangers. 18 Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth. 19 She is a loving deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love. 20 Why be captivated, my son, by an immoral woman, or fondle the breasts of a promiscuous woman? 21 For the Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes. 22 An evil man is held captive by his own sins; they are ropes that catch and hold him. 23 He will die for lack of self-control; he will be lost because of his great foolishness.

In my opinion, a man must evolve himself to a point where he can separate his will to survive from his drive to mate. If he yokes himself to the wrong woman he will not fare well and his progeny will catch hell. A man must use his intellect and will himself to walk, if the woman proves to be a siren, a tramp or unstableno matter how good he may think the poo poo. A man should love his wife deeply but he should never love her more than he loves himself. A strong, effective, masterful and good man should let his woman know that he is fully committed to building a life and family with her, but if she asses up (abuse, addiction or adultery) she will be gone in a heartbeat. A man's demeanor and stature in the

world should always project an implicit understanding to any woman, or his wife if he is married, that he is a man who will always have options; and his options, his woman will see, will always have an eye on him.

The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. [...] [T]he capacity to assert social and political control over the individual will vastly increase. It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date, complete files, containing even most personal information about the health or personal behavior of the citizen in addition to more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information. Our existing institutions will be supplanted by pre-crisis management institutions, the task of which will be to identify in advance likely social crises and to develop programs to cope with them.

This will encourage tendencies through the next several decades toward a Technotronic Era, a dictatorship, leaving even less room for political procedures as we know them. Finally, looking ahead to the end of the century, the possibility of biochemical mind control and genetic tinkering with man, including beings which will function like men and reason like them as well, could give rise to some difficult questions.

Zbigniew Brzezinski (Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era

When you begin a great work you can't expect to finish it all at once; therefore do you and your brothers press on, and let nothing discourage you till you have entirely finished what you have begun. Now, brother, as for me, I assure you I will press on, and the contrary winds may blow strong in my face, yet I will go forward until I have finished, and I would have you do the same ... Though you may hear birds singing on this side and that side, you must not take notice, but hear me when I speak to you, and take it to heart, for you may always depend that what I say shall be true. Teedyuscung - Delaware

Praise, flattery, exaggerated manners, and fine, high-sounding words were no part of Lakota politeness. Excessive manners were put down as insincere, and the constant talker was considered rude and thoughtless. Conversation was never begun at once, or in a hurried manner. No one was quick with a question, no matter how important, and no one was pressed for an answer. A pause giving time for thought was the truly courteous way of beginning and conducting a conversation. Chief Luther Standing Bear - Oglala Sioux

He says:

We will gradually become indifferent to what goes on in the minds of other people when we acquire an adequate knowledge of the superficial nature of their thoughts, of their views and of the number of their errors. Whoever attaches a lot of value to the opinions of others pays them too much honor.

So what does this mean? Well, for starters, it means that you are looking for validation from those who aren't any better than you. Think about it like this; would you get upset if a guy with rotten teeth made fun of you if you had a big nose? Probably not right? Why? Because you'd know that this person was trying to deflect attention from his rotten teeth onto your nose so that he could feel better. This is what competing for status and being liked is all about. It's people judging other people so that they can feel better.

What you're doing, by giving a **** what others think about you, is you're allowing other people to engage you in this bullshit competition. You're always looking to come off as if you're the best because you feel that this will bring you acceptance from others eventhough "others" don't have it any better than you do. In order to beat this you have to be self validated. Self validation is when you give your thoughts and ideas more importance than anyone else's.

Ego is a son of a bitch and you must learn when your thoughts are driven by it and how this affects your state of mind. Let me give you an example. Let's use the guy with the rotten teeth again. Let's say you're at a bar and up walks this guy with a mouth full of horrible teeth. He says to you; Hey you have a huge fucking nose. Your ego will want to overrun your logical brain and, to preserve your status, your bruised ego wants to tell him about his fucked up teeth. If this happens then you'll lose eventhough the guy is way uglier than you because you let him engage you in a competition for status. If, instead, you were to

use your logical brain and acknowledge the fact that the guy is just trying to prop himself up at your expense then you'll walk away without feeling threatened. This applies to anyone in any situation you'll encounter. Trust me.

Ok. So now that you don't engage in silly battles to protect your ego, then you can start looking at yourself for the validation which you wanted from others. Get it? This works extremely well when dealing with women too. Let's say you spot a hottie at a bar and you really want to talk to her. Well if you're looking to hook up with her so that you can feel validated then you'll have approach anxiety and you will not approach. You'll become afraid of her judgement and you'll assume that just because she's pretty, she is somehow better than you. But what if you weren't looking for her validation and didn't want to impress her. What if you realized deep down that every human being is just as perfect and flawed as you are. Would you go out of your way to show her your best side or would you talk to her like a normal human being talks to another normal human being?


I see that there's a lot of emphasis right now in the community towards becoming more masculine. Given the popularity of Mode one and similar mindsets I thought I'd give you guys a look at an article I wrote in 2005. This article has to do with a chat that Major mark gave at a speed seduction seminar dealing with the romantic hero.

Hope you enjoy it.

Ok. There are five attributes of masculinity that women go ga-ga for. They are 1) Assertiveness, 2) Dominance, 3) Cynicism, 4) Toughness and 5) Adventurous. These are the traditional male attributes that have somehow disappeared from male society ever since the Politically Correct movement took hold. Better explained. This is how our grand dads used to behave like when life wasn't as nice and easy as it is today.

When you're being assertive you move around the world not making excuses for your desires and you don't let social pressures get to you. Assertiveness in seduction is when you approach a woman as if it's your right to do so. I'm not saying you knock her down and have your way with her. What this means is

you don't sit there wondering if you're good enough for her. Or you don't sit there waiting for her friends to leave for you to open her because you're scared of what people will say. You just assert yourself and do it because you want her. Period. This also goes for the rest of the interaction. You're a man that goes after what he wants. This is the attribute you develop when you have good inner game and a strong sense of your self worth.

Dominance in seduction, as well as in any other part of your life, is when you make your own rules. You make your own world work for you. This part is important because it has to do with the male, female dynamic more than any of the other attributes. In seduction this means that you understand that women are submissive and males are dominant so you take your role as a dominant man and you treat her from this perspective. Dominance gives women that sense that you're in control and are able to awaken her female side. This means that you don't go out of your way to accomodate her just because you're afraid that you'll lose her. No. You know that she wants you to lead. You don't sit there wondering what she's thinking. You act. The best example of this is the friendly neighborhood pimp. Now, I know that there may be a lot of negative connotations concerning pimps but I'm not getting into all of that now. The reason I use the pimp as an example is because he just maybe the last example of a guy that knows his role in his relationships with women is being a man and he fullfills it. He also knows that a woman has her place and he expects her to act like a woman. Today this is reffered to as male chauvinism but back in the day this is how men and women related to one another. The whole fear of being a chauvinist fucks up a lot of guys because women want you to be a dominant man and you're acting like Jerry Seinfeld trying to be all funny just to get in her pants. You have a back bone and she will not brake you down. No woman can brake you down remember that. Think of this when approaching too. Also women want a dominant guy because he'll be a good providedr for her and the family. You're not scared to go out into the tough world to get yours.

Cynicism is your edge. This is the exact opposite of being naive. This, like dominance, is an important attribute in the male, female dynamic. Being a cynic means you know what's up. A cynical man doesn't fall for the old fairy tale of women being like porcelain dolls and instead knows that a woman is willing to get freaky with you. In other words, you know that a woman wants you to be assertive and dominate her. Cynicism gives you the appearance that suggests to a woman that you know she's a little slut deep down inside. It also gives her the idea that you're willing to explore that slutty side of her without being taken aback by her behavior. Further it also suggests that you won't judge her because she knows you're savvy enough not to give into the conventional wisdom which suggests that women are little petals and don't want to be man-handled. This in essence is your sex appeal. Your bad boy side. On the flip side this let's her know that her man is not gonna get cheated out of money or get taken for a fool. She knows that you're aware of dnager and you can protect her from it.


Toughness[/b] is when you don't fall apart if she doesn't want you anymore. This is the attribute which makes a woman think that you have options. You won't sit there and cry just because things didn't go your way. You let go of the bad result quickly and you're off to your next woman. This is the part of you which she finds challenging. It's challenging because she knows that if she doesn't treat you right she's out. We've all heard it before. Women want a man with options. Well this is the attribute that makes her think twice about pulling some ****. Toughness is the exact opposite of the spineless good guy that women tend to abhore. Now this doesn't mean that you're a dick but you have resolve and you don't take **** from no one no matter how good she tastes. This is also good for your life away from seduction. You get knocked down but you get back up again. It is also very attractive to women when a man is tough because she knows that if you really love her you won't take the easy way out.

To be adventurous means that you're unpredictable. This is the attribute that has to do with risk taking. The exact opposite of being boring. I'll give you an example. The other day my woman and I went to an amateur boxing match in the middle of one of Miami's toughest ghetto's. I didn't think it was too adventurous but my woman was scared on the way there, during the boxing match and until we left the neighborhood. She was scared shitless but she was excited. She also told me how by me being assertive and comfortable interacting with the people at the boxing match it made her super wet. Women want excitement in their life. Women like to have fun. Duh!!!! This means that your relationship will never get boring and stale. By being adventurous you're the essence of romance.

Before you even open her be enough of a cynic to know that every woman has a little slut living inside of her. So open her accordingly. Then approach her assertively and proceed from there. If she doesn't open up to you be tough enough to bare with the awkward silence and don't try to fill the silence with something to say just to get her to talk. Then be dominant and lead the conversation where you want it to go.

Ok. Now that you have an idea of these attributes you'll get a better idea of what it is that makes women attracted. This is not just my opinion. This is from a book named Dangerous men adventurous women by Judith Krantz. This is a book dealing with the formula they use to write romance novels. Romance novels account for 51% of all books sold including the bible and any every other book from apples to zebras. Romance novels deal with women's fantasies. You do the math.

My biggest tip is to know your role and act like a man.

Quote: Well no duh, I'm sure all of you will agree, the reason why all of us started reading these websites and visiting these forums is because we want to improve our ability with women.

Now somewhere along the way, some of us, the lucky ones, will realize that the best way to become good with women is to become good with life in general. If you are feeling happy and actively pursuing everything you want, whatever it is that you want, then naturally the part of your life that involves women will also fall into place. It's like if you want to become strong, and you start lifting weights, you don't just do bicep curls on your right arm, otherwise you will start looking very weird (good for jerking off though!)

But I think a few us also got lost. Not just some people on this forum, but actually also a lot of people in general, you can see how the goth subculture and the "emo" people totally feel the same thing, is instead of feeling dissatisfied with life (which is a very normal and common feeling, unless you are born a Paris Hilton or something), and wanting to improve it, you started feeling sorry for yourself, and you started looking for other people who also felt sorry for themselves, then you didn't feel so lonely in your sorriness anymore, and also while you were still unhappy at least you knew that you weren't the only one that was this unhappy, so it means that it's not so weird right, and you don't have to improve?


All of us want to be happy. All of us want to find someone to relate to. That is perfectly normal and natural. But I hope all of you will seek to be more like those people who are successful, rather than those people who are as unhappy as you.

When we are children, if we fall down and we skin our knee, we will cry and Mommy will come and take care of us and make it all better. Even if Mommy isn't around, a lot of times if you cry, kind strangers walking by will also come and help you. The truth is there is a lot of nice people out there, even when Mommy isn't around at the moment, if you want to cry, chances are someone will come to help you out.

Becoming a man is when you fall down, you don't pretend it didn't hurt, you don't pretend it wasn't a mistake, but you don't look for someone to come make it all better. You know who can make it better the best -- yourself. You know what you need to do, and you know that you have to do it. And sometimes it may be annoying and sometimes it may be easier to let someone else do it for you -- but you do it, because it's nice to get help from other people, but it's absolutely vital not to NEED help from other people.

Guys, please think of this place as a gym, please think of this place as a place to sweat and train hard. This is not the Oprah Winfrey show where everyone hugs each other and says "oh it's okay to be a loser."

This is the place for advice, this is the place for goals, this is the place for revelations into your innermost character. This is NOT the place to go looking for sympathy. There are many other places for that.

Quote: Here is something Guitar_Whizz wrote recently that sums up the direct mindset very nicely.

Anyone who gets involved with direct should read these 9 inights...

I want to share the main realisations I've had about approaching girls Direct:-

1) Most girls are perfectly fine about you approaching them Direct. See, when I was in the 'indirect community', I believed being too forward or upfront would 'freak girls out' etc. I can tell you from my experience approaching girls Direct, almost every girl I approached Direct was flattered and overjoyed. Mostly, the girls melted, blushed, giggled and said a sincere 'thankyou'.

So bah-ha to the indirect guys. Girls DO love to be approached Direct, and they're not 'freaked out'. They want a real man and are happy to be approached Direct because it happens so little to them (or never) in this day and age.

2) Not being upfront about your intentions leads to confusion and negativity for both you and the girl. Boy did I learn this the hard way! Lesson learned: always present the real you from the beginning, and tell the girl what type of relationship you're looking for (casual fling, open relationship, momongamous relationship, etc).

3) Alan Roger Currie is correct when he says 'do not back down for saying anything bold or sexually provocative to a girl'. I know this to be true because of a girl I met during the summer. I was totally Mode One with her and had an instant date, yet on our day 2 she was harshly critisizing me for only wanting casual sex with her. I didn't back down, and we ended up parting ways. Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I bumped into her again in her town....she was nice as pie to me and apologised for her behaviour on that day 2 and she was like 'nice to see you' and acting all star-struck and stuff. I didn't persue her any further, because my interest in her had waned.

4) Being Direct with women leads to being Direct in all other areas of your life. Well, for me anyway. The whole Direct, no excuses attitude has rubbed off in the rest of my life, so I am more of a man for it.

5) Direct works in the daytime as well as at night in bars and clubs. The best opener I figured out (by trial and error) for bars and clubs is simply 'Hi, you're one of the best dressed girls in this whole club, I have to meet you'. (Or similar, and you have to sincerely mean it).

6) It's almost as if girls are WAITING for a real man to come along and approach them Direct. But it happens so little or never to them. I'm convinced girls are hardwired to respond to a REAL MAN, who approaches her Direct. And when you do, she is so gobsmacked that she just melts and attraction is instant. By approaching Direct and being a real man, you trigger her natural attraction mechanism and she just cannot help but be attracted to you. This is what I believe to be true, and my experiences confirm it.

7) Arguing with indirect guys about why Direct is better is a waste of time. See, when I 'converted' to Direct, I got into a lot of arguments with members of my local PUA lair. But in the end I decided to stop posting there and instead just focus on getting good at Direct so I can lead by example.

Trying to impress girls is futile. I've learned that it's ok to simply be my real self around girls and I no longer feel I need to impress them or be something I'm not. This realisation really healed me and was a big burden off my shoulders.

9) Leading an interesting life makes you attractive and confident as well as gives you interesting things to talk about when you meet girls. You're not 'bragging' to girls when you share your interesting life experiences, you are simply showing them that you are (authentically) an interesting guy who leads an interesting life - unlike the indirect guys who use fake DHVs.

These are the main things I've figured out about Direct, and I've been pleasantly surprised about how well it's worked and how well girls have responded. However as I said earlier, I need to work on sealing the deal with the girls who respond well to my Direct approach (which is most of them).

experience is the number one way to achieve success

i study pyschology, i study people, it's all i do. when you are gaining experience with women you are unconsciously learning how they react to the certain behaviors you display.

now... when you sleep you brain dreams and the dreams are bizzare and somewhat unexplainable but if you can REALLY understand the metaphors your brain uses, and read between the lines, you can actually see what your dreams represent when you dream, your unconcsious mind is formatting the new learning experiences of your day. if your day is full of experiences of talking to beautiful women then your unconscious is formatting what worked and what didn't work. it's protecting you from doing wrong behaviors again, while helping you learn what DID work, and showing you when to use the Right behaviors when they are needed.

(when i say 'you' i mean your Conscious mind.) now... after all that formatting and neurons connecting while you sleep you unconscious will start to take over sometimes during your day if your unconscious TRULY takes over, you go into a slight trance state. during a period of time where you are in this trance state a taste, sound, touch, smell, or visual sensory experience in the environment will set off an anchor in your brain to apply the behavior your unconscious found useful for that situation.

the human brain takes in 1 billion bits of sensory information unconsciously per secondwe only Consciously take in around 2000 bits of info. so our unconscious takes in MUCH more than our conscious. During sleep, the unconscious mind sorts through all the millions of bits of information that we didn't recognize consciously during the day. during sleep if your unconscious finds something useful from an experience of your day, it integrates it into your brain's neuro-net (which can make you SLIGHTLY aware consciously of the behavior that was learned). so the more women you talk to the more you will automatically learn when, and how to: make them smile, laugh, tease you, flirt with you, touch you, kiss you, allow u to touch her, Touch You, suck your dick and f*ck you.

so this way of learning, which is also known as classical conditioning, is SO FUCKING EASY because it involves virtually NO WORK! (if this seems to crazy for anyone to understand, then i want you to do this: after each woman you talk to, write down what you could have done to get more smiles, laughs, touches, bj's, or fucks. Just by writing it down your unconscious will store it, THUS INTEGRATING THE LEARNING EXPERIENCES INTO YOUR DAILY FUNCTIONING.. making women start to touch, squeeze, kiss, f*ck, and suck you more and more and more )

now, on theories.

theories are good GUIDLINES, and that's all they are, guidelines every girl is different, so you must ALTER the way you treat each one. theories will limit you. if you stick to theories and rules you are limited in your thinking. ex. you meet a girl, and that girl is in a funny, goofy, playful mood... she isn't going to want you to come in being direct and loving and sweet and charming... so what do you do? you could think, "oh i better be direct ALL the time instead of altering my behavior for this girl who would much rather play around with me and talk in metaphor and indirect playfulness.. so i'll tell her she's beautiful and i want to get to know her." she wants to play right now, and you are taking her out of her element, thus, pissing her off.

or you could do thisyou play with her some, tease her, act goofy, be playful and happy enjoying yourself... because SHE is enjoying herself. then, you can lead into your slower, sexier, direct tone of voice when you notice she is getting worn out on being playful and teasing. this is amplifying and leading her emotions... and she has dreamed of a man with this kind of power since she was little my friends!

One night I went to the bar and met a girl and was talking to her to get to know her. She was of average looks, dressed casually, claimed to have been single, and came across as a relatively nice girl, not that I got to the point of asking sexual questions because I wasn't as direct back then. To keep a long story short, an hour later I found out she was a prostitute. So much for judging a book by its cover.

I also think its worth mentioning that I think you should be upfront with all women and there is a lot of reasons why I say that. But I don't think it has to be verbally. Some women can handle verbal and others can't. More often than not they aren't saying verbally what they are really thinking on the inside or what their bodies will be telling them once you start touching them and getting them horny. Their actions and

body language always tells the truth, not their mouths. You would have to be an idiot to listen to what she says.

The way I see things is that we are all human beings and it is in mother natures plan for all of us to be horny and have sex in order to reproduce as a species. Having that said, in the context of sex I don't buy into the belief that there are nice girls and bad girls. To me they are all just women. It doesn't matter what they are saying or thinking or believing. If you touch an average girl's coochie it will feel good to her and she will get horny. If you do the same thing to a catholic nun, it will feel just as good to her if not more because she has been deprived. That is why I think it is stupid when guys try to base their whole game on verbal communication. Why? Why would you try to talk a girl into something that her body already feels and she has no control over as a human being? Sure, be honest, be upfront, and enjoy the ability to do that with your verbal communication without being scared. But don't let it fool you. You have to look at the big picture of what is going on in order to find out the true reality, and do that with you eyes and other senses, not so much your ears.

The other reason has to do with control. You should never change your behavior for a woman. Within a communication the person with more power holds their ground while the other person tries to change their behavior in order to become more like the other person. That is unconscious rapport seeking. So that pretty much means that the one who is changing their behavior for the other person is the one who is being controlled. That also means that the one who isn't changing their behavior is the one who is leading the situation. The man is the leader. You can never let a woman lead because they don't and can't make the right decisions about a relationship. Why? Because it is about what we want, not them. And if they aren't thinking the same thing you are, and they never do, and if you let them lead, you will never get what you want or where you want to go. I've had a lot of women seduce me in my day. But I believe if you want top quality women you have to be the one to lead, because not all women are willing to do what all those women did to me. Anyways, I guess what I am getting at is if you are weak and seek rapport with a woman and buy into her frame, especially if it is something stupid, you definitely aren't going to be doing what you really want to do. But if instead you are strong and you stick to your guns on what you believe in, she has to seek rapport with you in order to be with you and get your approval, otherwise you will tell her that her ideas are stupid and that you don't agree with them. I don't give a **** what women want. And that is the problem I see so much that is being taught out there in the seduction community, that they focus so much on what they think women want instead of thinking of what we want. How ever, women actually are quite attracted to men like that.

The clearest and most altering breakthrough I've had, when it comes to socializing, came when I realized that being warm and friendly without a need to gain anything in return made those around me feel good and it made me feel even better. Duh!! Think about it. Most people walk around with a scowl on their faces because they are deathly afraid of how people will perceive them. Wether it is from the need to be

cool most people walk around in the world thinking that if you're nice and warm you're a sucker. Even worse we begin to deny that we need others in order to feel happy and it makes it almost impossible to spot someone who is genuinely warm and friendly. This very fear is the root cause for so much misunderstanding and confusion when it comes to socilaizing with others because humans are social creatures and most of our problems come when we isolate ourselves. When we isolate ourselves or live circumstances that push us towards isolation our lives suffer. When we suffer due to our lacking the ability to socialize we tend to look at human interactions as transactions instead of a necessary and natural good we need in order to enjoy our lives. The confusion caused by the selfish need to gain something from someone spills into how we treat friends and how we go about finding a mate. If your ultimate intent when communicating with other people is to gain something from it then you'll eventually fail. Why not instead of needing to gain something from someone you're nice just because it feels good for everyone including yourself?

Think about it. When you're walking around and you're seeing everything around you in a possitive way it feels good, so why not give this warmth and possitivity to someone just for the heck of it without any type of agenda or expectation of gain? Social creatures remember. In this battle of the sexes men and women tend to deny that they need one another to feel happy and instead put up a front to make themselves seem unaffected or non-needy. So let's give up this need to deny that we need women and admit it and move on from there. The good news is that they need us as much as we need them. That's a hell of a start isn't it? In my experience women like a guy who is proud of who he is and is not scared of what people think of him. By putting on an act and trying to act cool it screams fear. **** that be loud. Be purposeful and impactful. Be genuine and take an interest in people. Trust me this not only makes you popular with the ladies but it also gets you friends and love from people around you.

With so much lip service being paid to attitudes and beliefs, there should really be something said about our intentions when we communicate with girls. A lot of us are always wondering why, despite the fact that we're getting better and better following good beliefs and living out our realities, there still seems to be something simple missing that doesn't allow all the pieces to fit together cohesevely. The pieces don't fit because we tend to overlook one of the most basic and effective things one can do to attract women which is to be warm and friendly without the expectation of anything in return. Since the notion of being a nice guy is something that a lot of guys avoid like the plague there really aren't that many people willing to let their guards down and stop over protecting their egos long enough to notice the obvious. Instead of noticing these simple things most of us are hung up with the whole nice guy vs jerk thing to the detriment of our interactions and on top of that tend to confuse ourselves more than we have to in order to get laid because we believe that being polite, warm and friendly can't cohabitate with the badboy image we think attracts women.

Warmth and genuine friendliness has a far bigger effect on an interaction than what it's given credit for and I, for one, used to make the mistake of being too focused on first impressions that I didn't allow myself to pay closer attention to this. Being around these forums long enough I know that most guys are doing the same. It is the combination of these very basic and simple ways of communicating and our social skills that make your interactions go well but we're ignoring the simple things for the sake of the advanced techniques we think we need in order to get pretty girls to talk to us because again we are protecting our fragile little egos. Often the low-tech simple stuff you learn in the playground is more important in seduction than anything else. And come on everyone made at least one friend when they were little. You didn't think that you had to do twelve different things to gain a friend. Mainly it involved the passing of a ball or a partner on the teeter-totter. That's how easy seduction is if you allow your real side out. It's a matyter of approaching a woman and engaging her.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks for aspiring ladies men is approach anxiety. One can read volumes upon volumes of text that offer a million different ways to combat this but somehow no one is ever able to hit the nail on the head. I'm not making this up or speculating because it is clear that this problem persisits and very few guys actually take the step beyond reading about seduction and ultimately applying what they learn. Approach anxiety is a direct result of the intentions that a guy has upon socializing and interacting with women. Instead of looking at interactions with women as friendly and natural exchanges some tend to look at them as an us vs women scenario and totally ignore the fact that meeting women is simple and enjoyable. Of course you're not going to approach and talk to women if you feel as if you're doing battle with them. Wouldn't it be better if you changed this and put everything you've got into making things enjoyable and less stressful? Be warm from the get go and enjoy. Have the feeling that you get when your intentions are to be friends and have all of those warm fuzzy feelings that come with interacting with a girl. Some people tend to think that letting that side of you is bad for business but I think that it's precisely this that gets you laid more often than not. Girls love it when a guy is into them. It takes balls to be genuine so don't think that there's a lot of people doing it. It's as if your reality is so strong that you blow people away with your personality. Very rarely will anyone be put off by someone being genuine.

The nice guy vs jerk dilemma rears it's ugly head most prominently in the way we treat women because most guys think that the reason why they aren't getting laid is because women like jerks and if they're nice then they have no chance. The quickest reflex a guy has when dealing with women is that if women like jerks then ignoring them and ultimately treating them like **** is the way to go. This goes back to what I said about denying the need for women just to save our fragile egos. Most guys believe this eventhough common sense tells you that you get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar. Most guys wouldn't have to go through all of the **** they go through if they understood the balance between being nice and being respected by women can be reached if you view interactions possitively and make it your intent to be nice just because.

If you were to believe that everything around you is alright and there's more than enough to go around then you'd eliminate most of the **** that you're dealing with now. Things such as approach anxiety, doubt, fear, low self esteem et cetera, are gone if you are sure that you'll get what you want right? So why not stop going the long way round and take a short cut? Most of the **** that we use to psyche ourselves out in order to feel as if we're worthy enough to talk to women is unnecessary if you eliminate this scarcity mindset. The catch is that you have to truly believe in being warm and nice and avoid any feelings of need that set up an us vs them situation. Trust me fake warmth and niceness is the biggest socializing faux pas that anyone can make so don't think that I'm advocating the need to plaster on a fake smile all over your mug in order to get what you want. No, if you feel like **** and don't want to be warm and friendly then don't. Everyone has the license to feel bad sometimes but trust me when I tell you that if you are possitive and happy upstairs the only thing better than feeling that good is when you get what you want as a byproduct of it. Drop the fear of how others will perceive you and have the balls to be warm and friendly with everyone. Own up to the fact that it makes you feel as good as it makes others feel and allow yourself room to make mistakes. You're only human afterall.

Quote: That's why I said you should come to terms with the fact that we need women and drop all of that fake bull **** that gives you the appearance of being too cool for school. I believe it's easier and healthier overall to develop the habit of interacting with people from a place where the only outcome you have is to make the other person feel good. The better I've gotten with women the more I see these guys who act super cool as having fragile egos. You can always see their act for what it is. A guy who is afraid of what other's think about him. While the guys that I know to be very good with women always have the best intentions of others at the core of their attitudes and have an unflappable confidence to the point where they don't give an absolute **** about what others think about them. This generosity that AS talks about is the corner stone of having a super strong ego because when you stop criticizing others which, believe it or not is what causes anxiety in you, the better you feel all around. The more critical you are of others the stronger the wall you build around yourself. Remember that.

This unconditional generosity works both ways. People feel good around you because they can be themselves devoid of judgement and you feel good with them because you're not judging them and therefore creating your own anxiety. Sounds crazy but I hope you get what I mean. If you're going to develop a cool and aloof attitude you better make it real or it won't work.

Quote: If by indifferent you mean putting on an act just to get a woman's attention then yes. Indifference and the appearance of value are not the only things that attract women. In our nerdy community most guys want to get the maximum impact so that everything goes well and they can avoid rejection. To get maximum impact these guys think that the only way to attract women is to seem like a player. Putting on an act is needy and it screams of fear of rejection. You do the math. I bet you any amount of money that if you're genuinely interested in a woman and you go up to her with no expectations of wether you'll lay her or not, you'll do a lot better than being indifferent with her. On top of that you may surprise yourself at how fluid and lose you are as a result of dropping all of the pressure putting on an act places on you.

The crazy thing about this post is that it's happening. For dudes that have their shyt together and are URM's that is. Majority of female sweat and desire a minority of men. Think about Athletes, entertainers, and other cats with great status. The majority of women put a minority of men on a pedestal. Most women want and desire what all the other women want, even if they deny it. Ask the cats who never have to complain about getting coochie and women. Men are getting put on a pedestal, but it's a small minority. It's probably 10% of dudes who have the ability to smash 90% of females. You have to bust ya ass to be in the minority, but the hard work is worth it, not just for the cooch, but everything else that comes along with it! My goal is to be in that minority

Men speak three and a half times fewer words than women and consequently a greater portion of their communication is done through gesture and nuance and body language that is beyond the scope of female apprehension.

Quote: Says Rohr, the feminized corporate male cannot do what he believes is right because he's not even sure what he believes in. What's worse, if he ever figured out what he believed in he'd quit his job today. Or if he actually acted on what he believed in he'd get fired.

Quote: It is important to remember that each year over 97% of all husbands do not resort to violence in their relationships. Considering the sheer amount of verbal abuse we withstand that statistic amazes me.

Quote: There are courses taught by human relations consultants called "Marrying Up" and "Marrying Money". Men are welcome to attend but the instructor warns the lessons will not be applicable to them.

Quote: Our educational system the corporate job-training it has devolved into and most of the jobs in modern society are hopelessly feminine. The soul-scarring and deep resentment this causes in men is almost beyond calculation.

Quote: It should be one of the stipulations of receiving Social Security that each old man has to spend three hours a week with some kid from a broken home.

Quote: Do I hate women? Not at all. I don't hate tigers, and I don't hate women. But I'm putting myself in extreme danger if I don't understand a tiger's nature or a woman's nature. Yes, extreme danger. This is no game any more. Feminism isn't cute. Femaleness is rotting people's souls.

Beyond humor, this book compares the rich to the poor with these assertions: 1. Rich people believe "I create my life." Poor people believe, "Life happens to me." 2. Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose. 3. Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich. 4. Rich people think big. Poor people think small. 5. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles. 6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people. 7. Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people. 8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion. 9. Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor

people are smaller than their problems. 10. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers. 11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time. 12. Rich people think "both." Poor people think "either/or." 13. Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income. 14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well. 15. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money. 16. Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them. 17. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.

Good, once you get to that point the rest comes a little easier. In fact you will look at sex differently after a while. I get domed off tenXs more than I hit now because I know that these chicks have larceny oriented thoughts about my sperm count.

Cats have to realize that you are looking for a partner, not just a fvck. A partner will have traits that will create longevity, because she will add value to your life other than just sex. Most cats don't think like this because being raised by a female robs them of this mindset, mama usually raises the dude to serve the chick, which is backwards. I look at what a female brings to the table as far as tangibles first now. Of course I want a chick to be attractive but fine chicks tend to live off of their looks and rarely have cultivated a personality or other valuable traits, so their value is diminished drastically.

I take an approach of what would happen if I became injured and wasn't able to work or take care of myself. How would the chick act? Would she stay? Would our family fall apart? Would I have to hear all types of lip?

Most of you cats are old enough to start looking at chicks for longevity, if you can't see her in your future she shouldn't be getting major airtime.

The minute you started tailoring your life to suit someone elses vision of what they think you should be is the minute your life ends.

I'm into my science fiction, poetry, writing, gaming and all that other esoteric good **** and I hold my own in a professional capacity.

No children out of wedlock and financially stable so I personally could care less who's dating who.

I'm happy in my life and conform to none of the wack stereotypes that many black men get labeled with.

This thread is devoted toward making an index of all the tactics and stratigies women use to manipulate men and get them to do their bidding. Why do we need a thread such of this? Two reasons-

1. I have no desire to go through life being a smuck who is used by and dosen't get what he wants from women.

2. Evidence in my life has made me believe that women get extremely turned on by men that they cannot manipulate/control.

So then, how do women manipulate? I am of the opinion that nearly every form of manipulation that women employ is dependent upon elicitiing an emotional response. Emotions are the mechanism by which women elicit or modify the behaviors of males they wish to control. This is done either proactivally or retroactivally.

Proactive manipulation is done to elicit desired behaviors. I believe that women use this manipulation to either test men or when they "sense weakness". Examples of this behavior include statements such as:

"A real Gentleman woud..." "I want a man who knows how to treat me right" "It would be really nice if you..."

Retroactive manipulation is done after a woman has (or hasn't) gotten something she wanted out of a man. It is done to reinforce (or eliminate) the behavior as a sort of pavlovian reinforcement (or punishment). Examples include:

"You're such a nice guy!" "You're so different from all the other guys!" "You're such an a$$hole!" (which really translates to you're not falling for my manipulations and doing what I want you to)

In my expirenece, the three most common emotions used are:

Shame Guilt Praise

Women also use attention, or lack there of, to indicate their pleasure/displeasure with a given man.

Well, with all that said- we've come to the question that's on everyone's mind. "How does one avoid being manipulated by women?" There are probably multiple methods, but in my expirence the most surefire way to avoid manipulation is to simply not give two ****s about what a women says or feels about what you think or do. Just do what you want regardless of what she says or does. By making your own happiness the barameter of success in life, you make yourself completely immune to the manipulations of women. Be the a$$hole, avoid being manipulated, and win at life.

Quote: Yep ur right on...the less they can exert control / manipulate you the greater the attraction.

Some other ones are temper tantrums, and using you as an emotional tampon. Cut it off.

Basically you have to be fearless and not afraid of losing them. Hence be willing to walk away at any time. A state of pure indifference. I think the key to dealing with it is to raise your level of self awareness. Eventually you get to the stage where you're like Neo from the Matrix. You unplug.

The external world no longer affects your internal state of being.

Now thats power.


"I have no desire to go through life being a smuck who is used by and dosen't get what he wants from women."

Well this thread is certainly a good idea but if you want to go the extra mile with it make sure you buy these three books...

1. The Manipulated Man 2. 48 Laws of Power 3. The Art of Seduction

These three books are invaluable in understanding how manipulators operate not to mention how women operate.

The first book unravels the mystery quite brutally so much so it will leave you shaking your head.

Quote: Really, immunizing oneself to manipulation is a pretty simple matter. But if you had fallen into the "trying to please women (in the wrong sense)" trap, it can be hard to break oneself of the counterproductive conditioning.

But one you have, it's like you have a force-field against manipulation. And it is a huge turn-on to women, that can sometimes trump finances, looks, etc.


I have just manged to track down and get a copy of "The Manipulated Man" and was up to 2.30am reading it - it is real eye opener. I got up this morning and went to work and the world is a different place.

I work in an office where there is a lot of women, and today, quite a few came up and asked me if I was all right, was ill or had something happened. Much to my surprise, they sensed a changed in me. Too bloody right there was a change in me. I had my eyes opened, and I now know exactly what all their manipulation games are.

I got the same sort of looks in the supermarket on the way home too. Dropped in to check on my mother, and she said there is something different about you today as well. Clearly, women know when you know. Have I become un-plugged?

What I am going to do with this new found mega eye opening knowledge? I am not really sure. I need to take it all in, perhaps re-read the book a couple of time. But, judging by today's reactions, I think life will never be the same again.

Get it, read it, The Manipulated Man. But be prepared for change...

And I mean, squares love getting controlled. Controlled by a bitch, controlled by cops(see Dr. Robert Gates), controlled by the government, controlled by their boss, and controlled by the illuminati,. They just love to slave, and a pimp's reaction to the understanding of the game makes a flow in the opposite direction.

Quote: The Urban Renaissance Man is superior to all men. He is the PRIME alpha among the alphas. The leader of the betas. The URM can adapt like ZEUS, switching forms at will. Anytime you stay in the same mental state, you are going to perish or become irrelevant. Pimp Snookie was a cold-blooded pimp. Still, he should have evolved in the game, as white slavery convictions will put you away for a long time.

Lesson: Evolve with the times, nothing lasts forever.


Pure spirit is energy without recognizable form, Nun (chaotic, undeferientiated matter). When we talk about energy probagating in one direction, we are talking about energy that is not reflective and conscious of its activities. Only through reflection and purpose are things in "harmony." If there is no ebb and flow of energy, there is no order. When we talk about something being chaotic here in America, we use an example like a man on a shooting spree at a local high school. His energy is going in one direction. His actions doesn't reflect back at him as something is wrong; he just keeps going forward destroying everything in its path.

This is how energy works (just like lightening). Until it has parameters and direction (purpose) it is chaotic. That's why humanity is the better half of God. This is the symbolism of the old and new testaments of the Bible. God in the old testament could give a rats *** about people. It just killed for the hell of it. But in the New Testament, when he allegedly became flesh, then God began to learn mercy and compassion. Only through being human (a self reflective life force) is energy/spirit able to understand itself and dwell in harmony.

Spirituality is for the strengthening of family and health. This is the basis. Most of the stuff you see on Kemetic temples are about healing the body. You dont need to go into a trance to love your sons and provide for your family. You dont need to kill a goat to love your wife and raise righteous daughters. This is why when you go to Africa, the most knowledgeable priests are old on a farming picking yams. They have all this knowledge and cant do nothing with it because it wasnt meant for the masses. You are now back at the beginning.

Imagine being able to do what you want to do. Imagine being able in an instant to go anywhere you want in a second. At first its live, but after a while there is no fun in it. Any and everything you want at your finger tips. Sure walking through walls and being invisible is cool, but honestly, what can you do with it righteously? This is what African priests deal with.

In addition to what my brethren above have stated, another thing is knowing that you put your work in. If you know that you've really earned what you now desire. Or better put that you are worthy because you have put in your due dilligence and worked your plan. I have worked hard on myself, earned credentials, weathered numerous life storms, and have helped others weather them. I deserve good things in life. So much so that when they come (opportunities), I damn near have my hands out already, "Sheeeit, gimme mine. I got to have it." With that mentality you won't shy away, become nervous, or start making excuses when confronted with the finer things in life. Approaching life aggressively is key, if you feel that you've really earned the better things in life they will come to you. You will have confidence because of your deposits in the life equation, why not make a withdrawal or two? Sheeeit, you are entitled...

Young Silk wrote: P.S. From my earlier post.

For you young cats and less seasoned cats. I think that some of the bruhs that have posted prior have neglected to mention. Although affirmations work you have to believe them. You cant be like "I'm smooth, I'm a ladies man, women love me, etc" if you really don't believe it because it is inconsistent with how you live your life. You can't trick yourself into having confidence. Your mind will revert you back to its former mode if you aren't actively moving towards reasons to have confidence. That means if you aren't doing anything to make yourself and life better and draw these things into your life they won't come. Being a dumb bummy slob, obnoxious, defective built, etc and telling yourself that you are the greatest cat you know isn't going to work because it goes against what your mind knows to be true. Confidence comes from doing and achieving. Just telling yourself that you are the greatest and not trying to be what you are saying to yourself is akin to this Mary J. Blige "Take Me As I Am" movement. And you see what its getting these females... They feel like they don't have to do anything and still get everything, and are losing the race as a result. They are fooling themselves. Unfortunately we as men have a different standard applied to us. Your measure of a man is partially, if not mostly from your accomplishments. That's why Tariq says your best mack years are still to come because with age tends to come more accomplishments. More accomplishments more real confidence.

The diminishing masculine rigor of black men can more easily be measured in our music and art. As a culture, we are rapidly being homogenized into a vapid, dull and bland sameness of group think, group speak, group clothing style, where 40 year old men dress in the toddler styles of their sons, while all engage in twitter-tweet discourse and limited experiences that stifle the kind of creativity that can only

grow out of a diversity of experiences. There are no short cuts to authentic manhood, which can only grow out of the struggles and challenges a man engages in and masters on his own, from his own war roombe it a one room kitchenette or a lavish mansion on the beach.

With black music there are no more distinct Memphis sounds, Philly sounds, Chicago sounds, Detroit sounds, etc. (That east coast west coast nonsense doesnt cut itor is the war over?) Back when black men were fully developed, our musicians and singers had their own distinct sound. Was it hard to distinguish The Temps, from The Four Tops, from The Miracles, from The Dells, from The Impressions, from The O Jays, from The Intruders, and so on? Billy Stewart, Lou Rawls, Jerry Butler, Curtis Mayfield, Teddy Pendergrass, Barry White, Luther, Isaac Hayes, and the restall had their own distinct masculine styleeven those who sang falsetto, sounded like grown men.

When I went to college in 1968, I met brothers from all over the US. They brought their own unique experiences from the various regions they came frombefore the internet, BET, and 24/7 global media saturation grinded up and emulsified unique personalities into one gray homogenized tasteless stew. The brothers represented at Howard, when it was a quality school, were New York smooth, Philly cool, Los Angeles calm (excusing wild man Rutger), Chicago tough, North Carolina and Georgia southern charm, and all the other various styles of unique regional expressions from all the other states. If you ask me, the coolest cat of all was my man Jimmy Grey from Tampa Florida.

To further illustrate and distinguish what we were, from the current devolved state of black men, listen to the following rendition by The Persuasions without dismissing it as old folks music, young bloods. Listen to the masculine resonance of these men and observe their masculine presence. The men, like some of you now, were in their thirties back in 1974 when this video aired. What comes through their expression is not old man sound but the sound of men, as black men sounded, moved, loved and lived back in the day. As some of you know, the Persuasions sing acapella so what comes through is the pure, strong, and masculine sound of fully developed men.

The Hustler and The Simp

As I grow older, I'm starting to understand the lessons that my grandfather was trying to teach me. The only problem was that I was born in the 80's, he in the 30s. I'm the "book-worm"/kinesthetic learner; however, he wanted to teach through anecdotes. What person in my generation learns through anecdotes?

When I was a child, all I remember was this 6'3 dark-brown man whose chest was always puffed out like he was some kind of G. Even his voice was rich in power, and he knew how to use it. One way he used it was to scare my cousins and I into submission before we even walked into the house. It wasn't just us kids that were afraid of him; his own children were too. Getting that old man to do something for you was like going to the godfather. I remember my mom going to him humbly; doing so had to be the most degrading thing she had to do. No woman, and I mean NO WOMAN, likes going to her father for anything, especially if she's over the age of 25. The worst part was that he always remembered your humble begging attempts, whether he said yes or no.

Although he was a mean old man, I could always tell that there was something more to him than he allowed to show. I could sense that he had his own weaknesses, and he knew that I did. Of course, I got myself in trouble for pointing them out. The only woman whoever REALLY knew was my grandmother, and I know she would never tell a soul what they were.

There's not much that I know about the man, but what I do know I'll gladly tell you. His name was Anderson, and he left home when he was a teenager. As a young man, he was a pretty good boxer but lost one fight and decided not to continue on. Instead, he chose to join the Army and fought in the Korean war. While he was in Korea, his mom got very ill, and died. I've been told that he was never quite the same after her death. When he returned home from the war, he married my grandmother, his high school sweetheart, and they travelled throughout Europe. When he left the Army, he bought a small three-bedroom house. As their family expanded (10 children in all), they moved to Mulberry where he built a five-bedroom, two-bath home. By the time he died, he had enough money saved for his wife to live off of (and probably invested but he never told me how) and had bought another lot where he built a brand new home, down the street from the main house, which he rented out.

Now, my dad was a different type of man. He, just like my grandfather was raised by his mother (both of their fathers dying while they were young), but he was a much nicer man. He was always dreaming. He started out great in everything he did, but he'd rarely finished anything, and he'd always let the fact that he didn't finish get him down. He was just too hard on himself. He'd ask my grandfather for help, and he wouldn't give it. Grandpa believed that a man has to figure it out on his own and that help wasn't something that was supposed to be given.

I think that's why I didn't like the old man. He would never give my father a break. Their feud was nonstop and it definitely didn't die with my father's death. I took it upon myself to keep it going. It was me against the old man.

So, at 17, I left too. I filled out ALL the applications and the FAFSA by myself, took the SAT and ACT while dealing with the drama of uneducated family members, packed my bags and caught the first bus departing Lakeland to Pensacola. Back then, I felt like it was me against the world. Looking out that window, at my aunt and cousin waiving goodbye, I was shaking like a leaf on a tree. I didn't really want to leave, but I knew that I had to.

The anger that I had for my grandfather didn't leave with me going away to college. He died my freshman year, and I kept my promise to him. I refused to even go to his funeral. If I had, I probably would have tried to kill him again myself; but then again, I was just a 18 yr old kid who thought I knew everything and didn't even understand what he was trying to teach me.

He taught me that if I wanted to have anything, I was going to have to go out an get it on my own. His main goal was to prevent me from being a beggar. If someone wanted to help me, then great. If not, I was going to have to use my brain. When I got myself into trouble, I wouldn't be able to call him or my grandmothers (my parents being dead), I would have to figure it out myself. This lesson, the value of self, he wasn't even able to teach his own daughters (and many of his sons). What he was trying to do was give me the game in his own way. In the "game," real fighters never give up, they just can't. It's unmackish to do so. People who choose to learn are blessed with minds that always search for new ways to conquer various challenges. If they meet one road block, then they find a way to burst through it, walk around it, or find another road that leads to the same destination.

He might not have been who I wanted him to be, but I've learned that men aren't supposed to be who I want them to be. Every man has to find out who he wants to be for himself. If I don't like it, I need to learn how to appreciate it.

The realization that my dad was a simp still gets to me. I love him, but he was. He could have been so much more, if only he would have kept on trying. He let things that were out of his control mess with his hustle. He also couldn't choose between the square world and the hustling world, and he wound up losing his life for not choosing wisely (many men out there who are reading this are in the SAME situation). I'm not saying that being a square is wrong. Hustling isn't for everyone. You have to know which one is right for you and be confident with the one you choose (no simpin' fellas and no half-assed hustling).

Now that I'm trying to understand what this whole game is about, everything he said seems so much clearer. Still, at times, I'm as confused as ever (must be a girl thing). All I know is that if I could apply the lessons that I've learned from these two men, I'd come out on top. The hardest part about choosing to be a female hustler is that in my family, none have ever dared to go and do it. The women have only dreamed of what it would be like to OWN their lives. Grandpa said it could never be done. I understand his reasoning now. Most women are too emotional and can't see the world for what it really is. All I know is that I'm different. I'm more like him than he ever knew. I know that I can make this happen, and I intend to do so one day at a time.

'Ball Breaking' by Robert Spicer Quote:

I include a short quote from the Introduction. QUOTE> Men deserve everything they get and more, for allowing themselves to be debased, abused and manipulated by a strictly speaking inferior creature. Nevertheless, they do it, and given the conspiracy against them from birth, I dare say it is understandable and forgivable. . . Ballbreaking is defined in this book as the harnessing of all weaknesses, failings and emotional insecurities of a superior human being to facilitate the willing acceptance of servitude, soul sale, surrender of potential, inferior companionship, blackmail, verbal sadism and mental cruelty by an inferior. .. Man, this great, intelligent, seeker, achiever, builder, improver, charter of the heavens, this gallant honourable creature is only a parody of what he could be, if only he were free of the emotional shackles instilled by his mother, reinforced by his father, reflected by his sister, set in concrete by society; and eventually, when he meets the 'right girl' - meaning the girl who is the most suitable and attractive his earning power can achieve - who is cunning and well trained enough to satisfy his conditioned emotional needs, his enslavement will be complete. It is significant that if the sexes were reversed in that quote there would be no problem. Women would say it was merely stating the obvious. But when it is said about men, there is social outrage - and books disappear from shelves. That in itself says something about the social conditioning that has taken place. It must be remembered that 70% of the women on the Titanic (all classes) survived; 70% of the men (all classes) perished. Having entered the lifeboats under the principle of 'women and children first', the women commandeered them and ordered the crews to row away from the ship even though men were drowning and the occupancy of the lifeboats was only about 60%. Movies on the tragedy make much of the fact that the ship 'didn't have enough life boats', but never will they mention that what lifeboats there were were not used effectively because of the despicable behaviour of the women. Believe me, life, liberty and happiness for the male begins when he stops trying to find 'that woman' and transmutes the sex drive into more productive pursuits.

Never be deceived by the fact that though this may be 2010, the irrational and primitive fear of a black man who is a man, and acts like a man, is hovering just beneath the surface of even your garden variety

Caucasoid. You see honor, when applied to a black man, just a short while ago in our history, was seen as an oxymoronic idea. For example, back in the day, during the big wars, just the sight of a black man down south, in uniform, would send those peckerwoods into paroxysms of rage. Their depraved psyches could not process the idea or image of a non servile blackman, trained to shoot white men, even if those white men were the enemy. Even in the last big war, there were dozens of uniformed black men who were lynched, beaten, spat on and some even had their medals torn from their uniforms, before the crackers went to work on their gonads. The Dahaka did the right thing. Now watch your back with even more vigilance. Always, internally, assume the combat stance.

Never be caught with your nuts hanging out. Always watch your back; do not assume that you can glean instant friendship with anybody outside of an in the flesh meeting with him--where you can look a man in the eyes and judge the quality of his character over a period of time. This cannot be done, with any kind of surety, unless you learn how to read a man and then learn to know him, not by what he says or writes but by his observed actions, over a full spectrum of conditions over time. This cannot be done if you have lived a somewhat coddled existance and don't have much real world experience outside of school, your mother's house, or from what you can glean off the internet. In addition, the limiting association with only your age peers, who are likeswise inexperienced, will only keep you in a blindleading-the-blind box of stagnation. Your perspective will be arrested and limited; you will not be able to think outside a narrow range of ideas and there are but so many ways to slice, dice, bake and broil the same old short-on-substance ideas, on which the young think they are experts. You will not be able to live on your own as a man with skill and surefootedness. Like a one horse town, you will become a one thought and limited Negro, stuck in a dependant role, under someone else's authority and care.

Yes, that is another theory of feminism. All of these theories have their merit. What is encouraging is seeing men starting to take feminism seriously. I suppose it is starting to hurt a large enough number of men sufficiently seriously now for this to happen. The remarkable thing about men and feminism has been the silence of men. It is extraordinary that only now are we seeing professional-looking websites like The Spearhead appear.

There have been two basic male responses to feminism in recent times. The first has been a tendency to laugh it off, not to take it too seriously, to make jokes. The second has been a total capitulation, often expressed only as lip service, but capitulation nonetheless. Only gradually has it dawned on men that they (we) are in real trouble.

There are still men who pedestalise. I would argue that John Paul II was one of the last prominent examples. Then there was that silly man who wrote an article about how women are really superior on a

conservative website recently. It might have been Frontpage. Conservative men love to take that line. It sounds good, keeps the ladies happy, and makes them seem like good guys who know whats what. Whenever I read that kind of thing, I always think: sure, and here we are after a few million abortions, and there are still conservative men who think women are morally superior. Incredible.

Conservative men need to return to the core texts of our civilisation. There is nothing in these, including the Bible, to suggest that women are superior in any way to men. Rather the reverse.

Returning to the **** test point, there is an interesting variant of this idea, namely that what feminism does is simply provide yet another obstacle for men to negotiate. A further social proof. If a man can avoid falling foul of feminism, it shows that he is clever and socially adept. One might say that feminism is an excellent development for alpha males. A CEO who promotes women over men, destroys the careers and livelihoods of men who fall foul of sexual harrassment rules, and frees the wives of beta husbands from their vows of marital chastity, increases his own power over both men and women.

I hate having to think like this, but modern society has become a minefield.

But perhaps I am overthinking it. A feminist will want a wimpy beta husband because he is likely to be supportive of any choice she makes: to abort, to go out to work, to divorce him, to cuckold him. A sufficiently emasculated man is perfect for her as a husband.

When I became a young womans boss recently, after she had fallen behind me because she was on the mommy track, I was secretly rather pleased. I felt vindicated. I was bad enough to enjoy making her stand in my office while I discussed work with her. I was bad enough to enjoy watching her bottom as she left my office. But I had the sense not to say anything silly to her, and I treated her with scrupulous fairness. I am a wily old fox these days. But I was still free to think whatever I liked

I am not sure if this is too far out or not, but maybe food for thought. I'll post so that you can make your own opinions:

I experienced something like this, and to me it's the same as "the mackish state of mine". Personally I find that mostly get that feeling when I go after something I want, or have some sort of accomplishment. For example, when I began teaching I felt like I was the happiest ever in life, and it was

like females were picking up on it too and stepping to me constantly. I lost the feeling though, but after reflecting I noticed other time when I have had it. I.e: Making money on eBay while I was sleeping and waking up checking that bank account, achieving a goal, taking time to work on a major goal, shoot even trying to talk to a chick that everyone else is too intimidated to talk to even if she rejects you. I think Tariq drops a little game on this when he talks about improving yourself first. I think that it is the personal wins that push you towards the mackish mind state. A healthy self image helps too like No_Doe mentioned because you have to see and believe yourself doing anything before you can achieve it.

I think people in relationships run into these feelings times too, when they are talking about when someone "brings the best out them" but in my opinion it is best to bring the best out yourself because you don't have to rely on someone else to do it.

I know an older gentlemen who is a success coach, I'm actually working with him right now to become one of his instructors. One day I asked him about peak experiences. I told him about it, how it felt, then I asked him "How could I get that feeling back?" His answer was "Don't try to get the feeling of a peak experience back, instead create a new one."

YungSavvy wrote:

Listen bruh, Don't put EXTRAS on this aspect of the GAME. (meaNing don't treat it like it's some mystical element) ... IT'S NOT. What you call a " mackin' state of mind" for most seasoned cats became a permanent fixture after putting in work, and making moves out in the field. Experience, experience, experience .. I can't stress that sh1t enough. Like anything else, the more you do it, the more it becomes natural. Cats have already laid out in detail what you should be focusing on first, before diving too deep into snagging broads. (so I'm not going to recycle, that spit). But as you work on improving yourself, feel free to chop it up with various broads. Paying close attention to the various attitudes, personalities, traits, etc etc etc....

Learn how to be fluid with you vernacular, by chopping it up with individuals from as many different backgrounds as you can. Work to get your mouthpiece so fuqin' tight that, others will gravitate to you. - Be that cat that others WANT to be around. Be that cat with game so tight that, broads HAVE to hear your voice right before they go to sleep. The slicker YOU get, the easier THE GAME becomes. More experience will make so many things that confuse most cats, seem transparent to you. Meaning you'll see right through the bullsh1t, and foul play, that rogue broads (scandalous chics), and player haters try to toss your way. To sum it up, put in work until THE GAME becomes second nature .. which it will .. TRUST Peace SaVvy

QUOTE: "People say they are attracted to confidence, but how often do you meet a confident person who doesn't tend to act like a jerk? It's all too common for mere confidence to cross the threshold into arrogance. But that's what people want."

This is where you fall into the trap that the average powerless person does. You assume that people who act like jerks are powerful. They are just as powerless as you, they just express it in a different way. Both tigers and mice are powerless. People play victim and victimizer for the same reason. Confident (confidence is based on power) people do neither. Quite literally, for no other reason than they don't have to. Going from a not confident to a confident person involves only one thing... cultivating power. Do all of those things likely to bring you power. Work out until you are strong. Mind your business until you are rich. Eliminate useless behaviours. Build your kingdom of people and resources until it is unassailable. Be competent in everything you do. Those are the things that bring confidence. Nothing else does.

QUOTE: "Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all the products of our own little environments. We have been moulded and shaped by those people who have been a part of our lives. Our mothers created our physical bodies, but our peers created who we really are. It was our peers who taught us how to behave, because it is our peers that we want so much to be with. We want their acceptance, we want to belong, and the only way we can belong is if we become like them."

People are most definitely not the product of their environment. We are the product of the choices we make, every single moment of every day. Change happens the very moment you decide I'm going to be different, today, right now, for this specific thing. Do enough of those little specific changes and the

change generalizes. Almost nothing else except a persons free will and choice has the power to determine a persons behavior. Once you understand and know how to use this, everything else falls into place.

Part of the process is when a person understands that there is a tendency to seek approval and acceptance from others. However, that tendency isn't normal. It's neurotic. Once you know this, you can make huge gains in your life by examining it for behaviours that are approval seeking... and stopping them. People (especially women) manipulate you through your approval seeking behaviours. If you eliminate them, they have nothing to grab hold of. Also, eliminating these will make you feel much, much better about yourself. Approval seeking, even if you get the approval, makes you feel bad. But, like smoking, even though it is bad for you, it's addictive. You need to be ever vigilant for backsliding with this. But the effort is well worth it.

"How aware we are of our surroundings, how fast and confidently we walk, how we carry our shoulders, how we respond to stimuli around us...all these things tell about our state and whether we'll be an easy target or not. Just like our movements and gestures (and scent) give off messages about us when we're cruising someone. And people can smell fear - just as easily as they can smell desperation. The more afraid you are in the world and of others, the more you will attract people who want to victimize you because you're wearing a great big "I'm afraid, pick on me" sign. "

We all know that one of the best ways to come up in the world and elevate your making is to raise your finances, we always give suggestions on how to get money together but never give actual advice on getting it done so I thought I would start a thread where we can share ways to build our finances and provide an avenue to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind this is not a get rich quick thread this some grown man business I'm talking about. One thing I do is I keep my cash in GIC's and ISA's with these guys

they got competitive rates its starts small but if you can save a bit you'll start to see the interest pay off, its a nice way to bank 0 risk good reward. Also I want to get my foot into the stock market I don't want

to go through a broker seeing that I have no time to be in constant contact with him because I'm in class so I'm looking to get involved online whats a good site?

I'm in the same boat with you in the stock avenue. I plan to start investing in the market at the beginning of the year. I'm taking baby steps so I'm networking with people who have a little bit more knowledge. I'm also planning on getting into this Real Estate. Its a buyers market right now. So if you playas got some nice change laying around or have good credit I recommend yall look at some properties in your area to cop and rent out. My pops got a couple houses that he rents out and he just purchased another home dirt cheap.

great post everyone if we outlined some steps. off debt

1.research and more research before you start using money a certain amount. 1 thru-1 are all important (lol)

I will admit, I am not as literate in finances as others here, if anyone would like to add to the above PLEASE help expand our financial game.

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