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FEB 2 ^ 72

J3ox S4

worland, Wyo, 8t:4t01

Dear friends In Christ,

Here it is 1972 and as the new year aawns it caps a wonderful year of progress lor our Lord in iy72. It also caps a year of heart break, sadness and frustration. Thank sod a new year of adventure is ahead and we must take it one day at a time as the lord gives it.

In ly71 I have had the great Joy of seeing many souls surrenaer to Christ, yielding completely to His will. X have also seen many like Jose, . - - , - who i personally led through
our corresponaence course, close

decisoion when Satan stepped

in and used his father's

death to again traaltionalism and so destroy

his freedom in Christ.


tThere are men like

Almoi, Jose Slama,

Joao 7ergillno and Steve

Maluzenskie, who are so close

0 & decision but are still


^pondering. They need Christ their saviour but as yet

they have put Him off until



another day.

I have sat elbow to elbow at banquets with officers of the Brazilian

Army and Air Force and have talked to them about Christ while their Bishops were isolated at a distant comer. I have talked to men sudi as

General Darcy Lazcro of the Air Force about the tracts I have given him

and about faith in Christ Jesus.

Because of our pistol matches the seed is being sown in the hearts of very important men in Brazil. They allow me to hand out tracts and con verse with them at every possible opportunity about Jesus, the saviour of

the world.

This has been possible only because (Jod has given me the

ability to shoot.

to start another new work. X thought it would be an easy task but aa yet we have only about 30 studying and have no one qualified for leadership to
get the ball rolling.

X have been traveling three hours out of Belem to a little township

X do believe my biggest thrill this year has been our distribution of


I have written four tracts on Christian evidences and one pamphlet

to be used with the correspondence course end a book on Christian evidences

for our follow-up program. Gary Meyers and I have designed and written three follow-up lessons and a fourth to use on decision follow-up. I thought it great when the Meyers family and my family passed out 6,000 tracts in three days on the beaches of Mosqueiro. These had enrollment

of ell came when we passed out 220,000 tracts in a three-hour period during the Big Giro. I had the responsibility of survey and distribution and God
saw to it that it went off without a hitch. It was a dream come true and

cards in them for our correspondence courses.

However, the greatest, thrill -

had over 2,000 enroll in our Bible correspondence courses and out of this

began with the vision In 1970 to make an impact upon the masses.

We have

300 have graduated and 300 ere actively participating in it yet. We are swamped with the follow-up work and this is where the harvest is. ^rcy for
more laborers to be sent into the harvest.

Yes, 1971 has been a year of great conquest but also one of heart break; Christ as Lord of their lives after a desparate Job of teaching has pointed tl^ way; end heart break as one sees his dreams, his hopes and his aspira tion slip away slowly in the life of his only son. I can appreciate more
fully how Sod*s heart must have been broken when He watched the life of His only Son slip away on Calvary. I do know His promise and His love and it disappointment and despair; disappointment in those who have not taken

won't be so many years before we will be united again in

Heaven, Sod is wnderfull

With 1971 past, I am looking forward to seeing each of you in 1972, We will be coming home on furlough in August
1972 and we pray that each of you will want us to come into
your services and get acquainted.
There is still a lot of work here before we can come

home. With people crying out as did the Psalmist "No man careth for my Soul", we must go and tell them we care and

Christ cares. Pray for us as we labor here. Pray for Braz il. Pray for the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous
mah availeth much.

God bless you each one and may He keep you always in
His care.

laboring in His vineyard.

Dale, Huey, Joyce and Kim Mason


on hand, Jan 1, 1971 . . . . . . .

$9,682.27 1,374.63

Total Paid out Education Utilities



_ _

904.00 H

Shooting Postage Housing

Personal Medical


1,982.00 1,407.50 1,817.00


Hsehold Supp.

2,209.00 1

Total In the U.S. Paid out


lln 1972 we put out 6 newsletters, 300

copies each.

Postage Print ing

Box Bent

122,00 101.85


On hand, Jan 1 1972




Forwarding Agent




C -^^0 /

PRA !\p 21 ^2

Forwarding Agent:

Mrs. Merlyn Dunn

BOX 34

V/OELAKD, V/YOMI^a 82401

Dear ones in Christ;

Things here are going real well.

The oorrespondenoe courses are reap

ing a harvest of souls and God is riohly "blessing our every effort-


have revised our follow-up lessons to he more effective and several have heen converted. I had the pleasure of baptizing a man and his son into Christ immediately after they finished the lessons. We always receive a warm welcome when we deliver a diploma to someone's house. It is a great feeling to ho ahle to teach them the follow-up lessons personally^ hut Oh how you rejoice when someone is immersed into Jesus Christ.
It won't he long before we leave this great mission field to come home.
We will leave here the 2nd week in June and I have no idea when we will

arrive in the states. The cost of our travel will he $1,500.00. It will he wonderful to he ahle to see eaoh of you who have so faithfully support ed us these past five years in Brazil. It will he also wonderful to he ahle to report to you on our progress here so you will know that your prayers and financial assistance have not heen in vain. We do pray that ths door of your congregation will he open to us and that I may he invited to speak at a local service of your church. For information please write to:
Operation Amazon, Box 54, Worland, Wyoming 02401.

May God hless each of you end he with you always iA^ll things.
The Masons

Dear friends:

As Dale and his family prepare to come home I must take this oppor tunity to inform you that the money is not available for their travel homeDue to the fact that his hank account is very low and the hills for March are not in as yet, this leaves April very short. Our main supporting congregation has had financial problems and be cause of this there is no travel money. We do, however, thank God for their wonderful financial end prayer support but unless money comes in from somelwhere, the Masons' will have to stay in Brazil. Dale has sold everything he had of value to live on from Jan. 1 til now. Therefore even that is not a source for travel funds. Jlowever, so far this month we have received more than in i'ebruary and March together, income this month has been ^'990*00. Total on hand, without bills paid for March and April, is !^1,18S.57. This money will be needed to pay expenses incurred the past
two months.

1 would like to urge you to prayerfully consider this plea. The Masons' have faithfully represented your interest in Brazil at the cost of sickness and even death. As you all well know, they will be leaving a son buried in Brazil. It has been a hard five years and I believe they do

deserve to come home on furlough.

Don't you?
In His service,

Merlyn K. Dunn




Sf?A a"?
JE23 72

Forwarding Agent: Mrs. Merlyn Dunn
PO Box 34

Worland, Wyoming 82401

Dear Ones in Christy

y/ith the gracious help of our Bra?.ilian friends we sold everything we could find buyers for. 'Ye gave avjaj, everything else that didn^t seen to "be of enough value to store and packed the little that was left in steel barrels with a genericus quantity of moth balls in hopes that it wouldn^t mold and rot away. All the while 1 ke^t thinking
about John the Iinmerser*s words about what to do with the extras that we have and the

Y/ords of Jesus ai-out where to store things and wondered if i really understood what

they mei^t-~- do you"under stand?


Suitcases bulging, Korman liaddux dropped us off at the airport at 4b00 aomo
a great fellowship as we shared the new sights along the way.

plane took off with the goodbyes of our fellow missionaries and Brazilian Christians still thumping in our heartso The David Bayless family traveled with us and we had
Our first stop was the free port of Iknaus about a thousand miles up the Amazon River. Because of its duty free status it is a fast grov/ing city in the heart of the great tropical rain forest and we have no missionaries working there*
After a six hour visit in Manaus we flew on to Bogota, Columbia where we spent three clays visiting with missionary ITarren Sanders who, though now working in a tovjn some miles aviay was 'gracious enough to open his house to us in Bogota for our threeday stay# Bogota is a most beautiful city high in the Andies Mountains and we fell in love with it and the friendly people. Vferren would like some Help in evangelizing in this great modern metropoliso V/ouldn*t you like to give him a hand? Next was a six-day stop over in Mexico City where v/e v^ere met by missionary Dean Carry who opened his homo to the David Bayless family while we were pleasantly pampered by missionaries Jim amd Peggy Hoskin. Yie had a very valuable fellowship with the missionaries in Ifexico City especially in regard to nass evangelism through tract distribution, correspondance courses and followupo The mutual sharing of ideas will
be for the building of the Kingdom of God

Leaving Mexioo City we arrived in Casper, Tfyoming right on schedule and the Casper Christians were at the airport to welcome us home. For us it was quite an emotional experience to see them alia They had a reception for us in the church house* It was a precious fellowship*
Our state side representatives, Merlyn and Charlene Dunn, had made arrangements

for a car for us, a white too-door Datsin (one hundred dollars down and sixty a m<Mith)*
We want to caxmnend them for the very fine way they have taken care of <mr state side business a very tedious and time oonsumming task, but which they have handled in a most reimrkable way*

Merlyn took us frcan Casper to his home in Worland where we are working out our schedule of speaking dates and plans for this year in the UoSo We plan to be returning to Brazil when the girls get out of school in the spring
Here are some of our goals for this following year: 1* Locate and buy equipment for the printing ministry in Brazil and equipment for our personal use
Buy a set of Moody Science films that have been translated into


Portuguese (about ^^2p000)o Would some group like to take this

as a project? Our nain purpose is to recriait 10 young couples for a threeyear tour of duty with

us in Brazil, to help us in the follow-up on the correspondance courses*

Please pray

that t5e Lord 'Vfill lead us to these workers and that He will be able to do so as soon

as possible so that we will be able to personally help them with their preparations to

We want to visit with every one of you who have become our precious loved ones

through your letters of love, your prayers and generious gifts Wo want to sit down
with you and share with you lefliat you have acc0115)lished by way of yoxir gifts of love to
the Lord*s work*


Together (you folks and us) have accomplished great things for Christ and victory
after victory for His Kindom*

We would like to take this time to say thank you from the very bottom of our hearts

to those who have dug so deep and sacrifised so much that we might come home on furlough#

May God richly "bless you for your generosity. We have even received the household goods so desperitly needed for our stay in the States. Isn't 5od wonderfull
Here is a list of the speaking dates that are already scheduled and a list of the dates that are open. If you would like for us to visit you, please select a time that we will be in your area and write or call us. Write Box 34, V/orland, Wyoming, 82401 or
call 347-2760, area code 307#

23,24,25 7,8

Youth Rally, Baj-ard, Nebr. Richard Street Chapel, Casper, Wyo.

paradise Valley Christian Church, Paradise Valley, (Casper) Wyo


10-15 16 17-22

Sunnyside Christian Church, Colorado Springs, Colo.


23-Aug. 4
AUGUST 5-26 27

Carr^) Nebr.-Wyo.-Dak. (July 25,26,27 - family)


Burlington Christian Church, Burlington, Colo*

(Morning and Evening)


28-31 1-23
24 25-28


Sublette, Itonsas (Dale, both services)


29,30,Oct. 1
OCTOBER 2-7 8 9-22

Bryant, Scottsbluff, Uebr. (Faith Promise, Dale)


Elbert Christian Church, Elbert, Colo, (both services)


25-28 29 30-31 WOVElvSSR 1-11 12

Orchard liesa Christian, Church, Grand Junction, Colo.

(Faith Promise)

Vftieatland, Wyo. (iiorning and Evening)


Gillette, Vlyo.
OFEH _ _ _



L>-man, Kehr. (Dale)



3cottj;bluff, Nebr.



11-31 J^-NUARY 1-lS 19-2'' 29-Feb. 10 FEBRUARY 11-38 1

rannington, Wew Mexico (Faith Promise)


Intoripoimtain Bibls 'llolle^e. Grand Junction, Colo.

(Fe,ith ProTnise)

Interiaountain Bible College, Grand Junction, Colo. (Teaching)



Rivorton., 111.



The Dale i^son Family

Family planning

AM- fOj



r-.D. BCK 54 V/YOin;NG 82401

P//f /I.

AG U"72


Forwarding Agent:

Mrs. Merlyn Dunn

PO Box 34

Worland, Wyoming 82401

Dear friends in Christj

The wheels of the little white car keep spinning and spinning and her

appetite for asfalt is never deminished as she eats up mile after mile of the
dark singing substance* Thirty eight fleeting days have swiftly hurled by
and the little mile clock is setting on 3,8972 miles#

As my mind wonders back over those few days, a swirl of pictures flash through uy brain, pictures of the countless n\mber of people, frineds, loved
-- ones and new acquaintances stationed along the tangeled net of highways*

Joyous minutes and hours spent in sweet communion with you dear people that
we have longed to see for years because we love and mins you so much# Now our

longings are being fulfilled and our hope is being made sight# If we haven't seen you yet then know that we just can't wait until the day we do#
We are rejoycing and praising God for the beautiful fellowship we are

enjoying with you. His people, where ever we go# I just pray that He will pour out such a blessing that you cannot stand it, for being such a joyous blessing
to us#

Now I would like to tell you about a very wonderful young friend of ours and her plans to serve our Lord# A niunber of years ago Huey and I were youth sponsors for the Junior High Group at Clifton, Colorado, that was when we just
met Carol Garber#

Carol comes from a real fine home of dedicated Christians and accepted Christ at age 12 and then dedicated her life to full time Christian service at age 20# She has served faithfully in the Clifton Christian Church, teaching in S\anday School, Vacation Bible School and Junior Church# She attended Mesa
College and Intermoxuitain Bible College and then graduated from the University of Northern Colorado. She then taught in the public school of Moab, Utah# Transferring to Dolores, Colorado, she has been teaching the fourth grade for the last three years*

During the siunmer months Carol has helped with the mission work cai the

Navajo Indian Reservation, teaching, directing Y'#B.S., leading song service,

showing films, calling and assisting in revival

last Chri^^traas, Carol wrote us expressing her desire for a greater opportunity of witinessing that was possible as a public
school teacher# I and several of the other

missionaries in Belim, iirazil wrote to Carol asking her to consider coming to Belim to

help with our course of Bible study by



^ jp


Carol's response was a display of her - tremendous dedication to Christ by making

quick and decisive preparations to go to

Brazil# She already has in her possession


her Visa (permission) from the Brazilian

Government to enter Brazil# The Visa came without delay, which rather ait^^.es me as that

is not the usual case# Carol has plane


P -- /

reservations on August 31 to leave from

Miami with arrival in Brazil on September 1*

in Clifton, we were once again very much ijr5)ressed v/ith the "no nonsense mature philosophy of this deeply dedicated follower

As Huey and Ivisited with Carol recently

of Jesus, and we think that Carol is just the

| ^ |L K 1 W

^\ \W

'1^ /

one to do the job that we have for her with the Bible Study Correspraidence Course in Brazil*

Now "With that back ground let me get to the point of the ntter

Carol has already raised $600 of a needed $1,000 for transportation and

relocation in Brazil, (furnishing an apartment, and other preliminary needs)#

She needs soon the other ^400 ~ remember she is leaving in about a month*

(l think she should have set her goal somewhat higher) and of that amount she
now has promised to her $65 per month from her home church at Clifton and $30 per month from the Cortru church, for a total of :^95 That leaves |80 per month lacking to reach her goal for monthly support. I am hoping that some church "Will come to her aid very soon and I pray that they will underwrite her

Carol has set out to raise the modest sim of |175 per month support,

for $100-$125 per month so that she can ^et on with doing the Job that God has
Please send all letters and money to Carol Grarber, 450

for her in Brazil#

33^ Road, Clifton, Colorftdo, 81520 or phone 303-434-7145.


Forwarding Agent
Mrs. Merlyn Dunn
Box 34

Worland, Wyoming 82401

}/1 / //.

box M

worland, Wyo. 8<i4tOl

September, 1972
Dear Friends in Christ,

God Tcorks in the lives of people bringing His plans to realityl

Our team in Braril met many tiroes for prayer; asking God to send us

help in that exciting harvest of souls. Vfe came to agree that we need ten families to commit three years of their life to Christ in Brazil to 'work on our Bible Correspondance Course Follow-up Team. V/e have neris that two new families and two young ladies have arrived in Belem since we left in June,
increasing our working force there# We have visited with several families in our state side travels who are very interested in being a part of our follow-up team. We wait expectantly for more of them to make public their decision to Join ua As has the Jerry Blzey family*

Jerry Slzey, 35, his wife lIiriam, sons iJlike 14 and Jeff 10 and daughter Lorie 2, were present the first time we publicly told the story of the need for help in Belem. They prayed about it for about three months before finalizing
their decision and making it public.

Jerry Elgy has been with the Gambles stores for a nember of yecrs; working his way up to the position of assistant manager. Since coding to know Christ,

Jerry says, "We enjoy working for and plan to devote our lives serving Him." He says he feels that Brazil is the place where, "Christ needs and wants us now,
and we are putting our con^jlete trust in Him to help us carry out these plans
that are being made. The Jim Perry's have said they will be our forwarding agents

here in the states.

Their address is Jim Perry, Box 754, Vforland, Wyoming 82401"

When I think of Jerry and Miriam's decision, X Just can't help but think of that great man of faith Abraham and how he went out from his land, leaving
behind all that is familiar and called home, to go where God wants him. Jerry and ItLriam with their children are leaving behind prosperous positions with all

the fringe benifits, to go to a land they don't know and a people who need Christ.
I think this a tremendous demonstration of faith. Doesn't it thrill your heart

and put a oatch in your throat to hear about it?

I praise God for these peoplel And for you people who will feel con^elled by the Love of Christ to support them financially for the next three years. you with them will be a great team for Christ. You giving your money and they
their lives to take the Word of life into the Brazilian home in a face to face
confrontation for the souls of men.

Ask God about it. How much can you trust Him for the support of Jerry and his family in Brazil? Write to Jerry and let him know your decision. Stand with this precious family as they stand with God. Invite this family for a visit to your congregation so they can tell you personally of their plans*

Write Jerry Elzey, Box 754, Vforland, Wyoming 82401 or phone him at

Keep praying, keep giving, and keep living for the Lord and the good God
bless you all in His will.

Across at the Elzey*s

OC lo 72
Dear Ones in the Lord,

How wonderful the good Lord is to us all!

Praise His Name!

I can hardly wait

to tell you all the great things that have been happening to us. The fellowship in the Churches and seeing our
for Him,

friends again, as v/e have traveled

over 11,000 miles since June, has filled us with joy and strengthened us to continue The church in the United States is awakening with a strong desire to be used
Thank you Lord.

by the Lord and there is sure a lot of enthusiam around.

After much prayer, we have a home in Torington, Wyoming, 2117 East E, Street,
^ere the girls are now in school and we can wave hello to Dale as he goes by and

maybe get his washing done.

Come visit us I
I can hardly

Now I have a secondhand sewing maching that my guy found on sale,

wait to get busy making school cloths for the girls. Say the 13th of October is Dale's birthday.
have a big stack for him vrtien he returns home. really thrill him.

With all the traveling we have

been doing with Dale we haven't had the time to get much ready for them.
How about helping me surprise him. Let's
a Please do. Okay? I know it would What

Do send him your well wishes and maybe a picture of the church or your family.
He will be 37 and has spent 17 of it serving his Lord,

grreat life! We also now have a good used typewriter and a nearly new vacuam cleaner, that

we will be using in Brazil but, there are many items yet to find.

A paper drill

and a paper cutter for the print shop, the Ifoody Science films, a powerful public
address system for holding open air street meetings in Brazil, a good camera, and a reel to reel type tape recorder or deck, target arms suitable for International type oonpetition. It seems like a lot but maybe you know of somethings like this

that are just stacked in Macgees closet and could be had for a reasonable sum.

Write us and let us know what you come up with, Please!


October S 13-15 22-24 29

Elbert, Colorado Chadron, Nebraska Orchard Mesa, Grand Jet. Colo. Rangely, Colorado

November, 5=^Iigginsville,Mb,

o-U .Kansas City, Mo.

12 17-19 21=24

Mbteerly, Mb Lyman, Nebraska Pheniox, Arizona

December 3 Lamar, Colorado S-10 Farmington, New Mexico January 14-28 Intermountian Bible College Grand Junction, Colorado

Gillete, Wyoming 11-16 Paonta, Colorado 18-23 Grand Junction, Colo.


March 2-4 Riverton, Illinois April 1-7 Salt Lake City

If you would like for us to visit your church write us about a date.

Remember we nned you to care and pray for us here just as nnich as we did in Brazil,
The King is Coming!
Box 34

Love you all Husy


Worland, Wyo. 82401

?T^- S

Jim n.


Forwarding Agent:

November, 1972
Mrs. Merlyn Dunn
PO Box 34

Worland, Wyoming 82401

Dear Ones in Christy It is our urgent desire that you would pray to the Lord of the

harvest that He would send Laborers into His harvest.

in this harvest time,

Pray for Brazil

Christ says, "The harvest is so great, and

the workers are so few, so pray to the One in charge of the harvesting
and ask him to"rc"rmt more workers for his harvest fields". Christ

says, "Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all

around us, and are ready now for reaping.

The reapers will be paid

good wages and will be gathering eternal souls into the granaries of

We need you! to Brazil?

His harvest will not wait.

Reaper will you go

Laborer will you pray?

Will you give to the work there Who else will go into the world

and sending of the reapers?

Pray to the Lord of the harvest for the

workers which we need in this day.

to preach the word? The harvest is ours, its promiced to us in just the same way the land was given to Isreal-if we will go harvest.
The Lord's return may be very soon the time is short.
time is short!

The harvest

In this thanksgiving week, we will be thanking our Father for

you all.

We will be at the Missionary Convention in Arizona and

would like for you to pray this would be used for the building of
His kingdom.

Please, vdll you pray,then write us and let us know what your
work will be for Brazilto go-to send-to give-to work here represent

ing a worker in Brazil-to pray.

How wonderful it will be when we

know who will go so the paper work for the government can begin.

We are praying for these commitments by the first of the year.

Are you Praying?

The Lord's promice is, "I am with you always, even to the end
of the age".

The King is Coming!

Dale , Huey, Joyce and Kim


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