EE222 Electrical Technology (For ECE)

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EE222 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY (For ECE) Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional Unit I ------- Lecture

- 23 DC Machine DCGenerators:Constructional details, Simple lap and wave windings, Methods of excitation, Induced emf, Basic ideas of armature reaction and commutation, Characteristics of shunt, series and compound generators and applications DC Motors: Torque developed in motors, Motor starter, Characteristics of shunt, series and compound motors, Speed control of DC motors. Unit II Balanced three-phase system: Star-delta connection, Relationship between line and phase quantities, Measurement of power by Two-Wattmeter method AC Generators: Construction,emfequation, Armature reaction, Synchronous impedance, Regulation. Unit III Transformers: Single-phase transformer:Construction,Theoryof action,Phasordiagramunder noload and loaded conditions, OC and SC tests on transformer, Efficiency and regulation, Auto transformer, Theory ofoperation Unit IV Induction Motors: Construction, Productionofrotating magneticfield, Slip-torque characteristics,Startersfor cageandwound rotor induction motors, Single-phase induction motors, Construction, Theory of operation, Characteristics of shaded pole, Split phase and Capacitor motors, Applications. Unit V Power Systems: Basic ideas of thermal, hydro, nuclear and non- conventional generating systems and layout. Block schematic of power systems, Transmission using high voltages, Advantages, Basic ideas of line parameters, Short line calculations. Suggested Reading: 1.H.Cotton,Electrical Technology.BIPublicaticns, 1985. 2. M.L.Soni, P.V. Gupta and V.S.Bhatnagar,ACourse in Electrical Power,DhanpatRaiand Sons, Delhi, 1995. 4 Periods per week 3 Hours 75 Marks 25 Marks


Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional UNIT-I

4/1 Periods per week 3 Hours 75 Marks 25 Marks

Parallel operation of Single phase Transformer and load sharing, Insulation of Windings and terminals, cooling arrangement in Transformers. Testing of Transformers - Routine Tests and Special tests, Measurement of Voltage ratio and check for voltage- vector relationship. Measurement of No- load loss and current, Measurement of Insulation resistance, Maintenance of Transformers. UNIT-II Poly-phase Transformer - Connections - Choice of Transformer Connections, Third harmonic voltages - Phase Conversion - 3phase to 2-phase transformation - Scott connection. Constructional features of three-phase transformers tertiary winding, parallel operation of transformer, Auto Transformer Comparison with two winding transformers- Conversion of two winding transformer in to auto transformer. Tap changers on transformers-No-load tap changeron-load tap changer. UNIT-III Three-phase Induction Motor - Constructional features - Rotating Magnetic field theoryPrinciple of operation of squirrel cage and slip ring motors ,Vector Diagram Equivalent circuit Expression for torque Starting torque, Maximum torque , slip/Torque characteristics , Performance characteristics , Equivalent circuits from test , Current loci circle diagram, Predetermination of characteristics of Induction Motors UNIT-IV Starting methods of Induction motors Modes of operation, torque and power limits of Induction motors-Speed control methods Resistance Control, Voltage control, pole changing, Cascading, variable frequency control- Slippower recovery schemes Kramer drive.Scherbiusdrive- Double cage Induction motors. Induction generator UNIT-V Unbalanced Operation: Voltage Unbalance -Unbalanced Operation of 3-phase Induction Motor Per Phase Equivalent Circuits ,Single Phasing Unbalanced Operation of 3-Phase Transformers, Single phase load on Three phase transformers Single Phasing in 3 phase transformers Delta) Star and Star/Delta transformers. Suggested Reading I).Nagarath,D.P.Kothari,Electrical Machines,3 EditionTataMcGraw Hill, 2004. 2. J.B. Gupta.Theory andPerformance of Electrical Machines,S.K.Kataria.& Sons, 2003. 3. P.S.Bimbhra,Generalized theory of Electrical Machines,KhannaPublishers Fifth Edition 1995 4.M.GSay,The performance and Design of A.C. Machines-Pitman, 1985. 5.FitzeraldAE andKingzleyElectrical Machines3 Edition.



Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional

4 Periods per week 3 Hours 50 Marks 25 Marks

List of Experiments: I. Magnetization characteristics and the speed Vs voltage curve of separately and self excited D.C generator 2. Load characteristics ofseparately excited andShunt Generators 3.Loadcharacteristics ofCompoundgenerator 4.Performance characteristics ofSeriesMotor 5.Performance characteristics of D.C. shunt motor 6. PerformancecharacteristicsofCompoundmotor 7.Separationofiron and friction losses and estimationofparametersin D.C. machines. 8. (a)Speedcontrolof D.C.shuntmotor by shunt fieldcontrol andarmatureresistance control (b)SwinburnsTest 9.Separation of core losses in a SinglePhase transformer 10.Open circuitandshort circuit tests on a Single Phase transformer 11.Sumpnerstestontwo identical transformers 12.Estimation of efficiency of DCMachinebyHopkinsontest.


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