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Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Bsebsu, Farag Muftah

Associated Prof.
(MSc., BSc. Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering)

I. Personal Data

Surname: Bsebsu
Name: Farag Muftah
Date of
Place of Messallata –
Birth: Libya
Nationality: Libyan
Children Six, (4 boys and
No.: 2 girls)

II. General
1. PhD. Degree (I graduated CUM LAUDE, and Certificate No.:
1109/PhD) from the Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of
Energy Engineering, in Mechanical Engineering (1996-2001),
2. MSc. Degree, in Mechanical Engineering major in Air Conditioning
and Refrigeration, and I graduated excellent, and Certificate
No.: 127/1995) ) from the Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department for
Energy and building design, (1992-1995).
3. BSc. Degree, in Nuclear Engineering from the Al-Fateh University,
faculty of Nuclear and Electronic Engineering, Department of
Nuclear Engineering, (1978-1983).
4. Working
4.1 (1984-1992): Tajoura Nuclear Research Center (TNRC), Tripoli –
Libya as a researcher at Scientific Calculation Department and
Reactor Department.
4.2 (1992-2001): M.Sc, and Ph.D. Study program.
4.3 (2001- until now): Tajoura Nuclear Research Center (TNRC),
Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya as researcher at Reactor Department, Head of
Scientific Calculation Unit, Scientific member of Tajoura reactor core
conversion program from HEU to LEU fuels.

III. Teaching Activity (Part Time)
1. El-Merqab University (2002 – 2007), Faculty of Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering Department (Heat Transfer, Fluid
Mechanics, Air Conditioning and Heating and Renewable Energies).
2. El-Gabel University (2004/2005), General Department, (Math III and
3. Messallata Higher Center for Comprehensive Professions (2003 –
until now), Mechanical Engineering Department (Heat Transfer, Fluid
Mechanics, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Thermodynamics,
Mechanics and Statics )..
4. Suq El Goumaa Higher Center for Comprehensive Professions
(2003), Mechanical Engineering Department (Air Conditioning and
5. Al-Fateh University, faculty of Engineering, Department of Nuclear
Engineering, Supervisor of B.Sc. Student project, Uncertainties
Treatment in Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Tajoura Nuclear
Research Reactor.
6. Academy of Post Studies , School of Engineering , Mechanical
Department, Supervisor of M.Sc. Student project (Omar Hamed
Omer Salem), Project Title: Thermal Hydraulic Modeling and
Analysis of Nuclear Research Reactor during Steady State
Operation and Transient Cases
7. Academy of Post Studies , School of Engineering , Mechanical
Department, Supervisor of M.Sc. Student project (Mohamed
Sharaha), Project Title: Flat Plate Solar Heating Collectors –
Design and Analysis.
8. Academy of Post Studies , School of Engineering , Mechanical
Department, Supervisor of M.Sc. Student project (Ibrahim Tawil),
Project Title: Fuel Cell - Design and Analysis.
9. Academy of Post Studies , School of Engineering , Mechanical
Department, Supervisor of M.Sc. Student project (Mohamed
Sharaha), Project Title: Concentrated Solar Heating Collectors –
Design and Analysis

IV. Awards
♥ 1993/1994 Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
♥ 1994/1995 Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
♥ 1996/1997- Student of the Year, Budapest University of
Technology and Economics, Student's International
Union, (Hungary)
♥ 1997/199 Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
8- (Hungary)
♥ 1999/2000- Budapest University of Technology and Economics,

V. Research Interests
o Nuclear Systems Safety.

o Single-Phase and Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer.
o Thermal Hydraulics Aspects of Nuclear Systems Performance under
Steady State and Accident Conditions.
o Renewable Energy Systems.
o Reactor Coolant Channel Modeling,
o Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems, and
o In general, Heat and Fluid Transfer Systems (Heat Exchangers etc.)
and Mechanical systems.

VI. Publications (Papers and Scientific Articles)

1. Bsebsu, F. M., Ramadan, M. M., The Neutroncs Calculation for
TNRR Using Low Enriched Fuel, Proc. 1st Arab Conference on the
Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, Tripoli. (Libya) - Jamahiriya, (1993).
2. Ramadan, M. M., Bsebsu, F. M., Thermal Hydraulic Calculation
for TNRR Using Low Enriched Fuel, Proc. 1st Arab Conference on
the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, Tripoli. (Libya) - Jamahiriya,
3. Bsebsu F. M. and Bede G., A Simple Computer Program for the
Calculations of Reactor Channel Temperature Distribution,
Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Mech. Eng. 41 (2), pp.133-142, (1997).
4. Bsebsu F. M., et. al., Tajoura Reactor Power Up-rating - Thermal
Hydraulic Analysis, International Multidisciplinary Conference on
Environmental and Economical Development in Libya and Hungary,
Godollo, Hungary, April 27-28, (1998).
5. Bsebsu F. M. and Bede G., Nuclear Reactor Channel Modelling
Using the THMOD2 Code, Kerntechnik Journal, 64 (5-6), pp. 269-
273, (1999).
6. Bsebsu F. M. and Bede G.: Theoretical Study in Single-Phase
Forced-Convection Heat Transfer Characteristics for Narrow
Annuli Fuel Coolant Channels, Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Mech.
Eng 46 (1), pp.15-27. (2002).
7. Bsebsu F. M. and Bede G.: Thermal-hydraulic Analysis and
Design of the WWR-M2 Nuclear Research Reactor - Power
Upgrading, Kerntechnik Journal, 67 (2-3), pp. 102-110, (May 2002).
8. Bsebsu F. M. and Estuti A. A.: Simulation of Nuclear Reactor
Multi-passages Fuel Coolant Channel Using GPL, Proceeding of
A (The Third Conference on Mechanical Engineering), Gépészet 2002
conference 30-31,Budapest, Hungary (V. I, Page17-21), (May 2002).
9. Bsebsu, F. M.: A New Theoretical Single-Phase Forced-
Convection Heat Transfer Correlation Proposed for Narrow
Annuli and Rectangular Fuel Coolant Channels. Kerntechink
Journal, (Oct. 2002).
10. Bsebsu, F. M.: Uncertainties Treatment in the Water Cooled
Nuclear Research Reactor – Thermal Design and Analysis, Al-
Nawah Journal, pp 21, Vol. 5/No. 5, Tajoura Nuclear Research Center,
Libya , (2004).
11. Bsebsu, F. M., Zealik, M. M.: A New DNB Correlation Proposed
for Vertical Annuli and Rectangular Coolant Channels Heated
from One or Both Sides in Water – Cooled Nuclear Research

Reactors. Al-Nawah Journal, pp 37, Vol. 5/No. 5, Tajoura Nuclear
Research Center, Libya, (2004).
12. Bsebsu, F. M.: A New ONB Correlation Proposed for Vertical
Annuli and Rectangular Coolant Channels Heated from One
or Both Sides. El-Taknyia Journal, pp 1, Vol. 1 No. (1), Messallata
Higher Center for Comprehensive Professions, Messallata, Libya,
13. Zealik, M. M., Bsebsu, F. M: Determination of Thermal Neutron
flux from (Pu-Be) source of Ag-foil Journal of Basic and Applied
Sciences, The National Board for Scientific Research, Tripoli, Libya,
14. Bsebsu, F. M., Peaking Hot Channel Factors Determination
and Evaluation for Nuclear Research Reactors Performances.
Al-Nawah Journal,, Tajoura Nuclear Research Center, Libya.
15. Bsebsu, F. M., Zealik, M. M: Treatment Methods of
Uncertainties and errors in the Experimental and Analytical
Calculations, Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, The National
Board for Scientific Research, Tripoli, Libya,
16. Bsebsu, F. M., P.L. Garner, and N. Hanan, Steady-State and Loss
of Flow Analysis for Tajoura Reactor Core, RERTR-2006,
International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test
Reactors, Cope Town, South Africa, 26 Oct. – 2 Nov. 2006.
17. Bsebsu, F. M., P.L. Garner, and N. Hanan, Reactivity-Induced
Transient Analysis for Tajoura Reactor Core, RERTR-2006,
International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test
Reactors, Cope Town, South Africa, 26 Oct. – 2 Nov. 2006.
18. Bsebsu, F. M. Abotweirat F. Alwaer S.: Feasibility Study Part – I
Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of LEU Target for 99Mo
Production in Tajoura Reactor, RERTR-2006, International
Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors,
Prague, Czech Republic, 23 – 27 (Sep. 2007).
19. Bsebsu, F. M. Al-Fagaih S. N. : NATIRT Model of the Loss of Flow
Transient for Tajoura Research Reactor with LEU Fuel, Al-
Takniya Journal , Vol. (2) No. (2), Messallata, Libya, (2007).
20. Tawel I.M., Bsebsu F.M, Hareb F.O., Matook A.M.: Fuel Cells – The
Energy Key of Future, Review and Prospective Study, First
Conference and Exhibition on Renewable Energies and Water
Desalination, Academy of Post Studies, Tripoli, Libya, 11 – 13 Mar
21. Bsebsu F.M., Alwaer S.: Feasibility Study Part –I I Theoritical
Study of Fission 99
Mo Production by Irradiation of LEU
Metallic Uranium Foil at Tajoura Research Reactor, under
press (2008).

VII. New papers (Research Taskes) under preparation

1. Bsebsu, F. M., Tajoura Nuclear Research Reactor Thermal
Hydraulic and Neutronic Operating Limit Parameters.

2. Bsebsu, F. M., Omer Salem Ahmed Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of
Multiple Heated Channels Connected Only at Plenums Down
Flow Condition.
3. Bsebsu, F. M., Tajoura Research Reactor - Thermal Hydraulic
Design and Safety Analysis
4. Bsebsu, F. M., Tajoura Nuclear Research Reactor Thermal
Hydraulic and Neutronic Design.
5. Bsebsu, F. M., Fuel Management Strategy of Tajoura Reactor
with LEU Fuel - Theoretical Study
6. Bsebsu F. M., Omer Salem Ahmed: Water Cooled Nuclear
Research Reactor - Heat Transfer Package,
7. Bsebsu, F. M., Nuclear Fuel and Cladding Materials Thermal
Conductivity Effects on the Nuclear Research Reactor
Preformances - Thermal Design and Analysis.
8. Bsebsu, F. M., Critical Heat Flux Correlations for Nuclear
Research Reactors.
9. Bsebsu, F. M., An Analytical Study of Effecte Operating
Conditions on Critical Heat Fluxes in Vertical Round and
Annuli Channels.
10. Bsebsu, F. M. A Comparison Study of Critical Heat Fluxes in
the Vertical Round, Annuli, and other Channels at Coolant
Downflow Condition.
11. Bsebsu, F. M., An Analytical and Comparison Study of Critical
Heat Fluxes in the Vertical Annuli Channels at Coolant Up
and Down Flow Condition.
12. Bsebsu, F. M. A Comparison Study of Heat Transfer
Coefficients Vertical Round, Annuli, and other Channels at
Different Operating Condition.
13. Bsebsu, F. M., Heat Transfer Correlations Study for Thermal
Hydraulic Design of Nuclear Research Reactors
14. Bsebsu F. M., DNB Heat Flux Modelling and Correlations –
Perspective Study,

VIII. International and Internal Scientific Reports

1. Bsebsu, F. M., THMOD2 Computer Program Operation Manual,
Internal Report, Department for Energy, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Budapest – Hungary, (1999).
2. Bsebsu, F. M., Radwan, M. M.: IRTM: PASCAL Computer Program:
IRT-M Fuel Assembly parameters Calculation. REWDRC:
Technical Report Number: R-CU2-01-2005, Tajoura Nuclear
Research Center, Libya, 2005.
3. Bsebsu, F. M., Radwan, M. M.: IRTMCO: Computer Program Ueser
Manual Description. REWDRC: Technical Report No. R-CU2-02-
2005, Tajoura Nuclear Research Center, Libya, 2005.
4. Bsebsu, F. M., Radwan, M. M.: Steady State Thermal Hydraulic
Analysis for Tajoura Reactor Core Using New Fuel (IRT-4M)
REWDRC: Technical Report No. R-CU2-03-2005, Tajoura Nuclear
Research Center, Libya, 2005.

5. Bsebsu, F. M., Radwan, M. M.: Steady State Thermal Hydraulic
Analysis for Tajoura Reactor Core Using New Fuel (IRT-4M)
REWDRC: Technical Report No.. R-CU2-03-2005, Tajoura Nuclear
Research Center, Libya, 2005.
6. Bsebsu, F. M.: IRT-4M Fuel Assembly Design and Calculation
Parameters REWDRC: Technical Report No. R-CU2-01-2005,
Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya, 2005.
7. Bsebsu, F. M: TAJOURA Nuclear Reactor Core Thermal
Hydraulic Design and Analysis, REWDRC: Technical Report No. R-
CU2-02-2005, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya, 2005.
8. Bsebsu, F. M., M. M. Radwan, M. M. El-Guzial, A. Al-Amary M. Al-
Bakoush: Thermal Hydraulic and Safety Analysis of Tajoura
Critical Facility, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-03-2005,
Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya, 2005.
9. Bsebsu, F. M.: Thermal Hydraulic and Safety Analysis of
Tajoura Reactor Core, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-05-
2005, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya, 2005.
10. Bsebsu, F. M.: TAJOURA Nuclear Reactor Core Thermal
Hydraulic Safety Margins, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-
CU2-01-2006, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya, 2006.
11. Bsebsu, F. M.: Determination of the H2O, Be, and Al Materials
Percentage in the Stationary Be Reflector and Al Vessel of
the TAJOURA Reactor Core, , REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-
CU2-02-2006, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya, 2006.
12. Bsebsu, F. M.: Determination of the H2O, Be, and Al Materials
Percentage in the Stationary Be Reflector and Al Vessel of
the TAJOURA Reactor Core, , REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-
CU2-03-2006, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya, 2006.
13. Bsebsu, F. M. and Karima Hussian: TAJOURA Nuclear Research
Reactor Core Theoretical Critical Mass Buildup, REWDRC:
Technical Report Number: R-CU2-04-2006, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya,
14. Bsebsu, F. M.: TAJOURA Nuclear Research Reactor Core with
LEU Fuel Thermal Hydraulic Operating Parameters Setup,
REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-05-2006, Tajoura (Tripoli),
Libya, 2006.
15. Bsebsu, F. M.: Mathematical Model of TAJOURA Nuclear
Research Reactor Core with LEU Fuel LOCA Acciden through
Horizontal Beam Channel t, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-
CU2-06-2006, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya, 2006.
16. Bsebsu, F. M.: Mathematical Model of TAJOURA Nuclear
Research Reactor Core with LEU Fuel LOCA Accident through
Primary Pipe, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-07-2006,
Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya, 2006.
17. Bsebsu, F. M.: Results Comparison of REWDRC and ANL for
Steady State Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Tajoura Reactor
Core, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-08-2006, Tajoura
(Tripoli), Libya, 2006.

18. Bsebsu, F. M.: Thermal Hydraulic Steady State and Transient
Analyses for the Tajoura Reactor Core with IRT- 4M LEU Fuel,
REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-09-2006, Tajoura (Tripoli),
Libya, 2006.
19. Bsebsu, F. M.: Feasibility Study – Part I Thermal Hydraulic
Design and Analysis of LEU Foil Target for 99Mo Production in
the Tajoura Reactor, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-02-
2007, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya, 2007.
20. Bsebsu, F. M., Al-Faghi, N. S: NATIRT - Loss of Flow Transient
Modeling for Tajoura Nuclear Research Reactor with LEU
Fuel, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-03-2007, Tajoura
(Tripoli), Libya, 2007
21. Bsebsu, F. M.: Feasibility Study – Part II Activity Analysis of
LEU Foil Target for 99Mo Production in the Tajoura Reactor,
REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-05-2007, Tajoura (Tripoli),
Libya, 2007.
IX. New Books under preparation (in Arabic and English)
1. BSEBSU, F. M., Fundamentals and Basics of HEAT TRANSFER.
2. BSEBSU, F. M., Calculation and Design of HEAT EXCHANGERS.
3. BSEBSU, F. M., Fundamentals of Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Systems – Analysis and Design.
4. BSEBSU, F. M., Fundamentals of Refrigeration.
5. BSEBSU, F. M., Radioactivity and its applications.
6. BSEBSU, F. M., Thermal Hydraulic Analysis and Design of Water-
Cooled Nuclear Reactors.

IX. Membership of Local, Regional and International

Professional Institutions
 Libyan Sciences Association.
 Hungarian Association for PhD. Holder.
 Al-Manara for Culture and Sciences Association (Messallata - Libya).
 Libyan Radiation Association.

X. Activities and Contributions

 First Arab Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy,
Tripoli. (Libya) - Jamahiriya, 1993.
 The International Multidisciplinary on Environmental and Economical
Development in Libya and Hungary, Godoll / Hungary, 27-28 April
 UNESCO International Conference for Young’s Researchers,
Budapest-Hungary, 24-25 Jun., 1999.
 World Conference on Science for the Twenty-first Century: a New
Commitment, Budapest-Hungary, 26 Jun –01 July, 1999.
 The First Conference on Science Associations in Libya, Tripoli / Libya.
 The International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Budapest
University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Budapest, Hungary. (2002).

 Chief Editor of EL-TAKNYIA Scientific Journal, Messallata Higher
Center for Comprehensive Professions (2004 – until now),
 RERTR-2006, International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for
Research and Test Reactors, Cope Town, South Africa, 26 Oct. – 2
Nov. 2006.
 RERTR-2007, International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for
Research and Test Reactors, Prague, Czech Republic, 23 – 27 Sep.
 C08 - First Conference and Exhibition on Renewable Energies and
Water Desalination, Academy of Post Studies, Tripoli, Libya, 11 – 13
Mar. 2008.

XI. Mailing address and Phones

Addre P. O. BOX 30878, Tajoura
ss: (Tripoli), LIBYA
+218 21 369 3518
+218 21 361 4130 - 37, ext.
180 (Office)
+218 92 527 7465
+218 21 361 4142 - 43



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