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Quality, Safety & MM Power Sector headquarters


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Compiled SAR/CAR System (COSS) Overview BHEL Trichy SAR System BHEL Trichy CAR System BHEL PEM SAR/CAR System BHEL Hyderabad SAR/CAR System BHEL Bhopal SAR/CAR System BHEL Haridwar, EDN, Jhansi, Ranipet, Rudrapur, Varanasi BHEL EDN

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The COSS aims to streamline and ease the reporting system for site nonconformities observed during Erection and Commissioning namely Site Action Request (SAR) and Commissioning Action Request (CAR) and collect the data thus generated for Preventive and Corrective Actions. Presently, the Non-conformity reporting systems of all the units are scattered in different websites. Some Units dont even have such a system and rely on post or email for NCR receipt and resolution, leading to possibility of delay, information loss and lost data. The One BHEL System, the centralized SAP ERP system, which will solve these problems, is still under implementation. COSS comprises of a web page with links to the online SAR/CAR systems of all the manufacturing units of BHEL to enable users to access these links from one page without having to go to different websites . In addition, the units which presently dont have an online SAR/CAR system or whose systems are inadequate in any way, COSS provides a web based SAR/CAR system, which has the capability of SAR/CAR communication and data storage. Presently, BHEL Trichy, PEM, Hyderabad, Bhopal, EDN have full-fledged online web based SAR/CAR Systems. BHEL Haridwar doesnt have SAR/CAR entry system; these being received by email/hard copy. In addition, it has been found that in spite of having online systems, many sites are registering SAR/CAR through email/hard copy. This document attempts to create awareness in avoiding this practice and promoting registration of raised SAR/CARs in the online system to enable prompt disposal and analysis. The Compiled (COSS) Web Page can be reached from PSHQ QSMM web portal (, from SAR/CAR Submit/View link in Site Issues section on the left. This webpage may be bookmarked for prompt access. The system has been developed with the help of Power Sector MSX & IT. Any feedback, error reports, feature suggestions may be forwarded to and

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The Compiled SAR/CAR System Homepage Access:

Step 1: Go to PSHQ-QSMM Homepage at or

Step 2: Click on the SAR/CAR Submit View link circled above in red. This will open the:

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Shown above is the SAR/CAR homepage detailed in the previous section which contains links to all the units online SAR/CAR systems. First time users will need to register with the websites on these links to get a username/ password for each unit, after which they will be able to log SARs and CARs online. Tip: The users can use the Save Password option in their browsers to save passwords for these links, so that they dont have to remember those. In the next Sections, brief details of each units system will be presented for familiarization.

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1. (a) BHEL Trichy SAR

Clicking on the BHEL Trichy SAR link, as shown above, will open the following web page:

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After Logging in, following options will appear.

To register a new SAR, click on SAR Registration button above and Select the Plant, Customer in the following screen, and enter a SAR No (Running number at the site).

On clicking Submit button, click Yes on the following dialog:

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The following SAR Entry screen will appear in which SAR details can be entered:

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Then, on proceeding further, the following screens will appear, where files (images, sketched, drawings etc.) can be attached:

Thus SAR submission is done for BHEL Trichy.

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1.(b) BHEL Trichy CAR

Link to CAR System

Link to User Manual

On clicking the button for BHEL Trichy CAR system shown above, the following Login screen will appear:

Now enter the username in Login ID field and password in Password field to Login the system. Detailed manual on BHEL Trichy CAR System detailing further steps can be obtained from the link for Manual circled above.

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Link to SAR/CAR System

Link to Manual for Viewing SAR/CAR

Link to Manual for Raising SAR/CAR

Click on the BHEL PEM link to access the following page: (Kindly contact or to get username / password.)

The detailed manual for PEM SAR/CAR system can be found at the links circled above.

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3. BHEL Hyderabad

Link to SAR/CAR System Link to Manual

On clicking BHEL Hyderabad link, the following screen will appear:

Your Username will be your Staff No. and password will be your date of birth in ddmmyy format. If you are a valid employee, you will be logged in. A detailed user manual for Hyderabad SAR/CAR system is available at the link circled above.

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4. BHEL Bhopal

On clicking the BHEL Bhopal Link, the following screen will appear:

If you are a first time user and do not have username/password, click on the New Registration button and get username password from the system. The Enter the username in the User ID field and password in the Password field above to log into the system. Following screen will appear, where you can raise, update and view SAR/CAR:

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Link to Raise SAR Link to Raise CAR

In this screen click on the Raise New SAR or Raise New CAR button to raise SAR and CAR respectively. Following screen will appear (for New SAR):

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In this screen, enter a SAR no. (Running no. for your site), SAR Date and all other information shown in the form. Then describe the non-conformity and the Site Recommendation/Action Taken and click Submit to submit the SAR. On successful SAR creation, the following screen will appear:

This concludes SAR Registration system for Bhopal. Similar procedure has to be followed for raising CAR.

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5. BHEL Haridwar, Jhansi, Ranipet, Rudrapur, Varanasi

Link to the User Manual

Since these units do not have their own online system for SAR/CAR registration, for these units, the newly developed PSHQ-QSMM SAR/CAR System will be used which is detailed as follows: (Kindly note that BHEL Ranipet System is under final stages of development) This manual for this system can be accessed at the link circled above: On clicking the links for any of these units, the following screen will appear: If you are a new user, sign up by clicking on the here link shown above. Following screen will appear:

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In this form, enter your email Id in the top-most field and a password (choose one) in the middle field. In the lowest field, enter the emails to which the SAR/CAR information will be always sent for information, separated by semicolon (;). These can be emails of site in-charge, Section Head, Regional Quality Head etc.

Now, you are a registered user. For further details of using this system, refer the user manual mentioned at the above link. Please note that only one username/password will be sufficient for all the above mentioned manufacturing units (Haridwar, Jhansi, Ranipet, Rudrapur, Varanasi). There is no need to make separate accounts for these units.

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Link to SAR/CAR System Link to Manual

Clicking on the BHEL EDN Link will take the user to the following EDN SAR/CAR System:

The detailed manual for the system can be accessed from the link circled above. The username/password are: pser/pser; psnr/psnr; pssr/pssr; pswr/pswr for sites of Eastern, Northern, Southern and Western Regions respectively. A brief description of the system now follows: After Logging In, following screen will appear:

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In this screen, appropriate Customer, Project, SAR or CAR selection has to be done, which is self explanatory. Then, on clicking View button, following screen will appear:

In this screen, all the past SARs/CARs for that selection will be shown, below which Add SAR (CAR) button is there. Clicking on that will go to following screen:

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In the above form, the details of the complaint are to be added, and form is to be submitted by clicking on Submit button. This concludes brief description for EDN SAR/CAR System. For detailed information, the manual mentioned above can be referenced.

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