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Includes Tax
12 Pro Winter Wheat ........$6.58
any Pro .........................$6.08
14 Pro Spring Wheat ........$6.59
Corn ...................................$4.84
SFS Birdseed ..................$18.50
Notices to Creditors
* * * *
Notice of Hearing
* * * *
Notice of Laps of Mineral Interests
County fair and
achievements Days 8
Hail storm hits area 9
Philip, South Dakota 57567 THuRSDay, auGuST 8, 2013
No. 50, Vol. 107
State parks across South
Dakota will be holding a variety
of special events on August 10.
The activities encourage visitors
to be active and learn while en-
joying the outdoors.
A RiverKid Sprint Triathlon
will be held at 9:00 a.m. CDT at
Farm Island Recreation Area
near Pierre. For age brackets
from six to 14, the race is split
into swimming, biking and run-
ning portions. Registration fees
apply. Preregistration is encour-
aged. For more information, call
A Street Masters Car Show
and ice cream social will be held
from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. CDT
at the Oahe Downstream Recre-
ation Area near Fort Pierre. All
guests are encouraged to cast a
vote for their favorite car. The
Camper's Choice trophy will be
awarded to the most popular
car. For more information, call
For more information on ac-
tivities across South Dakota,
visit or call 605-
continued on page 2
The public is invited to attend
the South Dakota State Univer-
sitys Cottonwood Field Station
Laboratory grand opening and
Tri-County Ag Day on Saturday,
September 7, from 9:00 a.m. to
4:30 p.m.
The Cottonwood Field Station
is located 11 miles west of Philip
along U.S. Hwy. 14.
Until now, the station did not
have an on sight laboratory for re-
search or routine testing of sam-
ples. Along with a state-of-the art
laboratory, the new facility will
also house office space, a heated
shop and feed storage.
This building is a step forward
in modernizing the field station
facilities for research and out-
reach, said Daniel Scholl, direc-
tor of the South Dakota
Agricultural Experiment Station.
Before, most sample testing and
laboratory research had to be con-
ducted off site. I am confident
that introducing a laboratory to
this station will increase the effi-
ciency and amount of future re-
search conducted at this station.
Along with tours of the new lab-
oratory and current research, at-
tendees may view displays on the
history of the field station, learn
about research conducted there,
take part in hands-on demonstra-
tions and breakout sessions, as
well as hear two keynote presen-
9:00 a.m. trade show opens.
9:30 a.m. welcome by Barry
Dunn, dean of the college of agri-
culture and director of SDSU Ex-
10:00 a.m. keynote speaker,
Larry Corah, vice president of
production for Certified Angus
10:00 a.m. youth activities for
ages six through 10.
11:00 a.m. to noon facility and
research tours
12:30 p.m. ribbon cutting with
David Chicoine, president of
South Dakota State University.
12:45 p.m. lunch, entertain-
ment and trade show.
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. six half-
hour breakout sessions begin:
1. The Genetics of Stayability.
2. Matching Feeds and Condi-
tion Score.
3. The Inside Story of Nutri-
4. Fetal Programming.
5. What's in the Water.
6. Beef Quality Assurance.
3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. keynote
speaker, Chad Mackay, president
and chief of operations of El Gau-
cho Restaurants, Seattle, Wash.
2:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. youth
activities for ages six through 10.
The seventh session of the Bad-
lands/Bad River Stronger Econo-
mies Together initiative was con-
ducted Wednesday, July 17, at In-
teriors new fire hall.
The meeting started with a brief
history of the community was pro-
vided by Cliff McClure and Linda
Session sevens goal was to
identify assets in the region. The
region includes the communities
of Philip, Wall, Kadoka, Midland
and Interior. Individuals used in-
formational handouts to assess
their personal and their leader-
ship skills. The information was
adapted as committees formed
around goals, using certain skill
A Voluntary Associations/Local
Institutions assessment was ex-
amined as another tool that could
be used to assess how those
groups could help the region meet
its goals.
The community capitals frame-
work was reviewed. With work,
developing one asset or capital in
the region can lead to the spiral-
ing up of other capitals. Facing
any barriers in relation to goals
and strategies is easier on the
front end of the groups work.
The bulk of the time was spent
in small groups, each being
aligned with the industry clusters
chosen by the group during the
last session. The groups and the
strategies they chose to develop
were value-added agriculture
connecting local producers to con-
sumers, tourism capitalizing on
regional museums and finding
local artifacts to display, and
telecommunications acting as a
wholesaler of high quality cable
for smaller telecom companies.
The groups identified specific
people or groups of people, volun-
tary associations, formal institu-
tions, and any physical resources
that are already in this region
that can be tapped into.
The group working on value-
added ag is interested in a mar-
keting campaign to highlight local
producers and get them connected
to consumers. A possible profile of
the producer and what they grow
could be put into a brochure, listed
on a website, and promoted across
the region in many ways.
The tourism group identified
several local museums. They pro-
posed a guided tour to the various
communities that could be initi-
ated as a private business, or done
through a public entity. The tour
could be done on a bus with a pre-
recorded guide, or a live guide.
Museums would be encouraged to
set hours that aligned with the
bus tours, and to spruce up ex-
hibits and keep them current.
South Dakota School of Mines and
Technology was identified as a re-
gional resource that could be used,
and the South Dakota Historical
Society could help.
The group working with
telecommunications identified a
need for high quality cable by
smaller telecommunications com-
panies. The region could become a
wholesale provider. An empty
building, possibly in Kadoka,
could house the inventory, and
connections could be made
through Golden West. This idea
may lead to leakages that could be
plugged in other areas of telecom-
munications materials, by using
this region as a supplier.
Homework for the attendees in-
cluded to analyze one other group
they are involved in as an asset to
SET. Also, they are to work on an-
other strategy they would like to
see the region pursue for economic
The next Stronger Economies
Together session will be Thurs-
day, August 15, in Kadoka. The
exact time and location will be an-
nounced later. The session may
begin with an optional tour.
Courtesy photo
Stronger Economies Together VII
Individuals from surrounding communities came together in Interior for continued planning of economic develop-
ment for the region. The next meeting will be in Kadoka, Thursday, August 15.
by Del Bartels
Out of the nine new South
Dakota Highway Patrol state
troopers recently graduated July
26, two have started duties in the
local Badlands Squad.
Trooper Aric Dierkhising is
based out of Wall. Trooper Ben
Filipiak is based out of Kadoka.
According to Jonathan Harms,
public relations officer with the
S.D. Highway Patrol, both
Dierkhising and Filipiak are
under Captain Kevin Karley, dis-
trict commander of the Badlands
Squad. The ranking next goes to
Sergeant Ryan Lance, followed by
Trooper Slade Ross, both in
The road to becoming a South
Dakota state trooper is challeng-
ing and competitive. Thats why
we know Trooper Dierkhising and
Trooper Filipiak are talented and
capable law enforcement officers.
They are great additions to the
Badlands Squad.stated Karley.
Filipiak has always wanted to
be a state trooper. He recalled
that when he was young there was
a traffic control issue in his neigh-
borhood, which was responded to
by a state trooper. After talking
with the officer, Filipiak knew
that was what he wanted to do.
Filipiak finished high school in
Wisconsin in 2004. In 2009, he
moved with his wife back to her
hometown of Aberdeen. His taste
for the highway patrol led to him
to complete basic law enforcement
training in North Dakota. Later,
he completed the stringent re-
quirements at the South Dakota
Highway Patrol Recruit Academy.
From mid-May until graduation,
he was in field training. His pri-
mary field area was Lemmon,
though Filipiak also did field
training in the Sioux Falls and
Aberdeen areas.
I like the small town thing.
Everybody waves. Thats my lik-
ing, I guess, said Filipiak.
I thought the training was ex-
cellent. I was very impressed,
said Filipiak. There were parts
more difficult than others. It defi-
nitely wasnt easy, but they were
helpful. He noted that the physi-
cal training in the morning was
dreaded, but for the most part
that wasnt too bad either. From
initial application to graduation,
the training took about a year.
The most enjoyable was probably
the vehicle pursuit and firearm
training. It was really good and I
enjoyed it, he said.
Now Filipiak is learning the ter-
ritory to help him in responding to
calls. I love this area. I like the
Badlands. I think its beautiful,
he said. Though he is stationed
out of Kadoka, he and his family
live in Philip. He is eager to get to
know the people and territory, to
get involved with some things.
First he wants to get to know
everything around town, but then
plans getting involved. He said
that he likes to hunt, fish and
Dierkhising finished high school
in Minnesota in 2002. He then
joined the United States Air
Force, where he was a crew chief
on B-1s at Ellsworth Air Force
Base for six years. After complet-
ing the law enforcement program
at Western Dakota Technical In-
stitute in May of 2012, he applied
for an internship with the South
Dakota Highway Patrol.
Dierkhising said that a big in-
fluence was growing up around
law enforcement, with his friends
parents in law enforcement. In
high school, one of his classmates
was murdered. I wanted to pro-
tect people, to keep an eye out for
the community, said Dierkhising.
Two new troopers to Badlands Squad
Aric Dierkhising, Wall territory.
Courtesy photos
Ben Filipiak, Kadoka territory.
by Del Bartels
A rural transportation input
meeting was held in Philip,
Thursday, August 1.
The public meeting was spon-
sored by River Cities Public Tran-
sit, which is the parent
organization for the Haakon
County Prairie Transportation
Service (HCPT), and by KFH
Group, which is a transit industry
consultation firm out of Maryland.
Similar meetings are being held
across the state in order to create
a government required five-year
coordinated transportation plan.
This plan will help River Cities
Public Transit to meet federal
planning requirements and qual-
ify for funding programs. Results
of the information gathering ses-
sions will be compiled and avail-
able by November.
The Philip audience had repre-
sentation by HCPT board mem-
bers and drivers, the Philip City
Council, local businesses, local
churches and other users of the
transit system.
Gary Hegland, with River
Cities, said that local support is
very important in getting govern-
ment funding. The government
share is around 80 percent, while
the local communities must cost
share the rest.
Fares paid by users of the buses
do not count toward the local
matching funding. In Philip, the
charge for local trips is one dollar
for one way, with a higher charge
for longer trips such as to appoint-
ments in Rapid City.
Del Bartels/Pioneer Review
Rural transportation discussion
Board members, drivers, passengers and financial supporters of the Haakon County Prairie Transportation service gave
praise for the HCPT to information gatherers for the government William Sutton, standing center, with the KFH Group,
and Gary Hegland, standing right, with HCPTs parent organization River Cities Public Transit. The information will be used
to determine funding.
On top of that, he added, he had
cousins in military law enforce-
I had a run-in with the Min-
nesota state patrol, said
Dierkhising. The speeding ticket
incident was his first such en-
counter. The state troopers de-
meanor and everything left an
impression on me. Ive always
liked what the highway patrol
represents, their statewide juris-
diction, said Dierkising. He hopes
that maybe one day he will leave
that same impression or mark on
someone elses attitude toward
law enforcement personnel.
The hardest part of training
was being away from my wife and
kids back and forth, trying to
give as much time to them and my
training. My son was born right in
the middle of my training, said
Dierkhising. He and his wife,
Ellie, have a three-year-old
daughter and a six-month-old son.
Dierkhisings primary field
training was in the Custer area,
with some time in the Lemmon
and Brookings areas. The most
enjoyable part was getting to
know more of South Dakota and
what people are like. Lemmon
very, very friendly people, great
hospitality. Also, the networking
while in Pierre, with other law en-
forcement and retirees, said
I like the freedom of being able
to learn and work at my own pace.
We have a pretty big squad area.
I like to get to know the area and
people. I hope I can be there for
the people. This is my job, but at
the same time to get them to slow
down and be safe. Its a partner-
ship, said Dierkhising.
Hegland said that, sometimes,
when a trip is needed by a Medi-
caid recipient, then that trip does
count toward funding. Otherwise,
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The Pioneer Review P.O. Box 788 Philip, SD 57567-0788
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Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Letters Policy
August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 2
Subscription Rates: For Haakon, Jackson, and Jones counties,
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Established in 1906.
The Pioneer Review, the official newspaper of Haakon County, the
towns of Philip and Midland, and Haakon School District 27-1 is pub-
lished weekly by Ravellette Publications, Inc. Pioneer Review office is
located at 221 E. Oak Street in Philip, South Dakota.
Phone: (605) 859-2516; FAX: (605) 859-2410;
Copyrighted 1981: Ravellette Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Publisher: Don Ravellette
Gen. Mgr. of Operations/Ad Design: Kelly Penticoff
Editor/News Reporter: Del Bartels
Reporter/Ad Design: Nancy Haigh
Ad Sales: Beau Ravellette
Lookin Around by Syd Iwan
Fear is contagious. Let one old
cow get spooked about something,
and, in no time at all, the whole
herd can be in headlong flight
down a hill or off to the far corner
of the pasture. Woe betide any-
thing or anyone that gets in the
way. This little scenario was a
common occurrence when four-
wheelers were just starting to be
used. Cows were used to pickups
and paid them little attention ex-
cept when they brought food of
some sort. Noisy four-wheelers,
though, were highly suspect at
first and could easily cause a
You see a similar thing with
weaned calves in the fall. These
little guys are pretty nervous any-
way since theyve just been sepa-
rated from their mamas for the
first time. Fortunately, they do
soon get accustomed to their care-
giver since he or she brings them
food and they like that pretty
well. If that caregiver is normally
dressed in green coveralls with a
red cap, then that outfit is what is
expected. If the same person
comes dressed in jeans, plaid
shirt, and blue cap, uneasiness
may be seen. If the nervousness
gets bad enough, the fences may
be in danger of being trampled
down by panicked calves, and this
can result in critters being every-
where and not wanting to be gath-
ered back into the corral.
This panic thing even happens
with people who really should
have better sense. Youve proba-
bly heard of a ball game or concert
where something scary happened
and everyone bolted for the door.
In the process, some folks got
knocked down and trampled and
maybe even killed. Fear is the
driving force in this case with
herd instinct giving a helping
hand. As a result, avoiding crowds
altogether is the best thing to do,
or it is according to someone like
me who has lived too long on a hill
in the middle of nowhere. Open
spaces dont make me nervous,
but crowds just might.
Nervous fidgets are also conta-
gious. If someone is constantly in
a sweat about every little thing,
your nerves are apt to suffer in
the process. You might decide a
desert island sounds fairly attrac-
tive in comparison to being
around a fuss budget.
In my case, it seems, fear isnt
necessarily contagious if what is
upsetting someone is not scary to
me. Ive seen people go into a com-
plete panic when a little garter
snake goes by. Garter snakes
dont worry me in the least, and
Im not apt to go running off into
the distance upon seeing one,
even if someone else does. A rat-
tlesnake too close for comfort
might be another story, but my re-
action in that case is to quickly
look around for any weapon I can
use to do the sucker in. A hoe is
my weapon of choice, but sticks
and stones will suffice if nothing
else is at hand. Cowboys find that
their ropes will work okay if used
somewhat like a whip. There is
some concern that fangs will get
embedded in the rope and cause a
second-hand means of poison
transfer, but ropes might still be
used and just inspected closely be-
fore being put back into use.
Besides scary things like dan-
gerous critters, bad storms, unex-
pected explosions etc., there are
other things that create fear. One
is a feeling of inadequacy. There
may be something we want to do
but arent sure were capable of
accomplishing. This can apply to
taking a test, speaking, singing or
playing an instrument in public,
fighting an addiction, or even
making repairs to something or
other. We might feel inadequate
and not up to the job. If we let fear
take over, we might simply give
up and not try. As a result, some-
times we have to work pretty hard
at conquering our fears.
We see this even happen to
Joshua in the Bible. He had taken
over from Moses and was sup-
posed to be leading the Israelites
into the Promised Land. This was
a daunting task since the Prom-
ised Land was not vacant but in-
habited by strong people who
didnt want to leave. As a result,
God repeatedly instructed Joshua
to be strong and courageous. Eas-
ier said then done, right? Well,
not so much if you listen to the
rest of Gods message which was,
For I will be with you. I am your
So there you have it, the anti-
dote to fear is trust in God and his
care of us. He will be with us and
He is our strength. In other
words, I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens
me. Now if we can just remember
to keep that in mind. Lets give it
a try.
Philip, SD
U.S.P.S. 433-780
Strength & fear
held Monday, August 19, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the elementary
gym. Everyone welcome.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please sub-
mit them by calling: 859-2516, or e-mailing to: ads@pioneer-
review. com. We will run your event notice the two issues
prior to your event at no charge.
donations by individuals, the city,
the county and other groups make
up the local matching funding.
Hegland, when asked by the au-
dience if fares might be raised,
said that was unknown, but so far
nothing like that was in the plan.
Attendees praised the HCPT.
Norm Payne said of its beginning
in 1987, I was just amazed how it
laid out. In my wildest dreams I
never would have guessed how
much it is used.
Mary Eide, who was instrumen-
tal in starting the HCPT, said that
the buses are used for many rea-
sons appointments, grocery
shopping, laundry and outings
such as seeing Christmas lighting.
The drivers were wonderful. It is
a great asset to our community,
for Philip as well as Kadoka, she
Kay Ainslie, a driver for HCPT,
said that the number of users of
the buses are constantly growing.
She talked about how students
from Midland coming to Philip
went from eight to 18. She
stressed that the parents, not the
school, pays for the service. She
added that the Catholic church
uses HCPT for Sunday attendees,
and the church makes a donation
to HCPT. The rest of the churches
have not yet asked for Sunday
transportation, though do use the
buses for Wednesday release time
Jack Rush, a HCPT supporter,
said that originally when it was
trying to raise funds, families said
that they didnt need the service
because they provided transporta-
tion for their older relatives. Now,
those families are very glad the
family members can use HCPT.
Because of the relative independ-
ence offered by HCPT, families
are now able to keep their aging
parents in the community, rather
than have to move them to larger
William Sutton, with KFH, rec-
ognized that the HCPT has a more
problem free program. HCPT does
not use a dispatch service. HCPT
driver Marsha Sumpter said that,
in this area, the driver will knock
on the riders door and help them
to the bus. HCPT works on a call-
in or prearranged appointment
method, rather than daily sched-
uled routes. HCPT, through pre-
arrangement, will operate in the
early morning and late evening
The HCPT drivers would like
riders to firmly insist that their
out of town appointments be
scheduled between 10:00 a.m. and
2:00 p.m.
Sutton agreed that this area
and the HCPT is its own little mi-
crocosm, which functions fairly in-
Rural transportation discussion
continued from page 1
Country Praises by Del Bartels
Most of us remember the movie
Back to the Future. If you could
go back in time to your school days,
what would you tell yourself?
First, you probably could never
convince you that you were you.
Now Im starting to realize why
that movie trilogy was confusing.
In the good ol days, you knew all
there was to know that mattered;
definitely more than your parents
or other adults did. If the old fogies
would let the young people vote
and run things, the world would be
a better place. What could a
stranger say that would prove they
were the future you? And, if they
did say it, it would sound so very
weird. Think back, did you have
any cigarettes under your bed? Any
letters passed during study hall?
You had a crush on who? Lucky
guess. I cannot remember any de-
tails that might distinguish them-
selves as proof of identity. School
years flew by so fast.
Besides, your younger self would
think no way would they look like
you do now when they got older! I,
and so many others, look so geeky
in our old high school photos. I bet,
though, that if I could see then
what I look like now, I wouldnt
want to.
Lets say you did convince you
that you were you. What would you
say that would matter and also get
results? Would you really drive any
slower? Would you really not date
so-and-so? Would you really pay at-
tention in history class? Would you
really not pick on your younger
brother or sister? The information
would have to be worth all this con-
fusing effort, so what would it be? I
know, dont buy Enron! What?!?
Could you predict to yourself who
won the World Series, Super Bowl,
Kentucky Derby, Miss America or
even the presidental election in
1988? You probably didnt know in
1989, much less now.
Or, would you tell your parents
back then these terrible secrets in-
stead? If you were your own kid,
would you punish yourself silly?
Dont doubt it, your parents proba-
bly knew these things already.
They had little choice but to let you
muddle through your school years.
They watched you change. You
changed a bit every school day.
Learn, live, learn to live.
Today, kids have different trials
and triumphs than I did back then.
School is similar, but different. I
cant change my past, and, really, I
dont think that I want to. All I can
do is try my very best, in subtle and
in obvious ways, to improve my
childrens time of growing up. I
send them off to elementary, high
school and maybe college with my
heart in my throat and my fingers
crossed. I can only hope that they
have truly tough teachers, you
know, the ones who made you work
so hard, but years later you realize
you were lucky to have had them. I
can only hope that the hallways,
gymnasiums and even parking lots
teach them the social ins and outs
that classrooms dont. I can only
hope that they turn out better than
I did.
Summer will soon be over. Its al-
most time for back to school. No,
not back to school, but forward to
Back to school
by Nancy Haigh
Another round is behind them
as Kianna and Katlin Knutson
were named South Dakota/North
Dakota champions at the Texaco
Country Showdown competition
in Beach, N.D., last Friday, Au-
gust 2.
The sisters were one of five acts
at Beach. Another act, The Bad
River Band, representing the
Lemmon radio station has Philip
resident Kenny Fiedler as a mem-
Kianna and Katlin will now
move to the Midwest Region com-
petition in Walker, Minn., and
compete there on October 12.
Other states in the region are Ne-
braska, Minnesota, Iowa, Mis-
souri, Wisconsin and Illinois.
Kianna noted that most of the
contestants have competed in the
contest before. Katlin stated many
of the contestants already have
CDs available. Katlin added that
they are one of the youngest
groups to compete. Kianna added
that her sister, at 16, is one of the
youngest in the competition that
she has seen.
Katlin believes that helps in
their quest toward to winning.
They do grade you on marketabil-
ity, which our age helps, she said.
Other categories they are judged
on are vocal/instrumental ability,
originality of performance, stage
presence/charisma and talent.
Kianna added that a contest-
ants place in the competitions
performance affects the outcome,
especially when there is a large
number of performers. She be-
lieves that when the judges pick
the winner, the later performers
are remembered more readily
then the earlier ones.
Kianna noted that this areas
local contest is one of the toughest
as there are so many contestants.
This year the radio station, Eagle
Country 95.9, hosted six prelimi-
nary competitions with 12 per-
formers each time. The top two
from each preliminary competi-
tion then competed for the local
title in July at Belle Fourche.
Kianna noted that this is a great
region to come out of because of
the competition. By winning the
local title they were eligible for the
Beach competition, where the
girls like the fewer number of
At Beach, the sisters sang their
original composition, Dashboard
as well as Black Horse and the
Cherry Tree, by KT Tunstall.
They stated that a performer can
earn up to three extra points by
performing an original song.
Kianna noted that after this level,
it will be hard for a performer to
advance if they dont have an orig-
inal song to perform.
Kianna said as of now they are
unsure of the number of contest-
ants at the regional competition in
Minnesota, but when she com-
peted at that level before there
were only nine contestants.
Kianna said they are definitely
hoping for a later performing slot.
Kianna, who plays guitar and
sings, noted this will be the last
time she plans on competing in
the Texaco Country Showdown.
Katlin, who plays drum and sings,
said that it probably would not
work for her to go solo.
Advice for future contestants
from the sisters is to be original,
dont do what you think the judges
would expect and stay country.
Kianna and Katlin are excited
about moving up to the next level,
where a trip to Nashville is at
stake. They plan to keep practic-
ing and maybe tweak Dashboard
some to make it the absolute best
it can be.
Knutsons take win in N.D.
Katlin and Kianna Knutson with their check from winning the North
Dakota/South Dakota Texaco Country Showdown competition in Beach,
Courtesy Photo
The historic Molyneux cabin displayed on Larimer Avenue in Philip was in
need of major repair. Though its authentic dirt and cactus roof was un-
touched, some sections of the squared-log walls had to be replaced. John
Kangas, Les Wintrode and Bud Stickler did the work. The 1888 cabin was
moved to North Fork, Haakon County, in 1896. School was held in the
building for three terms, with Molyneux as the teacher. The cabin has been
at its current location since 1982.
Molyneux Cabin upkeep
Del Bartels/Pioneer Review
Cover Crop Information
Much has been written about
cover crops recently, but re-
minders are often good. There are
many good reasons to plant cover
crops, but an important one is to
have something growing on pre-
vented plant acres rather than
leave them bare.
The Natural Resources Conser-
vation Service recently posted a
new publication, Cover Crops to
Improve Soil in Prevented Plant-
ing Fields, available at: www.
The publication discusses the
benefits of healthy soil, and lists
the following 4 keys to soil health:
1. Disturb the soil less, 2. Feed
the soil with living plants as
much as possible, 3. Increase di-
versity, and 4. Keep the soil cov-
Prevented plant fields can be
vulnerable to water and wind ero-
sion. Depending on the next crop
to be planted, fallow syndrome
can pose problems due to the lack
of biological activity. It is also
well documented that many of the
soils in central and western South
Dakota have limited water hold-
ing capacity, so the areas that
have received ample rainfall this
spring and summer will not be
able to capture all of the moisture
for the next crop.
One of the theories behind
planting cover crops is to use
some of the moisture that cannot
be stored to grow biomass, both
above and below ground to re-
build topsoil and add organic mat-
ter. Having growing plants in
place on the fields will actually
allow more of the rainfall that oc-
curs to soak into the soil than if is
left bare and some of it runs off. If
producers will be planting winter
wheat on prevented plant acres,
cover crops will allow them to
grow some residue, terminate
them 10 to 14 days before plant-
ing and plant at the recom-
mended time, September 15 to
October 15 with less risk of wind
erosion or fall aphid or wheat curl
mite infestations. Cover crops
may also provide grazing for live-
stock producers, but check with
the Farm Service Agency and
your crop insurance agent regard-
ing prevented planting require-
ments and harvest restrictions.
A number of information re-
sources on cover crops are avail-
able online and listed below. For
paper copies of any of these, or ad-
ditional information, visit www. and/or contact your Re-
gional Extension Center.
NRCS Cover Crop information:
SD No-till Association:, National Sustainable
Agriculture Information Service:
tion.html, Michigan Cover Crops:, Penn-
sylvania State Univ, Cover Crops:
Managing Cover Crops Prof-
itably, 3rd Edition (free online):
tions/covercrops.htm, Potential
Cover Crop Seed Suppliers: www.
8/20-22: DakotaFest, Mitchell
8/27: Winter Wheat Meeting,
6:30 p.m. CT, Auditorium, Draper
by Bob Fanning
Field Specialist, Winner
Regional Extension Center
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August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 3
Thursday: Overcast with a
chance of a thunderstorm and
rain. High of 84F. Breezy.
Winds from the West at 10 to
20 mph shifting to the NNE in the after-
noon. Thursday Night: Partly cloudy. Low of
54F. Winds from the NE at 5 to 15 mph.
Friday: Overcast. High of 79F.
Winds from the East at 5 to 10
mph. Friday Night: Mostly
cloudy with a chance of a thun-
derstorm. Low of 55F. Winds from the East
at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60% with
rainfall amounts near 0.3 in. possible.
Saturday: Partly cloudy with a chance of a thunder-
storm. Fog early. High of 75F. Breezy. Winds from
the ESE at 15 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
Saturday Night: Partly cloudy with a chance of a
thunderstorm. Fog overnight. Low of 61F. Breezy.
Winds from the East at 10 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 50%
with rainfall amounts near 0.3 in. possible.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy. Fog early.
High of 77F. Winds from the NE at
5 to 15 mph. Sunday Night:
Partly cloudy with a chance of a
thunderstorm. Fog overnight. Low of 59F.
Winds from the NE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance
of rain 20%.
Get your complete
& up-to-the-minute
local forecast:
605-859-2525 605-967-2191
Member FDC
Spud Creek Rodeo Productions,
Dave and Nate Morrison from In-
terior, will be bringing the Red
Dirt and Roughstock Tour to
Kadoka on Friday, August 16, at
7:00 p.m. featuring a high paced
roughstock rodeo of bareback rid-
ing, saddle bronc riding and bull
This will be in place of the Bad-
lands Match Bronc Riding that
Spud Creek Rodeo has produced
the previous years on the same
weekend in Kadoka.
As N. Morrison with the Red
Dirt and Roughstock Tour ex-
plained, South Dakota is very ed-
ucated when it comes to rodeo
events and they know a good
event when they see one, and also
know a bad, poorly run event,
when they see one. They can tell
the difference between good stock
and bad stock, good rides and bad
rides, and according to the South
Dakota Rodeo Fan ... they are
wanting something fresh and new
without all the fluff. Straight up
action where the bucking stock
and rides do the talking so to
speak. We believe we have found
the answer to that call. Limiting
the event to only 10 bareback rid-
ers, 10 bronc riders, and 10 bull
riders with the top five from the
event advancing to a champi-
onship round, we can present the
crowd a high paced, non-stop ac-
tion night with 45 rides total that
can be done within two hours
without losing the crowds excite-
ment and attention. By also limit-
ing to 10 per event, I can assure
that the stock and riders can be of
the highest quality making the
fan going home excited about the
On top of the roughstock rodeo
action, the Red Dirt and Rough-
stock Tour is featuring a demon-
stration of Rodney Yost's
horsemanship starting before the
show at 6:30 p.m. Yosts demon-
stration will feature Pepsi doing
some advanced drills and maneu-
vers leading into her great bare-
back/bridleless/bullwhip ride as
the finale. He will be talking his
way through the demonstration,
giving an explanation of his tech-
niques, philosophy and training
style. So, it won't simply be enter-
tainment, and it won't simply be
an educational demonstration ... it
will be the perfect combination of
Courtesy photos
Red Dirt Rodeo Aug. 16
Above is some of the action at Red Dirt rodeos.
Winner Elks Rodeo
July 26-28
Bareback Riding: 1. Wesley Cole, Atkin-
son, Neb., 77; 2. Mark Kenyon, Hayti, 76; 3.
Chance Englebert, Burdock, 74; 4. Ty Ken-
ner, Wood Lake, Neb., 73; 5. (tie) Kenny Fei-
dler, Philip and Corey Evans, Valentine,
Neb., 69
Barrel Racing: 1. Shelby Vinson, Wor-
thing, 15.97; 2. Katie Lensegrav, Interior,
16.43; 3. Melodi Christensen, Kennebec,
16.58; 4. Megan Scherer, Martin, 16.67; 5.
Kelsey Fanning, Olivet, 16.73; 6. (tie) Brooke
Howell, Colony, Wyo., and Whitney Sprunk,
Heromsa, 16.74
Breakaway Roping: 1. Cedar Jandreau,
Kennebec, 2.20; 2. Rayel Livermont, Martin,
2.50; 3. Tawny Barry, Carter, 2.70; 4. Howell,
3.10; 5. Katie Jo Morgan, Valentine, Neb.,
3.30; 6. (tie) Jenny Belkham, Blunt, and
Amber Coleman, Orchard, Neb., 3.40; 7. Dori
Hollenbeck, Winner, and Whitney Knippling,
Chamberlain, 3.60
Bull Riding: 1. Scott Shoemaker, Gre-
gory, 77; 2. Lane Gambill, Johnstown, Neb.,
Calf Roping: 1. Troy Wilcox, Red Owl,
8.90; 2. Jay Hollenbeck, Valentine, Neb.,
9.10; 3. Travis Cowan, Highmore, 9.90; 4.
Kourt Starr, Dupree, 10.00; 5. Brady Wake-
field, ONeill, Neb., 10.40; 6. Jamie Wolf,
Pierre, 10.60
Goat Tying: 1. Lacey Tech, Fairfax, 7.10;
2. Mardee Sierks, Brewster, Neb., 7.60; 3.
(tie) Carlee Peterson, Sturgis, and Shandel
Yordy, Martin, 7.70; 4. Georgia Diez,
Phoenix, Ariz., 7.90; 5. (tie) Chelsey Kelly,
Dupree, and Krystal Marone, Isabel, 8.20
Mixed Team Roping: 1. Elizabeth
Baker, Box Elder, 6.60; 2. Ashley Price,
Faith, 6.80; 3. Trina Arneson, Enning, 7.20;
4. Taylor Hol liday, Lincoln, Neb., 7.90; 5.
Syerra (C.Y.) Christensen, Kennebec, 8.50; 6.
Brandy Jo March, Hot Springs, 8.60
Saddle Bronc Riding: 1.Derek Kenner,
Wood Lake, Neb., 83; 2. Ty Kennedy, Philip,
80; 3. Eric Gewecke, Red Owl, 79; 4. Jay
Longbrake, Dupree, 77; 5. (tie) Seth Schafer,
Yoder, Wyo., and Will Schafer, Lisco, Neb., 76
Sr. Mens Breakaway: 1. Bob Burke,
Sundance, Wyo., 2.70; 2. John Hoven,
McLaughlin, 3.10; 3. J.B. Lord, Sturgis, 3.40;
4. Clifford Tibbs, Ft. Pierre, 3.60; 5. Gary
Simon, Timber Lake, 4.10; 6. Terry Mc-
Cutcheon, Brookings, 4.90
Steer Wrestling: 1. J.J. Hunt, Ridgeview,
4.80; 2. Clay Kasier, Milboro, 4.90; 3. Calder
Johnston, Elm Springs, 5.10; 4. (tie) Jace
Melvin, Ft. Pierre, and Blake Williams, Pied-
mont, 5.30; 5. Ty Melvin, Sutherland, Neb.,
Team Penning: 1. Dana Nelson/Michelle
Johnson/Harold Fischer, all of Vermillion,
31.60; 2. Elizabeth Reurink, Lennox/Steve
Deschepper, Chancellor/Jay Reurink,
Lennox, 44.80; 3. Lindsay Borgmann/Paul
Borgmann/Collin Borgmann, all of White
Lake, 53.50; 4. Robert Devitt, Harrisburg/
Gerald Sorenson, Canton/James Kuiper,
Canton, 54.10
Team Roping: 1. Tyrell Moody, Edge-
mont/Rory Brown Edgemont, 5.20; 2. Eli
Lord, Sturgis/Jade Nelson, Midland, and
Matt Dean, Platte/Duke Starr, Geddes, 5.40;
3. Tucker Dale, Timber Lake/Levi Lord, Stur-
gis, 6.10
Timber Lake Days of 1910 Rodeo
July 27-28
Bareback Riding: 1. Lonny Lesmeister,
Rapid City, 76; 2. (tie) Englebert, Kenyon,
and Trig Clark, Meadow, 75; 3. Tayte Clark,
Meadow, 66
Barrel Racing: 1. Vinson, 15.26; 2. Lacy
Cowan, Highmore, 15.57; 3. Madison Rau,
Mobridge, 15.63; Shelley Spratt, Lysite,
Wyo., 15.65; 5. K. L. Spratt, Lysite, 15.67; 6.
DAnn Gehlsen, Mission, 15.73; 7. Jill Moody,
Pierre, 15.74; 8. Courtney Whitman, Sturgis,
Breakaway Roping: 1. Joey Painter,
Buffalo, 2.50; 2. Kaylee Nelson, Dickinson,
N.D., 2.70; 3. Jessica Holmes, Buffalo, 2.80;
4. (tie) Kaycee Nelson, Buffalo, and Kayla
Nelson, Bowman, N.D., 2.90; 5. (tie) Kailee
Webb, Isabel, and Lexy Williams, Hettinger,
N.D., 3.00; 6. (tie) Katy Miller, Faith, Jacque
Murray, Isabel, and Samantha Jorgenson,
Watford City, N.D., 3.10
Bull Riding: 1. Casey Heninger, Ft.
Pierre, 80; 2. John Anderson, Viborg, 70
Calf Roping: 1. Treg Schaack, Edgemont,
8.90; 2. Wilcox, 9.20; 3. Jess Woodward,
Dupree, 9.40; 4. Trey Young, Dupree, 9.70; 5.
Deon Dorsey, Isabel, 9.80; 6. Wolf, 10.00
Goat Tying: 1. Hallie Fulton, Miller, 6.80;
2. Katie Doll, Prairie City, 6.90; 3. (tie) Tech
and Miller, 7.00; 4. Marone, 7.10; 5. Mazee
Pauley, Wall, 7.20
Saddle Bronc Riding: 1. Shorty Garrett,
Dupree, 78; 2. K.C. Longbrake, Eagle Butte,
76; 3. Eric Gewecke, Red Owl, 72; 4. (tie)
Wyatt Kammerer, Philip, and Kaden Deal,
Dupree, 71; 5. Dalton Hump, Faith, 70
Sr. Mens Breakaway: 1. Lammers, 2.90;
2. Simon, 3.40; 3. Tibbs, 3.40; 4. J. Lord, 3.60;
Hoven, 3.70; 5.Dana Sippel, Pierpont, 4.00
Steer Wrestling: 1. (tie) J. Lord, and Tye
Hale, Faith, 4.80; 2. (tie) Jerod Schwarting,
White River, and Casey Olson, Prairie City,
5.00; 3. Clint Nelson, Philip, 5.40; 4. (tie)
Dean Moncur, Sturgis and Hoyt Kraeger,
Miller, 5.50
Team Roping: 1. Clay Edgar, Oral/Matt
Peters, Hot Springs, 4.90; 2. E. Lord,/ J. Nel-
son, 5.10; 3. Michael McPherson, Box
Elder/Brian McPherson, New Underwood,
5.80; 4. Colton Musick, Pierre/Carson Mu-
sick, Pierre, 5.90; 5. Hale/Tee Hale, White
Owl, 6.70; 6. Les Palmer, Dupree/Tyen
Palmer, Dupree, 7.00
Isabel Rodeo
August 3-4
Bareback Riding: 1. Tayte Clark, 75; 2.
Joe Wilson, Long Valley, 73; 3. Shane OCon-
nell, Rapid City, 70; 4. Lesmeister, 69; 5. Trig
Clark, 68; 6. Englebert, 65
Barrel Racing: 1. Webb, 17.76; 2. Lacy
Cowan, Highmore, 17.82; 3. (tie) Jill Moody,
Pierre, and Pauley, 17.83; 4. Madison Rau,
Mobridge, 17.89; 5. Cassy Woodward,
Dupree, 17.96; 6. Amy Deichert, Spearfish,
18.05; 7. DAnn Gehlsen, Mission, 18.14
Breakaway Roping: 1. Laura Hunter,
Ridgeview, 2.40; 2. Bailey Peterson, Parade,
2.70; 3. Howell, 2.90; 4. (tie) Patty Jo Burress,
Isabel, and E. Baker, 3.10; 5. (tie) Hanna
Brown, Faith, and S. Christensen, 3.20; 6.
(tie) Lensegrav and Misty McPherson, Pied-
mont, 3.50
Bull Riding: 1. Ian Jacobs, Faith, 69
Calf Roping: 1. John Peek, Williston,
N.D., 9.60; 2. Colton Musick, Pierre, 10.90; 3.
Starr, 11.40; 4. Brent Belkham, Blunt, 11.90;
5. Samuel Boldon, Oglala, 12.60; 6. Tyus
Olson, Mud Butte, 12.70
Goat Tying: 1. Miller, 6.60; 2. Shayna
Miller, Faith, 6.80; 3. Marone, 7.00; 4. Kristi
Birkeland, Dupree, 7.20; 5. Stacy Doll,
Prairie City, 7.30; 6. K. Doll, 7.40
Mixed Team Roping: 1. Kaycee Nelson,
7.50; 2. Arneson, 8.90; 3. Cassie Foster, Lem-
mon, 9.40; 4. Denise Nelson, Midland, 10.30;
5. Lorita Nelson, Philip, 12.40; 6. (tie) P. Bur-
ress, Brooke Nelson, Philip and S. Christen-
son, 14.20
Saddle Bronc Riding: 1. Gewecke, 73; 2.
(tie) Kash Deal, Dupree, and Kennedy, 72; 3.
(tie) Kaden Deal and Seth Longbrake, Howes,
71; 4. Hump, 62
Sr. Mens Breakaway: 1. Steve Klein,
Sioux Falls, 2.10; 2. Lennis Fagerhaug, Wess-
ington Springs, 2.40; Tibbs, 2.50; 4. J.B. Lord,
Sturgis, 2.60; 5. Hoven, and Bob Clement,
Ridgeview, 2.70
Steer Wrestling: 1. Tom Hunt, Eagle
Butte, 4.30; 2. Tyler Haugen Sturgis, 4.60; 3.
Melvin, 5.20; 4. J. Lord, 5.30; 5. (tie) Casey
Cronin, Gettysburg, and Tate Cowan, Ft.
Pierre, 5.40
Team Roping: 1. T. Moody/Brown, 5.70;
2. Britt Williams, Hammond, Mont.,/Paul
Griemsman, Piedmont, 6.80; 3. Jake Nelson,
Creighton/Jeff Nelson, Philip, 6.90; 4. Levi
Hapney, Quinn/Dalton Richter, Quinn, 7.10;
5. Terry McPherson, Piedmont/Michael
McPherson, Box Elder, 7.20; 6. Kevin Jaeger,
Newell/PrestynNovak, Newell, 7.50
SDRA rodeo results
Elderly Meals
Thursday, Aug. 8: Roast Beef
Salad Sandwich, Corn Salad,
Friday, Aug. 9: Lemon Pepper
Tilapia, Twice Baked Mashed Po-
tato, Biscayne Veggies, Roll,
Monday, Aug. 12: Shrimp
Burgers, Pasta Salad, Rosy Pears.
Tuesday, Aug. 13: Italian Sub
Sandwiches, Potato Chips, Fruit
Salad, Cranberry Velvet Dessert.
Wednesday, Aug. 14: Fried
Chicken, Potato Salad, Cheesy
Beans, Fruit.
A bad storm hit Philip Tuesday,
July 30, about 4:00 p.m. with lots
of hail, rain and strong wind.
There was a tornado sighted two
miles west of town, but it came
down and lifted again right away.
The storm left the destruction of
broken windows, damaged roofs
and siding, along with lost gar-
dens, flowers and trees. Over one
inch of rain was reported in a
short time, causing streets to
North and northwest of Rapid
City were hit July 22 by big hail,
some said to be two inches in di-
July 27, after exercises, I was
sick and stayed sick all the way to
Sunday afternoon, when I thought
it wasnt quite so bad and ven-
tured down to the computer room
to type a page of news for the Pio-
neer Review.
M.R. and Barbara Hansens
daughter, Holly, and grandson,
Asher, Woodbury, Minn., flew
back home from Mongolia on July
Thank you to Sheridan Hansen,
who, volunteered to come over to
Somerset Court for lunch on Sun-
day. I was sorry that I was sick
and couldnt go to lunch. I hope
she will soon phone again and
offer to come for lunch. Sorry to
also miss church Sunday with
Rev. Richardson.
I have been reading F. Scott
Fitzgeralds book, The Great
Gatsby. I read it long ago and
only remembered that there was
this guy who gave big parties with
lots of lights and booze. (It was
right after World War I, and it is
a picture of the times just then.)
Young Gatsby had a dad, Mr.
Gatz, who wanted everything for
his son. The son did all right in
the Army and won the nice honor
of five months at Oxford college.
His dad thought that made young
Gatsby an Oggsford man. He set
up his son with a fancy place by
the ocean with an elegant house
and grounds. Young Jay Gatsby
had the problem that he had
fallen in love with Daisy, who was
a tennis star and had everything.
He thought he had her for his girl,
but she married Tom. (Tom al-
ways kept a girl on the side.)
Then, Jay thought he could at-
tract her back with fast cars and
lavish parties. That didnt happen.
We had crafts with Amy July 29
and made a fishing outfit. It was
quite entertaining. You have a
goldfish bowl with a handle to
hold on to it with and the bowl has
a hole in the side, just big enough
to toss the goldfish, that is at-
tached to a string, up into the
hole. I didnt accomplish that yet.
Amy put our word searches out.
There was a good bunch that went
out to the donut shop for treats. In
the afternoon, there was a full
load for the store trip. And we had
the movie, Oh God, which was
said to be pretty good.
I spent some time reading
Khaled Hosienis book, A Thou-
sand Splendid Suns. It is a grip-
ping story filled with pathos.
Later some of us played rummi-
Thank you to M.R. Hansen who
has subscribed to the Rapid City
Journal for me. Each day I think
of M.R. when I find the new days
On the religion page of the
Rapid City Journal of July 27, it is
announced that there will be ves-
per services every evening until
Labor Day at the Stave Kirk
Church in Rapid City. This church
is built all of wood and sits in a
beautifully landscaped grounds
with flower beds and other build-
ings nearby which house Norwe-
gian artifacts. The church was
dedicated in 1969 and is the home
of the radio ministry of Lutheran
The Journal also had a dra-
matic story about kids joy riding.
Where are your kids right now?
Tuesday, July 30, 2013, we had
blongo where there are two inch
balls on the ends of an 18 inch
cord. A player gets three of these
for each turn. From a distance of
12 feet or so, he attempts to wrap
the cord around the bars of a rack.
The bottom bar gives three points,
middle bar two and the top bar
My tablemate at Somerset
Court dining room, Irene McK-
night, gave me an advanced news
item: Irene was gone to Billings,
Mont., over the weekend. Her
granddaughter, Aimee (Irenes
son, Dons, daughter) was getting
married on Saturday, August 3,
2013. Irene planned to be in
Billings Friday evening and at-
tend the wedding dinner.
Vi Walker had company before
lunch Tuesday, her grandson and
granddaughter, Brad and Ariel
Helen Olson had company Tues-
day, her cousin who lives in Rapid
City. They went shopping.
The July 31, 2013, Rapid City
Journal carried the obituary of
Karen Bowen-Raymond, Rapid
City, (formerly of Philip). She was
a 1968 graduate of Philip High
School. My sympathy to family
and friends.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013, at
Somerset Court we had the enter-
tainment of a cowboy poet. Dennis
Eliason, who formerly lived in
Philip and one of the bus drivers
here at Somerset Court, was ac-
quainted with Jeff Thompson who
reads cowboy poetry on the radio.
So, Dennis asked our activity di-
rectors to try to have Jeff come to
Somerset Court and he did. Jeff
said that the Internet site of cow- is a good source.
According to Jeff, Out Where
the West Begins, (1917) was writ-
ten by Arthur Chapman. That was
one of the poems he read while at
Somerset Court. I remember it
from childhood. I think it had been
a calendar cover and Ma took it
and framed it.
Jeff likes the work of Red Segal,
Loretta, Texas. Croutons on a
Cowpie, a book of cowboy poems
by Baxter Black is another good
We enjoyed Jeffs rendition of
The Day the Hired Man Quit the
Ranch, Cleaning Out the Attic,
The Young Politician, and What
is a Cowboy? From Robert Serv-
ice, Jeff read, The Cremation of
Dan Magee. Thank you, Jeff, and
Dennis and our activity directors
for a pleasant reading afternoon.
Susan, Shawn and Sandi
arranged seating, parking and re-
turning of walkers and serving
water and a delicious peach jam-
My son, Wayne, and his wife,
Gwynn, emailed from Alesrund,
Norway. Thursday, they were to
be in Gerainger. They would be
out of email range for a couple of
days. It was raining and 62 there
and the beer was expensive. The
cod fish have not arrived for the
big fishing season of catching
them and preparation of lutefisk.
Here at Somerset Court, we had
some tasty items for lunch and
supper Sausage patty, biscuit
and white gravy, hash browns,
buttered beets. We always have
cut-up fruit and a tub of assorted
green salad vegetables and cot-
tage cheese. And there are always
two kinds of soup. This evening,
the dessert was huge scones.
Thursday after we had played
bingo and having our treats, we
had a little rain and hail about
My daughter, Carol Vogan, Col-
orado Springs, sent a photo that
was taken from the top of Pikes
Peak Saturday, July 27. It shows
a fully developed funnel cloud
above the Cheyenne Mountain.
Carol saw this funnel cloud, al-
though it was maybe 10 miles east
of there. It formed and then with-
drew back up into the cloud bank
above it. Carol also sent photos of
her beautiful purple coneflowers
and a couple shots of my old home
in Philip, where we went over the
weekend in mid-June for Scotty
Philip Days. The photo was taken
by Al Vogan and shows David
Hansen, Melissa, Breck, and Tea-
gan Snively, Carol Vogan, Gwynn
Hansen, and Vivian Hansen.
Thank you for your letter and pho-
tos, Carol. There was a pretty card
that says, I love my garden where
bees bumble, flowers bloom, and
butterflies flutter all afternoon!
from my old Philip friend who now
lives in Spearfish, Hazel Ramsey
Thompson. It is so cheery to re-
ceive a pretty letter. Thank you,
Hazel. She also wanted me to
thank my son, Hans P. Hansen for
the greeting card that he had sent
to her and Tommy Thompson.
E-mail your change of address to:
or call 859-2516 two weeks in advance of your moving date.
Hit & Miss
August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 4
by Vivian Hansen
or betty@pioneer-
Gem Theare
SS9-2000 - PbIIIp
Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.
Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.
For updates on movies, call:
Rated R
Stop In & take a teSt DrIve toDay!
859-2744 or
Saturday Aug. 17, 2013 11:00 AM CDT
606 Main Street Murdo SD
HOUSEHOLD: Crockpots ~ Fans ~ Electric Roaster ~ Carpet Shampooer ~ Milk House Heater ~ Air Purifier ~ Electric Mixer
(new) ~ Humidifier ~ (2) Ice Cream Freezers ~ 30 Cup Coffee Maker ~ Punch Set ~ Mr Coffee Coffee Maker (new) ~
Electric Percolator ~ Microwave ~ Food Dehydrator
TOOLS:Tool Box ~ Paint Pal Roller (new) ~ Dewalt Cordless Drill ~ Black & Decker Workmate ~ Misc Hand Tools ~ Weedeater
~ (2) Two Wheel Carts ~ Handyman Jacks ~ Battery Charger ~ Electric Cords ~ Leaf Blower ~ Aluminum Ladder ~ Misc
Yard Tools ~ Lincoln Stick Welder ~ Comealongs ~ (2) Bench Grinder ~ Drill Press ~ Chop Saw ~ (2) Vices ~ Table Saw
~ Tool Shop Reciprocating Saw ~ Hand Grinder ~ Portable Generator ~ McCulloch Electric Chain Saw ~ Stihl Gas Chain
Saw (16" bar) ~ (2) Ton Floor Jack ~ Impact Sockets ~ 1/2 Inch Drill ~ Car Ramps ~ Heavy Duty Ratchet Straps ~ C
Clamps ~ Jig Saw ~ Craftsman Scroll Saw ~ Hand Crank Grinder ~ Log Chains ~ Chain Binders ~ Heat Guns ~ (2)
Small Air Compressors ~ Air Bomb ~ Dremel Tool ~ Wheelbarrow
CAMPING & FISHING:Propane Heater ~ Buck Knives ~ (2) Worm Farms ~ Coolers ~ Gas Camping Grill ~ Electric Grill ~
Picnic Table ~ Minnkota Trolling Motor ~ Camping Lanterns ~ Large Igloo Cooler ~ Gun Cases ~ Minnow Traps ~ Fishing
rods and reels to numerous to list individually. Deep sea rods, river rods and stock pond rods. Also antique
reels and reels no longer made in unopened packages. Bob and Jim are avid fishermen but have decided to
downsize their fishing equipment. A very nice assortment of fishing equipment. If you have any interest in
fishing come and check it out.
MISCELLANEOUS:Shelving ~ Chess Set (new) ~ Portable Phonograph ~ VCR ~ Bowling Balls ~ Plumbing Fittings ~ Wash
Tub on Stand ~ CB Radio ~ Radio & Cassette Player ~ Cream Cans ~ (2) Boilers ~ Side By Side Bicycle ~ Walker ~
Yard Bench ~ VHS Movies
Property of Bob Totton and Jim Root
Terms and 6ond|t|ons: 6ash or good check w|th proper |0 day of auct|on. Noth|ng |s to be removed unt|| pa|d for. 0nce an |tem |s dec|ared
so|d |t |s your respons|b|||ty. A|| |tems se|| as |s where |s no warrant|es expressed or |mp||ed. Appropr|ate sa|es tax w||| be charged, |f you
are tax exempt have your tax |0 when reg|ster|ng for a b|dder number. Announcements day of auct|on take prec|dence over pr|nted mater|a|.
Thank you |n advance for attend|ng th|s auct|on.
Eckert Auction
25721 237th St Okaton SD 57562
605-843-2845 CeII: 605-685-8715
Lunch will be served
For more information:
Summer Hours:
Monday thru Friday:
11 am to 7 pm
Saturdays: 11 am to ???
- Closed Sundays -
859-2430 PhiIip
I didnt call people this week in
our area as I knew they would be
busy cleaning up after the bad
storm we had.
Weather is the biggest news
around this area last week. What
weather we had! Hail, big golf ball
sized hail, it was. The storm cov-
ered a big area, leaving people
with a lot of damage and big
messes to clean up. Some of the
neighbors lost vehicles that were
totaled out and there was lots of
broken glass in vehicles, tractors
and homes. And of couse the
buildings took a beating. As for
me, my north bedroom storm win-
dow, screen and inside window ex-
ploded and hail stones came in
and hit the south wall inside the
house, leaving glass all over every-
thing. My bed was covered with
glass, some pieces were two inches
and some pieces were so fine you
could hardly see them.
It was in the carpet and I dont
know how many times I vacumed
and went over it before I was able
to get it all. I had to take all the
bedding outdoors and shake it
good, then brought it in and
washed it all. Marvin and Vicki,
who did not have any windows
broken, came down and helped
me. Vicki helped me clean up
glass inside and out.
Marvin and Vicki found a piece
of plywood and nailed it over the
window to keep the weather out.
The north side of the house, which
has vinyl siding, has holes as big
as soccer balls and the steel roof
looks terrible with dents that re-
mind you of the spots on a dalma-
tion dog.
Marvin had all his equipment in
the shed, but one old tractor and
it broke the signal lights out of it.
The shed and the roof and siding
on their house received a lot of
damage. But, some people who
were not home, had windows bro-
ken and the rain caused a lot of
damage in their homes. So many
were a lot worse off than we were.
I noticed while driving around this
week, some of the forage crops
could make some hay and some
may keep growing to make for
some grazing.
Trevor Fitch came down to look
at his millet that he has planted
on section 16 and found that it
was damaged severely as were all
the crops on this place.
We have received about an inch
of rain for the rest of the week
which came on different days.
Colby Fitch came down for four
or five days this week and helped
his grandparents, Marvin and
Vicki, clean up branches, tree
limbs and trash in and around
their yard. Little Aven Fitch also
spent some time with his grandpa
and grandma this week while the
rest of his family went golfing.
Several from this neighborhood
were golfing at Lake Waggoner
Golf Course Saturday.
Friday, I attended the memorial
service for Karen Bowen Ray-
mond, as well as many of the
neighbors from the Grindstone
community. There were many
people at the service from the In-
terior, Kadoka, Pine Ridge, Ot-
tumwa, Philip and Rapid City
areas as well. It was a story of
Karens life as she taught many
children and was also an adminis-
trator and principle in many of the
schools in those areas. Several of
the Native American folks showed
their respect and friendship for all
she had done for them by partici-
pating in the service, bringing out
her qualities in the helping of all
the children and other staff at the
schools on the reservations. She
was loved and will be missed by
her family and the host of friends
she had made over the years.
Karens dad and mother, Marvin
and Lois, were great neighbors of
this community.
Russell and Mary Pierce are
here from their home in Yankton
and are visiting family in Murdo.
They had asked several of us to
meet them for lunch in Philip.
Those who attended were Debbie
Hansen, Rita Ramsey, Gene and
Doris Daniel, Phyllis Hajek and
Mary Eide. Kay Ainslie was un-
able to attend as she was driving
the Haakon County Prairie Trans-
portation bus.
Old friends are one of lifes
Though new friends are worth-
But the ones who we have trav-
eled through the years with
Are the ones who bring forth a
New friends may soon fall away,
For they have not weathered the
Have not been sweet partners in
As we shared our joys and fears.
Old friends know our strengths
and weaknesses,
Almost as God knows our lives
Yet, their love is as sure as forever
Like the sun, moon and the tides.
Lynn Fenimore Nuzzi
Grindstone News
by Mary Eide 859-2188
West Central Electric
Election of Board of Directors
Charles D. Kroetch
Tuesday, August 13th
Legion Hall Philip 7 p.m. - 8 p.m
Thank You!
Pastor Art Weitschat
Kadoka 837-2390
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m.
* * * * * *
(605) 669-2406 Murdo
Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship Services:
1:00 p.m.
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
859-2336 Philip
1st Sunday: Coffee & Rolls after worship
First Lutheran Ladies Bible study.
There are two Bible study groups: each meet-
ing monthly. One meets on the second Tues-
day at
12:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church and the
other meets on the second Wednesday at
1:00 p.m. at the Senechal Apts. lobby.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Midland 843-2538
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m.
Ruth Circle: 3rd Tues. at 2 p.m.
Nowlin Circle: Last Wed. at 9 a.m.
Rebecca Circle: Last Wed. at 7 p.m. (Nov.
thru Feb.); 6:30 p.m. (Mar. - Oct.)
* * * * * *
Moenville 843-2538
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
1:30 p.m. (CT)
ALCW: 3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
* * * * * *
Long Valley
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
* * * * * *
Every Sunday in July
Services at 10:00 a.m.
followed by potluck dinner
Pastor Andy Blye
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study: Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
Womens Ministries: 2nd Thurs., 1:30
10 miles SE of Midland
Pastor Glenn Denke 462-6169
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. CT
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip 859-2841
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Services 10:30 a.m.
Last Sunday of the month
potluck dinner following church services
Last Monday of the month
Evang. Ladies Service/Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome!!
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip
Worship Service: 9:00 a.m.
Children's Church: 8:30 a.m.
Ladies Aid - 2nd Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study & Prayer, Mondays at 7 p.m.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Kathy
Chesney 859-2310
Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m.
Pastor Kathy
Chesney 859-2310
Home: 859-2192 E-mail:
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.
1st Wednesday Every Month:
Contemporary Worship, 7:00 p.m.
UCW meets 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m.
* * * * * * *
Philip 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturdays: Confession from 3 to 4 p.m.
Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (August)
Tues-Wed-Fri. Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Thurs. Mass: 10:30 a.m. at Philip Nursing Home
* * * * * *
Midland 859-2664 or 843-2544
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m.
(Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.)
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
(Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.)
Confession: Before Mass
* * * * * *
Milesville 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m. (August)
Saturday Mass: 7:30 p.m.
Confession: Before Mass
Monday Release Time: 2:15 p.m.
Rush Funeral Home
Chapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka
Jack, Gayle & D.J. Rush
859-2542 Philip, SD
Ronald G. Mann, DDS
Philip, SD
You've heurd the uduge thut u vork und no puy
mukes }uck u du boy, but do you pructce t n your
sprtuu e: eng u beever s serous busnesses,
but even }esus took tme out or peusure. 1here s u
tme or un, und huvng some occusonuy cun
keep you on the rght puth.
A lmc lo wcc, and a lmc lo laugh; a lmc lo
mourn, and a lmc lo dancc; Fcclcsaslcs 3:4 (K)V)
Anccnl wsdom lor modcrn llc

Continued on 7
Send obituaries, engagement
& wedding write-ups to:
There is no charge.
August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 5
Murdo 0entaI CIInIc
Announces the addItIon of
0r. Aaron umpca to famIIy
dentaI practIce, joInIng
0r. JIm 5zana
Lcntistry for thc wholc family, including orthodontics
Acccpts Ncdicaid and othcr dcntal insuranccs
Call to make an appointment witb Dr. Rompca today!
609 Garficld Avcnuc - 60-669-2131 - 60-222-292
Cpen Toesday - Tborsday and Fridays doring scbool year
Murdo 0entaI, LLC
Service for Owen Mincks, 90, of
Bella Vista, Ark., formerly of West-
port, S.D., were held August 2,
2013, at First Assembly of God
Church in Aberdeen. Rev. Steve
Schaible and Rev. Nels Easterby
Owen Mincks, age 90, went
home to be with the Savior He
loved and served faithfully on Sun-
day, July 28, 2013, at Highlands
Rehab in Bella Vista.
He was the third of four children
born to Myron and Mary Mincks on
February 24, 1923, during a bliz-
zard. The doctor was not able to
make it in time, nevertheless, his
parents named him after the doc-
tor, Owen King, who also delivered
Owen's firstborn son, Terry Owen.
Owen was raised in the West-
port area and graduated high
school there. He was a basketball
star and their team went to state.
He was recruited by Northern
State University to play on their
team, but ended up going to North
Central Bible College in Minneapo-
lis for a time. He also boxed Golden
Gloves and played baseball.
On March 31, 1946, Owen mar-
ried Arlene Brown, who preceded
him in death in 1982. To this union
were born five children, Terry
(Linda) Mincks, Tulsa, Okla, Eldon
(Nanci) Mincks, Bella Vista, Ark.,
Melba (Paul) Schauer, Parker,
Colo., Reeta (Bill) Chubb, Allen
Park, Mich., and Rebecca (Randy)
Ellendorf, Mission.
He made his living by farming
near Westport.
In 1955, Owen felt God leading
to minister among the Native
Americans of South Dakota. He
ministered on reservations for sev-
eral years, and then pastored in
Sisseton at Dacotah Gospel Assem-
bly. He was ordained as a minister
with the Assemblies of God in
1961. At that time, he was asked to
teach at Trinity Bible College,
which he did for eight years, going
out to the reservations on the
weekends and during the summer.
Following that, he taught at Ozark
Bible Institute in Neosho, Mo., for
seven years. In 1978, he was ap-
pointed president of Central Indian
Bible College in Mobridge.
In 1988, he was joined in mar-
riage to Lynette Woodbeck and
they continued to pastor at Sisse-
ton where she had been living. Fol-
lowing that, they were appointed
as the district coordinators of Na-
tive American Ministries, which
they continued until 1999. During
that time, they also pastored two
outstations and taught at Central
Indian Bible College. In 2004, they
moved to the White River area to
help establish a new Native
church. Owen was with the U.S.
Missions of the Assemblies of God.
In 2011, due to poor health, the
Mincks moved to Bella Vista to be
closer to family.
Owen was preceded in death by
his parents; his brother, Francis;
and his sisters, Jenny and Iona. He
was also preceded in death by his
wife, Arlene, and his wife, Barbara,
and a great-grandson, Ezra. He is
survived by his wife, Lynette, five
children, 24 grandchildren and 33
Owen's life was a influence on so
many people his family, friends,
those he taught and even those
who cared for him. He was greatly
loved by all who knew him.
If he were alive, he would say,
Don't be sad because I'm walking
and free from pain in God's won-
derful and exciting Heaven. He
leaves word that He'll be looking
for all of you when your time to join
him comes. Please be ready for that
final call, don't miss Heaven what-
ever you do!
Casketbearers were Andrew
Mincks, Chad Shauer, Nathan
Baker, Heath LaPrad, Josiah El-
lendorf and Gabriel Ellendorf.
The family requests memorials
be made to the South Dakota Dis-
trict Council of the Assemblies of
God for Native American Biblical
Carlsen Funeral Home and Cre-
matory of Aberdeen was entrusted
with arrangements.
Owen Mincks__________________________________
Bill Kelly and Lori Kelly of
Philip are pleased to announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Miss Marla Kelly, to Mr. Tate
Guptill, son of Pat and Mary Lou
Guptill of Quinn.
Marla is a 2008 graduate of
Philip High School and a 2012
graduate of Black Hills State Uni-
versity with a bachelors of science
degree. She is currently attending
the Rapid City Regional Radiogra-
phy program where she will grad-
uate in June 2014.
Tate is a 2009 graduate of Philip
High School and a member of the
South Dakota National Guard who
recently returned from a deploy-
ment in Kuwait.
An October 4, 2013, wedding is
Our area had some wonderful
rain last Friday and Saturday
with 2.80 at Paul Staben's. Our
gauge showed 3. Then last night
(Monday), we got another .65.
How thankful we are!
The community will be mowing
at Milesville this Friday, August
9. We will start at 1:00 p.m.
Thanks for your help!
Dan Piroutek's sister, Kay's
husband, Allen Turvey, had de-
cided around Father's Day that he
should maybe be seeing a doctor
because he was not feeling up to
par. It took them about three
weeks to make the appointments,
have the tests performed, and get
the diagnosis. On July 10, 2013,
Allen was diagnosed with pancre-
atic cancer. Allen lived 12 more
days, passing on July 22, 2013.
Kay lives in LeSueur, Minn., and
was married to Allen for almost 20
years. Kay and Allen had each lost
their first spouses earlier due to
illnesses, and were happy to have
found each other. They were busy
grandparents to the joint family.
Kay's address is Kay Turvey, 108
Regency Rd, LeSueur, MN 56058.
Dan and Gayla Piroutek have
made several trips to LeSueur
over the past several weeks. Dur-
ing this time, their daughter, Amy
Piroutek Hogue, and her two sons,
Jacob and Eli, visited at
Milesville, attended the funeral,
and then Dan and Gayla babysat
while Joe and Amy took care of
some business in Sioux Falls.
Also, Joe Hogue took his South
Dakota lawyer's bar exam in
Pierre. Also coming for the funeral
was Erin Piroutek Logan. She
spent several days in Milesville,
including a visit at the Jenna Finn
home near Midland. Last Friday,
Dan and Gayla, Erin, Jacob and
Eli traveled to Sioux Falls to re-
turn Jacob and Eli to their par-
ents so they could all go home to
Michigan. Erin's husband, Tim,
and son, Daniel, St. Louis, Mo.,
joined the gathering, with Daniel
headed to Milesville to spend a
week with his grandparents while
his parents went on vacation.
While in LeSueur, Dan and
Gayla got to visit Dr. Susan (Pat-
ton) Jones and her sister, Janet.
Susan has her own veterinary
practice near LeSueur with a new,
well-designed building, and a siz-
able staff. They got a great tour.
The Milesville Rangers 4-H
Club members had a busy week-
end with various Achievement
Days activities. Everyone involved
is to be commended on the great
job done.
Our pastor, Gary Wahl, and his
wife, Dawn, recently returned
from a trip to see their new grand-
son. Josiah, son of Eric and Molly
Wahl, was born on July 22. He has
a two-year-old sister, Meliah.
They are stationed at Keesler
AFB in Biloxi, Miss.
Grant and Sandra Parsons had
their four grandchildren during
the month of July. Brody and Jay-
cie live in Florida and Kadin and
Joseph in Rapid City. They had a
great month together with two
highlights a week in Pierre
camping and fishing and a trip to
Valley Fair in Minnesota.
Vonda Hamill went to Spearfish
Friday to see her niece and
nephew in the production of "The
Adventures of Mr. Toad" put on by
the summer school theatre stu-
dents at Black Hills State Univer-
sity. It was very good. She joined
her father-in-law, Fred Romkema,
for supper that night and on Sat-
urday she met her brother, Tom
Delahoyde, and his friend, Janet
Herring, for lunch before heading
home. She missed some of the
family as some were out of town
and others were playing in a very
large golf tournament.
Misty Berry had her horse fall
while practicing barrel racing. She
is now recuperating from a con-
cussion. We wish you a complete
healing, Misty.
Jade Berry participated in the
4-H rodeo in Ft. Pierre Sunday.
Sandy (Radway) Rathbun, Or-
lando, Fla., recently spent two
weeks visiting with her mother,
Jeanne Radway, and other family
members. Jeanne and Sandy were
supper guests at the home of
Mark and Judith Radway a week
ago Wednesday. Last Wednesday,
Mark, Judith, Tanner and Bailey
had supper with Jeanne and
Over the weekend, the Mark
Radway family and Kelsey
Kroetch drove to Valentine, Neb.,
for boating and tubing down the
Niobrara River. Several Philip
couples, as well as Tanner's
friend, Rylee Rich, joined them.
Judith said they got rained on
part of the time but it was lots of
July 28, friends and family
gathered at the home of Tom and
Marie Radway to celebrate the
birthdays of Todd Radway (50)
and Sandy Rathbun (65). Mark
and Judith Radway and kids and
Joan Hamill attended from
Milesville. Former Milesville folks
who also attended were the
Collins kids Sonja, Debbie, Jan
and Randy. Their parents are the
late Randall Collins and Bonnie
(Radway) Collins, who resides in
Rapid City.
Joan Hamill was a guest for
Milesville News
by Janice Parsons 544-3315
CeII: 60S-441-2SS9 - Res: 60S-SS9-2S?S - Fax: 60S-SS9-32?S
S20 E. Hwy. 14 PO Box 3S
PbIIIp, SD S?S6? -
1 oon ]1nd
1ooK1ng ]or!"
J99S Bu1oK R1v1ero
Sunoo, CD uc, Iccss cnt.
Go to scIoo n stc!
Sonia Nemec 843-2564
Summer greetings to each and
every one of you on this beautiful
Monday morning, August 5, 2013!
The weather isnt quite sure what
it wants to do, at the moment it is
mostly overcast, with humidity in
the air. We got a bit of a shower
during the night. This past week,
some folks got over an inch of rain
and others not a drop. Weve been
getting showers off and on and are
thankful we havent gotten that
white stuff. What? Snow you ask?
No, no, we are in the month of Au-
gust. Some folks have had hail.
Sounds from those hail stones
beating on the roof and bouncing
off the ground brings dread right
along with it as you fear the dam-
age and havoc it can cause. With
the different seasons, there are
different challenges. So, take time
to enjoy the good times of each
The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
has officially begun. Interstate 90
is a busy, busy, highway with rid-
ers on motorcycles, others hauling
their motorcycles, and tourists in
vehicles, motor homes, and
campers, with truckers mixed in-
between, plus some of us local
folks. And for those motorcyclists
wanting out of the fast lane, to a
more relaxing ride, Hwy. 14 and
Hwy. 34 is their choice as they
travel west. Jerry and I decided to
head for Wall Drug, Sunday, just
because. There were lots and lots
and lots of motorcycles. My mind
tends to be a bit strange, but it
kind of made me think of a bunch
of busy ants. It is just kind of fun
to see. But, just between you and
me, I wouldnt care to be in Stur-
gis right now. Sturgis rally time
brings memories of my good
friend, Lois Grimme. She and her
husband, Larry, lived at
Belvidere. Lois was one of those
people I so enjoyed working with
at 1880 Town. She always had a
smile and a positive attitude. Her
death was unexpected, she had
seemed so healthy. I had lost a
dear friend. Working the same
shift, she in the costume shop and
me the saloon, a family friendly
saloon where the strongest drink
you can get is a sarsaparilla, the
granddaddy of root beer. On the
days we had the opening shift, we
would busy ourselves with getting
ready for the tourists, one of those
duties was making popcorn. Once
ready, it was time for some pop-
corn and Lois with her coffee and
me with my mountain dew, wed
head for the broadwalk. And look-
ing out over the town with its
buildings filled with history from
days gone by, and sharing that
moment in time with a good
friend, I can honestly say, I am
thankful for the good memories of
those days. We would laugh and
comment on all of those motorcy-
cles heading west, past our little
Town of 1880, with its buildings
from the past. Good memories!
And, speaking of 1880 Town, as
some of you know, Jan Cerney and
I put together a book about the
town. We are just thrilled and so
thankful the books are selling well
and have recently ordered another
1,000 books. It has been an amaz-
ing journey!
Its Tuesday morning and time
to get at the news for this week.
We had strong winds and rain
during the night.
Our congratulations to the
Kadoka Areas Midland Elemen-
tary being rated the best elemen-
tary public school in the state,
according to South Dakota De-
partment of Education scores.
Teachers at the Midland school
are Renee Schofield and Mary
Parquet. The teachers, parents
and students are to be com-
mended for their accomplish-
ments. Good job!
Speaking of teachers, Chrisy
Zuccaro, lives on Tinian Island,
(which is north of Guam) and
teaches sixth grade math and sci-
ence at Tinian. She is spending
part of her summer at the home of
her parents, Chuck and Eleanor
Zuccaro, also helping out on the
farm. Chuck and Eleanors grand-
son, Christian, came from Denver,
Colo., spending some time with
his grandparents, also doing some
things on the farm. As many of
you may remember, Christian,
who is the son of their daughter,
Paula, spent a number of sum-
mers on the farm of his grandpar-
ents. Chrisy and Lucy Laffoon, a
friend of Christians, recently en-
joyed an airplane ride with Mar-
sha Sumpter over the Badlands.
Chrisy said it was awesome! An-
other form of seeing land from the
air has to do with a hot air bal-
loon. Going for a bucket ride in
one of those balloons was on
Chrisy top list of things to do.
Some time ago, she and her mom,
Eleanor, rode in one of those bal-
loons, which was said to have the
largest bucket in the world, over
Custer State Park. Now just be-
tween you and me, Im not sure I
could handle a ride in a hot air
balloon, but Chrisy reports it was
an amazing ride. Ill take her word
for it. I havent had a chance to
ask Eleanor her take on the whole
ride, but knowing Eleanor, she
would handle it plumb fine.
Thanks for sharing, Chrisy, wish-
ing you safe travels home and a
great school year.
* * * *
* * * *
Midland Market had a good
turn-out Friday evening, in spite
of the 4-H activities going on. The
board of the Midland Community
Library served the meal for the
evening with folks seaming to
enjoy the meal. It was tasty if I do
say so myself! I had a nice visit
with Jill (Schofield) Splitt, who
along with her daughter, Josie,
and her daughter were visiting
family in the Midland area.
Our congratulations to Tayton
Schofield who was recently
crowned Days of 76 Princess. Tay-
ton is 11 years old and is the
daughter of Roger and Gayla
Schofield. They ranch 25 miles
west of Faith. Tayton is the grand-
daughter of Gaynold Willoughby
and Larry Cvach and Jeanie
Waara and the late Will Schofield.
Also congratulations to Wes
and Nicki Nelson on their 25th
wedding anniversary which would
be today, August 6.
We want to welcome former
Midland residents, Keith and
Linda Farris, to our Midland com-
munity. When living in Midland,
Keith and Linda owned and oper-
ated what was the Country Place
at that time here in Midland.
They later sold the business and
moved to the Denver, Colo., area
where they lived for a number of
years. Heading towards that re-
tirement age, they have moved
back to Midland, where they
bought the former home of the late
Orland and Ora Keiffer. When we
purchased the house we now live
in, it needed a lot of work. Keith
and Linda did a fine job on that
house that would become our
home.Good to have you back,
Keith and Linda.
Saturday, Jody Block and Barb
Jones picked up their mom, Arline
Petoske, at the Philip Nursing
Home, bringing her back to Mid-
land giving Arline a chance to see
the home where she and her late
husband, Clarence Petoske, had
lived and raised their five chil-
dren, before it goes on sale August
18. For Arline and her family,
there are a whole lot of memories
that go with that home. That
house on the hill is the perfect
spot for a home, as it looks down
over the town of Midland, with its
sunrises and its sunsets. Arline,
Jody and Barb had lunch at the
Jim and Barb Petoske home for a
time of visiting and remembering
before taking Arline back to
Those enjoying a fun day of
roping, visiting, and a cookout at
the home of Morris and Barbara
Jones were Ross Block, Scott
Fitzgerald, Jeff and Jen Jones,
Matthew and Brianna Jones,
Bryer Jones, Casey McDaniel,
Morrie Jones and their families.
Jennifer Jones and kids were also
Sunday, July 28, Joe and Carol
Bowens brought Alexa Walters
and Kalli Jones to the home of Bob
and Verona Evans. They enjoyed
visiting over coffee and goodies be-
fore heading home to Chamber-
lain. Alexa and Kalli enjoyed Bible
school at the Open Bible Church
in Midland this past week. Alexa
is the granddaughter of Stan and
Cathy Evans, Rapid City, and the
great-granddaughter of Bob and
Verona. Kalli is the daughter of
Ross and Melanie (Evans) Jones,
also of Rapid City, and the grand-
daughter of Bob and Verona. Bob
and Verona took them back to
Rapid City Friday, following the
last day of Bible school.
The following is a report from
Maxine Jones: Shorty and Maxine
Jones attended the last three per-
formances of the Cheyenne Fron-
tier Days rodeo. It was great to see
Chad Ferley in the tie for first
place. He had spectacular rides,
including great horses to show off
his skills, and so did the other first
place winner. Don and Nancy
Smith attended a rodeo at Sidney,
Iowa, last Saturday night where
Chad was in first place, having
ridden at an earlier performance.
He has recently moved up from
eighth to sixth place in national
* * * *
* * * *
It was also special to see Tuf
Cooper win the all-around saddle.
It was just 20 years after he stood
on that stage as a two year old
when his dad, Roy, won the roping
contest there. The announcer said
he was interviewed by the an-
nouncer at the time. Tuf was
named after his grandpa, Tuffy
Cooper, who was a member of the
old Turtle Association, the fore-
runner of PRCA. He also was New
Mexico state brand inspector
when Shorty was on the South
Dakota brand board and we at-
tended many meetings and got ac-
quainted with him, to the point he
asked us to buy a piece of Black
Hills jewelry for him to give his
wife. It was fun to shop for that!
After the rodeo, Shorty and
Maxine drove to McCook, Neb.,
and Monday went to the Decatur
County feed yard to look at some
cattle they bought from us last
spring. The heifers have been A-
I'd and will be sold as bred heifers,
with the remainder going on feed.
The steers are doing well, and
some are about ready to be sold as
fat cattle, a month ahead of what
was projected. So everyone was
pleased with that project.
Monday afternoon, it was on to-
ward Brookings. It was fun to
drive through South Dakota and
eastern Nebraska and see all the
great corn. It is apparent that
farming corn and beans is what is
keeping the very small towns alive
with main activity and new con-
struction being at the grain eleva-
tors and the machinery sales
Shorty attended a meeting of
the advisory board to the SD ani-
mal diagnostic lab Tuesday and
Maxine toured the beautiful new
building at McCrory Gardens. The
gardens have been expanded and
are beautiful. It can be found on
the Internet, but going in person
is very special.
Don and Nancy Smith made a
hurried trip by plane to Alabama
last week as a brother-in-law died
of a heart attack. He was only in
his late forties.
Frank and Norma Calhoon,
Chilhowie, Mo., cousins of Maxine
Jones and Dave Calhoon, stopped
for brief visits at Jones last week-
end on their way back home after
visiting friends in Montana. They
visited Dave and Jean Calhoon
the previous weekend on their
way to Montana, and Scott Jones
met them in town for a short visit.
Frank has always enjoyed staying
at the hotel in Midland. Frank is
the son of Nathan and Cleo Cal-
hoon and a frequent visitor to
South Dakota since he was a baby
over 60 years ago. Now he has a
chiropractic business and teaches
physics at a college in Warrens-
burg, Mo. It is not the college the
president visited recently.
Audrey Jones reports they
havent done much this past week,
but work. Gene had a softball
game in Pierre Friday.
The Midland Museum board
met on July 30, 2013, with all
seven members present. President
Kandus Woitte called the meeting
to order. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved.
Linda Sinclair gave the treas-
urers report. George Anderson
moved to accept the treasurers re-
port and Jim Root seconded the
motion and it was approved.
We discussed the floor in the
schoolhouse and what could be
done to fix it. Gary Snook gave the
museum an old operating table
and an old wheelchair that be-
longed to his grandmother, Sylvia
Snook. They put it in the east
shed. We will be advertising in the
paper for people to come and get
their old machinery if they still
want it. There is a window in the
upstairs that needs to be fixed.
Jessie Root donated the World
War I Army uniform of her dad,
Ray Livermore. Shorty will look
into getting large sheeting to cover
the displays over the winter. We
will close the museum at the Sep-
tember meeting.
Mickey Woitte, Secretary
Time to close my column for
another week! Spent a bit too
much time pulling fire weed
around my juniper bushes yester-
day, so am running a bit short of
time. I do dislike those fire weeds.
Our traveling daughter, Charlene,
is having a wonderful adventure
in Columbia. She spent three
hours at the Fernando Botero art
museum and thoroughly enjoyed
the La Quinta Bolivar museum
which was one of the former
houses of Simon Bolivar, the liber-
ator of Columbia. Saw the city of
Medellin which is in the Andes
Mountains. They visited the small
town of Guatape, known for their
sockets, which are beautifully col-
ored tiles at the bottom of beauti-
fully colored homes and
businesses. She reports they were
unlike anything she had ever seen
in her travels. They even got to
meet the artist. Her travel days
are coming to a close for this sum-
mer as she flies into Minneapolis,
Minn., August 9. Have a great
Midland News
August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 6
Please join us for a Cancer Benefit
for 1erry Schofield
Saturday,August 17th
at the Legion Hall in Midland, SD.
Benefit starts at 5: PM(M1)
with an Auction & Free Will Donation
Supper being provided.
Dance to follow to celebrate
1erry &Linda's 4th Wedding Anniversary.
For more information, contact Vince Bruce at 567-3671
or 280-3385 or Dustin Vollmer at 441-3958.
All proceeds will go to help the family with
medical expenses that insurance does not cover.
In recent months, there has
been a common theme in Wash-
ington. Government agencies have
abused their power, imposed un-
necessary regulations and wasted
millions in taxpayer dollars. With
a growing list of abuses by federal
agencies, South Dakotans are rap-
idly losing trust in their govern-
Here in the House, we decided it
was time to act. We designated
July 29 August 2 as Stop Gov-
ernment Abuse Week. We de-
bated and passed a handful of bills
that limit the power of federal
agencies and instead empower in-
Each year, federal agencies
issue hundreds of regulations
regulations which go into effect
without ever receiving a vote or
fair debate in Congress. In fact, a
study by the Small Business Ad-
ministration found that annual
regulatory compliance costs in the
United States hit $1.75 trillion in
2008. Too often, major decisions
are made by unelected, unac-
countable bureaucrats who fail to
understand how a regulation will
impact families and businesses in
South Dakota.
This is why the House passed
the Regulations from the Execu-
tive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS)
Act this week. The REINS Act,
which I was proud to cosponsor, is
a common-sense bill that requires
Congress to take an up-or-down
vote on all new major rules with
an annual economic impact of
$100 million or more before they
can be enforced.
Small business owners and fam-
ilies are facing difficult decisions
because of Obamacare and many
are surprised to know the IRS is
responsible for implementing over
50 different aspects of the Presi-
dents health care law. This
agency is already in trouble with
Congress, and the American peo-
ple, for its inappropriate and ille-
gal targeting of political groups. I
find it troubling that this same
agency would enforce the disas-
trous health care law, one of the
most expansive and expensive
laws ever passed. I also voted for
the Keep the IRS off Your Health
Care Act. This bill prohibits the
IRS from implementing any por-
tion of Obamacare.
Ive heard from many South
Dakotans who believe the federal
government is out of touch and
stories of lavish and expensive
employee conferences only further
damage the governments credibil-
ity. Last year, the General Serv-
ices Administration spent
$820,000 on a single conference in
Las Vegas! In response, the House
passed the Government Spending
Accountability Act of 2013. The
purpose of the bill is simple. It re-
quires that federal agencies pub-
licly post detailed information
about conferences and also limits
the amount agencies can spend on
a single conference. I believe this
bill is an important step in encour-
aging transparency and accounta-
The increasing size and role of
bureaucracy is costly and further
erodes the trust of the American
people. This week was an impor-
tant step in tipping the power
back to the people and I was proud
to vote for legislation that will re-
store balance in the government
and save taxpayer dollars. Id like
to hear your opinions on legisla-
tion passed as part of Stop Gov-
ernment Abuse Week, and would
encourage you to contact one of
my offices to share your thoughts
and concerns.
Working toward efficient
and effective government
I would appreciate your consideration
in the upcoming election for the
Haakon County Rural Director with
West Central Electric Cooperative.
Please come and vote on Tuesday, August 13
at the Philip Legion Hall from 7-8 p.m. MT!
Thank you, Kevin Neuhauser
This ad ordered and paid for by the candidate.
continued on 10
WERE yOu RIGHT? Last weeks picture: Former Napa building window on
E. Pine Street. around Philip there are many architectural elements on
buildings as well as other items that we see on a daily basis. But, can you
identify them when given just an upclose snapshot? Heres one for you
to try. The answer will be in the next weeks Pioneer Review.
Where is it?
August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 7
Subscribe to our
online edition at:
Having just turned sweet 16,
Celine Trask was injured in a
ranch related accident late in
2012. She has endured many
surgeries and continues
strong in her rehabilitation
efforts. Please come and help
us celebrate Celine, her sweet
birthday, and her amazing
ongoing recovery.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Free Will Supper ~ 5 p.m. Live Auction to follow ~ 6 p.m.
Elm Springs Hall, Elm Springs, SD
To donate auction items
or for more information,
contact Shirrise Linn 798-2413,
Margaret NachtigaII 798-2365
or Arneson Auction 798-2525.
See Iist of items at:
or on Facebook
LSS provides compassionate, confidential domestic and
international adoption services to birth families, adoptive
families and, most importantly, their child.

The moment we held her,

we knew
she was
our little girl.

We build familiesone child at a time.


AII Pennington-Jackson County Farm Bureau Members
The annual meeting and resolutions meeting will be held on Monday,
August 12th at 7:30 p.m. t will be held in the small meeting room in
the Wall Community Center and refreshments will be served.
Resolutions presented by Pennington-Jackson County Farm Bureau
members will be voted on and those that pass will be sent on to the
supper Sunday night at Jason and
Vonda Hamill's and boys.
Matt Arthur and his brother,
Murdock Arthur, Enning, at-
tended the wedding of a friend in
Huron over the weekend.
Jim Stangle was in Colorado
Springs from Thursday through
Saturday for veterinary meetings.
Connor and Mackenzie Hovland
spent Saturday and that night
with their grandparents, Deanna
and Kelly Fees. Miles and Erin
brought them home Sunday after
enjoying dinner at the Fees home.
Chad and Kathy Hanrahan and
Jim and Adele Harty were among
the group in Pierre for the week-
end attending a Young Farmers
and Ranchers Summer Fest.
Jeff Schofield and his family
were dinner guests at Donnie and
Bobette Schofield's Sunday.
Stephanie Piroutek, age 11, is
having fun this week at the Mike
and Faye Piroutek's. Stephanie's
parents are David and Rita
Piroutek of Cheyenne, Wyo.
Sara Birney and two daughters
of Onida spent the weekend with
her sister, Pat and Mark Hanra-
han. Coming Sunday were Pat's
nieces from Pierre, Miranda and
Makayla Wilson. They are spend-
ing the week with Aunt Pat and
Uncle Mark.
While visiting with Hugh and
Ann Harty, I found out all kinds of
things they've been up to. The last
of June, they took the AmTrack
from Minot, N.D., to Spokane,
Wash. They visited Hugh's cousin,
Kathryn (Burns) Mathison, and
her daughter, Donna Kay.
Kathryn, the daughter of Frank
and Gertrude Burns, lived in
Milesville for a time. Frank was
an uncle to Harry Burns, the
Haakon County sheriff at one
time. The trip took 15 hours and
they said they went through the
middle of Glacier Park.
Hugh and Ann will be spending
their time in Hermosa, Owanka,
and Milesville. Today (Monday),
their new modular home was set
up in Owanka. Ann is working
part-time in Keystone this sum-
mer, so their Hermosa home is
convenient during those times.
Their address is 23150 173rd Ave.
Owanka, SD 57767.
Ed Harty is no longer working
in the oil fields in North Dakota.
He has employment now in
Gillette, Wyo.
A week ago, Joan Hamill spent
some time in the Black Hills visit-
ing relatives. Her cousins, Kathy
(Schutz) and Jeff Schneekloth and
two children of Sioux Falls and
Scott Schutz and daughters got to-
gether with Joan in a family
cabin. The late Rheta (Elshere)
and Ray Schutz were Kathy and
Scott's parents.
Saturday afternoon, August 3,
Joan Hamill and Jeanine Ander-
son enjoyed the production of
"Children of Eden" at the Black
Hills Playhouse near Keystone.
Joan said that a mini-bus takes
passengers from Rapid City to the
playhouse a couple of times a
Autumn and Kamri Parsons
went camping with their Grandpa
Jim and Grandma Betty Smith at
Hart Ranch from Saturday
through Monday.
Wade and Marcy Parsons and
Keenan went to Rapid City Satur-
day to see their friend, Vance Mo-
riarty, who was involved in a
motorcycle accident and is hospi-
talized. They were overnight
guests of Joanne Parsons. Sun-
day, they attended a family picnic
at Storybook Island. Jim, Betty,
Autumn and Kamri also attended.
Jim and Lana Elshere's
grandaughter, Grace Anderson,
spent the month of July with them
from her home in Miles City,
Mont. The week of July 21-24, Jim
and Lana also had grandsons,
Talon, Thayne, Trik and Tel, sons
of J.J. and Lindsay. On the 27th,
Jim and Lana were in New Un-
derwood for a 4-H rodeo to watch
six of their grandchildren partici-
pate, then on to Deadwood for the
rodeo. In Deadwood, they met
Linda (Elshere) and Don Connor
from Denver and Don's cousin and
husband from Oklahoma. Lana
was in Philip Saturday afternoon
for the Little Rascals rodeo where
grandchildren, Trey and Jenna,
were participating. Isn't it nice
having your grandchildren close
enough to take part in their activ-
Monday, July 29, Charles, Jeff,
Terri, Leah and Zoe Staben en-
joyed birthday cake at the Paul
Staben's. Tina was celebrating her
Paul Staben reported to federal
jury duty Monday in Pierre, but
was not chosen so was able to
come home.
Bart and I were in Scottsbluff,
Neb., several days at the end of
July for the State Legion Baseball
tournament held in Gering. The
George Hohwielers were there, as
well as Earl, Jodi, Rachel and
Sarah Parsons for part of the
time. The Aurora team won their
first game, then lost the next two.
July weather information: Pre-
cipitation for July was 1.20. For
the year so far 12.76.
Average high was 86 with the
highest on July 11 with 104, fol-
lowed by 101 on July 18. There
were 11 days with a temperature
of 90 or above. It got in to the 70s
for two days.
Average low was 61. July 27
claimed the lowest temperature of
48. There were 10 days with lows
in the 50s. During the time from
the middle of June until the mid-
dle of July, was Milesville's fifth
driest time on record with a total
of .33. Thanks to the Staben fam-
ily for this informatrion.
Milesville News
continued from page 5
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Good morning from Knoxville,
Iowa, where Bill and I and the old
cat are in camp with friends for
the World of Outlaw races. It isnt
quite as big a deal as the Sturgis
bikers week, but draws a lot of
folks and explodes the population
of this small town by many thou-
sands more than the normal. It is
humid, the corn and soybeans look
wonderful and the hay is abun-
dant, but the rivers are short of
George, Sandee and Roxie Git-
tings were in Rapid City Monday
keeping appointments for George
and Sandee.
Ralph and Cathy Fiedler were
missing in action last week! They
must have been getting set up and
ready to observe the rally from
their deck in Sturgis.
Monday, I was busy helping
folks keep their appointments
with the Haakon County Prairie
Transportation van. While in
Philip, I had coffee with Dean Par-
sons. The rest of my day, I was
busy with a shirt order for the
Rodeo Bible Camp which will be
held in Kadoka starting the end of
the week.
Raynae (Brooks, Richburg)
Buchholz called Vi Moody Tues-
day from Alabama and they had a
nice visit. Her brother, Richard
Brooks, is still camping near them
and enjoying the Gulf area. They
have had a lot of company at their
place near Irvington all summer
and Raynae finds enough mowing
jobs to keep everyone busy. It's a
steady job doing that kind of work
in South Dakota this year also. Vi
finds abundant yard mowing at
the ranch when they return from
Rapid. And it makes them really
appreciate their neighbors for
tidying up their yards up in Rapid
Valley. It's about a three hour job
each time to mow speaking of
that time to go back to work!
Roxie Gittings returned to
Eagan, Minn., Tuesday after
being a good helper and support
person while her folks are dealing
with health issues. George Git-
tings was able to work the sale
Tuesday after getting the okay
from the eye doctor. He had to
keep his head down for eight
hours a day during the healing
process from the torn retina. Good
job, George.
Tuesday morning, I was busy
again with the community van,
making a trip to Philip. Bill moved
his motor home from Terry
Bucherts place to Howes and set
up camp and was busy in the field
until a breakdown sent him for re-
pairs. In the meantime, I was
making plans to drive to Howes
and spend the night with Bill. The
skies were black and looking
nasty, but as I rushed out the door
looking at my phone and trying to
pull up a radar image, I dismissed
the problem, and ran to pick up
groceries to take with me. That is
when the hail, wind and rain ar-
rived! Ugh, wouldnt you know, I
had the good car there. Many
dents later, all was quiet, but it
left behind an inch of rain. I con-
tinued on toward Howes. The hail
did a tremendous amount of dam-
age in Philip, broken windows and
siding on homes and crops north
of town, millet and corn, were
pretty much destroyed. On the
south side of town, the wheat in
the field didnt appear to be dam-
aged. We were fortunate to have
not lost any windows. On my trip
Betwixt Places News
by Marsha Sumpter 837-2048
On July 31, the United States
House of Representatives passed
the Bipartisan Student Loan Cer-
tainty Act of 2013, by a vote of
South Dakota Representative
Kristi Noem voted in favor of the
legislation, which provides a long-
term solution to the student loan
interest rate issue.
The act is an amended version
of the Smarter Solutions for Stu-
dents Act first passed in the
House. According to the U.S.
House of Representatives, Educa-
tion and the Workforce Commit-
tee, the act will:
Calculate undergraduate
Stafford loans using a formula
based on the 10-year treasury
note plus 2.05 percent.
Calculate graduate Stafford
loans using a formula based on
the 10-year Treasury note plus 3.6
Calculate graduate and parent
PLUS loans using a formula based
on the 10-year Treasury note plus
4.6 percent.
Protect borrowers in high in-
terest rate environments by in-
cluding an 8.25 percent interest
rate cap on Stafford loans made to
undergraduates, a 9.5 percent cap
on Stafford loans made to gradu-
ate students, and a 10.5 percent
cap on PLUS loans.
Provide stability for students
by locking in interest rates for the
life of the loans, and prevent fu-
ture uncertainty about whether
Congress is going to act in time to
change the interest rate.
The House of Representatives
first passed the Smarter Solutions
for Students Act on May 23, 2013.
The Senate amended and approve
the House-passed legislation on
July 24, 2013.
This bill also provides retroac-
tive rate coverage to newly issued
loans taken out after July 1, 2013.
The bill now waits the presi-
dents signature to make it law.
House passes
loan fix
Achievement Days
August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 8
Project Runway local style
The fashion judging for Project Runway was based on the entrants knowledge of their presented attire and their
poise. The youth could model either constructed or purchased garments. Each contestant had to also describe the
occasions when they plan to wear their outfits. The youth later modeled their clothing on stage for the audience.
Shown, from left, are Shaina Solon, Tagg Weller, Katie Butler, Mallory Vetter, Grace Pekron, Gage Weller and
Savannah Solon.
Del Bartels/Pioneer Review
The 4-H presentation competition during the Haakon/Jackson 4-H Achievement Days consisted of youth who had
already earned purple ribbons at youth in action days. Results of this competition will be announced during 4-H
Recognition Night in November. En-
trants could present illustrated talks,
public speeches, demonstrations or
project whys in their experience
brackets senior, junior or begin-
ner. Some presented in more than
one category. Shown, back row,
from left: Savannah Solon How to
Make a Frienship Bracelet, Shaina
Solon Cleaning and Oiling Your
Saddle and How to Deworm a
Horse, Sage Gabriel in a team
presentation Just Horsin Around
and MacKenzie Stilwell Painted
Vases, Common Woodworking
Tools and a team presentation
Hands Only CPR. Front: Gage
Weller Caring for Your Cowboy
Boots, Cuts of Meat and a team
presentation Hands Only CPR,
Grace Pekron Strawberry Yogurt
Topping, Cedar Gabriel team
presentation Just Horsin Around
and Tagg Weller Common Beef
Talk-off presentation contest
Annual talent show
Friday evening of the Haakon/Jack-
son County Fair and Achievement
Days began with the annual, free
will barbecue at Philips American
Legion Hall, sponsored by the
Haakon/Jackson Fair Board. The
traditional ice cream social fol-
lowed and then the talent show
began. Contestants could enter in
vocals, musical instruments, dance
or read an original piece of poetry
or dramatic writing. Each entrant in
the under 13 age group received a
hearty applause from the audience.
While the judges were deliberating
the winner of the 13-18 age group,
the scheduled sweet treat auction
was held. The winners of the 13-18
age group were the Ferguson duet,
with Tyshia accompanying her sister
Jasmine on Alibi. They are now
qualified to participate in state com-
petition at Mitchells Corn Palace.
Tyshia Ferguson, left, and Jasmine Ferguson performing Alibi.
Rehgan Larson singing The Climb Tara Schofield singing I Will Fly.
Aitanna Nadala accompanied her-
self on the guitar while singing Its
Your Love, played the piano piece
Hungarian Rhapsody #5 and
then sang Fire in the Rain.
Del Bartels/Pioneer Review
The sweet treat auction was still going on when these five decided that what
they won should be enjoyed immediately. From left are Jessa Schofield,
Taylor OConnell, Kendall OConnell, Hana Schofield and Tara Schofield.
As part of the county fair, a garden-
ing presentation was offered by
Elke Baxter.
The large animal show involved sheep, goats and cattle. Future contestants
lined the fence to see the animals and their presentation, and to hear the
judges comments.
Sports & Local News
August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 9
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Local cowboys win at NLBR finals
Four local cowboys with some of their winnings from the National Little
Britches Rodeo Association Finals in Pueblo, Colo. From left are Wyatt
Schaack, Wall, Reed Johnson, Philip, Rance Johnson, Philip, and Wynn
Schaack, Wall. All attend Philip High School or junior high.
It was worth the trip to Pueblo,
Colo., for Wyatt and Wynn
Schaack and Reed and Rance
Johnson for the National Little
Britches Rodeo Association Finals
July 21-27.
All four boys brought back nu-
merous buckles which were
awarded to those who placed sev-
enth or higher in each event.
Wyatt Schaack, had qualified in
calf roping, steer wrestling and
with Brady Edleman, Huron, in
team roping. In first round action
Wyatt took first place in calf rop-
ing with a time of 10.25 and fifth
in steer wrestling with 6.37. In the
second go he was fifth in steer
wrestling with 6.70 and fifth in
team roping with 7.07. Wyatt sat
in second place for the average as
well as year end standings.
Reed Johnson qualified in sad-
dle bronc, calf roping and team
roping with his brother Rance.
Rance also qualifed in calf roping.
Reed and Rance took seventh
place in team roping with a time
of 7.67 in the first round. The sec-
ond round saw them with second
place in team roping with a time
of 6.53. For team roping the
Johnons were ninth in the aver-
age and seventh in the world
Wynn Schaack qualified in flag
racing, breakaway roping, goat
tying, dally ribbon roping with
Kaydin Davis, Dupree and team
roping with Jace Engesser,
Nancy Haigh/Pioneer Review
The second annual Philip Ma-
sonic Rascal Rodeo, Saturday, Au-
gust 3, drew approximately a
third again more entries over last
The Philip Roping Arena west of
Philip saw 303 total entries in
seven different events for four dif-
ferent age brackets of young cow-
boys and cowgirls. Competition
began at 4:00 p.m. and did not
conclude until after 9:00 p.m.
The events included team rop-
ing, pole bending, breakaway rop-
ing, flag racing, goat tying, barrel
racing, and mutton/calf/pony rid-
ing. The goat tying involved older
kids on horse back, or younger
kids on foot untying a ribbon from
the tail of a tethered goat.
Younger kids could have an older
person lead the them through the
barrel route. Some events were in-
tentionally geared so those entries
did not need to have a horse. Kids
could enter any or all of the
All the entry fees collected went
back to the top winners in each
event. Like last year, the kids
seemed to appreciate the other
prizes, such as halters, straps,
spurs, ropes and hoof knives. All
entries received a commemorative
Livestock was provided by local
producers and organizations.
Barrel Racing
6 & under: Peyton Porch - 1st,
Shaylee Porch - 2nd, Myer Clements -
7 - 9 year olds: Eastan West - 1st,
Dalton Porch - 2nd, Kale Crowser - 3rd.
10 - 12 year olds: Jaycie West - 1st,
Cedar Gabriel - 2nd, Joey Carley - 3rd.
13 - 14 year olds: Sage Gabriel - 1st,
Trista Reinart - 2nd, Williams - 3rd.
Flag Race
6 & under: P. Porch - 1st, S. Porch -
2nd, Tyler Cook - 3rd.
7 - 9 year olds: D. Porch - 1st, E. West
- 2nd, Breeze Amiotte - 3rd.
10 - 12 year olds: Austin Olson - 1st,
Sidney Hanson - 2nd, J. West - 3rd.
13 - 14 year olds: S. Gabriel - 1st,
Trey Elshere - 2nd.
Goat Tying
6 & under: Mattison Reckling - 1st,
Tyce Gropper - 2nd, Chloe Boehm - 3rd,
Clements - 4th.
7 - 9 year olds (runners): Sawyer
Dennis - 1st, Jersey Morrison - 2nd,
Hannah Thorson - 3rd; (horseback)
Crowser - 1st, Matthew Heathershaw -
2nd, D. Porch - 3rd.
10 - 12 year olds: (girls) Tessa Men-
zel - 1st, Carley - 2nd. (boys) Olson - 1st,
Wyatt Olson - 2nd, Miles Clements
13 - 14 year olds: (girls) S. Gabriel -
1st. (boys) Hunter Johnson - 1st.
Pole Bending
6 & under: P. Porch - 1st, Haylee
Porch - 2nd, Latham Gabriel - 3rd, Cook
- 4th.
7 - 9 year olds: Crowser - 1st, E. West
- 2nd, Heathershaw - 3rd, Amiotte - 4th.
10 - 12 year olds: Carley - 1st, A.
Olson - 2nd, W. Olson - 3rd.
13 - 14 year olds: S. Gabriel - 1st,
Anna Piroutek - 2nd.
Breakaway Roping
7 - 9 year olds: E. West - 1st.
Mutton Bustin
6 & under: Karlye Black - 1st,
William Crowser - 2nd, Cook - 3rd.
7 - 9 year olds: Mason Stilwell - 1st,
Piper Cordes - 2nd, E. West - 3rd.
Calf Riding
10 - 12 year olds: Myles Clements -
1st, Dylan Enders - 2nd, Heathershaw
- 3rd.
Steer Riding
13 - 14 year olds: Pedro Dennis - 1st,
Cash Wilson - 2nd, Johnson - 3rd.
Pony Riding
(all ages ) Dylan Schofield - 1st,
Heathershaw - 2nd, Elshere - 3rd.
Team Roping
(all ages) Elshere and Wilson - 1st.
Philip Masonic Rascal Rodeo
The goat tying, or rather the goat ribbon untying, was a blast for younger
contestants at the Masonic Rascal Rodeo.
Del Bartels/Pioneer Review
What would a rodeo, especially a youth rodeo, be with-
out clowns? Austin Pinney, left, and Colten Triebwasser,
right, assisted Masonic member Beaver Scott during the
2013 Masonic Rascal Rodeo, Saturday, August 3, at the
Philip Roping Arena.
Before you can
tie a goat, you
first have to get
off your horse.
After that, the
tying is easy.
In the first round Wynn was
11th in the goat tying with a time
of 10.99. Wynn and Kaydin took
the 12th place slot in the dally rib-
bon roping with a time of 16.87.
For the second go Wynn placed
fifth in the breakaway roping with
a time of 2.74.
by Del Bartels
A majority of the Philip City
Council originally voted against a
resolution for continued applica-
tions for grants toward the pro-
posed $400,000 Philip Trails
During its August 5 meeting,
the divided council finally agreed
to look into rewording the resolu-
tion before its next meeting.
Council member Trisha Larson
reported that funding has been
recommended by the South
Dakota Department of Trans-
portation through the Transporta-
tion Alternative Program grant
program for Phase 1 of the trail
project. The results should be
known by October. Philip is to pro-
vide approximately $12,800 for
the first phase. The Philip Cham-
ber of Commerce has said it would
put forth a total of $20,000 for this
and future trail projects.
Application for grants for trail
phases 2 and 3 would show com-
mitment by the community to
grant providers. Council discus-
sion stressed that no tax money
should be committed. Yet, new
wording of the resolution to con-
tinue the grant application
process should not exclude the city
from helping to pay an estimated
18.5 percent cost share. A major-
ity of the council wants all of the
local funding to come from dona-
tions, borrowed use of equipment
or other sources.
In other business, the council
voiced concerned disappointment
in its insurance provider. An ad-
justor has not yet, even after more
than a month, appraised damage
from a sewer main back-up down-
town. The back-up on June 21 re-
sulted in claims being filed for
costly clean-up and repair of two
basements downtown. Council
member Marion Matt will follow up
on this.
The hydraulic study for drainage
of the U.S. Highway 14/S.D. High-
way 73 area will possibly be com-
pleted and ready for presentation
at the councils next meeting.
Mayor Mike Vetter reiterated that
the reason for the study is deter-
mine if the state should keep its
drainage easements. It has noth-
ing to do with other, neighboring
properties, particularly to the
south. The council approved the
second reading of an ordinance for
a grant from West River Water
Development District to assist
with the hydraulic study.
Kerli Toming, selling books for
Southwestern Advantage Com-
pany, has been granted a one-time
reduced peddler fee to sell books
in Philip. Toming, an exchange
student from Estonia, receives 40
percent of the book sales for her
expenses while in America. A ped-
dlers license in Philip is $35 per
day or $125 yearly. Finance Offi-
cer Monna Van Lint said normally
peddlers dont apply for the li-
cense, but are turned in because
they are selling door-to-door. Be-
cause of the educational content of
the product, the council granted
her a seven day licence for $50.
In her annual update, Haakon
County Emergency Manager Lola
Roseth stressed that city council
members should complete the Na-
tional Incident Management Sys-
tem testing. In recent disasters
across the country, some officials
who have not completed the online
courses have been sued. Three
Philip officials have already com-
pleted the course. Also, a disaster
recovery team should be signed up
and ready to go. Some usually un-
foreseen aspects during disasters
include what to do with evacuees
pets, since the Red Cross does not
allow pets in their shelters.
The ongoing airport projects
will include the contacting of adja-
cent property owners for land
swaps so the airport can expand
its safety zone. Pavement, partic-
ularly airplane turn-arounds,
needs to be rehabilitated with
sealant and other work. The fed-
eral government pays 90 percent
of such projects, the state five per-
cent and the city five percent.
There will be a meeting at 4:00
p.m. on August 12 in the court-
house community room to con-
sider an offer from the South
Dakota Game, Fish and Parks De-
partment for Philip to purchase
the park property south of Philip
along the Bad River.
Approved building permits in-
clude for Greg Arthur to build a
playhouse; Brad and Tanya
Haynes to put up a shed and re-
place a deck; John Heltzel to work
on a foundation and step and to
remodel a porch; Missy Koester to
put up a shed; Sandra OConnor to
erect a fence; Peggy Staben to put
in a sidewalk; and Harold (Bud)
Stickler to put up a deck.
The city has accepted a no-cost
tractor rental agreement with
Grossenburg Implement for 2014.
The company will rent up to four
tractors to the city from March
through October, with the city
being responsible only for general
maintenance and insurance.
The city swimming pools last
day of operation for this summer
will be August 18. The city has re-
ceived the donation of eight lawn
chairs from Ingram Hardware.
City offices will be closed Sep-
tember 2 in observance of the
Labor Day holiday.
The city council meeting of Mon-
day, October 7, has been moved to
Tuesday, October 1, due to the
South Dakota Municipal Leagues
annual conference October 8-11 in
The next regular Philip City
Council meeting will be Tuesday,
September 3, at 7:00 p.m. in the
Haakon County Courthouse com-
munity room.
Philip Trails yes, city money no
At approximately 3:15 p.m., Tuesday, July 30, a 45 minute storm pounded
the area. Electrical power went out for about a half hour, coming back on
in most places during the middle of the hail storm. Insurance adjustors are
still scrambling to review all the damage claims. Trees lost branches, most
small though some very large, as seen above with neighbors raking the
middle of the streets.
Many building and vehicle win-
dows were broken, including most
in the top floor of the Wadell Build-
ing downtown Philip. The huge
main floor windows survived.
Hail storm smashes through area
Del Bartels/Pioneer Review
continued on 12
Pioneer Review is a legal newspaper for the City of Philip, Haakon County, Haakon School Dist. 27-1, Town of Midland, West River Rural Water Development District.
Pursuant to SDCL 21-37-4, Notice is
hereby given that Ethel Elizabeth Frein
has filed a Petition for Name Change to
change her name from Ethel Elizabeth
Frein to Ethel Elizabeth Martin, and that
the time and place set for hearing on this
Petition is the 18th day of September,
2013, at 1:00 p.m. in the Haakon County
Courthouse, Philip, SD, before the Hon-
orable Patricia DeVaney and that all per-
sons interested may appear and be heard
upon granting of said Petition.
Dated this 22nd day of July, 2013.
/s/Gay Tollefson
Gay Klima Tollefson
Attorney for Ethel Elizabeth Frein
PO Box 848
Philip, SD 57567
[Published July 25, August 1, 8 & 15,
2013, at the total approximate cost of
PRO 13-6
Estate of )
Deceased )
Notice is given that on June 28, 2013,
Danny L. Kramer, whose address is
22400 Willow Creek Road, Philip, South
Dakota 57567, was appointed as per-
sonal representative of the Estate of
Linda L. Kramer.
Creditors of decedent must file their
claims within four months after the date
of the first publication of this notice or
their claims may be barred.
Claims may be filed with the personal rep-
resentative or may be filed with the clerk
and a copy of the claim mailed to the per-
sonal representative.
Dated this 23rd day of July, 2013.
/s/Danny L. Kramer
Danny L. Kramer
Personal Representative
22400 Willow Creek Road
Philip, SD 57567
Haakon County Clerk of Courts
140 South Howard
Philip, SD 57567
[Published August 1, 8 & 15, 2013, at the
total approximate cost of $51.62]
Notice of Lapse of
Mineral Interests
TO: All of the Unknown Heirs, Devisees,
Legatees, Executors, Administrators and
Creditors of the Following Named Per-
sons, To-Wit: RAY A. PELLET, MABEL
the Persons Unknown who Have or Claim
to Have an Interest in the Mineral Rights
of the Premises Described Below.
You are hereby given notice that, pur-
suant to SDCL 43-30A, there has been
a lapse of mineral rights in the following
described land:
(Recorded October 19, 1946, in Book
100, Page 213, Haakon County Register
of Deeds.)
(Recorded March 16, 1946, in Book 102,
Page 79, Haakon County Register of
The most recent Statement of Claim was
filed with the Register of Deeds in 1946.
The names of the record owners of the
mineral interest are: Ray A. Pellet, Mabel
Pellet, Alice I. Rippe Adams, Arthur B.
Sweet, Helen R. Rippe Sweet, Mabel A.
Rippe Campbell and Gordon Campbell.
Reasonable inquiry was made into the
status and addresses of the record hold-
ers. It would appear that they are all de-
The person giving this notice is Clint Nel-
son, the current surface owner of the
above described real estate, and who will
succeed as the owner of the mineral
If you have knowledge of the above-
named persons or their heirs, please con-
Tollefson Law Office
PO Box 848
Philip, SD 57567
Clint Nelson
23152 11 Mile Rd.
Philip, SD 57567
[Published August 1, 8 & 15, 2013, at the
total approximate cost of $78.84]
Legal Notices
August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 10
To All Members of Zone Four, Haakon County
Petitions have been filed by more than one candidate in Zone
4, Haakon County, to fill the vacancy on the Cooperatives Board of
Directors. The zone will now hold an election to elect the Director
for Zone 4. The person elected at the Zone Meeting will represent
their zone for a three (3) year term on the board effective at the 2013
Annual Meeting.
The following candidates have filed petitions for the Zone 4,
Haakon County, Rural Director position:
Chuck Kroetch Kevin Neuhauser
PO Box 944 23817 192nd Street
Philip, SD 57567 Midland, SD 57552
The Zone 4 meeting, for the purpose of electing a director, will
be held on August 13, 2013, at Philip American Legion Hall. The
Zone meeting will begin at 6:55 PM (MDT) with the polls opening at
approximately 7:00 PM. The polls will remain open until 8:00 PM
(MDT). All members of Zone 4, Haakon County are encouraged to
back to Kadoka Wednesday morn-
ing there was some fog along the
Cathy Fiedler reported, All last
week the bikers were rolling in
and the tents went up fast.
Changes were happening fast
around town. Wednesday, the
garbage cans were on the streets,
Thursday the stop signs were up
and by Friday main street was
closed off. We should be used to
this after being up here 10 years,
which is hard for Ralph and I to
believe that it has been that long.
Each year is different at rally
time. One never knows. Time
does fly. The weather in Sturgis
was not bad for the week. Quite
cool with some rain showers
Wednesday and Thursday. Not a
lot but enough to get things wet
and make the bikers run for cover.
It was more than welcome to cut
down some of the fire danger.
Don and Vi Moody spent the
week at their Rapid Valley place
keeping appointments and going
through things in the garage, re-
turning to the ranch Sunday after-
noon. They did get a little
unexpected excitement when
some neighbors in Rapid Valley
decided to site in their hunting ri-
fles with a lot of noisy gun crack-
ing going on! It got their attention
until they could determine where
the sound was coming from and
saw the neighbors with a "stand
and a target" next door so that ex-
plained that deal.
Vi Moody said that on the drive
home to the ranch it was a steady
stream of really neat bikes it
was a fun trip. Vi relates to me
every year that we should take
our matching 1978 model Honda
Mopeds to the rally, but neither
lady can get their bikes started.
All you have to do is pedal them to
start them shouldn't be a big
deal. Vi licensed hers again this
year, so maybe a ride is in place
yet! (Note to Vi I saw our little
moped on the street in Sioux
Falls, actually running.)
Thursday afternoon, I picked up
two fellows from the Kadoka
Nursing Home to attend a meet-
ing in Philip about the community
van and how it is used. Also at-
tending with me was Jesse Free-
man, who is going to join our
drivers in Kadoka. Carol Solon
was also in attendance from
Kadoka. Kay Ainslie provided
some delicious pie for those at-
tending the meeting. I went to
Howes to spend the night with
Bill. We slept with the patter of
rain. We awoke Friday morning to
find that an inch of rain had fallen
and when Terry Buchert and Jim
Smith came by it started to rain
more, about another half an inch.
That was when Terry suggested
Bill go to Knoxville, Iowa, for the
races since it would be too wet to
cut wheat for several days and
there was the possibility of more
rain. Bill protested, in case they
could get in the field. Terry fired
him and said to go to the races.
What a guy! With water all over
the place, Bill and I made a trip to
Rapid to get a repair part, visited
Cori Barber and the two little
great-grandsons. Ryder was
plumb tickled to see us and
Raiden woke up to smile at us.
They are a couple of cuties! (Of
course all grandparents say that.)
Grandson Zack Seager was work-
ing, so we didnt get to see him.
When we got back to Howes, the
motor home was made road ready
and we picked up the Explorer on
the way past Terrys and were
home and packing for a trip to car
races and Knoxville, Iowa.
George, Sandee and Kelsey Git-
tings had supper in town Friday
night. Sandee has started a series
of chemo treatments and she tol-
erated the first one very well.
Wishes for the same as time goes
Thursday afternoon, Cathy
Fiedler went to Whitewood to
meet Lynette Klumb to get grand-
daughter Hannah to spend the
night. Ralph was at work, so Han-
nah and Cathy grabbed supper at
a local eating place on the way
home. Everyone was working at
the Klumb home Friday and Han-
nah didnt want to stay home
alone so she came to spend time
with grandpa and grandma. Fri-
day afternoon, Ralph and Cathy
took Hannah to Spearfish and met
Lynette at her place of work to
drop Hannah off. They did some
errands then had supper before
returning home. Ralph is busy
with work at the store. This is his
first time working the rally since
he started his job, so he is fighting
the traffic.
Tony Harty was in Rapid City
all week and his niece, Kathy
Brown, picked him up Saturday
before returning to Kadoka.
Wade McGruder and Jessica
Gittings had supper at the George
Gittings home Saturday evening.
George had helped them with
some work around Jessica's
Bill and I were loaded and ready
to travel early Saturday morning,
taking the cat along. We arrived
in Sioux Falls early enough to
make plans to help grandson Eric
Seager celebrate his birthday
along with Amanda and Adam
Claflin and friends. Eric and I
spent some special time together
later in the evening.
Sunday morning, we had break-
fast with cousin Dave Sherwood
and friend Shirley Conser. They
are in the Tea area. Then we went
with granddaughter Amanda and
Adam Claflin to Flandreau to get
his car that was at his dads. We
also got some metal cabinets out
of a building that was going to be
torn down. Then it was pick up
pizza time and Eric had the oven
preheated. Supper with the kids,
then Bill and I went to the car
races. Who should be there but
Leonard Konst and Terry
Buchert. Terry said it rained 4 at
Jim and Vonnie ODeas in the
Plainview area, so no combining
there. So he said he fired himself
and was on his way to Knoxville,
Iowa, for the races too. Dams in
that area are full and things are
still green and corn and other
grains will do good as long as hail
doesnt come. We noticed that a lot
of wheat fields arent harvested as
we traveled along, but they are
definitely ready to be cut!
Jessica Gittings and Wade Mc-
Gruder brought the fixings for
supper to the George Gittings
home Sunday afternoon. Kelsey
made the dessert. Great supper.
What a great surprise for the
I hear and forget. I see and I re-
member. I do and I understand.
Chinese proverb
Betwixt Places News
continued from page 7
Greetings from cool, overcast,
slightly breezy, soggy northeast
Haakon County. This weather
sure doesn't feel like our normal
early August weather, but we'll
take it. It is amazing how lush and
green the pastures are, especially
following the extremely dry condi-
tions we had last year. I never
imagined we would see such a
turn around! All this moisture is
slowing down haying and harvest
activities, but it sure is making
the crops and grass grow!
We have been receiving benefi-
cial rains on a regular basis for
the past few days, and Monday
night was no exception. The storm
rolled in about 11 p.m., and it
rained fast and furious, accompa-
nied by strong wind and lots of
thunder and lightning. Our house
is protected by tree rows, so we
don't feel the full force of Mother
Nature, but some of the tree
branches and twigs are now in my
yard. Part of my day today will be
spent cleaning up!
With all this weather talk, here
is the weather data for June and
July from our official data keeper,
Marge Briggs: June The high
temperature was 92 on the 26th,
with three days of 90 or above, 15
days of 80 or above, and six days
when the maximum temperature
was 70 or below.
The low temperature for June
was 39 on the 2nd, with eight
evenings of 50 or below and 24
evenings of 60 or below.
The average high was 79, the
average low was 54, and the
month's average temperature was
Precipitation for the month was
1.85, normal is 3, leaving us
1.15 below average for the month
of June. Year-to-date precipitation
at the end of June was 9.95, nor-
mal is 9.28, leaving us .47 above
July The high temperature for
July was 102 on both the 12th
and the 19th, 13 days of 90 or
above, and four days of 80 or
The low was 45 on the 27th,
and we had 17 evenings of 60 or
The average high for the month
of July was 88, and the average
low was 60. The average temper-
ature for the month was 75.
Precipitation for July was 2.24,
normal is 1.97, leaving us .27
above normal for the month. Year-
to-date precipitation at the end of
July was 11.99, and normal is
11.25, leaving us .74 above nor-
mal for the year.
Thus far in August, 86 has been
our hottest day, and 55 has been
our low. And so far this month, we
have received 2.96 of rain, giving
us a year-to-date total of 14.95. In
2012, our total precipitation for
the year was 11.12, which was
5.25 below normal.
With all the rain, I haven't had
to water the garden for a while.
We are enjoying cucumbers, zuc-
chini, green beans, peppers, pota-
toes, beets and snap peas, and
some of the cherry tomatoes are
nearly ready to pick. We are pa-
tiently waiting for the main crop of
tomatoes those are our favorites.
Each year I try to include some
veggies that are not part of my
standard garden, and this year
they included brussels sprouts and
leeks. The brussels sprouts are be-
ginning to form the sprouts along
the stem, and the leeks have really
been growing. I did a little re-
search and found out that I proba-
bly should have planted them
deeper, but I did mulch them
we'll see how things go.
One more crop that continues to
do well is the chokecherries. I was
getting concerned that someone
was going to have to stage an in-
tervention to make me stop pick-
ing chokecherries! It is sort of like
being in a field of sweet corn when
there are rows and rows of won-
derful corn it is almost impossi-
ble to stop picking, even when you
know you probably have more
than you need. But thankfully no
intervention was needed, and all
of the chokecherries I picked are
now either made into jelly or else
the juice is in a jar, ready to be-
come jelly or syrup at a later date.
Chokecherries were an integral
part of the Native American diet,
oftentimes ground up (seeds and
all) and dried to be used later. One
favorite recipe was wojapi, a
chokecherry sauce that is great on
ice cream or used as a dipping
sauce for fresh fry bread. I have a
recipe from my great-aunt, Hallie
Young, she was a wonderful cook.
The moral of this story is that I
am attributing my chokecherry
obsession to my Lakota heritage!
And for any other chokecherry
lovers, there are still plenty of
berries ready to be picked.
On to the news Mary Briggs
traveled to Sioux Falls last Tues-
day for a doctor's appointment.
She returned to the ranch late
Tuesday evening, so she worked
from home Wednesday. Thursday,
Mary saw a doctor in Pierre to
find out why she was having so
much shoulder pain she is now
doing some exercises to hopefully
improve things. Lee and Mary's
granddaughter, Cattibrie Riggle,
competed in the rodeo last week-
end in Ft. Pierre. Lee and Mary
were in Ft. Pierre Sunday to visit
Lee's mother, Lil Briggs. Lil is
continuing to do well, and she is
still living in her home outside Ft.
Pierre. Lee and Mary's grandson,
Seth Joens, was here helping
Grandpa Lee with wheat harvest,
and he is now working in Texas
until the 15th of August. Then it
will be time for him to prepare for
the fall semester at Black Hills
State University.
T.J. and Jeanine Gabriel had a
brief visit from some of Jeanine's
relatives from Iowa Saturday.
Also on Saturday, T.J. and Jea-
nine took their children to the
Rascal Rodeo in Philip. Jeanine
said there was a great crowd and
the kids had a wonderful time.
That is such a great family event!
Nels and Dorothy Paulson have
been working to repair a tractor.
A mechanic from Philip made a
couple of house calls, and now the
tractor is back in working order.
Dorothy celebrated her birthday
last Friday by going to Aberdeen
with Nels on a parts run. Belated
happy birthday, Dorothy! Satur-
day, Nels and Dorothy traveled to
Pierre to join the Hartmann fam-
ily at their annual campout gath-
ering. Their friend, Dale
Hartmann, was celebrating a spe-
cial birthday, and it sounds like
they had a great time.
Lola Roseth and her sister,
Linda Smith, were in Rapid City
last Thursday to visit their
mother, Joy Klima. Sunday,
Duane and Lola did some errands
in Pierre, then went on to High-
more to visit Ruth Neuhauser.
There was no church at Deep
Creek Sunday due to bad roads.
Last Friday, Gene Hudson was
among those helping judge the
achievement days exhibits in
Philip. Saturday, Dick and Gene
were again in Philip for the
achievement days activities. Sun-
day, they traveled to Hitchcock to
attend church and visit their
friends, Bud and Gail Brock.
Moenville News
by Leanne Neuhauser 567-3325
WYLIE? $1000 Flatbed Sign-On
*Home Weekly *Regional. Dedi-
cated Routes *2500 Miles
Weekly *$50 Tarp Pay (888) 691-
5705 www.drive4ewwylie. com.
operators, freight from Midwest
up to 48 states, home regularly,
newer equipment, Health, 401K,
call Randy, A&A Express, 800-
* * * * * *
FOR SALE: 1999 Dodge Dually,
Ext. cab, Cummins diesel, 5
speed, $8,500. Call 685-4052.
FOR SALE: 1998 Dodge, 2WD,
regular cab, diesel, automatic,
$5,800. Call 685-4052. K34-2tc
FOR SALE: 1978 MGB convert-
ible, 52K miles, good shape. Call
279-2606 or 515-3270, Wall, for
price. PW34-2tp
Business & seRviCe
plumbing contractor for all your
indoor plumbing and outdoor
water and sewer jobs call Dale
Koehn 441-1053 or leave a mes-
sage at 837-0112. K31-4tp
Etc. 175 S. Center Ave., Philip.
Great family business, 1 year in
newly remodeled building, lots of
possibilities for expansion. Con-
tact Kim or Vickie, 859-2365.
CRETE will do all your concrete
construction jobs. Call us and
we will give you a quote. Office,
837-2621, Richs cell, 431-2226,
toll free, 877-867-4185. K25-tfn
Specializing in controlling
Canada thistle on rangeland.
ATV application. Also prairie
dogs. Call Bill at 669-2298.
INC., PHILIP: Rock, Sand,
Gravel (screened or crushed). We
can deliver. Dams, dugouts,
building sites. Our 38th year.
Glenn or Trace, 859-2020.
For all your rural water hook-
ups, waterline and tank installa-
tion and any kind of backhoe
work, call Jon Jones, 843-2888,
Midland. PR20-52tp
will do all types of trenching,
ditching and directional boring
work. See Craig, Diana, Sauntee
or Heidi Coller, Kadoka, SD, or
call 837-2690. Craig cell: 390-
8087, Sauntee cell: 390-8604; K50-tfn
faRM & RanCh
WANTED: Hay, straw or stalks
to put up on shares or purchase
in field or windrow. Call Joel
Deering, 381-0885 or 993-3151.
FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, grass
seed and high test alfalfa hay.
Delivery available and volume
discount available. Call 798-
5413. P28-11tc
12-ply, 235/85/16R. $160,
mounted. Les Body Shop, 859-
2744, Philip. P40-tfn
lost & found
FOUND: Large item found on
196th Avenue. Please call and
describe to claim: 685-8368.
LOST: Blue Sony Cybershot
camera possibly in a black with
red trim case. Most likely lost at
Wall City Park on 7/20/13 be-
tween the jungle gyms and park-
ing south of the football field.
400+ pics on the memory card
including newborn-8 mo. pics of
our youngest son which have
not been printed, our other son
who is very blond, my sister's
senior pics (Gerri) and ending
with our recent trip to Wall
Drug. If located, please call 430-
0613 or email sjlaurenz_dc@hot-
mail. com. P35-4tc
GaRaGe sales
YARD SALE: August 10, 7am-
12pm, 803 Dorothy St., Wall.
Clothes, toys, books, electronics
and more. WP50-1tp
SALE: 204 Prairie Drive, Philip.
Saturday, Aug. 10, 9 am-2pm.
Girls clothes sizes 2-16; junior
girls; womens; womens plus;
holiday & household dcor; of-
fice supplies; Avon; and lots of
misc. P35-1tc
helP Wanted
HELP WANTED: Wall Food Cen-
ter has multiple openings, in-
cluding Meat Department. Must
be able to lift 80 lbs. No experi-
ence necessary. 279-2331.
County is accepting applications
for a full time Deputy Auditor.
Must work well with the public,
have clerical, secretarial and
computer skills and perform
other duties as directed. Knowl-
edge of governmental account-
ing and payroll beneficial.
Selected applicant will also work
with voter registration and the
election process. Jackson
County benefits include health
insurance, life insurance, S.D.
Retirement, paid holidays, vaca-
tion and sick leave. Hourly wage.
Position open until filled. Appli-
cations are available at the
Jackson County Auditors office
or send resum to Jackson
County, P O Box 280, Kadoka,
SD 57543. Ph: 837-2422.
Part-time/full-time CNA posi-
tion, benefits available. Contact
Heidi or Nikki, 837-2270.
loving & patient geriatric nurse.
Benefits available. Contact Heidi
or Nikki, 837-2270. K34-tfn
HELP WANTED: Cooks, counter
personnel, wait staff, and assis-
tant manager position(s) are
available for Aw! Shucks Caf
opening soon at 909 Main Street
in Kadoka. Please apply within
or contact Teresa or Colby
Shuck for more information:
837-2076. K33-tfn
County Highway Weed Sprayer.
Seasonal part-time employment
spraying county highway right of
way. Commercial herbicide li-
cense required or to be obtained
before start of work. Pre-employ-
ment drug and alcohol screening
required. Applications / re-
sums accepted. Information
837-2410 or 837-2422, Fax
837-2447. K33-4tc
Jackson County Highway De-
partment Worker. Truck driver,
heavy equipment operator, light
equipment operator. Experience
preferred, but will train. CDL re-
quired, or to be obtained in six
months. Pre-employment drug
and alcohol screening required.
Benefits package. Applications /
resums accepted. Information
837-2410 or 837-2422, Fax
837-2447. K33-4tc
IN WALL has positions open for
housekeeping, laundry and
maintenance. Call Joseph at
279-2127 or 808-284-1865.
Jackson County Highway De-
partment Worker. Tractor opera-
tor to mow county road right of
way, and perform other duties
as directed. Pre-employment
drug and alcohol screening re-
quired. Applications / resums
accepted. Information 837-2410
or 837-2422, Fax 837-2447.
Class A, two years flatbed OTR
experience, clean record, refer-
ences. Rapid City area based
company. 390-5535. P32-4tp
One day per week (Tuesdays), 8
a.m. to 4 p.m. Medical experi-
ence preferred, but not required.
Mail resum to: Philip Eye
Clinic, 810 Mountain View Road,
Rapid City, SD 57702. Ques-
tions, call Angie, 342-0777.
High school and college students
are welcome to apply. Will train.
Apply at either Americas Best
Value Inn and Budget Host Sun-
downer in Kadoka or call 837-
2188 or 837-2296. K26-tfn
HELP WANTED: Sales person to
sell the historic Black Hills Gold
jewelry, in Wall. Meet travelers
from all over the world. Salary +
commission. Call Connie at 279-
2354 or 939-6443, or fax re-
sum to 279-2314. PW24-tfn
MisC. foR sale
FOR SALE: (2) Stihl chainsaws
with extra blades, wood splitter,
wood burning stove with blower,
misc. wood cutting accessories.
All in excellent condition. Call
Merlin Doyle, 279-2452.
FOR SALE: Rapala Husky Jerk
fishing lures, HJ8 and HJ10.
$4.00 each. Call Mark at 441-
7049. WP50-2tc
FOR SALE: Golden Grain corn
stove 2000, burn wood pellets or
shelled corn, good condition,
$1,500. 669-2508. M34-4tp
FOR SALE: Rope horse halters
with 10 lead rope, $15 each.
Call 685-3317 or 837-2917.
will again be selling home-raised
vegetables and S.D. melons at
the NAPA Auto Store, Philip, on
Sundays from 10am-2pm. We
will sell Sunday, Aug. 11,
through Sunday, Sept. 22. Visit
our website at www.rain- for a
wealth of recipes. PR50-1tc
RANCH RODEO: White River,
SD. Friday Nite, Aug. 16, 2013.
6:30 pm CDT. Events: Stray
Gathering, Rescue Race, Kids
Mini Bronc Ride, Branding,
Ranch Horse Bronc Ride. Call
Bill Adrian, 685-8105, to enter
teams. P35-2tc
TON RAGS; i.e. sheets, t-shirts,
TAINS. 25 lb. Pioneer Review,
221 E. Oak St., Philip. P28-tfn
FOR SALE: Australian shep-
herd/heeler cross puppies. Born
6-3-13. First shots, ready to go
end of July, $150 each. 993-
3005. P34-2tp
Real estate
1973 24x68 doublewide, 3
bdrms, 2 baths, new tin roof,
skirting, paint; sheetrocked; no
mice; above average condition.
Could be used as hired man
rental or at hunting camp. Call
Cody, 515-0316. P35-3tc
$25,000, 406 Norris St., Wall.
279-2825. PW35-2tp
FOR SALE: (6) lots in Midland.
Each lot 25x75 (total 150x75).
$2,400. Paula Duncan, 515-
4418. P34-2tc
ferred. Competitive salary/excel-
lent benefit package. For more
information and to apply, please
go to
forus. Job ID #1410.
The City of Freeman is taking
applications for a full time Police
Chief. Responsibilities include
supervision and direction of po-
lice department personnel and
policies, community relations,
police patrol and other law en-
forcement duties. High School
Diploma or G.E.D. required.
Certified Officer preferred.
Salary is dependent on qualifica-
tions and experience. Applica-
tion and job description can be
picked up at Freeman City Hall,
185 E. 3rd Street, Freeman, SD,
or call 605-925-7127. Com-
pleted application can be sent to
Lisa Edelman, Finance Officer,
PO Box 178, Freeman, SD
57029. Deadline for applications
is August 23, 2013.
with Parts and Service Knowl-
edge. FT with benefits. Will train.
Apply Pierre Sports Center 1440
N Garfield Ave Pierre, SD 605-
OPENING: Library Media Spe-
cialist. Contact: Tammy Meyer,
516 8th Ave W Sisseton, SD
57262 605-698-7613 Position
open until filled. EOE.
12 spec. ed. teacher. Contact
Peggy Petersen, Supt. (605) 948-
2252 or at Peggy. for applica-
tion. Open until filled.
TRICT is seeking applications for
a HS Math Instructor (w/wo
Head Boys BB Coach); Base Pay
- $34,150 plus signing bonus.
Contact Supt. Lenk at Dupree
School (605) 365-5138.
SION is taking applications for
full- time Douglas County High-
way Superintendent. Must have
valid Class A Drivers License.
Experience in road / bridge con-
struction / maintenance. For
application contact: Douglas
County Auditor (605) 724-2423.
TIVES is seeking people inter-
ested in an agronomy career.
Various positions in central
South Dakota available. Email or
call Midwest Cooperatives 1(800)
TRACTOR GUARD: Prevent win-
dow breakage on tractors, skid
steers, and construction equip-
ment. 100% visibility. Two
minute installation. All makes
and models. 512-423-
statewide for only $150.00. Put
the South Dakota Statewide
Classifieds Network to work for
you today! (25 words for $150.
Each additional word $5.) Call
this newspaper, 605-859-2516,
or 800-658-3697 for details.
The Pioneer Review
Business & Professional Directory
Family Dentistry
Monday - Tuesday - Thurs. - Friday
8:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 5:00
859-2491 Philip, SD
104 Philip Ave. South of Philip Chiropractic
BULL-A-RAMA Sat., August 17,
2013, 6:30 pm, Redfield, SD,
$3,000 Added Money, Contest-
ant Registration: Monday, Au-
gust 12, 2013, From 12pm-l0pm
605-259-3254 For more info:
WANTED. Possible living quar-
ters for the right person. Brand-
ing Iron Inn, Faith, SD, call Tim
or Deb 1-605-967-2662.
Prison, Pierre, SD, is seeking
Chemical Dependency Coun-
selors. Successful candidate
must have the ability to become
certified as CD Counselor. A
bachelors degree in alcohol and
drug abuse studies, counseling,
psychology or related field pre-
Complete Auto Body Repairing
Glass Installation Painting Sandblasting
Toll-Free: 1-800-900-2339
Pee Wee & Toby Hook
859-2337 Philip, SD
imum for first 20 words; 10 per
word thereafter; included in the
Pioneer Review, the Profit, & The
Pennington Co. Courant, as well
as on our website:
Tributes, Etc. $6.00 minimum
for first 20 words; 10 per word
thereafter. Each name and initial
must be counted separately. In-
cluded in the Pioneer Review and
the Profit.
minimum for first 20 words; 10
per word thereafter. Each name
and initial must be counted sep-
arately. Printed only in the Pio-
neer Review.
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for
bookkeeping and billing on all
DISPLAY AD RATE: $8.00 per
column inch, included in the Pi-
oneer Review and the Profit.
$5.55 per column inch for the Pi-
oneer Review only.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate ad-
vertised in this newspaper is subject to the
Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which
makes it illegal to advertise any preference,
or discrimination on race, color, religion,
sex, or national origin, or any intention to
make any such preference, limitation, or
This newspaper will not knowingly accept
any advertising for real estate which is a vi-
olation of the law. Our readers are informed
that all dwellings advertised in this newspa-
per are available on an equal opportunity
Send your
Welding & Repair
DOT Inspection
Complete Trailer Repair
Full Line of Bearings & Seals
Tractor Front End & Spindles
Selling New Steel
Recycling Outlet
Refrigration & A/C on Commercial,
Residential & Vehicles
George: 441-3607 Lee: 441-3606
859-2970 Philip
August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 11
Les Body Shop
is looking for
someone to help with
General Shop
Call Mike at
859-2744 or 685-3068
or stop in!
ALL types!

Tire Tanks
Cobett Waters
Located in
Kadoka, SD
Home: (605) 837-2945
Cell: (605) 381-5568
Excavation work of
For all your
Philip, SD
F08lll0 00
Web & Sheetfed
Press Operation
seeking full-time help.
We are willing to train.
* * * *
CaII Don or Beau
or pick up an appIication at the
Pioneer Review in PhiIip
3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, 1,100
sq. ft. open floor plan, vaulted
ceilings, fenced backyard, estab-
lished lawn, oversized detached
garage. Appliances included, all
new in 2008. Call 840-2257 or
307-251-2474. PR45-6tp
bedroom home with big 2-car
garage on two lots. House re-
modeled two years ago, new
roof, windows, siding, high effi-
ciency heat/air with heat pump,
on-demand hot water, nice
propane fireplace, nice back-
yard, deck and more. Would
consider contract for deed. Con-
tact for showing: Don or Tami
Ravellette, 685-5147 (cell) or
859-2969 (home). P27-tfn
WALL: Will consider any reason-
able offer. $23,000 cash or will
consider contract for deed.
Please call 279-2858. PW27-8tc
APARTMENTS: Spacious one
bedroom units, all utilities in-
cluded. Young or old. Need
rental assistance or not, we can
house you. Just call 1-800-481-
6904 or stop in the lobby and
pick up an application. Gateway
Apartments, Kadoka. WP32-tfn
Classified PoliCy
PLEASE READ your classified
ad the first week it runs. If you
see an error, we will gladly re-
run your ad correctly. We accept
responsibility for the first incor-
rect insertion only. Ravellette
Publications, Inc. requests all
classifieds and cards of thanks
be paid for when ordered. A
$2.00 billing charge will be
added if ad is not paid at the
time the order is placed. All
phone numbers are with an area
code of 605, unless otherwise in-
thank yous
The kind citizens of Elm
Springs would like to thank Ray
Olsen for his relentless dedica-
tion to the control and eradication
of Canada thistle on his place,
neighboring property, and public
ground. Thanks, Ray O.!
* * * *
Thank you so much for the
many nice cards I received for
turning 85. They were much ap-
Clark Morrison
We would like to express our
gratitude to everyone who sent
their thoughts, prayers, cards,
food, flowers, calls and memorial
gifts in our time of loss of our son,
brother, brother-in-law and
uncle, Don Thorson. Thank you
just doesnt seem to be enough.
Thank you to Rush Funeral
Home, DJ Rush and staff for their
excellent and professional serv-
ices and for going the extra mile
for us we appreciate it.
Thanks to Pastor Kathy for
your compassion and great serv-
ice. Thank you to the church
ladies for the cookies and lemon-
ade after the service.
Thank you to the Philip bus
service for helping Mom get to the
cemetery and back to the church.
Don was loved by so many and
you showed that with your kind-
ness and generosity. Your kind
words and hugs will never be for-
gotten. Thank you all!
JoAnn Thorson
Laurie Dale & family
Linda Thorson
Rick & Selma Thorson & family
Doug & Nancy Thorson & family
Rhonda Thorson
A sincere thank you to the Four
Corners Fire Department and the
Midland Fire Department for their
quick response to our baler fire
July 30.
Michael & Susan Nemec
& family
Ad Deadline:
at 11 a.m.
Call 859-2516
or email
at Noon
(605} 685.5826
Midland (605} 567.3385
JEFF LONG, FIeIdmanJAuctIoneer
Fcd Owl (605} 985.5486
Ccll. (605} 515.0186
Fcva (605} 866.4670
Milcsvillc (605} 544.3316
Yard Foreman
(605} 441.1984
Siurgis (605} 347.0151
Wasia (605} 685.4862
(60S) SS9:2S??
lkllll ll\lI|K 1||IlK
lkllll, |Ik 01KI1
Upoom1ng Co111e So1es:
P.M. (MT}
LANDERS LIVESTOCK - 300 DLK STFS ...................900=
PETERSON - 220 DLK STFS ..............................800-900=
BRECH - 210 DLK STFS ...........................................900=
& A FEW HFFS .......................................................950=
OPEN HFFS ....................................................700-800=
GRUBL - 10 DLK OPEN HFFS ...................................900=
GITTINGS - 6 DLK & DWF STFS & HFFS ...........650-700=
ROGHAIR - 5 DLK FALL CLVS ..................................600=
CREW CATTLE - 12 CHAFX CLVS ............................350=
VIEW SALES LIVE ON THE INTERNET! Go to: UpcomIng saIes & consIgnments can be
vIewed on tbe Internet at, or on tbe DTN: CIIck on SALE BARNS NORTH CENTRAL
PLA |s now qua||f|ed to hand|e th|rd party ver|f|ed
NhT6 catt|e (Non-hormona| Treated 6att|e}.
Reep suppor11ng R-CALF USA! R-CALF USA 1s our
vo1oe 1n governmen1 1o represen1 U.S. oo111e
produoers 1n 1rode morKe11ng 1ssues. Jo1n
1odog & e1p moKe o d1]]erenoe!
PhiIip Livestock Auction, in conjunction with
Superior Livestock Auction, wiII be offering video
saIe as an additionaI service to our consignors,
with questions about the video pIease caII
Jerry Roseth at 605:685:5820.
PhiIip, SD
Upoom1ng Horse So1es:
A 11g1 run o] mos11g ue1g-up oo111e.
MorKe1 s1eodg. Speo1o1 Yeor11ng So1e
ere ne1 ueeK u11 JSDD eod.
1 ..................................DLK COW 1345=.........$83.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1215=.........$83.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1515=.........$82.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1290=.........$82.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1290=.........$81.00
1..................................DWF COW 1415=.........$80.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1220=.........$80.00
1..................................DLK DULL 2015=.......$105.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1295=.........$82.50
1..................................FED COW 1270=.........$83.50
1..................................FWF COW 1170=.........$83.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1395=.........$83.00
1 ................................HEFF COW 1330=.........$77.00
1................................CHAF DULL 2025=.......$104.50
1................................HEFF DULL 2005=.......$102.50
1................................HEFF DULL 2005=.......$102.00
1..................................DLK HFFT 1090=.......$101.00
1..................................FWF COW 1150=.........$92.00
1 ............................DLK COWETTE 1125=.........$91.50
1 ...........................DWF COWETTE 1175=.........$89.00
1 .................................FED DULL 1810=.......$105.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1365=.........$82.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1295=.........$82.00
1 ............................DLK COWETTE 1090=.........$89.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1175=.........$82.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1315=.........$81.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1235=.........$75.50
1 ..........................HEFF COWETTE 1195=.........$84.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1215=.........$81.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1245=.........$80.50
1..................................DWF COW 1550=.........$77.00
1..................................DLK DULL 2005=.........$99.00
1..................................DLK DULL 1805=.........$97.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1260=.........$80.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1485=.........$78.00
1..................................DLK DULL 1870=.......$104.00
1..................................DLK DULL 1850=.......$102.00
1................................CHAF DULL 1880=.......$103.00
1................................CHAF DULL 2025=.......$101.00
1..................................DLK DULL 1955=.......$102.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1385=.........$79.50
1..................................DWF COW 1540=.........$78.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1570=.........$77.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1750=.........$74.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1310=.........$78.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1480=.........$77.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1395=.........$77.00
1..................................DWF COW 1525=.........$77.00
1 .................................FED DULL 1705=.......$100.50
1..................................DLK DULL 1430=.......$100.00
1 .................................FED DULL 1780=.........$99.50
1..................................DLK DULL 1810=.........$99.00
1..................................DLK DULL 1605=.........$99.00
1..................................DLK DULL 1755=.........$98.50
1..................................DLK DULL 1745=.........$98.50
1..................................DLK DULL 1715=.........$98.00
14.....................DLK & DWF HFFS 699=.........$147.00
2 .................................DWF STFS 403=.......$790/HD
1..................................DLK HFFS 335=.......$700/HD
1 ...........................DWF COWETTE 1030=.........$91.00
August 8, 2013 Pioneer Review Page 12
Lunch Specials:
11:00 to 1:30
Call for
Regular Menu
Available Nightly!
* * *
Friday Buffet
5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Downtown Philip
~ Saturday, August 10 ~
Petite Filet Special
~ Monday, August 12 ~
1/2 lb. Cheeseburger
The Steakhouse & Lounge
Open Daily ~ Monday thru Saturday
Salad Bar
Available at
~ Tuesday, August 6 ~
Ribeye Special
~ Wednesday, August 7 ~
Indian Taco
or Taco Salad
~ Thursday, August 8 ~
~ Friday Buffet, August 9 ~
BBQ Pork Ribs
Chicken Shrimp
Kevin Neuhauser was in Pierre
Friday to get repairs, and he
stayed and watched his son, Nick,
play softball that evening. By the
way, happy belated birthday to
Kevin! Saturday, Kevin and Mary
went to Sturgis, met up with their
daughter, Sarah, and her friend,
Eric, and spent some time observ-
ing all the motorcycles in town for
the rally. Part of the day Sunday
was spent picking chokecherries.
Kevin and Mary's daughter, Bri-
anna, returned late Sunday from
a 10-day trip to England. Sounds
like she and her friends had a
wonderful time.
Clark and Carmen Alleman
have been enjoying special time
with their granddaughters. Alivya
spent a couple of days with Clark
and Carmen last weekend while
Laura was in Rapid City with her
sisters. Granddaughter Morgan
came to the ranch Monday and
will stay until school starts. Ac-
cording to Carmen, Camp
Grandma is going strong!
Clint and Laura Alleman had a
wonderful, busy week. Thanks to
the help and cooperation of Alivya,
Clint, and Grandpa and Grandma
Alleman, Laura was able to go to
Rapid City and spend the week-
end with her two sisters and her
mother, enjoying a girl's weekend.
They had a ton of fun! Clint and
daughter Alivya got along fine
without "Mommy" for a couple of
days, but they were very happy
when she arrived back home.
I had a nice call from Aunt Ruth
Neuhauser. She continues to do
well her muscles are a little
weak, but her mind is amazing!
One of the activities at Highmore
Health, where she resides, is a
spelling bee. Ruth said she spelled
all of the words correctly way to
go! She thoroughly enjoyed the
weekend visit from former neigh-
bors, Duane and Lola Roseth.
The Jon and Connie Johnson
family has been busy with 4-H
achievement days related activi-
ties. Last Thursday, sons Wyatt,
Avery and Noah were in Pierre for
a round robin small animal work-
shop, learning about how to ex-
hibit the animals. Wyatt shared
his expertise on poultry exhibi-
tion. Friday, Wyatt served as a
judge at Highmore and Connie
served as a judge in Philip. The
Stanley County Achievement
Days will be held next weekend.
Last Friday, Frank and Shirley
Halligan were in Pierre to help
Frank's father, Ken Halligan, cel-
ebrate his 92nd birthday. They
had birthday cake at Parkwood in
the afternoon, then they took Ken
out to dinner. Frank's sister,
Laura Olson, came from Buffalo,
and his grandson, Lloyd Gilbert,
wife Patti and sons, Grey and
Sawyer, also came from Buffalo.
Lloyd is the son of Frank's sister,
Linda Gilbert. Lloyd's sons also
took part in the 4-H rodeo over the
weekend in Ft. Pierre. Saturday,
Frank and Shirley traveled to Is-
abel to take in the annual celebra-
tion parade. They visited with
friends and had lunch with their
friend, Marlene Gloe. From Isabel,
they traveled to Faith to deliver
grandson Jerin's birthday present.
Joyce Jones was in Pierre last
Wednesday to attend the 4-H dog
show. Grandchildren Luke and
Mattie entered dogs in the compe-
tition. Mattie had her dog, Milo,
and Luke entered his uncle's
small dog that he had been work-
ing with. The dogs and kids did
well, both earning ribbons. Sun-
day, Max and Joyce Jones and
Todd Jones were in Pierre to at-
tend a 25th wedding anniversary
celebration for Don and Rosemary
Lynn Briggs has been busy with
his garden give him a call if you
need zucchini! Lynn also recently
attended his 30th class reunion.
Ray and Nancy Neuhauser had
a visit Tuesday through Thursday
of last week from her niece and
husband from North Dakota. Fri-
day, Nancy traveled to Sioux Falls
with her granddaughter to attend
the Beth Moore conference there.
Nancy said she had three daugh-
ters, three granddaughters and
one great-granddaughter attend-
ing the conference, and the ladies
had a wonderful time. Nancy re-
turned home later Saturday.
Kelly Briggs said she and the
kids have been busy with garden
produce. The kids love to go to the
garden each day to see what is
ready to be harvested. And with
all this rain, the kids have had fun
playing in the mud puddles!
Irene Willoughby accompanied
her son and daughter-in-law, Jeff
and Julie, to Sioux Falls last Fri-
day to be on hand for the South
Dakota Honor's Choir concert.
Irene's granddaughter, Joni, was a
member of the choir. Choir mem-
bers are chosen through an audi-
tion process, and it takes a lot of
study and talent to be chosen. I
believe Joni was the only choir
member from Pierre chosen this
year. Irene said the concert was
held at the Washington Pavillion
in Sioux Falls, and it was spectac-
ular. She mentioned that she had
seen our daughter, Jennifer, who
was performing as a member of
the honor's choir alumni group.
Next week, Joni will be attending
music camp in the Black Hills.
Our week here at the ranch was
spent doing the usual activities.
Last Wednesday, I met our daugh-
ter, Chelsea, in Kadoka, and
Chelsea and I and my mother,
Letoy Brown, traveled to Pine
Ridge to take care of some busi-
ness. I don't get to that part of the
state very often, so it was fun to
see the countryside. The crops in
the area looked great, but they got
some damaging hail later in the
week, unfortunately. When we re-
turned to Kadoka, we visited with
friends, Bob and Sharel Spears.
Bob showed me an indentation in
his yard that was made by a hail
stone the day before, and it looked
like the hail must have been at
least as large as a baseball. There
were several windows broken in
Kadoka, and lots of siding and
gardens heavily damaged by the
This week, I am grateful for the
moisture. It is amazing what this
country can produce when you
have enough moisture. And I am
also grateful for our riding lawn-
mower! It is really getting a work-
out this summer.
Go out and make it a great
week. And if you are on the high-
ways, please be extra careful of
the folks on motorcycles help en-
sure that they have an enjoyable
time in our state!
Moenville News
continued from page 10

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