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Sermon Bible Commentary

Psalms 133
Verse 1
Psalms 133:1 This is one of those bursts of feeling the truth and beauty of which every human heart at once acknowledges. Separation, isolation, discord, are unnatural and inhuman. I. If we wish to appreciate as it deserves this rich gift of God, it is clear that we must look at it in family life. Indeed, the words of the text, however applicable they may be to national and social concord, suggest to us at once the picture not of a nation or of a numerous society, but of a family. We seem to hear the voice of an elder brother, whose heart cannot contain itself for thankfulness at the sight of. peaceful family union. Something has stirred his spirit to detect the greatness of that blessing which has perhaps been interrupted or too long unconsciously enjoyed. At any rate, the beauty of the spectacle must be universally acknowledged. "Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is: brethren, to dwell together in unity!" II. All unity is a delusion unless it is in some sense a representation, however feeble, of the unity which binds Christ to His Father, and Christ's followers to Himself, that blessed unity for which He prayed on the eve of His agony. When we dwell together in true Christian unity, we are witnesses to the truth of Christ's mission. We have a cause of joy which even the Psalmist could not anticipate. We prove the truth of Christianity. We prove that our beloved Lord and Master is still conquering the world. H. M. Butler, Harrow Sermons, p. 288.
References: Psalms 133:1.Clergyman's Magazine, vol. xvii., p. 218; R. Tuck, Christian World Pulpit, vol. xiv., p. 281. Psalms 133:3.J. Pulsford, Ibid., vol. xvii., p. 273, and Old Testament Outlines, p. 151.

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Psalm 133 I. Consider what we may not expect even for the sake of attaining so good a thing as Christian unity. (1) It is absurd and even wrong to suppose that each particular denomination should surrender its prominent witness to the specific truth for the sake of which we may almost say it exists, or in any way diminish the strength and emphasis of its testimony. (2) We cannot expect each other to think lightly of our differences. But the strength of our convictions need not make us unbrotherly towards each other, nor shut us off from those sympathies which should bind together the whole family of God.

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II. Consider the unity that is within our reach without any compromise of principle. (1) Might we not promote unity by an occasional interchange of friendly services? (2) We may do much towards the furtherance of Christian unity by endeavouring to educate ourselves to a dispassionate estimate of the points in which we differ, and by assigning their proportionate value to those points in which we agree. (3) Above everything else, we should contribute towards Christian unity by recognising and keeping ever in view the true basis of unity. Unity, to be real, must begin within. The unity of the Gospel is primarily a unity of the Spirit, and it is to such unity as this that the text calls our attention. It is the unction of the Holy Spirit, which, resting first upon the great Head of the Church, descends even to the very skirts of His garments, makes all one by sanctifying all. The more we know in our own personal experience of that Divine unction, the more shall we be united to each other; and the higher we rise in fellowship with our Head, the more close and real will be the bond of brotherhood. These two things are always necessarily connected: the higher, the nearer; the more fellowship with God, the more communion with the children of God.



William Nicoll, Sermon Bible Commentary, Commentary, Whole Bible, New Testament, Old Testament, Bible commentary, Online Bible commentary, Ma
W. Hay Aitken, Newness of Life, p. 238.
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References: Psalm 133S. Cox, The Pilgrim Psalms, p. 286. Psalms 134:1.J. B. Heard, Christian World Pulpit, vol. xxii., p. 268. Psalms 134:2.H. White, Contemporary Pulpit, vol. iv., p. 247.

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Nicoll, William R. "Commentary on Psalms 133:1". "Sermon Bible Commentary". bk=18&ch=133.

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