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Fancy Pants


I made sure to crank the volume down on my car radio so when I turned the truck back on at the end of the day, The Plot in You wasnt going to get blasted into my already damaged eardrums. Lord knows any more of those unprepared encounters and theyll be done for. Pulling the key out of ignition, I more-or-so kicked the door of my dads pick-up truck open, seeing the parking space next to me unoccupied. I pulled my book bag back onto my shoulders, grabbed my iPod, and hopped out, slamming the door as I went. Im a guy, by the way. Just telling you so youre not imagining a girl until proven Im not one. Or you know what? Go ahead, and pretend all the girls I have steamy-moments with are guys. Or if youre gay, imagine whatever. I dont care. I do those types of things when I read/watch stuff. Its cool. Anyway. I made way to my locker, remembering I needed my World Studies/American History/who-thefuck-gives book. I got it and as I pulled it back to me, a very Juno thing happened. It fell open, sending all the homework assignments, previous quizzes and tests, notes, etc., crashing to the floor. Kill me? I groaned and just as I was about to pick it all up, I got tapped on the shoulder by a Gracie Hart. And Im not really into the whole slut-shaming thing because I can be quite the slut, but shes a, uhm, well, shes loose as fuck. She was only passing by, though. Your book fell apart, she observed, not stopping to help. Fell open, but - Right? I said just like Juno had. She didnt continue the script with Mustve looked at your face, but with That sucks. Obviously not enough for you to help me clean it all up. Yeah

She continued to walk off with her little posse of friends and thats when I got a stack of papers shoved in my face by several people. Oh. Looks like not everyone in this hallway only thinks about themselves. I thanked those nice people - one of them was this really nice and proper Italian girl whos in my Intro to Psych class - and put the papers back in my book. I thanked them again and hurried off to homeroom so I could set this crap down and sleep until the bell rang. I tried to ignore the two stoners sitting at the first couple desks, but still ended up listening to their conversation anyway. Well, they talk about the weirdest shit sometime and Im nosey. The blond one, Jeff, took a swig of whatever it was that was in his water bottle. I doubt it was water. Or maybe Im just being ridiculous. My freshman year I brought a Propel bottle filled with Sprite almost every day. No one suspected a thing until one day, I opened it and it made that sound carbonated drinks make you open them. This chick a couple seats over looked at me really confused, and I let her in on the secret. She said that was absolutely genius and then the following day she came to school with PCP in an Evian bottle. Now, shes the real genius. Bro, Jeffy burped. He is such a dick. Like, fucking-a. DARN. I got here a little too late. I dont know who he is. Major FML moment. I dropped my stuff onto my desk, then myself into the chair, slinking my head into my arms. I always get here early, so I have about thirty minutes to sleep. Right when I finally began slipping away, there was a tapping sound that woke me up. I brought my head up to see that really nice and proper Italian girl that I told you about earlier standing in the doorway, her knuckles patting lightly on the doorframe. Mr. Orsborne - my Chemistry teacher - jerked his head up and spun around to see her. Was he here when I came in? I dunno. Oh, hello, Emma, he greeted her with his usual friendly smile. Hes a really nice guy, a bit of a pushover, though, so hes always taken for granted, which sucks because he doesnt deserve that. No one does. "Hello. I was not here yesterday. Did I miss anything important?" She kind of has a higher pitched voice than most girls, but I think it might be because shes foreign and she has an accent. I dont know, but all people who are foreign to me seem to have a higher pitched voice. Plus, shes a bit of a

girly-girl. Girly-girls always seem to have, eh, annoying voices. But I like hers, for some reason. It just fits her and makes you want to hug her and never let her go. Mr. Orsborne twisted back to his original position, facing the computer screen, saying, Youre welcome. Have a good day, Emma. Ill see you in third period. Oh. Theyre done. I dont really pay attention. She laid the papers he apparently gave her in her notebook. You too. Bye. And my eyes went right for her butt as she walked out. Oops. I was stuck with the GIF of her walking away. I liked, reblogged and set it in my queue to reblog itself automatically every ten minutes. I even saved a copy of it in my mental folder marked oh yes.pervin. No shame. Then I faintly heard - Dodger. It was like the GIF was part of an old timey filmstrip, being lit over a flame and the Weeping Angel was being wheeled in closer to the screen, a split second flash of black in between each couple slides. Whovians unite! Oh, wait, what? Dodger, dude, Jeff said again, snapping his fingers in my face. I could smell the scent of weed and various other things radiating off his scummy, green hoodie hes had for as long as Ive known him. I doubt hes even thought about washing it. My nose scrunched in disgust, my hand knocked his as hard as I could, beginning to say, What, when the sound of a phone ringing became noticeable to me. Jeffs eyes darting to my bag let me know it was mine. Oh. Thanks. I pulled open my drawstring Nike bag, hand fumbling around for my phone. Who would want to call me? I dont talk to anyone willingly. Unless its my mom calling me. Probably. But when I turned the screen towards me, the caller ID read NO.

Ugh. That Gracie girl was calling me. She always wants to walk around in the morning, so she calls me, trying to find out what my homeroom is, and I never answer her. But she always calls. I gripped my eyes shut, getting a migraine, just thinking about her stupid, stuck-up voice. She Boyfriend Zones me a lot and its annoying. Not like its not flattering but shes just tooher. After waiting for the call to drop, I held down the lock button until my phone blinked off, then threw it back into my bag, yanking it closed. I dropped my head back down and closing my eyes. Ahhh yeah. Sleep. Well, uh, see you in a bit.

There has been a crap-ton of complaining going on about the seating chart, my Intro to Psychology teacher acknowledged, going around to his desk. He pulled open a drawer, getting out a clipboard. He held it up. So I asked a *ahem* certain student - not naming names *ahemVANESSAahem* - Everyone actually laughed because hes actually funny and looked back at Vanessa. Mr. Davis smiled at her. Ah, yes, a certain student made out this, eh, month or sos new seating chart. So if you have any complaintstake it up with her outside of school and passed school hours, because the school board cant touch ya then. He shot Vanessa another smile to let her know he was somewhat kidding as everyone laughed once more. He knocked his knuckle against the clipboard like he was letting us know were getting this over with now, going over to the first desk you come in contact with when you enter the room. Emmas desk. Going down the row, he named off names. Didnt really care until he got to the second row, middle group. Dodger Riz-i-lee - you moved up one row, ha - and a Ms. Emilia Russo Oh, cool. I sit next to Emma. At least I didnt get stuck with a bitch or jerk. I shot a thumbs-up her way which she smiled nicely to. Oh, and just lettin you know, my last name is Riley, not Riz-i-lee. Hes just a weirdo. When he finished telling everyone where they now sat, he told us to move to them.

A girl who just loves hearing herself speak, which always makes expected-to-be boringly awkward classes somewhat interesting, let out a laugh, saying, Wow, nice going, Vanessa - sitting polar-opposites right next to each other. And she was talking about me and Emma. Everyone laughed, agreeing. Wow, okay. Opposites attract, someone mumbled from the front of the room. Mr. Davis shrugged, nodding in what appeared to be agreement. Which was weird. I ship it. Yes, my teacher knows what shipping is. Someone brought it up one day and explained it to him and he was like, We do that all the time in the Teachers Lounge! I tried as hard as I could to avoid eye contact with Emma as she fidgeted with her hands. Great. Now everythings going to be weird. Not exactly sure with where this conversation was heading, I whipped around to face Loudmouth, fake fury brimming. Hey, wait - polar-opposites? I know Emmas insanely nice. What does that make me? Someone interjected, Oh, you think shes nice? I ignored that. Thats not what I meant, Dodger, she laughed, deciding to rephrase her words. I meant Emmas a really, likewhats the worda good girl? And - just innocent, I guess, and yourenot. I shrugged understandably, turning back to face the front of the room while everyone giggled their heads off. I popped a fist into the air. Representing all the hood rats. And since everything anyone says seems to be hilarious to them, laughter sounded yet again. There was suddenly a little nudge on my shoulder. I wouldve thought it was just a muscle spasm if I didnt hear her little Italian accented voice. If its any consolation, Emmas tiny hand went retreating back into her lap, I think youre a very nice boy. From the back of the classroom came, I really like her voice. Pretty sure that was Jarie. (Pronunciation Guide: Juh-ree. And while were here: its A-meal-e-uh.) He states things no one says but thinks. I prayed that comment took us as far away from the previous topics as it could, and I think it did as the room erupted into a ginormous conversation about Emilias pretty little accentwhich it isdid I just call her Emilia? I meant Emma. Anyway.

After that died down, Mr. Davis forced us all to take the last five minutes of class to get to know our new seat buddy. Eh. I wasnt exactly looking forward to this. I have never talked to her in actual conversation form, which was a total tragedy, because she seemed like a pretty cool girl. But then again... why would she ever want to talk to me? Ive heard a bit about her parents from eavesdropping on her conversations. If what was said is true, her parents have taught her better than to even think about conversing with someone like me. ButI dont think Im that bad. Im not. Im a nICE GUY. Wellits debatable. Im pretty sure I just left her sitting there for thirty seconds, probably thinking I was refusing to make an effort with her. I glanced down at her, trying to man-up enough to say something, but just ended up staring at her. She was sitting up straight, gazing down at her hands in her lap. She had a really nice dress on. Lookin like a nice, proper girl. Im afraid that if I say something to her, itll be like I threw her into a mosh pit and brainwashed her in the ways of my people. I just feel like Im going to wreck her somehow. I stifled the clearing of my throat before forcing myself to form words. Uh, thanks for helping meyou know, earlier - with my stuff. I immediately regretted saying that, expecting her to make it into a sexual innuendo, but then remembered who I said it to. She honestly probably doesnt even know any innuendos of that type. Her head popped up for several seconds, Oh, youre welcome, then back down in went. Okay. I was going to wait a few more seconds before going again for a second attempt when her head came back up. "You have everything, right? I tried to take everything I could. Sorry if I did not." A weird tingly feeling suddenly shot across my body and I swear my heart skipped a beat. I think it was just because of how adorable she sounds. She says things differently than how we say it in America. I dont know. Its justrefreshing.

I felt myself smile. She sounded so sincere. I shook my head reassuringly. Nah, I got it all - I think so at least. She returned the smile. It seemed very genuine and relieved. "Oh, well, that's good. I was worried. I felt bad, if you did not. But you did. Thats good." I didnt really know what to say back to her except Yeah, so we just sat there until the bell rang and I not-too-slowly but not-too-fast got up and left for my next class. WellI didnt want her to think I couldnt wait to get away from her but at the same time I didnt want her to think I was creeping on her. God. Whats wrong with me? Normally, I couldnt give a shit if a girl knew how I really felt, butI dont know. I dont even know how I feel. Ill just bring up the wrecking her part again. I dont want toscare her. Im stupid. I know. When I got home, I drug myself to my room and flung myself into my bed, praying I didnt fuck up something that may not even ever be something. I laid there staring at the TV until it was an acceptable time to force myself to sleep, completely neglecting my homework. Oh well.


I think its a tarantula, Emma muttered, going back to sit at the picnic table. We were at the park by my house. I didnt even question why we were here or how we got here. I was too preoccupied with the spider. Looking at it, to me, it seemed too small to be a tarantula. Maybe a baby one. It was almost like it heard me and took it as an insult, because next thing I know, its charging at me. I wanted to move. I tried, but couldnt. Woah, wait - how did I end up sitting in the grass? I was just right next to Emma.

The little spider morphed bigger and bigger the closer it got, then shrunk. I felt it go under my shirt and up my back. And then I jolted awake, ripping my blankets off me, hopping out of the bed. I could feel it crawling up my back, but I couldnt find it. I felt my heart b egin to race. I ripped my shirt off, chucking it into my closet. I wanted to rip my skin off. I hate spiders. Then the image of Emma and I at the park flashed into my mind and I realized it was just a dream, and relaxed. I sunk back down onto my bed, apologizing to my ginormous bear of a dog (Chewy) who I accidentally woke up. Hes a Newfie. Well, what the fuck was that all about? It better have just been a dream and not some real-life-morphing-into-my-dream dream. I dropped my face into my hands, getting the need to yawn, but was paranoid that if I opened my mouth a spider would either crawl in or out. Im really messed up, okay? I started to fall back, feeling suddenly sleepy. I wasnt down for more than a second before my ninja skills kicked in and I shot up again, snatching my phone from the side table, jerking it loose from its charger. I pleaded to my phone, Please dont be 6:00am, After I got over how blinding it was, I focused my eyes on the time. 1:48am Well, meRRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS TO ME! I shoved my face back into my pillow, pushing my phone under it, falling asleep within minutes.

I unhooked my phone from the car charger, and checked to see if that help ed at all, but wasnt able to.

The words CONNECT TO CHARGER flashed onto the screen before it went black. I cursed under my breath, clicking the lock button a few times, hoping it just went to sleep. But nope. It was dead. Apparently I didnt turn the screen off on my phone last night when I woke up from my dream nor hook it back to the charger, so it was on all night. It somehow managed to thankfully last until 6:00am to blast the alarm into my ear then die. So, great. No phone to text my mom and let her know I was going to Tokyo Peking after school with David and Chance, so shes going to end up having a conniption and Ill most likely get grounded. Cool - OH WAIT. Car charger. Dead phone. Alone for eight hours. Genius Dodge strikes again. I set those two together and thanked my mind. Now if only I could get it to understand math. I hid my phone under the blanket that was in here for some reason so that no one would see and steal it, then grabbed all my shit and took that shit with me into the school building. Cause shit, yknow. None of my other classes are important to the story so Im just going to skip to the one that is: Intro to Psych. We talked about love today. Not only was it weird because Mr. Davis is a fifty-one year old man and he dappled a bit about sex, but because he used Emma and I as his random examples. This is starting to get annoying. What - is everyone seeing something Im not seeing? Is he just joking around or does he seriously ship us? Whatever it is it needs to stop. If he thinks this is helping play out his plans, its not. Its just making things awkward between me and Emma. Well probably never have a normal conversation ever now that doesnt feel enforced. I looked back up at the clock for what might have honestly been the hundredth time. 11:40am. Mr. Davis did the same. Well, he began, shutting off the overhead projector, Your homework for over the weekend is to meet up with your partner at some point - be it today or sometime over the weekend - and do a bit of research on why we cant tickle ourselves. I want some ideas written down as notes for Monday maybe even a reflective draft by next Friday; Im not planning to make the final copy due for a while,

but a little brainstorming never hurt anyone. And I expect to see both of your handwritings on the notes, so no fibbing. As he plopped himself into his swivel chair, he added, For the last four minutes, discus where youll be meeting. Okay, its official. He went from being my favorite teacher to being number one on my hit list. Weve never had group projects for the first two quarters and now suddenly we do? Bullshit. He just wont give up, will he? I seethed out quietly. I think not, Emma murmured, sealing her lips together into a straight line. The sound of annoyance rang clear in her voice. Good, so at least Im not the only one who hates him a bit now. She turned to me, bringing her legs into the chair. She crossed them, hands going to their normal spot. Where do you want to meet at? she asked. I do not know if my parents will agree with me at your home. Oh? Her eyes went big and she looked at me with regret. I guess I sounded a tadhurt, partially because I was. Im not some animal. I can control myself. Or try really hard to. Sometimes I despise the stupid stereotype people have of me. I hate that parents think all teenage boys just want one thing. Oh, no, no, her voice was urgent and apologetic. Not that they shouldn't - they're just a bit overprotective over everything. Always have and always will. It's kind of annoying. I'm a big girl. They can trust me. She left no time for me to react before she opened her mouth again. I could try to lie and say that I was going somewhere else, but I cannot lie to them. It physically pains me. Again, no time between these thoughts she let spill out. You want to come to my house? They will probably make us stay in the kitchen or the living room, but at least we have something down for Monday. I quickly answered with a Yeah, thats fine before she opened her mouth again. She smiled hugely, nodding. Okay. When is okay for you? Ahhhonestly, any times alright with me. I seriously dont have a life. Oh, me too. Is today after school okay? She paused to look up, then quickly added, My parents have a lot of things on any other day - and I'm sure they would want to meet you. She means be there when you are. Not entirely okay with meeting any girls dad, but - Okay. The bell rang. I told her I had a car so we could drive to her house. She hesitated but nodded and oh crap. I forgot about David and Chance.

Oh well. They can go without me.

I gave the news to David first because I knew hed understand - at least a lot more than Chance would. Chance has some type of abandonment/rejection issues. If you cancel plans with him, he thinks its all his fault, whereas if you cancel plans with David, he automatically assumes it because of a girl and because youre screwing her. Point is I cant win with either of them, but David has yet to shed any tears unlike Chance. Unfortunately, later that day, Chance came marching into Study Hall, looking not too happy. David was close behind him. Wha - dude, Chance started his protest off with. Youre ditching us for her? Is she some secret slut or something? Is she doing your homework? I dont understand. His eyes grew big with fear and his voice dropped several levels. Is it something I did? he squeaked. David draped his hand over Chances shoulder, slapping his cheek, that usual crooked smirk on his stupid face. Oh, dont you get it, Chancey? Hes so obviously going to be popping that cherry tonight. (Author: That was weird to type) I rolled my eyes as he kept on blabbing. Be happy for him; going where no man has ever gone before. Shit, she probably doesnt even know what sex is. Explain what youre gonna do before you do it or she might cry rape. Why am I friends with him? Oh, yeah. He doesnt know how to fuck off. Ahh, rape joke, I said tastelessly. Go jump in front of train. - I leaned forward like I was going to tell him a secret - That was a nice way of telling you to go kill yourself. Dude, chill, he smirked with a nonchalant laugh before gripping Chances shoulders briefly. He said to Chance, See? Lay off. Hes a bit grumpy, cant you tell? Dont be prick and ruin his opportunity to blow off some steam. Apparently talking to me now, he said, Why dont you just go after that Gracie chick? Shes been waiting to get fucked by you for a while now. He chuckled sneeringly. The slut. I narrowed my eyes at him, wishing I could shot lasers out of them. I dont like Gracie at all, but I am really against slut-shaming. Just because a girl has the same morals as a man doesnt make her a slut. And he might be more a shank than she apparently is, so he has no room to talk. Okay, you have lost the right to speak, I snapped. Go sit down. Oh, come on! I was just joking.

Go. He let his mouth open slightly and tilted his head, like he was trying to decide if I was seriously pissed at him. The longer he stared, the more his smile fell. Then the bell rang. He shook his head with an exasperated sigh, but he didnt say anything. He grabbed Chance by the collar of his jacket and dragged him to the other side of the room to their seats. Thats another thing I hate about him. Hes allowed to say all these things to you, order you around, but when you do it to him, its like you deceived him. Hes such a hypocrite and he sure knows how to hold a grudge.

When I got to my locker, Emma was standing there, very closed off from everyone else. Her arms were wrapped tightly around herself. When she saw me, she gave a big smile, which I returned. I twisted in the combination and threw my History book into my locker. She followed me out to the student parking lot and to my car. I made it all the way to my side of the truck without realizing she had stopped following me and was just standing there. I took a couple steps back so I could see what the hell she was doing. She was staring at my beloved truck with a look I couldnt read. Oh crap. Was I supposed to open the door for her? what? I ended up asking in a more mixed tone than I wanted. I couldnt decide whether I should be angry with her possible stuck-up way of thinking or worried that her assumptions of my life were actually all falling together one by one. This is it? Her eyes flickered up. Your car? I looked around briefly. Yup. There was an insanely long pause and then she smiled. I like this. But then she quickly frowned. But I dont think my parents will. Oh Her smile returned as she skipped over to the passenger side. Its okay, she assured, pulling open the door. I like it, though. This is a nice blanket. I watched her pick up a corner of the blanket my phone was hidden under. She rubbed the material between her fingertips and giggled. Very soft, yeah.

I almost bashed my head into the roof of the car just to see if I was actually alive. I feltrelieved. And terrified. Really, really terrified. Theyre going to hate me. All parents do. I swear, if you look at my birth certificate, its guaranteed. I slipped into the drivers seat, then remembered something horrible. The Plot in You. I have the CD playing on my way to school like I always do. I didnt pause it this morning. Just turned off the car. Shes going to have a heart attack when she hears it. I ever-so casually reached my hand towards the volume knob, cranking it all the way to the left and prayed that was the direction I needed it to go. I hoped for the best and stuck the keys into ignition. Instant relief fled in when silence filled the car. I asked her for directions to her house. She told me the address. I knew where that was and it was about twenty or so minutes away, so I grabbed a case of CDs out from the glove compartment and handed them to her. You can pick something to listen to; theres bound to be something you like. Im pretty sure one of my girly chick friends left her NeverShoutNever CD in here. Not that theres anything wrong with that band Her head bobbed up and down as she grabbed it from me. Okay. Seconds after I back out she grinned. Man Overboard? The Story So Far? Of Mice & Men? I like this bands. Lets all just take a moment and go aww because she said this instead of these. Aww. Ahah, just kidding, illiterate bitch. Sorry. Im in shock. I choked on nothing and stared at her, wide eyed for a couple seconds then tried to look back at the road. You do? Her smile grew and she nodded. Yes, very much. I think Im falling in love. First she likes this piece of crap truck and now my music? What other surprises does she have lined up? We parked about half a block away in an alley. We decided this was easier than having my heart ripped out and danced on. And when we got to her house, I completely understood why.

O-okay, when I said surprises, I meant good ones. This - this is just gonna make me want to sit in a corner and sob. It was a three story house that looked like the Whitehouse. Why three stories? Who needs more than the max of two? What do they have up there? Im curious now. The mansion was even fenced in with a gate Ive seen portrayed in many paintings as the gate that leads into Heaven, Her house had gardens, fountains, a garage for fifty, swimming pools, tennis and basketball courts. My jaw dug its way to China, stopped halfway and struck oil. Holyshit, was all I could manage. There were no words in any language that could express what I was feeling at this moment. I was absolute trailer trash compared to her. Hey! she whined, waving her finger in a scolding fashion. No cussing. sorry. She walked towards the front door. I still needed a few more minutes to stop drooling. Was I really prepared for this? I shook my head and followed behind. The door was white marble with black marble speckled in. Some viney thing dangled down from either side of the porch. There was a keypad next to the door. Emma typed in a zillion digit password. The door opened - all by itself, like we were in some spy movie, like James Bond or some shit. I was in awe. I walked in behind her. This place was fucking huge. And guess what? There was a spiraling staircase made of some more goddamn marble. There were statues everywhere, it was kind of scary. And oh look - a chandelier, some paintings, a dead animal gutted into carpet in the other room. I was a kid on crack. "This amazing." She smiled and turned away, hands cupping the banister of the stairs. Mama! Papa! Im home! And I brought a friend! Papa? Nuh-uh. Fuck that. I immediately fell apart on the inside. I had the strong urge to run. The sound of heels clicking against the hardwood flooring made me have to pee. May I take your backpack, sir? I turned and saw a freaking butler - or some dude in a suit trying to jack my stuff. When did he get here?

I shot a look to Emma, then slowly back to him. Uh. Sure. I pulled it off and handed it to him. I blinked, Thanks- and when I opened my eyes, he was gone. Im scared. He better not be doing that a lot. Like, what if - hypothetically speaking - Emma and I ended up doing it and then I look up and there he is with my clothes in his hand? All like, Should I wash your laundry? idk. Geez. Its been like two years and her mom and/or dad are still walking here. I can hear the heels. I think its her mom. How huge is this house? A centuries passed by and theyre still not here. Just then, the clacking of heels grew louder. Both Emma and Is necks jerked up towards the top of the stairs. A woman came down the spiral staircase. She looked expensive. And like she could kill me. Im dreading seeing her dad. Where is that dude anyway? She had a big smile on her face until I was in her view. Well, that is not a girl, she said perplexed. Her voice wasnt what I expected at all. Nothing like Emmas. She sounded mature, almost no trace of an Italian accent. Very elegant. Well, color me confused. Emma let out a small laugh, taking her moms hand. No, Mama. This is my partner in Intro to Psych. Hes named Dodger. We have to work on a paper together. Her mom turned to me and looked me up and down, then she looked at Emma then back at me, a smile suddenly fixed on her face. I gulped. Her hand appeared, open for mine. I wearily went for it. She held my hand in hers and squeezed it, releasing a laugh. You call that a handshake, dear? I began to stammer. WellI didnt want to break your hand. Her laugh rang out again. Emma joined her. UhI wasnt joking. But okay. She placed a hand on my shoulder, letting go of my hand. Well, arent you a card! Human, actually. Her laughter died down into a sigh. Do you want a drink or something to eat? she offered, heading towards what I assumed to be a kitchen, because it had all the kitchen things in it.

I didnt know what to say. I felt dizzy and I had to pee. I turned to E mma, hoping she knew if and what I wanted. By the look on her face, I think she understood that I was mentally dead at the moment. Uh, no, Mama. Were fine, I think. I heard her mom say alright. Emma gestured up the stairs, Lets go, but a couple steps up, her moms voice nearly made me crap myself. And where do you think youre going? she inquired, hands on her hips. Her eyes went to me. Uh - Rightfully not expecting a sensible response, they blinked to Emma. Upstairs, Emma answered before going silent. Isnt that okay? Her mothers index finger uncurled as she pointed at me, then to Emma, then to herself. Do I look like an idiot? I was tempted to answer, but she did for me by shaking her head. She tipped a nod towards the living room. You guys can work in the living room. We need a computer, Emma informed her. The only one is in the study. Whaaa - all this money they obviously have and only one computer. wth. why? Her moms eyes narrowed at her and then at me. I could feel them slice a warning into my brain. Touch her and die. Got it. Fine. A smirk curled its way onto her face. Oh, Herald! she called with a hint of superiority. Her voice echoed throughout the entire house and returned five times. I glanced at Emma when I heard her groan, stomping her feet against the marble flooring of the staircase. Is Herald her dad? The need to pee became intense. I looked away from Emma and nearly fainted. The butler was suddenly standing next to Emmas mother. She whispered something to him in what Im guessing was Italian. Maybe French. It did not sound English. I looked back at Emma who had this really obvious annoyed look on her face, then back at her mother and -whered he go? The butler dude was gone. Her mother was just standing there with a big grin on her. She waved us off. Well, go on then, she urged. You can use the computer in the study. Your father will be home soon. - a satanic smile formed. - Im sure hed love to meet yournew friend. Then she walked away. I have a feeling Emma and I will not be alone. Herald is going to be creeping.

I mentally sighed, following Emma up the stairs. I did it. I met her mom and her ninja of a butler. I can meet her dad. Cant I?


So apparently the third floor is for the study and like a shit ton of other rooms. Who needs this many rooms? Theres like ten each floor. One of these better be a bathroom. I still have to go. Is one of these rooms your bedroom? I asked out of curiosity, following her down the looooooooong hallway, then realized how she might end up taking it and added, Just curious. Emma seemed to know exactly what that question couldve meant as she glanced back before beginning to smile. My room is on the second floor. If we have time, I show you. Well, I kind of like that answer. Okay. She took me to the very end of the hall where there was an enormous door with statues on either side. When we got inside, there were more paintings and some velvety furniture. Well, I immediately thought, taking a seat where Emma had told me to, those would be nice to have sex on, and wanted to slap myself for thinking it, but couldnt stop from wondering what if. But any trace of a would-be boner disappeared when I looked up and fucking Herald was standing in the doorway. His eyes twinkled. He knows - he knew of my thoughts; he knew that I knew of his ninja powers. He knows everything. Maybe he knows if Ill make it home tonight. He shook his head. Oh, god. Im gonna die. He nodded. OH GOD -

Ah, Ms. Emilia, he beckoned in a heavily accented voice. I couldnt tell what accent. I wanted to say French but at the same time wanted to say some type of mafia. Emma turned in the computer chair to face him, her hands in her lap, a smile on her face. Yes, Herald? Your mother wanted to know if Mr. Dodger will be joining us for dinner. Oh hell no - like Id make it through dinner with her dad and many sharp eating utensils. Herald glanced down at me and shook his head. Okay - NINJA. He nodded. STOP. Emma turned to me with a question in her eyes. I do not know. Would you like? A final meal, I guess only I heard Herald murmur. I stared at him for a couple seconds and he nodded. I looked back at Emma, but shook my head. NoIno. Thanks, though. Herald made a *humph* sound, sticking his nose into the air. He turned to leave. Very well then. What a shame, though He stopped in the doorway. What a shame. He disappeared. Im scared. Hold me. He is right, I heard from beside me. My head jerked to see Emma, staring down at her goddamn little hands in her goddamn lapright next to her goddamn vagin- STOP. Why am I so horny all of a sudden???? Huh? You should stay for dinner. I like the way she said dinner.din-NAIR. Cute. I raised a brow. Youwant me to? I wasnt really expecting her to want me to stay. She must want me to die. I get it. No longer cute. She started to nod, glancing up for a split second. Yes. She has really dark blue eyes, which made her look so, so innocentI just wanted to violate her and hurt her emotionally. I kind of have this problem where it takes me approximately .74 seconds to go from I want to hold and protect you from everything and read you a bedtime story and feed you soup when youre ill to I want to rip your clothes off and brutally fuck you up against a wall.

Its one of my downfalls. Oh, wait. What were we talking about? Oh, right. really? She nodded slowly again before suddenly turning sharply to face the computer. We should start working. Oh, yeah, which I forgot was what we were supposed to be doing. O-okay. So we did. And it was boring yet interesting at the same time. She seriously did most of the work and I feel really bad. She looked everything up, wrote a lot of the stuff down, told me what to write so I could get credit for something. I just couldnt focus long enough to do much of the research, what with my stupid boy hormones going haywire and the increasing need to piss. I eventually got up the courage to ask where the bathroom was. We have bathroom on left side of hall, second door passed stairs. I think its kind of funny how she only messes her word structure/placement up sometimes, and a lot of those times it sounds like shes trying to be ghetto. But it works for her. I peeked my head out of the doorway. I expected to be traumatized by Herald suddenly standing there, but he wasnt. I stepped out slowly. Ever so slowly into the hallway...must...not...make...sound... "Mr. Dodger, do you need any help?" The inexplicably good at disappearing butler's shadow was visible before he was and I ran like hell to where Emma had claim the bathroom was and closed the door behind me. I almost sunk into the door, heart beating a million beats per minute. Oh Jesus. That was terrifying -oh. I wasnt in the bathroom. At all. I remember thinking to myself when I saw all these doors that I wouldnt be surprised if one of them ended up being like a Fifty Shades of Grey room. You knowsex dungeon. BDSM sex dungeon. And look what Ive found - a room full of guns and weaponry. My Fight or Flight instincts kicked in even more and I almost peed everywhere. Yeah, I know. Got all your hopes up with thinking omg SEX LAIR? and then smashed them down, but I meanthis is equally as scary, in my opinion. Her dad could literally kill me. He has all the needed tools. I quickly got out of there as fast as I could, colliding into Heralds chest. I stammered out a sorry, sprinting to the third door, praying this one was it. It was.

Slamming the door behind me, I skidded to a stop in front of the toilet and unzipped my pants. Ahhrelief. Seriously, I felt so much better. Im pretty sure if you stood outside the door, youd just hear moaning. Herald is probably hella confused right now. Well, now Im ready to die. Itd be so uncomfortable to perish with a full bladder. I washed my hands before exiting. Herald wasnt standing there but I still sprinted back to where Emma was. I dont know why but I felt really safe when I was with her, like that little tiny thing could protect me, or at least I wasnt alone when Herald ninjad in and out of thin air. We finished our notes a lot faster than expected and just talked for a while. I found out why her mom has an almost all American accent but Emma doesnt. And for those of you who care, its because her dad is originally from Italy, spent all his life there, so his accent is thick as fuck apparently, her mom used to live in Italy, but moved to America, then took a vacation from America to there, they met, fell in love, banged, popped out a kid, lived there for long ass time, then moved here. Yeah. And her dad apparently talks to Emma all the time in Italian and that (according to her) made her accent stick longer than it shouldve. I dont know. Just thought Id tell you. Well, I stood up and stretched and ooh damn. It felt nice - woah hello. There was something touching my stomach. I stopped mid-stretch, returning to normal standing position and looked down to see it was Emmas hand. Uhheh, hey. I guess when I stretched my shirt went up and she seized the opportunity. Well, go her. She stayed like that for a few seconds, fingers tracing my stomach, her eyes glued. I expected drool to come trailing out. I was thinking twice about interrupting her because it felt kind of nice. Perhaps maybe I should even guide her hand a bit further down - BOOM sex joke. I couldnt help but begin to smirk. Having fun? She immediately froze. Her eyes grew to the size of golf balls; a deep red covered her cheeks. She slowly let her eyes curve up to mine. Then her hands recoiled away like she had touched fire. She held them in her lap, pinned under each other. Her mind completely comprehended what she had just done and she gasped. Oh, God. I am so sorryII dont know why IIIm sorry. She dropped her head in her hands, making weird whimpering noises to herself.

Is it bad I just wanted to laugh? And I did? Its alright, I said, putting a hand onto her shoulder as a way of saying that if Im alright with touching you after that, you didnt ruin anything. Before I could stop it, the words came dashing out. More than 95% of my thoughts for the past hour have been of having sex with you. You just touched me. What you did wasnt anywhere as bad as what I wouldve done to you. Oh. Her hands went to her cover her heart. Thats so flattering. I shrugged. Well, you know. I speak from the heart. We took like ten seconds to just smile at each other until she remembered I was getting up for a reason. Erm, what did you mean? You were going to say something? It took me a couple seconds to also remember but I did. I pointed my thumb towards the door. I should get going. My mom gets off work soon and I didnt exactly tell her I was going somewhere after school. Oh. Well, I will walk you to the door, then. So she did. And then, goddangit. I was trying not to let this happen. We both reached for the door handle at the same time, and neither of us moved our hands away. My eyes automatically outlined her lips. They trembled. I wondered what her moan sounded like. I wanted to be the first to hear it. The thought of her little untouched body - everything would be new to her. I wanted to be the first to touch her. If she was any other girl, I wouldnt even think twice about it. Id take advantage of her right here, right now. Thats how I knew she was different. Something about hertheres just something about her. Maybe its her stupid ninja of a butler. He teleported himself behind her at some point during my time of thinking with my bag in his grip. Leaving, sir? Emma wasnt prepared for him this time, so she jumped with a gasp, but didnt say anything. I eyed my bag. I hope he didnt go through itnot like theres anything in there he shouldnt see Just, yknow, privacy. Yep. He lifted it out for me, and I took it, saying, Thanks. Youre welcome, sir. It really is a shame you wont stay for dinner - He stopped abruptly, staring at Emma. I looked, too, and saw what Im sure he was seeing. Her cheeks were insanely red again. Ms. Emilia, are you alright? he said to her with concern before the light bulb sprang on over his head. His eyes glanced from her to me, then back to her, then to me. Did I interrupt something?

I was going to answer with a casual no, but was reminded of something. I thought about when he first made an appearance, I said hed probably teleport in when/if Emma and I were doing the dirty. That reminded me of what Emma had said earlier. That she would show me her room if she had time. She never showed me. I really wanted to remind her of it. But when I opened my mouth - not even knowing what I was planning to say - Emmas opened instead. He was just leaving. The look on whats-his-faces face showed that he knew there was more to it, but he didnt voice it. So soon? Ive been here for like an hour. Thats long enough. Emma nodded. Yup. His mother wants him home now. Ah, I see. We all just stood there. I stared down at my feet feeling the butler dudes eyes on me. I wanted to rip his judgmental eyes off and throw them. What, I wanted to scream at him, I didnt do anything. Just thought a lot about it. Well, I ended up saying a bit too loudly and full of annoyance, causing Emmas head to fly up in surprise. I hitched a thumb towards the door. Im gonna get going. My moms inevitably bound to be having a conniption. And she was like alright and then I left. The reason I didnt go into unnecessary details is because the author is having writers block. (Author: Oops.) Later gater hater.

I stopped off by a local pharmacy. Had to, uh, pick some stuff up. Well, ngl, its condoms. Im fresh-out. (You: Oh, playa, playa. Get it, dude.) Ha, no, actually, I wasted them all, sitting around the night before, blowing them up then crying whenever they popped because it scares me every time. I was bored, okay. But, hopefully, they werent going to be used like that this time around. I always get really paranoid at the thought of buying condoms. Well, at first its a really nice thought, but then all these stupid scenarios are manifested. All involve judgmental people. I immediately backed away from the door and leaned up against what felt like a stripper pole like there was a wild dog with AIDs and rabies snarling at me. Gah, Every time. I cant do this.

What if the cashier denies me of being able to buy them and then humiliates me in front of the whole store and the whole school pops out and laughs at me????? Okay, that probably wont happen. I mean, they cant deny you of having safe sex , can they? I sure hope not; they havent before. And if they do, Ill just get over it. Besides, I always wanted to be a father. I gripped the stripper pole behind me then wondered if that was what it really was. I turned to face it and saw it was one of those kinds of stop sign poles, minus the stop sign. I went around to see what it had said, but all it had on it was a poorly done symbol of person in a wheelchair. Oh. I parked in a handicap parking spot. Oh well. I suddenly felt confident; they CANT deny me of being safe. ITS AMERICA AND I CAN DO WHAT I WANT. (Anastasia Steeles inner goddess tap-danced: You go, girl.) I let out a battle cry and ran into the storeafter waiting for the doors to open. I ran inside and looked around. Wow, this place is dead. There are like ten people in here. Then, for some reason, all confidence left me and I sheepishly headed for the aisle that kept all the condoms, pregnancy tests, binkies, baby food, and tooth paste. The pharmacy we have is weird. Hey, look I found a pair of flip flops. WHOA - theyre on sale! $0.55, now thats a steal. Waitwhat was I here for again? Oh yeah. There was a man and a woman in the aisle. I awkwardly walked passed them with a quick whaddup hoe and faced the condoms. Then I quickly turned around to face the baby food. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see if they were still there. Yup. But they werent looking at me. Well scratch that. The lady was giving me the evil eye. Well, it looks like she knows why I'm in this aisle. Oh chill. Ill probably just end up blowing them up and crying in fear every time they pop like I almost always do. Oh - BITCH. Look away or I will roundhouse kick your ass. I'm guessing she heard my thoughts because she looked away. Or it was because I made the Bitch, please, face. I sighed and let my eyes wander through the different kinds of baby food. Then I quickly turned around, getting a quick glance at the different varieties of condoms before looking at the binkies. Uhhwhich ones should I get? Theres so many to choose from. And I'm not talking about the binkies here.

The usual, I guess. With my ninja-like reflexives, I turned abruptly, grabbed a box of Trojan condoms and bolted out of that aisleand went right into another, which was piled high with socks awesome ones, at that. I really dont know if I can face the cashier. They always look at me like I just ran into a church and yelled God isnt real. Deuces, then salsa danced away. But I knew I had to sooner or later if I wanted some girl to let me bone her, so I exited the aisle and entered a line of three. There were three people ahead of me: that woman, that man and some old person. One by one, the line got shorter and then it was just me and the cashier. And it was the same chick that always seems to be working the counter whenever I come in here to buy - ahem - the stuff. Hello, not-so-old and not-so-friend friendplease dont judge me. I looked down at the box and casually shoved it onto the countertop. And then Miss Cashier silently judged me. HEY, I said DONT do that. Already? she said in disbelief. Werent you in here last week buying the same thing? And she thinks Im a skank. Which I am. Just not lately. k cool. I, uh searched for an excuse. Went with, Got bored. -FACEPALM- Not what I was going for. Her eyes widened slightly as her brows rose. O-kay, then. At least youre being honest - uh, seven dollars, she spoke uncomfortably, dropping what I had purchased into a bag and then chucked it at me. Thanks, I muttered, slumping ten bucks in front of her. She mumbled something and then opened up her cash register, traded some money, and then handed it back to me. Three dollars is your change. Thanks, I muttered again and then ran out of there before I pissed my pants. I make the best impressions. As soon as I stepped out the door, I looked down into the bag. I had to be sure. Yup. I actually bought them. I smirked to myself. Cant wait to use em. I am so proud of myself. For some reason I wanted to call Emma and tell her about the success, but then remembered I didnt have her number. Darn. I took my time getting home because I had texted my mom earlier telling her where I had been and why I didnt text her sooner.

When I got to the front door of my humble abode, it flew open. I almost screamed shrilly, then I saw who opened it and stared in confusion. It wasnt any member of my family - that I knew of. I hope not. Shes super yummy looking. Blond hair, blue eyes. Hitlers favorite. Am I at the wrong house? I asked, glancing at the address number. It was definitely ours. I gave a wary look to the chick, then darted my eyes passed her. Mom? I called into the building. A smile spread across the chicks face, but before she could say anything, my mom popped up behind her. Dodger, she greeted, you remember Natalie, dont you? I took a couple seconds to stare at the supposed Natalie. I slowly shook my head, trying to match the name and face with a memory. No. Not at all. Sadly. Oh, well, isnt that just sad, my mom said with a shake of her head. You two used to be best friends. I cant believe you dont remember her. Well, we obviously werent that good of friends then, now were we? Sorry? I offered an apology though I didnt feel bad at all. Well, anyway, She put an arm around Natalies shoulder. She and her father are moving into the house right across from ours. Isnt that great? Despite her just telling me which house they were going to be living in now, I turned and looked across the street, trying to decide which of the houses they were allegedly moving into. Im gonna guess its the one with the moving truck in the drivewa y, boxes piling in the walkway, big pile of dog shit in the yard. I turned back to them. Cool. I nodded my head towards our house. Can I, uh, go now? Thinking Natalie and my mom would get butthurt by me not wanting to interact anymore, I added, I have to pee. Dodger! my mother exclaimed, shaking her head in dismay. Fine. But hurry. Were going over to help them move in. Of course we are. And I bet shes going to try to set us up. Thats always what happens in stories like this. New neighbor = fall in love with them, huh? And Im beginning to remember stuff about Natalie now, and us as children. My mom devoted her life to getting us together. Thats probably why I dont remember her at all; I blocked it out. Got it. I pushed my way passed them, heading towards the hallway. I heard my mom say something to Natalie, then Natalie laugh and say something back, then the sound of them going out the door. I walked pass the bathroom and to my room. I joined Chewy who was sprawled out, sleeping on my bed. If you dont remember, hes my dog. I managed to hide out in my room until I got a phone call from my mom. Apparently when she said we were going over to help them move in, she actually did mean we as in me and her. Well, dang.

I took my time getting over there. No one was outside, so I hesitated even more. What if her dad or someone walks out while Im gathering boxes and sprays me in the eyes with mace, thinking Im trying to rob them. That shit burns, okay? But just as I stepped into the street, Natalie came waltzing out of her house. Once she spotted me, she said to me, Your mom is having a bitch-fit right now - has been for the past, like, ten minutes. What happened, did you fall in? She shot a snooty grin, grabbing a big box out of the back of the truck that had NATS CDs marked on it in big letters. A giant box for CDs? Was that a joke? I asked, feigning offence, reaching their yard. Ill have you know I didnt survive the fall. Youre talking to a ghost right now with a grudge. Watch out. She laughed, propping the box up with her knee. Ah, you still got the same sense of humor after all these years. Kudos to you. And then is when I start to feel bad. Ohso you do remember me? She nodded, inhaling sharply. Yup. But its okay that you dont. Really. It was a long time ago. Yeah, its been like a minute. Oh, my God! her laugh belted into the air. Those jokes, too? Using complete opposite measures of time in place of the appropriate ones? You really havent changed at all. Andis that a good thing? For now, she said with a snarky smirk. She glanced back down at the huge box in her grasp, then looked back up at me, smiling. Can you help me? I scoffed, showing her the palm of my hand, More like can you help me, then walked towards her house feeling like I had made Josh Franceschi proud. If you dont know who that is or much about him, he sings for a band called You Me At Six and is a diva. My spirit animal. After letting out a short laugh, she called after me, Uh, gee thanks, Riley. I threw a peace sign at her. Anytime, Snyder. I really hopped that was her last name. It sounded right, like it went well with her first. I stopped walking when she said, Hey, you remembered my last name! I turned to face her with my hands over my heart. Well, you remembered mine. She flashed another smile before lifting the box up slightly.

Thats what bros do. Bros also help each other out - and this is heavy as the f-word. My arms are going numb. I was going to tell her to deal with it when she suddenly lost grip of the cardboard box, but caught it before it went booming down. Not entirely sure whether she either was doing that on purpose or really wasnt kidding, I went over in surrender and took the box from her. I swear it weighed about five-hundred pounds. She massaged her arms, thanking me. Alright, well, follow me. Ill lead the way to my room, which ended up being the same room my bedroom was located in at my house. As soon as we got there, my arms gave way and I clumsily dropped ALL of her things and they crashed on the floor with a big explosion. "Uhmmm...sorry, I mumbled, feeling my heartbeat in my arms. She gave a small frown but waved it away. "It's okay," she said, grabbing a pair of scissors off one of the other many boxes scattered around her room. She jabbed one of the blades into the taped-shut side of the box, ripping it open. She pulled several CD cases out from different layers, inspecting each one, and then sighed in relief. No harm done. I felt a little better, leaning back on the doorframe. Well, good - is that whole thing really filled with CDs? I didnt think CDs weighed a zillion pounds. She chuckled, pulling several more CDs out, tapping her knuckle against something in the box. No. I have, like, three different CD players in here, too. Ah, well, thats not at all excessive. Well, see, this one - its radio works; the others dont. And this ones the only one with a CD player that doesnt skip. But this one right here, it has an iPod port so I can charge and listen to my iPod. Why not just buy one that actually has all those things and works? She paused a moment and shrugged. Im blonde, duh. Gotta stay true to my stereotype. I laughed, nodding. Oh, it all makes sense now. Thats so genius, I said referring to what she had last said. Anytime I do something stupid or rebellious and they ask me why, Ill just go Gotta stay true to my stereotype. She laughed again, sitting on a short dresser near her door where I was. Im glad I could help you out with an excuse. My job here is done. You did good, I congratulated her. So thats your stereotype? she said seconds later. Stupid and rebellious actions?

I nodded pretending to be so proud. Yup, hit the nail on the head. Is that not what you thought? Oh, no. Well, kind of. She stopped to smile. But, hey, not my fault. Its societywhich I am a part of. I laughed again. Oops. We went on to talk for a while, going back and forth from her room to the moving truck numerous times. I can see why we were best friends. Shes a lot cooler than I would like to admit. Partially because of my mom and her evil plans. I didnt want to like her like my mom wants me to. PlusII dont know. I feel like shes not the one I should end up being with - for however long. I dont know how to explain it, but I just feel like Im supposed to wait it out for someone else. Its stupid, I know. II almost want to saylike, Emma. idk. Its not like anythings actually going to happen with Emma and me, but, you know, what if? What if we end up liking each other a lot then want to date but I cant because of a prior commitment? I dont want to end up being with one person and wishing I was with someone else. Thats not fair at all. Eh. Im being dumb. A lot of exerting energy today and brainpower. We ended up staying there, helping out, until about eight or so. We went home and I locked myself in my room and fell asleep to the TV.


On Monday morning, after sleeping x-amount of hours the night before, I opened my eyes to the dreaded sound of my alarm going off. I groaned, nearly smashing the dismiss icon. Silence was welcomed and appreciated. I laid there for three minutes in peace before there being a quiet knock hitting my door. I turned my head to the door, and just looked at it. I was waaaaaaaaaaaaayyy too comfortable and tired to move. What? My voice cracked and my eyes burned when the door crept ajar and what mustve been gallons of stolen light from the sun forced itself through the opening. Honey? It was my mom. Natalies going to be here soon. Get up. So, Ill explain. Since Natalie and I live near a bus stop that takes us to school, she should be on it, but she just moved here and doesnt want to be on a bus full of people she doesnt know. My mom offered on my behalf that I would give her a ride every morning so she doesnt have to suffer.

Cool. I sighed loudly, suddenly not wanting to spend time with Natalie, damn-well knowing how cool of a person she is but completely dismissing that, remembering my moms tactics. Fine. I turned my back to her She began to say something - probably having to do with me not getting up when she wanted but was interrupted by a light knock coming from the living room. Oh, I think thats her. Hurry. My mom darted to answer it, neglecting to shut my door behind her. The bright stream of light continued to reflect off a body-length mirror I had propped up at the corner of the head of my bed. (Uhh, sex purposes? Get to watch it happen? Im gross, I know. But hey, gotta stay true to my stereotype.) I shot imaginary lasers after her. Bitch, I grumbled, pulling my blanket over my head. I wrapped an arm around The Chew for body heat and comfort, beginning to give into the gnawing itch of sleep. My eyes shot open at the sound of my mother greeting Natalie and telling her I was still wasting away in bed. Im imagining she told her to go wake me or else wed be late because I heard Natalie say okay and then the sound of her feet padding towards my door. She lightly tapped on the partially closed door. Uh, Dodger? Its Natalie. I guess she has no patience in the morning because she flipped on the light without even giving me a second to respond. If I had no self-control, Im sure I wouldve sprang into the air and flung a machete at her, and if she survived, I wouldve casted a curse upon her. Instead I reacted in a more acceptable way. Gaaahh! The light! The light - SHIT. WHY? Chewy didnt appreciate Natalies rude wake-up call and lurched up to bark at her, in lieu of running at her, he just decided to stand on my junk. I held back a scream, only letting out the pained facial expressions, because he didnt give me any sort of warning and scared the crap out of me and thats all that came out. Ow, ow. OW. Chewy, ow! He was stepping repeatedly on my delicates. I shoved the fucker, but hes a B I G dog, and just repositioned himself on my bladder and empt y stomach. CHEWY! He barked in response. I finally accepted I was not going to get him off me by myself so I just laid there. Get off meeeeeeeeee, I whined and shoved him again to no avail he barked. I barked back. I heard someone laugh a cute laugh that took me a couple seconds to recognize. Oh yeah Natalies here. I looked up. Oh, hello.

She was looking, uh, none-too-shabby. She was wearing pants that were cut into shorts, and a vcollar shirt that showed some cleavage. Oh, and grey Toms. And a beanie, also grey. Frankly, she looked like most of the teenage girls who go to our school. She definitely looked cute, but eh, kind of hipserty. She made a face at me, and said, Are you okay? Or is there, like, something on my face, or? I had just now realized I mustve been staring at her for quite some time. Uhm I tried to sit up, but Chewy was still sitting on me, so I laid back down. Uh, heh. No. I was just, uhI was justhi. I forced out a friendly smile, but Im sure I looked mental. Uhm, she laughed. Youre high? What? Uh, no, no. I meant, hi like I leaned back, arms crossed over my chest, and made a peace sign with my pointer and middle finger. Wassup? I said, like a real OG with a sup nod. I didnt particularly like the way I responding to her right now and replaced the previous tone with a harsher joking one. I rolled my eyes. Yes, Natalie. Im high. At six in the morning. She smiled. Oh, her teeth are pretty. But Emmas are prettier. Way prettier. why did I just compare her to Emma? (Anastasia Steele kicks her inner goddess out of the car, telling me I can borrow her for a bit, obviously needing help, then drives off. The Inner goddess grabs a hold of my shoulders and shakes me: Because you like her!) If anyones hella confused with the inner goddess thing, Anastasia Steele is from that Fifty Shades of Grey book and she has this stupid inner goddess that does things like wiggling her eyebrows, etc. - things your conscience cant do - and gives her pet talks. Shes now my inner goddess. Blah. Do you needhelp, or something? Natalie asked, looking from Chewy to me. Uhyes, please? She smiled again, and then whistled. Chewys big head jerked up. She whistled again, and said, Come on, boy. Come on! You wanna go on a walk? Chewy barked, and jumped off me stepping on my kidney and bladder in the process - running out of the room. I groaned in pain, instantly sitting up, only to fall back down onto the bed. Thanks, I said, looking at the inside of my eyelids. No prob. I could hear the smile in her voice. I opened my eyes to see that she was, in fact, smiling. Gee, I muttered, closing my eyes again, resting my hands on my stomach. You sure do like to smile.

Hah. Yup. But only at really cute guys. I opened my eyes to stare at her in confusion. Where the hell did that come from? You suddenly thing Im cute? She titled her head as she shrugged with a big ol smile planted in her face. Nope. Thought it for a while. Just declaring it now, because why not? Cute guys bring out sudden thoughts from me. Her smile widened. You are one cheesy mother fucker. She laughed. You know just what to say to a lady. Thanks. De nada. She kind of chuckled. So are you going to get up and get dressed or am I going to have topersuadeyou? What the fuck? Did she talk to my mom or something? Whats with her? Uh, I pushed out a small laugh. Id actually prefer you not to touch me. While Emma exists. Well, that wounded me. Thanks. I smiled. Didn't mean it like that. I just woke up; Im grouchy. Yeah, but stillouch. She put her hand over her heart, and frowned. I rolled my eyes at her, and SHE SMILED. Wow. I must be gorgeous, because you cannot stop smiling. She continued to grin. No denying that. She winked at me. Youre full of it, I said, shaking my head. Before she could say anything, I interjected. Now am I going to have to throw you out of here so I can change in peace or will you go without a fight? That infamous smile still beamed as she shook her head in defeat. I guess Ill leave you be. Thank you. Yup. She began to close the door behind her, but seconds before it clicked shut, she spoke quickly. But if you need any help, just let me know. I will gladly help. I suppressed a snort, but laughed nonetheless. Yeah. Got it. When she closed the door, I sat up and silently asked God what the fuck that was. Not getting a response, I let it go and got changed. It took me about five minutes. I kept almost giving up and lying back down in my bed to sleep. And now, suddenly on the verge of passing out, I headed for my bedroom door. Clearly using heaps of energy with this action, when I opened it, I yawned.

"Oh, so I'm boring you already?" Natalie asked with her arms crossed and her eyebrows narrowed in a "I'm-trying-to-be-serious" kind of way. I yawned again. "Yeah, sure." Why am I so tired? Why are you so tired, mister? Natalie spoke my thoughts, following me into the living room, joining me on the couch. Had arough night? She had paused and smiled, arching her eyebrows momentarily before using the word rough. Funny. A yawn came through yet again and I repeated, Yeah, sure. Stupidly not grasping that I wasnt being serious and was just using my go -to answer for everything because I was way too tired to come up with something more intelligent, Natalie tipped her head slightly as her smile fell. Oh, really? she said with a hint of what Im going to say was hurt. She pushed a smile to her face and asked, With who? Myself, I yawned out, rubbing my eyes until I went into another galaxy with stars and shit. She had a look on her face I couldnt give a fuck about enough to try and decipher what it meant . She smiled, nodding. Alright. Then the light bulb of creativity flickered on over her head. Well, gee, its a shame I couldnt be there. Not knowing what to say I used my go-to answer and yawn for that. -yawnYeah, sure.

So the drive to school was pretty much silence. Occasionally shed say something like, Its cold; I shouldve worn a jacket, or Watch out for that old lady -well, you tried, and I'd take about a minute later to reply or even acknowledge the fact that she said something. Im using the Im way tired as an excuse, because why not? I just really didnt care for her right now. I ended up having to show her where her classes were and pointless other rooms she might need to go to like the cafeteria or the nurse. That took all the way up until the first bell rang so I didnt get to have my thirty minutes of extra sleep like I usually do. I better not be sleepy and yawning all day.

I yawned at the thought of yawning. Natalies first class, by the way, is my first class, so shes talking my ear off right no w. She stopped abruptly but my eyes were sown shut, so I didnt know nor care why. Until I heard that little Italian accented voice. Dodger, it said, tapping a finger on my nose. Knowing who it was, I didnt rip their finger off. Just shot my eyes open to see tiny Emma standing in front of my desk. Yes? She held up a black hoodie, which I took more than a few seconds to recognize as mine once I saw a band logo I very much cherished. You left this at my home, she explained, her accent running thick. I took it from her. Oh, thanks. She nodded her head, saying I was welcomed, gave a quick look to Natalie before saying bye, and left the room for her first class. It was thankfully silent for ten glorious seconds before Natalie ruined it. You were at Emma Russos house? she asked incredulously, using Emmas last name and the italicized and bolded tone for what was probably some dumbass reason. I fought a yawn but those feisty little pricks cant be ignored. Yup. Last night? she guessed wrong. Did you guysdo it? I think she legitimately thought the reason I was insanely tired was because I was banging someone last night, other than myself. Not snapping at her for trying to invade my privacy, I instead answered both questions with a No. Then when? What did you guys do? I sighed, just praying for sleep, or at least for the late bell to ring so I didnt have to talk anymore. Friday. We had to work on a paper together. with your hoodie off? Another exasperated sigh fell out. Yes. It was like twenty degrees in the morning, then fifty in the afternoon. I wasnt welcomed to the idea of dying from a heat stroke so I took it off - why do you care, anyway? I snapped not even sure if I cared for an answer. She shrugged, shaking her head. I dont. Just curious. Liar. If you say so.

I would skip to Intro to Psych, but nothing really happened. Everyone subtlety hinted that we should waste the class away talking about what Emma and I did the whole time and if we would do that again. Then Mr. Davis said that we should all get together with our partner again and think of another essay topic to write about for a final draft. Of course . That awkwardness followed me into Study Hall where David and Chance cornered and interrogated me about Friday, too. Can I catch a break? Why is it such a big deal to everyone? My head popped off and flew to the moon when David opened his stupid mouth. So, did you guys fuck like I said you would? You did, didnt you? I totally called it, didnt I? Since there were more than just the three of us in the room, a couple of people turned their heads and so obviously began eavesdropping. I said loudly enough for everyone to hear, No. We didnt. I peeked at Chance. He immediately looked down at the ground. He didnt say anything. It looked like he was refusing to. David probably filled his head with lies of me deceiving him all weekend. I could tell I was slowly losing him as a friend and I didnt want that. Oh, dont lie, David urged. If not all-the-way, then just oral? No. We didnt do anything. He narrowed his eyes at me, like he was trying to read my mind. If he could he just heard a loud FUCK YOU. Are you being serious? he said, almost like he was starting to believe me. I was about to say yes when he continued to talk. Then why else would you ditch us for her? I told you - we had to work on a paper for Davis. And thats all? You ditched us for a stupid paper?

No. I ditched you for a grade. He suddenly smiled arrogantly. Oh? So thats all shes good for? A good grade? I hate him. The first thing I thought was him telling Emma that I was just using her. No! I swear I said for the twentieth time. And dont you go telling her that; its not true. But isnt it? he smirked. He glanced up at the clock, slowly backing over to his seat, thumb hooked on Chances collar. Her little heart would break if she knew the truth. Seriously. Dont. I was pleading by this point. Why? He paused, something dawning on him. Do you like her? If I say yes, will you stop being such a prick? Oh, so you do! he exclaimed triumphantly, ignoring the other half of that sentence. Well, why didnt you just say that? Because you wouldnt believe me, I said shrewdly. Well, youre telling me now, and I believe you. The bell rang and David grinned at me, grabbing onto Chance once more, dragging him the rest of the way to their seats. Hes such a douche. And what do you want to bet hell tell Emma?

I think about fucking Emma a lot more than I probably should. Oh well. I was currently sitting in homeroom with Natalie, yet again not really attempting to contribute to the conversation she had started an hour ago. Slowly beginning to realize that talking in the early hours was not my cup of tea, she began to trail her sentence offonly to crudely pick it up again. But it seemed to be an apology so Im cool with it. Im sorry, she said, shaking her head like she was upset with herself. I keep reminding myself you arent really responsive in the morning but - she threw her hands into the air, pointing at her head - the blondes getting to my brain!

I pushed out a laugh. Its fine. Hey, I snapped my fingers at her. Gotta stay true to your stereotype. She didnt get more than a laugh out as a response before our attention was drafted to another set of voices. One being of a higher pitch. But it wasnt who I wanted it to belong to. This onehad a hint of bitch to it. Gracie Hart came waltzing into the room, a pair of female specimens trailing behind her. That voice of hers was badmouthing someone who Im sure didnt deserve it. But before I could figure out who it was - or at least what they did - she silenced herself, eyes doing a double take at me. Oh, hi, Dodger, she chirped out, letting one of her friends - a red-haired girl - glide passed her; the other - blondie - stayed back with Gracie. I heard red-head ask Mr. Orsborne if she could borrow a glue stick and scissors for a Spanish project, to which he said was just fine. Im not even sure the smile I tried to push out made it through, but hoped the peace-sign I threw her way was good enough. Hey. My sleepy eyes followed her friend who was clearly the reason they came into this room as she pulled open the bottom drawer of a file-cabinet, grabbed a glue stick and a pair of scissors, then pushed the drawer shut. She turned to face her friends, holding the items in her hands. When she made it back over to them, she got a grip on Gracies arm, yanking her out behind them. Thanks, Orsborne - lets go, Grace. Bye, Dodger! Gracie called out quickly. See you in Math. Later. Natalie and I sat there for a while and I took those several blissful seconds to close my eyes, honestly believing that would diminish my sleepiness. It didnt. Are you and Gracie dating? Only in her dreams, I didnt mean to murmur. I meant to scream it loud enough for her to hear. jk. That was a mean thing to say, but I dont regret it. Oops. Oh, geez, Natalie laughed shortly. I take it she likes you, but you dont feel the same? I held in my yawn and nodded. Unfortunately. I mean, its not like she isnt a nice person or anything, but she just tries too hard, you know? And her plans end up backfiring on her and just make her look desperate and - its not attractive, is what Im trying to say. But do you think youd like her if she wasnt all

Her? I ended up smiling, trying to make this conversation less cruel. I shrugged. Eh. I dont know. Ive only known her asthat. Itd be shocking to see her any other way. Like, Id see her for the way she used to be, but shed act the way she normally would around anyone else. Itd be weird. Im not making sense. You know what I mean? She smiled, nodding her head. I think so. Do you like anyone then?" she asked as I glanced up at the clock. "No," I wound up hesitating, which Im sure she caught. "Do you?" I asked back. A small smile grew on her face. "I don't really know yet, but I think I do. Aw, thats cute. I wondered who, hopping it wasnt me. But at the same time I did. I dont know; evil boys plans? I smiled back, but I didn't press her. She could tell me if she wanted to. The first bell rang just when students started pouring into the classroom. Natalie and I said our goodbyes and she went to her seat.

Ugh. No, Emma groaned out, reaching forward to turn the volume down on the car radio, silencing Mumford & Sons. Im sorry, but if I hear that stupid song one more time, I will have mental breakdown. They overplay them so much, she said referring to the radio station 103.9 the X. Pretty sure that its only available where we live. Right, what happened to all the good stuff they used to play? Ever since that Ally chick was hired theyve gone to indie shit. I havent heard Metallica on here in - not even joking - a year. I was expecting her to flip at me for cussing because she doesnt seem to like that, but she didnt and I apologize if you like Mumford & Sons or the new 103.9 or indie shit. Im sure I would too if it wasnt crap. (: Seriously. Just yanking your chain. Is dumb, she agreed. Im actually certain she said its but it sounded like is, so that is how I will report it to you. Sealing our bond Im sure we were forming, I brofisted her. If you dont know what a brofist is, its a knuckle hug made between two bros. No, I didnt fist her. I actually think I have a fear of doing anything like that to anyone. Likewhat if your hand gets stuck?

Okay, Ill stop. I pulled the truck into the McDonalds drive-tru. Oh, you know, just trying to die young. We were obviously hanging out right now because of the Intro to Psych paper; this is a detour to her house. Us hungry. We both agreed that you could tell us a zillion different disgusting facts about McDonalds and we would still eat it. That stuff is goooooooood. After getting our health-ridden delicious food, we sat in the parking lot and ate. We didnt really talk much, just occasional comments about random things. It was nice. Thats how I knew we could at least at some point be friends that werent always out and doing things. I like it. It was, as previously said, nice. Also, every time I burped, she laughed, sothats a good sign, maybe. My dad is home today now, I think. My fry stuck in my throat and I choked, sending myself into a coughing frenzy. Oh, my! Emma exclaimed, handing rushing over to be patted onto my back. Are you okay? she asked after handing me my drink. I chugged it down which ended up being a bittersweet thing. It helped but when I tried to answer her, I burped. But she laughed, so yep. Just fine. I blinked away my tears and took a deeeeeeep breath. Id be even better if I didnt have to meet your dad. I flashed a smile hopping she would see that Im a good person at heart and shouldnt be put through these Saw-like forms of torture. She took that small hand of hers from my back and cupped the side of my face. It stayed stationary for half a second before it patted my cheek, prior to retreating back to her lap. Youll be fine. Hes not that bad. Oh, gee, why dont I believe you? Trust issues? she guessed with a glowing smile. I returned it. Ive learned to not trust anything that could lead me to death. Youll be fine, she promised, but I still wasnt okay with believing her words. It showed as I knocked my head back with a groan. Why cant we just go to my house? I suggested in a whinny voice. My moms been off work since noon today. Cant you tell them that? I swear I have an irrational fear - a phobia - of meeting dads. But, I mean, come on now. Dads are scary and protective of their daughters. And they always seem to hate me.

Emma scrunched up her mouth and sighed, giving me a look I only had seconds to decode before she deciphered it for me. Fine, she said causing relief to overwhelm me. I will try. She pulled out her phone and did some clicking. I went back to downing my pop as we waited. I had to pee. Im not sure if its because I chugged about half my drink within ten seconds or because of the thought of her mom and/or dad saying no to her going to my house and forcing us to stay at hers. Not like Im not down with her house. Besides the fact that her father and butler reside there, her room is there and I want to see it. But then I remembered I have a room and if they say yes, she will see it and maybe other things in it. Ah. Evil boy plans brewing. Oh, who am I kidding? Shes too much of a goody-two-shoe. Not trying to be mean here, but shes probably one of those ixnay on the premarital-sex-nay. Not that thats a bad thing but.less sex for me. I sat back in wonder. Man, when was the last time I had sex? Before I could answer my own question, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Emma make a face that looked of surprise. Uh-oh. She didnt hear my thoughts, did she? She dismissed that fear as she spoke. They say yes. They did? I asked even not nearly as shocked she was. She nodded. She mustve typed out one hell of a convincing message for them to say yes. We both sat back in silence. Wellthats a good thingI think. I immediately wondered if she thought it was a good thing. Uhyou want to go over to my house, right? We dont have to. I can suck it up and go to yours. Just let me tell my mom I love her first. No, is fine, she assured with a smile on her face. I am looking forward to meeting your mom. Ehhhhhh. No. My momaround girls she presumes I have a thing fora n n o y I n g. (Wow, look at that. Microsoft capitalized the I. Good job.) I just hope Natalie isnt there. With that being said, she probably is.


I managed to get Emma to my room without my mom seeing her. Thank God. As she took a seat on the edge of my bed, out of habit, I pushed closed my door. Her eyes lurched up at the sound of it shutting, but she tried to hide it and I pretended not to notice. Grabbing my laptop from my bedside table, and sitting a reasonable distance away from her, I asked her, What do you want to do the paper on? When she shrugged, saying she didnt care, I logged onto my laptop, praying I didnt leave anything up shed have a heart attack over. Lets just Google a topic. Good idea. Luckily, I mustve shut down my laptop when I was done with it this morning, because nothing was open in the background. Taking extra precaution, I double-clicked on the Internet Explorer icon. I cant remember what I was last on/bookmarked in Chrome or Firefox, but with Explorer, there was no worrying. The homepage didnt pop up when Internet Explorer fully loaded, but I suspect its because I had it set to open to a new page every visit. I typed in and waited for it to launch. Emma and I both sat there staring at the loading symbol as it swirled around in circles. And we waited. And waited. For forever. I moused up to the toolbar to check the internet connection symbol. It looked fine; all five bars were filled in. We continued to wait. And then - the little loading iconwas replaced with a yellow triangle, an exclamation mark in its center, the words Problem loading page were next to it. But when I checked the wifi symbol, it still looked just dandy. Well, dang. I dont have internet, I informed her, even though it says I do. Oh, she pursed her lips. Well, what do we do? Im assuming she was referring to the paper topic.

Pressing shut my laptop, I shrugged, sitting it back onto my table. UhmI dont know. And besides, if I did, we couldnt look anything up about right now. We could just do it another time. That is trueokay. So we sat thereuntil I manned up enough to speak. Uhdo you want to do something else instead? Or I could just take you home - My eyes caught a shadow sweep by my window, and then there was a knock coming from the living room. Someones here. It better not be Natalie. Dodger! my mother called seconds later. Natalies here! ofc. I thought about moving my dresser in front of the door and barring my window and hiding in here with Emma for the rest of our lives, but was too lazy to get up. I could hear the sound of footsteps creeping their way here and then the unnecessary knock against the door before it was shoved open. Whaddup - Natalie stopped abruptly and looked taken back. Oh, she muttered before getting a smile on her face. Didnt realize you had company. Company? I asked perplexed, then jerked my head towards Emma and gasped loudly, jumping slightly. Wha - Emma, when did you get here? Emmas little mouth formed a smile. Im pretty sure (given her history) Natalie smiled as well, but fuck her. Emmas was way better. I think I like her. Nah. I do. I wont even lie. Funny, Natalie commented under her breath, staying where she was in the doorframe. Anyway, as I was saying, didnt realize you had company - Ill just go. Instead of dashing out right away, she still stood there like she was expecting me to tell her to not be ridiculous and to stay, but I didnt wanna. Id rather sit here and possibly do nothing with Emma alone. buh-bye. Not getting a response other than bye from me, she huffed a bunch of air out of her nose. Well, later then - OH WAIT. She yanked herself back into my room. I remember why I came over here - I was gonna tell you something. You know Tristan, right? Oh, no. I think I know where this is going. Nonetheless I still said, Yep. Okay, well, uhm She began to fail at hiding her smile. You know how his parents split ages ago so he only lives with his dad, right? Well, his dads gonna be on-call all weekend, starting Friday and

Tristans gonna have the entire house to himself - you can already see the ending of this story, cant ya? Sadly. Party? I guessed and was rightunfortunately. Heck yeah, she confirmed with a ginormous grin, leaning against the doorframe. You going? Wasnt planning on it. Ah, come on! she griped. You gotta. I was thinking we could hang out after school Friday for a bit then head there. Itll be awesome - plus, She took a quick glance behind her then leaned forward. She lowered her voice as she said, I hear his dealer hit the mother lode and theres gonna be all these different kinds of drugs there. And everyones chipping in and bringing everything theyve got - ecstasy, coke, weed, meth. Do you really want to miss that? not really, tbh. You guys are probably going to hate me, butdrugs are nice. Especially the very illegal and fatal ones. I mean, who doesnt enjoy convulsing violently on the ground every once and a while? Emma looked so lost right now. You could just tell she was uncomfortable, not fitting in at all with this conversation. As much as I wanted to say yes, I was so pressured to say no because I didnt want Emma to think I was a terribly person. But I really am a terrible personso she should be expecting that. Rubbing my jaw hard, I shrugged. Maybe. Just maybe? Come on. Itll be fun. Maybe, I said again. I saw defeat as she puckered her lips tightly. Fine, She stuck her tongue out childishly before backing out the door. Get back to me on it, promise? Ill text you later. And Ill try to reply. Yeah, try this time! she laughed out, stopping herself from leaving yet again. Thats why I had to come over and talk to you in person because someone doesnt pay attention to their phone and do things like answer me back. Maybe you should take the hint, I smirked arrogantly. Oh, never! she promised with a fist in the air. Her index finger was pointed at me. I will never quit! she called, finally pulling my door shut behind her as she went. Never! I heard her continue.

KAY, BYE! I yelled after her. Weirdo. Anyway, I turned back to face Emma after hearing the sound of the front door opening and closing. Back to what I was saying earlier before we were so rudely interrupted - do you wanna, likedo something? I mean, school shouldnt be the only reason for us to hang out Is this weird? Feels weird. Ah, good point, she agreed, beaming. Good point. Oh, and speaking of chillin like villains DO IT, B-WORD. DO IT BEFORE YOU LOSE YOUR NERVE. Tristans partyI know its definitely not your kind of thing what with the drugs and all - or maybe it is - but, ah, do youwannaoh I dont knowgowithme? You can say no, by the way. Thats cool, too. She looked kind ofI dont know what to say she looked likebut it wasnt a bad look. Taken back, I guess. Oha party, she said. With drugs - I think the girl - Natalie, yes? - just wanted you to go with hernot me. Yeah, but see, thats the thing. I dont want to go alone with her - not that thats the only reason Im asking if you want to go, because its not. Definitely not. Then why? she asked laughing slightly. Partys arent much of my thing, really, if you havent guessed. Because I wanted to do drugs and have sex with you. heh. jk. j k . Just kidding on the jking. Lets bang. I dont know. Just thought Id ask. I really dont think she wants me there, though, she went on after a brief smile. Yeah, well, I dont care what she wants. Too truthful? Oh wah. Wouldnt it be awkward? I shrugged. Probably. Still dont care. Thats sweet.

You know me.soyes? No? Youre persistent, she observed smiling. So persistent that I eventually got her to say yes. I would go into detail of the whole conversation but it was seriously the same lines being said over and over again. But yay. Persistence is my main bitch.

I had to climb out of my window at about ten at night then run about a block away to an awaiting car owned by that stupid effer David. For more than one reason this was way more difficult than it had to be. One, my moms way of making sure I never sneak out successfully is to just super glue my window shut. I had to use a crowbar to pry it open all without making too much noise. Which isnt easy. Two, I was trying to get out completely scot-free. I also didnt want Natalie to hear/see me. I still havent told her I was ditching her for Emma. Oops. And three, Davids annoying. So speaking of said-Emma, I guess she told her parents she was staying at her cousins house and got her to cover for her. Well, look at that. I feel like a proud mother, turning this goodie-two-shoe into a fellow hoodrat. Heh. Remember when I was afraid of tempering with her innocence? Not anymore. Good girls gone bad are just so wonderful, and I seemed to have forgotten that. After picking Emma up like a whore off a street corner, we ended up at a pretty scummy neighborhood. Also for more than one reason, I grabbed Emmas hand and kept her as close as physically possible. She didnt seem to mind, though at first she was shocked, but got somehow closer, squeezing my hand tightly as we followed David and several other d-bags up the pathway leading to Tristans home. Obnoxious rap music was blaring loudly out the open windows and grew even louder the closer we got. (Ah, physics, what the heck?) My already damaged eardrums tensed faintly when we pushed through the door coming directly in contact with hoards of gyrating bodies of teens.

The seemingly living room-like room was filled with smoke and had a strong smell of weed around it. There were faded white lines on an old table, which had magazines (with naked ladies on them) piled up as one of the legs. Ew. Now Im kind of afraid to sit anywhere with fear that someone jerked off in the very spot. David patted me on my shoulder and shouted over all the noise that he was going to see what Tristans fridge had to offer by means of edible food, and left Emma and I to stand there. Thanks bro. I tried to make small talk with her and that mission failed when I couldnt hear what she said as a response. I didnt know how to feel when David returned back to us, holding a little Ziplock baggie filled not even partially with a white powdery substance. Oh. Damn. I forgot that would be heresomehow. He held it up in the air like it was a great-find, a huge cracked-out smile plastered on his face. (Pun intended) Look at what I got! Im guessing he tried to yell at us. I gave him a thumbs -up while Emmas eyes widened. She jerked her head up to me, then back at him and the bag. Seeing her face, David shouted like an a-hole, You get the first line! She shook her head wildly, but David grabbed onto her forearm, attempting to drag her over to the couch with him and when I yanked her back to me, he didnt miss a beat before grinning yet again. He threw his hands up in defense, stepping back, motioning for us to seat ourselves. I hesitated at first, but we had been standing for about five minutes and my legs were beginning to hurt. Realizing there was only what looked like room for two people to sit, I went down first, pulling Emma onto my lap, ignoring Davids stupid face when she gasped in surprise. She seemed tense at first but relaxed. David joined us seconds later, bringing the see-through bag into view and dumping it out onto a tile-looking thing. While he grabbed a razor blade from the other side of the table, I opened my legs a little wider so that Emma slipped in-between. Though it probably looked strange, I have to admit that it made me a whole lot more comfortable. A TMI, but my stuff wasnt in the best position before. David had split the powder into six equal white lines. Four of them were currently being sniffed by other members of the house, including him. That left two. Sniffling hard and loudly, he pushed his hand against his nose, holding a rolled up one dollar bill in front of Emma.

Uhh, has he ever met Emma before? Shes not going to go for this. But hey, I might. Her facial expression - I wanted to laugh. You could tell she wanted to be like, What the fuck? So David fixed the straw-substitute in my face. I slowly reached for it and just ended up staring it. Next thing I know, I was sprawled out on the couch, my head in Emmas lap as she ran her fingers through my hair. I felt sleepy and relaxed. Everything was nice. My eyes opened when I felt her move. I shifted as she bent forward, hand grabbing a colorful can from the coffee table. I didnt really focus on what it was until I saw in big white letters FOUR and under that in black smaller letters loko. I tilted my head slightly in confusion and followed the can as she brought it to her mouth, tipping it back and chugged it. Her free hand went back to lacing through my hair. Woah, I thought, rolling back onto my stomach, closing my eyes. What have I done to this little angel? Oh well. Just then I was shifted again as she leaned forward, placing the drink onto the coffee table. I drifted my eyes closed once more, ready to pass out when I felt something on my neck. Itwas nice. Made me tired, though. Then it went to a certain spot on my neck and made mehorny. Oh - its a mouth. Wait...whose? Something fell into my face. I quickly recognized it to be strands of hair. For some reason I sniffed it. Kiwi, I think. In the midst of sniffing, the mouth moved up my jawline and over my own mouth. Well, this is okay. Way okay. Ohthings are going spinny and I could feel myself slipping away into darkness.

I woke up feeling insanely sluggish and drowsy. My head was pounding, I felt gruesome and my eyes were expired.

Expired? I tried thinking of the word Im sure I meant to use, but it never came. I managed to pull my eyes open, but the vision came out as a slit and very blurry. All I could see was the worn out carpeted floor below the bed I was on and a grey hoodie several inches out of my hazy view. Hey, I got one of those, I think. I made an attempt at lifting my head up so it was fully resting on the pillow and succeeded. On my way up I had noticed a black rectangular object resting on the bedside table. It took me a couple seconds to realize it was my phone. I seriously had to throw my hand up to grab it and angle it towards me. I clicked on the lock button and read the numbers written on the screen. 7:12am Well, thats early. I went on and read the date to see it was Saturday. Cool. I clicked the lock button again and set my phone down. I laid there for a couple seconds until I realized I wasnt wearing underwearor any clothes, for that matter. So that means . . . Im naked. But I dont sleep naked? Thats when it hit me. I sat up straight, eyes wide. I looked around the room and knew right away it wasnt mine. I didnt go home last night - not to my home, at least. Somewhere in my brain was an alarm going off, telling me something bad had happen. But I was feeling too much like shit to go and find it. Then I felt the bed shift - and it wasnt caused by me. I froze, refusing to look and see who was beside me, though I really wanted to know. I was actually half-hoping that nothing had happened. Maybe it had been a really hot night and I stripped my clothes off? Ive done that before. And whoever it was next to me, was just some stranger who crashed for a place to sleep. But to my horror, there was a girl lying face down next to me; her back, though partially covered by her long hair was bare. She appeared to be sound asleep and - I checked under the covers - naked. Oh, great. Well, okay then.

I dropped my head into my hands and stifled my yawn, trying to remember all that happened last night and I couldnt recall much. I remember David and a little plastic baggie making me wonder where David was. I remembered the feeling of someone playing with my hair which was real nice and a colorful tin can. Who was drinking out of it was a mystery to me. My stomach was in knots with hunger and queasiness making it hard to want to focus on anything but finding food and going to bed for a couple days, but I was determined to figure out who was drinking out of the colorful can. Rubbing on my temples, the image slowly began to clear - I wonder where Emma is holy fuck. I wonder where Emma is. I didnt lose her, did I? No. Shes probably with David.yeah, thats no better. Shes got a nicer chance of survival being alone. She probably went home. But what if she didnt make it? I suddenly felt very nauseous and hopped up from the bed so I could throw up in the toilet. And thats when I realized I didnt know where the toilet was. I was going to open the door, which I assumed lead to the hallway to look for one, when I remembered I was also naked. But on the verge of hurling, I wasnt really up for throwing on some clothes to up-chuck. And thats when I decided to use a dresser drawer as a make-shift toilet. After wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I quickly ran around the room and picked up all my clothes, throwing them on as quickly as I could. I had to find her. And thats when the sleeping girl decided to wake up and stretch. As she sat up, letting the bed sheet slip down to her waist, she yawned, gradually starting to open her eyes. My eyes widened as I realized who it was. Well, the search is over. Emmas eyes widened as she quickly looked me up and down - it took me a few seconds to remember I had nothing on. Her hands flung over her eyes as she wailed out, Dodger! Cover up! And then, realizing her forearms touched bare skin, she froze momentarily, glancing down at her chest. She gasped, yanking the sheets over herself. She hugged them tightly, mouth hanging open, as she turned and franticly looked around the room, at the floor, gasping more at the sight of clothes flung out about it. Her head ever-so-slowly made its way up to face me. Furrowing her brow, she began to ask dreadfully, Wha -did we? Im sorry, was all I could think to say. She didnt say anything; it looked like she couldnt. I decided itd be best to get something to cover up with. While she stammered to herself, I spotted a

boxer-like material. Hoping they were my boxers, I pulled them on. Still not getting a full response from her, I slowly made my way over to the bed where I took a seat to try and help her piece it all together. My parents will be so upset with me, she whined into her hands. Im sorry, I said again, honestly feeling that. It probably was my fault - it obviously is. I invited her. But who initiated the sex? Probably me. So definitely my fault - waitIm getting more flashbacks. I remember someone kissing meIT WAS HER. What I thought was a mental gasp actually came out. She started it. I swear. What? she asked, a concerned look on her face. Uhh, should I tell her? No. I-Im just remembering I searched for something to remember. You drank a Four Loko. Yeah, that works. I dont even - what is that? Alcohol, I simplified it for her. I DRANK? she bellowed in disbelief. I nodded, causing her to drop her head back into her hands. So disappointed, she murmured, shaking her head. Itit kind of looked like she was holding back tears. Its gone, she whispered, shaking her head some more. All gone. uhwhat? Her mouth grimaced. My virginity. Oh. Well, I feel bad. Theyre going to be so disappointed in me, she continued to say. Wellthey dont have to know, I reminded her slowly. How will they not know? she cried. I cannot wear white on my wedding day now; they will know why. No man will want to marry a girl so impure. Everyone will look down on me. They will hate me. You had sex once. That doesnt make you a whore. They will see it differently. This isnt what they wanted for their daughter - to go off to a party with drugs and lose it. They will be so, so angry. If this was anyone else, I wouldve told them to stfu and get over it, but being a virgin meant so much to her, apparently, and her family. And I wrecked her. Great, by the way shes talking, Im expecting her family to sacrifice her to a volcano if they found out. She suddenly doubled-over and vomited over the side of the bed. Awesome.

Okay, listen, I said after patting her back and asking if she was okay. She looked up and I could just see how tired and distraught she was. She looked like she was done hurling for now. Im gonna go get dressed and possibly find a bathroom to throw up in; you can get dressed and Ill take you home, okay? She nodded solemnly. Okay.


I shielded my eyes from the bright ray of light that sprang though the crack of my door as Natalie pushed it open Monday morning. Hey, dude? she said in a hushed tone, sticking her head in. You awake? As a response, I flipped over so my back was facing her, pulling my blanket tightly over my head. Shut the door, god damn. Panic! At The Disco wrote a song about that shit. Its six a.m., you monster. Oh, right, sorry. The little sliver of light got bigger as she stepped inside the room and grew smaller as she shut it behind her. It was delightfully silent before she said I cant see. I laughed before shushing her. Quiet, please. Im trying to sleep. Its six a.m., she said mocking me. Wake up. No. I heard her laugh before it went quiet again and I almost took it as a chance to go back to bed, but she eventually followed her laugh with, Oh, hey, sorry, by the way, about Friday night. My dad had me on lockdown so I couldnt go anywhere. I wouldve called or texted you, but he jacked my phone. Friday night. I havent talked to Emma since Saturday morning. I dont know how I plan on existing around her now without it being awkward. And we still have the paper for Psych to do together. ffs. I feel like Zeus right now - why couldnt I keep it in my pants? Its fine, I answered her after a tiresome sigh. I went with David. You missed out, by the way, I shot her a smirk in the dark, referring to the drugs.

Oh, yeah! she said in regret. I completely forgot about that. How was it? I cant remember. Ah. Mustve been great then, eh? Fabulous. She chuckled before - Im hoping it was her - patting me on the leg. Get up. A terrible day of school is ahead of us. Cant be late for that. You raise a good point, I reasoned and sighed. Get out so I can change? Oh, I guess - ow, fuck, she groaned seconds after there being a loud clank. I lifted myself slightly, looking the direction I think she might have been. You okay? A sharp intake of breath - Just dandy. Good. Get out. I knew she had flipped me off, because when she finally got over to the door, heaving it open, the light outlined her raised middle finger. Oh, gee. Love you too. That middle finger went down as her thumb went up. Not as much as I love you - hurry, she urged prior to tugging the door shut behind her. But instead of hurrying, I laid back down for another five minutes until she ran in and yelled at me. I still took my time getting up and dressed. I wanted to put the start of today off as much as I could. Things with Emma were going to be so awkward. And I guess it showed all second period that my mind was caught on Friday night and not yet here for today, or Mr. Clendening just sent me out in the hall to walk around for no apparent reason. He thinks Im tired and walking to halls would wake me up. For some reason he trusts me enough to not ditch school and actually use this time wisely. He even signed my planner as a hall pass so I wouldnt get in trouble for ditching class. Flipping through the pages in my agenda as a form of entertainment, I made my way towards the common bathrooms. These were the only ones that were open in our school for the past week or so. Some dumbass wrote a bomb threat in one of the upstairs bathrooms stall, and ruined everything for everyone so we only get these ones. After pretending to pee and getting my fill of walking around the large room repeatedly, I existed. I got about twenty feet away before I realized I left my planner sitting on the bathroom sink. Making an abrupt U-turn back to the bathroom, I went colliding into another human being.

Whoever it was I bumped into stumbled back several feet, sending the big stack of school tempos (newspapers) crashing to the floor. Oh, God, Im sorry, I tried to apologize before recognizing who it was. Just kidding, I singsonged at her scowling face. Funny, Natalie commented with a wicked grin. Help me, jerkwad, she snapped, bending down to retrieve the scattered papers. I did. Takin a potty break? she asked seconds later. You know it - what about you? Community service? Ha-ha, she fake-laughed, standing, taking the stack of ten or so tempos from my grasp when I handed them to her. I got study hall this period; Im student-aiding. Fun. You know it. After awkwardly standing there not knowing what to say, we bid each other farewell and departed - and when I turned back towards the bathroom, I went colliding into another human being. Emma, being significantly smaller than Natalie, wasnt strong enough to keep herself from stumbling to the ground. But thankfully, her reaction was a tad delayed, so I had enough time to grab for her forearm and stop her from plummeting. But a stack of tempos still flew up into the air as she gasped in shock. In the background I could hear Natalie shout, Today is just not your day! I just went with a thumbs-up as a response and steadied Emma, taking note of her rubbing her shoulder. (The one I think met my ribcage; they stung a bit.) Ah, geez, I groaned, helping her pick up the papers. Im sorry. Today really isnt my day. You alright? I am fine, she assured quietly, grabbing a hold of the stack of school newspapers I held out for her. Lemme guess: student aid for the office? Yes. That was all she said. I dont like this. This isnt the way its always going to be between us now, is it? She played dumb as she organized the tempos. What do you mean?

This, I said, gesturing between us. You have yet to look anywhere near my face since Friday. When she didnt reply, I continued. What happened, happened. We cant go back and change that. If anything, we shouldve learned from it - drugs, alcohol, and your memory do not play well together. And as I hoped, I got a small smile from her. And I let how happy that made me show. You seriously have no idea how happy that smile makes me right now. I was so worried you hated me now. I could never hate you, her smile gleamed. I was justupset with myself, more than anyone. I had just as much to do withwhat happened as much as you did. She got a confused look across her face as she thought. What is America saying? Uh, it takes two to dance the tango? And because my heart felt so insane, I couldnt hold it in as I hugged her tightly. Oh, I gushed. To think I might have never been graced to hear how bad your English can get. Im so happy right now. Seriously, you are the cutest person in the world. She laughed, blowing the hair out of her eyes. You are so kind. Thank you. I am happy, too, she added, getting released from my death grip. Perhaps not as happy as you, but very. And I suddenly want to have sex with her. god dang it. Well, that was really out of nowhere. Now shes definitely not as happy as I am. I thought about slyly suggesting we go bang in the auxiliary gym because 1) its right behind her, and 2) its only used for assemblies. No one ever goes in there otherwise. Butshe wouldnt go for it. Or would she. Well see. Yeah, no doubt about that, I pushed out an eager laugh. The more I thought about my plan, the happier things were getting. She needs to take care of that. NO. Stop. Youre showing the true stereotypical side of boys. Butshes so hot. So Ive been thinking, I interrupted her - apparently. I guess she started talking. And oh god, what she did next felt like it killed me. She licked her upper lip and then the bottom as she waited for me to continue. You see, its miniscule things like that girls do that drives boys insane. Or whatever gender it is youre into. I dont judge. But you all will for what Im about to do. Her. Hmm?

I couldnt hide my huge smirk. You knowFriday night probably was really great. Her smile grew within seconds, but she forced herself to hide it. Her gaze fell to the ground, and her cheeks began to glow red. She stammered out after clearing her thought, What do you mean? What we did. I could almost hear her heartbeat. Okay, not really, but her cheeks were the shade of my new red Converse, and Im assuming that meant her heart rate was near the roof. She gripped onto the stack of tempos with one of her hands, the other, she discreetly wiped against her white, lacy dress. Then repeated the process with the other. Maybe, she agreed quietly. Butlike you say, we cant go back. Its like shes reading right off the script I made in my mind. Yeah, but we could do it again, and see for ourselves. Her eyes flickered up then jolted back down at the floor. I leaned forward and crouched slightly to meet her eyes. She let them lurch up quickly, biting her lip again. I was ready to push her down onto the table and fuck her. But wheres the fun in that? Dont you want to? Her breathing hitched. We could, she murmured very softly. She looked around the commons, then back at me, and then the ground. Butwhen? Now, I said. Now? she repeated, finally looking up at me for more than half a second, but a full second. Were in schoolwe cant... We can, I guaranteed. God. Just - come on. I really want her to say yes. We did it once. We can do it again. She began to stumble over her words again, but I could tell she was considering it. Butwhere? And thats what I needed. I took the tempos from her, setting them down onto one of the many tables running down the length of this room. I grabbed her fidgeting hand, walking passed her to the door of the auxiliary gym. The one no one ever goes in. I did a double take around us, making sure no one was coming, then pushed open the latch of the door, pulling her in behind me. The lights were off and the blinds were drawn down, letting in very little light. I debated on where to go next, then got it. The supply room. How classy. She kept glancing around as I led her all the way across the ginormous room. Should we be in here? she asked in a hushed tone. We will get in trouble.

Thats what makes it more fun. The door handle stuck a little because of how unused it was, but I got it open, letting her go in first. Again, there was very little light, so she went for the light switch, but hell no. I pulled the door shut and went for her searching hand. Leave it, I snapped, turning her around, hands going for the back of her legs. I swept her off her feet and onto the awaiting desk in the center of the room, mouth clasping onto hers. It felt so good, so right, and oh god, how I want to go into details. But what is there to say that isnt obvious? We fuckedfully-clothed, which was the only bummer. Ten minutes left of second period - cant get nakey. So we will need to do it again, so I can see all that lovely-ness. Sigh. I love girls. I love . . . her.



What? I love her? No. Justno. I cant. Heat of the moment, duh. I dontlove her. Weve only hung out three times. I barely know her. Im closer to Natalie than I am with her. II love sex with heryeah. Thats what I meant. Duh.

(Inner Goddess: Uh-huh, okay. Me: Get the fuck out.) After checking to see if the coast was clear and confirming it was, I pushed the heavy door open with my hand, letting Emma dunk out under it. I followed behind her skittish little self, watching her smooth out that blessed dress of hers. What a wonderful clothing choice today. Made the unexpected sex so much easier - and omg. Uh, I noticed something when she turned her back to me once more. She stopped co xing her sex hair back to normal to glance back at me with a perplexed look on her cute little face. What? I gestured for her to face her back to me, and after another perplexed look she did, allowing me to grab the several Sticky Notes off her butt. How did I not see that? Ive been staring at her butt since the day we met. I shouldve noticed something was different. I waved the pieces of paper in front of her face, crumbling them, shoving them into her hand. Her eyes widened. Ohthanks. She spun back around to look at me, fumbling the ball of paper in her hands. She hitched a thumb behind her. I guess I shouldgo. Yeah, I started, looking at the clock. And then realized oh god. The time. Five minutes into third period. Uh-ohdid we really have sex for twenty-ish minutes? Crap. What? she asked, seeing my shocked face. I had half a mind to grab her and stop her from looking at the time. Shed flip. So I did grab her, but uh her face isnt connected to her arms? So me grabbing her arms didnt stop her from looking at all? Thats dumb??? Her jaw dropped. Were late! she snapped. And to Psych class - if we are both late and walk in at the same timethey will know. oh fuck. Shes right. Then you go in first, and Ill be therein ten minutes, I suggested, not knowing what else we should do. Then you will be very late. Im rarely on time for that class, though. They wont be that shocked. Are you sure? she asked after being silent for a couple seconds. I nodded like it wasnt a big deal, because it wasnt. Yeah, go. Ill be there, I assured her doubtful face. She still stood there, so I slap that ass, you already know. (You: Playa, playa. Me: yee)

She gasped, hands going to where she was spanked - oh shes into spanking btw. Left cheek has a small bruise on it nowjs. She narrowed her eyes at me in a veryunf way. Girl, Id stop that unless you want to go for round two. Go, I said again, and she finally listened, saying shed see me later, and I watched her butt as she scurried to class. Man. How did I not hear the bell? Oh well. I passed by the circular red table with the messed up stack of tempos placed on them. Looks like people had just grabbed some as they passed by, which isnt good for the school because tempos cost a dime and theres only about ten left out of the at least fifty that were originally there. I wonder where she was taking thesebut I dont really care. I had sex. Thats all that matters. I grabbed one and took it with me into the restroom, where I leaned up against the wall and flipped through it until the ten minutes passed and I made my way to class. Mr. Davis was in the middle of explainingsomething psychological. No one really seemed to be paying attention but they sure did notice me waltzing in. Everyone snapped their attention to me, and stared as if they knew I took a tempo without paying. I glared at all of them, stealing a glance at Emma, and thats when I noticed something else about her. On her collarbonewas a hickey. god damn it. but yay. I decided to tell her later, and continued to my desk as Mr. Davis spoke. Oh, glad to see you decided to join us today, Mr. Riz-i-lee. Glad to see youre so happy to see me, Mr. Day-hay-vis. I shot him a grin which he returned. I pulled out my seat and sat next to Emma. He replaced that grin with a look of ponder. He scratched his beard, looking between Emma and I. Its strange - Ms. Emma was also late today. The class oohd. I killed them all in my head with my unpaid for and rolled-up tempo. Oh, was she? I asked, giving a fleeting look to Emma. I held up my hand for her. High-five. She along with the class let out a giggle, but she high-fived me. I leaned an arm on my chair as Mr. Davis spoke again.

I see youve rubbed off on her. Oh, I did a lot more than rub off on her. BOOM. Cum joke ohhhhh snap. (Author: Im tiredthats why this chapters a bit strange.) I guess so, I held my hand out for another high-five, which she gave. Mr. Davis just smiled a knowing smile. You could tell he knew something had happened. And thats when he leaned forward a bit towards Emma and squinted his eyes. Emma gave him a strange look and he stood up straight. He began to pace in front of the room. My, Emma, He failed to hide his smile. Well, whats that on your neck? f u c k . Im done with him. For life. Emmas eyes were wider than her legs - BOOM. Im sorry. I had to. Her hand flung to her neck as several people got up to see what Mr. Davis was talking about. And to appear out of the loop as well, I too leaned forward to see the small bruise resting on her collarbone, out for all to seewhen I noticed another bruise getting darker on the right side of her jawline. Two. Two hickies. Both from yours truly. Is that a hickey? someone asked. Emmas hands frantically closed around her neck to cover the blemish, but neither were actually covering them. Uh, was all she managed to get out before someone else spoke. Theres another one right there - on her jaw. Scattered Oh my Gods flooded the room as more people rose up to see. Not enjoying any of this attention, her face began to get redder and redder. Her eyes went for mine, begging me to do something. I broke out with, You all act like youve never seen a couple hickies before. Yes, they exist. Get over it.

Loudmouth cackled out, Well, we never thought wed see them on Emma - no offence, Emma. None taken, she mumbled, voice near shaking from how uncomfortable and nervous she was. Seeing she needed more help, I spoke again. Well, there they are. Keep staring and Ill have to charge you. Laughs were being let out as Mr. Davis finally helped the situation. And knowing Dodger, I doubt hes joking. Now in your seats, in your seats, you children. We have a lot more important things to discuss than the souvenirs Ms. Emma brought back from the detour that made her late to class. Though now Im curious, He paused to obnoxiously check my neck out. Does Mr. Riz-I-lee have any souvenirs as well? Just her virginity. GAAAHHH. Im a douchebag. Stop that. See, this is why I shouldnt be given sex; I will brag about it and make lame jokes in my head. I am so sorry, Emma. Nope, I disappointed him and the leering pricks. My detour was sold out of souvenirs. But next time, Ill bring back some proof. Ooh. Snap, how am I thinking this fast? Go me. Then, just for funsies, I nudged Emmas shoulder, Right, Emma? See, this way, they dont know if Im joking or not. ahhh. genius. The class, along with Mr. Davis laughed, and then finally, finally, we went back to ignoring him as he continued on with his lecture until the bell rang. Well, we dodged that bullet but not fully unscathed. Heh. My names Dodger and I just kind of said my name. Heh. Dodged. Dodger. Nameception. (Author: I need a nap. But this chapter will not end here, my bros. The show must go on.) The rest of the day was pretty lame. Word of Emma and Is detour has yet to reach David and Chance, so I didnt have to deal with that, but the topic of our little conver sation prior to the bell ringing did involve a bit of what Emma and I actually did Friday night. Each other. Whered you guys even go? David inquired, cracking his knuckles against my desk. I held back a gag. One minute youre on the couch getting friendly and then youre gone - both of you. I dont know. I wasnt too sure if I wanted him to know. I mean, if he obviously doesnt know where we went and what we did, why tell him? All hell do is run his mouth to everyone. You dont know? he laughed. I shrugged.

I cant remember. Well, whered you wake up? On Earth. I smiled as he glared. Funny. Seriously, whered you guys end up in the morning? Home - I took her home and then went to mine and slept for a zillion years. Thats it? he pressed, the nosy side of him getting more prevalent. Did you guysyou know? Because the way you were kissing was verywoah. I let out that irritated sigh, but mentally smiled at the memoryof no memory. Damn. Nope. That was it. Then whatd you do all night? You took her home in the morning. .damn. Slept. With each other. BOOM. Okay, Ill stop. With each other? He smirked, and I wanted to shank him for stealing my joke. She slept in my bed; I slept on the floor. That smirk grew bigger and I knew he was conjuring up what he thought was genius. Was that before or after you fucked? Mrs. Orr, the study hall teacher, heard him curse, and snapped at him to watch his mouth. He apologized then called her a bitch under his breath. I was hoping he suddenly forgot what we were talking about, butno. So he said, waiting for me to answer his question. I answered with, So? You know - answer me, dude. Before or after. It wasnt before or after anything - nothing happened. We talked and fell asleep. Youre lying, he assumed rightfully, nodding his head. Another annoyed sigh. And what makes you think that?

Because, he said simply, After what was happening on that couchtheres no way you just talked and then fell asleep. You probably talked, did the dirt, and then fell asleep, butjust no way it couldve just been that. You dont seem to have a lot of faith in me, buddy. No, the problem is, I do - I have faith that you nailed her. You had tove. I dont have to do anything youre expecting me to do, I shot back cunningly. Why do you care so much, anyway? Is it going to affect how you sleep at night? No. So fuck off. And once more, when you finally get fed up with him for being the nosy bitch he is, he gets butthurt. Well, geez, I was just wondering. God. And off he went mumbling and grumbling over to his seat, neglecting to hook his thumb under Chances collar, so Chance hung back with me. I was expecting him to just silently follow David, but he stayed put, just looking at me in a strange way. What? I asked warily. He had a slight smile, and shook his head. Most guys would be running their mouth, bragging their head off, about getting laid at a party. But you arent. Youre respecting Emma right now, andI dont know. I think thats pretty, you know, respectable. Well, Im not a douche. And Im sure Emmas happy about that. Really, though, thats awesome of you. I didnt know what else to say except, Thanks, Chance. He just smiled, going back over to seat. See. The only place you should ever go bragging about getting sex is in your head, cause elsewhere can screw your day up. Ahh. Well, Im feeling pretty good about myself now.

Its snowing out right now. So much, we aint having school today. I dont think Ive ever told you what time of year it is in this story - its nearing the end of January, and has barely snowed, til now. And were getting blizzards.

Ive been stuck up in my house since yesterday, which I normally wouldnt mind; I like being alone, but now that I feel like its my only option, I miss the outside world and the people who inhabit it - fuck. Natalie was unexpectedly pounding her hand against my window. I wanted to cry - mostly because I suddenly wanted to be alone - but let her in. I unlatched it, shoving it open. What the eff word are you doing? We have a front door, you know. She grinned, climbing her way in, crying out in shock when she did a summersault, flinging down onto my bedbefore bouncing off and landing onto the floor. I jolted forward to see if she was still alive. She starfished in a seemingly uncomfortable position. Ow, she grumbled, hands gripping her head. I patted her knee, sitting back in my bed. Youll be fine. Suck it up, I said, playing the tough love role. Oh, Im not too sure, she debated, sitting up slowly. I feel like I just lost my backdoor virginity my ass hurts so bad. And in my room, I laughed. What an honor. I reached a hand out for her to take, which she did, pulling her up in onto my bed. As she went on moaning and groaned about the pain she was experiences I found myself unfortunately wondering if she was a virgin - either doors, really. Then wanted to bitchslap myself. No, you dummy. The only virginity you should be thinking about is Emmas. And now I want to hang out with Emma. We havent gotten freaky since that time at school and that was about a week ago, and Im having withdrawals. We just havent had the chance to hang out. Shes still set on having me met her dad soon - now determined since I was her first. Waitare we even dating? no. Were not. Holy crap. How did we manage that? Oh well. If she wants to make us a thing, thats cool with me. Cause then I get to do her whenever I want, and things wont be weird afterwards. Man. I have seriously tampered her innocence - and guess the mothereffing whatwe didnt use a condom - either times, I think. fucccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Wellshit. Hope that doesnt come back and screw us over. (Author: Oh it wontor will it? O_o) Natalie and I chilled for a few hours until she got a call from her dad, asking her where she was, and she skadoodled, leaving me to have a mental breakdown about being a horny idiot who neglected the use of a condom twice. I should talk to Emma about that, especially because she might not even have noticed, and could suddenly wind up pregnant and have no clue. But how would I go about that? Like just pop up at her house with a pregnancy test, all heysup, yeah, pee on this, will ya? just for laugh, ha. I dont want to worry her over nothingbecause then shell probably never want to do it again. No, stop being dumb. Talk to her. Blegh. Okay. I pulled out my phone, going to my contacts. I found Emmas number and texted her. To: Emma From: Me ---------------------------------------hey, uhh, dont freak out or anything, but uhhboth times we did itI didnt use a thing. ..yeah. sorry. ---------------------------------------SORRY???????? What is wrong with me? Hey, sorry, you might be pregnant - Im so dumb. It felt like she took her jolly ol time replying, probably trying to figure out what I meant by thing, and when she finally did answer back, it was short.

To: Me From: Emma ---------------------------------------Uhm, what thing? ----------------------------------------

Damn. Ill have to use the real word.

To: Emma From: Me ---------------------------------------ayou knowcondom. ---------------------------------------And she took ages to reply, but finally.

To: Me From: Emma ---------------------------------------No. ----------------------------------------

That was it. Just no.

To: Emma From: Me ---------------------------------------I am so sorry. I didnt even think about it. So what should we do? Do you want to get a pregnancy test, just in case? ---------------------------------------I wanted to die - the slight possibilitythat we couldve just fucked our lives upwas a lot to handle, but I knew that if she did end up being, yknow, with childas scary as that might be, whatever she wanted to do - be it getting an abortion or keeping it - I wasnt going to ditch her. That much was set in stone.

To: Me

From: Emma ---------------------------------------Its okay. I know you didnt mean to forget. And that would probably be smart to do. I really do not want to buy one though ----------------------------------------

To: Emma From: Me ---------------------------------------I can go get one, if you want. Im bored out of my mind right now. I can get it and bring it to you. Or whenever you want. ---------------------------------------I wanted to find out now. It felt like my life depended on knowing now. But doesnt it take a couple weeks before you can find out for sure? Like, it takes two weeks before the embryo or something is there? I dont know - and thats why the test should be negative; Im not ready to be a father. I dont even know how this shit works. Imagine how shes feeling right now - shes the one whos going to end up having to make the big decision, and if she goes through with it, shes gotta pop it out. Fuck. I fucked up big time. Both of our lives wont be the same after this. Stop. She might not even be pregnant. I could be freaking out over nothing. But I guess its better to care too much than not at all. Again, the several minutes she took to reply felt like hours, and when my phone buzzed, my heart was pounding in my chest.

To: Me From: Emma ---------------------------------------You would do that? Youre handling this well or so it seems. Thank you.

Yes, if you will, that would be great. I am home alone now, besides Herald, so if you would, yes. ----------------------------------------

HAHAHAHA. She thinks Im handling this well?!?!?! I want to jump in front of a train, hahahhah lol. oh god. kill me ahah. Well, if she thinks Im doing alright, its time to super glue that brave face on, because the second she sees Im anything but okay, shell freak. Gotta stay strong for her sake, really, or were both going down -..her parents. My parents. If the test turns out positive, well have to tell them eventually. eff word. Goddddddd. I shoved my face into my hands, holding back a scream. Keep it together, fucker. Dont you dare breakdown. Be a man and be there for her now. Cry yourself to sleep tonight. Youve earned it. Thanks, me. Youre welcome, bitch. oh god. SEE. I am not mentally okay right now. But I forced myself to message her back, sounding as sane as I could.

To: Emma From: Me ---------------------------------------Yeah, aint no thang. I got you. Ill go to CVS right now, and be over soon. ---------------------------------------Wellthe last sentence was okay, butthe first fewwtf?

To: Me From: Emma

---------------------------------------Still handling it better than me, but okay. Thank you. DodgerIm so scared. ----------------------------------------

Oh fudge. Me too, gurl.

To: Emma From: Me ---------------------------------------I know. Well be fine. No matter what. Ill be as involved as you want me to be. I swear. I wont let you go through this alone. ---------------------------------------To: Me From: Emma ---------------------------------------Thank you so so so so much. ----------------------------------------

And with that, I took off for the local CVS, praying I had the courage to even buy it.


Standing in front of the pharmacy, I was overwhelmed with paranoia. All these stupid scenarios were manifested. All involve judgmental people. I immediately backed away from the door, being plagued with Dj vu, and leaned up against what felt like a stripper pole envisioning a wild dog with AIDs and rabies snarling at me. Gah, Every time I need to buy something personally important, I cant do it.

What if the cashier denies me of being able to buy it and then humiliates me in front of the whole store and then the whole school pops out and laughs at me? Okay, that probably wont happen.will it? I messed up. I know that. Im not ready to be a father. But if that ends up being how it goesIll have to get over it. I gripped the stripper pole behind me then wondered if that was what it really was. I turned and saw a handicap parking spot sign. Oh. I parked in a handicap parking spot. Again. Oh well. I mustered all those stupid paranoid thoughts up, then threw them into the street. I can do this I need to. I will. I bolted forward after waiting for the doors to open, a battle cry ringing out in my mind. I ran inside and looked around. Wow, this place was filled with people. Seeing people I knew, all confidence left me and I sheepishly pretended not to see them, heading for the aisle that kept all the condoms, pregnancy tests, binkies, baby food, and tooth paste. This pharmacy is weird. Hey, look I found a pair of flip flops. The ones that were on sale a couple weeks ago - yeah, now five bucks. Eff that. Waitwhat was I here for again? Oh yeah. There wasnt anyone down this aisle, thank god. Remembering security cameras are a thing, I awkwardly walked on, and faced the rack of pregnancy tests. Then as I began to scan through them, I heard the sound of voices - ones I knew, oneI hated. I quickly turned to see two people waltzing by the aisle. David was rambling on about something, so I thought he might not have seen me, but Chance did. It happened in slo-mo. His hand went up to wave at me and his voice changed to slow and demonic. Heeeeyyy, Doooddggeerrrrr! God damn it. Im a good person. Why is this happening?

Time went back to normal as David looked and saw it was I Chance was acknowledging. Oh, hey, man, he greeted, turning down the aisle I was in. What are you doing here of all aisles? He grabbed a binky from the shelf and dangled it in front of my face. Shopping for your baby? Perhaps one day. I laughed sarcastically. Hopefully not. I turned the subject to them. What are you guys doing here? Just fucking around, he said, throwing the binky at Chance. Going to Jeffs after. You wanna go? Nah. Cant. And why not? Dont want to. His smile flashed as he shook his head at me. Well, alright then. Youre missing out. He slapped his hand down onto Chances back, hooking his thumb under his collar. He began pulling him back the way they came. Later, dude. Bye. I waited until they were completely out of view before sighing heavily. Well, that went better than expected. I turned around to face the pregnancy tests once more. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see if anyone was going to suddenly pop up. Not seeing anyone, I used my ninja-like reflexives, grabbing a couple boxes with one hand and prepared to bolt out of there. But the second I turned to leave, Chance ran back into the aisle. He was saying something, but when he saw what was in my hands, his eyes widened. Are those? He waited for an explanation. And I wasnt ready to give one so I bolted out of that aislegoing right into another, a couple over, which was piled high with socks awesome ones, at that. I really, really dont want to face the cashier. They judge me obviously every time I go in to buy condoms. If I go up with a handful of pregnancy tests, theyll know embarrassing myself to buy condoms was all for nothing - and it so was. But I wanted to get out of here as fast as I could before David found me. I knew I had to sooner or later if I wanted to know my fate for the next twenty years at least, so I exited the aisle with my soon-tobe purchases and their logos hidden under my hand, entering the shortest line available. There were three people ahead of me: a woman, a man and some old person.

Whattcha got there? a voice boomed, hands clamping down on my shoulders. My neck jerked to see David standing behind me, stupid smile on his face. Chance was a few feet away with a look of shame on his face. I turned to hide the pregnancy tests out of Davids sight, moving up in line as it got shorter. Candy, I went with, thinking it was somewhat believable. Thats not what I heard, he said smugly. I took a glimpse at Chance who was staring at the ground. I wanted to be angry at him, but David has a way of guilt tripping you into telling him everything. Well, dont go believing everything you hear. Youre right He lurched for the boxes in my hands, but I yanked them away. Knowing he wouldnt leave in time for me to pay for the pregnancy tests discreetly, I walked out of this now line of two to the neighboring one of five. They followed suit. Oh, come on! David groaned. Wont you share with the class? Wont you fuck off and mind your own business? I retorted casually getting him to frown, but his smile returned quickly. So you fucked her, didnt you? And now shes pregnant, huh? Everyone in this line and the neighboring looked back at us in surprise. When I ignored him, he started to chuckle, but stopped abruptly. Is she? he asked now seeming to be concerned and full of pity. I dont know, I answered honestly, looking down at the pregnancy tests. And youre not making me feel any better. The line shortened and I moved up one spot. After a sigh, he went to put a hand on my shoulder, which I shook off, causing him to sigh again. Look, Im sorry, and that is a shit situation. It really is. Hows she handling it? Shes scared, I sighed. So am I. Id be on the verge of suicide, Im guessing he tried to reason. He paused. Youre not, are you? No. Well, thats good. I moved up in line again, waiting for him to speak. He stayed silent for a few moments before looking back at Chance. Were gonna go, he said slowly, motioning between him and Chance. Uh, good luck withthat.

Yup. I could still feel everyone looking at us. They were. Backing towards the door, he added, And I really am sorry about the wholebeing nosy thing. I just dont like not knowing things. Fighting another sigh because I feel like Ive been doing that too much, I just said, Its fine. He nodded to himself before fully turning and exiting out the doors with Chance at his side, leaving me to stand in a building full of people who were silently judging me. It felt like ages, but one by one, the line got shorter and then it was just me and the cashier. And it was the same chick thats always working the counter whenever I come in here to buy anything. I looked down at the three boxes in my grasp and nonchalantly shoved them onto the countertop. And then Miss Cashier judged me. Ugh. I was expecting that, but still. She didnt say anything as she began to scan the first one, dropping it into a bag. As she grabbed the second one a smile formed on her face. Want to be extra sure? I tried to smile and might have succeeded. Yup. How far along is she - or might she be, if you dont mind me asking? I dont know, I shrugged, letting out an exasperated sigh. Could be a week or a little more. She might not even be at all. She just nodded, scanning the last one. Then the smile got bigger. So I guess all those condoms went to waste, huh? Though I didnt feel like smiling or laughing at all, I still forced them. Unfortunately so. She put the last one in the bag, saying the total. Thanks, I muttered, slumping the money in front of her. She opened up her cash register, traded some money, and then handed it back to me. Three dollars is your change. Thanks, I muttered again and then got out of there before I pissed my pants. She has to think Im the biggest hoe. Has to. As soon as I stepped out the door, I looked down into the bag. There they laid. Leaving, I felt shittier than I did going in to buy them. I tried to get to Emmas as fast as I could, in fear her parents had gotten home by now. Instead of parking right in front of their house, I parked a couple over. Cutting the engine off, I texted Emma that I was here. As a reply, I saw her figure in one of the windows of the second floor. Her head bobbed around, looking for me. Spotting my truck, I knew she had smiled.

I grabbed the plastic bag, shoving it into my Nike bag, then hopped out into the freezing cold. Good going, me, not wearing a jacket on the coldest day ever. I sprinted to the side of their house, because it was closer to where I parked than the front of their house. I lifted the hinge of the gate door, and felt relief when an alarm didnt sound off. Making my way down the path, the front door opened to the house, and Emma stood in her pajamas. I smiled at that. Pajamas at one in the afternoon. Cute. We exchanged hellos, and I followed her inside. I waited for her to close the door behind us, getting a surprise instead. May I take your bag, sir? I think I peed myself, but maintained a composed face at Herald. He held his hand out for my belongings, but I shook my head. I wont be staying long. Thanks though. He still stood like a stature, arm outstretched, nose high in the air. His eyes shifted between us and the bag. His hand went back to being behind his back and he nodded. Emma hooked her little hand around my forearm, starting to pull me towards the stairs when Herald stopped us. Does your mother know Mr. Riley is here? How did he know my last name? Did I tell them? uh. Yes, she knows, Emma lied smoothly, continuing to and up the stairs with my arm in her grip. And she is alright with this? Yup, she replied shortly, continuing to drag me behind herher butts level with my eyes right now. Ahem. No Sticky Notes, I see. Thats good. She took me to the left and a couple doors over, stopping in front of one, letting go of me. She checked to make sure Herald hadnt followed, pushing the door opening quietly. I went in behind her. When she closed the door, locking it, I pulled off my bag, handing it to her. She slowly took it from me, pausing to glance into it. I heard her sniffle as she bit her bottom lip, pouting. I cant believe I have to do this, she whispered tearfully. I thought about apologizing but didnt think that was enough, so stayed quiet. She looked up before clasping her arms around me tightly. After being shocked, I hugged her back. I felt her little body shake and she took a deep intake of breath, making me hold her tighter.

She was so scared. So, so scared. After another shaky breath, she pulled away, tears staining her cheeks, hand on my forearm. Oh, I frowned, rubbing the pads of my thumbs under her red eyes. Please dont cry; everything will be okay. She sniffled hard again, nodding her head. She uttered, Okay. I let her go into the bathroom connected to her room, and she closed the door. Taking a seat on her bed, I looked around her room. I was expecting it to be girly, but it was very neutral. White walls, barely a sign of anything pink besides one of the pillows on her bed. Movie posters hung on her walls, along with pictures of bands and family/friends. It was a neat room, like I knew itd be. Her closet seemed to be organized; no clothes on the ground. Her bed was made and comfy. The more I looked at her bed, the more I noticed the wet spots on her pillow. Shed been crying. I hate to make her sad. Shes crying because of me. She might be pregnant because of me. Its all my fault. All of it. The bathroom door pushed open and she walked out slowly, holding something bunched up in toilet paper. The pregnancy tests. She stopped walking as soon as she stepped out, looking down at them in her hands. I noticed the boxes being held between her arm and side. She sighed looking up. We have to wait three minutes, she said, walking over to the bed to sit down. I pulled out my iPod to check the time and reminded myself to check back in a few minutes. Okay. She laid the toilet paper and its contents next to her. She waited a few seconds before resting her head on my shoulder. Sensing she needed a hug, I wrapped my arm around her, playing with her hair. Her eyes closed as she sighed a trembling sigh. We didnt talk the entire three minutes. I constantly checked the time while she played with her fingers. The three minutes seemed to d-r-a-g by. It was agonizing. When I checked my iPod and the appropriate time had passed I felt a mix of eagerness and total fear. I told her the three minutes were up and she hesitated grabbing the three tests. She handed me one and the box it came with, taking one for herself, and then the third we saved for last to share. On the count of three, we both looked down and checked the results.

A sad face stared back up at me and I felt so relieved but alsoa little down. Why? Its not like I wanted her to be pregnant. But then again, just because mine is negative doesnt mean the other two are. I instantly panicked. I looked over to her, saying, Negative. The way she stared down at hers scared me, because she looked so blank. But then she breathed out deeply. Same. She took the one from me and dropped it, along with hers into one of the boxes. We shared a look as she went for the last one and its box. She held it so we both could seeand the little negative symbol in the middle made us both sigh with relief. Well, I said seconds later, feeling so insane. That was horrifying. Her little smile calmed me, though. Right? God, she sighed again, dropping it into the same box as the others. She leaned back onto my shoulder and shook her head. That shouldnt have even happened. I shouldnt be taking a pregnancy test as a teenager. I know, I mumbled, feeling guilty again. I really am sorry. She looked at me, with a faint smile. She shook her head. I know you are, but this is not all your fault. Two to tango, she reminded me, smiling slightly. I smiled back, but still knew it was all me. Oh, I said remembering a thought I had earlier. We should probably check again in a few weeks, just in case it was too early to detect a pregnancy. She slowly nodded, her smile falling. Smart. We sat there for a while longer until I asked if I should leave now since we got all that out of the way, but before she could answer, the abrupt sound of the door knob trying to be forced open scared the crap out of us both. The French/mafia accent spoke after a knock. Ms. Emilia, are you in there? Your mother wants to talk to you. Fudge Rounds, are you serious? Our eyes widened on cue and we gaped at each other.

Hesitating, she yelled a response. Okay! Give me one second. She hopped up from her bed, picking up all the boxes, shoving them into my bag. She gave me it, then grabbed the toilet paper and ran into her bathroom. I heard the sound of the rustling plastic bag as she shoved it into her trashcan. As impressive as it was to see how fast she can clean under pressure, I hissed at her, What do I do? She immediately stopped dead in her tracks, eyes reminding me of an anime character. She stuttered wildly, looking around her room. Uh, I - stay here. I will go speak to my mother. She sprinted to the door, unlocking it silently. She mouthed to me to stay quiet, pulling the door open to Herald. Your mother is downstairs, Ms., he informed her. She wishes to speak to you now. Emma glanced back at me with a completely terrified and confused look on her face, but turned back to Herald and nodded. Okay. She slid passed him and disappeared from view. I heard her call for her mom, and then an urgent response from her mom. She sounded livid. I looked at Herald as he stood in the doorway. He had a strange expression as he stared back, before taking several steps back and turning down the hall. My face met the palms of my hands as I cursed to myself. He probably told Emmas mom I was here, thinking she knew I was. Plan backfired. Wonderful. Neither of them closed the door of Emmas room when they left so I could hear most of their conversation - well, the tones they were using. Emma sounded apologetic. Her mother, angry. I hope it wasnt at me. They argued back and forth for a while until I heard the dreadful sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. I prepared myself to see her mother stomping in here, but got dainty Emma instead. Relief seems to be the sponsored feeling today. But I wasnt completely at ease. Whatd she say? I asked trying to remain calm, watching Emma lean on her door to shut it. Her eyes blinked up and she smiled. You left the gate open and a cat got in our yard. It took a big poo. Oh, fuck, I facepalmed myself. Im sorry. And apologizing seems to be my new go-to answer. Emma pointed her finger at me in a scolding fashion. Hey, what do I say - no cussing. Not helping the situation at all, this was my response, Oh, fuck. Sorry. I scrunched up my nose and tried again. Really, though. Sorry. When she smiled, coming over to the bed to sit beside me , I felt better.

So, I started. Does she not know Im here? She shook her head. Not a clue. So what should I do? She took a second to think. I will sneak you out - Her bedroom door opened suddenly, and we both tensed up at the sight of her mom. Emilia, why is this door closed - ? She stopped mid-sentence and gawked at me. You could tell she was beginning to fume. What is that boy doing here? In your room? With the door closed? She looked to me for an answer - I stuttered - then to Emma. Emmas mouth hung open as she searched for an excuse. Releasing stammers, she collected herself enough to say, He - we were studying. Where are your books? she asked, hand going to her hip. He just got here - we havent started yet, Emma explained franticly. Mama, I swear. Her mother took a deep breath, and snapped out harshly, Emilia Maria Russo, non osate mentire a me. Che cosa quel ragazzo facendo qui con te? I sat there in shock. What did she just say? Emmas face became tense and she frowned. "Mama, ti giuro. Che non sto mentendo. Ha ottenuto qui presto e tu non eri qui. Mi dispiace. Si non accadr mai pi. Lo prometto." I looked at Emma and was strangely turned on. Why are foreign people so hot sometimes? I looked back at her mother, standing in the doorway with the most pissed off/deceived face I have ever seen. She relaxed only slightly as she spoke to Emma again. Giura di me? Non successo niente? Lui qui solo per studiare? Emma nodded quickly. I swear, she whispered regretfully. Her mother looked at her one more time and then at me. She gave me a look of warning before opening the door completely so it touched the wall. If I come back up here and this door is closed, he is never coming back over. She sounded %100 serious. We both nodded, and she remained in the room for a few more seconds and then turned and left. Neither of us said anything or moved. I finally had to say something. Uhmwhat was all that?

Emma closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. She didnt believe me. But does she now? So she says. But I have doubts. She dropped her head into her hands and sighed yet again. I do not like lying to her. She will be so angry if she finds out your real purpose here. Oh, yeah. The real purpose. Godddd. I cant believe that even happened. It was such a mistake. Me ever talking to her was such a mistake. I shouldve just left her alone. That stupid party. I was becoming angry at Natalie for bringing it up. But I was the one who ditched her for Emma. She shouldnt have came with me. Look how it all turned out. God. So much self-pity right now. Shut up, me. This is life. Get over it. Emma leaned over, dropping her head onto my chest. She snuggled closely when I draped an arm around her waist. I saw her close her eyes, and felt her relax. This was so nice. I just wanted to lie down and cuddle with her, falling asleep. If her mother saw thatheh. Goodbye to me. But damn. That reaction was just because of me being in the same room as Emma. Imagine if Emma was pregnant. I would die. Her mom was becoming more and more terrifying to me. Her dad must be an absolute nightmare. I wanted to get out of here before he came home. I stuck around for about half an hour or so and all we did was talk, and then I left, making sure I avoided her dad at all costs. Hey, Ill meet him when I absolutely have to. Til then Ill be over here existing and enjoying life. Just a little while longer. I hope.


And here we are once again with Emma lying to her parents about where she is. Well, you see its Valentines Day here in Fancy Pants land - but Ill be honest. I had no idea that was what day it was when I suggested me and Emma hang out. It just turned out that way. And what is my romantic plan for Febuary 14th?

A trip to the scary storage unit which I would bet my ten dollars on that it is haunted. But I didnt tell her that - whoops. It just slipped out to her. Now she doesnt want to go. Heh. Too bad. My original plan was just for us to fuck in the backseat, but eh. This works too. I picked her up like a whore at her street corner in my lovely truck, and off we drove to the storage unit. When she hinted what day it was through our texts, I just had to go buy her the bestest gift in the word - an Im sorry for giving you a pregnancy scare gift. I gave her a thing of Sour Patch Kids, a Nerds Rope thingy, a pack of 5 gum, some Nutella ,aaannnddd a fake rose. Yeah, I know, a fake flower on Valentines day? WTF? I ended up making up for it by picking her a bunch of real flowers out of the hair solons flower garden, which was across the street from the storage unit. Im not joking. I went there. I hated the storage unit with a passion. Its insanely creepy in there. I hear people talking all the time, but hey, maybe shell get scared enough that we somehow end up having sex. I mean, thats always how it happens, right? And before you start going: Ugh! Youre just hanging out with her for sex! Gross! Uh, no duh. :P jk. Nah Im just saying sex would be cool. It doesnt have to happen, but I would very much enjoy it. I unlocked the door to our unit, letting Emma head in first. I didnt even have to tell her she could sit down on the bench thingy-mah-doo we had stored in our little, uhthing (yeah, Im reeeallly bad at naming stuff, obviously. Sex deprived?) before she already was. I guess I should start on those health articles... she said, pulling a notebook out of her bag. If youre wondering what a health article is, its a thing. We have to search up articles on the internet, read them, and then write about how it affected us and how it would affect our health and all that good stuff. Shes taking Health class, obvs, as am I. We were assigned them at the beginning of the school year, and theyre due at the end. I smiled at her. You havent started those yet either, huh? She grinned really big, knowing I havent either. Nope, she said, popping the p at the end. Neither have I. What are you thinking of doing them on? Eeerrrr.uhm, Im thinking, for my first one, cyber bulling - or bullying in general. It is all very bad.

I just grinned some more at how cute she can be, going through a shoe box that held a zillion pictures in it. Good choice. I know, she smirked arrogantly up at me. I thought of it. I let my jaw hang low, staring at her, feigning being taken back. Oh, Im beginning to see the real you, Emma. I gave a dramatic, flirty look. And I like it. I winked at her, causing her to giggle, and she went on to randomly start giggling the rest of the time until she finished her one article. DONE, she chirped happily. Yaaaaaayy, I said, just a liiitttllee sarcastically. I wanna read it, though. Like, later. Oh, of course, she laughed. Im really proud of myself, she bragged. I actually got one done. Impressed? I cannot blame you. I chuckled. Youre cute. She was grinning up storm as I walked over to where she was. Stating the obvious, she continues modestly, but...I will take the compliment. I dont mind. Ugh. She kills me. I leaned down to her, and smiled. She bit her lip out of habit and started to shy her eyes away. But I stopped her by kissing her softly on the lips. I started to feel happiness and...uhwell, horny. I justhormones were goin haywire. But of FUCKING course, this little make out session didnt last very long. We soon heard what sounded like...people talking. I dont even know. Just some dude blabbing away. And then some lady talking. And then it sounded likesomeone was...whistling? What the fuck? We were the only ones in here a couple minutes ago. Uhm... she laughed nervously, staring in the direction of where the talking was coming from. Can we get out of here? Yes, and get you out of those clothes and into my bed. (Inner Goddess: ? Me: What? Its not my fault; shes just sowant-able right now.) Instead of saying what I really wanted to say, I laughed and said, Yeah. RACE YA TO THE CAR. LAST ONE THERE is probably dead, because the disembodied voices KILLED THEM. I took off out of the room and headed for the stairs. NOT FAIR! she cried, grabbing her notebook and bag. NOTHIN BUT, BABY Oh, wait. I didnt put the lock on the doorI did the walk-of-shame back to the room. And just as I was about to turn the corner, Emma fucking popped out of nowhere and

scared the shit out of me. Yet somehow she was the one who wound up screaming bloody murder as I just stood there with a bewildered look on my face. After a couple seconds, she stopped and yelled, DODGER! You scare me! I shrugged. I forgot to lock the door. Yeah, I knowso I locked it for you. Oh...thankswellRACE YA TO THE CAR, I challenged once more, fleeing down the stairs. AGAIN, NOT FAIR, she whined, running after me. DONT CARE. Anyway, I won. (: Im not sure exactly where were going next butI have an idea. I was thinking Burger King drive thru and thenwherever she wanted to go after that? Youre such a butt, she complained, munching on her fries. Shes still hung up on that. LET IT GO, LITTLE GIRL. man. so many cap-lock moments in this chapterwait. Am I breaking the forth-wall every time I acknowledge this is a story and I know that? Because that would so sick. Id feel like Deadpool. Ive always wanted to do that, I assume, because that is what the author is making me think. (Author: *winkwink*) We decided on going to this park near our school and chill in the parking lotfor no reason. What, you expect me to let you win? Uh, no. Sorry. That is not how Sir Dodger rolls. Yeah, but still She folded her arms over her chest, immaturely, crumbling up the Burger Kings bag into a ball, and dropping it into my lap. Oh, okay, I said childishly with a sassy head bob. Ill just take this for you. I knocked it to the floor, because I dont care about my environment. I had finished eating long ago, by the way. She took a sip of her Fanta. I waited for her to set it back down before I leaned over and kissed her nose. She giggled as I pressed my lips against hers. God, I love kissing her. Her lips are so soft. I could honestly kiss her for days. Fuck breathing. This was way more important. It felt so good, so right. I wanted to do so much more with her, though. So much. Dirty things. BAD things. So bad, she wouldnt be able to look anyone in the eye anymorelikesex would be cool. Or a blowjob. Or at least a handy. She hasnt done either of those yet. I dont care what, really. Just...something dirty.

You know, I said between kisses, remembering a conversation we had previously. When I said earlier, I bet you give awesome head, I meant that. I bet you do. She pulled away, just a little, and I thought: Oh shit. I shouldnt have said that. But then I saw her smile, just a little. I relaxed. She bit her lip - which made me want to fuck her brains out - and looked down suddenly shy. Maybe, she whispered. Well see. Like when? Now? Now would be great. I sounded waaaaayy too eager. I cleared my throat. Or, you knowwhenever. She smiled again. Later. When later? Can we just have sex instead? Okay, I am way too horny. Hornier than usual. If possible. I have the hormones of a fifteen year old boy, if you havent noticedlately, anyway. I mean, give me sex once and Ill go through crazy withdrawals. Like, seriously. I just want to fuck everything that can walkokay, not everything. Justher. I know were not dating or anything - yeah, still. shut it - but shes the only girl I want to this with from now on. If I switch to someone else, it feels like Im cheating. Weird, right? We wound up kissing againand about ten minutes later, we ended up in the back of the truck. In the bed of it. I had recently put the top on it, so privacy. It was kind of dark on the count of there being curtains over all the windows back here but...whatever. I really didnt care at the moment. I just wanted to fuckwell, I mean, we didnt have to, but...thatd be nice. I have a condom and everything this time. I think itsboysenberry? Okay, just so you know, whenever were like hardcore making out, I cant control what my hands do or where they go. Just so you know. Before I could stop them, they were up her shirt, fiddling with her bra. You know what would be so kick-ass? If she took her shirt off. That would so kick-ass...and hot. You know what; I actually prefer nothing to be on her but me and possibly a blanket. I mean, we got one right here. Yea h, I dont know why, but there is. And pillows? I dont even know. I swear. Its almost like I planned this, heh, heh I wanted to get her shirt off so bad. And her pants. And her underweareverything. I think she mustve heard me or something because she started taking her shirt off herself, which is just wonderful. I did the same, pulling off mine, so she wouldn't be the only one. I smirked to myself and began planting kisses over the tops of her chest, my hands resting on her hips. She let out a shaky breath. Oh...GodDodger.

I love hearing her moan or whisper my name. I dont really know why. Just something about it is awesome. I not really secretly slipped my hands under her back, and tried to undo her braSUCCESS. I pulled it off her slowly and just enjoyed the view. She has some great lookin boobs. And she looks good topless. Just sayin. But she got this shy and bashful look on her face, and looked down, hands going to cover her chest. I held them, stopping her. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You lookgood. She cracked a smile. Really? I nodded in all seriousness. Very good. I smirked leaning down to kiss her lips before trailing that kiss down her neck and began kissing her chest again and doing stuff to that divine area. This aint one of those stories; I cant tell you everything...Sorry. Oh, shooooot. Who cares? I'm sure y'all wanna know. I WAS SUCKING ON HER TITTY - (Inner Goddes: like she wanted me, calling me, all the time like blondie - Me: *sup nod* Youre alright, you know that?) And I was totally led to believe she liked it because she, as a matter of fact, pulled on my hair and moaned VERY loudly. Feelin pretty good about myself. I took that kiss down her stomach, finally ending up at the button of her jeans. I just kind of sat there for a moment, debating on whether or not I should just undo and take them off without even checking to make sure it was okay with her, or, you know, at least ask. She was breathing hard and fast, staring down at me with this look in her eyes; I knew if I asked shed say yesBut I still felt like I had to. I just looked up at her. She waited a few seconds before nodding. I looked back down, and slid my hand down the front of her jeans, resting it over her underwear. Then pulled it back out, working her pants down and off. I kissed her jawline as she tilted her head back, closing her eyes. I rubbed her through her underwear, feeling she was wet, then I slid my hand under her underwear, (oh sweet jeezus she shaves now) and just rubbed around down there, not going near the middle (if ya know what I mean...) She seemed to like it. Her breathing was sofucked up. It was kinda hot. But she was too tensereally tense. I couldnt get a finger inside. I knew I had to do something to try to relax her a bit. I kissed her neck, and rubbed her with my thumb. After a few seconds, she started to calm down. She even moaned a little bit. I waited until she was fairly wet before spreading her legs, slowly sliding my middle finger inside her. She gasped, eyes clasping shut, scrunching the blanket between her fingers. She let out a moan.

I gently pumped my finger in and out, then up and down until she looked like she was really into it. When she did, I slipped my finger out, this time pushing two back in. She moaned quietly. She tipped her head back, arching her back. OhDodger, she gasped out my name. Oh.God, she moaned, hips moving in time with my fingers. I pressed my lips to her ear. "Want to try something else?" She nodded stiffly, and I stopped fingering her - much to her dismay, I'm sure. I pushed my forehead up against hers, and ran my hands up her sides, and then back down, forcefully pulling her underwear down to her knees. She gasped, biting her lip. I kissed down her neck to her belly button, pulling her underwear off completely. I brought my face down between her legs, andwell, you know. There was something hot about the way she was letting me go down on her. I loved it. I cant really explain why. The way she squeezed my head between her legs so damn tightly. Running her fingers through my hair, while pushing my face against her as if I could get any closer than I already was. I could hear her panting so loud, moaning for more. And it made me not want to stop, knowing that I was the one giving her this pleasure. But I soon knew it was time to stop. The moment her thighs quivered, and her grip on me loosened. She had the biggest smile on her face. Now, am I wrong to think I should get something in return?

Maybe an hour or so later, we were back up front. What just happened kept replaying in my head, and I couldnt stop smiling. And I knew if I couldnt stop smiling and thinking about it, she definitely couldnt. Unfortunately, we didnt end up going all the way.' We just did all the other stuffrepeatedly. I dont think we were going to go all the way anytime soon. We just had a pregnancy scare. Granted that was weeks ago but, yeah, heh. No. She wasnt ready to go right back to sex. I know for a fact that she wasnt. She told me. She told me she was scared to; shed be ready for it eventually, but not

right now. And I didnt want to make her do something she wasnt fully ready to do, or felt like she had to do. Simple as that? She was staring off into space, knees to her chest, smiling like an idiot. Were still at the park, but now were sitting outside on the grass, on a blanket that was in the van. Suddenly, her stomach made a bizarre stomach noise. And since I had moved to lying on her stomach, I heard it. Instead of being like, Uhmwow, you just ate like an hour ago. How can you be hungry, you pig? I growled back. Yeah. Thats right. Ill do anything for a laugh. Weirdo, she mumbled after giggling. I honestly dont think shes ever going to laugh again - its just giggles from this point on. I am what I am, I defended myself. I had a feeling youd say that. Weird. Well, I am a weirdo. Its what I doyou know...weird thingslike you. Her face went red. She covered it understanding the innuendo. Remember when she didnt? No, shut up, she whined in embarrassment. I just smiled, thrusting those two certain fingers in her face. She grumbled gibberish, swatting my hand away. I smiled again and went back to whatever I was doing before...which, apparently was killing grass. I ripped a handful up and questioned why. I should stop that. Eh. Time to make her face even redder. Thats always fun. I stuck my tongue out between my index and middle finger and made...gestures with it...if you get what Im trying to say. Though I was looking at the ground while I did that, she knew it was directed towards her. I looked up in time to see her face was matching my converse yet again. She lightly slapped the back of my head. Well, geez, I muttered in fake betrayal with a sigh. She smiled back. We were quiet for a few seconds before I got bored and mumbled a stream of words, stretching. She stared at me knowing I was going to do something else relating to what happened earlierI took my hand, put it in a sigh-languagee symbol andthrusted it towards my mouth. (Inner Goddess: BLOW JOB. Me: Ya darn skippy.) She shoved me with all her might (I moved like an inch). Noooo. I hate you! she droned, covering her face again. I just faked a frown, climbing on top of her. Aww. Dont hate me. You know I had to makes some jokeswellnot really jokes, know what I mean. Just cooommmeeeee oooonnnn.

Noooooo, she whined when I tried to pull her hands away from her face. I sighed as I eventually gave up...or was I really giving up? Heh. Nah. It got quiet, but not for too long. I grabbed her sides, tickling her. She squealed, hands flying over mine, trying to pry them off her. DODGEEEEERRRR. HAHAHA. STO-HAHAHAHAHAAA. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHA. I suddenly stopped, went HA, SUCCESS, and kissed her on the lips, then reenacted a wild crowd at a sporting event for all those around me, getting her to legit cackle. It was beautiful. After what seemed like ten minutes but was actually a few hours later, we got up and I took her home, because her wonderful father texted her, demanding she get her butt home, because she had been out all day. I guess I understand. It was nearing night fall. I wouldnt trust her going out for that long either...for obvious reasons that hopefully he doesnt know. We hopped into the truck. We didnt really talk on the way home. We just sat t here, listening to 103.9 The X. When we pulled into parking spot a few houses over, she finally decided to say something. I could honestly listen to the radio all day. I let my smirk shine through. I could listen to you moan all day - and night. She shook her head, smiling. I knew you were going to say that. I knew you were going to say that. I think it has been decided: Were both wizards. We both faked an excited/surprised gasp, turned to each other, and shouted out, WIZARDS DO EXSIT! Yeah, thats right. Inside joke. We are now close enough that we have an inside joke. Arent you proud of us? Then we just kind of sat there, staring at each other. I say, my idea began, We do this whole thing again tomorrow - or whenever...minus creepy storage unit. She smiled. Oh, yeah. Most definitely.

We kissed again...and againand againto the point where itd be considered making out. I pulled her onto my lap, and slipped my hands up the back of her shirt. I could feel my boner making itself known. I knew she had felt it as she became a tease and pulled away with a small smirk. She bit my bottom lip before whispering, I should go I pulled her back, kissing her neck, wanting to leave another hickey. No. You shouldnt. And what does she do? She giggles. I have to go. I shook my head. Yes, Dodger. I have to gonow. Playing on the hormones card, I just said, Ooh, say my name again. It makes me hard. She laughed, because Im funny, but gave me a quote-un-quote -- serious look. I groaned, fiddling with the zipper on her jeans. Cant you just stay the night and never leave? As much as Id like that, I dont think my dad willat all. So? Who cares? He will. I sighed and then looked in the direction of her house, and my boner disappeared. She looked that way too and back at me. What? Some dude is out on your porch, like, steady creepin. She angled a look out the window and saw what I saw. Some guy standing on her porch, his eyes shifting around outside. Steady creepin. I dont think he saw us, or if he did, he didnt know who we were. She squinted then her eyes sprang wide with fear. That is my father! she gasped out. She tried to crawl back into the passenger seat but I wasnt ready to let go yet. Dodger! she s colded. He will see; let go. No! I wailed, grabbing onto her for a hug. She relaxed slightly, of course, giggling. Dodger she trailed, tapping a finger to my nose. I frowned. You have to go now, dont you? She nodded sadly. Yeeeaaaahhh I kissed her one more time, and she crawled back into the passenger side, opened the door, and stepped out. She waved one more time before I drove away, watching through the rearview mirror to make sure she made to the gate. And she did. Ugh. What a wonderful day, am I right?

Oh, and youre welcome for the deets on the sexy time. I know, I know. Hold the applause. Man, how long was this chapter? Too long? Long enough? Eh. Well keep it going. .nah. The author is saying to me right now that she has a fear of writing chapters that are too long because they might not copy over all the way. (Author: Its true) So. I will see you in the next chapter, my friendsohthe author is telling met to call you brosuh, okay. Later, bros.


By the way, Emma took, like, five more pregnancy tests, and they came up negative, so. Were good, I think. Anyway, as always, whenever I think I have the right to sleep in in the morning, some skank thinks otherwise. There was a knock at the door. I likehad a spaz attack, half out of shock, half out of anger. HOLD ON! I shouted, getting up, trying to find something to put on so I didnt answer the door in the nude. I found basketball shorts and put them on quickly. Heh. Yeah, so, my thoughts last night consisted of Emma, real nice thoughts, so I had myself a little me time, and this was one of the rare occasions I went full commando. TMI? Maybe. Whoever it was knocked louder, and since they actually appeared patient and have yet to barge in after the first knock, I assumed it wasnt my mom or Natalie. GEEZ-US, I snapped, adjusting my junk, beginning to search for a shirt. HOLD. ON. Im getting dressed! I picked up a random shirt and threw it on. They knocked a few more times. I hopped over to the door and opened it to find Chance on the other side. His hands were shoved into his pockets, an apologetic look on his face. What? He didnt say anything. He just pushed on passed me, hands going through his short hair. My God, Chance, what? Shut your door, he said quietly, turning to face me. Uhm, please? He looked jumpy and nervous. I pushed my door shut.

What? I asked again. He let out a deep breath, shaking his head slightly. I am so sorry. My eyes shifted around the room confused as I waited for him to continue. Why? He took a profound breath and groaned. His lips quivered. I just want you to know, he said quickly, I had nothing to do with this - at all. It was all him. What, I emphasized, are you talking about? Another distraught groan. David, uhis kind of going around saying things. I rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh. Of course he is - about what? You and Emma. I could feel my heart jump. What kind of things exactly? He hesitated, picking at his nails, staring down at the groun d briefly. Tristans party, uh, the, uh, pregnancy tests - I think he was joking about the pregnancy tests though, or tried to make it seem that way. And hes even making shit up, like, hes saying she let you tape her and then you posted it on Facebook, but it got taken down - just messed up shit - and He looked like he was on the verge of tears. I am so, so sorry. I think I stopped breathing. My back suddenly met my door as I leaned against it for support. I tried to think of something to say, but the words just wouldnt come out. I wanted to kill him. I couldnt tell if I was dreaming or not. I was in denial at first. He wouldnt do that. He would go that far. Would he? Are you fucking serious right now? Chance gulped. I could tell he was shaking from guilt and nerves. Im so sorry, he said again. See, Chance really is a nice guy with rejection issues. He hates thinking hes losing someone, even if its not his fault. Why? I questioned feeling such a physical ache in my bones from disbelief. Why would he do that? Chance stuttered as he thought. I-I dont know. Something aboutrevenge or something. I dont know -

Revenge? I snapped. I was getting a headache. What have I ever done to him? Not tell him every personal detail of my life? He such a - Its probably something stupid from years ago, he interrupted. You know hell hold a grudge over anything. Is anything worth this? What could I have done? Emma sure as hell didnt do a damn thing. I cant believe him, I seethed incredulously. Whos he told? He stopped pacing my room to think. Uhwe were just at Jeffs, so Jeff, Chris, SamandI think thats all. I really am sorry. I didnt say anything back to him. I stared out the window imagining David getting hit by a car. Then thought of Emma. If we go back to school Monday and she gets dirty looks because of himI think Ill have to kill him. The thought of her ever crying again, this time over that fucker, literally pissed me off to no end. I felt what could be described as my blood boiling. I wanted to call Emma and start apologizing like Chance was. Thats what hes doing right now, repeatedly apologizing to me. I ignored him, not being able to speak. Not being able to force myself to form a coherent sentence aloud. I was so pissed off right now. I wanted to murder him. I will. Just then there was a knock on the door. Chance immediately shut up, and we stared at each other, wondering who it could be. After regaining the ability to move, I backed away from the door, opening it to Natalie on the other side. Her face just glowed and I knew she knew. She looked like she had a mix of feelings going on. The first she allowed to shine through was arrogance. So, you and Emma are a thing, she stated it like it was a fact. Dear God, I groaned, shuffling over to my bed, landing face first into my pillows. I bit back a scream. If she knew already, who else knows by now? Chance whispered to her to shut the door, and when she did, he asked, Who told you that?

I felt the bed shift as she sat down. You guys know Chris Cruea? Hes my cousin; hes staying with me for a few days. He just got back from hanging out with - he said he heard it from that obnoxious kid - whats his name? Drew? David? Chance corrected. She snapped her fingers and grunted. Yeah, him! Knew it started with a d. Anyway, yeah, - she jabbed me in the shoulder. I fought the urge to break her finger. - He said you guys went to Tristans party? You and her. Soyou went with Drew and her, huh? Chance interjected, David. She hushed him, jabbing me in the shoulder again. I swear if she does that one more time, Ill add her to my hit list. And got freaky, right? she went on to interrogate. When I didnt answer, she continued. Yeah, Chris said Drew - David. - kept babbling on and on about it - god! she said exasperated. What a douche. I mean, true. I enjoy a little gossip every once and a while - even spread it myself - but geez. Some friend - he is, or was, your friend, right? It kind of sounded like that Drew kid - David. - was a bit jealous, if I do say so myself. Or hes just a d-bag. Just a d-bag, I managed to say without spewing fire. My jaw was clenching and beginning to hurt. Yeah, she agreed. Ive seen him in the hall; he radiates fuckface. We all got quiet after agreeing with her first impression of David. And then she just had to say, He also said something about Emma being knocked up? Or he joked about it, or I dont know. Chris said it sounded like he was just joking. Or is that true? I prepared myself for her to poke my shoulder again when I responded with an annoyed groan and not a yes or no. Is it? she repeated the question, a hint of denial and surprise in her voice. No, I snapped just wanting them both to leave so I could start a riot in my room to do something about all the anger and betrayal I was feeling. Geez, she grumbled, but then made a clicking sound with her mouth. Well, I guess I get it youre pissed right now, huh? I would be furious and causing mayhem if my friend was spreading personal shit like that about me. Absolutely furious.

I gave her a slanted glare over my shoulder, code for shut the fuck up. She understood the code and mouthed she was sorry. I sighed loudly, digging my face back into my pillow. When I see him, Im using whatever is closes to me to bash his head in with. Watch me.

Later that night there was yet again another blizzard, so no school on Monday. Its like the Gods knew what would happen if I saw *shudder* him. Oh. Wait. The benefit of being friends with him at some point was that I knew where he lived. :D I totally would be visiting him if Natalie wasnt playing hostage with me all day. Shes been over here for hours, not letting me even get up to pee. So long story short, today was uneventful and sucky. But the next dayoh it was beautiful. Natalie somehow caught a cold overnight - probably because every time she comes over to my house, she sits by my open window for hours idk just maybe - so she skipped school on Tuesday, leaving me to get ready and go to school all by my lonesome. Not having Natalie to blab in my ear for thirty minutes, I walked around with Emma Dearest because were getting exceptionally closer as friends. Also by not having Natalie there with me, I got to school a little earlier than usual, so all that meant was less people to give Emma dirty looks. I dont think shes caught onto why they were whispering about her yet, whichI dont know how to feel about that. But I admire her for being the last to know. Yeah. She was the only one getting dirty looks; not me too. Uhm.dumb? Yes. And besides the several dirty looks and sneering whispers, everything was pretty normal; no one called her or me derogatory names. Im hoping its because theyve all realized their age and acted it. Maybe they realized theyve all done the same things, you know, premarital sex, and had a few pregnancy scares themselves, so theyre not going to make their stupid judgments aloud. I hope it stays this way for the rest of the day. I walked Emma to class nearly every chance I could today, just to be sureand I like talking to her.

I gotta stop by my locker to get my Math book, I told her, stopping us from going down the hallway to the right. Your class really uses the book? she asked with a laugh. We have only used it once. Same here, I led her down the stairs, coming to the section of lockers mine was located in. This is probably the second time weve needed it. We came to my locker. I grabbed my lock and I twisted in my combination. I almost took it home because Mrs. Owen said wed never use it - good thing I didnt. She began to laugh in agreance, and then "Slut..." I heard someone hiss behind me. I dont think Emma considered it was aimed at her because she didnt really react like I thought she would. She continued to play with her necklace like she didnt even hear them. I opened my locker, reaching for my Math book. Emma turned around when we heard someone giggle out "Whore." A different voice than before, though. I didn't see anyone who looked like they could have said it - would've, even. Why is everyone suddenly being immature? They hadnt really said anything all day and now that the day was nearly over, theyre all opening their mouths. I saw her instantly freeze. I watched Emmas face as she began to pout, but she didnt say anything. Then she shook her head and waited for me to get my book. Just as I was about to turn back to my locker, I saw David round the corner. I immediately glared at him. "Hey, Dodger," he smiled condescendingly, walking passed me. He tipped a nod at Emma as he said her name. Emma. The nerve, I thought, snatching my book, shutting my locker, snapping shut the lock. I dashed after him. Emma followed a second later. "Get your dumb ass back here," I snarled after him. "What?" he snapped when I grabbed onto his shoulder, pulling him back. "Why?" was all I said. I wanted to handle this maturelyas maturely as I could manage. Talk it out like human beings. But when he looked back at me and smirked, saying, You know why, I literally lost my marbles. The second he had his back to me, my body got a mind of its own. I rocked my Math book back like it was a baseball bat, and swung it at the back of his head. When it connected, gasps rang out. David stopped walking and just stood there. And then like I hoped way deep down, he dropped to his knees, one hand being used for support as he hit the ground, the other buckling under his weight, sending him full on crashing to the floor.

He released a whimper, flopping belly-up. I flung my makeshift murder weapon aside, and then the next thing I know, my knuckles ached as they met his jawand then his noseand then eye. I could feel all the pent up anger towards him after all these years being the driving force. That was the last thing I remember feeling before feeling hands going around my waist as they pulled me up to a standing position, but didnt let go. I knew someone like the principal was dragging me away from the fight. David laid limp on the floor but that didnt stop me from going for one last kick, right in between his legs. His body shook and he groaned quietly but didnt move. A teacher kneeled to him and screamed for the nurse. Maybe I killed him. Hopefully. Sit here, a male teacher ordered once we got to the main office. I slouched into one of the padded seats, and scratched the back of my head. I wanted to take on the Persian Army right now. I had the energy to. I watched him stomp over to one of the secretaries and then listened to him speak angrily to her; occasionally hed point at me. Thats when I realized he was that super pacifistic teacher everyone hated. Once he was done shouting at her, he turned to leave. Not before giving me a death glare. I looked back at him with a face that read What the fuck, dude? I just kicked some ass; high-five me. At least I think I did. Nah. I did for sure. The principal will be with you in a few, the secretary informed me nicely. Her tone made Mr. Pacifist grunt in disgust, and he left in haste. I heard groans from behind me, and turned to see a couple teachers carrying Davids whiny self to the nurses office. Being strangely happy by the sight I didnt hear the door leading to this room, open. What was that all about? an Italian accent asked. I looked to see Emma closing the door behind her as she walked in to take a seat beside me. I didnt see what good telling the straight-up truth to her did, so I did vaguely. Hes annoying, I explained with a shrug. Youve met him. But that is full reason? He is annoying? Basically.

She narrowed her eyes at me, sucking in some air. She knew there was more to it, and I had a feeling this chapter wasnt going to end until I told her. What has he done this time? she pressed. I shrugged again after a couple seconds of silence. Just saying some things. Like what? I hesitated again. Just things. Like what? she asked a second time. Personal things, I began to specify. Like what? she repeated, then paused. Her face fell. Does it have to do with the mean words people have been saying to me? They are saying them to me, yes? I shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to answer her, knowing itd hurt her. So I shrugged again. Maybe Why? she asked after another frown. What have I done to be called a slut? I am not oneam I? No, no, I said quickly, fearing she honestly thought that. It- It has to do with David? she guessed. He is saying these things? maybe. Why? she said again. I have done nothing to him. Hes a douche. Oh. Yeah. We sat there. I kind of wanted to ask her if she knew what errybody thought she did, but, uhm, didnt want to at the same time. So. I didnt. God, that was a shit explanation. Well, on the bright side thats all overended super fast, but okay. It was a dilemma that lasts for like half a chapter. Thought itd take a while longer, so were gonna keep this chapter goin. Uhm, here it is. After that whole deal happened, uh, yeah, I got suspended for a week. Might be two. Ill ask later. My mom wasnt pissed at me - she was at first, but when I explained what David had said about this really nice and proper girl at my school, she high-fived me.

Oh, also, from what Emma, Natalie, and Chance all said everyone seemed to have forgotten about why the fight happened, but just that it happened. Soits all good. Anyway. Am I making sense? I should be. All Ive done for the past couple days is sleep. With and without Emma. BOOM. Hah. Jk. Emma has come over to hang out, actually more than Natalie, but we still haven t done the dirt. Which is fine. I guess. Emma aint into being called a slut, so she doesnt feel too hot about doing the slut activities. But maybe today is different. Oh God, I hope so. Im gonna get a boatload of blankets from the hall closet, I informed Dear Emma as I stood up from my bed. We had been hanging since I picked her up from school, yes, watching movies and such. Now, is nighttime. Emma is over (obvs) and she has yet again lied to her parents about her location. Ahh. Yay. Okay, sowhat were we talking about? I dont know, but Emma just said okay, so - oh right. Blankets. I walked out into the hallway and returned with a pile of blankets and pillows. Its crazy cold out, and my mom - I swear - is trying to kill me; she keeps the AC on at all times of the year. Shes insane. Whend you change? I dropped everything on the bed. Just now. Oh. She walked over to her bag she brought with her, grabbing some clothes out of it. Well, get out. My eyes fixed on the clothes. I dont mind watching. She rolled her eyes, but smiled. Go! I put my hands up in defense leaving the roomslowly. Leave! She pushed me out, shutting the door behind me. Man, just got kicked out of my own room so a girl Ive seen naked can change her clothes, like? Does that make sense to anyone else?? No? Yeah, thought so. After she was dressed, she invited me back in. We laid the blankets out on the bed and made up our own sides. As she plopped down into the covers, I headed for the light switch that was between the wall and a dresser. Her eyes widened.

I guess I should mention the movie were going to watch - The Unborn. Shes not too happy with that, being she hates scary movies, buta boys gotta do what a boys gotta do. Hey, Ill stop trying to have sex with her when I finally have sex with her. Dont turn it off! Whats wrong with you? I smirked, flicking the switch off. I shuffled over to the bed, and sat in my spot. Arent you scared? she asked, whispering for some reason. She gripped onto my arm. I shook my head. Youre the one by the hole in the wall. I motioned to it. Its not necessarily a hole; its another little room connected to mine. Very tiny, like a den or something. And theres no door, so you can see the pitch-black darkness that inhabits it. Sometimes, when Chewy is in a piss mood, hell go in there for some solitude. That creepy grandpa can just jump out and eat you. Then I started pushing her up so she was standing. Here ya go. I seasoned her up for ya, I said, sprinkling her with some salt. She brought it in here earlier. We like salt on our pizza. Oh, right, we also ordered pizza. Youre horrible! she huffed, nails legit digging into my arms, causing me to stop, letting her go back into her previous lying down position. About three minutes into the movie, Casey, I think, was jogging and she did something stupid, picked up a little blue glove that was on the ground. Emma buried her face into the pillow I was leaning on, already scared. When Casey turned around, there was a little boy standing therethen the little boy turned into a dog. She did something else that was stupid, like following it into the woods. She found a mask on the ground and picked it up. Emma was near becoming part of the bed from how hidden she made herself under the blankets and pillows. All for good, I think, because I knew something was going to pop up. Just being a dick, I screamed loudly. It was manly. Emma screamed before shoving me, saying something in Italian. I laughed. Sorry. That scared me. What scared me? Well, when Casey picked up the mask, there was a little baby under it. And its eyes shot open. She went on to grumble at me, and somehow, fifteen or so minutes later, I was out like a light, oh my. Just dead asleep. Whoops. Sorry, Em.

I did wake up at some point, though, and saw Emma had also fallen asleep. And fell asleep once more, waking once more time around three-ish, to a yelp and something getting pressed against my chest. I assumed it was Emma, but was way too tired to see what was up. I just caressed her back, hoping that was enough for comfort. Then the poking began. She poked my shoulder, whispering, Dodger? Dodger? over and over again, waiting for me to react. Shit ton of pokes later - What? Can you turn the movie off? I sighed, nodding sleepily, starting to sit up. Just about died when my eyes caught the TV screen. It went straight to deleted scenes and that creepy old grandpa was staring back at me. I held back a scream and focused on what the hell was glommed onto me. Looking down, I saw Emma. Wait. We already discovered it was herIm tired. I shut the TV off, lying back down on my side, wrapping an arm around her waist. Crisis averted. Youre welcome. Now go to sleep. She whispered a thank you, nuzzling her head in the nook of my neck. Great. I found it somewhat hard to fall asleep with her breathing on my neck. Mostly because it tickled. I mean, weve slept like this before, but, for some reason, it felt different this tim - Oh, sweet mother ofsomehow her shorts came off at some point, sothe v is right there. Oh my, her legs are soft. She gripped on tighter, pushing up against a certain body part. She breathed out deeply. I mentally expired. Boy that felt good. As tired as I was, yeah, I dont believe Im sleeping at all tonight. Sighwhatevs. I woke up the next morning slightly drooling, laying belly-down on a Star Wars blanket. And Buzz Lightyears face plastered on a pillow was staring up at me. Kind of like the creepy old grandpa.

I rested the palms of my hands on the mattress, rising slightly, stretching. I yawned, falling back down on Buzz, dabbing the drool from my mouth. I turned over, staring at the ceiling, thinking to myself before sitting up, wiping my nose with my hand. (Im beautiful in the morning) Wheres Emma? She wasnt next to me. Oh, right. School. Its probs noon. And, right on cue, the saucy devil walked in, hair wet from, Im guessing, the shower in a white tanktop and jean shorts. A towel was thrown over her shoulder; she dried her hair off with it, toothbrush hanging halfway out of her mouth, halfway in her hands. What Im saying isshe look good. She was barely paying attention to me. I feel the love. She walked over to a window, opened it before hacking up some toothpaste. Were both beautiful in the morning. Just then, I sneezed and ended up choking on air. Oh. Sleeping beautys awake, I see. She grinned. I narrowed my eyes. Youre not funny. I yawned, stretching, falling back. I asked, What time is it? 6:27. Dude, why am I awake? This is bootywhich reminds meI didnt get any of that last nighteh. I groaned. Why do I keep not sleeping in? Because I wake you up. I glared at her for a second with a frown before throwing my hands in the air. Help me up, please. Why? Because, you wake me up; this is your punishment. Deal with it. She heaved out a sigh of defeat, strutting over. But you are on bed; why do I have to help you up? I will not, she stated, helping me up. I stretched and got dizzy. What time did you wake up? I asked, making conversation. Five. I scoffed in a totally non-demeaning way. You would. She smiled back, pulling her long, wet hair over her shoulder, beginning to braid it. I seriously sat back down onto the bed and watched her braid her fifty foot long hair into a braid within thirty seconds.

I slow clapped it out, and she bowed. I will need a ride, she hinted, standing in front of a propped up hand mirror that she had set on my dresser. She picked up earrings and put them in. I will also need a ride. To get my point across, I slung myself back onto the bed and held out my arms for her embrace. Come at me, bro. Her grin shinned again as she glanced back. To school, please. I let out a grunt of displeasure, shooting up from the bed. I mean, I gueeesss. She mocked me before a thank you, going for her makeup bag. Ugh, such a girl, like gross. Since I apparently was her ride to school, maybe I should put something on. I darted out into the hallway, noted the bathroom door was closed, dismissed it, and slammed right into it. Why on earth is this closed? Whos in there? Someones in here! Well, no shit! Ah. I meant to say that in my head. Oops. Emma moaned at me to watch my mouth. I tried again. I meant, oh. Okay. I tapped my foot, waiting, quietly listening to the lovely elevator music. A small number of minutes later, the door opened and Chewy walked out. ( o ___ O ) UhHow? A blonde mane walked out a few seconds later. Well, Natalies here. I wanted to ask why. I blinked, looking her up and down, then at Chewy as he padded his way into the living room. Im afraid to ask, I sneered at her, smirking. She slanted her eyes at me, matching my smirk. He followed me in. The stalker. Oh, okay, I pretended to pretend to not believe her. She stuck her tongue out at me, walking passed me into my room. Like always, I smiled innocently. I heard her greet Emma and Emma return the greeting. I entered the bathroom casually, but realized Natalie might say something to Emma about David, and I ran back into my room. Natalie was sprawled out on my bed, her phone in her hands. I waited for it to drop out of her grip and smack her in the face. Emma was over by my dresser, applyinguhm, makeup. The eye stuff in a tube.

I observed both of them as they essentially appeared to just be existing in the same room. Neither of them said anything to each other. I still stood there. I dont trust this. I could feel a small tension in the room. Emma suddenly backed away from the dresser and gave a slightly awkward smile to me before walking out into the hallway. I watched her tread on into the bathroom, closing its door behind her. So, Natalie began not nonchalantly, what-so-ever. She stayed the night? Obviously. Oh. Wellgeez. She went quiet and I took this as an opportunity to sleep up against the wall. The second my back touched the wall, her mouth opened. So you and heryou knowdoing it, right? I dont know why everyone assumes Im going to tell them everything, especially everything about something that personal. Maybe its because theyre all nosy as fuck. I should probably get new friends, or just ditch friends all together. Mind your own business? I said sweetly, getting her to scowl at me. Youre right, she surrendered. Youre right. Ill just - she pretended to flick in invisible leach in front of her. Thats a leach, she explained, with my n ose at the end of it. It will no longer be getting in your business. I swear. I actually laughed at her attempt of an apology, and accepted it. While we waited for Emma to finish getting ready, I pulled on a hoodie and some shoes. The ride to school - awkward and full of tension as eff. omg. It was so weird. Because I liked Emma more than Nat, she sat up front with me, which Im sure Natalie took note of. Neither of them talked to each other or me. We rode in silence the entire way. And when I dropped them off, Emma did the most wonderfully bitch move I never thought Id see her do: after pushing opening the car door, she turned back to me, and gave me the bestestest passionate kiss ever. And then looked at Natalie in absolute arrogance. So smug. It was beautiful.

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