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i fail at life

Please describe your problem below. Be at least as detailed as necessary. Complaints of 25 words or less will be ignored. Complaints not pertinent to the matter at hand will be ignored. Complaints deemed frivolous by the committee will be ignored. Complaints containing the word "kerfuffle" will be stricken. Your complaint may be monitored or recorded for training purposes. Please complain carefully as the menu has changed. Complaints meeting our rigorous criteria may be published. Name: (optional)

Sunday, July 14 2013 I worked tirelessly hard to get into University, but then blew it by being stubborn and refusing to transfer my course, neglected studies, and drove away the money that i had and the oppertunity to excel in my chosen fields,... read books on history,politics and literature... i have failed university, life and everyone.
14-Jul-13 01:15 PM By nemo 0 Comments

everything is sucks sucks sucks sucks

14-Jul-13 11:57 AM By fw l 0 Comments

I have severe anxiety issues, I often worry when there is no need. Today is a day there is no need and I'm a gibbering wreck. Blown out of proportion. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.
14-Jul-13 07:41 AM By FML 0 Comments


I failed my myself, family, son & my girlfriend. Don't know what to do anymore
14-Jul-13 06:00 AM 0 Comments

Dear I fail at life website staff, Stop using "SPAMHAUS" to filter comments. It's blocking all comments that don't come from "Legitimate mail servers" I have personal experience with some of the cases here and would like to give advice but am not allowed due to my IP address being in the PBL list and I cannot remove myself because I have to have a "legitimate mail server" set up at a privately owned server to be able to do so. Submit Preview
14-Jul-13 02:57 AM 0 Comments

I have no job, no friends and no peer group. I see no light at the end of tunnel.
14-Jul-13 01:31 AM 0 Comments

I can't stop crying because I failed my mathematics june exams. I feel so stupid and helpless because I did not take the preparations seriously. I'm still doing my first year in construction management and feel like I'll never get my degree on time because everything seem to be difficult for me. I really hate my life now, because I've lost my relationships with good friends, I've also lost my relatioship with God too and that brakes my heart. I feel like everything is not going well because I'm no longer close to God, there are things that keep me away from God and I just can't figure them out. I'm planning to accept all my mistakes now and move on with life, I can't live in regrets because I know there is still a better chance for me to make things right.
14-Jul-13 12:17 AM 0 Comments

Saturday, July 13 2013 When I 1st found this site, I was a heart broken, drug addicted, sad depressed individual. I saw no light at the end of the tunnel. I actually saw no light because I'd sleep during the day and wake at night. I can't describe where I was because it seems unreal thinking back. Just wanna say, it took me 3-4 years of hard hard work but I'm finally a person again. Once we realize what the world is about(it's about you), you start putting yourself 1st, doing thigs that make you better things start falling into place. Good luck to all of you, it can be done. If I could get back up, I'm sure you can if you give it your all!!!
13-Jul-13 10:04 AM 0 Comments

I slept for whole of the day..almost for 18 hours continuously. I dont see where my life is heading towards.
13-Jul-13 08:34 AM 0 Comments

Friday, July 12 2013 I fail at life sooo badly, no friends, no boyfriend. My family thinks im a failure, my sister hates me, im fat and ugly. I failed my exams, i have no money i miss my grandpa. im 19 and it suckssssss.
12-Jul-13 10:22 PM By greenarrow 2 Comments

gone everything gone i lost friends and didn't have girlfriend in the first alone for 2
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years i have developed scezophrenia...i am forced to study even though i did my best i failed i cry everyday i can't face society they are literally happy that i proper sleep since 2years what is going on i gave up God show me another hurts
12-Jul-13 03:41 PM 0 Comments

I don't even understand my situation. I'm so disgusting to look at now. I aged so horribly.. My brothers need me to take care of them therefore I cannot have friends or a life.. I hate everybody..
12-Jul-13 02:15 PM 0 Comments

Before stumbling upon this page, Ive been sulking for the entire evening because I feel that I have problems so great that Im going to suffocate but nowI just feel stupid. My complaints are just immature strings of words that are deserved to be laughed at. 1. Exams are coming and I dont feel like studying but Im very worried because well, expectations are never low. 2. I get jealous of friends. Too much. Way too much. Even trivial stuff. 3. Parentmy family is just not communicating well partly because of me. I admit that I might be in the wrong but partially. 4. I cant seem to concentrate in anything, not even in art. 5. I want to do art but Im in a course far from it. 6. I screw things up. I hate it. 7. I fall for the wrong person and it hurts. 8. Im too young to feel so old and withered. Lastly, I know everyone has problems out thereplease keep on fighting and not lose hope because maybe if you walked on, the light will appear. Please try. Life is weird but there is always a reason why we are chosen to be born. I cant even encourage myself yet Im typing away here like someone who knows it all, Im sorry if you feel offended in any way. Lets all be our own hero.
12-Jul-13 09:14 AM By person B 0 Comments

i am ragural fail in 1st year

12-Jul-13 04:08 AM By rahul gautam 0 Comments

Thursday, July 11 2013 I have no money: I literally have $4 in my account. I have no job, I stupidly quit last year after having had enough, the place I worked at was making me ill. I just failed one of my university units, meaning I have to make it up in the summer and pay for the extra course with money I don't have. So yep, you guessed it, that goes on the list of debts to repay. And, I'm pretty sure I'm about to be evicted. I'm 20, and I've fucked up pretty royally. I have never, ever, had a boyfriend, nor do I look like gaining anything close to one in the foreseeable future. I have very little friends, most of whom just make me angry to be around. Plenty of people who know me, yeah, but no one I can actually talk to. I wake up every day feeling utterly alone and helpless. This is not how I pictured myself living. But, despite all this shit, I will get my life together. Because, what else is there?
11-Jul-13 08:00 PM 0 Comments

I recently left my part-time job at a bar. I didn't realize what it would mean to others when I said I quit my job. Although I was working two jobs at the time and still have the one and am attending university, I feel like by quitting that job I will forever be seen as a failure. I do not want to feel like that anymore. Everyone has to quit something at some point - right?
11-Jul-13 04:02 PM By John 2 Comments

Failure is the highway to success. Tom Watson Sr. said, "If you want to succeed, double your failure rate." If you study history, you will find that all stories of success are also stories of great failures. But people don't see the failures. They only see one side of the picture and they say that person got lucky: "He must have been at the right place at the right time." Let me share someone's life history with you. This was a man who failed in business at the age of 21 ; was defeated in a legislative race at age 22; failed again in business at age 24; overcame the death of his sweetheart at age 26; had a nervous breakdown at age 27; lost a congressional race at age 34; lost a senatorial race at age 45; failed in an effort to become vice-president at age 47; lost a senatorial race at age 49; and was elected president of the United States at age 52. This man was Abraham Lincoln. Would you call him a failure? He could have quit. But to Lincoln, defeat was a detour and not a dead end.
11-Jul-13 12:56 PM By alive is aw esome 1 Comment

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failures of successful people: 1. Thomas Edison failed approximately 10,000 times while he was working on the light bulb. 2. Henry Ford was broke at the age of 40. 3. Lee Iacocca was fired by Henry Ford II at the age of 54. 4. Young Beethoven was told that he had no talent for music, but he gave some of the best music to the world.
11-Jul-13 12:49 PM 0 Comments

On again off again gf/booty call became pregnant and wouldnt get an abortion or go with adoption... so I decided to try and get serious and stick it out with her. Problem is I've never been totally attracted to her and her lack of confidence and intelligence has been the cause that I decided before this to leave her for good. I'm 24 and she's 3 yrs younger than I but the inexperience in jobs, education, and just overall lack of self-confidence is some baggage that I can no longer feel like I can carry. Yes I know the pregnancy effects her mental state and capacity but this girl is bad from the start and now I feel like she is a cave woman compared to the confident educated women I met through state college. Am I an asshole? I really feel like one now cuz I made her cry and I need someone to talk some sense into me cuz although I beg for her to tell me what I do wrong she never responds with anything but blame and emotion
11-Jul-13 03:23 AM By Damthisux 0 Comments

Wednesday, July 10 2013 I won a prestigious scholarship and then I messed everything up because of mental illness. Now I can't even bathe myself. I was an overachiever who ended rotting in the darkest pits of hell. I can't even write properly and I'm just waiting for death to come to pick me up. I'm 26 and it's too late for everything.
10-Jul-13 09:08 PM 1 Comment

I'm going to get so depressed when I go to college in the fall and am 8 hours away from my boyfriend. I always tell him I want to get married... He doesn't realize I'm serious. I get sick when I'm away from him for a day and now I'm sick every day thinking about it. I'm over..
10-Jul-13 08:52 PM 0 Comments

i am 27 yrs now. i don't know what exactly is going wrong with me. I always think my self as very(no. 1) intelligent guy. And i always think of being very good wid my life. I almost all the time think of achieving bigger goals but when it comes to working that out i am at zero.. This happens all the time.. I am failed to work hard, i don't have any idea how i am going to get out of it.. If u have any idea please help me..
10-Jul-13 12:24 PM 0 Comments

I'm a failure, I fail at everything i try to do. what the?

10-Jul-13 08:26 AM 1 Comment

My best friend died in a car accident because of me. I'm a murderer. I should be dead. Not him. Don't drink and drive
10-Jul-13 07:50 AM By Mpum 0 Comments

Can't sleep, I miss being a kid so much. I hate this judgmental world full of worrying thoughts and unnecessary tasks. Our race is so weak. My faith has slowly been drowned in a lake full of my own fears. Look at me. 21. Fresh and useful, I am young enough to achieve it all! Anything i want! Please. Spare me the bullshit already. Once you grow up the magic is gone forever. Only memories that gently stab you in the heart.
10-Jul-13 03:52 AM By too bad 0 Comments

I feel like I've failed completely. Out of all my friends (well... ex friends..) I thought I would be the ONE who went somewhere in my far. I'm in my early 20's, but still feel like I need to be farther in life than I am. All I have under my belt is moving somewhere new every couple months and exploring the country, which people think is "cool" and whatever, but honestly, it hasn't done anything but make me go broke and lose all my connections with previous friends. I have no friends. I don't even have a bank account, 'cause I don't have any money to put in it. I'm unemployed, college drop out, and basically homeless right now bouncing between living with my parents and boyfriend...
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I look around at other people my age, they're starting businesses, buying homes, getting married. I'm doing nothing. I feel unmotivated, lazy, undetermined. I can't look ahead in my life because I have nothing to look ahead to. I'll probably end up moving somewhere else for 6 months and then coming back to this shit hole of a town where i grew up. People around me are doing amazing things, and I am so jealous. I don't know how to fix this. I've never felt like such a low life.
10-Jul-13 01:52 AM By No 1 Comment

i'm 20 yes nd i m a shepherd does it min i hve failed in life? What cn i do?
10-Jul-13 12:02 AM By rorisang 0 Comments

Tuesday, July 9 2013 Everyone on this website please stop saying those horrible things about yourselves. You all matter someone cares about you. It breaks my heart to see everyone saying terrible things about themselves. You matter
9-Jul-13 01:21 PM By Chris 2 Comments

My dad confirmed what I have been thinking of for the longest time. I don't blame him. Even I have given up on myself. I can't trust myself with anything. Often, I have wondered, do I qualify to even be here? I am totally unfit to be of any existence anywhere.
9-Jul-13 06:04 AM 1 Comment

when i was 20 years old i made roughly USD2000 per month working in a good company, i got a lot of friends from college and everybody loves me. things slowly got worst, i lost my job. lost all my friends, and turns out my gf only into me because of money. she still is my gf but she dose not even care about me. my parents called me stupid, useless son and refer to me as a pig. i spent all my lifesavings on useless things. i have no income now. im living in a shithole with tons of debts. i have nobody but myself. i used to be a very religious person. but now i wonder if there is really a god i am now 23 years old and depression is my best friend
9-Jul-13 03:39 AM By nugget 0 Comments

Monday, July 8 2013 I overheard my dad say im gonna fail my exams to my aunty but he dont wanna tell me and dissapoint me, im crying my eyes out i feel depressed all the time i just wanna die really :'(
8-Jul-13 04:22 PM 0 Comments

Ive read most of this column and i have the same issues as 99% of them, no job, not enough time for my family of 6 cause of no job, depressed all the time cause of money problems ect... my biggest problem is the beliefs i have about everything is a lot different then everyone else and it always causes controversy with everything and anything i do causing me to fail cause i don't believe the way other people do. Example --- from the beginning of scripture where human kind has written theories and experiences all of them have bean slapped together to make humans thoughts of the grand design and i be leave its all bullchit. non of anything humans ever wrote about ever equals out 100% EVER!!! and I'm supposed to live my life bye what everyone else's conglomeration of crap that make humans society. That right there causes conflict in my everyday life and i cant get anywhere in my life. I get seriously angry over crap like stupid laws, dumb idea's and most of all people that think there right all the time and never take any responsibility upon there own faults and to me that over 75% of every population I've ever come across. And I'm seriously disgusted with all of human kind for putting so much emphasis on money. GOD gave earth to human kind in return for love and faith and humans tear it apart and make all sorts of crap out of it and sell it to each other and in all actuality its already everyone's!!! Hince the land is not Solly owned by anyone but owned by everyone on earth there for all of humanity is real fricken stupid!!! You all sell what already yours and buy whats already yours and i have to struggle through out my life cause you all want payment from what is already ours!!! Have a Great frickin Stupid day humans.
8-Jul-13 01:13 PM By Eric 3 Comments

I just can't seem to get my job straight in my head. I used to succeed at this job, and now I'm just a constant failure. My boss sees it, I see it, and my employees see it.

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I really like this job, but I feel like I can't keep up with everyone else. I am a failure in comparison.
8-Jul-13 11:13 AM By Nicole 0 Comments

God, Why did you bring me into this world to suffer so much? If something goes rights, something else goes extremely wrong. I can't take it. My life is some sort of hell. When will my turn come? *Sigh*
8-Jul-13 06:48 AM By Unhappy 0 Comments

Sunday, July 7 2013 My much older Mother hurts my feelings so bad. I'm over wheight, and my Mom told me if I Lose the wheight then she would quit drinking.I'm 34 and shes' 79 and I lost my Dad due to drinking and My whole family has the problem. I'm afraid Mom don't have too many days left if she don't quit drinking,and I need help losing the wheight,I feel like giving up if something happens to her,I assume I should just check out to.I need my Mom.
7-Jul-13 11:17 PM By Suz 1 Comment

I can't even get a Ubuntu desktop version to work without getting a "Low graphics mode error!" I can't stand this any more, I've been trying for the last 3 hours.
7-Jul-13 07:06 AM 1 Comment

Saturday, July 6 2013 I'm so ugly, people see my sister and say "how are they related?!" Everyones so much more beautiful than me! Even if I do loose loads of weight I'll still be ugly sketty tan', I only started being a sket for a while because that's the only way boys noticed me and I liked them noticing me, but after a while I changed then everyone started baiting out my life and I lost loads of friend because I denied the accusations and lied to them about it for years. I'm a size 16-18, I had a fat belly, small arse, big feet, short dry hair, messed up skin,and the darkest line across my nose and no matter what I do, it can't go away! My skins spotty ans scared, I jus' want to have nice, not flawless skin, and motivation to get thinner
6-Jul-13 05:24 PM By tanya 1 Comment

reading your complaints has made me realize that I'm not the only one dealing with stupid bullshit I could have avoided if I had taken care of my shit before it hit the fan.
6-Jul-13 05:06 PM By Jason Cordeiro, 0 Comments

i was very reckless and least cared abt studies since my childhood, nd nw i hav cmpltd my 4 yrs of graduatn still having some arrears ,i never took my studies seriously but wenevr i liked da subject r topic i used b the best of evry1 amng the cls but i nvr wrkd on it ,nd nw evn my bestfrnd doesnt care me coz of my attitude toward career he made me feel down in a vry bad way n he s nt evn intrstd to talk to me now , ijus hate dis ! nd now i hav decided to strt my career frm again, wud lyk to attmpt the mst prstgious upsc exam i need to crck ,r else i'll lose my imp in da society evn in my family ,right nw i'm lost!
6-Jul-13 12:29 PM 0 Comments

I am the biggest failure of all. I am 34 with no job , no career, no future. I with my wife am burden on my family. I was a biggest failure since 2004 to 2011, 7 years of my youth was wasted for nothing. Even I became schizophrenic ( A very bad psychological mental disorder), and i could do nothing. All my friends , who were average or even below average in college are well settled in their life and I just sit on this shop from 10AM to 9PM and earn only Rs.50-100($1-$2) per day. I am a computer engineer by my degree but preparing for some good competitive exam and failing in them made me good for nothing, since I am having no worthwile technical experience in my field. I had dreamt about going USA one day and to settle there but it seems impossible now. I have no future. Even, I cant get a job of simple teacher. I dont know what will i do in my life. Sometimes I feel to finish myself forever, but i dont have enough courage and who will take care of my parents and my wife ? I was a firm believer of God but slowly i stopped believing but the question is -if not God then who ?
6-Jul-13 09:58 AM 0 Comments

My anxiety is stopping me from achieving my dreams.

6-Jul-13 07:38 AM 0 Comments

I am nothing but a sick, worthless failure. I feel like dying, I feel like I am not worthy of anything.

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I have failed at university, I have failed my parents. I wish I could just disappear so they never have to see my worthless face, Ever since I moved to England, I have failed at everything, Maybe it was never the right choice for me.
6-Jul-13 03:44 AM By Aisha Ali 0 Comments

My parents are sad with me

6-Jul-13 01:14 AM 0 Comments

I am the brand ambassador of failure

6-Jul-13 12:51 AM By G,Pankaj Kumar 0 Comments

Friday, July 5 2013 I am nothing but an empty veil of darkness. I am nothing but a vacuum of darkness. I am nothing but a failure. I am nothing but a burden. I am nothing but a menace to society. I am nothing but a burden to society. I am nothing but a loser. I am nothing but an empitome of failure. I am nothing but an epitome of worthlessness. I am nothing but a defective congregation of cells mired in a victimization complex and an unearned sense of entitlement. I am nothing but a thing that should be executed with a garrote and tossed into an ocean or a body of water. I am nothing but a brain dead, retarded, subhuman species. I am nothing but a piece of excrement. I am nothing but a profoundly failed screwup. I am nothing but a defective mistake. I am nothing but a failure.
5-Jul-13 11:03 PM By The Failed Screw up 0 Comments

i am now 21, but i am not confident to talk any person, my look is not good. i will be handsome, smart boy
5-Jul-13 09:49 PM By soumya dutta 0 Comments

im 25 live with my nan no job prospects or career im a complete burden on my family , iv had lots of work/career prospects but I have a self destruct button . quite frankly id like to commit suicide the only thing stopping me is I don't wanna put that on my family
5-Jul-13 02:10 PM By john kelly 3 Comments

I am 53 male, married. with one adopted daughter. Employed in a job, I hate. No Friends, do not believe any one loves me. I am a failed Chriatian. I believe God and Jesus are real but that I have failed them I am a parhelogical liar. And woy ld prefer to die but I am a coward to boot. NO HOPE.
5-Jul-13 01:37 PM By lost 1 Comment

i am 14, i have family problems, i have friendship problems, i have bad grades, i am getting fat, i can't go to sleep, i am hallucenating things, i trust the wrong people, i am a bitch, i cannot control my mood, people think i am happy. they do not care about me, i cut. when people found out i had cuts on my wrist. they just looked and go away. i need help. i am suffering from depression and i no one wants to help. i cannot be happy.
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5-Jul-13 06:48 AM

By anonymous


Im 20 and i feel like i born in wrong place (living in europe) I always dreamed about life in America and every night i pray to God to help me to give me another chance, another life but He won't help me i don't know why:( I feel that in here i just can't be happy like this is really not my place, my life in here is just one big fail and there is nothing what can make me happy and everyone think that I am happy but im not. I hope someday God will help me because i can't live like this anymore
5-Jul-13 04:10 AM By somone 0 Comments

Thursday, July 4 2013 I'm 25, no car, no driver's license, stuck at home with video games and internet as my only escape, work at a deadbeat minimum wage job, university drop out student, being gay with unsupported parents, constantly worried about being gay bashed, Friends think I'm a loser and can't keep up with their "successful" lives, I'm single and haven't had sex in a long time, I'm overweight, I use humor off the internet as a front to get by, conversations run flat because my life isn't interesting or don't have any stories to talk about. I also alienate my friends because of the aforementioned reason and also having the talk again for why I don't have a driver's license still. I also hate the city that I live in, bunch of assholes that torment me.
4-Jul-13 09:32 PM By I.A. 7 Comments

i am very lonely. i used to have friends , now i only have 3 or 4 , and they are always busy, so i feel so alone and bored. holidays are supposed to be fun and unforgettable, ever since i was a child i don't remember liking any holiday, and now that i am old enough to go out , i have no one ! i hate my friends , actually i hate everyone ! :p
4-Jul-13 03:01 PM 0 Comments

Yes today is a big positive given the fact I am in one piece enjoying another day on earth. Unfortunately I am a burden to my family. I am 25 living like an 18 year old I have failed at life. I work at a lame job and can never hold a relationship with a women no matter what. Why am I such a hateful spirit, kill me.
4-Jul-13 04:27 AM By Fukhead 1 Comment

Wednesday, July 3 2013 I am a great person. My mantra in this world is kindness. I volunteer in my community regularly, start charities, and have raised over $50,000 in my life for charitable causes. I also smoke weed. I was arrested for DUI of 1/5 an oz of marijuana (which if you don't know... is like driving under the influence of advil...), went to jail, have the worst Judge in the state. Will they look with forgiveness because of my good deeds? No. My indignation is unmatched... and it fills me with sadness. My life of kindness ends bitterly at 22. Farewell, friends.
3-Jul-13 03:04 PM By Lloye 2 Comments

i am 28 year old boy. but previosly i face lot of problems in my life. i am educated boy but i dont got job from last 1 year so i am very dispointed from life. my parents are daily hearting me. pls tell me what i do now.....
3-Jul-13 12:44 PM By Shekhar 0 Comments

I never had a girlfriend, I'm not their type and I feel so hopeless
3-Jul-13 12:39 PM By Keanan 0 Comments

Never going to marry. Cannot get a girlfriend. Cannot get laid. Have no job. Dark World. Dark, Dark World. All other pieces in the factory have passed inspection except for me. Major, Major defect. Dark, Dark world. Only gets worse the older I get. Only gets worse. Dark, Dark world.
3-Jul-13 06:58 AM By Inert and Ineffective... 0 Comments

Tuesday, July 2 2013 Am i a failure?? Got only 58% in 12th PCM and an average of 70.8% in 5 subjects.Got 35,000 Rank in Bangalore joint,will get a mediocre college with a low engineering stream...Am i a failure? Father-Mother have no hope on father says ''am wasting all my money on you in vain after passing engineering (which you will never pass is a waste of both time and money) r such a thick head and am ashamed to be your father...'' Am i a failure??Nope am not a failure one day am gonna become a scientist and will proove to the world that Yes,A looser can be a Legend Mark my words guys...
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15 yrs from now the whole world will know me...for my inventions Legend.
2-Jul-13 01:36 PM 0 Comments

I have come at this point of life where I've failed. I was a good student in my 10th Got admission in a Government college. Diploma in Electronics. Lecturers were not really good at teaching. And I was not interested in this subject. Final exam is over and I have failed with a Single backlog. I have to wait for one Long year to write another exam. My parents are calm. But I dont have the strength to face my Friends and my relatives. I have this strong feeling of ending my life. I often cut my wrists too :(
2-Jul-13 11:43 AM By Depressed 0 Comments

Was in love with a man. Slept with him few times, waited for his call but he never call for few years I have been waiting. Then met my current bf, who is a business loser.. makes me worry about future. Found another man who I am interested in but he is not interested in me. My parents sold the house for my degree, and I hate my job. I always think its my fault to make my parents live poor. I dont have courage to let my bf know about my family, and face the fact that because of me, my parents change their lifestyle. I find myself a loser. I just want a happy life like other woman.
2-Jul-13 06:04 AM By :( 0 Comments

Monday, July 1 2013 i have failed in exam for 5 times, coz of which i got detained for 1 yr frm college... Now again i have 1 more chance to clear that exam, but i don't have courage to face that exam. I dnt knw what to do. I frequently prays to God to kill me... I quit now...
1-Jul-13 04:21 AM By nk 0 Comments

Sunday, June 30 2013 I am now 50 and been involved in music for years playing bars, hotels, parties and a few weddings etc.I gave up on the Rock Star 'wish years back. I am told I am very good at writing music which I know also,but I am getting nowhere in this musical wasteland known as Canada as the industry doesn't give a damn but most of my peers respect my talent. Why have I been given this 'gift' if I cannot use it? I also bounce from temp job so am still broke...
30-Jun-13 11:50 PM 0 Comments

Hardy you know you play the bitch when we do anal sessions together ;>
30-Jun-13 03:33 PM 0 Comments

i've already fail at life at 17. no desires as much as i wish i had one
30-Jun-13 07:49 AM By aj 0 Comments

Saturday, June 29 2013 After quite a promising start to my life, everything has gone down hill since I was 21. I've failed in about 4 different professions, and have had to resort to being a teacher (a great job if you love kids etc, but hell if you don't). I can't even pass the driving test (I've failed about 9 times). I'm also a failure as a husband, and cheat on my wife frequently and joylessly. One of the remarkable things about life is that even when you think you've accepted your mediocrity, life finds a new way to kick you in the bollocks.
29-Jun-13 08:29 AM By R M Qualtrough 0 Comments

Friday, June 28 2013 I am a tasty looking bitch with makeup. However without makeup I am just the ugliest bitch on the planet...
28-Jun-13 12:12 PM 0 Comments

i failed in my whole life. when i was in my 12th i failed in my exam when i start go to the college again i failed in my exam no girls talk to me i have no power to say my parents i am failed again in my college two times i think i am a stupid man in this world i feel i am unlucky and alone in this whole world how i return back my confidence
28-Jun-13 10:16 AM By sachin kumar 0 Comments

gud eve frnds. whoever has made this page, i want to congratulate those ppl. i m female,32. i want to share my problem n plz help me. i m in a six year relation. v r even lukng forward to gt
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marrid. my problem is that whn he is angry on me, he goes to any extend to hurt me emotionally. he even uses abusive languge n call bad names to my younger sis who is happily married. though later on he do feel sorry n promises nt to repeat tht but whn thr is sme issue btwn us he is all the same. v dont livr togthr. he had even hit me once. i m really confused n dont knw what to do. he has many gud qualities also but i feel i csnt tolerate violence. i want to lead a happy n healthy life.
28-Jun-13 08:59 AM By rk 4 Comments

Thursday, June 27 2013 Seems like everyone on here has a serious case of being a little bitch.. I'm prescribing you all a heavy dose of man the fuck up..
27-Jun-13 10:19 PM By Hardy 3 Comments

Live your life helping others and make this the world that you want to see.
27-Jun-13 07:38 PM By give it purpose 0 Comments

I'm 19 not even 20 yet, I wish I've lived my life a little more, something's I do regret.
27-Jun-13 05:55 PM By Zeke 1 Comment

I was sexually abused as a kid. My sister got schizophrenia when I was a teenager, it took years of having to call the police and get her taken to the hospital before the hospital actually bothered to help my sister. I felt devastated by the loss of the person that my sister had been previous to illness. I went to uni but was depressed and had a breakup and failed a full semester of subjects. I finally decided that even though life hurts I did want to have a future. I dreamed of going back to uni. I worked hard for years to save money to go to university. I went back to university when I was 24. I worked so hard to get the degree and went through horrifying living situations because when you are a poor student barely earning anything and with not a spare second your living situation is not in your control. I got to the third and final year of the course with 15 out of 16 high distinctions, including a couple of 99s. But in one of the subjects in third year the teacher gave such a heavy workload that many of the students could not cope with the workload. Tried to deprive myself of sleep and do anything I could to get to the semester, but I was going to fail multiple subjects because of the workload. Finally, right at the end of the semester the students approached the teacher about the problems in the subject and got us all an extension for the last piece of work. I passed but I felt sick and anxious and these feelings would not go away. Teachers had been rude and disrespectful to me in that semester and made me feel awful. My brain would no longer work and the next semester I had to withdraw fail from all subjects. I was so scared. I felt like I had no choice but to kill myself. I was going to be homeless soon. No one would hire me (not even for a job that a 15 year old could easily obtain) because I had attempted to get a degree and failed at it. I wasn't going to go back to university, but I applied to have the withdrawn fail marks removed (on grounds of anxiety and depression) and was successful so I went back to uni the next year. I also started an aged care course because I didn't trust university anymore and I only did one subject at uni to ensure that I didn't get anxiety. But the supervisor for the subject stuffed me around and disadvantaged me big time and made me have to start a new thesis topic late in the semester. I will now get a grade for this subject which will be much lower than what my usual marks are, all because of this supervisors massive stuff up. I cant except this and so I will not return to uni to finish my final 3 subjects. Some of the teachers at the university treat the students horribly, almost to the point of bullying. I will never have my degree, which I worked towards part-time for 5 1/2 years. I want to die.
27-Jun-13 06:22 AM By Kristine 2 Comments

I'm 59 fst dumb ugly crippled seems no ftiends or brains I'm a total disappointment as a humam
27-Jun-13 05:53 AM 0 Comments

Is Christianity ruining your life? christianity oppresses primal instincts. Move away from it.
27-Jun-13 01:57 AM By x 1 Comment

I am worth for nothing. No job, ruined career, no money to support family , no future, no future expectation. I am just counting the days till death. I have no purpose left in my life. I dont have courage to kill myself otherwise i would.
27-Jun-13 01:33 AM 2 Comments

Wednesday, June 26 2013 Lost My Job, Wifes pregnant and wants me to leave. Can't afford the rent, Im praying but I feel like giving up!
26-Jun-13 10:50 PM By SV 0 Comments

No matter how hard I try and practice I still don't get my core mechanical engineering classes. I get help all the time just don't get it. 3 years in and not sure if I can finish...
26-Jun-13 08:30 PM By BMIII 0 Comments

I will drown my sorrow in alcohol and probably beat the shit out of the wall then roll over dead.

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26-Jun-13 04:04 PM

By Teco3d


I failed an exam today for the first time how do I tell my parents?
26-Jun-13 02:58 PM By :( 0 Comments

i m 18 year boy. i was preparing for medical from last two year, but i got failed. and now i do not have anything to do, i think i should suicide
26-Jun-13 12:10 PM By rkm 0 Comments

I like a girl very much. i have a crush on her. I love her passionately. all the time i think of her. this girl work with me in the company. I have put my job in danger and took transfer to her department so that i can see and talk with her and to be a friend. I helped her whenever possible but she does not talk me. she dont even look at me. she complained againtst me many times. she make fun of me. she has insulted me and defamed my image in the company. I still love her. i am depressed,sad and lonely. I can not forget her. I want to end my life but i have so much resposibities that I can not die. I can not live without her . what should i do.
26-Jun-13 11:33 AM By S 2 Comments

I fail at almost everything. I have tried so hard to sucseed, but I fail almost always. As a child my mother beat me, and my father ignored me. I was called a loser by my mom, and she commanded me to call myself a loser in front of people. I don't even know what it is like to sucseed, as even in my night time dreams, nothing works out. I dream often when sleeping that my parents hate me. I am not a bad person, I help others constantly. When is it my turn?
26-Jun-13 08:08 AM By Barry 1 Comment

Hii I am 23 year girl. My all friends are placed in good company. I always give excuse to my self that i can't do, sumtimes the excuse, why to do job when after marriage their would be no scope. Don't know what to do.Even not focused for my carrer too.Stop doing Hard Work
26-Jun-13 02:56 AM By Miss Confused 1 Comment

Tuesday, June 25 2013 I'm 23 years old,still have over 3 years of college to go and I am failing pretty much everything, all the time, no matter how hard I study, no matter how many notes I take in class. My parents are utterly disappointed in me, especially my father who, for example, today, didn't talk to me all day and when he went to sleep said "I don't want to talk to you today." I have no friends. People I talk to tend to either stop talking or just talk for a little bit and then act like I don't exist. I am economically dependent on my parents and have no "Possessions" on my own, since I am a student, even though I'm old. Maybe a bullet to my head really is my best choice. I'm tired. Life's always keeping me down. I'm so very tired.
25-Jun-13 06:00 PM By Mr. Failure 2 Comments

Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. Life sucks and then you die. sorry life wanned me to copy and let you all know!
25-Jun-13 04:43 PM 2 Comments

I'm graduating with no job prospects and tons of debt. This was a mistake. I fail.
25-Jun-13 12:53 PM By the Nard 1 Comment

im depressed, i failed at my interview. i really like the job.

25-Jun-13 11:18 AM By failedApplicant 0 Comments

Idk what to do. My family thinks I'm a waste of life and that I'm worthless. They think I don't do anything or deserve anything. They put me down and say I don't know what life is. They say I smooch off of everyone which is not true. Idk what to do anymore. I'm always helping people but NVR get appreciation for it. I am in debt and always getting screwed over. I just wanna die. What do I do???
25-Jun-13 02:12 AM By jimmy 0 Comments

Nothing ever goes right. I might end my life. sick of it

25-Jun-13 01:27 AM By dead 0 Comments


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24-Jun-13 11:47 PM

By sarah.h


What can hinder me from complete my major

24-Jun-13 07:11 PM 0 Comments

my life is a long tale of miseries and failures. Even I had thought many times of committing suicide but could not because i am very timid. I am suffuring from right begining of my birth. My childhood, foundation of my life was the pathatic period. I was born to poor parents and my mother would hate me, i dont know why. she used to scold and beat me all the time. she would always insult me and show me mean in fornt of others. And from this I have developed a life long feeling of inferiorty. to be continued.....
24-Jun-13 10:52 AM By s 0 Comments

Sunday, June 23 2013 I'm gonna drink a big glass of milk! Eat chocolate chip cookies and then i might take three viag ras!
23-Jun-13 09:36 PM 0 Comments

I don't know where to start.. I feel so depressed and sad at this moment and i just can't see any good in my life right now. I'm a 19 year-old girl and i'm in college, studying to become an engineer. My first year was just fine and i got good results, but my second year(this year) is a complete disaster. I just failed in every subject and i don't know why. I've passed some tests in the finals and i have orals to take next week. I'm so stressed out and i can't work.I feel so weak and useless.. I can't stop crying every time i think about it. My teachers have treated me like crap all the year and i just feel like crap ! I don't have any confidence and i think i'll just fail again.. I don't know what to do. I'm lost and nobody wants to listen to me. I'm lonely. Can anybody hear me? ! :'(
23-Jun-13 04:38 PM 3 Comments

i am very depressed somtimes and very lonely. i am 33 year old woman, unmarried and lonley. i always wanted to fall in love and lead a happy married life. i live with my parents and feel i m burden on them. its not that i m not gud luking but smhow failed in gtng love. i want to enjoy life and i am gtng older day by day. i am scared i wastng my precious life.
23-Jun-13 08:46 AM By x 3 Comments

i am currently pursuing my mechanical engineering degree 3rd year and have more than 10 supplies(reappears) no matter how hard i try i just keep on failing in every exam i take and all the relatives and neighbours think that i am an straight A student and look at me like an role model for their kids and my parents have high hopes expectations from me i dont know how am i ever gonna pass those exams and complete my drgree i just wish that either god me success through my hard work and show results in time or please kill me in some frickin accident my parents have enough money to live by themselves i have good and being respected till now dont want to live in a shame
23-Jun-13 08:06 AM By harman 5 Comments

Saturday, June 22 2013 I hate how I don't have any confidence. I feel like I'll fail out of college because I'm going for engineering, but I don't know if I'm even smart enough. I thought I was, but I'm doubting myself. I have no idea what to do. Family is no help. They give me more pressure than I need. I can't take it. I just wish life was simple. I just want to live. I want to have a simple steady job. I only want the minimum. I don't have to have all that fancy stuff in life. I just want to be free. I don't know what to do. I'm lost. -_- help.
22-Jun-13 02:08 PM By AL 1 Comment

I love the idea of this page :) Well done!!! I for one should file a complaint corcerning life! See, I have figured out that where ever I go, sooner or later people want to a) ger rid of me b) wish I was dead c) regret ever talking to me d) regret coming to sit near by e)regret in accepting me in the first place f) forget me g) make fun of me

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h) get annoyed i) want to hang up j) wonder how I am still allowed to walk freely k) fire me And a week ago my professor actually asked if I am a fit for society! If I can act it a society! So, I don't know but I do not break law, I am not violent, I will even save insects trapped inside. Always ready to help but almost always if I try to get some reward for somebody, I get declined. Nobody appreciates what I do nor any favors. And like one guy told me that I am not even worth shooting at. And another that only God is on my side. So what should I think? Did I fail? Pretty much. I am too good hearted I guess. I am too real. And I guess I am too pretty too. But I like myself though and thought that maybe I should get pregnant - because it would be very nice to have somebody who actually needs you and loves you.
22-Jun-13 12:06 PM 4 Comments

Complainers should suicide and be ghosts.

22-Jun-13 03:17 AM By x 0 Comments

Friday, June 21 2013 a bunch of fruity pebbled douche bags complaining like bitches on how they missed their tanning session or gow they flunked grades or couldnt dunk the ball in the basket. please be wise and drink brake fluid or hang yourselves by the nuts/pubes ....
21-Jun-13 10:35 PM 3 Comments

I'm currently in college as a undecided major, but I really want to study mechanical engineering so bad. However I suck at taking exams. I've had to repeat calc1 and physics. I'm taking physics for the second time now and just failed the first exam. I don't understand why. I'm the one everyone goes to when they need help. and they all got higher grades than I did. My GPA sucks so there is no way the university is going to let me into the engineering department. I can't even sign up for classes in the fall. My adviser just retired so I don't know who to ask for help. If I fail out of college I will seriously want to kill myself. All my other siblings are doing fine. My older sister is about to graduate with a law degree and my other one with nursing (twins) and I technically haven't even completed my freshmen year. I don't know how to tell my parents I'm failing for the second time. Every one thinks I'm so smart because I am always studying and never go out. I disappoint every one I meet.
21-Jun-13 03:59 PM By w hat to do 0 Comments

i have 1bcklog i feel shame n guilty..... sry dad n mom it was my mistake that i took engineering .....
21-Jun-13 02:17 PM By r p 1 Comment

I am an engineering student. i had an year break due to lack of attendance and failed in totally 28 subjects so far. and i'm gonna get another year break now
21-Jun-13 01:30 PM By Aj 0 Comments

I really like a girl, she doesn't like me back. That's about it for now...
21-Jun-13 08:15 AM By Waqar 0 Comments

Thursday, June 20 2013 Does everyone suffer from socail anxiety disorder or what? Its' really bad when you can't even talk normal to your own family members.I called my Grandmal and Aunt and told them I'm coming for a visit. I got the short end of the stick in the family.When I'm around others I'm never at ease.I feel like a complete nut case,and words never come out right.
20-Jun-13 11:17 PM By foolishone 0 Comments

I'm an architecture student studying some major subjects. I failed my designs damn that prof and she failed me again when I'm retaking the design subject. My parents are doubting me about my course and they want me to get a job asap. Whenever I fail they shout at me and saying things that le me down. I also failed my friends because I can't keep up with them in college. My life is sucking my juices out. Damn
20-Jun-13 11:58 AM By JR 0 Comments

I never finished by law degree though everyone thinks i did. I started a second business degree

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and finish in Feb next year and have no idea what to do with my life. I have to finish the law degree(didnt pass my third year because of plagiarism) second time i tried to redo my thesis i plagiarised again and thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach. I have to finish it though otherwise i will never get a good job. Stuck as an intern at 26, LIFE SUCKS.
20-Jun-13 08:36 AM 0 Comments

Wednesday, June 19 2013 Life goes on my friends irrespective of the day's dimness or brightness. I confess my sins to CHRIST every time I can, I hate my failures but in all I still trust HIM. Whether HE makes a positive move to my eyes or not HE is still my DELIVERER my SAVIO0R. My point is, it's useless for a lion to cry in the jungle if it can't find food because prey won't present themselves to it and say 'eat me', the same applies with life don't cry if you can't find victories because they won't come to you and say 'here I am wear me around your glory' and so the solution is never to despair. Life is about Moving not remaining stationery or you will never reach your destiny. Albert Einstein once said, "Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving" so move away from the failures and agonies don't build a nest of failure to accommodate your future in it. Either way you don't call the shots. If a Rider wants a horse to reach point B from A it either directs it by snares of which it has the choice to follow the direction or if it persists to go it's own way the Rider will get it to point B whining by whipping it. Here's what's great about life there's a greater being than us HE IS GOD that directs our paths especially when we invite HIM in our lives. Let us trust HIM and put all faith in HIM. Winners are players so if you are not willing to play don't expect to win.
19-Jun-13 04:34 PM By Gabriel 2 Comments

I'm 19 years old. I recently moved to Australia to pursue a degree at a good university. So far, life here has been shitty. Firstly, I have no friends and family here and as such I'm extremely lonely and really bored. Secondly, I'm shit in my studies and university's driving me mad. Thirdly, I'm a fat piece of shit, with no life. On top of that, I suffer from depression, social anxiety and A.D.D. I just hate myself in every single way and I have nothing to look forward to in life. I don't know what to do anymore.
19-Jun-13 06:50 AM By Random Netizen. 2 Comments

Tuesday, June 18 2013 After a long trip to see my parents, which I thought would be a wonderful bonding experience, my wife of 9 months decided to leave me for her ex, with whom she had a child. I accepted that child as my own, fed him, clothed him, helped him learn to pee standing up, nursed scraped knees, read bedtime stories, and played with him for hours on weekends. My wife left, she says, because she could not shake the feelings for her ex, despite her best efforts. She has left him times before, the latest time over two years ago. When we got together, her attitude seemed one of polite resentment toward him, but over time her heart softened and she fell into the trap of thinking that life with him wasn't really so bad. I hold out faint hope for her to realize that I love her more than anyone else could. That hope-the only hope that I have for anything at the moment--grows less with each passing day. One day, I will accept that I have been abandoned by the person I loved more than life itself. What I will do with that information is anyone's guess.
18-Jun-13 04:24 PM 3 Comments

I failed to fulfill my parents dreams..i feel they don't love me anymore..i am a burden they can't throw away.Nobody talks to me at home.I don't know what to do with my life now. I wish i could just give my life to some one more worthy. I stopped living, i am just breathing.
18-Jun-13 02:17 PM 0 Comments

I have a chemistry test tomorrow and I KNOW no matter how hard i study I WILL FAIL no matter what, I jsut suck.
18-Jun-13 08:56 AM By LAZY LOOOOSER 0 Comments

Just found out I failed a class after repeating it 3 times. No idea what to do next life sucks
18-Jun-13 08:01 AM By ms w orried 0 Comments

Still a virgin at 40 years old. Have no job. Live at home with my mom. 300 pounds, ugly as hell. Everyone around me seems to have a significant other or a job or a family with/without kids. I feel that I am fundamentally deficient in several areas of life where it seems most others are able to fulfill with no problems. I am a classic example of the loser stereotype.
18-Jun-13 06:16 AM By Super-Duper-W hoopy-Shit Loser 4 Comments

i am 21 yrs old.i m so pissed off with my life.i m a engineering student...i have so many ambtions in my life.i really wants to achieve something.but something stops me.i am lazy,cant concentrate on study,i failed in 12 subjects...this is my last chance or else i'll be thrown out of college.i cant face my parents.i feel so guilty thing which really makes me angry that is when i really try hard to get something,i just dont get what i deserve.its like the whole world is stopping me from succeeding...I LIFE IS GETTING SPOILED....if im not gonna get what i want from life,whats
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the use of living...i wanna die..i dont know if any body can help me,i just shared what im feeling right now coz no one is even intrested to listen me
18-Jun-13 03:26 AM By gaurav singh 2 Comments

Monday, June 17 2013 I keep getting horrible grades in college. ALso, I always worry about my friends. I don't ever want to get bad grades in college. I feel like an idiot. My friends's gpa's are a lot higher than mine. :(
17-Jun-13 06:21 PM By ms.failure 0 Comments

I dropout of college multiple time simply because of my social anxiety disorder. Now broke and without money. Even illiterate people looks down on me. My former classmates (achievements) gives me depression. In about 3 years from now, I would be 30. I still live with my parents. I abuse drugs (to build false confidence) now I am almost brain damage. MY LIFE IS A BROKEN DREAM. I envy the dead.
17-Jun-13 05:33 PM By Pain 1 Comment

I have a stupid essay and presentation due tomorrow and I just can't focus. Finals are coming up and I'm not sure how I'll survive if all I do is get distracted every 10 minutes. What is wrong with meeee? Why can't I just focus on my work? My straight-A grades are beginning to suffer because of my newfound lack of concentration. Ugh.
17-Jun-13 04:49 PM By Tiffuunnneee 0 Comments

"I hate my boss... i hate my life... i hate my wife. But theres a word that compassionate people like myself, call people like you, and that word is .. 'LOSERS'!
17-Jun-13 04:43 PM 0 Comments

Why does it say I fall at life? Maybe my phone is bugging idk...dan dan dan.
17-Jun-13 02:58 PM By new kid 0 Comments

Hey guys, I don't know where to start but trust me. My life is completely suck right there. I am cute and had courted over half hundred girls without success that would mean only one thing that my personalities is absolutely terrible. My thought always go to the negative side. I did have some friends but they all leave me everyday now I got zero lol. Sometime, I think about suicide but never have real gut to do that. I'm also jobless right now. You know what?, in the next 10 years I will still be here complaining without having a girlfriend. Bye
17-Jun-13 11:07 AM By jaykung 0 Comments

I had my first relationship with a girl as a teenager, with 14 or 15 years, but after a few months she left me because he was not really attracted to me, although we continued seeing each other as friends and our relationship is good. But since then I tried to start other relationships and I have only received rejection, which has completely undermined my self until I stopped trying. I've always been a shy boy, but today I am unable to show affection to a woman because my head is full of negative thoughts, such as I'm not unattractive, I'm not a fun person and I have nothing to offer a potential partner, even if I wasn't rejected all the time, my girlfriend will end up leaving me because I'm awkward and nervous. It has begun to affect me even at my job, because I can make decisions and take responsibilities for my total lack of confidence, even now, I want to expand my studies but I'm unable to decide on anything because I am disabled at all fields. I mostly feel useless and stupid, because it's a problem I can not fix myself but I also feel real fear that someone will discover that I'm so weak. I see everyone around me and all people seem perfectly functional, happy with their couples, with remarkable skills, always interesting things to do, relate to many people and have clear goals, and I feel I have to pretend all the time because if they saw me like that, they will be sorry for me. I tried talking to my ex about this, since it is the only person who knows me better, but I feel bad making her worried about my problems. I don't want to make her feel more uncomfortable than it already may be with me, not even she will feel responsible for me. I have a feeling that's something only I can fix myself, to regain my confidence, but seeing that I can not improve, I feel even worse. Some time ago I met another girl. He has been part of my circle of friends, and we agree on the relative frequency group. I asked a mutual friend if I should try to say something to this girl, but she gently discouraged me. Now that I've taken, I feel empty, no goals or objectives. Everyone says that you can always find someone, that people only need confidence (as if it were easy) but they don't understand how I feel and how I see myself, how I despise me, so helpless and so little value to anyone.

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17-Jun-13 08:51 AM

By Tony


Sunday, June 16 2013 6 months ago I wrote on this website, I was a total wreck my life was going no where I was stuck on a couch gaining weight and making excuses about everything, I blamed everything else but myself. I finally decided to get my fat a** off the couch n do something with myself I've found someone who loves me unconditionally, I've lost 25 pounds, I've obtained my GED, getting my drivers license, completing a vocational trade as a CNA, since I have my GED I've applied for college I plan to major in criminal justice or social work. Life is beautiful! I feel confident, I don't feel unworthy like I did 6 months ago. With hard work n determination I think we all can live beautifully! Good luck to all of you! Trust me I know how all of you guys feel. :( good night.
16-Jun-13 11:10 PM By ambition 1 Comment

i'm 50+ and i cant seem to get life right or stable i've had a gazillion jobs and rarely stay anywhere very long so my resume is a joke now... i recently left a pressure packed call center after 2 months that i tried so hard to get a job and said i was not gonna quit; and it still got the best of me cant quite figure out who i am and most everybody around me knows their place where they belong what they do-and im still searching and getting older and its scary as hell
16-Jun-13 08:09 PM By joe 0 Comments

Life sucks, and then YOU DIIIIE!

16-Jun-13 05:31 PM 1 Comment

I fail at everything I attempt to do. From relationships, to investment, businesses, math, spelling, health issues, all failed.
16-Jun-13 06:41 AM By Chris 0 Comments

Friday, June 14 2013 I am in my late 20's. I always knew what I wanted to do since I was a young child. Knew the exact path I had to take. I lost my father at a young age have two younger siblings. A lot of pressure on my mother. I failed my gcse's I then retook them. Did a- levels then failed them constantly got bullied by people who I thought were my friends but didn't want to stop being with them as I new I would be all alone. After I failed my a levels I did them again promising myself I will work hard. I wanted to. Starting working hard then be up in the middle hen stArted again same old cycle again and again. I failed again after attending a private college. After hitch went to university somehow. I hated the course so left as I knew it would take me no where. Within that year all the money I had borrowed I spent it on shameless things which gave me pleasure for the short term but made me feel extremely guilty again telling myself I will never do this again , guess what I did the same thing. I used to o the the he park ate at night and just cry watching everyone I ever grew up with moving or forward in life growing as individuals. I knew what I wanted to do I knew that path I had to take. I dint want to give up on education as I know there is no respect in society if you don't hold a ba or bsc degree minimum. You will be a joke to everyone. Sadly in this world intelligence is justified grades which I cannot focus consistently on to achieve. Everyone in my family sees me as a failure but doesn't say it. I can see it in their eyes. Funny thing is I'm a great believer in education. I cannot focus or longer periods with ought having cray mood swings. So I left university with a lot of debt no job no money. Decided o retake my a levels aggaiiiiin thinking I am extremely focused and will achieve this . I had everything setup books,timetable everything. I borrowed more money still with ought no job. Mother is in poor financial condition so can't ask her. I started working real hard consistently or two months then 3 weeks on 3 weeks of. I would or get everything then. Being insistently told you have a poor memory etc etc. still not giving up. Studying for 2 weeks jn then 2 weeks of. I had everything nicely setup enough time to revise and do papers everything. Then I do t know we're from I totally gave up 1 month before exams saying I will o it tomorrow tomorrow. When exams started I totally gave up all the years hard work in the drain total waste if money and time. I don't have money to buy even McDonald's let alone try to help my mum who needs a lot of help. I then come to a conclusion that there's something wrong with me that I don't know. I tell my daily they say there's nothing wrong with you ,your just a hypochondriac. I have always known what I wanted in life , I even know what I need to do. I get so upset as I am so behind with everything in life. I have amazing ideas. I can seem a nice person to you who is focused. Funny or I guess the sad thing is I have nothing to show for it. Last five years I have had no friends, forget girlfriend I have nothing at all tat I am proud of about myself. I let everyone own , hat is the only hung I am good at consistently. Yes I always thing when I know I am going to fail that I will go to a motorway and just stand there or a bridge. I now I won't do it as I don't have the guts. I feel I am not made for this world. Sometimes I feel I can achieve anything. My doctor doesn't thinks there's anything serious. I won't be able to survive any longer as a failure. It might sound weird but I hate failing but I am amassing at it. When I was young I had such opes and aspirations on myself I have achieved non of them. Ok let's say education is not or me. I would take double the time to put my ideas into practice as I have no money, in debt , no job owe many people money. Constantly hat it deep down when people close to me are achieving things i have wished for since I was 10. I really don't know what i will do in life. I believe in God so much but occasionally don't understand why i cannot focus on so anything for a long time and see it through. That is how you become successful. I have failed so much that in my life I know the only thing that will make me happy is success. That is happiness for me. I always lie to people saying I'm dong this or that, saying that to make people think I'm smart and going somewhere in my life and will be successful and not a waste. I have seen it first hand that I get mor respect. I would do the same to someone else.
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I am In love with this girl that I met many years ago when I was very young. She's very intelligent amazing personality has a successful start to her career which is amazing. Funny thing is I haven't spoken to her as I am a failure and have nothing to show for many years of my life. I do appreciate o many things in my life they have been oven to me by God and my family. Nothing nothing nothing by myself. I am so alone. Some things you can't share with people as thy will start judge you 50 million times.
14-Jun-13 06:16 PM By John 0 Comments

I feel I am failing, I am 16 years old and my whole life I have been in private education, anyone would assume this means I am intelligent and a hardworker, I am the complete opposite for some reason I have no work ethic and it is getting to the point now where even though I want to do well more than anything, I want to go to university I want to be successful! I fear with my low gcse grades and predicted a which are also awful, I will not be able to achieve my goals as being successful. I wish I could make myself and my parents proud by achieving something that takes effort and trying hard. But for some reason I feel have been cursed with having bad luck everytime I am even close to succeeding.. sorry for the rant
14-Jun-13 02:58 PM By stuck 2 Comments

Home Life is endlessly cruel. And cruelly endless. Eh?

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