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a big fat zero for tory britain

he issue of zero hours contracts has hit the front pages in recent days. Up to 1 million workers are on contracts that give no guarantee of regular work, sick pay or holidays. Employers from McDonalds and Sports Direct to local councils, hospitals and further education colleges talk of flexibility. But for us it means insecurity. McDonalds has 82,800 workers on the contracts. Thats no surprise from a company that has been up to its neck in the government slave labour workfare schemes. Alongside insecurity at work we have insecurity at home. The bedroom tax and benefit cap means families face eviction. At the heart of the attacks is the Tories austerity programme. The economic crisis has dragged on since 2008 and workers are still paying the price. oppose austerity and defend our NHS. The bigger that demonstration is the more confident well all feel to take on the Tories. In the autumn hundreds of thousands of teachers plan strikes in defence of pay. Firefighters and postal workers are balloting for possible action too.

Join the national demonstration on 29 September and lets give...


Protesters occupying Sports Direct against zero hours contracts


Pay cuts, job losses, the destruction of our public services like the NHS are all Cameron and Co have to offer. British workers are in the midst of the longest wage squeeze since the 1870s. David Cameron has presided over 36 months of falling real wages for workers more than any prime minister on record. Disgracefully Labours leaders say theyll stick to Tory spending plans (and cuts) and are distancing


themselves from the trade unions. We cant rely on Labour, but we can still fight and win. Last week saw crucial services at south east Londons Lewisham hospital saved. This victory came after the campaign put 30,000 on the streets. Resistance gets results.

There is the potential to bring these fights together. Back in November 2011 over 2.6 million workers struck against attacks on pensions. But the powerful strike movement was ended as some trade union leaders backed away from a fight. We cant let that happen again. Millions of people want to see real resistance to the Tories. In every area we should be linking up trade union branches and campaigns to build for the protest in Manchester and for wider resistance to come.

On Sunday 29 September the Unite, Unison and GMB unions are calling for tens of thousands to march in Manchester during the Tory conference. The demonstration has been called to

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