ISFED Monitoring of Post-Election Processes-3rd Report

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International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (I S F E D)

Monitoring of Post-Election Processes Dismissals, Protest Rallies, Legal Prosecutions in Local Self-Government Authorities

Third Report April 22, 2013 Tbilisi

Publishing this report was made possible with the support of Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Georgia and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the National Democratic Institute (NDI). The views expressed in the report belong solely to the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy and do not necessarily reflect the views of NDI, USAID, United States Government or the Kingdom of the Netherlands


I. Executive Summary

II. Monitoring Methodology

III. Key Findings of the Monitoring

IV. Detailed Report of the Monitoring 1. Replacement of Sakrebulo Chairpersons and Gamgebelis 2. Protest rallies staged in municipalities with participants demanding resignation of officials 3. Dismissals in Self-Governments 3.1 Dismissals in the Supreme Council of Adjara 4. Developments in Tbilisi Self-Government 5. Redistribution of Political Forces in Sakrebulos 6. Legal Prosecutions

VI. Conclusion

I. Executive Summary After the Georgian Dream coalition won the October 1, 2012 parliamentary elections, former opposition force came into power. Although results of the parliamentary elections should not have reflected on local self-government, the process of changing municipality officials (Gamgebelis, Mayors, Sakrebulo Chairpersons) ensued immediately after the elections. Former officials representing the United National Movement (UNM) were massively replaced by representatives of the Georgian Dream. Newly appointed officials started changing staff in offices of Gamgeoba and Sakrebulo, dismissing most of the employees based on letters of resignation for personal reasons. In a number of cases, supervisors openly demanded that their subordinates submit letters of resignation. New Gamgebelis replaced deputies and heads of departments. Dismissals mostly affected specialists and trustees of Gamgeobas and territorial agencies. Further staff changes were also reported in agencies subordinated to self-governments, including kindergartens, cleaning services, fire departments, cultural centers, etc. Notably, following the parliamentary elections important political changes were made in various municipality Sakrebulos. New factions were set up; groups of Sakrebulo members disaffiliated from the former majority and set up new factions or continued as independent members. The process resulted in changes in the balance of power and formation of the new majorities. Recent developments in Tbilisi Sakrebulo drew particular attention. Law enforcement authorities summoned Sakrebulo Members for questioning in various agencies. On March 29 seven members of Sakrebulo from the UNM were together summoned by the investigating department of the Ministry of Finance for questioning. In a number of instances, Sakrebulo Members left the UNM to continue as independent members. In view of these developments, fairness of processes unfolding in Tbilisi Sakrebulo is questionable. NGOs summed up the work of the new government during the period of first 100 days at a press conference 100 Days in Power: Rule of Law and Human Rights held on February 18, 2013. At the press conference Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili commented on the developments at municipalities and stated that he is concerned about the issue, and his team is not happy with the way these events are unfolding. 1 Despite the statement made by the Prime Minister, these processes continue. Only 6 municipalities out of 55 announced a competition to hire new employees. In remaining municipalities hiring decisions were based upon party affiliation or familial ties. Public Defender highlighted the developments in local municipalities in its annual report. The ombudsmans report cites ISFEDs statistical information about replacement of Gamgebelis and Sakrebulo Chairpersons, saying that after the replacement of Gamgebelis and Deputy Gamgebelis in local self-governments following the 2012 parliamentary elections, employees of these self-

governments massively resigned by submitted letters of resignation for personal reasons, which raised suspicions about unhealthy and politically motivated decisions. 2 On March 19, 2013, the CoEs Congress of Local and Regional Authorities elaborated recommendations for the Georgian authorities, citing results from the ISFEDs self-government monitoring report. In its recommendations the congress notes that the recent incidents reported to the delegation during the fact finding visit, involving pressure exerted on local elected representatives to resign their posts or change their party affiliation in favor of the new ruling party, have put local democracy in danger. The Congress urges the Government of Georgia to ensure the autonomy and independence of local authorities and democratically elected representatives, so that national election results do not influence local government representative structure. It also says that substantial progress is still to be made through institutional and legislative changes, as regards decentralization, local autonomy and accountability. 3 On April 15, 2013, the Prime Minister of Georgia released a special statement about the developments in local self-governments, saying that recent dismissals of local self-government employees have raised certain questions. Illegal or unsubstantiated dismissals from work are unacceptable to me. I urge the responsible individuals not to allow dismissal of employees in violation of law, including on political grounds. 4 ISFED has been monitoring post-election developments in all municipalities. ISFED condemned on a number of occasions illegal pressure mounted on self-governments, urging the government to put an end to the vicious practice, investigate and prosecute the incidents. 5 The statement on staff changes was published on March 26, whereas on April 4, in relation to the mass dismissal of employees in Sagarejo Municipality, ISFED urged the authorities to ensure prevention of the unjustified practice in a timely manner. 6 Self-government monitoring reports were published by ISFED on December 21, 2012 and February 12, 2013. 7

Public defenders report is available at

Recommendations are available at rInternet=C3C3C3&BackColorIntranet=CACC9A&BackColorLogged=EFEA9C#P25_121


PMs statement is available at ISFEDs statements is available at; ISFEDs statements are available at:; ISFEDs reports are available at ;

5 6

II. Monitoring Methodology ISFED has been carrying out the monitoring of post-election developments in all municipalities of Georgia, in which ISFEDs District and regional coordinators throughout all municipalities of Georgia are key sources of information. Further, ISFED draws on media reports of ongoing developments that are verified at the local level by ISFEDs representatives. The present report mostly draws on media reports from the following outlets: Interpressnews, Shida Kartli Information Center, Info 9,, Kvemo Kartli Information Portal, Liberal. The present report describes the municipal-level developments arranged thematically.

III. Key Findings of the Monitoring From the October 1, 2012 elections to present 8, total of 50 Gamgebelis have resigned throughout Georgia, including 48 after submitting letters of resignation for personal reasons and two under corresponding decisions of Sakrebulo. During the very same period, 25 Sakrebulo Chairpersons resigned, including 21 after submitting letters of resignation for personal reasons and four under corresponding decisions of Sakrebulo. As of December 21, 2012, (when the first report was published), total of 31 Gamgebelis and 16 Sakrebulo Chairpersons had resigned, whereas as of February 12, 2013, total of 46 Gamgebelis and 24 Sakrebulo Chairpersons had resigned. This means that the process of replacing Municipality Gamgebelis and Sakrebulo Chairpersons has almost been finished; however, the focus has now been shifted to replacement of employees and distribution of power among factions. Five additional Gamgebelis have been appointed in Tbilisi, pursuant to the January 25, 2013 resolution of Sakrebulo that increased the number of Gamgeobas in Tbilisi from six to ten. Out of the new Gamgebelis 34 are members or supporters of the Georgian Dream, five are members or supporters of the United National Movement. As to the remaining Gamgebelis they are either nonpartisan or their political affiliation could not be identified. Competition for appointment of Gamgebelis was announced in 15 municipalities only. In most cases Sakrebulo appointed Acting Gamgebelis. Notably, in a number of cases Acting Gamgebelis were appointed by Sakrebulo without holding a competition e.g., in Gurjaani Municipality. Replacement of Gamgebelis was coupled with the process of distribution of political powers in Sakrebulos. Sakrebulo chairpersons were replaced in total of 25 municipalities. Starting from October 1, 2012, to February 28, 2013, new factions were set up in 54 municipalities resulting in shifting the balance of power and formation of new majority. The faction of Cristian Democratic Movement broke up in several Sakrebulos, while in some Sakrebulos new factions were created as a result of breaking up the UNM factions 9 or Sakrebulo members leaving the UNM. 10 The newly established factions are supporters of the coalition Georgian Dream.

April 22, 2013 E.g. Kharagauli, Kutaisi, Tbilisi

ISFED has been examining post-election staff changes in local municipalities. According to the information that ISFED requested from all municipalities, from October 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013, total of 1877 employees have been dismissed, majority of which comprised of trustees of territorial agencies. There dismissals frequently were preceded by meetings with Gamgebeli. Total of 425 trustees have been dismissed in 34 municipalities. Staff changes occurred in 55 Gamgeobas and 26 Sakrebulos in 69 municipalities. Notably, staff changes continued in March too. ISFED plans to publish the information at a later date. Dismissals affected kindergartens in 10 municipalities 11 and mostly involved the process of changing heads of kindergarten unions. Massive dismissals were reported in Akhmeta, where the process of optimization affected 205 employees. We found that members of the coalition Georgian Dream were appointed to part-time positions in Kaspi kindergartens, while existing employees had their salaries reduced by half. Majority of persons dismissed submitted letters of resignation. In many cases dozens of employees submitted resignation letters the same day; this raises logical doubts about whether they acted according to their own will. In a number of cases dismissed public servants confirm that their resignation was demanded by their supervisors; however, most of them are reluctant to publicly acknowledge the fact. Some explained that they acted in view of the political situation and the change of power, while other stated that they were dismissed upon expiration of contracts 12, reorganization and competition to hire new employees. In a number of cases change of job or abolishment of office was cited as grounds for dismissals. The process of hiring based on party affiliation was reported in 18 municipalities during the reporting period. Competitions were announced in 6 municipalities only. Mostly activists and supporters of the coalition Georgian Dream were appointed according to their political affiliation. Developments in Tbilisi Sakrebulo attracted most attention during the reporting period. ISFED found that 12 members from majority were summoned for questioning by the office of the prosecutor and the financial police. One of them was had to appear for questioning six times. Regrettably, following the questionings members of Sakrebulo left majority faction, questions voluntary nature of processes unfolding in Tbilisi Sakrebulo. The suspicion is further reinforced by the statement made by Sakrebulo Member Davit Tsereteli made after he left the office of financial police. He said that investigators were asking questions only about his party-related activities. 13 Sakrebulo meetings are traditionally held on every last Friday of each month. On March 29, when another one of these meetings was scheduled, 7 members of Sakrebulo were summoned by the investigating authorities of the Ministry of Finance. The UNM commented that this was an attempt to mount pressure on Sakrebulo and disrupt its activities.
10 11

E.G. Abasha, Chiatura, Akhaltsikhe, Bolnisi, Chokhatauri, Dmanisi, Tetritskaro, Lagodekhi, etc. Information is available in subchapter 3. Staff changes in self-governments E.g. 36 employees in Sighnaghi, 14 in Kvareli, 41 in Chuatura

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During the reporting period investigating authorities launched a probe into activities of municipal agencies. In several cases criminal proceedings were instituted and officials were questioned; additionally, some municipalities were inspected by financial police. The present report features 11 cases of prosecution in which probes were launched into the activities of local self-government officials and public servants for events prior to the 2012 parliamentary elections. Probes have been launched mostly into alleged abuse of budget resources and abuse of official authority.

IV. Detailed Monitoring Report

1. Replacement of Sakrebulo Chairpersons and Gamgebelis The present report outlines the information about replacement of 11 Gamgebelis and 2 Sakrebulo Chairpersons during the reporting period of February 12 - April 22, 2013. 6 out of the eleven Gamgebelis were hired on the basis of a competition, while Acting Gamgebelis were appointed in four municipalities. Sakrebulo appointed Acting Gamgebeli of Gurjaani without announcing a competition. As to Sakrebulo Chairpersons in Kutaisi and Khoni, both resigned after submitting letters of resignation for personal reasons. Dmanisi after announcement of a competition for a vacant position of Gamgebeli, applications were reviewed through March 13. Applicants were interviewed by a committee set up by Sakrebulo and composed of five Sakrebulo members. Candidacy of Gogi Barbakadze who served as an Acting Gamgebeli was selected following a competition. On March 26, Sakrebulo Members voted for the new Gamgebeli of Dmanisi Municipality Gogi Barbakadze. Kutaisi on February 27 Sakrebulo Chairman Amiran Khvadagiani willingly resigned. At the meeting he stated that he was contemplating resignation prior to the elections and now he had made the decision after having exhausted his resources as a chairperson. Head of the legal committee and a member of the UNM, Tamaz Margvelashvili, was elected as the new chairperson. He used to serve as deputy chairperson for previous Sakrebulo and was holding the position of the legal committee chairperson. His candidacy was supported by 16 members of Sakrebulo out of 24, while eight opposed to his candidacy. Members of the opposition explain that as long as representative of the UNM is replaced with another for the position of Sakrebulo Chairperson, these changes will be meaningless. Tsalka on February 27 Joni Sabadzes candidacy for the position of Tsalka Municipality Gamgebeli was supported by 30 members of Sakrebulo, two abstained. Sabadzes appointment was protested. A group of the Georgian Dreams activists opposed to his candidacy while another group declared their support. Those against the candidacy stated that Joni Sabadze used to serve as the head of Tsalka security service for years. An incident occurred outside the office of Gamgeoba, in which opponents and supporters of Joni Sabadze clashed but no physical confrontation ensued. Joni Sabadze is a member of the Georgian Dream and he joined the party two months before he was appointed as Gamgebeli.

Dusheti the deadline for submission of applications for consideration in a competition announced for the opening of Gamgebeli was February 18. There were total of 10 applications submitted. The committee interviewed candidates on February 25 and nominated an active supporter of the Georgian Dream, Vazha Chokheli as a candidate for the position of Sakrebulo Gamgebeli. He was given a two-week term for submitting necessary paperwork in Sakrebulo. On March 22 Sakrebulo put the candidacy of Vazha Chokheli to the vote. In a secret voting 14 members of Sakrebulo out of 25 supported the candidacy and Vazha Chokheli was approved for the position of Municipality Gamgebeli. Akhaltsikhe on March 6, three-month term of Acting Gamgebeli Besik Khitarishvili expired. Under para.4, Article 39 of the law on local self-government, his deputy Tamar Gogoladze was appointed as interim Gamgebeli. On March 11, Sakrebulo Chairperson presented head of Akhaltsikhe Prison Besik Bliadze as the new Acting Gamgebeli. His candidacy was approved by a 24-1 vote in Sakrebulo. Former chairperson of Sakrebulo, Malkhaz Gikoshvili protested against appointment of acting Gamgebeli at the Sakrebulo meeting. Oleg Sandroshvili explained that appointment of Gamgebeli was delayed as Sakrebulo first needed to approve competition regulations that required going through certain legal procedures. The regulations will be approved after going through these procedures. A committee for competition/certification will be set up afterwards and all public servants will be appointed based on a competition. Ambrolauri on February 8, Municipality Gamgebeli Levan Jmukhadze submitted a letter of resignation. His letter was approved on February 13. The same day representative of the coalition Georgian Dream, Aslan Saganelidze was appointed as Acting Gamgebeli by absolute majority of votes of Sakrebulo members present. There was no competition announced. Khoni on February 13, members of the UNM Robert Rukhadze was voted for as a new chairperson of Sakrebulo. His candidacy was supported by 16 out of 17 Sakrebulo members present. Gurjaani during Sakrebulo meeting on March 7, Akaki Osiashvili was appointed as Gamgebeli. His candidacy was supported by absolute majority of votes (total of 19). He had been appointed as Acting Gamgebeli since December 10, 2012. Gurjaani Gamgebeli was appointed without announcing a competition. Kvareli on March 15, a competition was announced for the opening of Gamgebeli. The deadline for submission of applications was March 24. There were total of 118 applications submitted and examined on March 27 during a meeting of a competition committee. There were 9 candidates shortlisted for an interview with the committee. The committee will select a candidate and present him/her to Sakrebulo. Acting Gamgebeli Davit Kevkhishvili is one of the candidates that participate in the competition. He was nominated by the Georgian Dream for the position of Kvareli majoritarian MP for the parliamentary elections in which he gained 46.08% of votes and beaten by incumbent Marika Verulashvili who gained 805 more votes. On April 16, according to the Competition Commission's decision only David Kevkhishvili moved to the third stage of competition out of the 6 candidates. The next meeting of the Commission was held on April 18. David Kevkhishvili answered the questions of commission members, after which

the members of commission voted. According to the decision of the commission candidacy of Kevkhishvili will be presented to the Sakrebulo. Baghdati March 18 extraordinary meeting started with a little noise, as Sakrebulo Chairperson Gia Robakidze demanded that journalists did not record the meeting for they had no right to. However, after consulting with Sakrebulo lawyer, the problem was eliminated and the meeting continued as usual. There was a single issue up for discussion during the meeting appointment of new Gamgebeli. Former Gamgebeli Davit Tabeshadze submitted letter of resignation on February 1, 2013. On February 4 Sakrebulo approved his resignation letter, while on February 7 it approved regulations and composition of competition committee. The deadline for submission of applications for the position of Gamgebeli was February 27. Eventually the candidacy of Mevlud Kiknavelidze was chosen. At March 18 meeting absolute majority of Sakrebulo members present (18) at the meeting voted for the new Gamgebeli. Mevlud Kiknavelidze is not affiliated with any party. Khelvachauri on March 18 Levan Lortkipanidze resigned from his position of Municipality Gamgebeli. After his arrest court granted the motion of the prosecution for his resignation. Deputy Gamgebeli was also dismissed based on a letter of resignation for personal reasons. He was arrested together with Gamgebeli on March 13 by officers of the agency for combating corruption. Acting Gamgebeli has been appointed. Senaki on March 19 Sakrebulo chairperson motioned for impeachment of Gamgebeli without raising the issue beforehand with the bureau. The motion was put to the vote and supported by four members of Sakrebulo, 21 voted against. Following the meeting there were certain comments made about recent vote, which grew into a noise. Gamgebeli offered Sakrebulo Chairperson his resignation provided Sakrebulo Chairperson resigned as well. Borjomi a competition was announced for the opening of Gamgebeli. Meeting of competition committee was held on March 15, during which the committee shortlisted 14 candidates out of 46. Only six of them appeared for an interview scheduled on March 15. The meeting during registration was open but after registration it was closed to public. They did not allow anyone but members of the committee. After two persons withdrew their candidacy, the committee interviewed remaining 4. Two of them were members of the Georgian Dream, one was Acting Gamgebeli from the Republican Party and the fourth candidate was non-partisan. March 22 Sakrebulo meeting was attended by 17 members of Sakrebulo, 16 of whom voted for Dimitri Beridze and approved his candidacy for the position of chairperson. Dimitri Beridze is a candidate of the Georgian Dream and he received most points from the competition committee. At the very same meeting it was stated that a competition will be announced in the nearest future for staffing all departments of the municipality. There will be a competition committee set up under the leadership of Sakrebulo chairperson. The latter was tasked with appointment of committee members as prescribed by law. Gardabani on March 20, following a two-day protest rallies Gardabani Gamgebeli Zviad Epitashvili submitted a letter of resignation. The district is now governed by Acting Governor Levan Khutsishvili who served as the head of the coalition Georgian Dreams office in Gardabani during pre-election period. Sakrebulo approved his candidacy with absolute majority of votes. According to the deputy chairperson of Gardabani Sakrebulo, no pressure has been mounted against the former Gamgebeli. My predecessor Mr.Zviad had already decided to leave the office. He

appointed Mr.Gela as his deputy and resigned. Therefore, we now voted for Gela Khutsishvili as his replacement, stated Khanakhmed Garibov. 14 Khulo- On April 12, acting Gamgebeli Davit Chelidze submitted a letter of resignation. Sakrebulo meeting was held on April 16, where Guram Khozrevanidze was elected as new Gamgebeli. Session was attended by 19 deputies and all of them supported the candidacy. Guram Khozrevanidze was head of Georgian Dream coalition office in pre-election period.

2. Protest rallies staged in municipalities with participants demanding resignation of officials During the reporting period protest rallies with the demand of resignation of officials were staged in total of 18 municipalities. In four cases the protest turned illegal by expression of physical violence, blocking offices of Gamgeoba and invading buildings. Kareli on February 4, population of Tighvi community staged a protest rally outside the administrative building of Kareli. They were protesting against appointment of Spartak Petriashvili as trustee of Tighvi community, demanding appointment of Gocha Kharauli instead. Participants accused Kareli Majoritarian MP Leri Khabelov of lobbying in favor of Spartak Petriashvili. Up to two hundred participants were demanding a meeting with representatives of Leri Khabelovs bureau but they were absent. Senaki on February 8, supporters of the Georgian Dream staged a rally outside Sakrebulo, demanding appointment of Gocha Bokuchava by Sakrebulo. They said that Sakrebulo Chairperson was personally and principally against his candidacy. There were up to 300 participants of the rally. No excesses were reported. Ninotsminda on February 12, the coalition Georgian Dream organized a protest rally. Participants demanded resignation of Sakrebulo Chairperson, Gamgebeli and the President. Gogla Zhvania, former head of the Akhalkalaki office of the Georgian Dream and Bezhan Gunava, former head of the Georgian Dreams office in Ninotsminda were among the rally participants. Number of participants was 150-200. They gave ten days to municipal authorities for meeting their requirements. Akhalkalaki on February 12 supporters of the coalition Georgian Dream staged a rally outside the building of Sakrebulo, demanding resignation of Sakrebulo Chairperosn, Gamgebeli and the President. Gogla Zhvania, former head of the Akhalkalaki office of the Georgian Dream and Bezhan Gunava, former head of the Georgian Dreams office in Ninotsminda were among the rally participants. Number of participants was 150-200. They gave ten days to municipal authorities for meeting their requirements. On February 15 supporters of the UNM staged a rally against replacement of Gamgebeli and Sakrebulo members. The rally had around 650-700 participants. Aspindza permanent small-scale rallies were held in February for supporting various candidates for the position of Gamgebeli but current Gamgebeli is still in office.


Tsalka in February rallies were held almost on a weekly basis, where participants protested against candidates for the position of Gamgebeli. Rallies had up to hundred participants who identified themselves as supporters of the coalition Georgian Dream. On February 27, activists of the Georgian Dream assembled outside Sakrebulo building. Some of them protested appointment of Joni Sabadze as Gamgebeli, while others supported his candidacy. There was a confrontation between supporters and opponents of Joni Sabadzes candidacy. They got into a clash and verbal confrontation. Kutaisi on February 19 members of the coalition Transparent Government held a token rally outside the administrative building, demanding resignation of Mayor Besik Bregadze. They also demanded that Kutaisi Sakrebulo act on violations in the City Hall. Participants were calling for immediate resignation of Kutaisi Mayor and Sakrebulo Chairperson, explaining that Mayor should be appointed as a result of a competition. Members of the Transparent Self-Government announced that they would stage large-scale rallies starting from February 21 in Kutaisi with the demand for resignation of the Mayor. If Sakrebulo acts inadequately in response to our requirements, these requirements will also apply to them, - noted members of the Coalition, Managadze. 15 February 27 Sakrebulo meeting was preceded by a strained day. According to unofficial reports, some members of Sakrebulo were going to leave the UNM, which suggested that Sakrebulo meeting would be the focus of extraordinary attention. The coalition addressed Sakrebulo with a request to make a speech during the meeting. They had been given passes to the building. The coalition was planning a rally outside the building of the self-government, after which they were going to get inside the building for the meeting. As the room was already full, some were not let inside to attend the meeting. They attempted to get inside anyways but intercepted by Sakrebulo employees and security officers. No excesses were reported during the meeting, and participants were able to discuss all issues on the agenda. The meeting was led by Sakrebulo Chairperson Amiran Khvadagiani who made a statement at the end of the meeting. On March 4 employees of local self-government held a token rally near Kutaisi City Hall. The rally was attended by Mayor Besik Bregadze and Deputy Mayor Amiran Dzotsenidze. Participants were protesting against interference in activities of the local self-government. According to the Deputy Mayor Dzotsenidze, if the office of the prosecutor continues questioning of City Hall employees, it will no longer be able to operate and the city will be paralyzed. 16 On April 12, Kutaisi Sakrebulo dismissed Kutaisi Mayor Besik Bregadze. The motion for impeachment was raised by the Georgian Dream and members of the Sakrebulo that had left the UNM. The motion was supported by 14 members of Sakrebulo and opposed by 5. Bregadze was appointed by Sakrebulo as Kutaisi Mayor on October 8, 2012, when the UNM constituted majority in Sakrebulo. At the meeting they played anthem of the Soviet Union and hung up a caricature of Gocha Tevdoradze, former Deputy Governor of Imereti that had resigned several days before. At the meeting they set up a committee for nominating a candidate for the position of Mayor.

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Akhalgori on February 20 a protest rally was staged in Tserovani IDP settlement, requesting resignation of Gamgebeli Levan Pitskhelauri, Up to 100 participants were leveling accusations against Pirtskhelauri, demanding appointment of Nugzar Odishvili instead. Participants included supporters of Zurab Gatenashvili, who sought the position of Akhalgori Gamgebeli. He stated that Odishvili had no right to run Akhalgori. As to supporters of Zurab Gatenashvili, they maintained that Nugzar Odishvili, former Gamgebeli of Tskhratskaro who also served as the head of Akhalgori Revenue Service, had been involved in financial violations and therefore, his appointment was completely unacceptable. The protest rally lasted an hour and a half. 17 Kaspi on February 21, a rally was staged outside Sakrebulo building with the demand for resignation of Sakrebulo Chairperson and his deputy. Participants accused Mesropashvili and Gogolauri of misspending Kaspi District Budget. They demanded the officials to resign within three days; otherwise, they threatened to stage large-scale rallies. Mesropashvili and Gogolauri have rejected the accusations and refuse to fulfill demands of the rally participants. On February 22 up to hundred supporters of the coalition Georgian Dream assembled outside Sakrebulo with same demand. The rally was attended by member of Sakrebulo Khatuna Tatanashvili and Mikheil Zerekidze who had resigned from his position as a chairperson of the legal committee a week before, after submitting a letter of resignation for personal reasons. Another protest rally outside Kaspu Municipality Gamgeoba was staged on March 15, where participants demanded that Kaspi Gamgebeli Oleg Iadze apologize and resign. Later participants relocated to Sakrebulo, this time demanding resignation of Sakrebulo Chairperson and his deputy. Neither Oleg Iadze nor Sakrebulo authorities responded to the rally or made any comments in press. Gurjaani in the second half of February rallies protesting against appointment of Besik Zirakishvili, member of the coalition Georgian Dream, as Naniani Village Trustee were staged in the village. Participants demanded his resignation and appointment of the coalition Georgian Dreams supporter Nino Prodiashvili instead. Supporters of the trustee stated that Besik Zirakashvili had greatly contributed to the winning of the Georgian Dream. Zirakishvili himself accused the UNM of provoking the confrontation. Gardabani on February 27 a protest rally was organized by representatives of the Georgian Dream outside offices of Gamgeoba. The rally participants included supporters of the Georgian Dream that had arrived from almost all villages of Gardabani Municipality, around 250 people. Member of the Georgian Dream Amiran Totikashvili declared that he was going to pursue the office of Gardabani Gamgebeli, adding that all senior-level positions in Gardabani should have been held by members of the coalition. Participants were upset by arrival of Gela Khutsishvili, Georgian Dreams member at the rally. ISFED coordinator reported that members and supporters of the Georgian Dream in Gardabani were divided into two opposing camps. Gela Khutsishvili urged participants to stop rallying and not to interfere in the work of Gamgebeli and Gamgeoba. Participants were intimidated by his announcement. On March 18 another protest rally was held outside Gardabani Gamgeoba. Participants demanded replacement of Gamgebeli and solving land problems in the village of Lemeshveniera. The rally was organized by supporters of the Georgian Dream and its participants included the population of


Gardabani villages (Nagebi, Lemshveniera, Jandara, Kapanachkhi), up to 200 people. Participants blocked the entrance to Gamgeoba building and did not let anyone inside. The situation escalated between the police and protesters. Police occupied the entrance to the building. Participants demanded dismissal of Gamgebeli Zviad Epitashvili and his replacement with a representative of the coalition Georgian Dream, Gela Khutsishvili. Population of Vakhtangisi Village staged a rally outside Gamgeoba on April 5 in support of village trustee Marina Iremashvili. According to participants, Acting Gamgebeli Gela Khutsishvili demanded that the village trustee submit a letter of resignation. The trustee herself declared that Gamgebeli demanded she resign on a number of occasions, which she refused to. Gela Khutsishvili met with participants and denied the accusations. Borjomi Sakrebulo extraordinary meeting was held on February 28. A week before, 1/3 of Sakrebulo members motioned for announcing a competition for the position of Gamgebeli. Davit Kamikadze was serving as Acting Gamgebeli at that time. ISFEDs district coordinator, who was attending the meeting, reported that there were no disturbances during the meeting. However, participants were very few as many people had assembled outside the building. Some supported resignation of Gamgebeli and announcement of competition, others opposed the idea. Police had to interfere to free the building from the population; nevertheless, ISFEDs district coordinator reported that verbal confrontation did not grew into a clash. Adigeni MP Bidzina Gujabidze arrived in Adigeni on March 4 to meet with the population. Local population blocked his way, not letting him inside the Culture House where he was supposed to meet with the population. They were protesting about the fact that some did not receive compensation for the work that they did during pre-election campaign of the Georgian Dream. Bidzina Gujabidze himself blamed it on the UNM and declared that everyone had received due payments. Population believed Gujabidze should not interfere in municipal business. He managed to get into the Culture House and during his meeting with the population he discussed problems that affect the municipality. He promised to take care of the problems of drinking water and gas supply. Gujabidze also noted that Adigeni self-government officials should have enough courage to resign. At the end of the meeting protesters blocked his way out but the situation deescalated after police interfered. According to Tinatin Gogrichiani, representative of the bureau of the Georgian Dreams office, the population was misled by Gujabidze. He had promised to name a candidate during the meeting but he did not. The meeting was organized by representatives of two parties European Democrats and Conservators, whereas representatives of the Georgian Dreams office in Adigeni did not attend [the meeting]. Population was brought form Abastumani and Akhaltsikhe [to attend the meeting], - said Gogrichiani. Sagarejo March 14, 2013 rally staged outside Gamgeoba in Manavi Village had 40 participants demanding dismissal of the newly appointed trustee of Manavi, Tamar Azarashvili. Some of the rally participants alleged that data compiled by Azarashvili and her husband when they headed the commission for victims of natural disaster was inaccurate. They recorded that 60% of their vineyards had been destroyed, while we received nothing as compensation. According to Manavi

Trustee herself, rally participants are members of the UNM and they are also protesting against appointment of a woman as a trustee. ISFEDs coordinator personally attended the rally and interviewed Tamar Azarashvili. The latter noted that the rally had grown violent and that she was not let inside her office in the morning as participants were blocking the entrance. Tamar Azarashvili is a representative of the Georgian Dream and she was involved in the pre-election campaign. Khelvachauri a rally in support of Gamgebeli Levan Lortkipanidze was staged in Khelvachauri on March 18. Participants were saying that Lortkipanidze was an honest man who had always been fighting for truth and that he enjoyed public trust. After his arrest on March 13 by officers of anticorruption agency, he appeared at work for the first time on March 18. After hailing his supporters assembled outside the building, he made comments for journalists and said that he was ready to answer questions of the investigating authorities, if any. 18 Khulo a rally staged outside Municipality Gamgeoba on March 20 had 100-150 participants, mostly activists of the Georgian Dream. Head of the coalitions district office in Khulo, Ramaz Dzirkvadze was also present at the rally for some time. Participants demanded resignation of Gamgebeli and meeting with him. They were promised that Gamgebeli would meet them but he never did. Participants tried to get inside the building but they were intercepted by the police. Ozurgeti on April 1, dwellers of a small town of Laitauri nailed up the door of trustees office. Protesters demanded dismissal of the trustee and his deputies. According to Marina Abashidze of Daba Laitauri, by nailing up the door they expressed their protest against Laitauri being ruled by members of the UNM. They have been in power for nine years already but they have not done anything for dwellers of Laitauri. We refuse to live in a swamp. We demand appointment of the Georgian Dreams coordinator as trustee. According to one of the protesters, Anzor Abashidze, population of Laitauri had met with Gamgebeli of Ozurgeti Municipality a month before to voice their demands but Gamgebeli never lived up to his promise. Instead, they are planning to replace current trustee by another representative of the UNM; more precisely, by a person who used to serve as a coordinator of the UNM in the town of Laitauri. Participants are demanding a meeting with MP Zviad Kvachantiradze. If he refuses to come and meet the population, we will not allow the trustee and his deputies to continue working, protesters declared. 19 Marneuli on April 1 there were two simultaneous rallies staged in Marneuli. First was held outside the municipal building and had 40 participants who demanded resignation of Marneuli Gamgebeli Paata Abramishvili and his deputy Tamaz Enukidze. The rally had been organized by a former political prisoner, Badri Kveladze, who stated that a person serving as Gamgebeli of Marneuli must be from the local population. Participants also protested against the fact that the new municipal authorities were trying to intimidate Azerbaijani population. The rally lasted for half an hour. No one from the authorities approached them to talk.



Another protest rally was held outside the office of the Georgian Dream. Members and activists of the coalition assembled in support of Gamgebeli and his deputy, rejecting the allegations. According to Deputy Gamgebeli Tamaz Enukidze, the accusations are absurd as the new Gamgebeli and his team are pro-new government, actively implementing all projects that the central authorities are carrying out in the regions.

3. Staff Changes in Self-Governments This report features information requested by ISFED about persons dismissed during the period from October 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013. The information suggests that total of 1877 employees were dismissed, including 425 trustees of territorial agencies. There were mass changes of trustees in 34 municipalities, frequently preceded by meetings with Gamgebeli. Staff changes occurred in 55 Gamgeobas and 26 Sakrebulos in 69 municipalities. Sagarejo total of 46 employees were dismissed from Gamgeoba during the period from October 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013. Dismissals mostly affected heads of departments and deputy trustees of territorial agencies. Dismissed employees also include 18 trustees of territorial agencies. There were the following five additional employees dismissed in February: two deputy trustees of Patardzeuli, Manavi Trustee, chief specialist of military registration and conscription service, and head of a non-profit legal entity Sagarejo Satnoeba. It was exposed that the newly appointed trustee of Manavi Village had perpetrated abuse of power by orchestrating illegal cutting of trees in the village. Ilia Kuchuashvili, dismissed from his position as a director of the non-profit legal entity Sagarejo Satnoeba, on the basis of Articles 78, 79 and 99 of the Law of Georgia on Public Service, says that he was demanded to submit a letter of resignation but he refused to as he had not committed any official violations. Ilia Kuchuashvili first applied to Georgian Young Lawyers Association for legal aid but later he changed his mind and informed Marekh Mgaloblishvili, head of GYLAs office in Kakheti that he did not trust GYLA for its ties with Tina Khidasheli. ISFED learned that on March 29, 2013, 30 employees were dismissed under the order of Sagarejo Municipality Gamgebeli Giorgi Loladze on grounds of reorganization. They allege that the dismissals have been politically motivated. Notably, their replacements have already been appointed without having to go through a competition. The dismissed employees allege that their replacements have been hired based on their political affiliation. ISFED responded to these developments by releasing a special statement and requesting additional information from the municipality. 20 There were total of four employees dismissed from Gurjaani Municipality Sakrebulo, including Sakrebulo Chairperson, chief of staff, a counselor and a specialist. Three of them were appointed to a different office. According to official report, there have been total of 114 employees dismissed,


ISFEDs statement is available at


including heads of Gamgeoba departments, specialists of Gamgeoba and territorial agency, and 14 trustees of territorial agency. 5 specialists of Arashenda Village, Kalauri, Mukuzani and Gurjaani territorial agencies, specialists of fire department and rescue service have been dismissed. Hiring of new employees after the dismissals was based on personal relationships or party affiliation, without announcing a competition. According to Deputy Gamgebeli Zurab Daneliashvili, competitions for all positions in Gurjaani Municipality will be announced in July. Total of 92 employees have been dismissed from Sighnaghi Sakrebulo and Gamgeoba. 42 employees, including 10 trustees of territorial agencies, were dismissed on the basis of letters of resignation. Gamgebeli has dismissed 36 employees after expiration of term of their contracts. 4 employees of Sakrebulo Office have been dismissed on the basis of letters of resignation, while 7 freelance contractors were dismissed for expiration of contract term. Some of the dismissed employees have been appointed to other offices. Head of the civil services and correspondence department of Sighnaghi Municipality was dismissed on February 25, based on para.4, Article 99 of the Law of Georgia on Public Service (i.e. for skipping work arbitrarily for more than 5 days). The dismissed employee is a member of the UNM. Two employees of the non-commercial legal entity Elementary Education Service were dismissed for expiration of term of their contracts. 19 employees of Gamgeoba in Dediplistskaro Municipality have been dismissed, including department heads and specialists, as well as department heads and specialists of Sakrebulo. Further, 13 trustees have resigned. Head of the educational resource center in Dedoplistskaro resigned on December 3, after submitting a letter of resignation for personal reasons. Acting head has been appointed. Three additional freelancers were dismissed in February, while 9 employees of pre-school and outside-of-school educational center were dismissed, including director, assistant teacher, cleaning crew, driver, watchman and two specialists. All of them were dismissed on the basis of letters of resignation submitted willingly, while new employees were hired based on party affiliation or family ties. ISFEDs coordinator met with a former employee of the educational center who talked about how she was forced into writing a resignation letter. On February 7 she submitted a letter requesting a dismissal on grounds of reorganization. He was contacted by Deputy Gamgebeli in a week and asked to change the text and indicate family reasons instead. She submitted another letter but refused to indicate any grounds at all for resignation, as she was no longer willing to resign. Deputy Gamgebeli, chief specialist in the office of Sakrebulo and specialist in the office of trustee were dismissed in Lagodekhi. Deputy Gamgebeli submitted a letter of resignation willingly, citing health reasons, while Sakrebulo trustee indicated change of job as the reason. Further, there were 3 trustees dismissed, including one based on court ruling and two resigned willingly. Deputy Head of a non-profit legal entity, Union of Libraries was dismissed and appointed to the position of a specialist of the faction Independent in Sakrebulo.

A specialist of standing committee for property rights were dismissed in Sakrebulo. Under the February 1, 2013 order of Sakrebulo Chairperson Davit Bakashvili, dismissed specialist was appointed to the position of acting assistant to Sakrebulo Chairperson. Specialist/consultant of social affairs committee was appointed as a specialist of a standing committee for recognition of property rights under the order of Davit Bakashvili N16. There were 19 employees dismissed from Kvareli Gamgeoba, including four deputies of Gamgebeli. 14 freelancers at offices of trustees had their contracts expired without renewal. There were two specialists of the office of trustees dismissed in February as well as a chief specialist of the department for economic development and management of local property. All three submitted letters of resignation for personal reasons. 31 employees of Telavi territorial agency were dismissed in addition to 24 employees of Gamgeoba, mostly deputy Gamgebelis and specialists. There were six officials dismissed in Governors administration, including two Deputy Governors and four acting department heads. All trustees in Telavi submitted letters of resignation for personal reasons; however, they state that it was Gamgebeli who demanded their resignation. The trustees were informed that they were planning to hold a competition in which they would be able to participate and hold their former positions if they met the criteria. Gamgebeli himself refuses allegations of pressuring the trustees into resignation, saying that the only reason they were dismissed was the fact that new trustees were to be appointed by the committee. Specialist of steering department of Sakrebulos office was dismissed in February, followed by dismissal of two more specialists of Gamgeoba and 8 specialists of territorial agency. They did not announce a competition for hiring. Total of 111 employees have been dismissed. Two violations were reported in Telavi Municipality Gamgeoba. In particular, on January 21 a five-month pregnant Elene Berdzenishvili was dismissed from her position as a specialist of legal affairs service. She says that at work she had informed everyone that needed to be informed of her pregnancy. After her dismissal she submitted necessary paperwork and a photo from ultrasonography confirming that she was 20 weeks pregnant but they suggested she restore the justice through court. Her interests are defended by Georgian Young Lawyers Association. During a trial held on March 15, judge rejected her claim. Elene Berdzenishvili is going to file in the Appellate Court. Another case involves Nona Gomelauri, who is five months pregnant and used to work as assistant to the trustee of Telavi territorial agency. She explains that Trustee Alika Rostiashvili demanded she submit a letter of resignation. On March 4 Nona Gomelauri was dismissed from work based on her own letter of resignation. There were 27 employees dismissed from Akhmeta Gamgeoba based on their own letters of resignation. The dismissed employees mostly included Deputy Gamgebelis, specialists, department heads and 7 trustees of territorial agencies. There were 10 employees dismissed from Akhmeta Sakrebulo head of the Sakrebulo office and specialists. Starting from 2013, total of five employees have been dismissed for disciplinary violation, including specialists and a trustee of Akhmeta territorial agency.


Following optimization in Akhmeta municipality kindergartens, only 333 out of 538 employees could maintain their jobs while remaining 205 were dismissed. Additional 24 employees were dismissed in Akhmeta in February based on their own letters of resignation. The dismissed employees included two department heads, specialists at offices of Gamgeoba and territorial agencies and two village trustees, total of 283 people. There were 7 employees dismissed in Akhalkalaki, mostly specialists of territorial agency. All of them wrote letters of resignation willingly. Only two of them had their contracts expired. Further, principal of Akhalkalaki high school resigned willingly. 14 people were dismissed in Akhaltsikhe Gamgeoba, mostly deputy Gamgebelis, Gamgeoba specialists and department heads. One specialist was dismissed upon expiration of contract. Territorial agency trustees were also replaced. Rector of Akhaltsikhe University also resigned and the head of non-profit legal entity Union of Pre-school Institutes of Akhaltsikhe was also dismissed. A competition was announced for hiring new employees. On March 1, 2013, kindergartens hired 37 new employees. In early February head of Amelioration Ltd. Vasil Ivanidze was dismissed based on his own letter of resignation. Following the October 1, 2012 elections there were two new employees appointed in Sakrebulo and 33 new employees appointed in Gamgeoba, mostly deputy Gamgebelis, specialists and trustees of territorial agencies. Reorganization was launched in Akhalkalaki Gamgeoba in early April. On April 10 all employees of Gamgeoba submitted letters of resignation. A competition for various openings will probably be held in late April. Former employees are also expected to participate in the competition. According to Gamgebeli, no one will be left jobless and the number of staff will not be increased artificially. Two employees of Adigeni Gamgeoba were dismissed based on their own letters of resignation. One position was abolished and a new employee was hired for another. Staff changes did not affect trustees. In April there were four more employees dismissed from Gamgeoba, including three for reductions in staff. Head and two specialists of agricultural department in Ninotsminda Gamgeoba were dismissed from work for staff reductions. Two specialists of legal office in Sakrebulo submitted letters of resignation for personal reasons. The following four employees of Borjomi Gamgeoba submitted letters of resignation: two deputy Gamgebelis, department head and a specialist. Trustee of Khuta, one of the eleven territorial agencies in Borjomi District was replaced. A committee for competition was set up in Borjomi, as all employees will have to first go through the competition to maintain their positions. Three deputy Gamgebelis have been dismissed in Khashuri, in addition to department head, specialists and a driver. All 13 trustees of Khashuri territorial agency submitted letters of resignation. They have been appointed on probation. A competition committee was set up in Khashuri for hiring new employees and holding tests.

2 employees of Kareli Municipality Sakrebulo and 19 employees of Gamgeoba were dismissed on based on their own letters of resignation. Acting Gamgebeli refused to make public the identity of dismissed employees and their positions; however, after submitting an application 21 ISFED was provided with complete information about the dismissed employees. 19 employees dismissed from Gamgeoba based on their own letters of resignation include deputy Gamgebeli and specialists of the territorial agency. One employee of Gori Sakrebulo was dismissed on the basis of his own letter of resignation. According to official report, two employees head of a department and head of a service have been dismissed on the basis of their own letters of resignation. Total of 68 people have been dismissed from the office of Gamgeoba, including 23 trustees, mostly department heads and specialists. On January 8, Acting Gamgebeli of Gori Municipality Papuna Koberidze held a meeting with village trustees and demanded they submit letters of resignation. Some of the twenty-nine trustees submitted letters the same day, others submitted afterwards. They were replaced by representatives of the coalition Georgian Dream. Total of 53 employees of Kaspi Municipality have been dismissed and 73 new have been hired. All three Deputy Gamgebelis as well as heads of departments have been replaced. No one at Sakrebulo has been dismissed; however, they did hire three new freelancers. All 17 village trustees have been dismissed; two of them have been appointed as specialists. The union of pre-school institutes of Kaspi Municipality has hired 20 new employees and dismissed six upon expiration of labor contracts. Three principals of five kindergartens in Kaspi have been replaced, while a new office of assistant was created and appointed at kindergarten N4. Further, ISFEDs coordinator reported appointment of the Georgian Dreams members in kindergartens for part-time positions, while kindergarten employees had their salaries reduced by half. The union of museums has dismissed one and hired five new employees. Libraries have dismissed two and hired two new employees. The union of sports establishments has dismissed one and hired two new employees. The union of cultural establishments has dismissed three and hired 10 new employees. No one from the union of art schools has been fired but they did hire two new employees. According to official reports received from Kharagauli Municipality, the following five employees have been fired based on their own letters of resignation assistant to Gamgebeli, specialists and two trustees. Some employees of Sakrebulo and Gamgeoba were appointed to different positions within these agencies in February; further, head of FC Chkherimela was dismissed. According to February 25 reports, all twenty village trustees were dismissed. There were 23 employees dismissed in Sachkhere municipality. Staff changes were reported in Gamgeoba and Sakrebulo as well. On October 30, twelve out of thirteen community trustees of Sachkhere submitted letters of resignation. Trustee of Sairkhi Community only was able to maintain his position as, according to other trustees, he is on close terms with the coalition. However, his contract expired on December 31, without extension According to these trustees, representatives of


ISFEDs statement is available at


the coalition have warned them that new trustees would be appointed now that the new government came into power. However, the trustees are reluctant to provide any names. According to an official letters received from Gamgeoba, three specialists of the territorial agency, Deputy Gamgebeli, two department heads and two specialists have been dismissed on the basis of their own resignation letters. Two chairmen of Sakrebulo committees were dismissed on the basis of resignation letters. 97 employees have been dismissed in Chiatura. According to a written response received from Gamgeoba, 41 employees were dismissed before January 1 based on expiration of labor contracts. Two of the dismissed employees worked as specialists of the sports and youth department and the rest served as lead specialists of territorial agencies. 19 employees of Gamgeoba have been dismissed on the basis of their own letters of resignation. 16 village trustees and 21 specialists also resigned willingly. Only one had committed a disciplinary violation. According to a written response received from Zestaponi Gamgeoba, 16 employees have been dismissed, including Deputy Gamgebeli, assistant to Gamgebeli, 8 department heads, 5 lead specialists and trustees of Zestaponi territorial agency. Further, head of the center for culture and creativity, sports school principal, head of the pre-school education institute and head of the art school were replaced. The following 7 employees of Khoni Gamgeoba were dismissed based on their own resignation letters: specialists, cleaners and fire fighters. Further, a lead specialist from Sakrebulo also resigned at her own will. No one has been dismissed in Samtredia Gamgeoba. To the contrary, Gamgebeli added new positions, which the opposition was not happy about. The following three employees dismissed from Tkibuli Gamgeoba: lead specialist of Mukhuri Village territorial agency, Deputy Gamgebeli and head of supervising service, as well as head of the kindergartens union. Five territorial agency trustees submitted letters of resignation in February, citing personal reasons as grounds. The following employees were dismissed on the basis of resignation letters: head of the non-profit legal entity Tkibuli Sports Center on February 5, head of the fire department on February 6, head of the non-profit legal entity Tkibuli Sports Complex on February 19. On January 13, 2013, agricultural service of Ambrolauri Gamgeoba was liquidated; consequently, three employees of the department were dismissed. 11 employees of Tsageri Gamgeoba were replaced due to reduction of staff and reinstatement of old employees to work. Further, two village trustees were also replaced. Three village trustees that believed to be illegally dismissed prior to the elections were reinstated to their former positions through court. Two specialists and Acting Trustee in Oni were dismissed based on letters of resignation for personal reasons. Director of the Center for Culture was also dismissed after he submitted a letter of resignation.


Staff changes were reported in Zugdidi Gamgeoba. Competition was not announced for hiring. No dismissals have been reported in Sakrebulo, whereas according to a written response of Gamgeoba, following the October 1, 2012 elections five employees resigned willingly. Staff changes were also reported in Abasha. Official information about these changes was released on February 12. However, according to heads of Sakrebulo office and Gamgeoba office, staff changes are temporary and the employees have been appointed on a short-term basis, before competition is announced. Three new acting Deputy Gamgebelis were appointed in Abasha. One of the former Deputy Gamgebelis was appointed as acting head of the office of municipal property management and local taxes; another was appointed as acting head of the office of sports and youth. Former head of agricultural office was appointed as acting head of the office for economic development, statistics and investments. The office acquired three different functions. Head of Sakrebulos office of legal affairs and correspondence was replaced and appointed as Deputy Gamgebeli. Head of the social, education and culture committee was replaced and appointed as Deputy Gamgebeli. Staff changes are ongoing in Khobi Municipality. In particular, five specialists and two heads of departments have been dismissed based on resignation letters. Further, 22 trustees submitted letters of resignation and subsequently, new trustees have been appointed. Head of the kindergartens union has been replaced. Following staff changes in Chkhorotsku Sakrebulo, head of the office was dismissed, while three Deputy Gamgebelis and four department heads were dismissed in Sakrebulo and replaced by acting Deputy Gamgebelis and department heads respectively. On February 18, head of the health and social welfare office submitted a letter of resignation. He was replaced the same day by a representative of the coalition Georgian Dream. The latter was appointed as acting head. On January 28, head of administrative office submitted a letter of resignation and was replaced by an activist of the coalition Georgian Dream. The latter was appointed as acting head. There was a single dismissal reported in Vani. Trustee of Salkhino Village community was replaced by his predecessor who was reinstated to his former position after being dismissed several months before the October 1, 2012 elections. Seven department heads and Deputy Gamgebeli in Lentekhi submitted letters of resignation. Further, 7 trustees of territorial units have been dismissed. Four of these trustees believes that their dismissals were politically motivated. Following reorganization in Mestia, 70 employees have been dismissed. Following staff changes after October 1, 2012, total of 12 employees were dismissed, including municipality Gamgebeli, assistant to Gamgebeli, two Deputy Gamgebelis, department heads and specialists. After the bureau for serving citizens at the administrative office of Gamgeoba was abolished, two employees were dismissed. As a result of staff reductions, 15 trustees and 30 assistants to trustees were dismissed. Following reorganization of structural units, 11 specialists were dismissed. Four employees were dismissed in Tskaltubo Municipality Gamgeoba in February, including Gamgeoba specialist and three employees of the office for agricultural development after the office was abolished.

Four employees of Gardabani municipality have been dismissed, including three based on their own resignation letters, change of job and expiration of labor contract. New employees were hired on the basis of a competition. Nine persons willingly resigned in Marneuli municipality. 6 village trustees have also been dismissed; all of them submitted resignation letters. However, the trustees have stated that they resigned under pressure from the self-government. New employees to replace the dismissed ones were hired on the basis of a competition; however, all of them are activists of the coalition Georgian Dream. Two more employees of Gamgeoba were dismissed in February, as well as six village trustees and 10 specialists at trustees office. All of them submitted letters of resignation. In Tetristskaro, head of Sakrebulo office as well as chief specialist were dismissed based on letters of resignation. One specialist also quit to change her job. The following 36 employees were dismissed in Dmanisi: 10 from Gamgeoba, 14 trustees and 12 specialists at trustees office. All of them had submitted letters of resignation. Notably, current majority of Sakrebulo members have submitted resignation letters due to replacement of Gamgebeli and changes in Sakrebulo. No dismissals under pressure have been reported. Dismissed employees have stated that dismissals and hirings have been biased and based on personal relationships. Allegedly, new employees have mostly been hired for their party affiliation. In February the following eight employees of Bolnisi Gamgeoba were dismissed Deputy Gamgebeli and two assistants, department heads and the head of a non-profit legal entity, Bolnisi Culture Center. During the reporting period, resignation letters were submitted by territorial unit trustees and specialists. In an interview with ISFEDs coordinator one of them stated that they were pressured into writing resignation letters; however, none of them have yet been approved. According to ISFEDs coordinator, there are lines of job seekers outside offices of Gamgebeli and Sakrebulo Chairperson on a daily basis. There was one incident when intoxicated activists of the Georgian Dream smashed windows of the party office and attempted to invade Gamgebelis office on March 13-14. They said they did not trust Gamgebeli and demanded an explanation as to why he was delaying the process of dismissing old employees and appointing supporters of the coalition Georgian Dream instead. Two employees of Mtskheta Gamgeoba and 22 trustees were dismissed after submitting letters of resignation. Even though their own letters of resignation have been cited as grounds for the dismissals, trustees maintain that they were forced into resignation after Gamgebeli summoned them and demanded that they act appropriately. None of the trustees have expressed any protest about the foregoing developments. Although no staff changes were reported in February, new employees were hired, mostly supporters of the Georgian Dream. According to Gamgebeli, this is a short-term measure as they are planning to hold exams to determine which employees will stay in the municipality. The following 5 employees were dismissed from Dusheti Gamgeoba: Deputy Gamgebeli, department head and specialists. Three positions of a specialist were abolished.

56 employees have been dismissed in Tanti Municipality. There were 25 employees dismissed from Gamgeoba based on their own letters of resignation, while remaining three were dismissed for disciplinary violation. One employee of Sakrebulo was dismissed after submitting a resignation letter. Further, heads of kindergartens union and the culture center have been replaced. All twelve trustees submitted letters of resignation, allegedly under pressure. Two specialists were dismissed from trustees office, while the rest submitted letters of resignation. Hiring was based on party affiliation. 12 employees were dismissed in Kazbegi Municipality, including Deputy Gamgebelis, department heads and specialists. According to ISFEDs coordinator, these persons were actively involved in pre-election campaigning in favor of the UNM; however, lack of discipline has been cited as official grounds for the dismissals. Hiring was based on party affiliation. The following our employees were dismissed in February: a trustee, two department heads and a head of information office. Starting from October 1 through January 31, total of 5 specialists were dismissed in Khulo, including four on the basis of their own letters of resignation. On January 25, 2013, Sakrebulo dismissed head of Khulo municipality kindergartens union, a non-profit legal entity, and announced a competition for the opening. Staff changes were reported in Shuakhevi Gamgeoba. Starting from October 1 through January 31 total of seven employees resigned willingly, including assistant to Gamgebeli as well as heads of departments within Gamgeoba. During the very same period, 11 village/community trustees also submitted resignation letters, including 7 community trustees and 4 village trustees. Starting from February 1 through February 28, total of 10 village trustees were dismissed on the basis of resignation letters in Shuakhevi Municipality. All of them were replaced by acting trustees. Acting community trustees were also appointed in February. Notably, only two out of 9 community trustees were able to maintain their positions. On December 31, 2012, three Deputy Gamgebelis of Khelvachauri Municipality were dismissed after submitting resignation letters. On January 15, 2013, ten village trustees were dismissed based on a resignation letters. 35 village trustees, 9 organizers and two community trustees were dismissed in February based on resignation letters. 26 of these people were dismissed the same day, on February 8, based on their own resignation letters. As to new hirings, one community trustee, 29 village trustees, 9 community lead specialists and 10 village organizers have already been appointed. According to Gamgeoba, hirings were based on job applications submitted. From October 1 through January 31, total of five employees of Gamgeoba were dismissed in Kobuleti; in particular, Deputy Gamgebeli, head of department, specialist, trustee of Daba Ochkhamuri and lead specialist of Khetsubani community. Dismissals were based on letters of resignation or change of jobs. On January 1, lead specialist in PR of Sakrebulos office was dismissed on the basis of resignation letter. Following staff changes in Gamgeoba, a new office of health and social welfare was set up and acting head of the office was appointed.

71 employees have been dismissed in Ozurgeti municipality. There was a single dismissal reported in Sakrebulos office from October 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013. In particular, specialist in public relations submitted a letter of resignation. From October 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013, there were 13 employees dismissed from the office of Gamgeoba (mostly specialists), 9 territorial agency specialists and 3 community trustees. In February all employees of the non-profit legal entity Ozurgeti Cleaning Service were forced into signing an application that stated the following: I have been informed of anticipated reorganization. Head of the Cleaning Service Vladimer Salukvadze informed ISFEDs coordinator that staff changes were anticipated. From October 1, 2012 through April 13, 2013, 15 employees were dismissed from the non-profit legal entity Ozurgeti Cleaning Service, including five based on their own resignation letters and ten upon expiration of labor contracts. Dismissed employees include 5 janitors, 2 drivers and majority were specialists. Dismissal of janitors is particularly noteworthy. Four out of the five janitors were dismissed on the basis of their own resignation letters, and one upon expiration of contract. Notably, even though 5 janitors were dismissed from October 1 through February 13, six new janitors were hired. Three new janitors were hired on the day of the dismissal, and two were hired the next day. Three months later one janitor was reinstated to work. Further, to replace the locksmith dismissed upon expiration of contract, new locksmith/electrician was hired in two weeks on the basis of a job application. 30 more employees of Ozurgeti Gamgeoba were dismissed in February, including 13 trustees of territorial units and 4 specialists of territorial agencies. Notably, 13 trustees and two specialists were dismissed based on their own resignation letters, while remaining two were dismissed upon expiration of labor contract. Further, four trustees and two specialists of territorial unit were dismissed the same day, on February 26, based on their own letters of resignation; three were dismissed on February 6. Out of 13 employees dismissed from Gamgeoba, four were dismissed following liquidation of agricultural development office, while six firemen were dismissed upon expiration of labor contracts. Lead specialist in issues of citizens reception and service at the administrative office as well as lead specialist of administrative office were dismissed upon expiration of labor contracts. On February 18, Deputy Gamgebeli of Ozurgeti Municipality was dismissed on the basis of resignation letter. Starting from February 1 through February 28, total of eight acting trustees of territorial agencies and one specialist of territorial agency were hired. Trustee of Natanebi Village, Ozurgeti Municipality, Kakha Koplatadze informed ISFEDs coordinator in Ozurgeti that he was being pressured by Ozurgeti Gamgebeli Konstantine Sharashenidze and activists of the Georgian Dream, Vasil and Zaza Gobronidze. He was allegedly contacted by Konstantine Sharashenidze, telling him to arrive in Ozurgeti and submit a letter of resignation. When Kakha Koplatadze asked for the reason why, he responded that in view of changes in political situation, he had to distance himself away from the developments. The village trustee believes that since he is not a member of any political party, he is pressured for personal reasons as opposed to political grounds. On March 27, when he was getting back

to work after a vacation, he was met by eight activists of the Georgian Dream outside his office, telling him to resign according to the will of the population; otherwise, they threatened to nail up his door. The same day he was harassed by activists of the Georgian Dream, Vasil and Zaza Gobronidze, demanding that he meet with a common friend. During the meeting, Kakha Koplatadze was informed that Gamgebeli Kote Sharashenidze supported the idea of his resignation, as he served in office while the United National Movement was in power. He was to be replaced by Vasil Gobronidze. Further, Koplatadze was accused of taking illegal ownership of finances and impounding Global TV antennas. Afterwards, Kakha Koplatadze learned that they had filed petitions signed Vasil and Zaza Gobronidze and others in Gamgeoba against him. In one of the petitions they were accusing the village trustee of pressuring probationers. There was another collective petition accusing him of not providing guidance to farmers for selling their citrus harvest. As a result, harvested fruit was spoiled. Gamgebeli of Ozurgeti Municipality Konstantine Sharashenidze has informed ISFEDs coordinator that Natanebi Village Trustee had been dismissed for his failure to perform his official duties appropriately. According to him, trustees had been informed that as long as they perform their duties in a due manner, they will maintain their positions. Gamgebeli was monitoring the work of each trustee during the period of three months and found that Natanebi Trustee performed his official duties inappropriately. He also said that he had personal instructed all trustees to provide guidance to farmers for selling their citrus harvest, which Kakha Koplatadze failed to do. Chokhatauri starting from October 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013, four employees of Chokhatauri Municipality were dismissed on the basis of their own letters of resignation. 12 employees were dismissed upon expiration of labor contract, while three were dismissed after reductions in staff. ISFEDs coordinator found out that staff changes in Chokhatauri Municipality officially commence on March 1. All 23 village trustees have already submitted resignation letters which have not yet been approved. Trustees are expected to be replaced starting from March 1. According to Acting Gamgebeli Tamaz Chincharadze, activists of the coalition Georgian Dream that enjoy support from villages will be appointed as village trustees. ISFEDs coordinator interviewed several village trustees who stated that they had filed resignation letters willingly, without any pressure from the authorities. From October 1, 2012 through January 31, 2012, there was only a single dismissal reported in Lanchkhuti Sakrebulo; in particular, labor contract of a consultant for the faction Georgian Dream Democratic Lanchkhuti was terminated. Vazhtang Zenaishvili was appointed as Acting Deputy Gamgebeli of Lanchkhuti on February 1. He was a manager of the Georgian Dreams regional office. 6 trustees of territorial units were dismissed in February based on their own letters of resignation, including 4 trustees dismissed the same day, on February 19. Acting trustees were appointed in five villages. According to reports, they are planning to hold primaries for appointment of village trustees. Trustees in the village of Atsana and Ninoshvili have been replaced following primaries. Former Deputy Gamgebeli of Lanchkhuti Municipality and head of the UNMs regional office, Kakhaber Askurava alleges that he was illegally dismissed by District Gamgebeli Zaza Urushidze. ISFEDs coordinator interviewed both. Askurava, who was serving as Acting

Gamgebeli, applied to Acting Sakrbeulo Chairperson for a leave on January 28. He was summoned to the office the following day, when Acting Gamgebeli was to be appointed. At January 29 meeting of Sakrebulo, Amiran Gigineishvili was appointed as the new Chairperson, while Zaza Urushadze was appointed as Acting Governor. Askurava continued with his vacation without applying to the new Gamgebeli for permission. According to Gamgebeli, Askurava was dismissed for skipping work arbitrarily. When I inquired about the order, turned out that he had not submitted an application for a leave. He had received a salary for his leave in February as well as a salary for March, which he was not entitled to as he had been absent from work. Heads of financial and administrative offices misled me. Therefore, I applied to Sakrebulo for his dismissal. Gamgebeli also notes that his former deputy has been legally dismissed. According to the head of financial office, Askurava got married in March. I did not know he was absent from work and therefore, I included him on the list for salaries [in March]. Askurava believes that his dismissal was politically motivated, as he is serving as a chairman of the UNMs local organization. I had no official interactions with Urushidze at all. I was dismissed while I was on a leave. Employees were under pressure because of me. Roland Lashkhia and Lia Imnadze were summoned by Urushidze and threatened that unless I submitted a resignation letter, they would lose their jobs, - he informed ISFEDs coordinator (Lashkhia has rejected the accusations). Therefore, Askurava decided to resign himself rather than have other employees lose their jobs. He submitted resignation letter on March 27 but he intends to file in court. In Tbilisi Mayors Office six employees were dismissed on the basis of their own resignation letters, including Deputy Mayor Tariel Khizanishvili who was questioned several times in the office of the prosecutor and by the investigating authorities in the Ministry of Finance in relation to activities of Tbilservice Group. Further, head of the Deputy Mayors office and specialists were also dismissed. From October 1 through January 31, the following nine employees of Tbilisi Sakrebulo were dismissed: four drivers, two freelance contractors and three specialists. From February 1 through February 28, the following three more employees were dismissed: one specialist, one contractor and a driver. Krtsanisi on October 15, 2012, acting lead specialist at the office of Gamgebeli was dismissed. The following two employees have been dismissed from Vake-Saburtalo Gamgeoba: lead specialist and department head. One employee of Didube-Chughureti Gamgeoba was dismissed. New employee was hired on the basis of a competition. Two employees and two lead specialists have been dismissed in Isani-Samgori Gamgeoba and Gldani-Nadzaladevi Gamgeoba respectively. Two public servants were dismissed from Rustavi Sakrebulo based on their own letters of resignation. One of them changed her job while another left for abroad. 6 employees of the City Hall have been dismissed on the basis of their own letters of resignation; four employees changed their jobs while one was dismissed for a disciplinary violation. New employees were hired on the basis of competition. 4 employees of Batumi City Hall were dismissed, including head and deputy head of the Mayors administration and two specialists. On February 12, new Sakrebulo Chairman Irakli Chavleishvili dismissed three employees of Sakrebulo office. The chairman informed ISFEDs regional coordinator that the reason for their dismissal was the fact that they had no actual functions; therefore, their replacements will not be hired.

Four employees were dismissed from Poti City Hall based on their own letters of resignation, including a specialist of fire department/rescue service (a rescuer), a specialist of fire department/rescue service (a driver), head of the office of infrastructure and public services; director of Infrastructure 2008 Ltd. Before their replacements are appointed on the basis of a competition, they have already hired one acting specialist (driver) and an acting director. 116 public servants have been dismissed from Kutaisi City Hall, including 40 based on their own letters of resignation, one based on minutes of partners of a limited liability company and the rest upon expiration of their contract terms. Most of the dismissed employees served as coordinators of the program Apartment Blocks. On December 26, 2012, 178 new positions were set up in the City Hall. 125 new individual contractors were hired for the program Apartment Blocks. Further, twelve more positions were set up in the office of the territorial agency for governance. 3.1 Supreme Council of Adjara In January 2013, Supreme Council of Adjara held certification of public servants based on the Law of Georgia on Public Service and the Rule for Certification of Public Servants approved under the February 5, 2009 Order N47 of the President of Georgia on Approval of the Rule of Certification of Public Servants. 33 public servants were interviewed for certification. As a result of staff changes following October 1, 2012, in archives department, a sub-agency of Adjara A/R Government, the following seven employees were dismissed: head and two deputy heads of the archives department, based on their own letters of resignation and under the order of Adjara Governments Chairperson, while one employee was dismissed for his failure to perform his official duties in an appropriate manner, for arbitrary absence from work. Further, head of the archives of Shuakhetvi territorial agency (archives department) and one assistant (division for working with the territorial agency, and organizing and processing) submitted letters of resignation. Adjara Government repealed an order of the head of the archives department on the appointment of the head of Shuakhevi archives. Subsequently, head of Shuakhevi archives division was dismissed based on annulment of the January 18 order on appointment. From October 1 to February 28 nine new employees were hired at the archives department, including head of the department and three deputies. Notably, former head of the department, dismissed on the basis of his own letter of resignation on December 4, was appointed as deputy head of the department on the basis of his own application. As archives department is a sub-agency of Adjara Government, heads and deputy heads of the department are appointed and dismissed by Adjara Government. One of the deputies, who was dismissed on the basis of his own resignation letter, submitted the letter addressed to head of the archives division as opposed to the Chairperson of Adjara Government; nevertheless, he has been dismissed under the order of the Adjara Government. Hereby, we must also highlight the trend of hiring new employees. Positions of some of the newly hired employees correspond to the positions they have indicated in their job applications. For instance, one of the applicants is requesting appointment as the head of the division for working with the territorial agency, organizing and processing. Another applicant is requesting appointment as a lead specialist of Shuakhevi archives division. There was one more applicant, acting head of the archives of a territorial agency, requesting appointment as the head of the archives.

One of the deputy heads of the department Nargiz Basiladze was dismissed for her failure to perform official duties in appropriate manner for arbitrary absence from work. Corresponding order of dismissals notes that she was absent from work from January 16 through January 21, without officially providing the reason of absence. For being late to work on a systematic basis, head of the department issued her a warning as disciplinary liability (according to the order of dismissal, corresponding letter of head of the department has been transmitted to the office of Adjara Government on January 23), while from January 17, i.e. second day of her arbitrary absence from work, Nargiz Basiladze has been dismissed from her position as deputy head of the department. In an interview with ISFEDs regional coordinator, Nargiz Basiladze stated that current head of the archives department, Guram Saladze has asked her on a number of occasions to submit a letter of resignation. He even offered her a new job. Head of the office of Adjara Government, Iakli Cheishvili allegedly also demanded that Nargiz Basiladze submit a letter of resignation. She also spoke with Vice-Speaker Murman Dumbadze on the phone about the issue. Despite the pressure, Nargiz Basiladze never submitted a letter of resignation, which is allegedly why she was fired groundlessly. According to Nargiz Basiladze, she called in sick immediately and informed department head, one of his deputies and an employee of the department that she was taking a sick leave. Nevertheless, Saladze never intentionally drew up paperwork about her absence. According to Basiladze, lawyer had her secure recording of incoming and outgoing calls from the office, confirming that phone calls were indeed received from Nargiz Basiladzes phone number. Nargiz Basiladze took a sick leave from January 18, and has a valid medical certificate as a proof of sickness. Nargiz Basiladze believes that her dismissal was politically motivated and she has filed in court.

4. Developments in Tbilisi Self-Government During the reporting period, developments in Tbilisi Sakrebulo drew a lot of attention. Members of Sakrebulo were frequently summoned by law enforcement authorities for questioning. ISFED has reported summoning of 12 UNM Sakrebulo Members in the office of the prosecutor and financial police. 22 In several instances Sakrebulo Members left the UNM faction following questioning, which raises legitimate doubts about fairness of the developments in Tbilisi Sakrebulo. These suspicions are further reinforced by the statement made by Sakrebulo Member Davit Tsereteli made after he left

Members of Sakrebulo summoned for questioning: Mamuka Akhvlediani was summoned by the investigating authorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia three times; Besarion Bendeliani once; Mamuka Gugeshashvili once by MOFs investigating authorities; Temur Grigalashvili - once by MOFs investigating authorities and once by the office of the prosecutor; Gela Omanidze two times by the office of the prosecutor; Khvicha Sanaia once by the office of the prosecutor and six times by the MOFs investigating authorities; Gela Omnadze two times by the office of the prosecutor; Khvicha Sanaia once by the office of the prosecutor and six times by the MOFs investigating authorities; Sevdia Ugrekhelide once by the MOFs investigating authorities; Shota Kurdadze two times by the MOFs investigating authorities; Vakhtang Tsagareishvili four times by the MOFs investigating authorities; Nikoloz Khachirashvili once by the MOFs investigating authorities; Davit Jincharadze once by the office of the prosecutor.



the office of financial police. He said that investigators were asking questions only about his partyrelated activities. 23 During March 9 meeting of Tbilisi Sakrebulo, members discussed recognition of authority of two new members. Avtandil Pavlenishvili replaced former member of the UNM Sevdia Ugrekhelidze after he was appointed as Deputy Mayor. Temur Grigalashvili replaced Nikoloz Chkhaidze who left Sakrebulo by submitting a resignation letter. On March 11, party membership of Kakha Brokishvili, Christian Democratic Movement, was terminated. He left Sakrebulo faction as well and continued as an independent member of Sakrebulo; however, on March 15 Kakha Brokishvili joined the UNM. On March 15 majority faction was left by Davit Jincharadze and Giorgi Kveladze. According to Jincharadze, he was not pressured into making the decision; rather, he decided to resign in view of the political situation in the country. On March 27 another member, Gela Omniadze also left the faction. Sakrebulo meetings are traditionally held on every last Friday of each month. On March 29, when another one of these meetings was scheduled, 7 members of Sakrebulo were summoned by the investigating authorities of the Ministry of Finance. The UNM commented that this was an attempt to mount pressure on Sakrebulo and disrupt its activities. Today is last Friday of this month, the day when Sakrebulo meetings are held traditionally. Last meeting was held on last Friday of February; the one before that was held on last Friday of January and the one before that on last Friday of December. What happened aimed at disrupting the operation of Sakrebulo and its meeting, stated Pavle Kublashvili. 24 At a briefing held several hours before the meeting, Sakrebulo Chairman Zaal Samadashvili stated that methods of fighting against members of Sakrebulo from the majority faction is now beyond all limits starting from the so-called interviews to questioning. He also stated that financial police summoned the following 7 members of Sakrebulo, all at once: Davit Tsereteli, Shota Kurdadze, Vakhtang Tsagareishvili, Khvicha Sanaia, Temur Grigalashvili, Beso Bendeliani and Mamuka Gugeshashvili. They were going to appear for questioning after 17:00, after attending the scheduled meeting of Sakrebulo, which they were legally allowed to. Samadashvili also noted that he had applied to the diplomatic corps and international organizations, as well as the Speaker of the Parliament in written. First issue on the agenda was impeachment of the chairman was put to the vote, which 24 Members voted against. The opposition attended the meeting without participating in the voting. Zaal Samadashvilis impeachment had been motioned by the UNM faction at the bureau one hour before the meeting commenced. 38 members of Sakrebulo were registered; however, only 24 members from majority voted. The opposition boycotted the meeting. Motioning for impeachment of Sakrebulo chairperson is prohibited by law for the following three months.

23 24


On April 8 a new faction Independent Democrats was set up in Tbilisi. Its members included the following former members of the UNM faction: Giorgi Kvelidze, Gela Omnadze and Davit Jincharadze. They intend to cooperate with all factions. There are now six factions in Sakrebulo. The UNM is still holding the majority, as 26 out of 47 members are from the UNM, while 21 represent opposition factions. Changes and reorganization are ongoing in Tbilisi Gamgeobas. On January 25 Sakrebulo adopted the initiative of Tbilisi Mayor about setting up 10 instead of six Gamgeobas in Tbilisi. Vake-Saburtalo under the decision of Sakrebulo, Vake-Saburtalo Gamgeoba was divided into two districts, effective as of March 1. On March 14 Tbilisi Mayor Gigi Ugulava appointed Bacho Dolidze as Gamgebeli of Vake District. He was previously serving as spokesperson of Tbilisi Mayors Office. Two Deputy Gamgebelis were replaced by Giorgi Bezarashvili and Akaki Kobaladze. Gia Khuroshvili was appointed as Gamgebeli of Saburtalo District, while Aleksandre Davituliani and Joni Bakuridze were appointed as his deputies. Isani-Samgori Isani-Samgori was divided into two districts following reorganization, effective as of March 1. On March 14 Tbilisi Mayor Gigi Ugulava nominated Tornike Khutsishvili for the position of Isani Gamgebeli. He also appointed the following three Deputy Gamgebelis: Giorgi Saghinadze, Besik Donadze and Beso Kvitsiani. Giorgi Khakhnelidze has been serving as Acting Gamgebeli of Samgori District. Didube-Chughureti Gamgeoba was also affected by reorganization. On March 16 Tbilisi Mayor nominated Levan Mkheidze for the position of Didube Gamgebeli. Mtatsminda Gamgeoba of Old Tbilisi was also affected by reorganization. It was renamed to Mtatsminda District Gamgeoba and now includes the following two new municipalities (after abolishment of Didgori Gamgeoba): Kojori and Tabakhmela. Old Tbilisi Gamgeoba consisted of a fairly large territory, employing many people assigned to individual territories. Following reorganization former employees will be distributed among Gamgeobas that these territories will fall under. Krtsanisi - Didgori District Gamgeoba was abolished and Krtsanisi District Gamgeoba was set up instead. On April 1 Tbilisi Mayor Gigi Ugulava nominated former head of the public broadcasters information service Khatuna Berdzenishvili for the position of Krtsanisi District Gamgebeli. Nadzaladevi Gldani-Nadzaladevi municipality was divided into Nadzaladevi and Gldani Districts. Subsequently, employees and management of Gamgeoba office were replaced. Leri Demetrashvili was appointed as Gamgebeli of Nadzaladevi District. He previously served as Deputy Gamgebeli of Gldani Nadzaladevi District in administrative and financial-economic issues and as head of the bureau of MP Merab Samadashvili for the last 15 years. New jobs were created after dividing of the municipality into two districts. Consequently, they are now hiring new employees.

5. Redistribution of Political Power in Sakrebulos ISFED also examined changes in composition of Sakrebulo. Following 2012 parliamentary elections new factions were set up in 54 municipalities resulting in shifting the balance of power and formation of new majority. Most of the newly established factions are supporters of the coalition

Georgian Dream. Although it is difficult to determine precisely Sakrebulos where the Georgian Dream is holding majority or Sakrebulos where the UNM maintains majority as it is hard to say that the political factions that do not represent either of the political forces are unconditional supporters of the GD or the UNM. However, we have found the following: Kharagauli Sakrebulo is composed of 30 members. Following the elections, after breaking up of the faction Christian Democrats, Kharagauli Georgian Dream was established, composed of 3 members. The UNM has maintained its previous composition. Sachkhere Sakrebulo is composed of 22 members that have established the following four factions after the October 1, 2012 parliamentary elections: UNM 3 members; Georgian Dream 12 members; Majoritarians 4 members and Sachkhere 3 members. Zestaponi Sakrebulo is composed of 28 members. There used to be 3 factions prior to the elections; however, currently it is composed of the following seven factions: Progressive Zestaponi 3 members; UNM 9 members; Majoritarian 2 members; Reformer 3 members; Building and Development 3 members; Alternative 3 members and Zestaponi 4 members. The last three were set up later. All new factions have been established on the basis of the UNM. Vani Sakrebulo is composed of 30 members. Changes in factions have not been reported. Terjola Sakrebulo is composed of 27 members. No changes have been made following the elections. Sakrebulo is composed of the following two factions, like before: Majoritarians 7 members and the UNM 13 members. Baghdati Sakrebulo is composed of 23 members. Majoritarian Member representing the village of Khani willingly left Sakrebulo. Sakrebulo now has 22 members and the following four factions: Majoritarians 3 members, UNM 13 members, Georgian Dream 3 members and Baghdateli 3 members. Samtredia There are 24 members in Sakrebulo. None of the following factions broke up postelections: Majoritarians, UNM and Oppositional Samtredia. The following four new factions were set up: Unity, Free Opinion, New Initiative and Fair Way, with 3 members each. On March 26, member of Samtredia Sakrebulo from the UNM, Nana Nikoleishvili left Sakrebulo by submitting resignation letter, triggering a variety of rumors. Some alleged that she was pressured and threatened by representatives of the Conservative Party. Ms Nikoleishvili herself rejected all rumors in an interview with ISFEDs coordinator and explained that she had resigned for family reasons and for the lack of time. Chiatura Sakrebulo is composed of 26 members. The faction of UNM broke up following the elections and currently there are seven factions in Sakrebulo: Majoritarians 3 members, Tomorrow 3 members (supporter of the Georgian Dream), Georgian Dream Republicans 5 members, Georgian Dream 3 members, Solidarity 3 members, Unity 6 members and UNM 3 members. Tkibuli Sakrebulo is composed of 20 members. Faction Unity was set up following the elections. Currently there are the following 3 factions in Sakrebulo: Unity, UNM and Majoritarians.

Tskaltubo Sakrebulo is composed of 25 members. There were several changes made in factions following the elections. Currently there the following are 8 factions: the UNM 4 members, For Tskaltubo Future 3 members, Majoritarians 3 Members, Building and Development 3 members, Unity 3 members, New Dream 3 members, Imedi 3 members, Tskaltubo 3 members. Oni Sakrebulo is composed of 24 members and 2 factions: the UNM and Oni. New Faction, Oni was set up following the elections and it has three members, including 1 from the Georgian Dream and 2 from the UNM. Amrbolauri Sakrebulo is composed of 27 members and the following 6 factions: UNM 6 members, National Movement Ambrolauri 3 members, Majoritarians 5 members, Unity 3 members (same as the UNM), Minority 3 members and Freedom. Several members have left the factions UNM and Unity. Tsageri Sakrebulo is composed of 25 members. Certain changes were made in the factions. Currently there are the following 5 factions in Sakrebulo For United Lechkhumi 3 members, Georgian Dream Republicans 3 members, Unity 3 members, Majoritarians 4 members, Mamuli (formerly, the UNM) 12 members. Lentekhi Sakrebulo is composed of 18 members. Two members of the UNM left for the faction Majoritarians. Current composition of Sakrebulo factions is as follows: Republicans 5 members, Majoritarian 8 members, UNM 5 members. Martvili no changes have been reported. Sakrebulo continues to have a single faction the UNM. Abasha there used to be only one faction in Sakrebulo prior to the elections the UNM, which broke up after October 1. Instead, the following five new factions were set up Movement Georgian Dream 4 members, Abashian Democrats 4 members; Majoritarians 4 members, Reformers 7 members; Democratic Georgia 6 members. Senaki Sakrebulo is composed of 25 members. Currently it has the following 7 factions: Iberia for Orthodox Georgia (members of the UNM), Majoritarians, Georgian Dream Free Democrats, Georgian Dream 2012, Unity, Senaki Voice, Hope for the Future, with 3 members each. In February, Sakrebulo members that did not belong to any faction before, set up a new faction For the Development of Self-Government. Khobi Sakrebulo is composed of 28 members. Faction Khobi was set up following the elections. Currently there are the following four factions in Khobi Sakrebulo: Georgian Dream 15 members, UNM four members, Majoritarians 3 members and Khobi 3 members. Zugdidi Sakrebulo is composed of 39 members and the following factions: Kolkheti 3 members, Egrisi 3 members, New Zugdidi 3 members and the UNM 13 members. Tsalenjikha 2 new factions were set up in Sakrebulo and it now has the following four factions: the UNM 7 members, Tsalenjikha 4 members, Lakada 9 members and Development for the United Georgia 3 members. Chkhorotsku- Sakrebulo is composed of 23 members. There were two factions in Sakrebulo prior to the elections. The number of factions has increased up to six and it now includes the following

factions: Georgian Dream Chkhorotsku 3 members; UNM 6 members, Nationals 3 members, Majoritarians 3 members and Liberals 3 members. Khoni there are 6 faction in Sakrebulo, whereas there were only two prior to the elections. Sakrebulo still has 22 members and the following factions: Majoritarians 4 members, UNM 3 members, Khoni 3 members, National Unity 3 members, Democrats 3 members, Tanadgoma 3 members. Mestia Sakrebulo is composed of 22 members and has the following 6 factions: the UNM, Progress (members of the UNM), Unity (supporters of the Georgian Dream), Nation, Freedom (supporters of the coalition) and Majoritarians. Khulo there are three factions in Sakrebulo. On February 22, faction Khulo was abolished and a new faction Georgian Dream was established. Composition of factions is as follows: Georgian Dream 11 members, UNM List for Building and Unification of Georgia 5 members, For the Future of Khulo 3 members and 4 independent members. Shuakhevi prior to November 6, 2012, Sakrebulo had a single faction the UNM with 16 members and three independent members. Starting from November 6, 2012, Sakrebulo has two factions the UNM 11 members and faction Our Shuakhevi 8 members. There are no independent members in Sakrebulo. Keda Sakrebulo has 19 members. After October 1, 2012, the UNM was left by three members who set up a new faction Freedom. The faction is not actively involved in the work of Sakrebulo and its members are frequently absent from meetings. Currently Keda Sakrebulo has the following three factions: Christian Democrats 3 members, Freedom 3 members and the UNM 13 members. Khelvachauri there are 22 members and the following 3 factions in Sakrebulo: UNM 8 members, Union for Future 3 members, Way Forward for Truth 9 members and two independent members. Kobuleti - there are 28 members of Sakrebulo. There was one new faction set up in Sakrebulo following the elections Winner Kobuleti, composed of three members from the Christian Democrats, Free Democrats and the Georgian Dream. Currently there are the following two factions in Sakrebulo: the UNM 23 members, Winner Kobuleti 3 members, and two independent members. Ozurgeti there are 37 members and 5 factions in Sakrebulo. Unity and Dream are two new factions that have been set up. Power balance has been reshaped in Ozurgeti Sakrebulo as follows: Unity 8 members; Georgian Dream 3 members, Christian Democrats 4 members, Majoritarians 3 members, the UNM 5 members, and 10 independent members. Chokhatauri it has 30 members. The UNM broke up and the new faction Georgian Dream Democratic Georgia was set up, composed of 3 members. Other factions in Sakrebulo include: Chokhatauri 10 members, Hope 3 members, Strong Self-Government 4 members, Free Democrats 3 members. Lanchkhuti Sakrebulo has 26 members. During the period from October 1 through February 28 the following five new factions were set up: Future Lanchkhuti 5 members, Majoritarian 6 members, Georgian Dream Democratic Lanchkhuti 3 members, UNM 4 members. Another new faction was set up in February. Former chairperson of Sakrebulo, Revaz Chitidze left the UNM

and is now head of the newly established faction Self-Government for Development. The latter has four members. There are four independent member sin Sakrebulo, including its current chairperson. Gardabani there are 27 members in Sakrebulo. Recently established faction Georgian Dream has 12 members, while the UNM has three, Majoritarians 5. There are 7 independent members of Sakrebulo. Marneuli there are 25 members in Sakrebulo and the following five factions: Georgian Dream 5 members, Fair Maurneuli 4 members, Our Marneuli 3 members, Friendship 3 members, UNM 10 members. Notably, members of the factions Friendship and Fair Marneuli are former members of the UNM and frequently support the latter. Hence, the UNM has a clear advantage over rest of the factions. Bolnisi Sakrebulo has 22 members. After breaking up of the UNM the following two new factions were set up: Bidzina Ivanishvili Georgian Dream with five members and the Independents 6 members. Head of the latter is a former chairperson of Bolnisi Sakrebulo, Nodar Sabiashvili. Remaining five members used to be supporters of the UNM as well. Dmanisi Sakrebulo has 25 members. After breaking up of the faction UNM one faction was set up the Non-Partisans. The latter has 21 members. Industry will Save Georgia, Conservative Party, the Christian Democratic Movement and the UNM each has one member in Sakrebulo. Tetritskaro Sakrebulo has 29 members. The faction UNM that had 15 members remaining broke up. Power balance in Sakrebulo has been reshaped as follows: Garsi 3 members, Algeti 3 members, Priority 3 members, Progress 3 members, Tetritskaro Dream 3 members, Pirvelebi 4 members, For Freedom -7 members, UNM 4 members. Mtskheta Sakrebulo has 21 members and the following factions: Karibche 3 members, Majoritarian 7 members, Unity 3 members, Minority 3 members, First Capital City 5 members. According to ISFEDs coordinator, not of the factions have broken up. Dusheti Sakrebulo has 27 members and has maintained 2 factions Majoritarians 17 members and the UNM 8 members. Tianeti Sakrebulo has 20 members. No changes have been reported. Tsalka Sakrebulo has 33 members. The following three new factions have been set up Our Tsalka 3 members, UNM 3 members, Georgian Dream headed by Haik Meltoniani but the number of members is yet to be determined; however, many have expressed their desire to join the faction. Kazbegi Sakrebulo has 16 members and five factions, with 3 members in each. Ninotsminda Sakrebulo has 20 members and the following factions: the UNM 17 members, Infrastructure for Social and Economic Development 3 members, Majoritarians. Akhalkalaki Sakrebulo has 31 members. New factions have been set up. Current factions in Sakrebulo are as follows: Georgian Dream 3 members, Georgian Dream-Republicans 4 members, Georgian Dream-Conservatives 3 members, National Movemebt 5 members, Majoritarians 3 members, Young Majoritarian Members 4 members, Our Akhalkalaki 3 members, Sustainable Development 3 members, Agrarian 3 members.

Aspindza Sakrebulo has 22 members. On December 6, the Georgian Dream set up a faction with three members. In January the faction was joined by one more member. Akhaltsikhe a new faction was set up in the 26-member Sakrebulo. It is currently composed of the following factions: Georgian Dream-Akhaltsikhe 3 members; Majoritarian 4 members; Georgian Dream Republicans 3 members; three members of the UNM faction that recently broke up. Adigeni the following 3 factions were set up in Sakrebulo that has 30 members: United We Stand 3 members, Georgian Dream-Republicans 6 members, Renewed Adigeni 3 members, the UNM 3 members, Majoritarians 7 members. Borjomi following the elections three new factions were set up in Sakrebulo that has 21 members: Georgian Dream 3 members, Borjomi and Borjomi Dwellers 3 members, Democratic Borjomi 4 members, Majoritarians 4 members. There are seven independent members in Sakrebulo. Three members of Sakrebulo have not joined any of the factions. The UNM and the Majoritarians have four members each; there are three independent members. Khashuri Sakrebulo has 22 members and 6 factions with 3-4 members in each. Following the elections a new faction the Independent was set up. Kareli the following five factions were set up in a 25-member Sakrebulo after the elections: Georgian Dream, the Independents, Kareli Dweller, Consent and Georgian Dream Republicans. Gori there are 31 members in Sakrebulo. Factions the Opposition and the Majoritarians were abolished. Factions in Sakrebulo are as follows: Majority 12 members, the Independent 3 members, Unity 3 members, Mamulishvilni 3 members, the UNM 3 members, Tanadgoma 3 members. Kaspi Sakrebulo has 26 members and the following 7 factions established recently: the UNM, the Majoritarians, the Independents, Georgian Dream-Republicans, Kaspi Independents, Independent Majoritarians, Free Democrats. During the February 7 meeting of Sakrebulo, Kaspi Independents was abolished and replaced by Unity composed of the same members. Sagarejo Sakrebulo has 30 members; none of its three factions broke up following the elections. Factions in Sakrebulo include the Majoritarians 7 members, the Nationals 5 members, Tanadgoma 4 members and three new factions: Hope 4 members, Freedom 3 members and Democrats 3 members. Gurjaani Sakrebulo has 31 members. On November 6, 2012, faction Georgian Dream Republicans was set up in Sakrebulo, which has 10 members. The UNM has four members, the Industry Will Save Georgia 3, Gurjaani Dwellers 3, Democratic Georgia 3, Majoritarians 5, Kakheti Path of Wine 3. Sighnaghi Sakrebulo has 24 members. The following two factions were set up recently Peoples Voice 3 members, Unity and Fairness 3 members. The UNM has three members, the Industry Will Save Georgia 3, New Rights 3, Chirstian Democrats 3, Saving the Village 3.

Dedoplistskaro Sakrebulo has 22 members. New faction Kornabuji was set up by 6 members. None of the factions have broken up. There used to be the following two factions in Sakrebulo the Majoritarians and the UNM. Lagodekhi in a 24-member Sakrebulo the following two factions broke up - the majority faction and the Majoritarians. Subsequently, two new factions were set up: Mamuli 18 members and the Independent Members 3 members. Out of Sakrebulos previous factions, only one faction remains - the UNM (3 members). Kvareli Sakrebulo has 20 members. Freedom is the newly established faction that has four members. Other factions in Sakrebulo include: Kvareli 3 members, National Movemebt 5 members, Majoritarians- 7 members. There are two members that do not belong to any of the factions. Telavi Sakrebulo has 28 members; none of its factions broke up but rather, two new actions were established. Factions in Sakrebulo include Transparent Self-Government 3 members, Georgian Dream 3 members, the UNM has maintained majority. Akhmeta in a 25-member Sakrebulo, three factions were set up recently. Factions in Sakrebulo include the Georgian Dream 4 members, Georgian Dream for the Highland Regions 4 members, Georgian Dream Republicans 3 members, Majoritarians 4 members, the UNM 3 members, Free Members 7. At the March 7 extraordinary meeting of Akhmeta Municipality Sakrebulo, Shio Mghvdlishvili motioned for abolishment of the UNM faction considering that it had 3 members only, one of which (Zurab Kapianidze) left the faction on March 5, 2013. Rustavi Sakrebulo has 24 members and the following five factions: Rustavi Dwellers 3 members, Christian Democrats 3 members, Rustavi Majoritarians 3 members, Mamuli 3 members, the UNM 9 members. Kutaisi Kutaisi Sakrebulo still has 25 members. Three members of Sakrebulo set up a new faction, Kutaisi following the elections (two members joined from the UNM and one from the New Rights). The faction Christian Democrats that composed of three members also broke up. One of its members continued as an independent, one remained in Christian Democrats while one identifies himself as non-partisan; however, the latter is a member of the faction UNM. Deputy Chairperson of Sakrebulo, Merab Meshveliani left the faction Majoritarians and joined independent members of Sakrebulo. Akaki Sikharulidze is another member that left the Majoritarians and set up a new faction Georgian Dream Democratic Georgia together with three members of the faction Kutaisi. Following re-shaping of the power balance in Sakrebulo, its current factions include: the Majoritarian 6 members, National Movement 9 members, Georgian Dream Democratic Georgia 4 members and the Independent Members 5 members. On April 4 five members of the UNM faction, including Sakrebulo Chairman Tamaz Margvelashvili and the Faction Chairman Kakhaber Nemsitsveradze, applied to the administrative office of Sakrebulo with a request for leaving the faction. With its 14 members the UNM maintained majority in a 25-member Sakrebulo of Kutaisi. Following the foregoing developments, only 9 members of Sakrebulo remain in the faction.


Batumi Sakrebulo has 23 members, five factions and one independent member: the faction For Batumi has 3 members, the UNM 4; newly established factions: the UNM for Batumis Future 4 members, established after dismissal of Sakrebulo Chairperson in February. The faction Unity was set up in February by 3 members of Sakrebulo, including the one that had been expelled from the UNM; the Majoritarians 8 members, established in November and composed of members that left the UNM. The balance of power has been reshaped - the UNM now has 8 members, while the ruling power consisting of former UNM members and former opposition has 15 members. Poti Sakrebulo has 14 members. One member has left the UNM. New faction Poti was established, followed by setting up of other new factions on February 27 Kolkheti and Georgian Dream-Democratic Movement. As of March 1, there are the following 4 factions in Sakrebulo: Kolkheti 3 members, Poti 3 members, Georgian Dream-Democratic Movement 3 members, the UNM 5 members.

6. Legal Prosecutions Lanchkhuti on February 11, former Gamgebeli of Lanchkhuti from the UNM and a former candidate for the position of majoritarian MP Gia Goguadze was questioned by the local police, under the supervision of the office of the prosecutor in relation to building of a stadium and other infrastructure projects. The questioning continued for 2-4 hours. Head of the UNMs office Kakha Askurava confirmed to ISFED that Gia Goguadze had indeed been questioned but he was reluctant to reveal any details. Askurava also informed ISFEDs coordinator that local police had questioned him as well several months before. Kakha Askurava was questioned in relation to infrastructure projects, since he used to serve as a member of the audit commission for infrastructure projects in Gamgeoba. Kaspi on February 11, Sakrebulo Chairman Davit Mesropashvili was questioned by law enforcement authorities. According to Sakrebulo Member Khatuna Tatanashvili, she was the one that filed in the office of the prosecutor against the chairman, accusing him of abusing funds. Mesropashvili himself and his deputy have rejected the allegations. Telavi the office of the prosecutor inspected Iakob Gogebashvili State University to examine financial operations. According to Office of Kakheti District Prosecutor, the probe has been launched on the basis of applications received from the university. The authorities have seized financial paperwork from the university. Pro-rector of Telavi University Davit Makhashvili believes that the probe is based on political grounds and has to do with the post-election developments at the university. 25 Kvemo Kartli on February 14 Governor Davit Kirkitadze was questioned at the office of the district prosecutor. According to Kirkitadze, the authorities were asking questions about the state program for employment; in particular, the work performed by social agents, the way lists were compiled and the purpose of these lists. He also said that the investigating authorities may charge him with many stupid things but the fact is that thousands of people were engaged in door-to-door campaign, compiling lists in an attempt to find jobs for the unemployed. He also says that he is


ready to provide comprehensive information in response to any questions that the investigating authorities may have. Ozurgeti the office of the prosecutor inspected Municipality Sakrebulo and Gamgeoba on February 19. The probe was launched on the basis of an application filed by an Ozurgeti dweller, Marine Sungulia. The office of the district prosecutor has explained that the case involves abuse of finances allocated in frames of the village support program in 2011-2012. The investigation is currently examining the paperwork. 26 Borjomi the February 27 extraordinary meeting of Sakrebulo, attended by ISFEDs district coordinator, was held under peaceful circumstances; however, there were a lot of attendees and many people were assembled outside. Some supported the demand for resignation of Acting Gamgebeli and announcement of the competition, while others opposed to it. Police was stationed inside the building. MP Gedevan Popkhadze was in Borjomi, receiving citizens in the bureau of Sakrebulo. After the meeting was finished, it was reported that Gedevan Popkhadze threw a cell-phone at Vepkhia Grigalashvili, member of Sakrebulo, and broke his forehead. Vepkhia Grigalashvili filed a police report. Based on the report Sakrebulo members were summoned to the police station. The authorities questioned both parties involved in the incident; the investigation is ongoing. ISFEDs coordinator was unable to interview Gedevan Popkhadze, as he had already left for Kutaisi. Acting Gamgebeli stated that the incident had been instigated by the UNM. Akhaltsikhe in late December former Gamgebeli and employees of Akhaltsikhe Municipality were summoned by the office of the prosecutor for questioning. Investigation has been launched into alleged misappropriation of funds allocated for building Rabati Fortress. The office of the chief prosecutor has released a special statement about the proceedings. Former Gamgebeli Gela Demetradze has rejected allegations of the office of the prosecution. He says that they had a list of properties up for privatization and auctions were held on a stage by stage basis, openly and transparently, in full compliance with applicable law. Funds received were spent on rehabilitation of Akhaltsikhe Fortress. On February 28, spokesperson of the office of chief prosecutor, Khatuna Paichadze stated that clear instances of the former authorities terrorizing government have been revealed in Akhaltsikhe. According to Paichadze, on December 28, 2012, the investigating authorities of the office of the prosecutor launched a probe was launched into alleged misappropriation of funds by employees of Akhaltsikhe Municipality Gamgeoba. According to her, the case involves misappropriation of state budget funds by the municipality in the process of building Rabati Fortress. According to the office of the prosecutor, investigating authorities have collected the paperwork about privatization of property on the territory of the municipality. According to these documents, auctions were held for selling 11 facilities. Even though each of these auctions had only one bidder, all facilities were sold at a price higher than the initial one. Total of GEL 9 632 000 was received after sale of the facilities, whereas initial price of the real estate was GEL 161 000. Further, according to the office of the prosecutor, some of the properties that were auctioned off were purchased by bidders who were in prison at that time Juansher Mashia, director of Georgian Investment Ltd. and Levan Simonishvili,


director of Insta Georgia Ltd. The office of the prosecutor summoned both for questioning. Two bidders transferred the property purchased during the auction back into the ownership of the state, free of charge. According to Paichadze, the investigation will determine what these funds received from the auction were spent on. 27 Aspindza on February 25 former chief of Aspinda police concluded a plea bargain agreement. One of the key pieces of evidence in proceedings brought against the former official by the office of Samtskhe-Javakheti District Prosecutor was video footage from Info 9 Internet-TV, where Besik Beridze is accused of verbal and physical abuse. Former chief of Aspindza police was sentenced to one-year imprisonment and ordered to pay GEL 4000 in fine. Kutaisi on March 2, head of Kutaisi City Halls culture office, Teimuraz Tsitsishvili was arrested and charged with abuse of official capacity and misappropriation of funds in 2011 tender when he allegedly misappropriated GEL 6000. The defendant does not plead guilty. Teimuraz Tsitsishvili was released on GEL 10 000 bail on March 5 by Kutaisi Court. A rally in support of the defendant was held in downtown Kutaisi before the trial. Tbilisi Sakrebulo28 questioning of member of Sakrebulo Davit Tsereteli (UNM) in the office of financial police on March 11 lasted for five hours. Tsereteli did not discuss any details publicly; however, he noted that he it had nothing to do with the case of Tbilservice Group; rather, investigating authorities were asking questions about his party activities. I am unable to disclose any details as this is an ongoing investigation. If there had been a senior party official instead of me, he would have provided comprehensive answers, and this many people would not have gone through the trouble of giving statements, - says Tsereteli. 29 Khelvachauri on March 13, officers of MIAs anti-corruption agency arrested Levan Lortkipanidze, Gamgebeli of Khelvachauri Municipality, and his deputy, Nodar Sharabidze, on charges of abusing power and committing official fraud. There were many police officers stationed outside the building. Nodar Sharabidze had gotten sick and was taken to the hospital on a stretcher. Lortkipanidze was appointed as Gamgebeli on December 31, 2012; he is a member of the coalition Georgian Dream. According to the investigating authorities, Levan Lortkipanidze and Nodar Sharabidze gave advantage to one of the companies, thus essentially violating legal interests of the state and inflicting significant damage to the state budget. The case involved a company that carried out construction and rehabilitation works for a cultural center and a nursery school in villages of Tkhilnari and Chalnari, Khelvachauri District. Defendants accepted and made a full payment for the companys unfinished works, indicating in official documents (hand-over act) that works had been completed.

27 28

Information about investigating measures in Tbilisi Sakrebulo are available in subchapter 4. Developments in Tbilisi Self-Government


At the time of the arrest Deputy Speaker of the Georgian Parliament Murman Dumbadze and members of Adjara Supreme Council were present in the building. Their political statements were met with mixed reactions from public. In relation to this case authorities also questioned Chairman of Khelvachauri Municipality Sakrebulo Malkhaz Partenadze. On March 15, under Tbilisi City Courts ruling, the defendants were released on bail, GEL 10 000 each. 30 On March 18, Levan Lortkipanidze and his deputy resigned under the courts decision. During a briefing in Gamgeoba, Lortkipanidze stated that he was not going to appeal in court; rather, he was going to wait for courts decision. He remains to be the member of the Georgian Dream Democratic Georgia. Poti on March 13, MOFs investigating authorities instituted proceedings against the following officials on charges of official negligence and misappropriation of large amount of state funds: Davit Komakhidze, head of Poti City Halls department of infrastructure and public services; deputy head of the department Konstantine Adamia, head of the division Gizo Khurtsia, chief specialist of the department Juna Sichinava, as well as director of Infrastructure 2008 Ltd. Irakli Dondua. According to the investigating authorities, tenders announced for maintenance of Poti sewage system used to be won solely by Infrastructure 2008, funded by the City Hall. GEL 1 395 927 was transferred to the company for performing the maintenance works. Works performed by the company as envisaged by tender agreement were of poor quality and incomplete, whereas unfinished works were indicated as finished in official paperwork. Investigation has been instituted under para.2, Article 182 and para.1, Article 342 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which envisage imprisonment from two to five years.

V. Conclusion Staff changes in self-governments and redistribution of political power in Sakrebulos stem from their expectation that following the change in the central authorities it is only natural for changes to also occur in municipal governments, for the Georgian Dream to become a decision-making political force at the local level as well. Such public sentiments have been engendered by their wrongful perception of local selfgovernments essence and functions on the one hand, frequently caused by the work that municipal officials pursued; in particular, during the pre-election period self-government officials were widely viewed as representatives of the ruling party and their supporters at the local level. Regrettably, the trend of dismissing employees on alleged political grounds and non-competitive hiring of the so-called interims still persists. ISFED disapproves of the trends identified in municipalities and believes that the practice has an adverse impact on liberating public servants from political influence. We believe that the authorities


should ensure prevention of this unjustified practice in a timely manner, while self-governments must fully abide by law in hiring and dismissal of employees. Further, it is important to examine illegal facts and dismissals in self-governments in frames of a working group or an inter-agency task force on self-government issues. Its comments and recommendations must be sufficiently authoritative, as despite a number of statements made by the authorities, no meaningful steps have been made for thwarting the trend of dismissals and illegal trends within local self-governments.


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