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Times of Refreshing (1 of 8) - Jeff Schreve - Sermon Outlines and Preaching Ideas

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Times of Refreshing (1 of 8) by Jeff Schreve

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SHARE Email thismore This content is part of a series. Times of Refreshing (1 of 8) Series: A New Lease on Life Pastor Jeff Schreve Acts 3:17-26 I heard about a farmer he went out in his pickup truck with his faithful dog and he was pulling a horse in a horse trailer. And he drove out and he came to a sharp curve in the road and he lost control and there was a terrible horrible accident. A highway patrolman came on the scene and he saw that the dog was very injured and the horse was very injured and they were moaning and yelping in pain and he pulled out his revolver and put them both out of their misery. And he came to that farmer who was there on the road with his smoking gun and he said "How are you sir?" He said "Never better!" (Laughter) We want to talk today about a new series called A New Lease On Life. Now I am convinced that the vast majority of people in this world desperately need a new lease on life they desperately need to be able to honestly say "I have never felt better". See lots of people go through life and life just becomes so blah so mundane so humdrum they have their jobs that they go to and the majority of people don't like their job and they go to their jobs and they just slug it out day after day and all they can think about is getting to go home and what do they do when they go home they watch TV until they go to bed. And some people, students, they go to school and they don't like school and they just can't wait to get out of school and what happens when you finish high school you go to college and then you are just there and it's just AHHHHHHHHH when does it ever get better. Lots of people live like that. And their lives are just dry and dusty and filled with to be honest lots of times despair. Henry David Thoreau, the poet and the philosopher of the 1800s, he wrote these words "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the gains and amusements of mankind". That was what he saw there is just despair there the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. Now Thoreau died in the 1800s he doesn't sound like a barrel full of monkeys does he? I mean when you go to a party with Henry David Thoreau after spending some time with him it's like hey pass the razor blades so I can slash my wrist. You are a real bummer but he is being honest and he is telling it like it is. And so many people do lead lives that are just dry that just seem so empty. Now that is not what God wants for us! And the truth of 1/5


Times of Refreshing (1 of 8) - Jeff Schreve - Sermon Outlines and Preaching Ideas

the matter is whether you're a Christian or non-Christian whether you're in church or out of church so many still live the same kind of lives, empty. You may amass a bunch of money but money doesn't satisfy it just leaves you empty. Mick Jagger wrote this song and sings this song I Can't Get No Satisfaction. But I try and I try and I try and I try but I can't get no, no, no, no sati ... There are 34063 characters in the full content. This excerpt only shows a 3000 character sample of the full content. Price:$4.99 or 1 credit

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Times of Refreshing (1 of 8) - Jeff Schreve - Sermon Outlines and Preaching Ideas

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Times of Refreshing (1 of 8) - Jeff Schreve - Sermon Outlines and Preaching Ideas

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