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Intensive Care Nephrology

Nepean Institute of Critical Care Education and Research (NICCER) is proud to launch the Beyond Basic: Nephrology course in Australia. Jointly developed by the BASIC collaboration (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) this course is designed to equip doctors working in critical care with relevant skills and knowledge in critical care nephrology. This course will provide a forum for specialists and trainees from Intensive Care Medicine and Nephrology to interact and disseminate up to date evidence based best practices to the clinicians. The course has several components; including a pre and post course MCQ test, comprehensive structured lectures, demonstrations, small group discussions and practical skill stations. Target audience: Trainees in Intensive Care Medicine, Intensive Care specialists (as a refresher course), Experienced Nurses & Nurse Educators. Instructor course (2days), Provider course (1.5days) Date: 28th & 29th November 2013 Venue: ICET Level 3 West Block, Nepean Hospital Derby Street, Kingswood NSW 2747 Topics include

AKI Epidemiology and outcome AKI: definitions, staging and diagnosis Acute kidney injury and sepsis Rhabdomyolysis AKI and abdominal compartment syndrome Urinary tract infections Continuous renal replacement therapy Chronic Renal Failure Intermittent haemodialysis and SLEDD Peritoneal dialysis Drug dosing in renal failure

International Faculty: A/Prof Ross Freebairn & Dr Gordon Choi Course Convenor: Dr Nudrat Rashid

Registration Registration Fee: $660 (including GST) To Register and for more information contact Dr Nudrat Rashid Email:

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