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for the year


FOREWORD God blessed them (male and female) and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number ... (Genesis 1:28). One aspect of the meaning of the word, increase, is to grow, either in number or size! This is in God's mind at creation for the created things to keep growing, both in terms of numerical strength and in stature (maturity). The Bible Study Outline for 2011 has its theme as, GROWING IN THE GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. Having been created by God through procreation; we are re-created through the Holy Spirit to desire to grow in Godliness. This is God's desire, after sin damaged the primary relationship between man and God. For a correct direction or road map to this desire of God for His world and people, there is the need to fashion a series of studies, thoroughly based on Christian scriptures. This is exactly what this Bible Study Outline has laboured to do. I commend it to all Anglican faithful, and any other with the intent for you to continue growing into whom God desires all of us to become in His Son Jesus Christ. May we experience increase of God's Kingdom here on earth, and to His name be Honour and glory. Amen

The Most Revd. Nicholas D. Okoh The Primate of All Nigeria.




2011 BIBLE STUDY OUTLINE INTRODUCTION We give thanks to the Almighty God for His mercy towards His Church, and for His guidance in providing a source of nurture to many people through the Bible Study Outline. We appreciate the contributions of individuals and groups towards the success of this work. We thank God for several testimonies acknowledging the blessings that have resulted from the use of the Bible Study Outline. This year 2011 study 'Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God' is a follow-up on last year's study 'God's Revival'. This is pertinent because of the rising need in our Churches today. Revival cannot be sustained without a corresponding emphasis on Christian growth and discipleship. To 'grow' means 'to increase in size or stature through natural development'. The concept of Christian growth is growing in the grace and knowledge of God. No Christian can grow in isolation of grace and knowledge of God. Our faith journey begins in grace through a revelational knowledge of what God has accomplished in Christ Jesus. Christian growth entails a drawing from God's grace and catching fresh knowledge of God through His revealed word. It also entails a daily exercise of faith from our knowledge of God's word within the measure of grace we have received. Today we have a multitude of Christians who would run at every favourable God-sent experience except grow in it. A teaming population of professing Christians are mere novices in matters of the Christian doctrine. Spiritual development is scarcely the


watchword of many local Churches. This syndrome has undermined the 'catalyst' influence of the Church in the society. To sustain every God-sent revival in our Churches, growing in the grace and knowledge of God becomes imperative. This study outlines various conditions and aspects of Christian growth (in grace and Knowledge of God), such as elements of growth, God's grace to mankind, the knowledge of God, obtaining God's knowledge, and evidence of true discipleship. The Bible Study is meant to be a Group Discussion in which everyone is encouraged to participate and contribute. A Guideline for those who will lead the study is attached. We encourage Bible Study leaders to prepare in prayer and study before they lead. We encourage personal application of the lessons learnt in daily living. May the Great Teacher, the Holy Spirit, teach and lead us to the depths of the Truth of His word. Amen. Bishop Henry Ndukuba Chairman, Liturgy, Prayer and Spiritual Committee for the Church of Nigeria.




GUIDELINES TO ORGANISING/LEADING BIBLE STUDIES ? These are actually guidelines as indicated above. We trust the Holy Spirit to use them to enrich your time together.
? Leaders should spend much time in prayer and preparatory

before any study.

? Emphasis should be on small and effective groups of between 10

and 20 persons depending on the size of the congregation and spaces available to teachers.
? Where possible, separate youths from adults so lessons can be

more appropriately applied.

? All leaders should meet a day or more to the study to preview.

Individual leaders are encouraged thereafter, to still go through the studies on their own.
? Good time management can be done by assigning time to each

section of the study and limiting the number of persons that contribute to each section.
? If you begin the study by reading the text, then only make passing

reference to it in the study when it occurs again. Do not read it again.

? The memory verse and conclusions as well as food for thought

are important since they capture the essence of a study. Therefore, endeavour to go through them.



? The introduction is to be briefly handled. Do not use it as a

medium for lengthy teaching.

? Work out ways of stimulating peoples interest for Bible Studies.

Adopt the time most suitable for your congregation and change when so desired, but with the approval of the Church leadership.
? Leaders must be sensitive to contributions and ensure they

address the questions or issues raised. Find out polite and effective ways of bringing contributions to focus on the study.
? Find out from your vicar seasons of the Church year and explain

them in two three sentences to your class at the beginning of the study.
? Leaders of small group should know their members very well,

visit and encourage them to bring others to their groups. Appoint assistant leaders for each group who should become the leader when the group splits with growth.




FOREWORD 2011 BIBLE STUDY OUTLINE INTRODUCTION GUIDELINES TO ORGANISING/LEADING STUDIES. TABLE OF CONTENT STUDY ONE JANUARY 2, 2011 Christmas II STUDY TWO JANUARY 9, 2011 Epiphany I STUDY THREE JANUARY 16, 2011 Epiphany II STUDY FOUR JANUARY 23, 2011 Epiphany III STUDY FIVE JANUARY 30, 2011 Epiphany IV STUDY SIX FEBRUARY 6, 2011 Epiphany V STUDY SEVEN FEBRUARY 13, 2011 Epiphany VI STUDY EIGHT FEBRUARY 20, 2011 Septuagesima STUDY NINE FEBRUARY 27, 2011 Sexagesima STUDY TEN MARCH 6, 2011 Quinquagesima STUDY ELEVEN MARCH 13, 2011 Lent I STUDY TWELVE MARCH 20, 2011 Lent II STUDY THIRTEEN MARCH 27, 2011 Lent III STUDY FOURTEEN APRIL 3, 2011 Lent IV (Mothering Sunday) STUDY FIFTEEN APRIL 10, 2011 Lent V STUDY SIXTEEN APRIL 17, 2011 Palm Sunday STUDY SEVENTEEN APRIL 24, 2011 Easter Sunday STUDY EIGHTEEN MAY 1, 2011 Easter I STUDY NINETEEN MAY 8, 2011 Easter II STUDY TWENTY MAY 15, 2011 Easter III STUDY TWENTY-ONE MAY 22, Easter IV STUDY TWENTY-TWO MAY 29, 2011, Easter V (ROGATION SUNDAY) STUDY TWENTY-THREE JUNE 5, 2011, Sunday after Ascension ii iii v vi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23





24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52




JANUARY 2, 2011

CHRISTMAS II THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God What is Growth? 1 Pet. 2:1-10

AIM: To renew our Knowledge of the Physical and Spiritual development (growth) Introduction: Growth means development from one Stage of life to the other. It may be positive and it may be negative. In our passage today. we are called to forsake all our past ungodly things this year. 1 Pet 2:2; Ps. 104:14, as all manners of negative growth result to physical sickness in the body, so also ungodly growth among believers will result to Spiritual malformation and will eventually lead to Spiritual death. Ezek. 44:7, 12. Questions for Discussion 1. (a) In your own understanding, what is Physical and Spiritual growth? (b) What are the things that can hinder or enhance Spiritual growth 1 Pet. 2:1-3 2. (a) Sin detares spiritual growth, why are the sins mentioned in 1 Pet. 2:1 committed in the church today? James 5:9. (b) How can a Christian grow? 1 Pet. 2:2; Matt. 18:3; and! 1Cor. 14:20; 1 Cor. 3:2 (a) What do you understand by Pure Milk of the Word? (b) What does God desire His children to become? 1 Pet. 2:4-5, 9-10. How can a Christian be a cornerstone and or a stumbling block as seen in 1 Pet. 2:7; Read Ex. 9:16, Matt. 5:13-16. What does God require of any person who wants to grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord? Mk. 10:13-15; 2 Pet. 3:17-18; 1 Pet, 2:11-12.

3. 4.


Conclusion: Whoever desires to grow as a Christian needs the purity of baby milk and the genuineness of a child's heart in other to grow very well. Food for thought: As innocent as a baby, so should a Christian be in all manners of life. Memory Verse: 1 Pet. 2:2



JANUARY 9, 2011

EPIPHANY I THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in Grace and Knowledge of God. Elements of Growth (i) Good Nutrition. Dan. 1:1-21

AIM: To teach that good nutrition is essential for good and healthy growth and well being. Introduction: As good food will enhance growth both physically and psychologically, so also, Spiritual food will enhance spiritual growth in the lives of every Christian believer. Spiritual food are gotten from good Christian teachings. (Matt. 4:23; Col. 3:16; 2 Tim. 4:2; Tit. 2:12). In our text today Daniel decided to abstain from idolatrous food with his friends, and at the end of ten days, God made them to be better than the other Babylonian Wiseman in Wisdom, Knowledge, honour and splendor. Daniel 1:18-20. Questions for Discussion 1. (a) What is Spiritual food? Deut. 8:3; Neh. 9:15, 20; 1 Cor. 10:3-4; John 6:35, 48-51. (b) How can we be fed Spiritually? 1 Sam. 55:1-3; John 4:13-14; Matt. 4:4; John 6:33-35; Rev. 21:6; Cor. 5:8. Phil. 4:8; Rom. 12:1-2. 2. (a) How can you explain the action of Daniel and his friends compare it with the attitude of some Christians today regarding food and festivals with Idolaters during traditional festivals? (b) What are the consequences of eating unworthy food? Daniel 1:8; Matt. 14:6-9; 1 Cor. 8:1-13. How can you explain good Spiritual nutrition? Prov. 9:1-6; Matt. 22:4; Rev. 19:9; John 6:27. What is your advice concerning Christians who still partake in eating with unbelievers during pagan or other religious festivals. 1 Cor. 8:1-13.



Conclusion: Whatever you eat will be seen in your appearance and life. Whatever Spiritual intake you have will be evident in your actions as a Christian. Food for thought: To be well fed is to live well. Memory Verse: John 6:27



JANUARY 16, 2011

EPIPHANY II THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Elements of Growth (ii) Healthy Environment. Acts 2:44-47

AIM: To teach that a healthy Spiritual Environment is necessary for Spiritual Growth. Introduction: In our text today, we read about the early Christian believers, living together in love and unity. Their unity brought about growth to the entire early Christian Church. Through this unity they received favour from all people. If we must grow as Christians, the people we live with, and the people we relate with matter a lot. Questions for Discussion 1. (a) What are the qualities to be seen in a healthy Spiritual Environment Acts 15:22; 1 Thess. 3:11-13; Heb. 12:22-24; Num. 16:6, 32-33; 1 Cor. 15:33; 5:9-11; Psalm 133:1-3; (a) What are the qualities of an unhealthy Spiritual Environment, Num. 26:9-10. 2. 3. How can you know a healthy Christian community? Acts 4:32-37. According to Acts 2:44-47 what were the qualities of a Healthy Christian Environment?

What are the things that can render a Christian unclean? Jere. 13:27; Mk. 7:20. 5. What does God expect of a growing Christian? 2 Cor. 6:14; 7:1; 1 Cor. 15:33; 2 Tim. 2:19. Conclusion: Let us be very mindful of our environment, because our Spiritual environment contribute a lot to our well being as Christians. Food for Thought: Show me where you live, and I will tell you what type of person you are. Memory Verse:


1 Cor. 15:33.


JANUARY 23, 2011

EPIPHANY III THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Elements of Growth (iii) Good Medication. Ezek. 47:12; Rev. 22:1-2; Prov. 4:20-27.

AIM: To teach us that whoever will grow needs good medication. The medicine for a healthy Christian growth is the Word of God. Introduction: In Ezekiel 47:12, we were made to know that the best fruit for human growth and healing is noted in the Sanctuary of God. The Bible revealed to us that the word of God is life and health to all who give attention to it. Prov. 4:22; Prov. 3:7-8. Sickness brings death, but with healing comes life. In our passage today, the word of God is clear to be the only medication to Christian growth. It is there you find wisdom and understanding which will keep you growing in the knowledge and grace of God. (1 Pet. 2:2). Questions for Discussion 1. Name some terminal sicknesses in the world today and how they can be cured or avoided. 2. What are the characteristics of the Word of God in relation to good healthy Christian Living? Ezek. 47:12; Rev. 22:1-2; Ps. 107:17-20; Ps. 30:2-3; John 5:24-25; Ps. 1:1-3. What is the right medication for Sin as recorded in the Scripture? Prov. 28:13; 1 Pet. 2:11-12; Ps. 119:9-11. How can the Word of God give health to physical life? Prov.4:20; Prov. 3:13,18; Ps. 65:1-4. How do you get the right Word of God for Christian medication? Acts. 16:13; Acts. 4:31; Ps. 119:63; 1 Cor. 5:11




Conclusion: The word of God never expires like an earthly drug. Therefore, it is an eternal healing power for all believers in Christ. Food for Thought: The more you eat God's word, the more healthy you are as a growing Christian. Memory Verse: Ps. 107:20.



JANUARY 30, 2011

EPIPHANY IV THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in God's Grace and Knowledge of God. Retarded Growth. Gal. 6:7-16

AIM: To teach us that like a plant with retarded growth will either bear bad fruit or bear no fruit at all. So is a Christian who does not grow. He will find it difficult to bear good fruit. Introduction: In our text today, Paul was admonishing the Galatians Christians to beware of what they sow, because they will soon reap it. What you sow brings out its kind at harvest.(Gal. 6:7-8). If Christians must grow in the knowledge of God, then Spiritual seed is very essential. The seed sown in the flesh will never grow to bring glory to God.(Hos. 8:7; 13). Doing good at all times will help us grow in Spiritual things.(Gal.6a:9; 1 Cor. 15:58) The more we depend on carnal ways, the more we loose sight of the Spiritual knowledge that leads to Spiritual growth. (Gal 6:12-15). Question for Discussion 1. How can you explain the word retarded growth in relation to our text today? 2. What are the causes of retarded spiritual growth in some members of the Church? 2 Pet.1:5-10; Heb 3:12-14, 4:1-2,11. What are the dangers of not growing in faith or mixing the faith with other evil practices? Heb. 6:4-8; Matt.3:8-10; 2Pet. 1:8-9; Ezk.33:30-33; Matt..15:7-9 How can boasting of our positions or offices in the Church or society hinder true Spiritual growth and what do we do to remedy it? Gal.2:11-14; 6:12-15; Phil 3:4-8 (a). What was Paul's admonition to the Galatians in Gal. 6:9-10, and how can this help the growth of the Church of God? 1 Tim.618; Titus. 3:8. (b) What shall every growing believer in Christ endeavour to do? 2 Pet. 1:10-11; Heb 6:9-12




Conclusion: Sin is indeed a reproach and inhibits Spiritual growth. Pursue the elements of growth and stop hanging on things which do not help our Spiritual growth. Food for Thought: Growing in the knowledge of God will bring growth in good deeds. Memory Verse: Heb. 3:12.




FEBRUARY 6, 2011

EPIPHANY V THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Elements of Retarded growth (i) Ungodly Utterances Num. 13:31-33; Num. 14:1-4

AIM: To teach us that ungodly utterances affect Christian growth just as herbicide will affect the growth of a plant. Introduction: Ungodly utterance is an element of an unregenerated life. (Rom 3:12-14) Bad words spoken to people are capable of killing one's zeal for God, destroy good intentions and even make some people to kill themselves. Ungodly utterances kill. In Num. 13:31, 14:4 we see how the bad report of the ten spies nearly made the Israelites go back to Egypt rather than move forward to the Promised land. Ungodly utterances will retard a growing Christian rather than enhance his progress. Questions for Discussion 1. What are the sources of ungodly utterances and the effect they have on people? Mk. 12:33-37; Rom. 3:10-18; Jere. 9:3-6; 1 John 3:4-6,8. 2. Why do some people forbid Christians from preaching the gospel in some places?. Acts. 4:15-18; John 16:1-4; 9:22; Acts. 13:6-11; 12:1-3; Rev. 2:10. What was the result of the bad news the ten spies relayed to the Israelites in Num. 13:31-33 and Num 14:1-4. How can ungodly utterances retard the growth of a Christian? Ps. 5:9; Ps. 36:1-4; Acts 18:12-13; James 3:5-11. How can we curb ungodly utterances today in our Church? Eph. 4:14-15; 2 Cor. 2:17; James 3:13-18.




Conclusion: Whatever we say with our mouth can either build or destroy the Church of God. Therefore, let all ungodly utterances be shunned in our Churches. Food for Thought: Ungodly speeches retard while godly speeches promote the gospel. Memory Verse: Matt. 12:36.



FEBRUARY 13, 2011

EPIPHANY VI THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Element of retarded growth (ii) Unholy Association. Revelation 2:12-17

AIM: To teach us that all unholy association or fellowship will never allow God's Children to grow Spiritually. Introduction: In our text today, we saw the Spirit of God telling Apostle John a message concerning the Church in Pergamos. The Church was commended for not denying the Name of Christ among Satanic worshipers but unfortunately the habits of these unholy fellowship nearly killed the Church at Pergamos. See (Rev. 2:14-15). Keeping such an unholy relationship may bring the wrath of God on any fellowship or Church and so destroy it instead of blessing it. Questions for Discussion 1 (a) What are the good works of the Church in Pergamos that were mentioned in Rev. 2:13. (b) Mention some good things God will commend your local Church for. 2 (a) What type of people were the Christians in Pergamos relating with? Rev. 2:14-15 (b) What were the dangers in having relationship with such people? Num. 25:1-5; Rom. 1:21-32 How can relationship or friendship with drunkards, smokers, occults, harlots, smugglers or killers affect the Spiritual growth of a Christian? Read Eph. 5:11-12; Rom. 6:20-21; 1 Cor. 5:11:13; 1 Kings 11:1-9 etc. What should be the attitude of Christians to people whose lives and ways attack and destroy the Gospel of Christ? Matt. 5:43-48; 2 Cor. 6:14; 7:1; Heb. 12:12-17.



Conclusion: As stinking environment will never promote good health, so also unholy relationship will never promote good and healthy Christian living. Food for Thought: Unholy association makes up unholy Church. Memory Verse: 2 Cor. 6:14.



FEBRUARY 20, 2011

SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Element of Retarded growth (iii) Lack of Spiritual Healing/Spiritual Sickness. Jer. 8:2122; Jer. 46:11-13

AIM: To teach that Spiritual sickness will retard the Spiritual growth of a Christian. Introduction: Medication is a means of applying medicine to a sick person. Many people are physically healthy and wealthy but they are Spiritually and emotionally sick; and need help and healing from God. It is only God that can heal spiritual infirmity and set them free. Jesus Christ went about doing good and healing (all sicknesses) all who were oppressed by the devil. (Acts. 10:38). When people do not allow God to heal them Spiritually and emotionally, they cannot grow in faith and mature. Therefore when the right medication is lacking then the Church may collapse or not grow. Questions for Discussion 1. How effective have been what Egypt relied on for victory? Jer. 46:8-9; Ex. 14:9. 2. (a) Why do people seek help from devil rather than from God? 1 Sam. 28:58 (b) Do we still have such people in the Church today and why? Jer. 30:14. What are the consequences of not trusting the Lord? Jer. 30:12-14; Jer. 46:11-13 Jer. 17:5-6; Judges 6:1-6. What is the remedy for spiritual sickness? Col. 1:13-14; 2:14-15. Jer. 17:7-8; Isa.53:4-5; Acts. 26:17-18; What does God demand of His Children? Josh. 24:15; 1 Kings 18:21; Eph. 5:1-7.

3. 4.


Conclusion: Who do you call to in times of tribulations? A Christian who lacks the right teachings of Jesus Christ and the message of salvation is sick and lives like a sour. God has provided Balm in Gilead for our healing in Jesus Christ. Food for Thought: As right prescription is to a healthy patient, so is the right gospel message to the Christians. Memory Verse:

1 Pet. 2:24.


FEBRUARY 27, 2011

SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God What is Grace?. 2 Cor. 8:1-9

AIM: To teach us that whatever we are in Christ Jesus is not by our power but by the grace of God. Introduction: Grace means an unmerited gift to someone, it means receiving what one did not work for, before he was given. Paul in our text today praised the Churches in Macedonia, for what they had freely contributed to the welfare of the Christians in Jerusalem not because they were rich, but because they were willing to freely give. This is what grace enabled them to do. Vs. 2-3, as Christians we must always remember that our Salvation is not earned by our ability or goodness, but it was freely given to us through the life and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph. 2:4-8). Questions for Discussion 1. What do you understand by the word Grace? Rom. 5:15,20-21; 1 Tim. 1:12-13; 2 Cor. 12:7-10. 2. (a) What was the grace given to the Macedonia Churches in 2 Cor. 8:1-5? (b) How was this grace used by the early Church? Acts. 4:32-37; 2 Cor. 6:14; 5:19-21; Gal. 2:20-21. (a) Mention some gifts given to Christians today by the grace of God 1 Cor. 12:8-10.


(b) How are we supposed to use these gifts? 1 Cor. 14:12; Eph. 4:11-15. 4. Giving to the work of God is for every believer in Christ. Discuss how this can be done in your local Church. 2 Cor. 8:1-5; 2 Cor. 9:6-8.

Conclusion: Every Christian should always remember that if not for Christ, we were all doomed for eternal condemnation but by His grace, we were saved. We are saved so that we can serve God. Food for Thought: If Salvation can be bought, it will only be for the wealthy, but it is by Grace in Christ Jesus. Memory Verse:

Eph. 2:8.


MARCH 6, 2011

QUINQUAGESIMA SUNDAY THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. God's grace to mankind: (i) The Character of Jesus 2 Pet. 1:1-12

AIM: To teach us that God wants His people to grow in their Christian faith experience and character. Introduction: When God saves any person from sin, He gives him or her a new life in Jesus Christ by faith. He desires that the person should grow in his or her experience of God daily. Just as a house is built with cement blocks, there are building blocks of Christ character in the life of the believer. This character building is a deliberate task which every child of God should give himself or herself to, if that person will be matured and strong. Questions for Discussion 1. What are the things God freely give to His children? 2 Pet. 1:1-4; Eph. 2:4-9; Rom. 5:6-8. 2. What character does Jesus Christ desire of those who follow Him? Rom. 8:29-30; Matt. 11:28-30; Phil. 2:3-8; Matt. 5:3-12; 2 Cor. 5:17 How can a believer have the character of Christ? 2 Pet. 1:5-7; Rom. 5:15; John 15:1-5. What are the consequences of not growing in the character of Jesus Christ? 2 Pet. 1:8-9; 1 John 2:9-11. What are the evidences of the grace of God in your life, family, and the local Church? 2 Pet. 1:10-11; Acts 11:19-26.




Conclusion: God desires that we should grow in becoming like Jesus in thought, word and action. The effect of the grace of God in the believers life is the character change. Where this is lacking Christ is not present. Memory Verse: 2 Cor. 5:17





MARCH 13, 2011

LENT I THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. God's grace to Mankind (ii) Preservation of our lives Josh. 24:16-18.

AIM: To teach us that we are alive today is only by the grace of God. And to know God's purpose in preserving our lives till today.. Introduction: We thank God for another Lenten season. The question before us today is 'Are all those who witnessed lent last year still alive'? The answer is definitely No. Therefore our being alive today is by the grace of God. In our text today we see that the Israelites quickly forgot the Lord God who brought them out of Egypt through the Red-Sea and the wilderness to the Promised Land and turned to worship foreign gods Josh. 24:6-13. Joshua challenged them to put off all the foreign gods from their midst that they may serve the only living God (Josh. 24:14) The people rose to the challenge by affirming that it is by the grace of God that they were preserved and that they would serve the Living God only, Josh. 24:16-17. Questions for Discussion 1. Mention some great men in your Country (Nigeria) who were alive last year and are no more today. Why were you not dead by now? Ps. 31:23; 32:6-7. 2. How do some people misuse the grace of being alive today? 2 Sam. 12:89; James 4:13-16; 1 Cor. 5:32-34; How can we make use of our grace of being alive today to help our fellow man? 2 Sam. 4:8-12; Heb. 13:18; Rom. 15:1-2; Gal. 5:12. How can a Christian live to glorify God today in your local Church, village or city? Ps. 118:17; 1 Pet. 2:9-11.



Conclusion: As we are in the penitential mood of lent, let our lives portray godliness in genuine love to our fellow men knowing that we are alive today by the grace of God. Food for Thought: Being alive is an opportunity to live to please God. Memory Verse: Josh. 24:17.




MARCH 20, 2011

LENT II THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Grace of God to Mankind: (iii) The Mercy of God. Exodus 34:1-7

AIM: To show that our Lord is merciful to sinners and believers alike Introduction: The Lord was so merciful to the Israelites inspite, of their stiff nakedness (Ex.34:9). God called Moses and instructed him on what to do and how the people should serve him. Not ready to instruct with mercy but to always condemn with fault finding. The Lord proclaimed himself as being merciful and long suffering. We should know that it is by the grace of God that we received mercy and pardon for our sins and we are kept alive in spite of our wrong doings. Today some of our leaders are not ready to instruct with mercy but are quick in fault finding and condemnation, but God is merciful , Questions for Discussion 1. (a) Why did God tell Moses to warn the Israelites not to move near the mountain? Ex.34:2-3, Ex.19:12 (b) Do our leaders today take time to warn and instruct before passing merciless Judgment on those they are leading /Subjects? see, Rom. 14:13. 2. (a) list the attributes of God as recorded in . Exodus 34:6-7 Eph 1:7, 18, Rom.2:4 (b) How can you compare the long suffering of God with His Mercy? Joel 2:13; Ps. 34:18; 108:4 3. What are the benefits of receiving the mercy of God? Joel 2:19; 21-29; Eph2:4-5 4. (a). Why is it difficult for some of some people to show mercy today? 1 Sam.25:9-11; 25-26; Mal. 3:6; Lam3:22. (b). What does God require of us? Mk 12:33; Hos. 6:6; Mic.6:6-8

Conclusion: We should all know that whatever we are on earth is by God's mercy. Therefore, we should show mercy to our neighbours knowing that we brought nothing into the world and will not take away anything. Job 1:21 Food for Thought: The best way to express your gratitude to God is to show mercy to others who need your help. Memory Verse: Hos. 6:6




MARCH 27, 2011

LENT III THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Grace of God to Mankind: (iv) Victory over our enemies. Exodus 23:20-30

AIM: To teach us that victory over our enemies can only be achieved by the grace of God. Introduction: An enemy means an adversary, one who does not want peace, progress and blessing for your life. In our passage today, God told the Israelites that He will go before them and fight their enemies. Ex. 23:20-22. It is only by the grace of God that we have not been over run by our enemies, haters of our joy and glory. Therefore, let us use this grace to appreciate and always serve the Lord (Ex. 23:25). Questions for Discussion 1 (a) Who is an enemy? 1 Sam. 18:25; Ps. 69:4. (b) Who is the Archenemy? 1 Pet. 5:8; Rev. 12:7-10; John 10:10a 2 How can we explain the grace of God in Ex. 2:5-10; 1 Sam. 17:48-50; Acts. 12:5-11. (b) How can we experience this today? (a) What was the instruction of God to the Israelites in Ex. 23:20-22. (b) What does God require from His people in order to give them victory? 1 Sam. 15:22; Isa. 1:19. (a)

4. (a) How can we know the numbers of our enemies? Ps. 5:8. (b) How best can we conquer them 5. How can a Christian live victorious life consistently? Prov. 16:7; 1 John 3:8-9; Eph. 6:10-11; Rev. 2:4; 1Sam. 4:5-8. Conclusion: The greatest enemy of all Christians is Sin. Which will bar any believer in Christ Jesus from entering the Kingdom of God. It is only the grace of God that can give us Victory over Sin. James 1:15; 1 John 5:18. Food for Thought: If your Strength can fight known enemies, how do you combat unknown Spiritual enemies? Memory Verse: 1 John 5:4




APRIL 3, 2011

LENT IV (Mothering Sunday) THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Grace of God to Mankind: (v) Daily Provisions. Deut. 8:1-9

AIM: To teach us that our daily provisions are by the grace of God. Introduction: In our text today, God reminded the Israelites about how he catered for their Feeding, Clothing and Shelter while they were in the wilderness where there was no water, shelter and food Deut. 8:2,4. God warned them to humble themselves so that they will not have the notion that it was by their own power that they had the provisions they had in the wilderness. Deut. 8:11-17. We as Christians should not boast in what God has given to us because we did not have them by our own power or strength, (1 Cor. 4:7). Questions for Discussion 1. Mention five of the daily provisions of God to His creation. Job 38:41; Ps. 121:3; Matt. 5:45; 1 Kings 19:6; Phil. 4:19. 2. How can God's provisions be multiplied in our lives as recorded in Deut. 8:67; Deut. 28:1-14? What is God promising to give to all who faithfully walk in his way in Deut. 5:33; 4:40; Jer. 7:23? (a) What was the thought of the rich fool in Luke 12:16-19.? (b) What was the punishment for not glorifying God for his riches? Luke 12:20.



5. How do we abuse the grace of God's provisions? James 5:1-6; Mal. 3:5; Deut. 8:11-20 Conclusion: Whatever we have today, is by God's grace. Either we use it judiciously or selfishly, we will soon leave all for another person to inherit. Ecc. 2:18-19. Food for Thought: Your riches will only be seen by what you do to help others around you. Memory Verse: 1 Cor. 4:7.




APRIL 10, 2011

LENT V THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Grace of God to Mankind: (vi) The Salvation of Man. Titus 2:11-14.

AIM: To open our eyes to the fact that our Salvation is not by the works of our hands but by the grace of God. Introduction: Paul, in our text today tried to admonish Titus about Sound doctrine to all categories of believers, (Titus 2:1). He explained how the Salvation of all men is attained by grace through Jesus Christ. Titus 2:11 ref. Titus 3:4-5. We should always consider our redemption as a work of grace through our Lord Jesus Christ, so we should not boast about it. Questions for Discussion 1. How would you explain Salvation? Isa. 50:9; 1John 3:18; Heb. 8:12; Heb. 10:17. 2. 3. How does God save men from sin? Isa. 55:7 How do people try to work out their own Salvation? Gal. 2:3-4, Rom. 3:20; Gal. 2:3-4,16 What is the effect of the grace of God that brings Salvation? Titus 2:1114; Eph. 5:25-26; Gal. 2:8-9; Prov. 28:13; Acts. 4:12. Discuss 11 Cor. 5:17-21 in the light of our topic.



Conclusion: No one can work out his Salvation by himself, but by the grace of God every man is saved. Therefore we should not boast. Food for Thought: If Salvation can be bought with money, only the rich will inherit the Kingdom of God. Memory Verse: Eph. 2:8





APRIL 17, 2011

PALM SUNDAY THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. God's grace to mankind: (vii) Adoption of Believers as God's children. Romans 8:12-17.

AIM: To teach that as adopted children of God, we are no more under the bondage of sin and fear. Introduction: We thank God for giving us the grace to witness another Palm Sunday. Today we celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem (Matt. 21:111). This event sets the tone of the other events of the Holy Week leading up to Jesus Death and Resurrection. When Jesus went into the Temple at Jerusalem He drove away those who were misusing the House of Prayer, the Temple of the Living God (Matt. 21:12-17). Our lives and bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Jesus wants to cleanse and purify lives. In our text today, Apostle Paul exposes all Christians to the fact that if we live by the flesh, we shall be bound by sin and fear, this leads to death and destruction. But as adopted children of God, we are freed from fear and so should confess Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of the whole world. On this Palm Sunday let Jesus Christ come in as the King of your heart and Life. Questions for Discussion 1. What do you understand by adoption? Gen.15:2-3, Gen.48:5, Ex.2:10, Esth. 2:7. 2. 3 What are the criteria for Christians to be adopted by God? Rom.8:14-15; Ps.4:3, Eph.1:4, James.2:5. (a) What are the things that can enslave a Christian? Rom.6:13, 16; Rom. 8:5-8; John.8:34. (b) Can a local Church be enslaved? Matt. 21:12-16; I Cor. 3:1-4; 3 John v. 9-11 (a) Why did the Pharisees try to stop the crowd from shouting the praises of Jesus in Luke 19:38-40? Compare with Luke 19:45-46; Rom.8:5-9 (b) Are you not afraid to profess Christ today among unbelievers? Matt.10:3233; How should we as Christians live our lives as sons of God? Gal.5:13, 1Cor.8:9.


Conclusion: As we celebrate the glorious Christ riding to Jerusalem today, let us always remember that we have been redeemed, and adopted as joint heirs to his father's kingdom. Therefore we should live in liberty and love. Food for Thought: Living as children of God, will set you free from the slavery of sinful habit. Memory Verse:




APRIL 24, 2011

EASTER SUNDAY THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the knowledge and grace God's grace to mankind (viii) Promise of eternal home John 14:1 6.

AIM: To teach us that we will reign with Christ in His Eternal Home in Heaven. Introduction: We thank God Almighty for sending His only begotten Son to the earth to die for our sins. Today we celebrate his victory over death and eternal control over the world. In our text today, Jesus promised his disciples eternal home. Where there will be no more weeping or sorrow (John 14:3). Glory be to God for raising his Son from dead today, to prepare this beautiful place for all believers. Questions for Discussion: 1. Who is the builder of the eternal heavenly home? 2 Cor. 5:1, Heb. 11:10, Rev. 21:2, John 14:1 2. 2. 3. What are the qualities of this eternal home? Rev. 21:14, Rev. 22:3 4. The promise of this eternal home is God's grace, Discuss this in line with John 14:3, John 17:14. What is the criteria for inheriting this promise? John 3:3, 16, I Peter 1:23.


Conclusion: As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ today, let us not only look at the earthly tabernacle as our worship place, but to look beyond, to the eternal heavenly home where death has no dominion again. Food for Though: After leaving this earthly home, where will you spend eternity. Memory Verse: John 14:2.





MAY 1, 2011

EASTER I THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Abuse of God's Grace (i) Disobedience Gen. 19:15 26.

AIM: To teach us that we need to obey God's command if we will enjoy his grace in our life. Introduction: Obedience is better than sacrifice, I Sam. 15:22. In our text today, the Angel of the Lord warned Lot and his wife. This was an unequalled grace given to Lot and His family, the grace that was never given to the two great cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen. 19:24 25. God's grace would best be enjoyed by Christians if obedience to His laws and teachings is strictly adhered to. Questions for Discussion: 1. What is Disobedience? Gen. 19:17,26; Jer. 2:13; Jer. 15:6; 2 Peter 2:15. 2. How did the following people lose out in God's grace through disobedience? Adam and Eve Gen. 3:16, 17; Nadab and Abihu. Lev. 10:1 2; King Saul I Sam. 13:13 14. From our text today, what were the instructions given to Lot and his family in order for them to escape? Gen. 19:15, 17, 21, 22, more Ref. Explain the extent of God's grace on Lot and his family in Gen. 19:16, 18 22. What was the result of disobedience in our passage for today? Gen. 19:26, Ref.




Conclusion: How ever pious and dedicated we might be in Christianity, if the spirit of disobedience enters our heart, we would lose the grace of God in our lives. Food for Though: God's grace to last free from every spirit of disobedience. Memory Verse:

I Sam. 15:22.



MAY 8, 2011

EASTER II THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Abuse of God's Grace (ii) Sexual Immorality and Impurity (Lasciviousness) I Cor. 5:1 6

AIM: To teach that desire for sexual immoralities is an abuse of God's grace for our Christian life. Introduction: Lasciviousness means feeling or showing strong sexual desire. In our lesson today, Paul admonished the Corinthian Christians to separate themselves from all immoralities especially immoral sexual urge and relationships. He warned them about ungodly marriage and instructed the Church to assign spiritual punishment to such people that are found guilty of doing this. We should know that the grace of God on us should not be misused for any ungodly act. Questions for Discussion: 1 (a) What do you understand by the term Lasciviousness? I Cor. 5:1, Gen. 19:4 8, Judge 19:22 24, Rom. 1:24, 27. (b) What type of immoral act is found among the Corinthians? (c) How are these happening in our society today? I Cor. 5:11, Eph. 5:1,3. 2 (a) How do people abuse the grace given to them today as men or women? Rom. 1:27; Lev. 18:22; 20:13. (b) What did Jesus teach us on Divorce? (a) What are the causes of sexual immorality and impurity? (b) What are the solutions to these moral problems? What did Jesus teach us on Divorce? Matt. 19:9; Luke 16:18 (a) From world and media experience, should a Christian watch pornography, indulge in homosexual, beastialism or other sexual immorality? I Cor. 6:18; I Cor. 6:9, I Tim. 1:9 10 (b) How do we fight sexual immorality and impurity in our Churches today?

3 4. 5

Conclusion: Whatever grace we might have received from God, either of power, riches or wealth, we should be very careful not to abuse these grace through sexual immorality and impurity. Food for Thought: Every excess turns to recklessness. Therefore be godly and modest even in your marriage. Memory Verse: Eph. 5:3.




MAY 15, 2011

EASTER III THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Abuse of God's Grace (iii) Anger Numbers 20:1 12

AIM: To teach that even while we are given the grace to perform any Christian duty, we should not be angry in performing such duties. Introduction: The Israelites actually complained about thirst in the wilderness. This again forced Moses and Aaron to approach God. God instructed them to speak to the rock (Number 20:8), but out of anger Moses struck the rock twice and also uttered abusive words on God's people. Number 20:10. This attitude cost both Moses and Aaron the entrance into the Promised Land. Questions for Discussion: 1. Why was Moses angry with the people? Read Num. 20:1 5 2 (a) After Moses had presented his case before God in vs 6, why did he use abusive language in vs 10. (b) How should we control ourselves in the face of provocation intimidation or falsehood. How have anger and wrath affected our families, church and accusation? Eph. 4:26 27, 29:31. Communities? Heb. 12:15; Deut. 29:18; Gen. 34:25 31; 49:5 7; Psalm 4:4; 37:8.


Conclusion: Let us be zealous for good work of the Lord but the grace to be zealous should never be abused for overzealousness. Anger is a destroyer of God's purpose, promises and blessings for individual, family and community. Be not angry. Food for Thought: One can easily throw away the piece of gold in his hands because of anger. Memory Verse: Eph. 4:26.





MAY 22, 2011

EASTER IV THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Abuse of God's Grace (iv) Pride Luke 18:9 14

AIM: To teach that whatever standard we attain in our Christian race is by the grace of God and we should not abuse them through pride. Introduction: Pride simply means the tendency of exalting oneself. In our lesson today, we see the Pharisee who ordinarily would be acclaimed to be qualified to inherit the kingdom of God. (Ref. to John 8:33,39). He exalted himself before God in the temple. (Luke 18:11 12). He was condemned by God. (Luke 18:14). We should be self abased otherwise we would become proud. Questions for Discussion: 1. How will you explain Spiritual Pride? Luke 18:11 12, Rev. 3:17, Hosea 12:8. 2 (a) How do you see the pride of the rich people or man in Luke 12:16 19? (b) How does a proud person see things around him? Luke 12:16 19, Deut. 8b:13 18. (c) Who is the power of 'the ground' (Luke 12:16b) and the earth? Psalm 24:1 Study Rev. 3:17. How can you express the spiritual pride of the Church in Laodicea? And what was their original state spiritually? Rev. 3:15 17 How do some Christian Denominations exhibit pride today? What are the elements of pride in our society today? 2 Chro. 26:14 20; Dan. 4:28 34; Acts 12:1 4, 21 23, and what are their consequences and implications.


4. 5.

Conclusion: Let us always remember that we were nothing the day we were born. All our life acquisition is the grace of God. So, we must not be proud of anything God had given to us. Food for Thought: The more we talk less of our achievements the more we extinguish the fire of pride. Memory Verse: Prov. 11:2.





MAY 29, 2011

EASTER V (ROGATION SUNDAY) THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Abuse of God's Grace (v) Hypocrisy Matt. 23:25 31

AIM: To teach that we should not abuse God's grace on us as Christians by portraying ourselves to be what we are not. Introduction: Hypocrisy simply means portraying false personality. In our text today, Jesus condemned the attitudes of the Scribes and Pharisees because they always portray outward religion and show off. Matt. 23:25. They show to people that they are clean and holy whereas they are spiritually wicked and bad inwardly. Matt. 23:27 31. They criticize others for ungodliness, when they themselves are wicked. Questions for Discussion: 1 (a) What is Hypocrisy? (b) How can you describe an Hypocrisy? Mark 7:3 4, Matt. 23:28; Luke 13:15 2. How can you describe the actions of the Scribes and Pharisees in our text. Matt. 23:29 31, Acts 7:51 52. How should a Christian leader behave when dealing with others? Luke 6:42, 2 Tim. 2:21, Rom. 2:21 24. Mention some of the characteristics of Hypocrites in the following passages: Rom. 16:18, Luke 13:14 15; Mark 3:2, Acts 5:1 2 (a) Describe the attitudes of Aninas and Saphira in Acts 5:1 10 (b) How are these exhibited in our Churches today and what do we do?



Conclusion: We have been given the grace to serve by God. This grace should not be mis-used in deceitful means of portraying ourselves in a away we are not inwardly. Food for Thought: Every secret sin shall be made manifest on the Judgment day. Memory Verse: Luke 8:17.




JUNE 5, 2011

SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Abuse of God's Grace (vi) covetousness Joshua 7:1 6, 19 26

AIM: To teach that Covetousness brings the anger of God. We are to be contented with the grace of God in our lives. Introduction: It was by the grace of God that the Israelites defeated the city of Jericho. Joshua 6:20. This special grace was misused by Achan, one of the Israelites. This resulted in the defeat of the Israelites by a Country far smaller than Jericho. Joshua 7:1,5. Joshua inquired from the Lord and he was told that the defeat was caused by Achan's Covetousness. He was therefore stoned to death. Questions for Discussion: 1 (a) What is Covetousness? Josh. 7:21, Exd. 20:17 (b) Where does Covetousness emanate from? Mark 7:22 23. 2. Mention some of the acts of covetousness in our local families, Churches, communities and government? What are the consequences of covetousness? Josh. 7:5 -10; 25 26; I Cor. 6:9, Jer. 22:13; Hab. 2:9. What are the remedies for covetousness? I Tim. 6:6 10; Heb. 13:5, Luke 12:15 What is the punishment for covetous people? Hab. 2:9




Conclusion: We as Children of God should be contented with whatever God has given us. Food for Thought: Godliness with contentment is great gain. Memory Verse: Luke 12:15.





JUNE 12, 2011

PENTECOST (WHITSUNDAY) THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Abuse of God's Grace (vii) selfishness Luke 16:19 31.

AIM: To teach that the grace of God in our lives should be extended to our neighbours. Introduction: What do we have that had not been given us from heaven? We as children of God should therefore see whatever we have, whatever position we occupy and whoever we are as a special grace from above. The rich man in our text today refused to see his wealth as a gift of God. Therefore, abused the grace of God by failing to cater for the poor neighbour around him. God hates the selfish man, no wonder, the rich man ended up in hell after death. Questions for Discussion: 1. What is Selfishness? Luke 16:19 21 2. As Christians what does God require from us, Rom. 15:1, Rom. 14:1; Phil. 2:3 5. (a) Why did the rich man neglect the poor people? (b) Do we have such attitudes among us today? I John 3:17; I Sam. 25:11, Isaiah 56:11 What should we take as our paramount pursuit? Matt. 6:33; Phil. 2:4; I Cor. 10:24 33; Acts 2:44 47.


Conclusion: We should always remember that we have limited time to spend in this world, and we shall one day appear before God to give the account of how we have used the grace of God given us. Matt. 25:44 46. Food for Thought: The rich and poor shall die, so, beware for the grace of God on you is limited with time. Memory Verse: I John 3:17.





JUNE 19, 2011

TRINITY SUNDAY THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Abuse of God's Grace (viii) oppression of the poor Deut. 24:10 15.

AIM: To teach that we should not use our positions and wealth to oppress the less privileged. Introduction: In our text today, we were made to know that a lot of less privileged people may come to us for help. If it means to lend such people anything, force or violence must not be used as a means to retrieve what was borrowed from us. If we find out that what was lent was important to him and taking back his pledge may be dangerous to his health, we should not take such back with violence. Also, we should not use our position to delay the payment of our workers wages. Questions for Discussion: 1. What do you understand by oppression? Deut. 24:17; Mal. 3:5; Exd. 23:9, Psalm 94:6 2. What is God advising us here to do concerning the less privileged who approach us for one help or the other? Deut. 24:12 13; Prov. 14:31; Psalm 82:3,4. What is God's judgment for the oppressor of the poor in Amos 2:6,8, 13 1; Amos 5:11; Matt. 25:42 46. Name some of the ways by which the rich oppress the poor among us today Amos 2:6; Amos 4:1; Psalm 10:2. What is the reward of those who cater for the poor? Prov. 14:21; Prov. 22:9; Deut. 15:9,10; Psalm 41:1; Acts 20:35.




Conclusion: We should always remember that our present position and pleasure is temporal, but whatever we do to alleviate the hardship of the poor is eternal and rewarding. Food for Thought: Your esteemed height will be measured by your care for the down trodden. Memory Verse: Prov. 22:22.




JUNE 26, 2011

TRINITY I THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Abuse of God's Grace (ix) oppression of men of God I Sam. 22:11 19

AIM: To teach that a lot of people today use their position to oppress men of God. Introduction: In our text today, Saul was very bitter with the men of God (Priests) who stayed by their work in job. Ahimelech only performed one of the duties assigned by God for his Priests in I Sam. 21:1 9, Ex. 25:30. This was counted for him as sin, because he entertained David, who unknown to Ahimelech, was sought for by Saul. Saul ordered the killing of eight five Priests because his enemy, David, visited them. Questions for Discussion: 1. Why did Ahimelech entertained David? I Sam. 22:4 2. Does Saul have any reason for killing Ahimelech? If he had, is the reason genuine? I Sam. 22:13,17. (a) Why did the Kings servants not heed the order of the King to kill the Priests in I Sam 22:17? Psalm 105:15 (b) Should we obey an order for injustice, inhumanity and irreligion? Prov. 17:15, Eccl. 5:8, Luke 3:14. Why should Saul destroy the city of the Priests? I Sam. 22:19. What does God say concerning this in Deut. 24:16. Name some of the ways some ungodly rich members oppress their Priests today. Are they godly justified?



Conclusion: The Priests are servants of God, therefore the (blessed) rich in the society should never use their position to oppress the truth or the herald of truth in God's vineyard. Food for Thought: You can kill the bearer of God's message, but the message lives forever. Memory Verse: Psalm 105:14 15.




JULY 3, 2011

TRINITY II (ST. THOMAS DAY) THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Abuse of God's Grace (x) Rejecting the Gospel Mark 6:1 6

AIM: To teach that the peak of abuse of God's grace is to reject the gospel message while we are alive. Introduction: Jesus came to his own country, to his own people, who were supposed to embrace the gospel, but behold, they rejected him. Jesus could not perform great miracles in his own country because his own people did not believe see him. While we are alive, we have a great privilege and grace to accept the gospel because we are justified by accepting the gospel message. John 1:10 12. Question for Discussion: 1. What was the reaction of Jesus' People in Mark 6:1 5; Matt. 13:58 and why do people reject the gospel today? Mark 6:3; Matt. 11:6; Matt. 12:46 47; John 6:42. 2. 3. Why was Jesus not honoured in his own country? Mark 6:3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the demand for indigenous Church leaders today? Refer to Rom. 10:12 13; Acts 15:7 9; Rom. 3:22; Gal. 3:28. The greatest grace given to all men is the advantage to hear the gospel Why? Luke 16:27 31; Acts 17:10 12. What are the consequences of rejecting the gospel? Num. 14:11 12; Heb. 3:8; 16-18; Hos. 4:6; Acts 13:45 46.



Conclusion: We should strive to receive the gospel of Christ while we are still alive because after death comes God's judgment. Food for Thought: Many people desire to be preached to, but have no opportunity, while others have the opportunity but reject the offer. Memory Verse: John 1:12.




JULY 10, 2011

TRINITY III THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Knowledge of God I Cor. 2:6 16

AIM: To teach that only those in Christ will have the true knowledge of God. Introduction: Our text today teaches us that the knowledge of God can perfectly be revealed to those who have the Spirit of God, 2 Peter 1:21. The early apostles were not guided by worldly principles or self made doctrines in order to suit their purposes, but were guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, I Cor. 2:10 16. Anyone who do not have the spirit of God cannot know God. The knowledge of God is therefore given to them that have the Spirit of God. Questions for Discussion: 1. What does it mean to have the knowledge of God? Rom. 8:5-7; I Cor 2:11; Phil. 3:7 12. 2. How can we have the knowledge of God? John 17:3; John 14:6 -7; 2Peter 1:2-3 What has God requested of us which to the carnal minded seems to be foolishness? I Cor. 18; I Cor. 1:20 24; I Cor. 2:14 What is the effect of accepting or rejecting God's knowledge? Prov. 24:5; Hos. 4:6; Prov. 1:28 -33; Matt. 11:21 24; Matt. 10:42 42



Conclusion: We should seek the knowledge of God because it is the source of our Christian life and through it we are sustained and purified till the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Food for Thought: Earthly knowledge will perish here on earth, but the knowledge of God takes us to heaven. Memory Verse: Phil. 3:10.





JULY 17, 2011

TRINITY IV THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Obtaining God's Knowledge: (i) Hearing the message of Salvation Rom. 10:1 4; 13 17

AIM: To teach us that Hearing the message of Salvation will build our faith in Christ. Introduction: In our passage today, we can see Paul's passion for Israel in their ignorant state of mind concerning righteousness, (Rom. 10:1 3) without which no man can see God. In Roman 10:17 (faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God) (Rom. 10:17). The knowledge of God can only be received by whoever listens to the message of Salvation from the word of God. Questions for Discussion: 1. How will you differentiate between zeal for God and having the knowledge of God.? Gal. 1:14 16; Acts 9:3 6. 2. According to Romans 10:4, what did Paul mean by saying Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes? Matt. 5:17,20; Gal. 3:24. How can you justify the action of Paul in Acts 9:17 20 and Acts 22:11 15, with faith in Jesus Christ which come by hearing the message of God.? What is the impact of the word of God on the hearers? Acts 2:33; 36 38; 40 41, Acts 35 37. What are the benefits of calling upon the name of the Lord? Rom. 10:13; Acts 2:21; Joel 2:32; I Peter 2:6; Psalm 50:15. Let two people share the testimony of conversion through hearing the word of God.




Conclusion: Indeed the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to whoever that believes, therefore God desires that we should hear this word, believe and trust Him. Food for Thought: There is life in hearing the word of God. Memory Verse: Rom. 10:17.




JULY 24, 2011

TRINITY V THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Obtaining God's Knowledge (ii): Studying the Word of God Acts 17:10 12

AIM: To teach us that searching the scripture is necessary for Christian growth. Introduction: It is necessary for Christian to always search and study the Bible and all Christian literatures for knowledge of God's if genuine growth must be experienced Isaiah 34:16. The people of Berea, in our text today received the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Thessalonica Jews rejected the gospel. Acts 17:5 8. After hearing the gospel, the Bereans were convinced and continuously searched the scripture for more knowledge of Christ. Acts 17:10 12. Questions for Discussion: 1 (a) What does it mean to study the scripture? Josh. 1:8; Deut. 6:1 -2; Acts 13:10 12 (b) Why do we need to study the scripture? Deut. 6:2 3; 2, Tim. 2:15; Psalm 119:105; Psalm 119:11. 2. What is the instruction of God to Christian leaders and Church as regards studying the word of God? 2 Tim. 2:2; 2 Tim. 4:2 5; Eph. 5:25 30; Eph. 6:4. What are the benefits of studying the word? Rom. 15:9 What can we learn? How did the reading of the scripture help the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:30 38

3. 4. 5.

Conclusion: We must always read, study and continuously search the scripture for more knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Food for Thought: More wisdom and knowledge are found in reading the Gospel. Memory Verse:

Rom. 15:4.



JULY 31, 2011

TRINITY VI THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Obtaining God's Knowledge (iii): Meditation on the Word of God Philippians 4:8 9

AIM: To teach us that meditation will increase our knowledge of God. Introduction: Meditation means to have deep thinking on a particular issue. Meditation on the word of God, therefore means thinking deep, in a solitary place about what we have learnt, heard and read from the scripture. Paul wrote to the Philippians to always ponder (meditate) upon all those things they had learnt and received. Phil. 4:8 9. This will increase their knowledge about Christian virtues. Questions for Discussion: 1 (a) How does Christian meditation differ from non Christian meditation. Phil. 4:8 9 (b) What can you learn about Jesus' example concerning meditation in prayer in Mark 1:35 2. What were the Christian virtues that Paul admonished the Berean Christians to meditate on? Acts 17:10 12 3. According to Mark 1:35; Psalm 63:6; Psalm 77:6; Psalm 4:4, when is the best time to meditate on God's word? What are the rewards for those who continuously meditate on the word of God? Josh. 1:8; Mal. 3:16; Rom. 12:1 2; Psalm 119:


Conclusion: The more we ponder upon the word of God and his teachings the more we would advance in God's knowledge and grace. Food for Thought: Deep meditation results in deeply understanding, deep revelation results to good aspiration and good things. Memory Verse: Psalm 119:27.





AUGUST 7, 2011

TRINITY VII THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Obtaining God's Knowledge (iv): Personal Retreat Mark 6:45 51

AIM: To teach us that personal retreat in the presence of God is essential if our knowledge about God would increase. Introduction: In our text today, Jesus after feeding the five thousand crowd, did not go on publishing himself like a lot will do today after small miracle. But he retreated himself to the mountain to pray while he sent his disciple away. Jesus could see in the dark, a distance of about 6 Km (because according to J.F.B commentary, the lake was seven miles broad and they had only traveled half way). Jesus now walked on the sea within minutes to catch up with a boat that had been on sea for eight hours. (6:00pm 3:00am). Questions for Discussion: 1. Why did Jesus send away his disciples without following them? Mark 6:46 2. From the spiritual angle, how could Jesus have seen the troubled disciples in the night at such a far distance? Deut. 29:29. How can we have the knowledge about world problems both physical and Spiritual? 2 Chr. 1:10 11. In 2 Chr. 1:6 12, How did Solomon become the wisest and richest king of his time? How can we retreat ourselves today as Christians?




Conclusion: The more we move away from the crowd the more we move closer to God and the broader our knowledge. Food for Thought: No Spiritual strength can be gotten without being alone with God. Memory verse: Isaiah 40:31.





AUGUST 14, 2011

TRINITY VIII THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Obtaining God's Knowledge (v): Fellowship with Children of God Acts 2:40 47

AIM: To teach us that fellowship with God's Children is very essential if our knowledge of God would increase. Introduction: After the conversion of the first 3,000 people into the Christian fold, there was fear on the whole community because of the wonderful work of God, Acts 2:40 41. The early converts lived together and share things together in common, Acts 2: 44 45. They shared the Lords Bread in fellowship and they praised God and offered prayers to him in unison. These led to the more knowledge of Christ by other folks when members were added daily. Questions for Discussion: 1. When Christian unite, the unbelievers will fear. Justify this statement in the context of Acts 2:42 43. 2. What is the advantage of sharing things in common with reference to Acts 2:44 45; Acts 4:32 34. How can we build up strong Christian fellowship? Acts 2:42; Col. 4:2. What is the instruction given to all Christians in Heb. 10:24 25; why is this instruction given? Read Judge 17 20. What fellowship should a Christian avoid? Eph. 5:11; I Cor. 5:9 11

3. 4.


Conclusion: We Christians should make sure that strings of unity is not broken in our Churches so that the unbelievers will see and tremble, thereby surrendering their lives to Christ. Food for Thought: The more we are together in the Lord the stronger, the holier and the happier we shall be in Christ. Memory Verse: I Cor. 1:9.





AUGUST 21, 2011

TRINITY IX THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. The Christian growth (i): What is it? Eph. 4:8 16

AIM: To teach us that we need to leave our present infant Christian stage to stage of Christian maturity. Introduction: Growth means living one stage of development to the next progressive order. In our text today, Paul admonished the Ephesian Christians concerning the stages of Jesus unto glory. He explained to them that before Jesus Christ ascended to heaven to take captivity captive. He had descended to hell, Eph. 4:8 10. Therefore Children of God must also grow in our Christian life, dying to sin in order to resurrect with Christ. Eph. 4:14 16. Questions for Discussion: 1 (a) What do we mean by growth? (b) What do we mean by Christian growth. Eph. 4:14 15; 13;19; I Cor. 14:20. 2. Give an example of Christian growth to a matured Christian level. I Cor. 12:28; Eph. 2:20; Eph. 4:11. How did Christ ascend into heavens. Eph. 4:9 10. What happened when Christ ascended into heaven. Eph. 4:8. What do we mean by this phase He led captivity captive Eph. 4:8; Col. 2:15 According to Eph. 4:14 16, what stage of Christianity should we leave in other to grow spiritually.


4. 5.

Conclusion: Staying in a place will weaken and may even kill us spiritually as Christians, but when we aspire to grow, then the knowledge of Christ will be multiplied in us. Food for Thought: Growing keeps all things alive. Memory Verse: I Cor. 14:20.





AUGUST 28, 2011

TRINITY X THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. The Christian growth (ii): New Birth Col. 3:1 17

AIM: To tell us that Christian growth requires newness in all our entire Christian life style. Introduction: As Christians, we need to crucify our sinful nature in other to be totally dead to sin. Then we have to rise with Christ. After new birth, we should not be seeking the things of this world anymore, rather we should concentrate on things above, Col. 3:1 2. Paul pointed to us what we need to put to death in our lives in Col. 3:5; 8 9 then after becoming new, (Col. 3:10 11) we should put on the new Christian life style in Col. 3:12 17. Questions for Discussion: 1. What do you understand by New birth in Christ? Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:23 24; Col. 3:10; 2 Cor. 5:17. 2. What are the things we need to put off if truly we are to live the life of new birth? Col. 3:5 9; Eph. 4:22, 29. What are those things we should put on as a born-again Christian? Col. 3:12 17. Take two of the Christian virtues in Col. 3:12 17 and discuss how they can promote Christian growth in the Church of God. Read Col. 3:10 11 and explain what Paul is telling all Christians today Read Gal. 3:28.




Conclusion: No one can see God in his mortal sinful body except he puts to death his old selfish nature in order to be a new creature in Christ Jesus. Food for Thought: As plant grows through the death of an old seed, so Christian should grow through death to sinful nature. Memory Verse: 2 Cor. 5:17.






TRINITY XI THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. The Christian growth (iii): Restitution Leviticus 6:1 7

AIM: To teach us that repentance is not complete if we do not reconcile with our neighbours through restitution. Introduction: Restitution means giving back what had been falsely taken by somebody. It also means confessing what we have said falsely or what we have done to injure ones conscience or integrity. Moses was told by God to tell the Israelites that restitution is compulsory if total forgiveness and atonement will be received from God. Lev. 6:4 7; Num. 5:7 8. Questions for Discussion: 1. What do you understand by Restitution? Lev. 6:4 7; Lev. 5:15 16. 2 (a) How can a sinner make restitution? Ezek. 33:14 15, Lev. 6:2,4 -5, Luke19:8; Ex. 22:1,4. (b) What is the spiritual result of restitution? Ezek. 33:15 16; Ezek. 18:21 23. 3 (a) How are some Christians guilty today about pledging in the house of God according to Lev. 6:2b, Eccle. 5:1 2. (b) How can you expatiate Eccle. 5:1 2 in the context of political promises in God's house and to our Community today? How can victims of fake promise redeem their image? (a) If Restitution is justly made, what is our eternal benefit? Luke 19:8 9. (b) How can a husband and wife make restitution to each other?

Conclusion: When we confessed our sins and forsake them thereby returning what does not belong to us to the owners, then we are growing in God's knowledge and grace. Food for Thought: It is better to return what is not yours because one day you shall surely leave them all! Memory Verse: Luke 19:8.




SEPTEMBER 11, 2011

TRINITY XII THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. The Christian growth (iv): Discipleship Luke 14:25 27.

AIM: To teach us that true discipleship makes a Christian to grow. Introduction: A disciple is someone called to learn under a leader in order to be sent out to do his master's will, Mark 1:17;20; Mark 2:14. Christian Discipleship then means following the laid-down principles of the Lord Jesus Christ, in deeds and speech. It is our true discipleship that will portray to people whether we are genuinely a Christian or an ordinary worshipper. Questions for Discussion: 1 (a) What is discipleship? Matt. 16:24 25. (b) What does it means to take up our cross and follow Christ? I Thess. 3:2 4; 2 Tim. 3:12. 2. Read Luke 14:26. What does it mean to hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters for the sake of true discipleship? Matt. 10:37; Rev.12:11; Deut. 13:6 8. How can true discipleship be made in the context of John 8:31? What are advantages of secret discipleship (if any) and the disadvantages? John 3:1 2; John 7:50; John 7:13; John 12:42; John 19:38 39. Should a Christian fear man at the expense of true discipleship? Prov. 29:25; Isaiah 51:12; Luke 12:4; Matt. 10:33.

3. 4.


Conclusion: Our Christian discipleship will bring about personal and communal growth to the Church of God. Food for Thought: Do as Christ did and not preach alone what Christ said. Memory Verse: Matt. 16:24.





SEPTEMBER 18, 2011

TRINITY XIII THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Evidence of good discipleship (i) Witnessing John 15:26 27

AIM: To teach that as Christian, we have to bear witness to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world. Introduction: After leaving the teachings on discipleship, we need to move forward to some of the evidences of true discipleship. Today we shall look at witnessing. Witnessing means to proclaim the person, teachings, miracles, suffering, death, resurrection, ascension, the reigning of Christ in heavenly glory and his coming back to judge the world. Witnessing should not be limited to a particular region, or area but to the whole world, Acts 1:8. Questions for Discussion: 1. What is witnessing according to John 15:27; Acts 10:29 2.

What is the power behind true Christian witnessing? Acts 19:13 18

Is it possible to preach the gospel without being a Christian? Acts 19:13 18

4. 5.

What is the result of true Christian witnessing? Acts 13:5 12. List some of the ways we can witness to the world and people around us today.

Conclusion: Our discipleship will be made total, if we witness to unbelievers in order to be converted to Christianity. Food for Thought: The total Christian is one who bears the fruit of discipleship. Memory Verse: Acts 1:8.





SEPTEMBER 25, 2011

TRINITY XIV THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Evidence of good discipleship (ii) Love I John 4:15 21

AIM: To teach that radiating Christian love to all around us build up discipleship in Christ. Introduction: Our text today reveals to us that we can not confess Christ and show to the whole world that we love Christ Jesus without loving our fellow Christians, I John 4:15 16, 19 20. We have every reason to love ourselves because Christ loved us, I John 4:19; Rom. 5:8. Good discipleship is evidenced in true love to Christian brethren and to unbelievers as well for the sake of their salvation through the gospel message, I Tim. 1:15; Luke 19:10. Questions for Discussion: 1. What does it mean to love sinners? Rom. 15:1; Rom. 14:1; Gal. 6:1; Rom. 5:8. 2. How can we love God and how can God loves us as Christians? I John 3:17; I John 2:4; Deut. 15:7. How do you understand the attitude of Judas in John 12:3 8? How does your Church as a congregation of God's people help the less Privileged?
How do you justify the love of God for sinners? Luke 15:7; Luke 23:41 43.

3. 4.


Conclusion: We should not detest sinners, but show love to them so that they may have a repentant heart and be won to the Lord Jesus Christ. Food for Thought: If we were not loved by Christ, we would have been eternally lost, so show love to earring brethrens. Memory Verse: John 13:15.





OCTOBER 2, 2011

TRINITY XV THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Evidence of true discipleship (iii) Imparting joy to others I John 1:4 7

AIM: To teach that heavenly joy is received when the light of Salvation is radiated to the heart of a Sinner. Introduction: There is nothing that gives joy to anybody than being delivered from the power of darkness. The whole world was a big cloud of darkness (Gen. 1:2), but when the light of God appeared, there came shape and joy to the shapeless world (Gen. 1:4 31). Thus joy came to the world through God's light. In like manner any sinner is in the thick darkness of Satanic Kingdom, but when the light of the gospel is beamed in his/her heart and life, heavenly joy will be manifested (I John 1:4 7). True discipleship is, therefore, evident in bringing joy to the sinners heart through the gospel. Question for Discussion: 1. How can you explain impartation of joy to the life of the Samaritan woman in John 4:23;39? 2. How can you explain the joy brought by the message of salvation to the men in the following passages Acts 16:25 34; Acts 8:37-39? How did the disciples impart joy into the heart of the lame man in Acts 3:2 9? Do you believe (in) such miracles? How can we impact joy into other peoples lives as true disciples of Christ? Acts 8:37 39; Gal. 6:2; 2 Cor. 5:17; Psalm 133:1; I John 4:7.



Conclusion: Salvation is light in the heart of any believer in Jesus Christ. Therefore, our Salvation message should be centered on the light of Salvation in order to win the sinner from the realm of bitter satanic darkness and enable the sinner to receive joy in Jesus Christ. Food for Thought: When the heart receives good news, then joy enters into entire life. Memory Verse: John 5:11.





OCTOBER 9, 2011

TRINITY XVI THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Evidence of true discipleship (iv)) Steadfastness John 8:31 37

AIM: To teach us that a good disciple will always remain in the Lord, irrespective of prevailing situation and circumstance. Introduction: Jesus, in our passage today, told the Jews who had believed in him that they are his true disciples if only they continue in his word. Remaining committed to the word of God is an evidence of true discipleship. Remaining steadfast in the word of God will reveal the truth to us and the truth will set us free. Steadfastness means to remain immovable in doing the will of God (I Cor. 15:58). It also means to know the right doctrine. Questions for Discussion: 1. What do you understand by Steadfastness? John 8:31; Eph. 4:14; 2 Thess.2:15; I Cor. 15:58 2. 3. How can a Steadfast disciple understand Christ more? John 8:31 32; Eph.4:14; John 15:45; Matt. 15:9. How can we be free from the bondage of sin? Rom. 6:16; 2 Peter 2:19; John8:33 34. What are the benefits of remaining steadfast in Christ? (John 8:31 32; 36; John15:5; Heb. 6:10 12) Give examples of believers who through steadfastness in faith got God's approval or overcame in the Church.



Conclusion: Remaining in the teaching of the word of God will justify our true discipleship. We should all be Steadfast in Christ's teachings, so that a crown of life will be given to us at last. Food for Thought: A Slave has no portion while a persevering child possesses his Fathers inheritance. Memory Verse:

I Cor. 15:58.



OCTOBER 16, 2011

TRINITY XVII THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Evidence of true discipleship (v)) Long Suffering 2 Tim. 4:1 8

AIM: To teach us that the work of discipleship entails long-suffering. Introduction: Long suffering means endurance in face of uncondusive situation, preaching the gospel in face of anger, preaching the gospel in face of intimidations, insults and victimization, 2 Cor. 6:6. Paul admonished Timothy in our text to preach the word when convenient and when not convenient (2 Tim. 4:2). He told him of his suffering condition for the sake of the gospel, but at the end of long suffering is a crown of life. 2 Tim. 4:6 8. Questions for Discussion: 1. What do you understand by the term long suffering: 2 Tim. 4:5; Mark 4:10 20. 2. How can you explain long suffering with the event of Acts 4:1 7, 18, 21, 24, 33. Give reasons why the gospel truth may be attacked in our Churches today.? 2Tim. 4:3 4; Titus 1:10. In your own words explain the type of long suffering that Stephen witnessed in Acts 7:55 50. How are the Christians persecuted today in some parts of the Country? Expatiates fully on 2 Tim. 4:3 4.



Conclusion: No amount of suffering experienced by Christians can be compared to that of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, if true discipleship is to be practiced, we have to endure suffering for the sake of the gospel. Food for Thought: No cross, No crown. Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 4:5.





OCTOBER 23, 2011

TRINITY XVII THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Evidence of true discipleship: (vi)) Gentleness Matt. 10:16 23.

AIM: To teach us that Gentleness is very important to good discipleship. Introduction: Gentleness means to be innocent, to be gentle; (Matt. 10:16 in Basic English Version); to be harmless; (Matt. 10:16 in New King James Version) and Blameless (Matt. 10:16 in 20th Century New Testament Version). These qualities that are to be seen in the life of a true disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus told us in our text that He is sending us as sheep among wolves, so that we are expected to be as wise. Questions for Discussion: 1. Explain the phrase Be harmless as the dove Matt 10:16 (cf Luke 10:3) 2. Who are the wolves that Jesus was referring to? Matt. 10:17 18. Read Acts 5:33 34, 40, Mark 13:9. Why should we be gentle or harmless in the face of persecution? Matt. 10:19 20; Acts 6:20, Acts 6:20, 2 Tim. 4:17. Discipleship should be practiced with harmlessness. Explain in the context of Acts 6:8 15. We as true disciples of Christ should be innocent of all carnal charges that may be brought up against us. Explain assertion using the following scriptures:- Acts 25:4 8; Acts 24:12, Acts 28:17.




Conclusion: To end up as a true disciple of Christ, we should remain innocent in all carnal accusations through our gentleness. Food for Thought: On earth we will see tribulations, but we should humbly be cheerful for Jesus had conquered the world for us. Memory Verse:

2 Timothy 2:24.



OCTOBER 30, 2011

TRINITY XVIII THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Evidence of true discipleship: (vii) Fruitfulness John 15:14 17

AIM: To teach us that true discipleship ends up in bearing fruit for the Lord and his Kingdom. Introduction: Fruitfulness means producing or generating in character and spirituality. If you are fruitful, you will have disciple too who will preach, behave, pray and have good morals like you, I Cor. 4:16; I Cor. 4:16; I Cor. 11:1; I Thess. 2:14. Our lives should bear fruits for the Lord Jesus told his disciples that they will be his eternal friend if they do what he commanded them to do which is to love one another, John 15:16 17. We can not bear good fruits without love. I Cor. 31:1. Questions for Discussion: 1. What do you understand by fruitfulness Matt. 3:8; 2 Cor. 9:10. 2. 3. 4. How can we bear fruit in discipleship? John 15:5; Rom. 6:22. How many souls are won for Christ on the average level in your Church? What is Christ's warning to those who did not bear fruit? Matt. 3:10; Matt. 7:19 How can you know the bearers of bad fruits? Matt. 7:15 16


Conclusion: The fruit of spirituality through discipleship is perfected in the number of Souls won to Christ through our Christian discipleship. Food For Thought: It is very dangerous to be a fruitless Christian. Memory Verse: John. 15:8.





NOVEMBER 6, 2011

TRINITY XIX THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Evidence of true discipleship: (viii) Renunciation Phil. 3:1 8

AIM: To teach us that renouncing and forsaking all manners of hindrance is necessary for true discipleship in Christianity. Introduction: In our text today, Apostle Paul tried to explain to us his former states in the Jewish religion Phil. 3:4 6. He was formerly very versed in Judaism, but now he is thanking God that he had renounced all these for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Phil. 3:7 8. Jesus told his disciple that it is compulsory to forsake all flesh attractions in order to be his true disciple, Luke 14:33. Questions for Discussion: 1. In your own understanding what does renunciation mean? Mark 10:28; Luke5:11; Luke 5:27,28 2. 3. What was Jesus trying to say in Luke 14:26? Compare Matt. 10:37.

What do we gain as Christians if we renounce all for the sake of Christ? Luke18:29 30; Job 42:10 What can you say about Levi in Luke 5:27 28. (a) What was Paul's warnings to Christians in Phil. 3:2 3 (b) What was the former state of Paul and what was his stand as a Christian? Phil. 3:4 8.

4. 5

Conclusion: Finally, we can not be a true disciple of Jesus Christ if we hold on to all that will derail us from the Salvation in Christ. Food for Thought: Friendship with the world is enmity with God. Memory Verse: Luke 14:33.





NOVEMBER 13, 2011

TRINITY XX THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Evidence of true Discipleship (ix) Fervency Acts 2:42 47; 4:32 35

AIM: To teach that fervency is necessary for obeying God's word and fulfilling His purpose for ones life. Introduction: Fervency means 'to show passionate or ardent enthusiasm in something; to be zealous about something'. When a person gets converted he is required to obey God and walk in His way. This motivation to joyfully serve God is called fervency. Without fervency, living for God becomes boring and uninteresting. One of the things that characterize a true disciple of Christ is the fervency with which he/she serves God. Fervency is the propelling force for Christian living and service (Rom. 12:11). Questions for Discussion: 1 (a) Discuss the fervency of the early disciples. Acts 2:42 47; 4:32 35 (b) Mention the ingredients that fueled their fervency. Acts 2:42 47; IThess.1:3 2 (a) Do you see the need for fervency in our Church congregations today? (b) How can Church members experience fervency in the things of God? Acts 3:19, Rom. 5:5; 2 Cor. 5:14; Col. 3:16, Prov. 27:17 What are the characteristics of a fervent disciple? 2 King 10:16; John 2:17; Titus2:12 14; Matt. 5:6; Mark 12:30. (a) Discuss the relationship between fervency and knowledge in discipleship. 2Kings 10:16,31; Rom. 10:1 2; Acts 18:24 26; Prov. 19:2. (b) Illustrate how the lack of any of the above can affect a Christian disciple


Conclusion: True conversion and discipleship will produce fervency. A sound knowledge of the word of God is what fuels fervency in the right direction of obedience. Food for Thought: Fervency and knowledge make a fruitful disciple. Memory verse: Romans 12:11.




NOVEMBER 20, 2011

TRINITY XXI THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Bad discipleship 2 Timothy 3:1 9

AIM: To teach us that as we have good discipleship so also there are those who goes the way of bad discipleship. Introduction: In our text today, Paul warned Timothy to beware of bad prophets who present themselves as godly, but lead many to captivity of sins, 2 Tim. 3:2 6. Christians must pray for discerning Spirit since we are in the end time for them to know who is a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ so as not to be misled by bad disciples. Questions for Discussion: 1. What do you understand by the term Last days? 2 Tim. 4:3. 2. What are the characteristics of the last day? I Tim. 4:1,3; 2 Peter 3:3; I John 2:18; Jude 1:18. (a) Give a sign of bad discipleship as recorded in 2 Timothy 3:2 6; Titus 1:16. (b) Explain how some of these habits manifest today in some of the last days' Church denominations under the guise of Pentecostalism. How do you view 2 Timothy 3:6 with the cold attitude of Men of God having cold reaction to women and ladies as they wear descent dressings to Church programmes.


Conclusion: In conclusion, Christians should shine their Spiritual eyes very well in order to know the true Christian leaders so as not to cheaply be misled through bad doctrine into the road to hell. Food for Thought: Bad discipleship will subvert a whole nation. Memory Verse: Matt. 7:21.





NOVEMBER 27, 2011

TRINITY XXII THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. Evidence of bad discipleship: Fruitlessness Acts 19:13 20

AIM: To show there are some evidences that proves that a particular way or method of discipleship is ungodly. Introduction: In our text today, we can see some Jews (not Christians) using the name of Christ to cast out demons. Acts 19:13 14; this people were ordinary Judaisers, they don't know Christ; they are magicians and not Christian miracle workers. They were exposed by the work of their hand, Acts 19:15 17. Though they were Sons of a high priest of Judaism, but they were disgraced by other powerful demons. A lot perform signs and wonders today with demonic power under the pretext of Pentecostal revivals. They never end up well. Questions for Discussion: 1. How can you easily identify bad discipleship? I Cor. 13:2. 2. 3. How were the works of the fake prophets exposed in Acts 19:15 16. How does the action of Simon proves bad discipleship in Acts 8:18, 24, is it possible to be a disciple of Jesus Christ without the power of the Holy Spirit. Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of God (Matt. 7:21). Explain this in the context of New generation Pastors.


Conclusion: Bad discipleship is easily recognized when the actions and speech of a preacher portrays self rather than Christ. Food for Thought: Lies may travel for a thousand years, but truth will find it in a day. Memory Verse: Luke 13:27.





DECEMBER 4, 2011

ADVENT SUNDAY THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. The Ultimate grace (i): Christ's Passion for Sinners Romans 5:6 21.

AIM: To teach us that we were saved from the bondage of sin, by the grace of Christ's sacrifice. Introduction: Our text today revealed to us that whatever strength we have today spiritually, is gotten by the death of Christ (Romans 5:6). Christ's passion for sinners is manifested in his shedding of his blood for the atonement of kind of sins and for the reconciliation of sinners back to God. Rom. 5:9 10; Rom. 3:24 25; I Tim. 2:6. God loved the world, Christ by passion accepted to come to the World to die for sinners. John 3:16. Questions for Discussion: 1 (a) What do you understand by Christ's passion for sinners Rom. 5:8 9; I Tim. 2:5 6 (b) Who were the first and the last Adam? I Cor. 15:45,47. 2. What means did Jesus used to justify us before God? Rom. 5:9; Rom. 3:24 25; Gal. 2:16. Who were the source of Disobedience and Obedience in the world and how? Rom. 5:17,19. How was the knowledge of sin increased? Rom. 3:20; Rom. 7:7.



Conclusion: To God be the glory for sending his son to the world to die for our sin. As we hopefully await the advent of his second coming to the world, let us with passion live a committed faithful life so that his death will not be vain on us. Food for Thought: Christ died for our sins. Who else can do this for you? Memory Verse: I John 3:16.





DECEMBER 11, 2011

ADVENT II THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. The Ultimate grace (ii): The blessed womb Luke 1:26 38

AIM: To teach us that it is by grace that the blessed Virgin Mary was chosen to be the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Introduction: We welcome you to the Second Sunday in advent which means that in the text 14 days, we shall be celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we can see that God chose a woman by grace to carry the Lord Jesus in her womb before his birth. Luke 1:26 30. It is an unmerited favour for Mary who had never known any man in life. I pray that God will bless the fruit of all Christian women's womb today in Jesus name. Amen. Questions for Discussion: 1 (a) Where was the angel of God sent to and to who? Luke 1:26 27 (b) Was Mary the only woman or was she the only Virgin in that great city Nazareth? (c) Why was she chosen? Luke 1:28,30 2 (a) What does it mean to be a Virgin? Luke 1:34 (b) How can a lady protect herself before marriage in our Churches today? How are people hiding the fruits of their womb today against God's purpose in the Church of God? Read I Sam. 1:11, 22, 24 28. Name one thing that you have or one thing that any child has that was not given by God's grace?



Conclusion: As we look forward to the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us continuously pray that God's favour should be granted to all Christian women for blessed fruits of the womb. Food for Thought: What do you have that was not given by God's favour? Memory Verse:

Luke 1:42.



DECEMBER 18, 2011

ADVENT III THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. The Ultimate grace (iii): Living for Christ's Kingdom Luke 2:22 32

AIM: To teach us that it pays to live in Christ and for Christ till old age and there after. Introduction: In our passage last Sunday, we summarized that nothing is owned by us that had not been given by God. Today, we should know that old age is given to any one by the grace of God. It can not be gotten by money, wealth, position or by wisdom but only by the grace of God. Simon was given this same grace and he used the grace justly to serve the Lord and to patiently see the Christ before he died. Question for Discussion: 1. (a) Give the characteristics of Simon in Luke 1:25 27 (b) Are all our members in this level of Christianity? 2. Compare the lives of Prophet Eli with that of Simon at old age. I Sam. 2:22 23; 30 31; Luke 2:25 26, 29 32 How can we live for Christ till the old age? Discuss in your own Christian perspective To what extent can we preach the Salvation message? Study Acts 13:46 49; Luke 2:32.



Conclusion: Not all will live to see an old ripe age like Simon, but if you have the grace now, please count it as a special favour and then use this grace very well in order to see Christ before dying. Food for Thought: Do you know whether you will be on earth next year? Now is your ripe old age know Christ now before you die. Memory Verse: Isaiah 52:10.





DECEMBER 25, 2011

CHRISTMAS DAY THEME: TOPIC: TEXT: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God. The Ultimate grace (iv): Victorious Life Isaiah 41:10 20

AIM: To teach us that the Lord will give us gracious Victory as we round up this years and enter into year 2012. Introduction: To God be the glory for living to see the end of another year. Today, the Lord is telling us that he will grant us victory and lead us with his victorious right hand come next year, Isa. 41:10. Victory over all life's problems can never be achieved by our own power, but by the gracious power of the Almighty God, Isa. 41:11 13, 14 17, 20. Question for Discussion: 1. List some of the Victories you witnessed this year and how you achieved them. By what power were these victories achieved? Deut. 33:27, Psalm 90:1. 2. List some of the Victories that God promised his own people in Isa. 41:11 20 Study Isaiah 41:17 and discuss how the Lord Almighty God can conquer poverty in the lives of the poor in an oppressive nation. How can we achieve victories in our lives in the coming year? Isaiah 40:28 31; Judges 7:21; I Sam. 4:5 6. How do you rely on God for victory over physical and Spiritual warfare in your Church?.




Conclusion: As we end this year, may the God uphold us with his right hand, to fight all physical, spiritual, economic and domestic battle for us and give us victory in the remaining days of the years to come. Food for Thought: When God is by our side we are more than a conqueror; even we shall conquer death. Memory Verse:

Isaiah 41:10.



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