SOCS001 Syllabus (2nd Sem SY 12-13)

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Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

Social Sciences Department College of Arts and Sciences Ateneo de Naga University

COURSE INFORMATION Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Duration/Term Instructors: FE B. DIN BS Psychology MA Applied Sociology and Anthropology (Cand.) Consultation Time/Venue: Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs: 2-4PM Bldg JOY AMOR V. BAILEY BS Environmental Management Master of Community Development MS Environmental Change Management Consultation Time/Venue: & Wednesdays Thursdays 1:30-3PM Tuesdays and 10:30AMCLYD REX C. JESALVA AB Philosophy Consultation Time/Venue: and Mondays & Wednesdays 9-11:30 AM AS Faculty Lounge, Ground Floor, Dolan Bldg. 9-10:30AM; e-mail: : : Credit/No. of Units : : None : 2nd Semester, SY 2012-2013 SOCS001 3

Society and Culture with Family Planning

AS Faculty Lounge, Ground Floor, Dolan Mondays

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Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

12:00NN AS Faculty Lounge, Ground Floor, Dolan Bldg

Rationale: The course is an integral component in the formative experience of the Ateneans. It provides venue for the intellectual and affective discussion of various paradigms for understanding social realities by developing the analytical skills of students on how to comprehend and assess social phenomena. Furthermore, the course aims to mould individuals who have the capacity and willingness to be contributors towards positive social change.

planning, conflict, influence of mass media and religion, and reproductive health, using the lenses provided by sociological theories, perspectives and approaches.

Course Description: This core curriculum course introduces the student to the basic sociological concept society and the basic anthropological concept culture. It presents and discusses contemporary social issues such as, but not limited to, stratification, income inequality, gender discrimination, family
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Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

Course Objectives: At the end of the semester, the students are expected to: 1. learn the basic and important concepts and principles of society and culture; 2. cultivate ones sociological concern and the capacity to Grading Component Assertion/Reaction/ Reflection/Integration Papers Class Standing Class Report (Special Topics) Recitation/Participation in Class Quizzes 20% 25% 10% 20% 10% 20% 30% 25% 40% Converted Final Raw Scores

4. exhibit clear familiarity with current/classic issues such as Family Planning, Mindanao Conflict, LGBT, Bikol culture 5. be able to come up with college-level Assertion Papers Course Requirements: 1. Major Examinations (Prelims, Midterms, Prefinals & Finals) 2. Quizzes and Assignments 3. Assertion Papers 4. Recitation and Active Participation in class discussions

Grading System

Preliminary Examination Midterm Examination Prefinal Examination Final Examination

Marking System Letter Point Excellent A 4.0 Description academic performance with an

Grade Value outstanding degree of achievement required for the course fulfillment Very good academic performance with a highB+ 3.5 level of above satisfactory degree of achievement required for the course fulfillment
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understand the interplay of individual and society; 3. develop critical and creative thinking the capacity for inquiry as to how and why things/events happen; and the capacity to assert if social change is possible.

Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

Good academic performance with an above B 3.0 satisfactory degree of achievement required for the course fulfillment. Fairly C+ 2.5 passing with high level of above satisfactory Passing degree of achievement but below a degree of satisfactory INC








according to the date set by the school and with permission from his/her parent and teacher as shown in the Withdrawal Slip submitted by the student to the registrar. Means that the student has not fulfilled the course requirements, e.g. term paper, research, project, etc., within the semester. It is a temporary grade which obliges the student to complete the requirements till the end of the next semester. For INC grades, teacher is obliged to fill up the Remarks column of the mark sheet with NFE (No Final Exam) or NCR (No Course

the level of good academic achievement C 2.0 with achievement required for course fulfillment Poorly passing with a low degree of achievement D 1.0 according to minimum requirement set for the course F 0 Failure: non-fulfillment of the minimum requirements set for the course


Means that the student has not participated in or was absent from the class activities more than 10% of the AF total of the course activity for the semester of term. It is also applicable for the student who withdrew from the course without official permission. The point value of an AF for computing QPI is 0. WP Means that the student withdrew from the course prior

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Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

Course Outline: Specific Objectives Topics/Content Methods/Activities Resources Evaluation No. of Meetings/Ho urs Introduce the requirements of the course; Clarify expectations on the Introduction to the course and its requirements Orientation Expectation Setting Course Outline Participation in the Expectation Setting/ 1 meeting/ 1.5 hours

Course Outline course; Understand the nature Requirements of the course. Expectation Setting
Define sociology and explain why sociology is important; Identify the 3 greatest thinkers in sociology; Differentiate the different sociological perspectives; Comprehend what is sociological imagination Overview of Sociology Definition of Sociology Brief History of Sociology Three Greatest Thinkers in Sociology Three Paradigms of the Sociological Perspective Lecture-discussion; Group Activity: Situational analysis using sociological perspectives (e.g. poverty, corruption, prostitution, pornography, alcoholism, violence) Hunt, Chester L. et al. (1987), pp.1-5, 8-16; Calhoun, pp. 34-35 Panopio & Rold, p10 Schaefer & Lamm, pp. 31-56 Schaefer (2005), pp. 3, 9-18. Provide overview of the methods/process on Sociology as a Science Methods of Sociological Lecture-discussion; Conduct a miniSchaefer (2005), pp 6, 27-55 Handout on sociological perspectives

Activity Participation;

2 meetings/ 3 hours

Report on the results of the

2 meetings/ 3 hours
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Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

sociological research; Determine the various methods of research employed in sociological studies; Familiarize the code of ethics observed in conducting sociological studies Understand how do humans develop various perceptions, feelings and beliefs about who they are; Distinguish between primary/secondary groups; Tell the importance of primary groups in the life of humans.

Research Ethics of Research

survey/interview by group on designated topics.

Hunt, Chester L. et al. (1987), pp. 5-8


Self vs Groups The Nature and Role of Group Behavior Types of groups

Lecture-Discussion SocioGram

Hunt, Chester L. et al. pp. 19-40


2 meetings/ 3 hours

Schaefer (2010) pp.79-83

---Preliminary Examination--Specific Objectives Topics/Content Methods/Activities Resources Evaluation No. of Meetings/Ho urs Define culture Explain its material and nonmaterial components Identify the various elements of culture; Contrast Ethnocentrism and Culture Culture and Society Elements of Culture Characteristics of Culture Cultural Relativism
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Hunt, Chester L. et pp. 44-60

Graded Recitation

3 meetings/ 4.5 hours

Film Analysis: Mumbaki al.

Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

Xenocentrism Comprehend what is cultural relativism Describe cultural variation and discuss the attitudes toward it. Distinguish subcultures and countercultures Distinguish norms, mores and folkways; Learn about unique traditions in other countries; Name and describe the types & forms of deviance; Norms, Mores and Folkways Types of Norms Mores in other countries or other religions (e.g. on sexuality, modesty, public life, etc) Conformity & Deviance Acquire awareness and deeper appreciation of Bicol Culture and Languages Bicol Culture and Languages Brainstorm unique characteristics of the region and its people Report on Bukag CamSur Showcase various Bikol
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Cultural Variation



1 meeting/ 1.5 Hours

Seatwork: list down Filipino norms & folkways during birth, marriage, death Discussion

Hunt, Chester

1 meeting/ 1.5 Hours

Data from Fr. DJ de los Reyes


2 meetings/ 3 hours

What are some of the major geographic features of the Bicol Region? What are distinctive characteristics of Bikolanos?

Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

languages and dialects. Write a love letter using your own dialect. ---Midterm Examination---

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Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

Specific Objectives





No. of Meetings/Ho urs

Be aware of the ways in which a society is organized into predictable relationships; Trace the influences of various social forces and institutions on how we socialize

Social Structure and Control Social Interaction Elements of Social Structure Types of social control Agents of Socialization Family; Mass Media; School Peer Group; Religion

Lecture-Discussion; Debate on the advantages & disadvantages brought by social networking sites Groupwork: sociological perspectives on particular agents of socialization Lecture-Discussion Film Viewing: In Time Case studies Small Group Sharing on

Schaefer (2010), pp. 98-102


2 meetings/ 3 hours

Schaefer (2010), pp. 83-87, 138154, 334-45

Acquire working definition of social class; Familiarize with social class categories and determinants;

Stratification Determinants of Social Class Social Mobility Social Class

Hunt, Chester L. et al. Chapter 8

Activity Participation Reflection paper

2 meetings/ 3 hours

What is meant by the descriptor class-linked?

Acquire awareness regarding the Bangsamoro, the Lumads Competition and Conflict as Social Processes

Philippine SocioEconomic Poverty,

Social Classes and

Social Inequality
Lecture Discussion PowerPoint Presentation by

What are some of the basic facts and perspectives on the Philippine poverty?
Quiz 1 meeting/ 1.5 Hours
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Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

and the Mindanao Situation, the brief history of the issue/problem; Assess whether the governments response is sufficient Understand the differences and similarities between male and female, and how gender roles developed;

Case Study on The Bangsamoro Struggle and Mindanao Situation

Prof. Rodolfo Rudil

Who are the Bangsamoro& the Lumads? What is the problem? What are the sources of conflict?
Sociological Construction of Gender Gender roles Status of Women as the oppressed majority LGBT (Lesbians ,Gays, Bisexuals, & Transgenders) Discrimination ---PreFinal Examination--Report on Homosexuality Debate:same-sex marriages Brainstorming of gender roles Schaefer (2010), pp. 277-284 3 hours 2 meetings

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Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

Specific Objectives





No. of Meetings/Ho urs

Familiarize with the views on family Determine changing patterns of marriage and lifestyles Explain the influence of globalization towards family and marriages

The Family and Intimate Relationships Sociological Perspectives on the Family Marriage and Diverse Lifestyles

Lecture-Discussion; Film analysis: Kailangan Kita Highlighting the Filipino and Bikol Family Report on HIV/AIDS

Schaefer, R. 2004. pp. 279-299

Assignment Field research (survey on diverse lifestyles)

2 meetings/ 3 hours

Explain the pathology of AIDS; HIV and AIDS Describe the impact of AIDS in What is HIV? AIDS? What the society, Explain the status of AIDS cases in the Philippines

Handouts: HIV and Aids Low Incidence, Slow Transmission Format for the Final Assertion Paper

Assertion Paper

1 meeting/ 1.5 hours

are the ways by which HIV is transmitted?

Be familiar with demographic language and definition; with the basic facts about Philippine population; Acquire a personal stance on the issue of population growth

Population and Population Control Demography Demographic Transition Population Control

Lecture-Discussion Report on RH BIll [Family Planning by SDM]

Hunt, Chester L. et al. pp. 303326/ Ch.15


2 meetings/ 3 hours

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Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

Discuss the nature of social change and the factors affecting it; social changes associated with industrialization and globalization; Recognize relationship between living out ones professions and social change in the community

On Social Change

Brainstorming Session

Hunt, Chester L. et al. pp. 327-345

2 meetings/ 3 hours

What is a cultural lag? What are the usual social effects of industrialization?

---Final Examination---

Textbook: Hunt, Chester L. et al. 1998. Sociology in the Philippine Setting 5th Edition. Quezon City: SIBS Publishing House, Inc.

References: Calhoun, Craig, et. al. Sociology, 6th edition. New York: McGraw Hill, Inc. 1998 Schaefer, Richard T. Sociology, 5th edition New York: McGraw Hill, Inc. 2004 Panopio, Isabel S., et. al. General Sociology. Focus on the Philippines. Quezon City: Ken, Inc. 1994 Garcia, Manuel. Social Problems in the Philippine Context. National Bookstore, Inc. 1994 Panopio, Isabel S. Society and Culture: Introduction to Sociology Quezon City: JMC Press, Inc. 2000 Panopio, Isabel S. Sociology: Focus in the Philippines. Quezon City: Ken, Inc. 2004 Ricardo Mateo et. al., Low Incidence, Slow Transmission Resources and Data Uploads of Fr. David John De los Reyes, S.J.
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Course Syllabus SOCS001 Society and Culture

Presentation by Prof. Rodolfo Ompong Rodil on the Bangsamoro Struggle and the Mindanao Situation on Sept.29-30, 2008 at ADNU.

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