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 Sox players ever

the president of Red Sox
ty-four players in all, from
ohnny  Pesky,  and  Jackie
nigliaro, Carl Yastrzemski, 
Wade  Boggs;  to  modern 
my  draws  on  his  personal 
at makes a given player a 
s, many from the National 
Books 3

Advertising 23

Marketing Collateral/Tradeshow 27

Web Design/Multi-Media 36

Illustrations/Photography 37

Kudos 40
bret kerr portfolio |
(continued from front flap)

Delving deeper and deeper into geekdom, our

Forget Frodo—Ethan Gilsdorf guides readers
noble hero plays WoW for weeks on end. He travels to through fantasy lands far more enchanting than
pilgrimage sites: Tolkien’s hometown, movie locations, anything you’ll find in Tolkien’s books.
castles, and archives. He hangs out with Harry Potter —Pagan Kennedy, New York Times Notable author
tribute bands. At a LARP, he dresses as a pacifist monk
for a weekend. He goes to fan conventions and gaming Fantasy. Science fiction. Role-playing games.
tournaments. He battles online goblins, trolls, and sor- Tens of millions of people around the globe turn away
cerers. He camps with medieval reenactors—12,000 from the “real” world to inhabit others. Movie fan-
of them. He becomes Ethor, Ethorian, and Ethor-An3. freaks design costumes and collect Lord of the Rings
He sews his own tunic. He even plays D&D. What he action figures. Some attend comic book conventions
discovers is funny, poignant, and enlightening. and Renaissance fairs, others play live-action role-
“This is a delightful book—more fun than being a Dungeon Master to a group of playing games (LARPs). The online game World of
high-level mages and thieves.”—A. J. Jacobs, New York Times best-selling author Warcraft (WoW) has alone lured twelve million users
of The Know-It-All and The Year of Living Biblically
worldwide. Even old-school role-playing games such
“Witty, downright funny, poignant, honest and . . . well, wistful. Anyone who has as Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) are still wildly popular.
ever embraced ‘escapism’ will understand, and those who haven’t taken that Who are these gamers and fantasy fans?
leap of imagination will want to after reading Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks. …
Reading Ethan Gilsdorf’s tale conjured my own Dungeons & Dragons and fantasy
What explains the irresistible appeal of such
by Wendy Harrington

“escapist” adventures? And what could one man

experiences, vividly.” —R.A. Salvatore, New York Times best-selling author of find if he embarked on a journey through fantasy
The Dark Elf Trilogy, and lead storyteller of 38 Studios game company
world after fantasy world?
“A fun, quirky, and fresh perspective for those wanting to know more about the In an enthralling blend of travelogue, pop
After playing Dungeons & Dragons religiously in the amazing world of gaming.” —David Brin, winner of the Nebula, Hugo, and Locus culture analysis, and memoir, forty-year-old
Awards, and author of The Postman, Kiln People, and The Transparent Society former D&D addict Ethan Gilsdorf criss-
1970s and 1980s, Ethan Gilsdorf went on to become
a poet, teacher, and journalist. Based in Somerville, “Ethan Gilsdorf’s quest for himself leads through the fantasy world of millions crosses America, the world, and other
Massachusetts, he publishes travel, arts, and pop of gamers in a breathless adventure/quest/memoir that is uniquely contemporary. worlds—from Boston to Wisconsin,
culture stories regularly in the New York Times, Bos- This is at once a primer on the world of gaming, a self-help manual, and a New Zealand to France, and Planet
ton Globe, and Christian Science Monitor, and has wistful meditation on the passing of real time in a (nearly) virtual world.” Earth to the realm of Aggramar. On
been published in other magazines and newspapers, —Andrei Codrescu, NPR commentator and author of The Posthuman Dada Guide a quest that begins in his own geeky
including National Geographic Traveler, Psychology “An orcs-and-all journey through geekdom, told with affection for every elf, wizard, and teenage past and ends in our online gam-
Today, and the Washington Post. He has also been a Dungeon Master it meets along the way. Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks is for any- ing future, he asks gaming and fantasy geeks how
guest on talk radio as a fantasy and escapism expert. one who’s ever been lured by the enchantment and secrets of faraway fantasy worlds; they balance their escapist urges with the kingdom
Follow Ethan’s adventures at it gives a personal face to the cloak-swishing, wand-yielding, lightsaber-rattling of adulthood. He questions Tolkien scholars and me-
gamer in us all.” —Melissa Anelli, author of Harry, A History: The True Story of a dievalists. He speaks to grown men who build hob-
Cover design by Bret Kerr Boy Wizard, His Fans, and Life Inside the Harry Potter Phenomenon bit holes and speak Elvish, and to grown women who
Printed in the United States of America
play massively multiplayer online games. He seeks
Front cover image courtesy of the author; axe, spine background
and parchment © Shutterstock; back cover: top left and right by author; out those who dream of elves, long swords, and he-
bottom right top (Klingon Col Kasak zanti-Septaric) © Dave Nelson, roic deeds, and mentally inhabit faraway magical
bottom right © Saul Zaentz Co.; bottom left by the author; bottom left
top courtesy of Harry and the Potters; background map by the author
US $24.95 / CAN $31.95 lands. Gilsdorf records what lures them—old, young,
An Epic Quest for Reality Among Role Players, male, female, able-bodied, and disabled—into fan-
The Lyons Press
Guilford, Connecticut Online Gamers, and Other Dwellers of Imaginary Realms tasy worlds, and for what reasons, whether healthy,

ETHAN GILSDORF unhealthy, or in between.
(continued on back flap)
The Lyons Press is an imprint THE
of The Globe Pequot Press LYONS

fantay_mech_sized_v3.indd 1 6/25/09 4:37:32 PM

Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks

hardcover | 4c matte with spot gloss

Client: Lyons Press

Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3,
Illustrator CS3

After careful research into book styles popular with

the intended demographic, I chose a picture of the
author when he was 15 and a bold type treatment
that evokes a maze of letters. Prior to release the
book cover has received universal kudos on Facebook
groups for the book and within the industry. I also
created an animated book trailer based on the cover.

Author website banner Book Trailer on YouTube (short version)

bret kerr portfolio | cover design

bret kerr portfolio | cover design

Warning SIgns
paperback | 4c glossy

Client: Globe Pequot Press

Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3,
Illustrator CS3

Adhering to the Self-Help category conventions - I

produced a bold book that was telegenic on The
Today Show and other tv appearances.
6 7

the cover featured on The Today Show

bret kerr portfolio | cover

The 1969 Miracle Mets

hardcover | 4c glossy with spot emboss

Client: The Lyons Press

Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3

The challenge here was to make historic images lively yet still convey
the period. I did this through strong typography choices and juxtapos-
ing the celebratory baseball embrace with the duotoned skyline of
Manhattan during that era. Embossing on the title treatment was a
finishing touch.

1969 Miracle MeTs


n the 1977 movie Oh, God!, George Burns,
steven Travers, a former professional base- playing the deity, is asked to prove his divinity
1969 Miracle MeTs

ball player with the St. Louis Cardinals and the by performing a miracle. Burns replies, “The last
Oakland A’s organizations, is the author of
From Worst to First! miracle I did was the 1969 Mets. Before that, I
think you have to go back to the Red Sea.”
fifteen books, including the best-selling Barry
Bonds: Baseball’s Superman, nominated for a This book is a riveting account of the single most
Casey Award as Best Baseball Book of 2002; From the foreword by Bud Harrelson impossible, unbelievable, and wonderful sports sto-
Cover design by Bret Kerr | Cover images © Getty Images | Printed in the United States of America

and One Night, Two Teams: Alabama vs. USC ry of all time—the 1969 “Amazin’ Mets” and their
Many things contributed to our unbelievable season in 1969—homerun hitters, strong pitching, a dif-
and the Game that Changed a Nation (soon incredible spring, summer, and fall as they went on
ferent level of bonding among the players. But the real magic of the 1969 Mets had a lot to do with
to be a major motion picture). A graduate of to capture the World Series. But it does much more
Gil Hodges. . . . One of the coaches would come up to a player and say discretely, Gil wants to talk
the University of Southern California, Travers to you. So you’d go into his office and sit down with him, and he would question you. Afterwards I than simply recount how the worst sports franchise
coached both there and at the University of found out he did that with a lot of players. At the time I thought I was special, but that’s just how he ascended to greatness in a few short months. The
California, Berkeley, as well as in Europe. He made you feel. He had quite an impact on every player on that team. He made the difference. He 1969 Miracle Mets is a story of tumultuous times.
served in the United States Army, attended law really did. . . .
Against the backdrop of the Vietnam War and a
school, and was a sports agent. He has written The Improbable
The team in 1969 was different. You could really feel the camaraderie, and there was a lot of
story New York City in disarray, the Mets proved to be a
for the Los Angeles Times and was a columnist encouragement among the players. . . . It’s amazing what happens when you win—how the friend- of the World’s
for StreetZebra magazine in Los Angeles and ships solidify because you were in battle together and you won. You have this common ground and Greatest metaphor for a changing America and, in retro-

for the San Francisco Examiner. His screenplays emotional feeling that this was amazing or a miracle, because no one expected it. In fact, Casey Underdog Team spect, the catapult for the eventual comeback of a
battered-yet-unbowed metropolis.
Stengel always said the Mets will win when they put a man on the moon. He was a real character
include The Lost Battalion, 21, and Wicked.
and was just being comical, but sure enough, you know, in ’69 they put a man on the moon. One hero of this story is, of course, Tom Seaver.
He has a daughter, Elizabeth Travers, and
At the age of twenty-four, at the start of what
lives in California
would be a remarkable Major League career,
he pitched his team to victory in 1969. Seaver
Bud Harrelson is a former player, coach, and seav e r • K O O s M a N • rYa N • G e N T rY • M C G r aW
represents the crux of what makes this book so
manager of the New York Mets. A key member
of the 1969 World Series and 1973 National
GrOTe • C L e N D e N O N • H a r r e L s O N • C H a r L e s • J O N e s unique, so compelling, such a nostalgic memory
of a town, a team, and a time that is no more.
League championship teams, he was a National aGee • sHaMsKY • sWOBODa • KraNePOOL
League All-Star in 1970 and 1971, and won And yet this is not a book about one superstar,
the Gold Glove in 1971 for his outstanding de- but about an entire team that ascended to the
fensive play at shortstop. Inducted into the New heights. Tom Seaver and his teammates come
York Mets Hall of Fame in 1982, Harrelson alive in these pages as the final symbols of an
became manager of the Mets in 1990. He is the innocent age, an age when the greatest icons
co-owner, baseball operations senior vice presi- The Lyons Press
in American culture—New York sports heroes—
US $24.95 / CAN $29.95
dent, and first-base coach of the Long Island Guilford, Connecticut mounted the stage in awesome splendor, before
Ducks. He lives in Hauppauge, New York. The Lyons Press is an imprint of Watergate, before free agency, before the
The Globe Pequot Press
mercenaries took over.
sTeVeN TraVers
THE Foreword by
BUD harrelsON
bret kerr portfolio | cover design

Thirty-six true tales of the desperadoes, gunslingers,
and bad guys who made the Wild West wild
Its wilderness notwithstanding, the Wild West was not necessarily a place to go in
8 search of peace. While many settlers were decent folk, the American frontier’s wide
open spaces also attracted unsavory characters in disproportionate numbers, many
on the run looking for places to hide while they went on snubbing the law. Badasses
of the Old West brings together in one compelling volume tales of the thirty-six
worst (and best) robbers, rustlers, and bandits who shaped the history of the Wild
West. From the famous, such as Billy the Kid and the Wild Bunch, to the lesser-
known but still colorful and wicked Charles Brown and Bud Stevens, it compiles
the stories of the most notorious black-hat wearers of a notorious age. Here are just

some of the fascinating and forbidding faces you’ll meet:

 Bud Stevens, whose murder of a cattle king’s son rang a death knell for an
entire South Dakota town
 William Quantrill, the terror of Civil War–era Missouri
 Legendary bandits Frank and Jesse James
 Cold-blooded Sam Brown, who sneered while cutting out a man’s heart but
screamed in terror when the tables turned
 Jack Slade, who was such an enigma across much of the West—a
composite of gentleman and murderer—that he charmed both Mark Twain
and Buffalo Bill

Cover design by Bret Kerr | Front cover image courtesy of Library of Congress, back cover image © Shutterstock

TwoDot® US $16.95 / CAN $21.50

Guilford, Connecticut

TwoDot® is an imprint of
The Globe Pequot Press

Printed in the United States of America

Edited by Erin Turner

Badasses of the Old West

paperback | 4c matte

Client: Two Dot Press

Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3

Employing strong, inventively treated type and a bold color palette I

took a grainy Library of Congress image and produced a contemporary,
appealing book cover that is sure to spark readers interest.
bret kerr portfolio | series design
Curiosities series re-design
paperback | 4c matte with spot gloss

2008 Graphic Design USA Award Winner

Client: Globe Pequot Press

Software: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3
My inventive re-design of this best-selling but visually stale
series boosted sales across the board and won a 2008
Graphic Design USA award. The theme of the nostalgic
curiosity box was carried throughout. I also designed the
interior of the book. I made the cover inventive, but easily
customizable in 6 places per state.

customizable ad campaign NY Curiosities author Cindy Perman. (

bret kerr portfolio | cover design

Secrets of Living the Good Life—For Free!

Secrets of Living the Good Life—For Free!


Live Large for Less!

s to live big in Beantown?
Think you have to earn big buck

Think again.
Boston is full of free and ridiculously inexpensive stuff—you just

THE need to know where to look. Leave it to “The Cheap Bastard” to
uncover all the ins and outs and exclusive bargains to be had and
to tell you the real deal with wit and humor.

The Cheap Bastard’s Guide to Boston will show you:
• How to gain free entrance to plays, films, concerts,
and museums
10 THE • Where to find free or low-cost classes in anything from yoga
to sailing
• Where to find half-price meals and free food, including clam
chowder, beer, and burgers
• How to get a low-cost haircut, color treatment, manicure,

or massage

With The Cheap Bastard’s Guide to Boston, anyone can enjoy the
good life!

Kris Frieswick, who has lived in Boston on and off for more than twenty
years, is a humor, business, and lifestyle writer; an award-winning humor
columnist; and a stand-up comedienne. She is a regular contributor to
numerous magazines, including Boston Globe Magazine, the Economist, Worth,
Arrive, Southwest
® Airlines’s Spirit, and Boston. She lives in Boston’s South End.


Kris Frieswick

Cover design by Bret Kerr | Cover images © Shutterstock

Printed in the United States of America
US $14.95 / CAN $18.95

GPP Travel is an imprint of

® ®
The Globe Pequot Press
Guilford, Connecticut

Cheap Bastard’s redesign

GPP Travel is an imprint of
The Globe Pequot Press
Guilford, Connecticut

paperback | 4c matte with spot gloss

Client: GPP Travel


Nadia Oehlsen

Above is a re-design for the Cheap Bastard’s series - with

the directive being to make it appeal to a younger audience.

GPP Travel is an imprint of

The Globe Pequot Press
Guilford, Connecticut
bret kerr portfolio | cover design
Rodeo Cowgirls, Trick Riders, and other
Performing Women Who Made the West Wilder


Rodeo Cowgirls, Trick Riders,

and other Performing Women
Who Made the West Wilder
bret kerr portfolio | Cover Design


We, Robot (left)

paperback | 4c matte with spot gloss on metallic paper

Lyons Press

Working closely with the author - I researched art and designed a cover
that would appeal to the book’s demo and read well at various sizes.

We, Robot (top)

paperback | 4c matte with spot gloss

Lyons Press

Developed an innovative look in a crowded genre.

bret kerr portfolio | cover design

How to Disappear
paperback | 4c matte with spot gloss on metallic paper

Lyons Press

Worked closely with senior decision makers to develop a

marketing position for the book and make 2 appealing choices for
whichever way the book was positioned.
bret kerr portfolio | cover design


Ultimate Guide to Trail Running (top)


paperback | 4c gloss A riveting account of the

game that changed the
course of pro football—
Client: Falcon Guides and of the men who
played it

A vibrant and eye-catching design was made for this second edition of the
Long before the Giants’ historic defeat of the Patriots in the 2008

book. The design was also used for a lucrative custom order for a major
Super Bowl, there was another game many people considered
“The Greatest Game Ever Played.” The 1958 NFL Championship
Game between the Baltimore Colts and the New York Giants
outdoor apparel company. skyrocketed the sport to mega-popularity. The first nationally
televised football game, it featured unprecedented drama, a

slew of future Hall of Famers, and something new—overtime.

One Sunday in December (right) One Sunday in December thoroughly chronicles this legendary
game. Drawing on extensive research and interviews with players
who were there—including Frank Gifford, Sam Huff, Pat Summerall,
paperback | 4c matte with spot veteran
Raymond Berry, Lenny Moore, Gino Marchetti, and Art Donovan—
sportswriter Lou Sahadi tells the story of the game, the men
who played it, and the fascinating circumstances that led up to it.
He delivers an action-packed narrative that will take football fans Speaking Ill of the Dead
Client: The Lyons Press across America back to one Sunday they will never forget.
is the author of Johnny Unitas: America’s Quarterback
paperback | 4c matte with spot gloss
Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshopand
CS3, ofIllustrator CS3
many other sports books, and has collaborated on the autobi-
ographies major figures in sports. He lives in Boca Raton, Florida. LOU SAHADI

Client: The Lyons Press

By inventive coloring and photo treatment of the historic image - I tied ev-
erything into the theme of the country’s first televised NFL championship. Cover design by Bret Kerr | Cover photo of Johnny Unitas © Getty An appealing redesign of series that
I carried the NFL colors throughout and used a simulated stitching and aged
THE LYONS PRESS $14.95 US / $16.95 CAN
mixes a photo realistic look with archival photos and witty typography.
type treatment to add to the period feel. Guilford, Connecticut ISBN: 978-1-59921-320-0
The Lyons Press is an imprint of The Globe Pequot Press
bret kerr portfolio | cover design
Green, Inc. hardcover | 4c matte with
spot gloss | 1c endsheets

Client: The Lyons Press

Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3,
Illustrator CS3

I chose a bold, iconic photo approach to illustrate a

complex subject about excesses in the environmen-
tal NFP world. The book was featured on the NY-
Times web site. I added to the package by designing
custom endpapers in Illustrator that were made up
of a subtle pattern of dollar signs. 15
detail of endsheets alternate concept

In 2006, journalist Christine MacDonald


In spring 2006, Christine MacDonald left journal-

began a dream job at one of the world’s ism for a dream job at Conservation International,
one of the world’s largest environmental organi-
largest environmental organizations. zations. Soon after she reported to the group’s
She was in for a shock. Washington offices, it became all too apparent
to her that something is rotten in today’s clubby,
well-upholstered world of conservationists.
Green, Inc. is a riveting first-person account
“[A] scathing indictment of the surprising profligacy and complacency of an eco-warrior’s travails at the crossroads of
of some of the world’s top environmental organizations....[I]mpossible the nonprofit and corporate worlds—one that will
to ignore.” —Publishers Weekly shock anyone who has ever made a donation to
an environmental group.
NGOs that once dedicated themselves solely
In Green, Inc. she lays bare the truth about the well-heeled life-
to saving pandas and parklands today vie for the
styles of the world’s top conservationists and their dubious rela-
favors of mining operations, logging companies,
tionships with the corporate world. This scandalous snapshot from
and homebuilders. Among the most generous
inside a good cause gone bad scrutinizes the dealings of:
donors are the biggest environmental scofflaws
• Environmental organizations that together have more than of all—energy conglomerates. Being a leading
15 million members and operate in over 100 countries— conservationist today means (in addition to a
including Conservation International, World Wildlife Fund, The six-figure salary) scuba diving with rock stars
Nature Conservancy, The Natural Resources Defense Council, and partying with corporate scions and celeb-
The Conservation Fund, Environmental Defense Fund, Sierra rity journalists aboard gas-guzzling private jets
Club, Defenders of Wildlife, National Audubon Society, and and yachts.
Greenpeace How do conservationists justify such deal-
ings? The most common refrain: being tight
• Leading conservationists, such as Peter Seligmann, Conserva-
with corporate leaders will help them change
tion International’s cofounder, chairman, and CEO—renowned
their polluting ways. However, argues MacDon-
Christine MacDonald, a journalist who has writ- for his jet-setting ways and his finesse at cultivating ties with
ald, the companies are benefiting far more than
ten for the Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, big corporations; and Adam Werbach, the former Sierra Club
endangered species. While providing an essential
Dallas Morning News, and Chicago Tribune, was president, who defected in 2006 to work as a consultant
overview of the global environmental movement,
formerly manager of the Media Capacity Building for Wal-Mart, which he’d once called a “virus, infecting and
she centers her story on what goes on inside the
Program of Conservation International’s Global destroying American culture.”
world’s top conservation groups, examining the
Communications Division. She lives in Washing-
• E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., General Electric, Eastman Kodak, truth to claims that they have allowed themselves
ton, D.C.
ExxonMobil, Nissan, and Dow Chemical—which donate millions to be silenced by corporate dollars as environ-
mental crisis looms.

of dollars to top environmental groups in return for their lavish
praise despite being named as among America’s top ten worst MacDonald’s fast-paced narrative flows
corporate air polluters. from carefully checked facts, her own powerful
Cover design by Bret Kerr
first-hand anecdotes, and interviews with other
Cover photograph © Shutterstock
Author photograph courtesy of Alberto Roblest insiders. A scandalous snapshot from inside a
$24.95 US / $27.50 CAN
good cause gone bad, Green, Inc. comes at a
The Lyons Press ISBN: 978-1-59921-436-8
time when global warming nears the point of no

Guilford, Connecticut return and more people than ever are awakening to
The Lyons Press is an imprint
the consequences.
7 8 1 5 9 9 214368
of The Globe Pequot Press
bret kerr portfolio | cover design

Girl on the Rocks paperback | 4c matte with spot


Client: The Lyons Press

Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3

16 Employing strong, clean typography and a modern color palette - I

made this book appeal to the intended demographic. I also added
stylized grid lines to the photo to accentuate the theme and add to
the look of the look. The cover elements were carried throughout
the book to produce a cohesive, hip package.

a woman’s guide to climbing with strength, grace, and courage

For women intrigued by the sport oF climbing but

intimidated by its male dominance and stereotype
as “extreme,” girl on the rocks is a monumental
and essential resource, providing instructions on
From one of the world’s technique, strength, and mental agility—from a
leading female climbers, woman’s perspective.
through the sage advice of one of the world’s foremost
advice and inspiration female climbers and the lens of an internationally
for women who seek to acclaimed photographer, women learn that climbing
discover the sport for is more fun than dangerous, that overcoming fear
can boost self-esteem, and that the fitness benefits
themselves are tremendous. most women learn climbing from
men, but the sport is different for a woman—both
physically and psychologically—and it is empowering
for women to learn about climbing from “girls”
who’ve been on the rocks themselves. bringing
the sport to life alongside the book’s numerous
color photos, Katie brown’s interviews with female
climbers—from a young girl to a sixty-something
professional climber—reveal, on a more intimate
level, what the sport has done for them.

Katie Brown is the young woman Rock & Ice magazine

dubbed “The Best Female Climber of the Millennium.” An
influential and groundbreaking climber among both genders,
she began climbing at age thirteen and quickly dominated
competition at the national and international levels. Now in
her mid-twenties, she is a freelance writer and the author of
Vertical World (FalconGuides). When not traveling the world
as an elite professional climber, she lives in Moab, Utah.
Ben Moon’s photographs on rock climbing, surfing, and

other outdoor pursuits have been featured in virtually
every major national outdoor magazine, from Outside and
“I started clIMBIng when I was thIrteen Rock & Ice to Men’s Journal and National Geographic Adventure.

in a climbing gym full of boys. In the beginning, He lives in Bend, Oregon.
too intimidated to step in, I would mostly
watch as the boys—well, men really—boul-
dered. eventually, however, I got used to the
guys and began participating. . . . In turn, the
Cover Design by Bret Kerr | Photos © Ben Moon

$19.95 US / $21.95 CAN

guys got used to the tiny girl who was always ISBN: 978-0-7627-4518-0
hanging around watching.”

—from the Preface FalconGuides ®
is an imprint of
The Globe Pequot Press photos by ben
back cover
GirlRocks_mech_sized_v2.indd 1
photos by ben
Women of Rock

bret kerr portfolio | cover design

4c glossy calendar

I worked with the editor and photg- APRIL

Use bolierplate abutting months,
change to gotham bold if possible,
regular for day abbreviations
rapher and sales from the early
stages of the project to come up
with a catchy design and wayts to
Style for all holidays & text in dates, Day headers +
uniform space from bottom = p9 dates have been turned to outline

promote the calendar.

Key 2011 Climbing Event Date


Center text vert in white space

Gotham HTF Bold: Gothma HTF Book 9/11
Gotham HTF Bold: Gothma HTF Book 9/11
Gotham HTF Bold: Gothma HTF Book 9/11
Occupation: Applied Behavior Analysis
therapist, working with autistic children.
Age of first climb: 20.
Hardest climb: “Frigid Air Buttress, a 5.9-plus
climb at Red Rocks in Vegas, was my first
multi-pitch ascent. Fortunately, I was with
two of the world’s most patient climbers.”
What I love most about the sport: “Why, the
chalk, of course!”
Favorite climbing area: “Too hard to say. Every
site presents a new challenge and unique

2011 Women Climbers Calendar

Words I live by: “Life is what happens to you

Steph Davis
Meet twelve beautiful women with a passion for

Steph Davis
climbing who are more than just mavens of rock.
Female climbers are among the most athletic, best
conditioned, and most attractive women in the world.
But never before has a calendar so fully captured the
beauty, grace, and strength of women climbers—
through the lens of an internationally renowned
outdoor photographer. FalconGuides’ 2011 Women
Climbers Calendar features both some of the world’s
top professional climbers, including Steph Davis (left),
and Alex Puccio (below), and women such as Jacinda
Hunter—a nurse, a mother of four, and a competitive
climber. With concise bios and thumbnail shots accompa-
nying each portrait, it provides endless inspiration for
defying gravity all year long.

Use bolierplate abutting months,

change to gotham bold if possible,
APRIL regular for day abbreviations

Style for all holidays & text in dates, Day headers +

uniform space from bottom = p9 dates have been turned to outline

Key 2011 Climbing Event Date



Center text vert in white space

Gotham HTF Bold: Gothma HTF Book 9/11
Gotham HTF Bold: Gothma HTF Book 9/11
Gotham HTF Bold: Gothma HTF Book 9/11
Occupation: Applied Behavior Analysis
therapist, working with autistic children.
Age of first climb: 20.
Hardest climb: “Frigid Air Buttress, a 5.9-plus
climb at Red Rocks in Vegas, was my first
multi-pitch ascent. Fortunately, I was with
two of the world’s most patient climbers.”
What I love most about the sport: “Why, the
chalk, of course!”
Favorite climbing area: “Too hard to say. Every
site presents a new challenge and unique

Words I live by: “Life is what happens to you

2011 Women Climbers Calendar

Chris Noble’s photography has appeared in hundreds of publications includ- For more than thirty years, FalconGuides® has set the standard for outdoor
ing Outside, National Geographic, Sports Illustrated, and Life magazines. For guidebooks. Written by top experts, each guide invites you to experience
ten years he was the primary advertising photographer for The North Face. the adventure and beauty of the outdoors.

bret kerr portfolio | cover design

Soul of the Rockies Discover the essence of the Rockies

through ED COOPER’S lens.

From the author of the acclaimed Soul of the Heights, a stunning
photographic celebration of the remarkable Rocky Mountains Celebrate the remarkable Rocky Mountains
P o R t R a i t S o f a m e R i c a’ S L a R g e S t m o u n ta i n R a n g e
with this stunning photographic feast that
takes us from the Canadian border at Idaho
and Montana to the Mexican border at Big
Bend National Park. Author, photographer, and
18 legendary “climbing bum” ED COOPER brings
Ed Cooper was a pioneer during the “Golden America’s most iconic mountain range to life,
Age” of North American climbing in the 1950s passionately zeroing in on the heart of the
and early 1960s. His daring accomplishments Rockies, including most of the better known
in the American West and Canada have become subranges, and capturing views of the highest
legendary. For many years he continued to pur- peaks in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado,
sue the continent’s great peaks. In more recent Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.
years, camera in hand, he has produced awe- In keeping with his sensibilities as a moun-
inspiring mountain photographs that are in taineer and climber, Cooper provides the most
league with the works of Ansel Adams and current and relevant geodetic data for every
Bradford Washburn. Ed is the author of the ac- featured peak, including newer, corrected
claimed Soul of the Heights: 50 Years Going to altitudes that reflect more accurate measuring
the Mountains (FalconGuides), and his photos In Soul of the Heights, Ed Cooper revealed his story by the National Geodetic Survey. Readers can
have graced the covers of Audubon, Arizona as a pioneering climber with a passion for, and life- now easily look up each peak on topographic
Highways, Backpacker, National Geographic, time dedication to, the majestic mountains of North maps or view them in stunning three-dimensional
and Sierra. He and his wife, Debby, live in America. Here, he brings the continent’s most iconic display using tools such as Google Earth
Sonoma, California. mountain range to life, zeroing in on its heart. In a thanks to Cooper’s impressive collection of
stunning photographic feast that takes us from data found at the end of each chapter.
the Canadian border at Idaho and Montana to the
Unlike any other book on the Rocky Mountains,
Mexican border at Big Bend National Park, Soul of
Soul of the Rockies focuses exclusively on the
the Rockies provides a distillation of the best views
mountains themselves rather than dwelling on
the Rockies have to offer, with evocative cameo
related themes such as flora, fauna, mining,
descriptions of many of the highest, most familiar, and
logging, and history. It is quite simply a
most relevant peaks. All their glory shines through in
distillation of the best views the Rockies have
this spectacular work.
Cover photo of Crestone Peak (front cover) and to offer, revealing through this spectacular
Crestone Needle (back cover) in Colorado © Ed Cooper work all the glory of America’s largest
Author photo © David Buchholz mountain range.
Cover design by Bret Kerr
Printed in China
“Cooper’s mountain photos are so sharp you
can almost feel the granite and the crunch of

FALCON snow under your crampons.”

GUIDES® $39.95 US / $43.95 CAN

—Karen Sykes, Seattle Post-Intelligencer “Ed Cooper’s vision, photographic skill, and

ISBN: 978-0-7627-4941-6
knowledge of our scenic resources are unexcelled.”
FalconGuides ®
Ed Cooper

is an imprint of —Fred Beckey, mountaineering author and

The Globe Pequot Press
unofficial world-record holder for first ascents

Soul of the Rockies

hardcover | 5c matte with spot gloss

Client: Falcon Guides

Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3

For this $40 coffee table book, I cam up with the inventive direction of
running the cover photo across to the back cover.

I also utilized a spot metallic ink plus spot gloss plate to add to the high
end feel. I had to do color correction and cloning work to the author’s
photo to achieve the proper effect.
Quick Escapes paperback | 4c matte with spot

bret kerr portfolio | series design


Client: GPP Travel

Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3

I re-designed this best-selling travel series by giving it a more

sophisticated look with a limited color palette, strong typog-
raphy and an emphasis on the locations in the book for a
background. I also and the idea to partner with an outdoor
recreation company. A deal was struck to use their bags on the
cover. The result was an eye-catching series re-design.

An alternate design was produced that featured travel

photography. 19

The initial sketch

bret kerr portfolio | cover design

Full Count
paperback | 4c glossy
Client: The Lyons Press
Software used: InDesign CS3,
Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3

For this book of Mets poetry, I echoed the

iconic logo, adding dimensional elements +
a vibrant title treatment and superimposed
one of the authors poems into the modifies
skyline. The inside covers ran orange as well
to add to the package.

full mech
bret kerr portfolio | textbook
Kudos design


Textbook covers for Prentice Hall Science Explorer

Client: Pearson Education, Boston, MA

Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2

These are custom textbook covers I designed while working for Pearson Edu-
cation. I organized launch meetings with marketing and editorial departments
to brainstorm meaningful state-specific images, directed photo researchers and
picked the most effective photos and color-corrected them and gave them
treatments in Photoshop. I found the Georgia (top right) lighthouse image on
Flickr and did heavy cloning work in Photoshop to extend the left side of the
picture three inches.
bret kerr portfolio | cover design

The revolutionary approach to true BodyMind fitness

From the island of Maui to Manhattan’s Central Park, Tina Vindum has

revolutionized the way people around the world are getting in shape.
Her breakthrough Outdoor Fitness program, rooted in back-to-basics
conditioning, is the most advanced and unique method available today

to achieve true BodyMind power and the highest degree of overall
fitness, health, and well being. Tina Vindum’s Outdoor Fitness makes this
groundbreaking approach to exercise available for people everywhere,
in one richly illustrated volume.
After introducing her program, Tina describes the three phases of
Outdoor Fitness: learning the base moves; incorporating them with some
of her signature moves as the intensity and duration of workouts increase;
and fine-tuning workouts so they become an integral part of your life. Step Out of the Gym
Tina Vindum’s Outdoor Fitness delivers what no other workout can:
better, faster results on every level—physical, mental, and emotional. into the BEST Shape
of Your Life

cover photos © Adam Brown

Tina Vindum is the founder and

president of Outdoor Fitness, America’s
leading outdoor exercise program. She
hosts a national weekly radio show on the
subject and lectures internationally about

Cover design by Bret Kerr | Front cover photo © Mitchell Shenker; back
its benefits. Her work has been featured in
Self, Fitness, Prevention, Sports Illustrated
for Women, Backpacker, Vogue, the New
York Times, and the Los Angeles Times.
She lives in San Francisco, California.

“Tina Vindum sets the gold standard in outdoor fitness training.

Printed in the United States of America
Her mastery of exercise physiology and her years of experience
as a competitive and recreational athlete make her an authentic
teacher with a gift for making everyone in her sphere feel as
US $19.95
$19.95 // CAN
CAN $23.95
$23.95 GUIDES
competent and inspired as she is.”
—Susan McDonald, Executive Director, GirlForce Health & Fitness FalconGuides ®
is an imprint of
Workshops, Vanderbilt University Medical Center The Globe Pequot Press

full mechanical

related web graphics based on design

Tina Vindum’s Outdoor Fitness

paperback | 4c matte with spot gloss

Client: Falcon Guides

Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3,
Illustrator CS3

I chose a strong, clean title treatment for this book that would
work well and not compete it the image. The title treatment has
since been carried over into 4 ancillary popout products based
on the series.
Book Design: Quotable Golfer

bret kerr portfolio | book design

The New Quotable Golfer
Client: Lyons Press C O N T E N T S
Pavin’s swing must be the swing

ll haven’t
introduCtion .................................................... v of the future, because
Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop
I sure asythe
Chapter 1 On GoLf Defined ..................... 1

like it
seen an
Chapter 2 On Beginnings .........................21

CS2, Illustartor CS2 Introduction and order copyright © 2000, 2007, 2008 by Robert McCord Chapter 3 On ObstaCLes........................... 33
Chapter Eight
in the p
Chapter 4 On PraCtiCe ............................. 51
The contents of The New Quotable Golfer are drawn from The Golf Fanatic and The Quotable Golfer.
Chapter 5 On EQuipMent .........................63

For this re-design I significantly raised the aes- ON PUTTING

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any Chapter 6 On the MentaL GaMe ............73
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and Charles Price
retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission Chapter 7 On SWings ................................91 golf writer, commenting on a slumping Corey Pavin in the
should be addressed to The Globe Pequot Press, Attn: Rights and Permissions Department, P.O. Box 480, 1980s
Chapter 8 On Putting ............................ 113
thetic value of the book by making full use of Guilford, CT 06437.

The Lyons Press is an imprint of The Globe Pequot Press.

Chapter 9 On Men’s Tours ..................... 129
Chapter 10 On WoMen’s Tours ................ 151

the 2 color possibilities. I utilized transparencies, Art Direction by Jane Amara

Designed by Bret Kerr Chapter 11 On Caddies ............................ 165
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Chapter 12 On MatChes ........................... 175 . . . present day golfers have chopped down their
but kept a limited font selection of Gill Sans The new quotable golfer : the best things ever said by the pros and
duffers of the sport / edited and with an introduction by Robert McCord.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
On Course Design ................ 193
On the GaMe Abroad ..........207
swing action to the barest essentialsgo back
and come down. This simplification occurred
and Adobe Caslon along with using illustra-
p. cm.
Includes index. Chapter 15 On Fans and the Media ........217 because modern equipmenttailored heads, steel
Rev. ed. of: Quotable golfer. Main Street ed. 2004.
ISBN 978-1-59921-319-4 Chapter 16 On Endings ............................ 229 shafts, firmer gripping, better distribution of

tions that were all stylized, most appear as silos.

1. Golfers--Quotations. 2. Golf--Quotations, maxims, etc. I. McCord,
Robert R. II. Quotable golfer. indeX ................................................. 241 weight and torquepermits the development of
GV967.Q84 2007
796.352--dc22 about the editor ............................................. 249 more power with less effort . . .

I also adapted and created a number of original 2007049970

Doug Ford
PGA Tour professional
Printed in the United States of America

illustrations to suit the project. The book won 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

iii 112
positive remarks from customer reviews on QuotableGolf_flow1_5.indd 2-3 1/10/08 6:50:43 PM QuotableGolf_flow1_5.indd 112-113 1/10/08 6:51:42 PM

On Putting

On Course Design
The New Quotable Golfer

The New Quotable Golfer

While I have never met Pete Dye, I know him
well. He is 500 years old and has absorbed the
After my first qualifying round in the 1963 British Ama-
wisdom of the ages. He has a pointed hat and
teur Championship, I brashly told the astonished Scottish
a flowing robe embroidered with occult sym-
e it gets.
The more you miss, the wors
reporter that the Old Course at St. Andrews was a goat
When hitting an approach bols. When he speaks, he becomes extremely
ranch, and if I played it a thousand times it would still be
putt, try to lay the ball into animated, and gesticulates a lot with flashes of
The worse it gets, a goat ranch! Three days and seven rounds later, I realized
an imaginary three-foot circle blue static crackling from his long fingernails.
the more likely you it was one of the greatest golf courses in the world.
around the hole. Peter Dobereiner
are to miss again. on golf course builder Pete Dye, whose Pete Dye
courses are sometimes considered diabolical
Dave Pelz with James A. Frank I feel a definite hit with my right who has incorporated “old style”
from the article “You Need a Ritual,” Golf Magazine (1997) architectural features into his golf course designs
hand on both long and short
putts. I recommend a rather long
and unhurried backswing in put- I’m not going back to a place where they
ting because it makes the stroke never rake the goddamn bunkers.
Ben Hogan
smoother and eliminates the put- after winning the 1953 British Open at Carnoustie
In my experience, the decision to increase green speeds has
ting yips which sometimes besets
definitely hurt the game of golf. This development has not only
golfers who have short, compact
If I could just putt. I might just caused many of the greens on the great golf courses to be nearly
I know a one-shot finishing hole is not usu- unplayable, but has really hampered the ability of a number of
scare somebody, maybe me. Billy Casper
member of the PGA Hall of Fame ally well-regarded. But when a player stands on players to negotiate the new speed levels.
Jack Nicklaus
after two rounds of the 1986 Masters, that tee at East Lake, with the match square or
which he won a record sixth time
dormie—that drive calls for all there is in the
delicatessen department.
Bobby Jones’s father
regarding the eighteenth hole on
East Lake No. 1, a 200-yard par 3 across water
Pete Dye
118 119 204 golf course architect 205

QuotableGolf_flow1_5.indd 118-119 1/10/08 6:51:45 PM QuotableGolf_flow1_5.indd 204-205 1/10/08 6:52:26 PM

bret kerr portfolio | Kudos


George PLimpton paperback series

paperback | 4c matte with spot gloss

Client: Lyons Press

I developed a hip new look for the re-issue that featured historical shots of
Plimpton, complementary colors and textures and distinctive typography.
bret kerr portfolio | Kudos
One of baseball’s most beloved commentators 
picks the forty-four most heroic Red Sox players ever

Who better to rank the best Red Sox of all time than the president of Red Sox
Nation himself? Here, Jerry Remy does just that—forty-four players in all, from
early-era  legends  such  as  Cy  Young,  Babe  Ruth,  Johnny  Pesky,  and  Jackie
Jensen; and remarkable pros like Ted Williams, Tony Conigliaro, Carl Yastrzemski,  25
Rick  Burleson,  Dwight  Evans,  Dennis  Eckersley,  and  Wade  Boggs;  to  modern 
superstars  like  Roger  Clemens  and  David  Ortiz.  Remy  draws  on  his  personal 
memories and his analytical prowess to highlight what makes a given player a 
Red Sox hero. Each chapter is accompanied by photos, many from the National 
Baseball Hall of Fame.
Remy also salutes five special teams and two great moments in Red Sox history.
Finally,  he  turns  his  eye  on  an  up-and-coming  crop  of  young  stars  who  may 
someday be elevated to an even higher plateau as Red Sox Heroes.
Eminently readable, painstakingly researched, and imbued with the rich history 
of the Boston Red Sox, Jerry Remy’s Red Sox Heroes is a must for any member 
of Red Sox Nation.

Jerry Remy is a legendary broadcaster with an intimate knowledge of baseball 
that comes from more than a decade as a major league player (including seven 
years with the Boston Red Sox) and more than 2,200 games as the voice of the 
Boston Red Sox. He hosts the popular Web site and the Jerry 
Remy chat room on Yahoo. In 2007 he was elected the first president of Red Sox
Nation—which  has  millions  of  fans  in  New  England  and  beyond.  His  previous 
book, also written with Corey Sandler, is Watching Baseball (Globe Pequot).
Corey Sandler is a lifelong baseball fan and the author or coauthor of more than 
125 books.

Cover design by Bret Kerr | Front cover photograph (Fenway Park) © Corbis Images
Printed in the United States of America

Lyons Press US $12.95/CAN $16.95

Guilford, Connecticut
Lyons Press is an imprint
of Globe Pequot Press

bret kerr portfolio | typographic specs

"2??#/QXD0-0AGE "2??#/QXD0-0AGE


Solve the following multistep problem. Be

all of your work.
sure to show
Take It With You 1p7

Chapter 4
Take It With You films present: Bulleted List
11. Find the slope of a line containing the points (0, 2),
(0, • bulleted list • bulleted list CO_NUMBER
(3,4), and (0,1). Find one more point on the line and then • bulleted list • bulleted list
write a brief explanation describing your solution. 1p
• bulleted list

Slope two
1p - standard spacing before tech art in question areas PRAC_QUESTION
• bulleted list TIWY_BL
y yx 1p6

1 (4, 0)
1 1 2 3 5 6 7x CO_TITLE
2 4
3 4
4 Take It With You 1p7

(0, 4)
5 1p6
Take It With You films present: Numbered List
1 numbered list 5 numbered list
4p7 2 numberedlist 6 numbered list
3 numbered list 1p


line chapter
1p gutter

4 numbered list

Take It With You 1p7
Positive slope When the slope is positive, the graph of the line
Negative slope When the slope is negative, the graph of the line

Detailed publication
slants down from left to right.


TIWY boxes should have min
of 2p5 clearance on top

Take It With You 1p7

design and typographic/

y-intercept form is y  mx b y-intercept form is y  mx b
TIWY boxes should have min
of 2p5 clearance on top
image: mcr07sg_backpack.eps b is where the line crosses the y-axis.
b is where the line crosses the y-axis.

Take It With You1p7 y yx y yx

1 (4, 0) 1 (4, 0)
Slope = rise = change in the y-coordinates
1 1 2 3 5 6 7x 1 1 2 3 5 6 7x

run change in the x-coordinates 1 11
2 4 Grids going into TIWY boxes 2
2 4
2p5 should be all the purple spot color

production specs
3 4 3 4
-intercept form is y = mx + b
y-intercept 4 44
(0, 4) (0, 4)
b is where the line crosses the y-axis. 5 5
m is the slope.


26 27

TIWY box notes: Four Presidents were PXP PXP

TIWY boxes will always have a min of 2p5 clearance above them. (sometime s if they are preceded by
8th President —
Martin Van Buren, 1782
13th President —
Client: Pearson Education,
Explain lines it is not possible to get that exact measurment. Millard Fillmore, 1800

Left and right text inset: 1p

Top and bottom text inset: 1p6
26th President —
Theodore Roosevelt,
1858 Align facts left justified with Did You Know head. 2p6 from Boston, MA
32th President —
baseline of Did You Know to baseline of first

Software used: InDesign CS2,

lt, 1882
Franklin Delano Rooseve
line of facts.

TIWY purple lozenge: corner radius 1p6 - runs the length of the text box below.
TIWY title baseline is 1p7 from the top of the lozenge. Left aligns on the 1p inset.   P INDENTON%XAMPLEBOXESTOTHESTARTOF

Photoshop CS2
1p gutter on multi column set ups.
The top edge of the rounded box that contains
the text will align with the middle of the top
rounded header lozenge, as below.

image: mcr07sg_ny_chap_opener.eps

These are typographic and production

specs I created for a math workbook.
designed by my manager at the time.
I made all the master pages, defined
all the paragraph and character style
sheets, provided detailed examples of
image: mcr07sg_br_co_circle.eps, 100% image: mcr07sg_NY_pmsmap_green.eps, 100%


Chapter 4 New York Grade 8 Test Prep CH_NUMBER

Finding Slope and STANDARDS_HED
The standard form of a linear equation is y = mx + b b.. When you solve

4.11 other two line heads

New York Standards an equation for y, it is in slope-intercept form. Using this form can help 2p10.5

all the page grids and also provided

1p8 8.A.20 Solving equations

2p8 you graph an equation. It gives you a good deal of information.
Circle the letter of the best answer. CH_TESTPREP_HED_DIRECTIONS
Example of solving
using graphs 2p4

1. The product (-3)(5)(-8)(15)

3)(5)( -8)(15) is
. Which expression is the 13. Simplify (2 - 5)(y-2). 1. Match the graph with 2p8.5
8.CN.6 Recognizing math The slope of the graph is 3. an equation for y

examples of all pagination possibilities.

GCF of 12x and 32xy? the function below. Picture a ramp that runs from a doorway down to a street. If the slope is in daily life
A 1,800 B 18,000 2
F y + 7y + 10
G 2y + 9y - 10
1p8 3y 4y image: mcr07sg_
NY .eps
too steep, people will not be able to move easily into the building. If the 8.A.20 Solving equations EXAMPLE FILES WILL BE SENT

C -1,800 D -18,000
-18,000 A 93x B 96x 2 2 y y�x slope is not steep enough, the ramp would be too long. So what’s slope? using graphs -y = -3x + 7
H y - 9y - 10 J 2y - 9y + 10 BASAL_PARA y=3x-7
C 4x D 4xy 1 y = 3x - 7
(4, 0)
�1 1 2 3 5 6 7x
4p4 The graph crosses the y axis at -7.
2. Which expression is the equivalent

Because of the nature of mathematic

TP_QUESTION 14. Evaluate the expression (2z - 3)2. �2 4 Slope is the rate of change in the coordinates of a line. Once you know the slope and the point where the line of the equation
1p3to the expression below? x 14 image: 3562post-it_spot.eps (Height can be
8. Which is equivalent to 100 � 25 ? �3 4 y y�x
2 2p4 crosses the y-axis, you can draw the graph. BASAL_PARA_EXAMPLE_LEAD_IN adjusted by bringing the picture box up or down)
-|8 - 2| A 4z - 12z + 9 B 2z2 - 6z + 9 �4 tech art/equations will start 1p5 in when in basal column
rise change in the y-coordinates
2 3 -2 3 (0, �4) Slope = =
F m n G m n 2 2 �5 1 (4, 0)
C 4z + 12z + 9 D 2z - 12z + 9 run change in the x-coordinates Examples 2 and 3
typesetting—there were hundreds of
F -2 - 8 G -2 + 8 2 -3 -2 -3
Graphing a line from an equation in the form of y = mx + b
H 4m n J m n �1 1 2 3 5 6 7x
3 �1
H 2 +(-8) J 25 F linear function x-coordinate y-coordinate
2p5.5 1p6
�2 4 Graph the equation 3
3x + y = -1 Graph the equation 3x + y = -1
G vertical function �3 EXAMPLE_QUESTION_2_COL
4 3x + y = -1 3y + 2x = 3

style sheets to catalog—these specs

H horizontal function �4
(0, �4) 32p4
9. Simplify x � 30 .
all equations such as this with arrows will be set in Illustrator, there
�5 -3x -
y = -3x -1
1 3y = -2x + 3
3. Express 207,500 in scientific notation. J non-linear function will be a standard 2p4 above and below the artwork EXAMPLE_EQUATION_2_COL
x 14 Remember ((x, y)) y = -x + 1
6 A x � 30 B 100 � 25 2p4 mock up art used for graphs in template,
y y�x y y�x
A 2.75 X 10 B 2.075 X 10
cells should be 1p wide Slope: -3

were given to various Pearson edito-

16 12 6 4 12 4
5 6 C w y z D w y z Solve the following multi-step problems. Be sure to show all y-intercept: -1 1 (4, 0) Slope: -2/3 1 (4, 0)
C 2.075 X 10 D 2.75 X 10 of your work. B_HED_WHITE
Example 1 Solving equations that have more than one solution EXAMPLE_ANSWER_2_COL �1 1 2 3 5 6 7x y-intercept: 1 �1 1 2 3 5 6 7x
1. Write a polynomial expression for the 2p space above when Practice instrcution occur mid-page
�2 4 �2 4

rial and production vendors when the

10. Which expression is equal to x
? perimeter of the triangle below. Find the slope of the line. As we move from ((0, -2) to
4 4
4. Simplify 7 • 3 - 4 - (3 + 2) - 1 . CH_TESTPREP_HED_DIRECTIONS 44, 11)) the change in the y-coordinates is 3 �4 �4
7 7 1 (0, �4) (0, �4)
F x +x G (x7)2TP_ANSWER_FIRST 1p5 and the change in the x-coordinates is 4. (4, 0) �5 �5
F 21 G 15 1 2 3 5 6 7x

workbook series was launched. The

7 7 2 7 2p10 2p1 �1
H (x ) J x • xTP_ANSWER_LAST change in y-coordinates 1 – ((––2)
(–2) 3 �1 1p6


change in x-coordinates 4 –Examples
0 are placed 4 later in Chapter �3 You can also find the equation when you know the graph.
4 1p
2p8 �4
(0, �4)
11. Simplify . Examples 4 and  Finding the equation given the slope and y-intercept
300-page workbook went on to be
The slope of the line is EXAMPLE_PARA_LAST �5
. Evaluate the expression
2 2 x 14 1p6
(6 + h ) , for h = 3 . A 495 . 89 � 99 . 3 B 100 � 25 Write an equation with a slope -2
Write an equation with a slope -2 and
16 12 6 4 12 4 2p4
and the y-intercept of -3. the y-intercept of 2.

produced for various states.

A 225 B 6,561 C w y z D w y z Notice that the slope in example 1 is positive and that the line
Picture a ramp that runs from a doorway down to a street. If the slope is
in the graph moves upward from left to right. If the slope was y = mx + b y y�x y = mx + b y y�x
C 30 D 486 too steep, people will not be able to move easily into the building. If the
negative, the line would move downward from left to right. x2 y=x-3 1 y = -2x + 2 1
slope is not steep enough, the ramp would be too long. So what’s slope? (4, 0) (4, 0)
12. Which expression is equal to x ? �1 1 2 3 5 6 7x �1 1 2 3 5 6 7x
7 7
Basic postulates for points, lines, and planes. C_HED
�2 4
�2 4
. Simplify 7 • 3 - 4 - (3 + 2) - 1 . F x +x G (x7)2

I designed the chapter openers for the

Positive slope When the slope is positive, the graph of the line �3 4 �3 4
7 7
F Use this style when answers H (x ) J 495 . 89 � 99 . 3 slants up from left to right. �4
(0, �4)
(0, �4)
1p5 �5 �5
G are too long to go into Negative slope When the slope is negative, the graph of the line

slants down from left to right. 1p6

book., building upon a state postcard

H two columns as shown 1p6

in the examples above

J please.

30 31 22 23
with trivia element I had developed
for the main textbooks.
bret kerr portfolio | advertising

Graphic used in a promotional video (stills below) shot at the Outdoor Retailer
show that was based on the campaign.The center image is the lightbox version
of the ad. To the left are the consumer and trade publications it appeared in.
Outfit Your Mind campaign

Client: Falcon Guides

Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2

For this campaign I shot all the models in-house and composited them into the
snow scene, adding 50 layers of subtle details to heighten the photo realism.
The ad campaign ran in Backpacker, SNET news and other trade magazines
plus was used as a lightbox at the Outdoor Retailer trade show.

Based on an initial concept and sketch by Erynn Szewczyk

bret kerr portfolio | advertising


Squeeze more into your adventures.

Backpacker_falcon_gear_v2.indd 1 1/8/10 3:18 PM

Ad campaign

An ad campaign I created the concept and tag line for.

Ad campaign
Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2, Illustrator CS2

An original ad concept that I came up with for a campaign

that ran in Backpacker magazine + a summer fitness event in
Central Park.
bret kerr portfolio |

Ad campaigns for

Client: Falcon Guides Guilford, CT

Software used: InDesign CS2, Illustrator CS2, Photoshop CS2

For two seasons in a row I have created ad campaigns for that
have appeared in their catalogs and in the back of many of their books. Falcon
Guides is one of the leading outdoor recreation publishers in the country.
For the campaign on the left I turned the web site into a rock-like structure
in Photoshop. For the more recent campaign on the right I went with a more
stylized approach to draw in readers.
bret kerr portfolio |


Additional ad campaigns and high visibility ads

Client: Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT

Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2

The ad above was a black and white ad I created that ran in the 2007
Country Music Awards program which was distributed at the televised
event. The ad promoted the coffee table book, Nashville Portraits. I de-
signed it in an understated manner to complement the book and appeal
to the target audience of country music fans looking for holiday gifts.

The poster on the right was a template I designed that could be modi-
fied for the Off the Beaten Path series and customized for each state. I
conducted photo research and then I conceived of the photo treatment
to complement the subject matter and draw in the book-buying con-
sumer. Off the Beaten Path series design by Georgiana Goodwin.
bret kerr portfolio | marketing collateral design

Publishers Weekly Cover Wrap

Client: Knack Books

Software used: InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3
bret kerr portfolio |


title treatment and ornamentation adapted from the book design by Karla Baker

DVD packaging and custom marketing DVD

Client: skirt! Publishers, Guilford, CT

Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2, iMovie, iDVD

I created a DVD of media appearances of best-selling author Kris Carr.

The DVD package matched the style of her best-selling book, Crazy Sexy
Cancer Tips and highlighted her appearances on Oprah, The Today Show
and CBS Evening News. I also used custom graphics in the DVD itself to
further promote the brand.
bret kerr portfolio | catalog design/art direction/project management
- - -
30 / Barfbag
30 / Barfbag OrigamiOrigami 31 / Barfbag
31 / Barfbag OrigamiOrigami

Barfbag Origami
Barfbag Origami

Barfbag Origami
1616 The
The Bat
Bat Introduction
0 0
Difficulty An accomplished flying machine,
the batthe bat is also

Difficulty An accomplished flying machine, is also These days, there isn’t much to be said for flying as Using only the in-flight barfbag and this invaluable

iii 45 45


15 strong and flexible
and flexible
and sharp
and sharp to get to
in flight.
in flight. Make the
best possible
the corners
corners crisp crisp
entertainment. Any unorthodox behavior will get you
a forcible detention and, should you decide to employ
manual, you can create any number of paper flying
machines. Don’t worry about running out of raw
those surplus hours in practicing your craft skills, material, either – your neighbors, impressed by your
you’ll find yourself severely limited in the materials skills, are certain to rush to get their own barfbags
1 1 2 2 3 3 6 6 7 7 8 8 you can bring on board. Welcome to barfbag origami. converted into a bat, a gull or a plane.

Shaping Your Barfbag


Airlines have been slow to see the alternative
Tear your your barfbag
barfbag into a into a Fold the Fold the resulting
resulting Fold
triangletriangle Fold the the bottom
bottom corner corner
up to up to RepeatRepeat the process
the process on the on theTurn theTurn
batthe bat
over over
and and foldThen fold
fold Thenthefold theupflaps
flaps pastup past possibilities in the standard barfbag format, so you
square.square. Turn
Turn your yourplain
paper paper plain in half then
in half again, again, then unfold, the topthe
unfold, topofpoint
point of the triangle.
the triangle. left-hand
left-hand side of side
yourof your folded
folded both in
both layers layers in half diagonally.
half diagonally. the middle
the middle line so line
that so
a that a will have to tailor your material to create the perfect
side up.side up.
Fold Fold diagonally. maintaining
diagonally. maintaining the creases.
the creases. shape. shape. triangletriangle sticks
sticks out out top.
on the on the top.
origami square or rectangle. You won’t be able to
use scissors to cut the paper, so practice folding and
tearing cleanly along the folds. To ensure your paper
4 4 5 5 9 9
shape is even, fold it corner to corner as shown in
illustration one, then tear off the surplus, as in 2 & 3.

Air India, 2001 CP Air, 1999 Balkan Airlines, 2002 Mari World Airlines,1995

Fold the the resulting
resulting triangular
triangular Fold
Fold over theover
of part
the of the
flap down down to theofpoint
the point the of the triangletriangle flapother
flap to the to theside.
other side.

base. base.







Fold the the horizontal
horizontal foldedinedge
folded edge in the in
the center center
half, in half, down
towardstowards the bottom
the bottom diagonal.

Lauda-air, 1998 Korean Airlines, 2003 Air Korto, 2005 Kuwait Airways, 2004




The safest way to have fun in the air!
The eSSenTial Had enough of the stomach-churning “friendly skies”? and eagerly handing over their own bags . . . or else ask-

GUide To: Of trying to keep a kid’s monotony-induced temper ing to borrow the book. And, in no time, you’ll find that
from gushing up out of his or her throat? Found yourself you’ve created your own tranquil, highly unusual little
reaching for that empty white bag in the seat pocket in origami club en route to your destination. Aside from
 Preparing your front of you—just out of curiosity, really—but then not clear, illustrated instructions, each creation features a
knowing what to do with it? With Barfbag Origami you difficulty gauge so readers can see what they’re in for
barfbag can finally get your creative juices flowing on a plain before they start folding their masterpieces. The book
old plane without getting sick in the process. also includes a helpful resource section that explains
 basic folds where one can acquire more barfbags.
This user-friendly guide soothes the stomach
 birds, Planes, once and for all by providing hours upon hours Flying these days may be a nauseating
of fun. Using just the complimentary bag experience, but with Barfbag Origami in
and Other
barFbaG ORiGaMi flying Machines
provided with this book—or, if you prefer,
the one in the seat pocket—the ancient
hand, you’ll be coming back for more. Last but
not least, though, a word of warning (straight 33
Twenty-Seven First-Class Gags Japanese art of paper-folding comes alive from the book): Before use, please check to confirm
to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing  The Perfect flight in an all new, disgustingly clever way. that barfbag is empty. Used ones are unsuitable for
Chris Marks Barfbag Origami offers twenty-seven sky-themed
978-1-59921-563-1 | april 2009
designs that any paper-folding amateur can create Chris Marks grew up in the Northeast of England.
1-59921-563-2 | $14.95 US/$16.95 CAN |
with an airline barfbag—you need only browse the Throughout a varied career that has included adver-
North America | Paperback | 6 1⁄4 x 9 3⁄4 contents first to assess which design best suits the tising, graphic design, paper engineering, teaching
96 pp | 12/CTN | full-color throughout | Lyons Press bag at your disposal, and then get folding. Following English as a foreign language, and writing, he has
the simple instructions, you can fold a miniature flying consistently been experimenting with folded paper
machine that will leave whoever is fortunate enough to designs that fly. He has traveled extensively in South
be seated next to you gaping in open-mouthed wonder America and Asia, and now lives with his family and
two Siamese cats on the English Riviera.

hUMor 59

House_catalog_v18.indd 58 10/13/08 5:23:44 PM House_catalog_v18.indd 59

globe pequot press

catalog design/project management 10/13/08 5:23:48 PM
globe pequot press
globe pequot press

GPP Life is an imprint of

Client: Globe Pequot Press

GPP Life
The Globe Pequot Press
Guilford, Connecticut
life life

Cheap Bastard’s Knack™


Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2

Fun With the Family
Fitness Off the Beaten Path® Lyons Press
Cycling Scenic Driving
Climbing Travel Temptations PopOut maps ®
with boone and Crockett Club, D&b Publishing, Montana historical society Press,
Paddling stoecklein Publishing, Waterford Press, and Woodall Publications
and more . . .
with Appalachian Mountain Club books and Day hike books with Alastair sawday, bradt travel Guides, Cadogan Guides, explorer Publishing,
Camping Pro Tactics PRO TACTICS tm
For this catalog project - I redesigned the company cata-
Globetrotter, new holland,thomas Cook Publishing,trailblazer Publications, and Visitbritain
Hiking skirt! ®

DistributeD Clients
Three Forks®

Two Dot®
® log into 3 distinct categories. I conceived the idea of hav-
ing James Polisky illustrate the covers with a similar look.
New Eyes on Old Europe
Day Hike Books Activity & Lifestyle
Appalachian Destination Guides

(The original idea was to have one image span across

Mountain Club
Books Client Publishers
Client Publishers
Alastair Sawday
Boone and Crockett Club
Bradt Travel Guides D&B Publishing

the 3 covers.) I assisted with art direction as the cov-

Cadogan Guides Montana Historical Society Press
Explorer Publishing
Globetrotter Stoecklein Publishing
New Holland Waterford Press
Thomas Cook Publishing

ers were being worked on. For the interiors - I picked

Woodall Publications
Trailblazer Publications

GPP Life is an imprint of GPP Life is an imprint of

The Globe Pequot Press

up elements of the covers and designed magazine style

The Globe Pequot Press
GPP Life is an imprint of Guilford, Connecticut
Guilford, Connecticut
The Globe Pequot Press
Guilford, Connecticut
life press
globe pequot life life press
globe pequot life
life press life
spreads when possible to highlight the books.
Book Publishers & Distributors globe pequot Book Publishers & Distributors
Book Publishers & Distributors
bret kerr portfolio | marketing collateral


Die-cut marketing
collateral folder
for Prentice Hall California
High School Mathematics

Client: Pearson Education,

Boston, MA
Software used: InDesign CS2,
Photoshop CS2

I have done a number of die-cut mar-

keting collateral folders for the Pear-
son Education advertising department.
Utilizing my high-end Photoshop skills, I
created/adapted colorful backgrounds
that complement the Mathematics
brand and message.
bret kerr portfolio | marketing collateral

Eight-page course catalog brochure for

Prentice Hall California High School Mathematics

Client: Pearson Education, Boston, MA

Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2

I designed this high-visibility course catalog for Pearson to use in

California, their largest adoption market. Taking a visual cue from the stylized
green waves that were in place in some of the program’s existing PowerPoint
materials, I expanded on the look and designed complementary artwork and
page layouts to give the program a cohesive look. I limited the color scheme to
add impact to the message.
bret kerr portfolio | sell sheets

A Brian’s Song for a

new generation,featuring
two pro football stars
known to millions of fans

“People say you do something like this for family.

Well, we are family. I had to do it. I couldn’t sit here
and do nothing. I’m not a hero. This decision was
an easy one.”—EV E R So N WA L L S

$24.95 US/$31.95 CAN
Hardcover | 6x9 | 8-page color insert
240 pp | tk 2009

After fourteen seasons as an NFL star, Everson Walls retired to his hometown of Dallas, Texas. He and former
Cowboys teammate Ron Springs worked together on a variety of charities, and their families became close.
But, as time passed, Ron could no longer conceal the ravaging effects of his diabetes. Before Walls knew it, his
friend’s simple medical procedures had become amputations and dialysis. Ron’s life was on the line.

In A Gift for Ron, Walls tells the moving story of how he witnessed the suffering of his former mentor and his
family and, on hearing that a potential kidney donor had fallen through, learned that he and Ron shared some-
thing truly precious: a blood type. Walls knew his only option—to donate a kidney to save his friend’s life.

To order call 800-243-0495

or email an order to Visit us online at

Marketing sell sheets for various books

Client: Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT

Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2

I can quickly conceptualize and execute marketing materials in a wide

variety of styles to suit any brand. For the A Gift for Ron sell-sheet I chose
a classic, understated system that would not compete with the book,
which I also designed.

For How to Live in the Woods (right) I went with a more stylized
approach to complement the book’s cover and appeal to corporate
book buyers from Barnes & Noble and Borders.
bret kerr portfolio |
37 trade show exhibit

Client: Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT
Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2

I created a series of Lambda back-lit trade show displays for Falcon

Guides to use during the 2007 Outdoor World conference held in Salt
Lake City, Utah. On the left is one of the displays. I chose a bold, simple,
grid set-up for maximum impact at the crowded trade show. I used Fal-
con’s branded Pantone 123 C and various photos from their books to
convey the brand. Above is Falcon author Kathleen Brown signing books
in front of the display.
bret kerr portfolio | marketing collateral


Trade show poster

Client: Pearson Education, Boston, MA

Software used: InDesign CS2,

This is a recent poster I created to announce

the new edition of the best-selling Biological
Science textbook. I created a stylized back-
ground to complement the cover and build
excitement for the new title. The poster will be
displayed at the Pearson booth at the National
Association of Biology Teachers conference.
bret kerr portfolio | direct mail

applications presents a needs of high school students MFWFMTPGTUVEFOUT
unique challenge for educators. and teachers in mind, these
To be successful, students must powerful instructional programs Exercise | 37
learn a manipulative skill as well for Microsoft® 2I¿FH  DQG
as understand and retain new  KHOS VWXGHQWV RI DOO VNLOO
Critical Thinking
H5ISPVHI.JDSPTPGU 0G¾ teachers know, the wrong in- ¿FLHQF\ LQ :RUG ([FHO $FFHVV Application Skills Voyager Travel Adventures has been collecting demo-
graphic information about clients who participate in adventure travel vacations. In this

structional materials can make PowerPoint and Outlook.

exercise, you will create a memo to the vice president of marketing listing some of the
interesting demographics in table form


#VTJOFTT*OGPSNBUJPO5F the process virtually impossible. Table 1 16. Apply a single line black 3/4-pt. outside border to

°,FFQUIFIPXUPTFQBSBUFE 1. Start Word, if necessary. the entire table.

2. Open 37DEMO. 17. Save the changes to the document.
DIOPMPHZ4PMVUJPOTGPS/PSU 3. Save the document as 37DEMO_xx. Table 2

*/4*%& I$BSPMJOB Have you ever used a text- GSPNUIFJOTUSVDUJPO 4. In the memo heading, replace the sample text Your
Name and Today’s Date with the appropriate informa-
1. Between the second and third paragraphs of the
memo, insert a table with two columns and five

book that enabled students to

5. Between the first two paragraphs of the memo, 2. Enter the following data:
insert a table with three columns and eight rows. River Rafting 77
6. Set all columns to be 1" wide and all rows to be Backpacking 25
.25" high. Kayaking 84

SURGXFH ¿QLVKHG GRFXPHQWV 7. Enter the following data: Biking 43

Age 0 – 18 3% Skiing 21
Learning Microsoft Office 2007 | Word | Exercise 1 3. Align the data in Column 1 with the bottom left and
19 – 25 17%

in class but left them unable

26 – 35 20% Column 2 with the bottom right.
PROCEDURES 36 – 45 30% 4. Sort the rows in ascending alphabetical order by
46 – 55 20% the data in column 1.
55 + 10%
Start Word OR Undo a Series of Actions 5. Delete the label and data for Skiing, leaving a blank

to pass assessments or dem- 1. Click View tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "+ (Ctrl+Z) Gender Male 54% row at the bottom of the table.
1. Click Start button Female 46% 6. In the blank cell at the bottom of column 1, type
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !+& Document Views Group  Click Undo button 8. Align the data in Columns 1 and 2 with the top left. Total and right align it.
2. Click All Programs . . . . . . . . , % repeatedly.

onstrate real learning? This is

2. Click desired view icon: 9. Align the data in Column 3 with the top right. 7. In the blank cell at the bottom of column 2, insert a
3. Point to the Microsoft Office  Print Layout
OR formula to calculate the total number of respon-
....................... 10. Insert a new row at the top of the table.
folder icon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, (  Full Screen Reading
1. Click drop-down arrow to dents.
............ 11. Merge the cells in the new row.
4. Click Microsoft Office right of Undo button. 8. Insert a new column at the left side of the table.
Web Layout

usually the result of poorly de-

 ........................ 12. In the new row, type the table title: CLIENT DEMO-
Word 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, % 2. Click any action in the list to 9. Set the new column to be 1" wide, column 2 to be
 Outline ................................ GRAPHICS.
OR undo all previous actions. 1.5" wide and column 3 to be .5" wide.
Draft ................................... 13. Center the table title horizontally.


1. Click Start button 10. Set all rows to be .25" high.
14. Insert another blank row above the row labeled

signed instruction that spoon

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !+& To Minimize/Expand the Ribbon Redo the Previous Action 11. Merge the cells in the first column.
2. Click Microsoft Office Word 2007 (Ctrl+F1) 12. Using 14-pt. bold, type Favorite Activity per Respondent
 Click Redo button on 15. Apply the Light Shading table style to the table.

in the list of recently used  Double-click the active tab. in column 1.
Quick Access Toolbar.
programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, % OR

feeds instruction and does not OR 215

1. Click the Customize Quick Redo a Series of Actions
3. Double-click the Word shortcut

Access Toolbar button
icon on the desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", /, (, %  Click Redo button

require students to practically

2. Click Minimize the Ribbon . . . . . . . . . . .  repeatedly.
Change the Word Window  A check mark next to command
indicates it is already selected. Repeat the Previous Action
To show or hide ruler:

apply the information. OR

Click View Ruler button

above vertical scroll bar. Correct Errors
 Click Repeat button
Quick Access Toolbar.
Repetition is essential to learn-
 Press Backspace , to

ing any skill. All DDC computer

delete character to left of Save a New Document
1. Click View tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "+
insertion point. (Ctrl+S)
Show/Hide Group
 Press Delete ) to delete On Windows XP:
2. Click Ruler check box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

applications texts feature multi-

character to right of inser-

1. Click Save button on Quick
 A check in the check box indicates tion point.
Access Toolbar.
the ruler is displayed.  Press Escape & to cancel
command or close dialog

ple levels of exercises with pro-

To change the view: box. Click Office Button . . . . . . "+

 Click a View icon on the  If available, you may click a Cancel
2. Click Save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Status bar: or Close button to close a dialog 3. If necessary, click common
storage location in the

gressively greater rigor that en-

 Print Layout box without making changes.
Navigation bar, or click
 Full Screen Reading
the Save in drop-down arrow

 Web Layout Undo the Previous Action and select storage

able the teacher to engage stu-

 Outline location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "+
 Draft OR
 Click Undo button on
Quick Access Toolbar. a. Click Create New Folder

button .
b. Type new folder name.
c. Click OK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % dents of a wide variety of learn-
XJUI1SFOUJDF)BMM%%$ ing abilities.

DDC Publishing introduced its

book in 1987 based on what An important element of the
works in the classroom. For DDC approach is keeping how-
twenty years, DDC has listened to procedures separated from
to teachers and continued to re- the instruction. Students focus
tive and visual learning process- described in a business scenario
'3&&4BNQMFT"WBJMBCMF es to ensure student success. and exercise directions and are
$BMM the procedure to accomplish a

Four-page template for a newsletter

for Prentice Hall Learning Office 2007
Client: Pearson Education, Boston, MA
Software used: InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2

I designed a template for a newsletter series that

could be adapted to the various state-specific custom
markets. I chose a bold color scheme that was drawn
from the book covers and limited the font selection
for added impact.
Microsite design/template
bret kerr portfolio | web design/video creation/post-production

Client: Lyons Press

Microsite I designed in Photoshop

based on the book cover by Jane
Sheppard. Implemented by Geoff

Photoshop template was able to

be reused for a number of other


graphics for iPhone app template for

iphone app icons

animated banner ad for the book The Art of Cycling. Original cover design Educational marketing video - see the final collage on page 36.
for book by Jane Sheppard. (book design by Georgiana Goodwin)
bret kerr portfolio | illustrations

Examples of illustrations

Clients: Falcon Guides, Guilford, CT; Fairfield County Fine Homes, Wesport, CT

On the far right is a rendering I created for a sales presentation. I created the 3D
rendered books and wire display cases, and designed an editable file that could be
updated as new books came out..

Above is a photo rendering created for a high end real estate brochure.

Right is a photo illustration I did for the cover of the book Flakes, Jugs and Splitters
bret kerr portfolio | photography


Digital photography

Client: Knack Books, Guilford, CT

Camera: Sony CyberShot 8.1

The top image was created as part of

a marketing video in support of the
book Mediapedia, by Kit Laybourne. A
series of photos were taken from the
author’s apartment overlooking Cen-
tral Park West, they were later com-
piled in Photoshop

This is a composite shot

of Boston’s Back Bay
separ ate pho
eated from 16
that I cr
bret kerr portfolio | logos


Clients: Read the; Pearson Education, Boston, MA

Software used: Illustrator CS2, Photoshop CS2

I designed the top logo pro-bono for a high school journalism website . A
printed version is also produced in conjunction with The Bristol Press newspa-
per in Bristol, CT.

Left image was my submission for a Prentice Hall Teacher Center logo.

Bottom image was a re-branding of the Falcon Guides Rock Hounding series.
bret kerr portfolio |


“I’ve worked with Bret on countless

“Bret has done a number of designs “I worked with Bret for three years at
project—ads, videos, promotion for advertising and promotions for Prentice Hall, and I have nothing but
pieces, book jackets, web design, Pearson marketing and exhibits. good things to say about him. He ap-
etc—and he’s the best: sharp, cre- He has been consistently creative, plied imagination and persistence to
ative, and always on time. He has punctual with his work, and easy to every challenge, creative or techni-
got a great sense of humor and never communicate with. I look forward cal.”
complains. I highly recommend him to working with him again.”
for any job, but you can’t have him. September 11, 2007
October 31, 2007
Not if I can help it.”
Michael O’Donnell
Adam Velthaus, Pearson Education
February 20, 2009 Pearson Education Customization Design Manager
John Spalding Advertising Manager
Senior Marketing Manager
Globe Pequot Press

Graphic Design USA 2008 Award Winner: Curiosities Series re-design

bret kerr portfolio | writing
Interview with MIT Media Lab
Guru Michael Hawley –
Producer of the World’s
Largest Book 45

r. Michael Hawley is currently Director of Special Projects and founder
of MIT’s GO Expeditions program. Prior to that, Hawley was one of the
heads of the MIT Media Lab for 10 years.

In 2001, Hawley founded Friendly Planet, a nonprofit com-

pany dedicated to children's education in developing coun-
tries. Friendly Planet is now producing a series of photo
books about what it's like to grow up in some of the world's
By Bret Kerr most extraordinary cultures. Recently, the company pub-
lished its first book, entitled Growing Up Bhutan. This is
how the book is described on the Friendly Planet website: Pages: With all the forms of media at your disposal, how did you
At over 130 pounds and 5 x 7 feet, Guinness World settle on the traditional, albeit on a revolutionary large-
scale, form of the book?
Records acknowledges Friendly Planet's Bhutan as
Dr. Hawley: I love books, personally, and we always had in mind the
the world's largest published book. But it's less like a
idea of creating a series of books that both helped to show
book and more like an entire gallery show of enor- what it is like to grow up in one of the world's extraordi-
Editorial writing mous prints, packaged in an immense yet browseable nary cultures, and helped to raise funds to support schools
and scholars in those places. Little books can't do both very
Client: Bookbuilders of Boston volume. The subject is the remarkable kingdom of
Bhutan—the grandeur of its gorgeous scenery, the effectively. The big book, as fanciful and impractical-seem-
newsletter, Pages ing as it is, actually is both sensible and effective.
wonderfully warmhearted people there, and the
First, we can charge a lot for it, but it doesn't cost that much
One of my differentiating strengths is serenity and specialness that make Bhutan so unique.
to make, so it really can raise good money. Second, it cap-
that I am not just a designer/project Copies of the books are being sold for $10,000 with prof- tures real attention—there's an undeniable "wow" when a
manager. My academic background its going to aid the Friendly Planet charities. The book is new person first encounters it; everyone smiles (the thing is
so absurdly big that it makes you feel like a two-year-old
is in English and journalism. I enjoy being produced and bound locally by Acme Bookbinding of
again) and then enjoys browsing it more deeply.
writing and look for opportunities Charlestown, MA—the oldest bookbinder in the world.
And third, it's actually quite practical. There is hardly an art
"The book is a masterpiece," says Paul Parisi, president of
to practice this skill. My background gallery anywhere here in Tokyo (where I currently am) that
Acme. "It's a little like having an incredible larger-than-life
enables me to see the big picture can display imagery that totals about 5 x 400 feet of surface
art gallery in one volume. So crafting the binding to match area. But the whole gallery of giant-sized images fits neatly
on any project, small or large. I can on one 5 x 7 easel. The cost of framing or mounting even
that level of beauty became a labor of love for us."
understand the challenges of an one 5 x 7 print might be $2500. But in our package, the
Dr. Hawley chatted with Pages recently while he was in
editorial employee/department. images average out to less than $100 each, a bargain, actu-
Tokyo on a promotional tour for Growing Up Bhutan. ally, although the whole thing adds up to an epic.
This is an interview I conducted
with MIT Media Lab Professor
Michael Hawley upon his publication
10 11
of the world’s largest book, Growing PAGES, Winter 2004 PAGES,Winter 2004

Up Bhutan.

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