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Ian 0 8 '76

Operation ' Amazon




Evansvllle, W 32636


(III -n. Yr]a^

oa<i<5 -i/i. ChjuA^t-f

Lu.d on., dt. 91 K 131 -ptj o/xa M.oc.ti- piom ^Schoo-^, Tk^ J2/UJ2a^ u>j^ 414-00, p.iu6 ^300 iiacJt The:,!, cuiz Ujx o^ Jiiu.'idifi^ -doon, ZilL a. lohiZs., The. cMt c-^ i-Lv-ing, h-Jui /tL6-ej\ tjuA tj^t 2.5/o. Ton. ^avxm^ 41000 /uLc.2AM.^g ^250 mo/ui .iA nAcid&d to a ^TOOO vd-du^ o-^ 1S/74-, da.t^ tnoom^ had d/iopf^-ed o. j -in. 75 'o^o, a i^5100
Jjx th.j', hou^iUjiQ. yimdf TOO/aina tt. ^j20^-6.iAtc, to ^^uLid vii tKL6, with. tnjs. .pinancJxit MJjM:uU..Qn ^^uch a<5 th,e.-_i hiv-i. at pA^^znt, ajL twj-l

hJ-Jbi-g -it.^^jLiAj:2A\^ }vjp.p,,^rv2jd.l Da^Lz jought. and fzaid p^/i 'dome, iand -to

miLo^ .md

n^xt. /.ej/to

758,6 (^izlon^ o/ 7^0^ i^o-dt 18 to g^-Hon, hjve. 'jiv^A^ i114-f6S' a nc.ith and (^Jy6 t/i }cUjig. up. o^mji Thjai^j. p.^j, .fi1,4-0 p/ze^^^antZ^,
U...Lt^ h-j/ii .ii.3,2/1 aJLtz. to to 4- new Jj^ZisdAi

fi%a-j.^ y^upj-io/it-o
to UiAAy^t,

Oj ^<M\cydALL6r[i .jo,:2u6'Z hz h^ x C.JA. and .'ZtiCiU^ o-^ :^ua. '^L^jncUjJyC and

^yLsht. vtoJtoyii^ 'Jajz. Jjx tJv^ii aa^a

But -jJLz. ti6 not ^id n.h>6,

Coun^ Jjito /7ZJ!A^

tta. h'l^ JLzon cJltz to ^^t, th.z cxto/vd^oi'i <Jixusl tjz.icihJjv^

to tn^-itn. tii^.jdz^hLji -60 thzj. ^.i/ie. ^jjLz to uxin. ^out6

l^^io clxuricheA

'2x}t.'JiCL6h2df ^60uZ6 Z.^'LTL LOOn, j4t6t. \jA ' UuCZ a chi^, Asi ZuAii tiui. JL2pt.izzd 40 o^ hod tyLijz, i'^-^\iAri t,
iMnd^A^pj.'^ ThoA^iL wz-2 4 rno/to. touxLi on tftn 'im-^zon


.j^undd -Ut tiRfio-6'6XMJL. ^lit tfiL6 tJjr,^ -jXi/i him io JO th2A.Zc iiilJL t/hz m-zri hz hxi6 tl2U'jhjt .:yi3. t'Zj:.ichLng. otJ-uyUi 'jjxd -it. ^ -^iJuno-^t iin.po^-6tJ:Jie. to cAJOi^ aaj. mo^2. t/zacJiina tnto a duj. (/ui ,
hjA ^i>f2rzndin:i, a. Zot oL tlniz
'.jJJjin. rn.utznU^'t -into

/v2a.cKjdf Ait can. onjLj, .z /Lzjjzhsxi -b-'j, ujyt oa. lojjLzo. <Mici ij.^zc,ju^ ojL -CLniiZx^d

tnxit n,zcd -Co -6^

p/ionu.y6^ ZhxXL ttt6 ux>/icL loouHd, not. /uiZuan. uotd


Ue. UXXL^ a.i.60 -Oiri-Z to 2r6t, 'joun. pA^j^2Ay> HuZJ., fi-pLzn. iv3/L '6UAJ^^A.^ -jAt '^fhnUjx^f .6h2. thj^ hjjd. pAouLm^ -jnd tji6t^ -dhoio 4>lvz muj. hav.z-^^o undfztno

l-'A.a.j. yon. the. ux>

JLufi-g, puCft.Oi.i2d. iax^dA.j.

medtoAJxeAf tjMi-in.g, '6hot^ and vttniriijiyd Jji hope^ of. Zui.-'^dtn^ heA. up,
Slvz hxda't Z-zen. ".i JUi. ojc^.

moAA..6un.-j^j., She. cl^6o hA6 u p.ui,gu>6 tn heA, tfite.'6ttjtz^. She. a>6 Hzijn^ p^d
continuin:^ heA. courL6eA cjt Johny6on. liLj^jz Co-tle.yz and ^

^pjndA -:iX.Z hen. houAA ot. .6choo-t <JjTd hoA. uxj/Ujij^ hcunA ^6tLui_piii\ and .t6 doing. Jxu6t Hjzri m-aJjx tatzn.z6t athtetJj^, She. th kz

'tie.oAn.iag. a n^ .6pj.-Le. o-^ giUJUvi p-ija.'jAJX^, idujch

A^exietiMJig. 'dtyuU.^ght. d'.6 -do -pOA,, She.

J^jzen. doaxg. a lot op pai/ttuig. a. and.

the. oid xy6a.6^^>ijz 'dJLj.-Cz,

middcz of. a 4>o-ftLi'tt tou^-xarrueiit note, oJhz ha^ pu^i.-Ced a tejidoiX -ux tjvz poet nhe. ^Aotie. j^sjoa., ikit. ^ do-iji^ pin^, Tl-izj. thODe. u <ot op moL^ pAoiZ^m^ isuen. u>ith ZztteA.^ 'dent, tJo the. St,at^ ^ nvoA^id theAe., J gite^ o^.iL the. pAoJiZem not. tax >6 jiboXX.* Dode. '6ai^ thnt .it. /te^^c.j. ho/id to LJxeiv=!^ou uyviJte. 40 4iettj3A^ *2nd pind the-j. n^eA, ^ocA. thziA. d^dttaatUxin^, The.^^ upuiid 'ttfie. to tJvjnii. o-jl 'jjou fOA, ^oun. pA.J.j^^Ayt> 'Ond jou^ pinanxuxi^ ^upuonJL thLd p^t j^-oa. and. loLdlx -^jou a u-za.j. I'teAA. >. ChAAAtiriCL^
and a n.^ j.zja ^od -06 good to gi.u.z them pAU^endd -duch e^ach
oP 'iou.

ha^ Z^zexx. ^174^,60 up taiAOuah Dexz, 12, 75, Cx{^,2ndiJtuAJZ6 04 3 nnow them. OA^e. i^700,00 tp 'Deo., 10. Ag^Mji LOO. hjanJ<i. and ^d ey6^ ^ t<nou) ttz ho/d <and u>i-C^
cpntSinjuz to do -60,
Jn. dLi> Seywtxjz,
('ieA^yi /V, Uiuvn

Ttn.jncA^j.i^L .-^iejafiJjx:^ Deo.enieA. hoA deen Ja.^6t gAeat. <io P^, Jncome.

Oa^, tiuzj., j^oyjcze., i\un.


Box. ^57

pAi/UTvLt I'io* 4

LuQiUiiMJL^f j)jjo*




Gw^o /

Deaz om^ -i/z Quu.^,

Ji ko^ ..'J2JX ^0)Pjz -iUs-.iO. J lie/zt out -t rv2ioi>Zi>JJ^j2/i --uuL J niLuit cl6''^ jxma.

monji. n^iw w/ia/tc/'ui4 .iJuj/ited. -i/i /y'ta noxZ. -jUiu) .}.i2xw6 dv:in -au -2/t JLi'^jicyui. -iji -oxo. tii/6!~ tcyLj. o-p -Uui Jiu/L^ Jjx Baxi^z^ -jvd. .Lac.iii<5.a o-f. -dvs. JyiuJj'uj'i.^ p/LogA^.m, Tixt6 .mXZ .pjOy:^,6ijjL'z. J^-.cuu:tQ. d'Ui. ^/^Ajde/i^vL-i. o^LC'^ ^ '- XjilUjx^ on Ztie,
Z/icUjiinj. otiifdA, -ucdae/z^ ./^to/ri iJiO'6e. idOii to Cti/iL^ 06 zhe...i. uxyio-* / /te /v>to

>in. tijo mij) QAjiaA*

to lionjdu/La6 'ifid ^ <:>tLijt^ up. a mao .pAX^.j/ioiR j'xy/i new chjUAjc/i (iuarL y..iiAio6nt^ uUJJi OcaxUi Scji'sUi^, Tlt-zj. oaa to cui. tlie, rj. jouj-uii;xyu<!^ jicyi Zij)o i^2w Uiii/icixa,:>
Ja OjaL^^ 'joWd, "^<d. o/Ui. corL-'Miont Zj\xt t'lpyia. :AiLCt ^-i.

fxyi/^Mjj.!2fii3^ J tunj'.-'. ^wfii. /lqxijgJjjj^ a tmp.^.jzfujvt. jijDA. tfui. f\ijvjxlm Un B/uxziJ-

pioni bajL-e. cauL Jjiiri'jA cuus. ivjyo -^-u^ (jottejx iuxnc j^Aoin a -Ou^

JjvuuL 37 mw Um/icho.^ hciv-^^ 'into cJj^kt o-f, th^je. uy^/ij^ 4>tsiAjt 6t.jnttjjd. -in, ttuL, -txioi JJxaj:^ nijontfu^ ^-..pjn^d. ijyizAJs. t Ixjsaxu The. a/uotJit 'vo
A,-i{iJjl. Loc. c..:fi

iJuui ijn.\j. otlx^L iixi iAxit .in. ttio. <y?.ac<i


Tkt^:^ joiia. h:..-ft^j^n ..nijiJx^La tn thxL lcoacL,

ih,-jL aJl K.u'j movj^cL -into cjyjMd,

77uU> .j^/uDg/i-jn U^6 not d.^

za iJicuyi liit-ii-Cii L

tkyurn^ u <5 ocoar-^-;/^


it Qyi J, iifyd. <ia.iz cJ^M6'6ii/i

wii^ CL-UJ^.ui to Jj^jt -C/i^ t2.:<cjX\i/L uui ofl'^ '6-Luil?jit*

pM. xian

too T-'jm. und yv^.:iCjL 40,


T/U^ ^/lo /i.-m-l iie^za^ o

iliti c^mx ux^-u^ .:.tnj.'.<jx^.u

-in^i^U^sd -in.

the. Somj2^,
to nia tn.


Qujyia'u<A uxxt-'xi

-cO .c'^t.'i/U. a -^xluu^x .^dxt^uiy&ton

cjx.i'iti itxz ux:)u tu ^yUjx<: tJui. nicdj2AJ.:.i.C .in (Uxyu^ix .sxa. -dxip. 'it to j^oui


"J (XIVZ. (uCout. -pOLUL

O;.. tsuc. ;?7.G/i tlv^z. po/L 'JJovL^tt


JX) to >60011 ojtjd OTL til

J iiave. not k.'ici a. c/'xcmxc,^ to i-'/iacr-


tlc..i, <^it -.iLct .lau^ to Cjxnj .tko.t

and tLj^?.L -ja.-?, u/t.y -o-ui -.-otJi -ux tix '/viVJ.L 'yLinic ^xa.a. ^X'JX,.d and anL
M.'.i lO.^'LrC. to
a/-2 Qou
'I L"' j j.-

to -ux.-i Lo-id,"

"Todaj., i^./itt 9, ty6 J-ojxy.i'yi it/tjjvdaj, cwui

.0 '

t/6 clotivj. j^L6t :j/iQDt*


' ,.. ,,i'. . ' , . "''I' Ui'iO i'uuj'^ ii/ni -J S^lk'JX A/yon ^60 .aj^ 'xUyL.X' v ^ll-i tiX jr. 'iHJ.jij.O/L-Ujh.J y^ua r\/tJ'j i Jjyj. U6*

..tyve. -Lnarv^^^'t. tharv^Jx't. Tod rod ijOJi jloA, oA^ ou/i



-lia&3.'.6 itL

aAOji.,.2:... a CLtXJCil -iji tJus. p.a6t -jiino rnon-Ux^*, iut, ^1513,6j 1LL6 eX^i<2nyK2>6,
1047 o5


But, 06 LhjLd. .6otdf

^357T?7u'v O^UxU^i ^601 *07 t/xanii jau. cuui maj. ^/od tUii'io jjou i.i}'id /:4iSi^2 "
Tix^ iXMua. iia6oih6 ClUjCLI t'O^j-t-i-C 1J7'j

660iX) Bo^t'^n,
SoLit/x uiieAAJia.



boK %57



0?SRA'?I01>:_^iU'yvZ0H o/o Ijrs#. iiQ^lyii Dxmn

Bccjc 857

Non-Profrb Organiza-bicjn
Pornit, V;yo 82336 82656

Braripvillo, i'/yct

//// Y). YTlc^^

Dear ones in Christ,

This is a copy of pasrts of a letter tliat ive received frojfi Uale rooontly. It had been sent to one of the churchcs to fjivc thein tin idof. of ^','hut has been [.;oing
on in Brazil#

Dear People in Christ,

Thank yo\i fur your requests. . . . This is a list of "Hi;:;h lights" of this oast

- ana

house, but the rent became very exponnivG as did the electricity# i'hree city bus linos ran in front of it fro^i the left und four lines ran by from the ri{^t, so vjs^had buses stopping at the irregular intor-'/ais of 2 to 6^ minutes, beginning at 4 in tnc iTiorn^nij and ending:; at iiidnifjht# Al'.vays u crowd of people; fjaiti;"?'-; rii;ht at our front vjalk for the bun* Beggars, children and odults aakim; for food or anyuh^nj!; pno is ivillinjji to give theni iSein;^ the 5c;cond house froin the stop li^iiht !>n the very busies'^ street rn tovjn, there vjas tho screeching of brj~>es and the squall of t-^res !-;.round the clock. There is a lot of traffic ^joes oy in a city of 800 thousand people. Hi(2;ht next door there vms a man who raised'^Gernit-u shepard do^s
one time he had 32 of he:.i--all barking ab odd h.iurs of the ni.sht#

tAst year v/e vjere roriting a house in the city of Bele/r.. It was a cute little

We %vere very thankful for this house as vje had oeen living; in a little T/ood shack tnat the wullg vjoro rott/tii^; nff The rats and posRU'"'ts knavjed holes in our food boxes and took turns v-'ith the cockroaches ri-innin?:; across our beds. We fast boca:-ae the fuvoritc refueling statiiin for the sorties of nir^htly /losquitos. lar!-;or house 20 feet avja;^' ijr s repeatedl;;/ broken into by thieves, causing out ttivss to be cerriiied i-.'nen v;e had xjo leave theiii &'fc nii^hto So vie were indeed thankful for

IS bo a houi>e or buy one. lie havo vo^ved not to ,50 into aebt to do it. That reE-crict;-.oii has put j:iany attractive opportunities just out of 'our reach- He have

I h^vo moved iny office six tiinos. Vje feel that the ano^-ver to our housing; proble:.!

from ohe trip co j. ina throe of our doors sv.iashed and the interior of tho house ran sacked -witn^mny thin,^s Txlssing. 1:0, the past six nonths wo have .aoved four times*

our cute little rental on the bu5jy street in the city. Then v/e

in cne evening

It xiGs^bcen several -wnths r.avi s:uice ?je have found anythin-; tat v.-c cai-t cone close *0 ou/in:^ because houses axd lands have taken a jujnp in price md tho cost of build ins ^latcrifls sro ntf^ny times hi/,hfer than when 1 had"7nudo\ay ori--ia-il buildinp
03 b tcs. 1/ . u

bcen so close

yet so far because viq htve not had quicc the anount being asked.

.in April Huey became vsry s\.;ddenly seriously ill. I took her to the doctor
01 April 25 ^'.nd the sur^^eion operated imediately, findin- a ru^ybured

11 but.inay ^nc^f be ^ havinoi'eairf a.Tiov.nt ofwith internal bleedin/i;. ,wcll, trouble adhesions.
n'i furloufjh.

vfe have beeu living; on the l-ydiffe Bible Translators base in A1 Grahan-s house
iVe :ie.y be asked to nove at any time as thev have a

She soe^'i^5d to recover quite -


expected to be coming fron the states at any tiEie and they may our stay ut the .Vycliffe base vje have had u v;ondcrful "bi'ie personnel, during a 3 month period we had tuo of thcj.r yound


C-lint Tho^i^:s and his son, Ted, cane to visit us. They stayed about a

<.Qv. ..a so 1 sent '.vord tnat s.f he ever ca-e this vmy ae;ain vjithout stayivi'.^ mth us ..ju..a hi^it ni:n aoijn ana shoot higiviith a natcr ointol. lie ca.ue to Belen m preoty baa s-apo. He celebrated his 56th birthday at our house. He had fallen ^roi-n a_5caf.old tha-o had brol^en under hiif: and injured the sci;rted nervo mi his left
30 years a:.o in a football uecidcrt, this la^^cotfc.!! had lei o hivi nearly unable to ^valk. i took hini to a good friond of rdno

toTJn near vjnere Clint lives. Ed^^ardo Lcssa had befriont.ed lae imny tines xih&n i stayed v.ach tines f.nd tasted 5f his hospitality. Je n.a visibcd Belem^several times in hini the ra.nv intervenins years but had failed to con-

Tu ooe ^lint a^a:-.r. and to hear hovvtho the state T/;>rk is inand L'racara. The 1 lasu vjee:-: into Au-ust aaother visitor car-.e fro-i of ^oinr; ?.ona a

Dr Horrison,'who fixed up his leg V9ith about one vjooJc of troc-tnent# Ed also had a proV^iem mth his eyes, She left on'> hcv<i i;eco:vie bsdly swollen and hed turned to sturo
out to* left# I specialist v^ho sent him to a h-. art speoialistc
Bet-eon the tvio of chem, they tret.ted him for higih blood pi'essure, high blood sugsir, diabetes, and fitted him vjith glasses. M a vory disheartened rian, but loft his old enthuslas-bio self# iid is doing on irnportant \'iork He has a Christian school in the iioivrt of the jungle v;ith 800 students* This iirazilian gentleman has served the Lord faithfully for 23 years in a difficult field of labor. \le enjoyed

his presence in our hons for tiso woelcs# idni finds u c^ood deal of cnjoyrient in beadcraft and has in^de a number of brace-^ lets, rii^gs, 3tc This last summer she irorked with soiae others V.\rnishinK and
So far she has -mde all A*s on three different subjects. She found timo to learn

pairiiJfiS the Jyoliffe airplane hangar. I'his w'jchool term -^he becamc a hij-^h schooler#
It took her not quite a

Joyce is oidto busy vdth a Biblo correspondence course froii Johnson Bible Collc(5ef

to play a "kocordor" that was :.;ivon to her as a present.

week to plav it well enouj^h to flaivlessly reproduce riost of the scn^js in the hymn bood. Sho also finds tiiOQ for training "Prisnd Round To It" a 4 nont old German Shepherd left to us by a adssionary retiring fron the field. Friend and Joyce see:: to belong to a inutual adriiiraticn society, Joyce is also teaching Portuguese in the
AViL grade school.

One of the most memorable thinti:s this year. Ilulilla Lec Ijison and Kobert Dale mson celebrated ^heir 20th %veddirig amiiversayy. My lovely brido having endured na for tvo decades docs not need "he word of any Oii-.n to recoircnerid her. She stands recoiTBttendcd by hor wm charaotor in a sphere far above any lofty vjorda of Lian# I was invited by A1 Crrahan to visit his india.r> tribe. Al and Sue have boon working with this people for 13 years, translating the Bible into the Indian language. Joyco and I went into the tribe and wliile there I was invited to baptize the chief vhp in turn bapti>iod 47 other peSpls. This was a heart thuiiping exper&OBCc for mo to reti rn to a peop!le that I had visited six years before and sec then bom
into the kin,^.;um. I am enclosing a reoorb of a trip that David Bayless and I rx'.de to Honduras to visit with Oeorge Paterson. V/e went to see ho?i he was able to raise up 40 churches during a 3 year period. He taught us v.'ell and since, the trip we have boon laying the ground -.-ork to try to reduplicate this in Brazil. I have been traiislating fro:-!Spanish the training texts that G-eorgs has written. Kuey hau boo*, doin;^ soziie of the

illus*cration. The simplicity of the books is decoptive. It is bcoai;se of their lack of sophistication that they are effective# I have traveled a lot of miles teaching, pinchhittin;; for j.'iisoiont^rioK on fur

lough and holding training sessions for church loaders# A'he program wo have adapted
has stirred interest on the part of other missior-aries in various areas. Allan Kisnhas been invited to Central Brazil to presBiit a sevunar on the prograi-io David Bay-

less has been invited to Bogata, Columbia to hold a seminar vjiththe jnissionaries there. V<e have had a number of letters of inquiry and several missionaries have visited us here to gain inforj.uition about what we are trying to do. I thank you for your interest in us as a family and for the kind invitation to share some of the high Lights of otir life this Icist year. X pray thut oiie Lord will bless you in you mission oinphasis time there and that the Lordjo \vork through out the w )rld ^-Jill be blessed through you, as we have bee/;. lassed through you*
love you and appreciate you.
Dale i-iason HuSJlla


Wc Yiould like to thai-Uc you for your prayerful and financial aupporo for bho Seasons# Their income has dropped this year and it is telling ar- they dip into the house fund to pay bills. June's incoiae v;as .|?84770 Bills were ^?130437 July's income was yi237Q0 and bills Yjsre y1284.12. August's income was ^942.81 and bills
wore 190557. September's income was (^73750 and bills wore ;iA85000. It doesn't
tak0_long at- thi s rata-t.a^tako d^WR-iL-bc^ak--a^couat-#Qcst^bgr so fas had p.n

of ^[?523.00 and bill of ^2390.54. This leaves s^2539.08 in the housing fund which we have had to drav; out of and a deficit oJl' JSSisSSX ^3927*19 in the regular fxmd. We are a long way in the HMD.
Pra^/ for the ivfeisons,
iv^rlim 1C Dunn

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