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Directions for questions 1 to 4: Answer the questions on the basis of the following information.

Four families decided to attend the marriage ceremony of one of their colleagues. One family has no kids, while the others have at least one kid each. Each family with kids has at least one kid attending that marriage. Given below is some information about the families, and who reached to attend the marriage. The family with 2 kids came just before the family with no kids. Anney who does not have any kids reached just before Lucys family Stephen and his wife reached last with their only kid. Banquo is not the husband of Joya. Banquo and Rocky are fathers. Lucys and Alleys daughters go to the same school. Joya came before Anney and met Alley when she reached the venue. Rauny stays the farthest from the venue. Rocky said his son could not come because of his exams. 1. 2. 3. Which woman arrived third in the marriage ceremony? a] Anney b] Lucy c] Alley d] Joya Name the correct pair of husband and wife? a] Rockey & Anney b] Stephen & Lucy c] Banquo & Lucy Of the following pairs, whose daughters go to the same school? a] Alley & Rauny b] Stephen & Rauny c] Stephen & Alley d] Rockey & Alley e] Banquo & Alley Whose family is known to have more than one kid for certain? a] Raunys b] Rockys c] Alleys

e] None d] Rockey & Alley e] CBD


d] Stephens

e] None of these

Directions for questions 5 to 8: Answer the questions based on the following table: The table shows trends in external transactions of Indian corporate sector during the period 1993-94 to 1997-98. In addition, following definitions hold good: Salesi, Importsi and Exportsi, respectively denote sales, imports and exports in the year i. Deficit for year i, Deficiti = Importsi Exportsi Deficit intensity in year i, DIi = Deficiti/Salesi Growth rate of deficit intensity in year i, GDIi = (DIi DIi-1)/DIi-1 Further, note that all imports are classified as either raw material or capital goods. Trends in external transactions of Indian corporate sector Year 1997-98 1996-97 Export intensity* 9.2 8.2 Import intensity* 14.2 16.2 Total cost of Raw material 20.2 19.2 Gross fixed assets 17.6 9.8 [* Ratio of exports (or imports) to sales] 5. 6. 7. (All figures in percentage) 1995-96 1994-95 1993-94 7.9 7.5 7.3 15.5 13.8 12.4 17.6 16.3 16 11.8 16.3 19.5


Which year shows the highest growth rate in deficit intensity? a] 1994-95 b] 1995-96 c] 1996-97 d] 1997-98 e] None What is the value (approximately) of the highest growth rate in deficit intensity? a] 8.45% b] 2.15% c] 33.3% d] 23.5% e] 13.7% In 1997-98, the total cost of raw materials is estimated as 50% of sales of that year. The turnover of fixed assets, defined as the ratio of sales to gross fixed assets, in 1997-98 is approximately:a] 3.3 b] 4.3 c] 0.33 d] 7.6 e] CBD Which of the following statements can be inferred true from the given data? a] During the 5-year period between 1993-94 and 1997-98 exports have increased every year b] During the 5-year period between 1993-94 and 1997-98 imports have decreased every year c] Deficit in 1997-98 was lower than that in 1993-94. d] Deficit intensity has increased every year between 1993-94 and 1996-97. e] None of the above

Directions for questions 9 to 14: Answer the questions on the basis of the following information: In the following chart, the price of logs shown in per cubic meter that plywood and saw timber is per tonne.
21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

plywood saw timber logs

9. 10. 11. 12.



What is the maximum percentage increase in price per cubic meter or per tonne over the previous year? a] 33.33% b] 85% c] 50% d] 47.63% e] CBD Which product shows maximum percentage increase in over the period? a] Saw timber b] Logs c] Plywood d] CBD e] None If 1m3 = 750 kg for saw timber, find in which year was the difference in prices of saw timber and logs the least? a] 1989 b] 1990 c] 1991 d] 1992 e] 1993 If 1m3 = 700 kg for plywood and 800 kg for saw timber, find in which year was the difference in the prices of plywood and saw timber (per cubic meter) the maximum? a] 1989 b] 1990 c] 1991 d] 1992 e] None If the volumes of sales of plywood, saw timber and logs were 40%, 30% and 30% respectively, then what was the average realization in 1993 per cubic meter of sales? (1 m3 of saw dust and plywood both = 800kg). a] 18 b] 15 c] 16 d] 13 e] None In the previous question, if in 1994 prices increased by 5%, 1% and 10% while the volume of sales break-up was 40%, 30% and 30% for plywood, saw timber and logs respectively, then what was the average realization? a] 18.95 b] 16.45 c] 13.15 d] 10.25 e] 21.13 Directions for questions 15 to 19: Answer the questions based on the following pie-charts.
Operating profit Rs. 160 lakhs Tax 12% Retained 20% Dividend 8% Interest 40% Retained 25% Operating profit Rs. 160 lakhs Tax 9% Interest 30%

Deprecia tion 20%

Dividend 8%

Deprecia tion 28%

15. The operating profit in 1991-92 increased over that in 1990-91by:a] 23% b] 22% c] 25% d] 24% e] 27% 16. The interest burden in 1991-92 was higher than that in 1990-91 by:a] 50% b] Rs.25lakh c] 90% d] Rs.41lakh e] None 17. If on an average 20% rate of interest was charged on borrowed funds, then the total borrowed funds used by this company in the given 2 yr amounted to:a] Rs.221lakh b] Rs.195lakh c] Rs.368lakh d] Rs.515lakh e] None 18. The retained profit in 191-92, as compared to that in 1990-91 was:a] higher by 2.5% b] higher by 1.5% c] lower by 2.5% d] lower by 1.5% e] None of these 19. The equity base of these companies remained unchanged. Then, the total dividend earning by the share holders in 1991-92 is:a] Rs.104lakh b] Rs.9lakh c] Rs.12.8lakh d] Rs.15.16lakh e] None of these

Directions for questions 20 to 25: Answer the questions based on the following graph. Number of management students (in hundreds) at institutions of different kinds.
300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91

Private management college college Regional management college IIM'S

20. What was the total number of management students in 1989-90? a] 28,5000 b] 44000 c] 42000 d] 420000 e] None 21. The growth-rate of students in government management colleges compared to that of private management colleges between1988-89 is: a] more b] less c] equal d] 3/2 e] 1/2 22. The total number of management students in 1991-92, assuming a 10% reduction in the number over the previous year, is: a] 5,7000 b] 57,0000 c] 44,8000 d] 53,3260 e] None 23. In 1990-91, what percentage of management students were studying at IIMS a] 16% b] 15% c] 14% d] 12% e] 23% 24. What was the percentage increase in management students studying at IIMS from 1989 -90 to 1990-91? a] 17.26% b] 2% c] 19.89% d] 22% e] None 25. In 1988-89, what percentage of management students were studying at Regional Management College? a] 17% b] 12% c] 8% d] 22% e] 25%

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