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Rural poverty in a gender-responsive manner Although it looks like Thai women play an important role in Thai society, by being a head of family, top management, there are some difficulties of work related equality, especially women in rural area. Most of Thai women who live in rural still deal with poverty meanwhile the government attempts to solve this problem through the Womens Development Plan. Poverty, especially women in rural areas, is related to many causes. The most significant factor is the lack of opportunities to access resources such as information, public services, investment funds, education and skill development courses. Those factors are directly influence to the inequality in labor market and income, debt and single women heads of household. From above situation, the Womens Development Plan during the Eleventh National Economic and Social Development Plan (20122016) has been developed to be the guideline for promoting of gender equality and womens development in Thailand. Accordingly, the following strategies have been specified To promote the positive attitudes towards issue of gender equality To increase womens participation in decision-making, especially in politics and administration To promote womens health and reproductive health and rights To promote womens security in their life and body To promote womens participation in the economy To achieve the goals of the plan, there are some mechanisms that work on the promotion of gender equality and womens development ,

focusing on 3 levels the national level, the organizational level and the local level. However the most important concern of strategy implementation is that all key stakeholders of this topic have been participated in each activity along the progress. I am confident that the collaboration will lead to the success of anti poverty in rural area.

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