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6th August 2013


Bahrain crackdown draws U.N. concern
A move by Bahrain's government to restrict protests and revoke citizenship for people accused of inciting terrorism is a concern, the United Nations said. Bahrain's National Assembly last week recommended a ban on demonstrations in the nation's capital and tighter counter-terrorism laws. The measure would revoke the citizenship of anyone found guilty of committing or inciting an act of terrorism. "Any deprivation of nationality provided for by law must comply with procedural and substantive standards, including the principle of proportionality," Cecile Pouilly, a spokeswoman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said in a statement Tuesday. Read More The stricter penalties for protests, which were enacted on July 31, are amendments to the 2006 Law on the Protection of Society from Acts of Terrorism. The revisions also include increasing the detention period for committing or inciting an act of terrorism. But critics believe the toughened laws will be used against peaceful protesters not just those committing terrorist activities. Read More Amnesty International UK, said: Theres a faade of supposed reform in Bahrain, but the reality is that critics and dissenting voices are just locked up and silenced. We want Mr Cameron to make it crystal clear that the UK is not prepared to hold its tongue over the appalling way critics and protestors are treated. Read More

U.N. decries Bahrain anti-terror proposal

Human rights workers criticized Bahrain's recommended new antiterrorism law that revokes citizenship for convicts and bars protests in the capital. The proposal violates international law, which prohibits nations from revoking citizenship except in specic instances. The measure can lead to nationless convicts who could then be subjected to human rights abuses, said Cecile

Pouilly, spokeswoman for the U.N. Ofce of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. "We reiterate that the right to nationality is a fundamental right protected by article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which provides that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her nationality," Pouilly said. "While recognizing the responsibility of States to maintain law and order, we remind the authorities that any measure should respect international human rights standards." Read More against the Gulf states ruling dynasty.

UN criticizes Bahrain over toughened 'antiprotest' laws

Bahrain's legal crackdown on demonstrators has been criticized heavily by the UN, which warned that there may be serious consequences in anticipation of a protest planned for August 14. The move has also prompted an open letter from human rights groups.

David Cameron entertains Bahrains dictator King Hamad al-Khalifa

On his rst full day back from holiday, David Cameron held talks in Downing Street with King Hamad al-Khalifa of Bahrain. The meeting came a week ahead of planned rallies by pro-democracy campaigners protesting

Its tough tactics against demonstrators over the last two years have been condemned by human rights groups. A No 10 spokesman said Mr Cameron reiterated Britains support for ongoing political reform in Bahrain but encouraged His Majesty to continue to demonstrate substantive progress in all areas. Read More

Cameron should tell Bahraini King UK is not prepared to hold its tongue over crack down on critics
As the UK Prime Minister David Cameron prepares to meet Bahrains King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa at Downing Street today, Allan Hogarth, Head of Policy and Government Affairs at

No 10: Statement on Prime Minister meeting with the King of Bahrain

A Downing Street spokesperson said: "The Prime Minister welcomed His Majesty Sheikh Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa, the King of Bahrain, to Downing Street this afternoon. The Prime Minister reiterated the UK's support for ongoing political reform in Bahrain but encouraged His Majesty to continue to demonstrate substantive progress in all areas.

"The leaders made clear their commitment to strengthening trade and investment ties between the UK and Bahrain and helping companies from both countries succeed in the global race. They also discussed regional dynamics, including the situation in Egypt, Iran and Syria. On Egypt, both leaders agreed on the need to end violence and nd a successful political solution. "The Prime Minister welcomed Bahraini plans to begin celebrations to mark 200 years of BahrainiBritish relations in 2020 from next year. He thought this illustrated the breadth and strength of the deep rooted relationship." Read More capital,APA reports quoting Xinhua. The two suspects were referred to the Public Prosecution, said the general director of the Criminal Investigations and Forensic Evidence Directorate, adding that strenuous efforts are underway to arrest other suspects involved in the blast. Read More Countless web users took to social networks upon hearing the news of his arrest, denouncing the repression and violations on freedom of expression of bloggers in the kingdom. Social networkers have been applauding Mohammed Hassans bravery and have been posting under the hashtag #Free Safy urging the Bahraini government to release the activist at the earliest possible opportunity. Read More

PM told to press Bahraini king on rights record

Amnesty International today called on the Prime Minister to speak out over Bahrain's human rights record. David Cameron was due to meet Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa at Downing Street today. More than two years after the uprising in Bahrain

prisoners of conscience remain behind bars and freedom of expression, association and assembly continue to be suppressed despite claims of reform, the charity said. Amnesty's head of policy and government affairs Allan Hogarth said: "There's a facade of supposed reform in Bahrain, but the reality is that critics and dissenting voices are just locked up and silenced. Read More Khalifa at Downing Street, should raise concerns, according to Allan Hogarth, head of policy and government affairs at Amnesty International UK. Theres a faade of supposed reform in Bahrain, but the reality is that critics and dissenting voices are just locked up and silenced. Read More In response to international pressure, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa ordered the establishment of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) to document human rights violations that occurred during the protests. The BICI report found over 500 cases of torture and 46 deaths as a result. Yet even with these documentations and a promise from King Hamad to hold accountable those responsible for humanrights abuses, the culture of impunity continues. The ruling family's suppression and intimidation tactics have included the use of arrest, detention, physical and psychological abuse, torture, and other forms of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment. Read More

UK's PM urged to tackle Bahrain's king on human rights

Amnesty International on Tuesday called on UK Prime Minister David Cameron to tackle Bahrain's King Hamad over human rights abuses during talks at Downing Street. Cameron, who is set to meet King Hamad bin Isa Al

Two suspects arrested in Bahrain's car bombing

Two suspects were arrested on Tuesday in connection with a car bombing outside a popular car park in western Manama, the Bahraini

Bahrain's Government Has Declared War On Twitter

On February 14, 2011, thousands in Bahrain, both Shia and Sunni, took to the streets demanding democracy and reform in their country. The only Gulf country with a Shia majority governed by a Sunni ruling family, the Bahraini government responded to the protests with violence and suppression. Peaceful demonstrators, along with medics, journalists, and other citizens that came to their aid, were arrested, detained, tortured, and even killed for their involvement.

Activists mobilise to free jailed blogger in Bahrain

Over the past few days, activists have been campaigning for the immediate release of jailed Bahraini blogger Mohammed Hassan, better known under his online pseudonym Safy. He was arrested at his home on August 1st, has been in prison ever since and denied all contact with his family.

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