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Harness employee potential

This CEO believes in at organisation structures that reduce various levels of management and seek more involvement directly from baseline employees through a decentralised decision-making process
Person you've learned life's greatest lesson from? My Dad, a great inspiration, and he taught me the value of hard work, focus and determination. As the founder and CEO of Synechron, Faisal Husain is responsible for providing the vision, overall leadership and driving sales for the organisation. Husain started Synechron in April 2001 after quitting a prestigious job at Merrill Lynch where he was responsible for setting up their outsourcing practice for the e-commerce and xed income teams. Armed with 14 years of work experience as a Wall Street technologist and a hands-on approach in IT services delivery, Husain is regarded as a prodigy in the industry. He is known for his visionary outlook and strategic insights. Husain holds a bachelor of technology degree in aeronautical engineering and a master's degree in computer science. He has 14 years' experience in product development and the IT services industries. If you had to make a pitch for your company in one line, you'd say? An agile organisation focused on nancial technology services, known for its deep business domain capabilities and high customer satisfaction focus. A leader is A visionary with a positive bent of mind and high integrity. Someone who can envision the best way forward for the organisation as well as to act as the torch-bearer for the industry ecosystem it operates in. Typical day for you at work? My mornings generally start with a Financial or Business Newspaper, irrespective of whichever city or country I am in. I check my email and make calls. The most important thing an organisation can do for its employees today? A progressive career path with complementing work-life balance powered by a global work culture that encourages creativity, commitment and fun at work, enabling employees to unlock their full potential. How accessible should a leader be to employees of an organisation? For agile and results-driven organisations like Synechron, it is essential to have an Open Door policy and a Non-hierarchyconscious ofce atmosphere with non-discriminatory care and concern for each and every individual. Flat organisation structures reduce the various layers of management and seek more involvement directly from baseline employees through a decentralized decision making process. By transferring more responsibilities to baseline employees, it becomes easier to harness their full potential and the collective efforts and productivity are far greater. What is that one critical factor which has helped you identify leaders among your employees? The ability to get things done and think ahead of me. Your work mantra Dream big. Keep things simple. Be honest to clients and employees.

You love to eat

Sheesh Kababs and Bagels

You relax by
Listening to good peppy music and playing with my daughters.

You're driving
Ferrari California

You're reading
The 4 Hour Body.

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