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Biennial report 2007–08

M ission Stat em en t
The Marine Fish Conservation Network advocates for national
policies to achieve healthy oceans and productive fisheries.

The Network is the largest national coalition solely dedicated to

promoting the long-term sustainability of marine fish. With almost
200 members—including environmental organizations, commercial
and recreational fishing associations, aquariums, and marine
science groups—the Network uses its distinct voice and the best
available science to educate policymakers, the fishing industry,
and the public about the need for sound conservation and better
management practices.
Dear Members and Supporters of the Network,

In January 2007 the Marine Fish Conservation Network celebrated a tremendous

victory: signing into law the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Reauthorization Act (MSRA). The Network and its member groups
convinced Congress and President Bush that conservation reforms were needed for the
Magnuson-Stevens Act of 1996. Led by my predecessor, Lee Crockett, it was the culmination
of eight years of grass roots organizing, technical analysis, and educating Congress and the
media about the importance of sustainable fish populations for the health of the nation’s
fisheries and how the Magnuson Stevens Act should be improved.

In January 2009, a key element for implementing the MSRA was finalized by the National
Marine Fisheries Service: revised guidelines for setting annual catch limits (ACLs) and
accountability measures. Here too, the Network and its Members pressed hard for a
conservation-oriented set of rules. Between these two signature events is a record of many
other Network accomplishments, which we have documented in this report.

Since its founding in 1992, the Network has been in the forefront of efforts to stop
overfishing and rebuild sustainable fish stocks, as the History of the Network timeline shows
(p. 6). Now that the MSRA is law and ACL guidelines are in place, we intend to maintain this
tradition during a new period that will focus on implementing the MSRA, building support
for ecosystem-based fisheries management, and working toward a national oceans policy.

While all this conservation success was achieved (and with little fanfare) the Network
took one other major step in its history, becoming an independent non-governmental
organization in August 2006. Please accept this first Network Biennial Report on our first two
years (fiscal years 2007-08). If you have any questions about what you find here, or would like
more detailed information on Network programs, please let me know.

And thank you for your part in the Marine Fish Conservation Network’s successes.


Bruce J. Stedman, Executive Director

How the Network
Came of Age
The Marine Fish Conservation Network is a broad-based coalition of almost 200
conservation organizations, commercial and recreational fishing associations, aquariums,
and marine science groups, dedicated to promoting the long-term sustainability of ocean
fish and fisheries. The Network was originally founded in 1992 and operated as a small
project focusing on the Magnuson Stevens Act. After the Act was passed in 1996, the
Network was closed; the founders saw that the mission had been accomplished and it
seemed that there was no further need for the Network.
In 1998, the Network was reopened as a project of the American Littoral Society
(ALS), a non-profit located in New Jersey and operated as such for the next eight
4 years. In November 2005, the Network’s Board of Advisors decided that the Network’s
independence was important and essential to its growth and voted for separation from
ALS. On January 26, 2006, the Network incorporated in the District of Columbia as a
non-profit corporation. On August 4, 2006, the Network was recognized by the Internal
Revenue Service as a stand-alone nonprofit organization.
Today, the Network operates from its national office in Washington, DC with a staff of 8
full-time professionals and in 2008 celebrated its 16th Year Anniversary since the original
founding in 1992.

THE NETWORK’S These reports, as well as reports from other

MAJOR ACTIVITIES groups that contain the Network’s research and
Nonpartisan Research and Analysis analysis, are made available to the public via
The Network conducts independent, the Network’s website and through distribution
nonpartisan research and analysis using the by Network members.
best science available on marine conservation
issues of interest to its members and the Public Education and Media
general public. This research, analysis, and The Network and its member organizations
report writing includes developing Network are dedicated to conserving and restoring
policy statements, letters, fact sheets, analysis America’s ocean fish populations, which are
of federal legislation and administrative essential natural resources. The Network is
regulations, and policy positions and reports. able to reach and educate a large segment of
the public through its member organizations Regional Marine Conservation
and their relationships with the media. It is We are continuously generating media
the Network’s view that when the public is coverage and seek to increase public
well-informed about how U.S. fisheries are participation in regional fisheries management
managed, it will insist that regional and federal decisions.
managers prevent overfishing (fishing at
Fundraising and Annual Events
unsustainably high rates), minimize bycatch
Fundraising activities are largely focused
(the catching and killing of non-target ocean
on foundation grant-making, which includes
wildlife), and protect essential fish habitat.
researching potential foundation sources,
The Network uses a variety of techniques to
meeting with foundation officers, writing letters
increase public understanding about these
of interest, developing grant proposals and
issues through accurate and informative
budgets, and submitting necessary narrative
reports in newspapers, magazines, websites,
and financial reports. The Network has
radio and television. The Network arranges
recently expanded its scope of fundraising to
and coordinates news media events to generate
include online donations, fundraising events
national and regional media coverage. Media
in different regions as well as monetary and
strategies are generally focused around other
in-kind support from our coalition member
Network activities such as the release of a
groups. Annually, the Network hosts two major
report. Our focus is to generate as much media
events — Fish Fest: A Celebration of Sustainable
attention as possible, and to assist our member
Seafood and the Annual Meeting, in which 100
organizations in creating a powerful presence 5
or more of our general membership gathers to
in the marine conservation community that
share information and resources to strengthen
educates and allows the public to make
the Network’s agenda.
informed decisions on marine conservation.

The Network was Founded by five conservation
groups, The Center for Marine Conservation (now Ocean Former
Conservancy), Greenpeace, National Audubon Society, network
National Coalition for Marine Conservation, and World supporters
Wildlife Fund. The Network developed a National Agenda reestablish
to change the focus of the MFCMA (Magnuson Fishery the network, the first annual
Conservation and Management Act) from promoting the under the American meeting of
fishing industry to promoting conservation, management, Oceans Campaign, members is
and protection of the nation’s fish populations. to strengthen held. Rep. Wayne
the MSA during Gilchrest introduces
reauthorization. Lee the Network’s MSA
6 A national grassroots campaigan Crockett is hired as reauthorization
originates to generate public awareness of executive director. agenda (H.R.
fisheries issues and support for H.R. 4404, 4046, the Fisheries
the Marine Fish Conservation Amendments Recovery Act) along
of 1994, sponsored by Rep. Wayne Gilchrest. with 40 co-sponsors.

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

network membership the Network

rapidly expands, relocates
in conjunction with the to offices in the
hiring of Bill Mott as the The sustainable American Oceans
first exectutive director. fisheries act (SFA), Campaign in
Membership includes P.L. 104-297 is signed into Washington, DC.
more than 100 national law by President Clinton on
and local conservation, October 11, 1996, including
environmental, scientific, a portion of the Network’s
and citizen organizations, MSA reauthorization
commercial and agenda, prompting a
recreational fishermen, decision that the Network
aquariums, and other should disband.
sustainable fishing
advocates that endorse the
Network’s agenda.
passes the
American Magnuson-Stevens the network
Littoral Society Fishery Conservation pushed for
becomes the fiscal council and Management strengthened annual
agent to the Network reform Reauthorization Act catch limits (ACLs) and
and takes over the efforts begin (MSRA). The Network accountability measures
American Oceans when Rep. Nick is officially recognized (AMs) in a newer
Campaign offices at Rahall introduces by the IRS as a 501(c) version of National
the Fisheries Standard 1 (NS1). The 7
600 Pennsylvania (3) not-for-profit
Ave., SE. Management organization. proposed NEPA Rule
Reform Act of 2004 was withdrawn after a
(H.R. 4706) with Network-led grassroots
68 co-sponsors. campaign.

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

the inaugural the Fisheries

fish fest is Science and
held. Rep. Sam Management
Farr introduces the the network IFQ Enhancement President Bush
Network’s agenda agenda (H.R. 2621, Act of 2005 (H.R. signs the MSRA
(H.R. 2570, the the Fishing Quota 1431) is introduced on enacted into law on
Fisheries Recovery Standards Act of March 17, 2005 by Rep. January 11, 2007 (P.
Act of 2001) along 2003) is introduced by Nick Rahall and 75 L. 109-479); Bruce
with 101 co-sponsors. Rep. Tom Allen along co-sponsors. On July Stedman begins as
with 27 co-sponsors. 14, the Network IFQ executive director
agenda is reintroduced in September.
by Rep. Tom Allen
as the Fishing Quota
Standards Act of 2005
(H.R. 3278) with four
Fish Fest
and Annual Meetings

Fish Fest

For the sixth and seventh times, Members of Catering, Matchbox, Mio Restaurant, Phoenix
Congress, fishermen and ocean advocates Park Hotel, PS 7, Terra Verde, The Reef, Tosca
convened at the Cannon House Office Building and Veridian.
on Capitol Hill to indulge in Fish Fest: A Sustainably caught fish was provided by
Celebration of Sustainable Seafood. Each year Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association,
we gather to thank the Congress for its work Bering Select Seafood, Columbia River Crab
on marine conservation, to eat ecologically Fishermen’s Association, EcoFish, Fishbusterz
friendly delicacies, mingle with each other, and Sea Market, J.J. McDonnell, Marvin and
8 meet and greet renowned celebrity chefs such Annette Bellamy, Monarch Seafood, Oregon
as Rock Harper. Trawl Commission, Paula Turrell and Dick
The annual June event occurs in tandem Hofmann, Prime Seafood, Samuels & Son
with the annual meeting. Network members Seafood Company, Washington Dungeness
discuss sustainability and are rewarded Crab Fishermen’s Association, and Yukon River
with sustenance from notable Metro-area Drainage Fisheries Association.
restaurants such as the Art Institute of Fish Fest celebrates responsible fishermen
Washington, B. Smith’s, Bistro B and Vidalia, and Members of Congress who continue to
Butterfield 9, Café Saint-Ex, Catering by Chef, protect the sea by enacting and enforcing
Inc., Coppi’s Organic Restaurant, Growlers sustainable fishing practices.
of Gaithersburg, Hook, Lynette’s Cakes and

Annual Meetings
The annual meetings allow Members the appropriations for NOAA, aquaculture and
chance to convene, catch up and converse other topics of concern. Member organizations
about industry-specific subject matter, and staff address the rest of the Network with
and to visit Capitol Hill. During the updates and reports.
meetings Members discuss topics such as During the 2007 Annual Meeting, Executive
implementation of the Magnuson-Stevens Director Lee Crockett, was honored for his
Act, environmental review, ecosystem-based tenure with the Network.
fishery management, national ocean policy,
Carl Stanton, Top chef Rock Harper, and executive director Bruce Stedman

2007–2008 Fish Fest Seafood Providers: Restaurants

Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association Art Institute of Washington
Bering Select Seafood B. Smith’s
Columbia River Crab Fishermen’s Association Bistro Bis and Vidalia
EcoFish Butterfield 9
Fishbusterz Sea Market Café Saint-Ex
J. J. McDonell Catering by Chef, Inc.
Marvin & Annette Bellany Chef Flavor Catering
Monarch Seafood Coppi’s Organic Restaurant
Oregon Trawl Commission Growlers of Gaithersburg
Paula Turrell & Dick Hofmann Hook
Prime Seafood Matchbox
Samuels & Son Seafood Company Mio Restaurant
Seafood Producers Cooperative Phoenix Park Hotel 9
Washington Dungeness Crab Fishermen’s Association PS 7
Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association Terra Verde
The Reef
Chefs Veridian
Carlos Amaya
Jeff Buben speical thank you to:
Justin Clyburn Alaska Marine Conservation Council
Rock Harper Food & Water Watch
Michael Harr Greenpeace
Lynnette Jackson Gulf Restoration Network
Ken Kaiser Oceana
Barton Seaver
Le’Jon Williams
Alexander Zeppos

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Every year for the past nine years, the Marine Fish Conservation Network hosts Fish Fest on
Capitol Hill to which we invite congressional members, our boards of advisors and directors, and
our general membership. Top chefs from the greater metropolitan area of the District of Columbia
volunteer their expertise and create specialized seafood dishes for the events.
We acknowledge and appreciate the support from within and about the community. This
page is dedicated to those very special friends of the Network who have continuously made this
event possible.
— from all of us at the Network
The Network 2007–2008
a record of accomplishment

Magnuson-Stevens rules and practices (including NMFS-

Reauthorization Act (MSRA) managed highly migratory shark FMP).
Opposition to Legislation
E Submitted technical comments on other
That Would Weaken the MSRA
NMFS rulemakings from the MSRA (e.g.
E Joined with Network Member groups to
confidentiality, NS2, experimental fishing
oppose Flexibility in Rebuilding American
Fisheries Act of 2008 submitted to Congress
that would weaken MSRA provisions.
Advocacy for Maintaining and
Implementing Environmental Review
Nonpartisan Research and Analysis In Fisheries Management.
10 E An Improved NS1 Rule. The Network led E The Network led the successful campaign
the successful campaign (with Member — grass roots activities, media, and agency
groups Pew Environment Group and engagement (with Pew Environment Group
Environment America) — policy analysis, and Environment America) — to withdraw a
grass roots activities, media, and agency deeply flawed rule on environmental review.
communications — to pass a strong National
Standard 1 (NS1) rule on annual catch limits Ecosystem-Based fisheries Management
starting with forage fish management
(ACLs) and accountability measures (AMs).
E Co-organized (with Point Reyes Bird
E Wrote and distributed a white paper on
Observatory) and served on a regional
the policy and conservation implications
forage fish steering committee writing an
of MSRA: A New Course for America’s Fish
action plan for protection of forage fish
and Fishermen. A Review of the Magnuson-
and advancement of ecosystem-based
Stevens Reauthorization Act of 2006 and the
management in the California Current
Challenges Ahead.
Large Marine Ecosystem — Ecosystem-based
E Wrote and distributed a white paper on
Management of West Coast Forage Species.
chronic overfishing. Taking Stock: The Cure
E Opposed MSC Certification for CA
for Chronic Overfishing.
Sardines. The Network organized (with
E Wrote 4 regional reports that pressed
the Network member National Coalition
councils to end overfishing, and highlighted
for Marine Conservation) an international
regional fishery management council
coalition of groups working to oppose forage
achievements and deficiencies
fish certification by Marine Stewardship
E Conducted extensive research and
Council under their current guidelines, and
comparative analysis of council overfishing
to improve their guidelines for the future Offshore Aquaculture
[certification delayed]; and sent a letter E Conducted policy research and analysis
opposing MSC certification of the Antarctic (supporting the lead of several Network
krill fishery [under consideration]. Member groups) and facilitated consensus
E Submitted national scientist sign-on letter among Network Advisors opposing offshore
to NMFS urging improved forage fish aquaculture until national legislation is
management (with 93 signatories). enacted that is sufficiently protective of wild
E Pressed for banning or reducing menhaden fish populations and fisheries.
fishing. The Network campaigned to press E Submitted technical comments and signed
the NC Marine Fisheries Commission on to campaign letters (with other member
to amend state regulations to prohibit groups) opposing Gulf of Mexico Fishery
reduction fisheries for menhaden in state Management Council establishing a
waters [which the commission declined fisheries management plan (FMP) allowing
to do]; pressed the Atlantic States Marine and insufficiently regulating commercial
Fisheries Commission to pass Amendment offshore aquaculture. [GMFMC chose to
2 to the Shad and River Herring Interstate approve the FMP.]
Fishery Management Plan [ASMFC
overwhelmingly passed Amendment 2]; and Funding for Fisheries (appropriations
and Fisheries Trust Fund).
campaigned (as the Save the Bait Coalition
E Conducted research on FY08, FY09, and
in partnership with the Network member
FY10 budgets and appropriations, and
Gulf Restoration Network) to convince 11
produced major fact sheets used for Hill
the Mississippi Commission on Marine
education, and worked with our member
Resources to implement a catch limit for the
groups to lobby Congress for more NMFS
Gulf menhaden reduction fishery in state
waters [which they declined to do].
E In Texas, the Save the Bait Coalition Limited Access
campaigned for an annual catch limit for Privilege Programs (LAPPs)
the menhaden reduction fishery. [The Texas E Submitted technical comment letter on
Parks and Wildlife Commission instituted an guidelines being developed by NMFS for
ACL of 31.5 million pounds.]. implementing LAPPs.
E Developed new forage fish website — E Pressed for improved Pacific Groundfish LAPP, in a technical comment letter
opposing some aspects of the Pacific
National Ocean Policy Groundfish (trawl) Fishery Management
E Provided detailed comments on drafts of Plan Amendment 20. [Final decision under
proposed Oceans 21 (HR21) legislation, a consideration.]
proposed Presidential Executive Order, a
reinvestment oceans trust fund. Sustainable Seafood
E Participated (with Network member groups) E Hosted annual Fish Fest: A Celebration
in planning for 2009 legislative campaign. of Sustainable Seafood for members of
Congress and their staffs in 2007 and 2008.
Board of Advisors (as of December 2008)

Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association Monterey Bay Aquarium

Linda Behnken, Lead Contact Geoff Shester, Senior Science Manager
Sustainable Seafood Initiative
Alaska Marine Conservation Council
Dorothy Childers, Program Director National Coalition for Marine Conservation
Ken Hinman, President
Cape Cod Commercial Hook Fishermen’s
Association Natural Resources Defense Council
Paul Parker, Executive Director Laura Pagano, Oceans Program Staff Attorney

Conservation Law Foundation Oceana

Peter Shelley, Vice President and Director Buffy Baumann, Fisheries Advocate

Environment America Ocean Conservancy

Mike Gravitz, Oceans Advocate Dana Wolfe, Manager, Legislative Program

Food & Water Watch Pacific Coast Federation

Sascha Bullag, Legislative Coordinator; of Fishermen’s Association
Fish Program Zeke Grader, Executive Director

Greenpeace Pacific Marine Conservation Council

Phil Kline, Senior Ocean Campaigner Peter Huhtala, Senior Policy Director

Gulf Restoration Network SeaWeb

Aaron Viles, Campaign Director Philip Chou, Manager of Conservation
Ourtreach, Seafood Choices Alliance
Hawaii Audubon Society
Linda Paul, Director of the Aquatics Division Sierra Club
John Swingle, National Marine Committee
International Game Fish Association
Wildlife & Habitat Chair
Jason Schratwieser, Conservation Director
United Anglers of California
Jersey Coast Anglers Association
Bob Strickland, President
Tom Fote, Legislative Chairperson
former and current Board of Directors (as of December 2008)

Gerry Leape, President Eric Rardin

Vice President, Pew Environment Group
Business Development Director
Michelle Pilliod, Treasurer
Pilliod Meeting Planning, Linda Paul
President Hawaii Audobon Society
Director of Auquatics Division
Phil Kline, Secretary
Greenpeace Former Directors
Senior Oceans Campaigner Peter Huhtala, Secretary
Pacific Marine Conservation Council
Leslie Harroun
Oak Foundation Jay Nelson
Senior Program Officer Pew Charitable Trusts
Director of the Ocean Legacy Project

Staff (as of December 2008)

Carolina Gou-Leonhardt Julie Sherman

Administrative and Fundraising Assistant Pacific Regional Representative
Sera Harold Bruce Stedman
South Atlantic Regional Representative Executive Director
Keith McAllister Ken Stump
Technology and E-Activism Manager Director of Policy
Brooks Mountcastle Tom Wheatley
Mid-Atlantic Regional Representative Gulf of Mexico Regional Representative

Former Staff (2007 – May 2008)

Najah Abdullah Lee Crockett Jeff Lambert

Director of Finance and Executive Director Media Intern
Administration (11/98-6/07) (6/07-8/07)
(2/06-6/08) Maritza Estridge John Marius
Mary Austill Special Projects Intern Technology and E-Activism
Director of Policy (6/07-8/07) Manager
(1/06-2/07) Caroline Keicher (10/03-1/07)
Tony DeFalco South Atlantic Regional Kate Sherman
Director of Regional Operations Organizer Office and Research Assistant
(5/03-10/08) (9/05-7/07) (9/06-11/07)
Cassandra Burdyshaw Thomas Kitsos
Special Projects Intern Interim Executive Director
(11/06-4/07) (6/07-8/07)
Hilary Goodwin Joanna Knight
Special Projects Intern Media Specialist
(12/07-1/09) (9/03-9/07)
2007–2008 Funders

Foundation Support Board of Advisor & Director Donors

Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation Dorothy Childers
David and Lucile Packard Foundation Tom Fote
Henry Foundation Michael Gravitz
Marisla Foundation Leslie A. Harroun
Norcross Wildlife Foundation Phil Kline
Oak Foundation Gerry Leape
14 Ocean Foundation Jay Nelson
Pew Charitable Trusts Michelle Pilliod
Rockefeller Brothers Fund Eric Rardin
Sandler Family Support Foundation Peter Shelley
Schaub Foundation
Surdna Foundation Member Group Support
Zephyr Charitable Foundation Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association
Alaska Marine Conservation Council
Corporate and organization Support Columbia River Crab Fishermen’s Association
Boeing Food & Water Watch
Captain’s Pride Charter, Inc. Greenpeace
Good Search Gulf Restoration Network
Ocean Awareness Project International Game Fish Association
Patagonia, Inc. National Coalition for Marine Conservation
Tranquilla Sport Fishing, LLC National Environmental Trust
Washington Transportation Commission Natural Resource Defense Council
Matching Gifts Sierra Club The Ocean Conservancy
Black & Decker The Ocean Foundation
Jean Flemma U.S. Public Interest Research Groups
Pew Charitable Trusts Wash. Dungeness Crab Fishermen’s Association
Staff Donors Judith Havens
Najah Abdullah Natalie Holcombe
Cassandra Burdyshaw Marcia Johnson
Lee Crockett Michael King
Tony DeFalco Mary Kitsos
Caroline Keicher Thomas Kitsos
Joanna Knight Paul Koski
John Marius Jacqueline LaBelle
Brooks Mountcastle Peter McKinney
Karen Putterman Gerald McMurray
Eric Rardin Michael Miller
Bruce Stedman Mary Moffit
Thomas Wheatley Adrianna Natsoulas
Karl A. Ohls
Individual Donors Phillip A. Parker
David Allison Nicholas Pearson
Baykal Askar Karen Putterman
Saskia Baur Robert & Lisa Quann
Anita Behnken Kaiten Rivers
Tiane C. Benson Brenda Schlegel
Joan M. Bondareff Peter Schweinsberg 15
Angel Braestrup Christopher Senn
Nancy Breen Thomas Siciliano
Julia Brennan Veronica Slaker & Jack Ferguson
Capt. Jose Campos Belinda Smith
William Chandler Bradley Sorock
Kathryn Chiariello Dale and Marilyn Stedman
Will Cook Mark Tanny
Michael Cox Nicholas Vartzikos
Lee Crockett Christopher Williams
Alexandra C. Dane Jonathan Williams
Francesca Dea Kristopher Youtz
David Dickson
Robert S. Distiler Friends of the Network
Susan Dragieff Captain’s Pride Charter, Inc.
Jennifer Drazek
Jean Flemma Environmental Defense Fund
Rishard D. Ford Fish the Bay Charters, LLC
Stephen Fordham Prime Select Seafoods
Gale Gough Steptoe & Johnson, LLC
Don Griffith Tranquilla Sport Fishing, LLC
Marine Fish Conservation Network

2008 2007

Cash and cash equivalents $ 179,249 $ 173,683
Accounts receivable 4,339 544
Grants receivable 1,431 205,342
Prepaid expenses 9,534 9,534

Total current assets 194,553 389,103

Furniture and equipment 57,140 56,970
Website development cost 7,650 –
Computers and equipment 46,856 36,715

111,646 93,685
Less: Accumulated depreciation and amortization (65,251) (30,778)
16 Net fixed assets 46,395 62,907

TOTAL ASSETS $ 240,948 $ 452,010


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 57,959 $ 131,319
Deferred revenue 79,214 –
Deposit 1,500 1,500
Total current liabilities 138,673 132,819
Unrestricted (166,725) (194,378)
Temporarily restricted 269,000 513,569

Total net assets 102,275 319,191


Marine Fish Conservation Network
FOR THE YEARs ENDing SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 and 2008

2008 2007

Contributions $ 504,274 $ 631,989
Foundation grants 275,000 355,000
Consulting fees 106,386 -
Interest income 1,895 7,409
Rental income 45,868 29,933
Other revenue 7,129 817
Net assets released from donor restrictions - -

Total revenue 940,552 1,025,148

Program services 794,308 1,261,167

Supporting services:
Management and general 355,257 114,553
fundraising 7,903 1,322
Total supporting services 363,160 115,875

Total expenses 1,157,468 1,377,042

Change in net assets (216,916) (351,894)

net assets
Beginning of year 319,191 671,085

End of year $ 102,275 $ 319,191

600 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE · Suite 210
Washington, DC 20003
phone 202.543.5509 · fax 202.543.5774

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