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Includes tax
Number 32
Volume 107
August 8, 2013
Rally Time safety requires bikers, motorists to share road
Heavier than normal traffic
flows during the annual Sturgis
Motorcycle Rally require bikers
and drivers to share the road for
safety, officials with the South
Dakota Highway Patrol and Office
of Highway Safety caution.
Although the rally doesnt offi-
cially begin until Monday, August
5, motorcycle traffic has increased
since early summer and likely will
continue to be heavy through the
end of August, says Col. Craig
Price, superintendent of the South
Dakota Highway Patrol.
We have already recorded eight
fatal crashes involving motorcy-
cles this year, Price said. Rally
time puts thousands more motor-
cycles on the highways, but if each
of us pays attention to the road
and to the other drivers and rid-
ers, we can have a fatality free
About one-third of motorcycle
fatalities each year happen in
West River counties during a two-
week period around the annual
rally, statistics from the Office of
Highway Safety show. Riders can
brush up on safety techniques and
get a virtual look at many good
motorcycle routes by visiting
Created last year by the Office
of Highway Safety specifically for
motorcycle enthusiasts, the site
includes safety tips, motorcycle
laws and regulations and several
interactive features. One of those
features offers website visitors a
virtual ride on several popular
South Dakota routes.
Many of the fatal and injury
crashes involving motorcycles hap-
pen to relatively inexperienced
riders, said Lee Axdahl, director
of the Office of Highway Safety.
The virtual ride feature of our
website gives riders a chance to
look at the features of a particular
stretch of road before seeing it
from over the handlebars of a bike.
Riders can compare the difficulty
of the route to their level of skill on
the motorcycle.
The Highway Patrol reminds
motorcyclists and motorists alike
of the rules for sharing the road.
Motorcyclists should ride in
single-file lines and avoid crowd-
ing the center line or crowding
Motorists should remember
not to crowd cycles. Motorcycles
have the same rights on the road
as motorists.
Motorists and cyclists should
follow the recommended speed
limits. Motorcyclists should be
especially aware of speed limits on
It is against the law to drink
and drive. Motorists and cyclists
should make sure they have sober
Motorists should remember to
buckle up. Its the law.
Motorcyclists are encouraged
to wear helmets.
The official dates of the
2013 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally are
Monday, August 5 through Sun-
day, August 11.
Koester named Kadoka Nursing
Home resident of the month
Melford Koester was born in
Pierre, South Dakota on July 16,
The oldest of three children,
Melford has one brother, Harold
Koester, of Rapid City, South
Dakota, and one sister, Dolores
(Koester) Miller, who is deceased
from Pierre, South Dakota.
Melford attended school and
graduated in 1945 from Vivian
High School, Home of the
He worked on his fathers farm
through his school years. As a
young boy he was active in sports.
Melford married Becky Moross
on October 10, 1949, at the
Methodist Church in Murdo. They
had three sons, Doug, Dan and
Melford and Becky continued to
live and work on his fathers farm
in Vivian. He also drove a school
bus, sold eggs and cream from the
farm to make ends meet.
In 1956 Melford took a job as
manager with the elevator in
Quinn, S.D. In 1958 Melford
moved his family to Wall, S.D., to
work at the elevator there. They
eventually moved to Murdo, and
he continued to manage the eleva-
tor there until about 1978. He
worked at Moore Building Center
in Murdo until 1987. He then
worked for the United States
Postal Service and was a mail car-
rier until he semi-retired in 1995.
Melford and Becky hosted sev-
eral foreign exchange students
from Brazil and Sweden during
the 1970s. They had the opportu-
nity to visit them in the homes of
their own countries as well.
They traveled extensively in
their lifetime. They visited
Hawaii, Germany, Sweden,
Brazil, the Pyramids in Egypt, the
Great Wall of China and many
other places.
Melfords greatest joys are his
10 grandchildren and 12 great
Melford has always enjoyed
sports. Any sport that was being
played was an interest of his. His
main interest was baseball and he
excelled in this sport.
In 1950 he and his friends were
playing baseball in the old dusty
park in Vivian when professional
baseball scouts happened to be
passing through. They stopped
and watch the game that was in
progress. On the spot they asked
Melford if he would be interested
in trying out for the Cincinnati
Reds baseball team and offered
him a position with a farm club
that belonged to the team. This
meant he would have to move his
family from the farm and to anoth-
er state. He declined their invita-
tion and this was one regret that
has always stayed with him.
Melford has always enjoyed con-
versation with just about anyone.
He has coached softball, baseball
and been involved with about
every community organization
that there is, such as Lions Club,
school board, and city council.
Melford is always an easygoing
and kindhearted fellow. He is very
funny to listen to. The staff enjoys
having him as a resident at the
nursing home, as he always has a
smile to share.
We want to congratulate
Melford Koester for being selected
as Kadoka Nursing Home Resi-
dent of the Month for the month of
Become the next Dacotah
Star at the S.D. State Fair
Become the next Dacotah Star
at the Dacotah Star Talent Compe-
tition presented by Dacotah Bank.
More than $2,000 in cash prizes
will be awarded to Dacotah Star
division winners.
Applications for the 11 Annual
Dacotah Star Talent Competition
are now available online at or at the
State Fair office. The deadline for
entering the talent competition is
Monday, August 19 at 5 p.m. CDT.
The grand prize winner in the
adult division wins the title of
2013 Dacotah Star, along with a
cash prize of $1,000 and the oppor-
tunity to star in his/her own com-
mercial promoting Dacotah Star
on KTTW Fox. The winner will
also have the opportunity to per-
form on the NorthWestern Energy
Freedom Stage during the 2014
South Dakota State Fair and
emcee the 2014 Dacotah Star tal-
ent competition.
The 2012 Dacotah Star was
Melanie Koehlmoos from
Aberdeen, S.D.
There are three age divisions
for Dacotah Star Children (5-11
years), Junior (12-17 years) and
Adult (18 and older).
Preliminary competition begins
on Friday, August 30, and ends on
Sunday, September 1. Dacotah
Star finals will be held on Monday,
September 2. The talent competi-
tion is held daily on the North-
Western Energy Freedom Stage at
5:30 p.m. CDT.
Sponsors of the 2013 Dacotah
Star are Dacotah Bank and
KTTW-FOX. Dacotah Bank serves
dozens of hometowns across South
Dakota, North Dakota and Min-
nesota, providing banking, insur-
ance, mortgage and trust services
to over 50,000 customers at local
branches and online at www.daco-
The 2013 South Dakota State
Fair will run from Thursday,
August 29, through Monday, Sep-
tember 2. Channel Seeds Preview
night will be Wednesday, August
28. This years theme is Starry
Nights and Midway Lights. For
more information on State Fair
events, contact the Fair office at
800.529.0900, visit www.sdstate- or find them Facebook
and Twitter.
Agriculture is South Dakota's
No. 1 industry, generating over
$21 billion in annual economic
activity and employing more than
122,000 South Dakotans. The
South Dakota Department of Agri-
culture's mission is to promote,
protect, preserve, and improve this
industry for today and tomorrow.
Visit us online at http://sdda. or find us on Facebook at
ept and Twitter @SDAgriculture.
S.D. kindergarten immunization
rates among highest in nation
South Dakota boasts some of
the highest immunization rates in
the nation for kindergarten stu-
dents, according to recently
released data from the federal
Centers for Disease Control and
The CDC surveyed immuniza-
tion records for 12,468 South
Dakota kindergarten students for
the 2012-2013 school year and
97.9 percent were fully immu-
nized for MMR (measles, mumps,
97.7 percent were fully immu-
nized for DTaP (diphtheria,
tetanus, pertussis);
96 percent were fully immu-
nized for varicella (chickenpox);
Just 0.3 percent had a medical
exemption for vaccination and
another 1.5 percent claimed a reli-
gious exemption.
South Dakota parents and vac-
cine providers do a great job of get-
ting kids the shots they need for
school entry, said Lon
Kightlinger, state epidemiologist
for the Department of Health.
These high vaccination rates pre-
vent disease from spreading and
protect people with medical condi-
tions that keep them from getting
Now is a good time for parents
to check with their health care
provider to see if their kids are up
to date on shots before the school
year starts. Parents can also
request copies of immunization
records from the department
through its website,
While the kindergarten cover-
age rates are excellent, rates for
other age groups are not as high.
By time the children get to middle
school, high school and college the
rates fall because parents arent
always aware that these kids need
vaccinations such as meningococ-
cal vaccine and boosters for others
such as pertussis. Rates for
preschoolers are also not as high
as they should be, said
Kightlinger. Lagging vaccination
rates open the door to disease.
Improving childhood immuniza-
tion rates is a key objective of the
departments Health 2020 initia-
Lunch break a group of bikes are parked in front of a local Murdo restaurant taking a break from the road to get a bite to eat
while others fill their tanks with fuel at the local gas station across the parking lot on Tuesday, August 6.
Pit stop Rally goers headed east bound pull into Murdo for a
break on Monday, August 5, the official start date of the rally.
Bikes have been traveling both east and west through town.
Photos by Karlee Moore
Jones County News Murdo Coyote August 8, 2013 Page 2
Murdo Coyote Murdo, SD
P.O. Box 465
Murdo, SD 57559-0465
Phone: (605) 669-2271
FAX: (605) 669-2744
USPS No.: 368300
Don Ravellette, Publisher
Karlee Moore,
Lonna Jackson
Local $34.00 + Tax
Local subscriptions include the towns and rural
routes of Murdo, Draper, Vivian, Presho, White
River, Okaton, Belvidere, Kadoka and Midland
In-State $39.00 + tax
Out-of-State $39.00
Periodicals Postage Paid at
Murdo, SD 57559
Send address changes to:
Murdo Coyote
P.O. Box 465
Murdo, SD 57559-0465
Deadlines for articles and letters is
Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. (CT)
Items received after that time will be
held over until the next weeks issue.
Fridays at 4:00 p.m. (CT)
Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. (CT)
The community was shocked to
hear the sad news last Thursday
morning of the death of longtime
Draper resident David Manfred
Seamans who suffered a fatal
heart attack. Family and friends
have been with his wife, Lill, and
son Jason. Our deepest sympathy
goes out to the family.
Relatives of Alice Horsley, Allan
and Donna Hays of Edmunds,
Wash., took Alice out for supper in
Murdo on Monday of last week.
They had been in South Dakota
for Donnas class reunion.
On July 19 Ronnie Lebeda
hosted a birthday cookout for
Holly at Ghost Hawk park close to
Rosebud with a good turnout of
guests to help her celebrate.
Belated happy birthday, Holly.
Hollys cousin, Miranda Left Hand
Bull, accompanied them back to
Draper. From there, they spent
the weekend camping near Pierre.
On Saturday the trio attended a
birthday party for Isabel Johnson,
daughter of Susan (Lindquist)
Johnson at the campground. They
returned home on Sunday and
returned Miranda back to Rose-
Jim and Jo Mitchell flew to
Dandridge, Tenn., recently to visit
a former partner of Jims from the
California Highway Patrol. Both
fellas are retired now. They report
a great time. They spent time at
Dollywood and the Smokey
National Park, plus saw lots of
interesting country.
Happy anniversary to my next
door neighbors, Mike and Kim
Djodjic on Sunday, August 4.
Ron Lebeda and Holly attended
a Lebeda/Kroupa reunion held in
Presho on Saturday.
Following church Sunday Pas-
tor Rick and Jane Hazen, Nelva
and Janet Louder, Rosa Lee Styles
and Lila Mae Christian had din-
ner together in Murdo.
Sunday afternoon Nelva and
Janet Louder visited at the home
of Dorothy and Brad Louder.
Robby and Penny Louder of
Albuquerque, N.M., arrived at the
home of his mom, Helen, on Sat-
urday. On Sunday it was off to the
races Sturgis, that is.
Barb (Sanborn) Burford,
daughter and son-in-law from Ari-
zona, are in Draper to spend some
time at her late dad, Warrens,
Dorothy and Brad Louder spent
time with Dwight in Kadoka on
Troy and Jody Iversen, Mason
and Conner arrived at Gerald and
Wanda Mathews on Saturday to
spend the weekend. They left for
home on Monday.
Norman and Kay (Abel) Payne
took Sonny and Evelyn Tornow
out for breakfast in Rapid City on
Monday of last week. Norman was
a lineman out of Philip and now
Mary and Monica Mathews
took hubby/dad Fred out for sup-
per at a Pierre steakhouse on Sat-
urday to celebrate his ? birthday.
Happy birthday, Fred.
Nelva and Janet Louder visited
Chip and Phyliss Peters on Friday
Eldon and Esther Magnuson,
along with George and Shirley
Mowry of Presho, were supper
guests of Delores Volmer last
Wednesday evening.
On Friday Eldon and Esther
Magnuson traveled to Philip and
visited daughter Terri Pelle and
Jim Nickleson and later went out
for supper.
What a wonderful turnout on
Saturday of family and friends to
be with Chip and Phyliss Peters
and family for the memorial held
for their son, Lyn Peters, at the
Community Bible Church in
Murdo with Pastor Alvin Gwin
officiating. Following the service a
time of refreshments and fellow-
ship was held in the downstairs
area. It was nice getting in a chat
with Chips brothers, Fritz and
Butch, their wives and families,
along with Freda Peters and sons
Ron and Marlow, and Phylisss
brother, Eldon.
Following church Sunday
Eldon and Esther Magnuson met
Kathie Mason, Ernie Kessler and
Will for dinner in Murdo.
Weekend visitors at Tony and
Kim Schmidts were: Kayla and
Jeremy Hoag and girls, Jaime
Schmidt and friend Shawn, all of
Aberdeen; Brady Schmidt of
Brookings; Amanda and Kraig
Henrichs and family. As some of
them are unable to be here for the
funeral of David Seamans, the
group spent Saturday afternoon
with Lill and Jason. A Sunday
dinner was held at the Schmidts
and Donald Bill Volmer joined the
group. The Aberdeen group
returned home in the afternoon.
Brady stayed a day longer.
Vicki Fredericksen of Sierra
Blanca, Texas, was here over the
weekend visiting Paul and
Katherine Patterson and Joshua
and Valerie Fredericksen in the
Draper area.
Eldon and Esther Magnuson
attended the wedding Saturday
evening of Lexi Booth and Tyler
Buxcel held at the Murdo United
Methodist Church with Pastor
Rick Hazen officiating. A recep-
tion/supper/dance followed at the
Draper auditorium. During the
dance a little game was played. As
the couples danced, they got elim-
inated until they got to the couple
married the longest. Eldon and
Esther made the top of the list
with 61 years. Following a close
second were Richard and June
Nix with over 59. Both couples
won the opportunity to give the
newlyweds some advice.
Andy and Jill Rankin and fam-
ily were also among the many that
attended the Booth/Buxcel wed-
ding and reception. Congratula-
tions, Tyler and Lexi!
Del and Christy Brost, Kade
and Hannah spent the weekend in
Edgemont staying with Christys
sister, Becky, and family. Her par-
ents, Mary and Dick OConnor,
and her sister, Sarah, all of Hot
Springs came to Edgemont as
well. The Fall River County Fair
was going on and Dels band
played for the dance. They all took
in the fair and the dance.
Karen Authier spent Saturday
with Margaret and Greg Rankin.
On Saturday Kris Bradley came
to spend the day with them.
On Saturday morning Bonnie
Dowling hosted a bridal shower
brunch for Sarah Dowling at her
home in Murdo along with the
help from sister-in-laws Donna
and Sawyer Dowling with nieces
Cortney, Molly, Sophie, Maggie,
and Emry. A large group of ladies
from the area attended to share in
the time together with Sarah,
Karen, and future mother-in-law
Terry Carwin. Everyone enjoyed
the wonderful food that was pre-
pared and then watched Sarah
open many useful gifts for her and
JP to use as they begin their mar-
ried life together.
Bill and Ellen Valburg traveled
to Upland, Neb., July 24 and
stayed overnight with Flying
Farmer friends Bill and Margaret
Bunger. The next day, the four of
them started out for Indianapolis,
Ind., for the International Flying
Farmer Convention. On July 25
they stayed overnight with FF
friends Robert and Sharon Harri-
son in Palmyra, Mo. The next day
they drove on into Indianapolis.
On July 27, they attended the
NASCAR Nationwide Series 250
mile race at the Indianapolis
Motor Speedway-Kyle Busch won
the race. After the convention was
over August 1, they headed for
Nebraska. Valburgs arrived home
Sunday afternoon, August 4.
Jones County School
The Jones County School Dis-
trict #37-3 will be starting the
2013-2014 school year on
August 19, 2013. Coach meet-
ings with athletes and parents
for football, volleyball, junior
high football and junior high
volleyball have been changed to
7:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
August 14 with cross country at
7:30 p.m. Notice the change
of time due to scheduling of
an open house for the same
evening. Anyone with ques-
tions about the sports meetings
may contact the Jones County
High School office at 669-2258.
J.C. School Board
The Jones County School Dis-
trict #37-3 will hold their
monthly meeting Monday,
August 12 at 8 p.m. at the high
school library. The public is
encouraged to attend.
Caring and Sharing
The Caring and Sharing can-
cer support group will not be
hosting a meeting in August.
Meetings will resume in Sep-
The Save Five for Schools
program was discontinued by
Land O Lakes in June. However,
you may still turn in any stick-
ered milk caps until October.
Please get these turned in as
soon as possible in order to help
out our school!
There was a childs pink hat
with sunglasses found after the
Ranch Rodeo. Contact Sharon at
516-0080 to claim.
The weight room and tech
center will close Thursday,
August 8 for floor work and will
reopen on Tuesday morning,
August 13.
School Open House
Welcome Back Open House
for parents and students,
Wednesday, August 14, at 5:30.
We will begin with supper at the
lunchroom in the Dan Parish
Tech Center, followed by the
opportunity to visit your stu-
dents classroom and teacher(s)
from 6:00 - 7:00.
We are excited about the
upcoming school year and look
forward to seeing everyone at
the Open House!
**Parent/ Pl ayer/ Coaches
meetings for fall sports will be
held immediately following the
open house.
High School Football with
Coach Sealey - 7:00 p.m. in HS
Room 5
High School Volleyball with
Coach Geigle - 7:00 p.m. in HS
Room 6
Junior High Football with
Coach Boni - 7:00 p.m. in HS
Room 13
Junior High Volleyball with
Coach Kinsley - 7:00 p.m. in HS
Room 12
Cross Country with Coach
Nix - 7:30 p.m. in HS Library
Coyote News Briefs
Jones County Weather
7-31 85.4 61.3 .06
8-1 85.7 62.9 0
8-2 82.6 58.1 .39
8-3 71.9 57.9 .23
8-4 75.9 58.6 .11
8-5 80.8 60.1 .04
8-6 85.5 59.8 1.37
Date High Low Prec.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please submit
them by calling 669-2271 or emailing to
We will run your event notice the two issues prior to your
event at no charge. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, if you charge for
an event, we must charge you for an ad!
Andy and Kristi (Hoekman)
Smart spent several days last
week in the Jones County area.
They headquartered at the home
of Marty and Cristen Roghair,
then traveled out to visit other
friends and family in the area.
The family is home on furlough
from the land of India.
On Friday Kristi Smart and
sons Nate and Joel joined Mel and
Clarice Roghair, Annalee and
Mesa on a drive north to attend
the first ever Isabel Ranch Rodeo.
Seeing the rodeo was a new expe-
rience for Nate and Joel. Mel and
Clarices sons Brice and Lonnie
were on one of the teams, and
Brices wife Anne (Lopez) Roghair
was on an all-girls team.
Honored guests at the Okaton
Church Sunday were the Smart
family and also Melanie Keeney
and her father, former Jones
County resident Dalen Keeney.
Melanie shared her ministry with
New Tribes Missions in Papua
New Guinea during church. Nate
Smart did a superb job of playing
Amazing Grace on the violin for
special music. Then during the
Sunday School hour, Joel played
the Warriors Song on the trum-
pet, accompanied by his mom at
piano. After that Andy and Kristi
spoke of the work they have been
doing in India. Then potluck was
served with lots more remember-
ing old times and looking forward
with hope to tomorrow.
Last week Mel and Clarice
Roghair traveled to Sioux Falls
where Mel had a followup appoint-
ment with his urologist. Dr. Hofer
informed Mel he did not expect to
see him again as a prostate
Darin and Susanna Schriever of
Rock Rapids, Iowa, stopped in and
stayed overnight with Mel and
Clarice Saturday night, then
attended the Sunday activities
before heading on home. They had
spent several days backpacking in
the Bighorn Mountains. They were
accompanied by Darian Roghair.
Westside News
South Dakota Solid Waste Man-
agement Association is pleased to
announce the award of a $750
scholarship to Wyatt S. Walker of
Murdo. Walker, a lifelong resident
of Murdo, will be attending South
Dakota State University this fall
and majoring in Engineering.
Applications for this scholarship
must be received by January 15 of
each year. Application details can
be found at
East Side News
by Janet Louder 669-2696
Students in the news
The Murdo Coyote
is online at
Check it out today!
Cory ust & Amy KuIIInger
wouId IIke to InvIte
theIr famIIy & frIends
to joIn them In the unIty
of theIr famIIy by marrIage
on 5aturday, August 31
at 5:30 p.m. at the
MessIah Lutheran
Church In Murdo
eceptIon & 0ance to
foIIow at the usty 5pur
Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Letters Policy
We are happy to receive letters concerning
comments on any news story or personal feeling on any
subject. The letter must be signed by the person writing
the letter. It must also be written personally by the person
signing it. We do reserve the right to edit any offensive
material and also to edit to fill the allotted space. We also
reserve the right to reject any or all letters.
The Sheriff s report is printed as
received by Jones County Sheriff s
Office. It may or may not contain
every call received by the depart-
Sheriff and Deputy calls:
July 22
Sheriff Weber assisted the
Lyman Co. Sheriffs Office with
the stopping of a stolen vehicle
that was not stopping. The vehi-
cle had been being chased by sever-
al law enforcement agencies
throughout eastern South Dakota
along I-90. The vehicle came to a
stop just prior to having its tires
spiked by Sheriff Weber. Two juve-
nile males that had escaped from
the McCrossan Boys Ranch near
Sioux Falls were taken into custody.
Sheriff Weber responded to a
report of a calf out on I-90, east-
bound, mm209. The owner was
contacted and the calf was put back
July 23
Deputy Sylva investigated a
report of a stolen pickup from a
shop in Draper. The vehicle was
entered into the NCIC as stolen.
Deputy Sylva responded to and
removed debris from I-90,
Deputy Sylva investigated the
report of a business near Drap-
er being burglarized. The SD
Department of Criminal Investiga-
tion and Deputy Sylva collected evi-
dence from the scene. It was sus-
pected that the same individual that
had stolen the vehicle, had also
broke into the business and stole
more items.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of a calf out along US
Hwy83, mm57. The owner was con-
tacted and the calf was put back in.
July 24
Deputy Sylva verified the
stolen vehicle with stolen items
from the Draper business that
had been located, abandoned in
Turner Co. The suspect is still at
large, but has been identified and is
a suspect in several other burglaries
in the eastern part of the state.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
motorist assist on I-90, mm191.
The owner finished changing a flat
tire and drove away.
Deputy Sylva responded to
another motorist assist on I-90,
mm191. The owner had his own
help coming.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
possible domestic disturbance
at a residence in Murdo. One
male was arrested for simple
assault/ domestic, and was trans-
ported to the Hughes Co. Jail in
June 25
Sheriff Weber booked in a sub-
ject that had been arrested by
the SD Highway Patrol on I-90
for drugs and the subject also had
a warrant of arrest out of Ohio. The
prisoner was transported to the
Presho area and turned over to a
Winner Deputy to be transported to
Jones County Sheriffs Report
the Winner Jail.
Sheriff Weber responded to a
report of a vehicle traveling at a
high rate of speed on I-90,
mm185. Unable to locate.
July 26
Deputy Sylva responded to a hit
and run accident in the Pilot
parking lot. A semi trailer had been
backed into by a garbage truck. The
garbage truck driver was contacted
and returned to the scene later.
Deputy Sylva spoke to some
mobile transients that were
causing issues in Murdo. The
transients were advised to leave the
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of debris on I-90, mm188.
Unable to locate.
July 27
Deputy Sylva responded to a
civil issue between a motel
owner in Murdo and a guest. The
guest had left prior to law enforce-
ment arrival.
July 28
Deputy Sylva responded to the
Pilot parking lot to a report of
motorcycles being parked in a
handicap spot. The motorcycles
had left prior to LE arrival.
July 29
Deputy Sylva and Sheriff Weber
responded to a report of domes-
tic at the Pilot in Murdo. After a
short search, one male was arrested
for simple assault/domestic and was
transported to the Hughes Co. Jail.
Deputy Sylva responded to two
separate calls of a pair of tran-
sients walking on I-90. Both sets
of transients must have gotten a ride
and were not located.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of an oversized load on
the 192 bridge that was blocking
traffic. The load eventually made
the turn and cleared the roadway.
July 30
Deputy Sylva responded to a
noise complaint in Murdo. Sub-
jects were told to keep the noise
down for the night.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
verbal argument in Murdo
between a girlfriend and
boyfriend. Subjects were advised to
separate or stop arguing.
Thelma Rada, age 97, of Rosholt,
formerly of White River and Murdo,
died Monday, August 5, 2013, at the
Coteau Des Prairie Hospital in Sis-
Survivors include her daughter
Cleone Rasmusson and her husband
Michael of White River; several
grandchildren; one brother Iver
Edwall and his wife Rene of Castro
Valley, California; one sister Maryet-
ta Wacek of White River; and a host
of other relatives and friends.
Funeral services are pending with
the Rush Funeral Home of Philip.
Thelma Rada
Church and Community
Murdo Coyote August 8, 2013 Page 3
Catholic Church of St. Martin
502 E. Second St., Murdo, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski
Saturday Mass: 6 p.m.
St. Anthonys Catholic Church
Draper, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Draper United Methodist Church
Pastor Rick Hazen
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.
Murdo United Methodist Church
Pastor Rick Hazen Corner of E. 2nd and Jefferson Ave.
Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. and Fellowship Time Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.
United Methodist Women: 1st Wednesday at 2 p.m. ALL WELCOME!
Okaton Evangelical Free Church
Okaton I90 Exit 183 Pastor Gary McCubbin 6058372233 (Kadoka)
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. (CT) Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (CT)
Messiah Lutheran Church
308 Cedar, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday 7 a.m.
Thursday 9:30 a.m. Midweek: Wednesday 3:15 p.m.
St. Pauls Lutheran Church
Draper, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 9 a.m.
Community Bible Church
410 Washington, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Alvin Gwin 6692600
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Wed. Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Best Western
First National
6692414 Member F.D.I.C.
PHONE: 6692271 FAX: 6692744
Super 8
Dakota Prairie
Draper and Presho
6692401 Member F.D.I.C.
True Blessedness
by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
It has been said that the word blessed, in our English Bible, simply means happy. Thus the blessed man of Psalm 1 is a happy man and the blessed
God of I Tim. 1:11 is a happy God. (We refer to the Hebrew and Greek words most often rendered blessed).
To say the least, this is a superficial understanding or misunderstanding of one of the most wonderful words of Scripture. A fool can be happy, a
drunkard can be happy, a wicked man can be happy, but none of these are truly blessed, for one who is blessed has a deeply valid reason to rejoice.
Thus Psa. 1:1,2 says that the man who shuns the counsel of the ungodly , the way of sinners and the seat of the scornful and meditates and delights
in the law of God, is blessed. He is well off and has great reason to rejoice.
Few, of course, would dare to claim that they have fully lived up to this passage in the Psalms, but Gods Word has good news even for such. In Romans
4:6-8, St. Paul declares:
David also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are
forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
This blessedness is not a mere feeling of happiness. It is rather the state of being well off; with a deep and abiding reason to rejoice.
Thus Psalm 40:4 says: Blessed is that man who maketh the Lord his trust, and when the Galatians stopped trusting completely in the Lord and began
leaning on their own works, the Apostle asked them: Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? (Gal. 4:15).
Thus to be truly blessed is to be well off; with the greatest possible reason to rejoice. This is why the believer in Christ, saved and eternally safe in Him,
is, like God Himself, blessed for evermore.
Two minutes with the bible
Murdo 0entaI CIInIc
Announces the addItIon of
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Call to make an appointment witb Dr. Rompca today!
609 Garficld Avcnuc - 60-669-2131 - 60-222-292
Cpen Toesday - Tborsday and Fridays doring scbool year
Murdo 0entaI, LLC
Chamber Yard of the Week ... The home of Ken and Car-
men Miller of Draper was chosen as this weeks winner for the
Murdo Area Chamber of Commerce Yard of the Week. They will
receive $25 in Murdo Bucks.
Courtesy Photo
Yard of the Week
Five generations Alice Tornow with daughter Mary Nold-
ner, granddaughter Tami Holbeck, great grandson Michael Hol-
beck, and great-great granddaughter Clare Joy Holbeck. The five
generation photo was taken during Tornows 100th birthday cel-
David Seamans
David Seamans, 62 of Draper,
died Thursday, August 1, at Avera
St. Marys Hospital. Visitation was
held on Monday, August 5 at St.
Anthonys Catholic Church in
Draper with a Prayer Service/
Rosary. Services were held Tues-
day, August 6, at the Draper Audi-
torium with burial at Draper
David James Seamans com-
monly known as Manfred to
many friends and family was born
on September 10, 1950 to Frank
and Lorene (Novak) Seamans. He
was born at Murdo, S.D., but spent
his entire childhood growing up on
the family farm southeast of Drap-
er. David graduated from Draper
High School in 1968 where he
enjoyed many good times with
friends that became lifelong
friends. Following high school, he
went to a semester of college and
worked on the family farm. He was
drafted in 1970 with a tour in Viet-
nam. He met Lillian Hamer on
New Years Eve in 1971 and they
were married August 4, 1972, at
St. Anthonys Catholic Church in
Draper. To this union two sons
were born: Clint in May of 1977
and Jason of August of 1983.
David worked with his father
and brothers on the family farm.
When things slowed down on the
farm, he would work at a variety of
jobs. His proudest moment was at
age 51, when he went to Mitchell
Tech for 2 years to become a HVAC
tech. He then worked a few years
with companies in this field, before
starting Seamans Heating and
David enjoyed any type of
handyman work and was willing
to lend a helping hand. He enjoyed
their place south of Draper, plant-
ing trees, hunting, being outdoors,
and most recently was really tak-
ing pride in his garden full of
asparagus and cucumbers. He
always had a smile and something
kind to say. David was a life-long
member of St. Anthonys Catholic
Church and a member of Draper
Legion. He will be greatly missed
by all those who were fortunate to
know him.
David is survived by his wife of
almost 41 years, Lillian, of Draper;
son, Jason, of Rapid City; two
brothers: Kurt and Paul; two sis-
ters: Joanne Seamans and Mary
Kaye (Norman) Hurst; three
brothers-in-law: Charles (Susan)
Hamer, Chet (Teresa) Hamer and
Kenny (Diane) Hamer, all of Ken-
nebec; sister-in-law, Bernice
(Jerry) Klein, of Gregory, S.D.;
Clarence Junior Thompson of
Reliance; nine nieces, five
nephews and numerous great
nieces and nephews. He was pre-
ceded in death by his son, Clint, in
1982; his parents; and sister-in-
law, Loretta (Hamer) Thompson.
Arrangements have been placed
in care of Isburg Funeral Chapel.
Online condolences may be made
Edyth Noldner
Edyth Alice Noldner, age 87, of
Eldon, Missouri, formerly of
Murdo, passed away Friday,
August 2, 2013, at the Lee House
in Eldon. She was born October 8,
1925, to Frank and Effie (Cressy)
Newsam. Her mother died shortly
after birth; she was raised by Aunt
Olive Cressy and older siblings.
She attended rural school and
graduated from Murdo High
School. Edyth received several
awards during many years as a 4-
H leader. She especially enjoyed
helping members collect and iden-
tify plants and grasses. Her
friends welcomed her help as a
seamstress, making and altering
She was a member of the Unit-
ed Methodist Church, participat-
ing in many activities.
Edyth married Stewart Noldner
August 20, 1943, in Pierre, South
Dakota. They lived on the Paul
Noldner homestead northwest of
Murdo, raising three sons and top
quality Hereford cattle. After her
husband died at the early age of
51, she and her sons kept the
ranch going. She moved to Murdo
in 1977 and later to Missouri in
She loved gardening, walking,
trips out home, helping during
harvest and calving.
Edyth was a two time cancer
survivor and participated in
She was preceded in death by
her parents, husband, sisters,
Beryl (John) Noldner, Verna
(Babe) Reynolds, Opal (Helge)
Anderson and Vera (Hank) Ander-
son and brothers, Charles (Bones)
and Fred Newsam.
Edyth is survived by her three
sons, Bernard (Cheryl), Dennis
(Louann) and Rodney (Bonita)
Noldner; nine grandchildren and
nine great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday, August 7, at the Unit-
ed Methodist Church in Murdo
with Pastor Rick Hazen officiat-
ing. Graveside services and inter-
ment followed in the Murdo Ceme-
Arrangements are under the
direction and care of the Kidwell-
Garber Funeral Home of Ver-
Alice Tornow
celebrates 100 years
Look for the Ravellette Publications
Back To School Edition with your
August 29 issue of the Murdo Coyote!
State Wide News
Murdo Coyote August 8, 2013 Page 4
From the U.S. Senate
Senator John Thune
August marks a season of change
and an important milestone in the
life of our family. This month our
youngest daughter Larissa will
marry Scott Hargens in Sioux
Falls. I always knew this day
would come; it just seems to have
come sooner than I expected. Its
not them, its me. Theyre of age,
Larissa is 23 and Scott is 27, and
theyve been engaged for almost a
year so I know they are ready. Its
just that when its your little girl
walking down the aisle, Im not
sure that as a dad youre ever real-
ly ready. In fact, Id be willing to
bet few dads can say its not a lit-
tle bittersweet.
You see, I was there in the deliv-
ery room when my wife Kimberley
gave birth to Larissa in January of
1990. And ever since that little
blond-haired, blue-eyed baby
entered the world, shes been my
little girl.
I was the guy there for the
hoops games and soccer matches,
for the track meets and piano
recitals, for the joy of victory and
the pain of disappointment. I
helped her learn how to swim, how
to ride a bike, and how to shoot
straight. I listened to her memo-
rize Bible verses and say her bed-
time prayers. I saw her love for all
things living, including frogs and
snakes, and I laughed at her quick
She, of course, helped carry me
through seven campaigns, sat
patiently through countless Lin-
coln Day dinners, picnics, fairs,
and bus rides, not to mention
appearing in numerous campaign
ads despite her eternal shyness.
And I know how hard it was on her
when my job required me to miss
some of her special moments. But
for 23-plus years, through thick
and thin, shes been my little L.T.
This August, she officially
becomes Scotts girl. And despite
the customary fatherly apprehen-
sion, Im okay with that. Scott is a
solid young man from good stock,
hell take good care of her, and
shell be a good wife. After all, she
learned from her mom. There will
be hard times ahead, its part of
life, but theyre built on a strong
As for me, I dont think I would
have it any other way. Its the nor-
mal order of things, Gods plan for
our lives. Still, as I share that final
dance with my daughter, before I
hand her off to her new husband, I
will think about how blessed my
life has been because of her and
how grateful I am that even as she
begins her new life, she will
always be my little L.T.
In recent months, there has
been a common theme in Washing-
ton. Government agencies have
abused their power, imposed
unnecessary regulations and wast-
ed millions in taxpayer dollars.
With a growing list of abuses by
federal agencies, South Dakotans
are rapidly losing trust in their
Here in the House, we decided it
was time to act. We designated
July 29 August 2 as Stop Gov-
ernment Abuse Week. We debated
and passed a handful of bills that
limit the power of federal agencies
and instead empower individuals.
Each year, federal agencies
issue hundreds of regulations
regulations which go into effect
without ever receiving a vote or
fair debate in Congress. In fact, a
study by the Small Business
Administration found that annual
regulatory compliance costs in the
United States hit $1.75 trillion in
2008. Too often, major decisions
Working toward
a more efficient
and effective
A walk down
the aisle
are made by unelected, unaccount-
able bureaucrats who fail to
understand how a regulation will
impact families and businesses in
South Dakota.
This is why the House passed
the Regulations from the Execu-
tive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS)
Act this week. The REINS Act,
which I was proud to cosponsor, is
a common-sense bill that requires
Congress to take an up-or-down
vote on all new major rules with
an annual economic impact of
$100 million or more before they
can be enforced.
Small business owners and fam-
ilies are facing difficult decisions
because of Obamacare and many
are surprised to know the IRS is
responsible for implementing over
50 different aspects of the Presi-
dents health care law. This agency
is already in trouble with Con-
gress, and the American people,
for its inappropriate and illegal
targeting of political groups. I find
it troubling that this same agency
would enforce the disastrous
health care law, one of the most
expansive and expensive laws ever
passed. I also voted for the Keep
the IRS off Your Health Care Act.
This bill prohibits the IRS from
implementing any portion of Oba-
Ive heard from many South
Dakotans who believe the federal
government is out of touch and
stories of lavish and expensive
employee conferences only further
damage the governments credibil-
ity. Last year, the General Services
Administration spent $820,000 on
a single conference in Las Vegas!
In response, the House passed the
Government Spending Accounta-
bility Act of 2013. The purpose of
the bill is simple. It requires that
federal agencies publicly post
detailed information about confer-
ences and also limits the amount
agencies can spend on a single con-
ference. I believe this bill is an
important step in encouraging
transparency and accountability.
The increasing size and role of
bureaucracy is costly and further
erodes the trust of the American
people. This week was an impor-
tant step in tipping the power back
to the people and I was proud to
vote for legislation that will
restore balance in the government
and save taxpayer dollars. Id like
to hear your opinions on legisla-
tion passed as part of Stop Gov-
ernment Abuse Week, and would
encourage you to contact one of my
offices to share your thoughts and
From the U.S. House
Representative Kristi Noem
Rethinking equipment utilization
By Anthony Gasper, Director
of Planning and Logistics,
Each year, growers face an
abundance of challenges. Changes
in technology, fluctuations in
weather, volatile economic mar-
kets, and a multitude of additional
factors can affect farming produc-
tivity and overall profitability.
Being progressive and viewing
your farm as a business will help
ensure your success. Growers have
moved from functioning as the tra-
ditional family farm to highly
profitable, efficient farming opera-
tions. With that in mind, success-
ful growers consistently evaluate
aspects of their operation to
ensure they continue to meet, and
exceed, their business goals.
One of the most important
aspects that farmers evaluate is
overall cost per acre. Do you have
a good understanding of how much
it costs to run your operation?
There are multiple factors to
consider when determining cost
per acre: labor, logistics, and the
primary topic of this article, equip-
ment utilization. To fully under-
stand equipment utilization, farm-
ers have to evaluate the amount of
time a piece of equipment func-
tions at its job, such as planting,
fertilizing, harvesting or anything
Industries such as construction,
which have high-value assets,
have long maintained a focus on
overall equipment utilization and
the effect on the bottom line. We
are witnessing an increased
awareness regarding the impor-
tance of utilization in agriculture
as rising fuel and equipment costs,
increased labor expenses,
advanced technology and other
contributors put pressure on mar-
gins and overall profitability.
Additionally, farming requires var-
ious pieces of equipment which
equates to a substantial invest-
ment. A new combine, for example,
can run anywhere from $280,000
to over half-a-million.
Evaluating your equipment uti-
lization, and the appropriate
course of action for your farm,
requires consideration of several
factors, including:
Labor: Do you have the appro-
priate number of workers for your
farm size?Does the productivity of
your equipment allow you to make
the most of your labor resources?
Bottlenecks: What is pre-
venting you from getting maxi-
mum usage from your equipment?
Obsolete technology? Do you have
the appropriate expertise to effi-
ciently run your machines?
Time management: When
considering purchasing equip-
ment, do you have the time to
maintain and repair the
machines? Would your time be bet-
ter utilized in other areas of the
Depreciation: Do you fully
understand your depreciation
costs? The real cost of depreciation
is the amount you have to pay to
replace equipment, not the resale
Through our discussions with
growers, we have learned most
farmers have a wish list for their
equipment. However, the list may
not always correspond with avail-
able dollars, so understanding
which equipment has high utiliza-
tion can assist in prioritizing
investments. In general, a good
working priority includes:
Why that order? From a pure
utilization perspective, a tractor,
with its ability to haul, till, plant,
spray, and perform other activities
is the most versatile and useful
piece of equipment on the farm
and is used the majority of the
year. On the other hand, the pri-
mary function of the combine is
harvesting, and then the machine
sits idle for the remainder of the
year. While the utilization rate on
a tractor can be up to 26 to 30 per-
cent, the average utilization on a
combine is around seven percent.
Low utilization is a major reason
for alternatives to combine owner-
ship such as contracting, joint ven-
tures with other farmers, or rental
Farming is an industry of tradi-
tion, where "pride of ownership"
runs deep. However, as the agri-
cultural industry becomes even
more competitive, a change in
mindset is occurring, as it did in
the construction industry. Farm-
ers are taking a harder look at
areas of their operation in which
they can make improvements in
productivity and profitability. As
margins become tighter and many
growers face financial challenges,
it becomes even more important
for growers to focus on areas that
will help them optimize their oper-
ations. Evaluating alternatives to
ownership may help improve oper-
ational efficiency and your overall
bottom line. Overcoming the hur-
dles of conventional practices and
moving toward pride in profitabil-
ity is now becoming the norm.
S.D. Game, Fish & Parks
partners to improve elk habitat
In some areas of the Black Hills,
water is a scarce resource. This
summer South Dakota Game, Fish
& Parks is installing a 20,000-gal-
lon watering tank for elk and other
big game in a secluded section of
the Cooper Ranch Game Produc-
tion Area.
In this area of the Black Hills,
water is a premium. This land sits
atop Custer limestone and the
Jewell Cave system, so it quickly
disappears into the soil, explains
Tim Bradeen, Habitat Resource
Biologist for the S.D. GF&P. This
project is designed to improve
habitat and encourage retention of
elk and other big game species in
the area.
Surrounded by thousands of
acres of National Forest, the Coop-
er Ranch Game Production Area
provides critical, year-round habi-
tat for big game species.
This land was burned over in
the 2000 Jasper Fire. As a result
there are new aspen stands and
open grassland areas on the prop-
erty, Bradeen says.
When the South Dakota GF&P
purchased the 361 acres of land
three years ago it had been a
working cattle ranch and was the
only remaining private land hold-
ing for several miles within the
National Forest. Bradeen says the
department purchased Cooper
Ranch to prevent losing big game
habitat to development. We want-
ed to maintain it as wildlife habi-
Since that time, Bradeen and
his team have worked to improve
habitat by thinning pine within
the aspen stands to allow for the
aspen to expand without competi-
This land is well known as an
elk wintering area because it pro-
vides needed food and cover, says
Mike Kintigh, Regional GF&P
Supervisor for western South
A cooperative effort
Kintigh adds that although the
Cooper Ranch Game Production
Area has an existing well and cat-
tle watering tank, because the
existing tank is located in a high
traffic area near a road; GF&P
wanted to install another tank in a
secluded area on the property to
protect elk from road hunting.
Working with a $5,000 donation
from the Rapid City chapter of
Safari Club International as well
as dollars raised from the sale of
hunting licenses, GF&P will com-
plete the project tax free. Before
installing the water tank, GF&P
made repairs to and updated the
current well. The Safari Club
International dollars paid for the
installation of more than 4,000-
feet of pipe, which allows for the
new tank to be installed in a draw
that is not visible from the road.
This project will encourage and
provide a secure water source for
elk and other wildlife species on
this parcel, which is in the middle
of the 22,000-acre Forest Service
Porcupine allotment, says Dennie
Mann, a retired habitat manager
with GF&P who now serves on
Safari Club Internationals board
of directors with his wife, Mary
Over the last 10 years Safari
Club International has partnered
with South Dakota GF&P on 21
projects; providing $72,000 in
funding to improve big game man-
agement and hunting opportuni-
ties in the Black Hills. Kintigh
says the Safari Club Internation-
als contribution to the project is a
great example of how South Dako-
ta GF&P partners with non-
governmental organizations to
improve wildlife habitat.
This is a group of sportsmen
who are putting dollars on the
ground to help ensure wildlife is
here for future generations to
enjoy, Kintigh says.
This project also benefits ranch-
er, Stan Rennard who has sum-
mered his cattle on the Forest
Service Porcupine grazing allot-
ment near Cooper Ranch Game
Production Area since 1998. Ren-
nard uses the well on Cooper
Ranch to supply water to the many
water tanks he manages for his
cattle each summer.
I spend most of the summer
working on water. I ride the nine
miles of pipeline to ensure there
are no leaks and make sure the
water tanks are working in a pas-
ture before I move the cattle, says
Rennard, who rotates his cattle
through one of 13 pastures every
10 days.
Rennard is a holistic manager.
He works with a management
team that includes his family, S.D.
GF&P staff, a Sierra Club mem-
ber, SDSU Extension Specialists
and Forest Service staff to ensure
that the grazing practices he
implements benefit and improve
wildlife habitat.
I believe in managing my cattle
in a way that benefits the entire
community, Rennard says.
A third generation rancher,
Rennard says being able to graze
his herd each summer on Forest
Service and Cooper Ranch Game
Production Area land is essential
to maintaining his herd size.
Ive got a daughter and son-in-
law who want to get into the cattle
business and my home place isnt
large enough to support two fami-
lies, Rennard says. With the
price of land, you cant pay for it
with cattle. So, I depend on this
easement for summer grazing and
I use the pastureland on my ranch
for forage production and winter
We are really fortunate to have
a holistic manager such as Stan
Rennard and his family utilizing
managed grazing systems. He
integrates wildlife projects into his
ranching operation, Mann said.
Bradeen agrees. He says
because of Rennards grazing man-
agement, wildlife benefit as well.
He explains that like the buffalo,
cattle grazing and hoof action
stimulates the growth and diversi-
ty of native grasses and forbs.
Its a good working relationship
that ultimately benefits the
wildlife we manage, Bradeen
says. Game, Fish & Parks works
with cattle producers across South
Dakota because most of the
wildlife we manage lives on pri-
vate land owned by cattle produc-
ers and other landowners.
To learn more about S.D. Game,
Fish & Parks, projects and pro-
grams they offer to private
landowners visit,
South Dakota Elk The
Black Hills of South Dakota is
home to abundant wildlife,
such as elk.
Courtesy Photo
Murdo Coyote August 8, 2013 Page 5
the crop year. We will send out the
NAP Yields form which lists
your acres and a spot for you to
record your production. The dead-
line for reporting this production
is November 15, 2013. Production
reporting is required for all 2013
crops on farms with NAP cover-
September 2: Office closed for
Labor Day
November 15: 2013 NAP Produc-
November 15: 2014 Acreage
reporting deadline on perennial
grasses and winter wheat
Feel free to call the office if you
ever have questions on any of our
programs 605-669-2404 Ext. 2.
Managed haying and grazing of
CRP started August 2nd, but the
regular paperwork needs to be
completed before any CRP haying
may take place. Consult with the
office to inquire about the eligibili-
ty of your CRP. A Haying/Grazing
plan is still needed to be signed at
the FSA office. You may sell the
CRP hay or lease the CRP ground.
Producers must annually pro-
vide the quantity of all harvested
production of the crop in which the
producer held an interest during
David Klingberg
Cover Crop Information
Much has been written about
cover crops recently, but reminders
are often good. There are many
good reasons to plant cover crops,
but an important one is to have
something growing on prevented
plant acres rather than leave them
The Natural Resources Conser-
vation Service recently posted a
new publication, Cover Crops to
Improve Soil in Prevented Plant-
ing Fields, available at:www.nrcs.
MENTS/stelprdb1142714.pdf. The
publication discusses the benefits
of healthy soil, and lists the follow-
ing 4 keys to soil health: 1. Disturb
the soil less, 2. Feed the soil with
living plants as much as possible,
3. Increase diversity, and 4. Keep
the soil covered.
Prevented plant fields can be
vulnerable to water and wind ero-
sion. Depending on the next crop
to be planted, fallow syndrome
can pose problems due to the lack
of biological activity. It is also well
documented that many of the soils
in central and western South
Dakota have limited water holding
capacity, so the areas that have
received ample rainfall this spring
and summer will not be able to
capture all of the moisture for the
next crop.
One of the theories behind plant-
ing cover crops is to use some of
the moisture that cannot be stored
to grow biomass, both above and
below ground to rebuild topsoil
and add organic matter. Having
growing plants in place on the
fields will actually allow more of
the rainfall that occurs to soak
into the soil than if is left bare and
some of it runs off. If producers
will be planting winter wheat on
prevented plant acres, cover crops
will allow them to grow some
residue, terminate them 10-14
days before planting and plant at
the recommended time, September
15 October 15 with less risk of
wind erosion or fall aphid or wheat
curl mite infestations. Cover crops
may also provide grazing for live-
stock producers, but check with
the Farm Service Agency and your
crop insurance agent regarding
prevented planting requirements
and harvest restrictions.
A number of information
resources on cover crops are avail-
able online and listed below. For
paper copies of any of these, or
additional information, visitwww. and/or contact your
Regional Extension Center.
NRCS Cover Crop information:
SD No-till Association:, National Sustainable
Agriculture Information Service:
tml, Michigan Cover Crops:, Penn-
sylvania State Univ, Cover Crops:
Managing Cover Crops Profitably,
3rd Edition (free online):
overcrops.htm, Potential Cover
Crop Seed Suppliers:
8/20-22/2013 DakotaFest,
Mitchell, SD
8/27/2013 Winter Wheat Meet-
ing, 6:30 pm, Auditorium, Draper,
Extension News
Bob Fanning (605) 842-1267
All perennial forage
and pasture, winter
wheat and rye
Barley, Corn, Dry
Beans, Dry Peas,
Flax, Forage Seed-
ing, Grain
Sorghum, Millet,
Oats, Safflower,
Soybeans, Sunflow-
ers, Spring Wheat,
and all other crops
2014 Crop Acreage
Reporting Dates
Report by: Crops:
Nov. 15, 2013
July 15, 2014
Selected Interest Rates for
August 2013
Commodity Loans 1.125 percent
Farm Operating Loans Direct
1.500 percent
Farm Ownership Loans Direct
3.625 percent
Farm Ownership Loans Direct
Down Payment, Beginning
Farmer or Rancher 1.500 percent
Farm Storage Facility Loans
7 Yr 2.000 percent
Farm Storage Facility Loans
10 Yr 2.625 percent
Farm Storage Facility Loans
12 Yr 2.750 percent
New option to complete
SD Bowhunter education
A new online bowhunter education
course is now available to help
South Dakotans improve their
archery skills.
This new, totally online option
teaches safety in-the-field,
bowhunting basics, shot place-
ment and recovery techniques
through easy-to-understand infor-
mation, instructional videos and
detailed illustrations, Jason Kool,
hunter education administrator
for the Game, Fish and Parks
Department, said.
All archery big game licensees
ages 11-15, all first-time archery
big game licensees regardless of
age and all archery elk licensees
are required to possess bowhunter
education certification prior to
obtaining an archery license.
This new training opportunity
meets the national and state
bowhunter education program
requirements and allows students
to learn at their own pace, said
This new online course is a
partnership between GFP, the
National Bowhunter Education
Foundation and Kalkomey Enter-
prises allowing students to study
for free, paying only $30 when
they pass the online course.
Students wanting to complete
this new online South Dakota
bowhunter education course can
visit http://www.bowhunter-
For those who are looking for a
more personable approach to their
completion of bowhunter educa-
tion, the in-person classroom
option is still available for free.
Class listings can be found under
the Outdoor Learning section on
the Game, Fish and Parks website
Receive free Colorado
blue spruce trees
Spruce up your landscape by
joining the Arbor Day Foundation
in August.
Everyone who joins the non
profit Arbor Day Foundation with
a $10 donation will receive 10 free
Colorado blue spruce trees
through the Foundations Trees for
America campaign.
The trees will be shipped post-
paid at the right time for planting
in each members area, which falls
between October 15 and December
10. The six- to 12- inch trees are
guaranteed to grow or they will be
replaced free of charge.
Colorado blue spruce trees pro-
vide homeowners with numerous
benefits, said John Rosenow,
founder and chief executive of the
Arbor Day Foundation. They can
be used as an energy-saving wind-
break, for privacy, as ornamental
trees and even as living Christmas
trees out in the yard. They truly
provide year-round beauty for any
New members of the Arbor Day
Foundation will also receive The
Tree Book, which includes infor-
mation about tree planting and
care, and a subscription to Arbor
Dat, the Foundations bimonthly
To receive the free Colorado
blue spruce trees, send a $10 mem-
bership contribution to Ten Free
Blue Spruces, Arbor Day Founda-
tion, 100 Arbor Ave., Nebraska
City, NE 68410, by August 31,
2013, or join online at arbor
Goose hunting
opens Aug. 3
South Dakotans can get an
early start to fall hunting on Sat-
urday, Aug. 3 with a hunt designed
to lower the population of Canada
Resident Canada goose popula-
tions in many states have explod-
ed over the past several years.
South Dakota has been no excep-
tion, with a goose population that
exceeds the level designated by
state game managers.
The Game, Fish and Parks
Department works in cooperation
with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service managing migratory
waterfowl, Chad Switzer, GFP
wildlife program administrator,
said. Ultimately the framework
for waterfowl seasons is deter-
mined at the federal level and one
of the provisions they have provid-
ed is this August Management
Take Canada goose hunt.
The hunt is for South Dakota
residents only, and will run from
Aug. 3-31 in the counties of Brook-
ings, Brown, Clark, Codington,
Day, Deuel, Hamlin, Hanson,
Grant, Kingsbury, Lake, Lincoln,
Marshall, McCook, Miner, Min-
nehaha, Moody, Pennington,
Roberts, Spink, Union and Pen-
nington County west of the
Cheyenne River.
Resident hunters must have a
2013 small game or combination
license, and the state migratory
bird certification. The federal
waterfowl stamp is not required
for this August hunt.
The daily bag limit for Canada
geese is 15 with no possession
The goal is to encourage a
healthy harvest of geese to help
bring the numbers more in line
with our population goals,
Switzer said. Estimates placed
the Canada goose population at
approximately 270,000 birds in
2012. Our management goal is
Hunters will be able to avail
themselves of an opportunity to
donate geese to the South Dakota
Sportsmen Against Hunter pro-
gram. Designated meat processors
will take the geese at no charge to
the hunter.
The list of participating proces-
sors can be found at
Jones County School District #37-3
Classes begin Monday, August 19th
Youth & Sports
Murdo Coyote August 8, 2013 Page 6
Murdo youth attend Camp
Bob Marshall in Custer, S.D.
Jones County Summer Program
Young people who attended Dis-
trict IV, V and VI Farmers Union
camp held July 30-August 1 at
Camp Bob Marshall have a better
understanding of the cooperative
philosophy and learned how to bet-
ter manage their finances and
increase their financial literacy
knowledge. They came from
Perkins, Harding, Meade, Jones
and Lawrence Counties to experi-
ence the district camp and all it
had to offer. This years theme was
Farmers Union is our name, Coop-
eration is our game, and campers
had a chance to learn about coop-
erative businesses, citizenship,
environmental stewardship, lead-
ership and other life skills.
Its important that young
South Dakotans learn to manage
their money and work together,
said District V Education Director
Tamie Fahrenholz. Campers had
the chance to participate in coop-
erative games and activities that
taught them about setting finan-
cial goals and saving their money
while having a lot of fun.
Activities at this years camp
included a Deal or No Deal a
game show that taught campers
about Farmers Union and Cash
Cab which quizzed campers
knowledge about Financial Litera-
We cant stress enough the
importance of teaching our next
generation about cooperation,
District V Education Director
Tamie Fahrenholz said. We really
focus on building future leaders,
and this years camp was a chance
for young people to put their skills
to the test and improve themselves
and their personal lives.
Along with various camp activi-
ties, games and singing, each child
also took part in a craft activity
decorating ceramic piggy banks to
promote saving money and finan-
cial literacy. Participants at this
years camp were: Jim Brockel
from Shadehill; Peyton Mollman
from Buffalo; Rowdy Thompson,
Luke Thompson, Kade Montague
and Taylin Montague all from New
Underwood; Brooklyn Larsen and
Taeanna Larsen from Murdo;
Davin Valdez from Spearfish; and
Taylor Todd from Box Elder.
District V Farmers Union camp
was directed by Tamie Fahrenholz
from Rapid City. The Farmers
Union summer interns were Han-
nah Lily of Aberdeen and Kortny
Sterrett from Huron. Also helping
with the camp was Keely Thomp-
son from New Underwood.
For more information on South
Dakota Farmers Union and how
you and your children can get
involved in the organizations
youth activities, visit the educa-
tion page at or call
Bonnie Geyer, state education
director at 605-352-6761 ext. 125.
Kadoka to host Red
Dirt and Roughstock Tour
Spud Creek Rodeo Productions,
Dave and Nate Morrison from
Interior, S.D., will be bringing the
Red Dirt and Roughstock Tour to
Kadoka, S.D., on Friday, August
16th at 7:00 p.m. featuring a high
paced Roughstock Rodeo of Bare-
back Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding,
and Bull Riding. This will be in
place of the Badlands Match Bronc
Riding that Spud Creek Rodeo has
produced the previous years on the
same weekend in Kadoka.
As Nate Morrison with the Red
Dirt and Roughstock tour explains
it, South Dakota is very educated
when it comes to rodeo events and
they know a good event when they
see one, and also know a bad, poor-
ly run event, when they see one.
They can tell the difference
between good stock and bad stock,
good rides and bad rides, and
according to the South Dakota
rodeo fan, they are wanting some-
thing fresh and new without all
the fluff. Straight up action where
the bucking stock and rides do the
talking, so to speak.
We believe we have found the
answer to that call. Limiting the
event to only 10 Bareback Riders,
10 Bronc Riders, and 10 Bull Rid-
ers with the top five from the
event advancing to a Champi-
onship Round, we can present the
crowd a high paced, non-stop
action night with 45 rides total
that can be done within two hours
without losing the crowds excite-
ment and attention. By also limit-
ing to 10 per event, I can assure
that the stock and riders can be of
the highest quality making the fan
going home excited about the
On top of the Roughstock Rodeo
Action the Red Dirt and Rough-
stock Tour is featuring a demon-
stration of Rodney Yosts Horse-
manship starting before the show
at 6:30 p.m. Rodney's demonstra-
tion will feature Pepsi doing
some advanced drills and maneu-
vers leading into her great bare-
back/bridleless/bullwhip ride as
the finale.
Yost will be talking his way
through the demonstration giving
an explanation of his techniques,
philosophy, and training style. So
it wont simply be entertainment,
and it wont simply be an educa-
tional demonstration. It will be the
perfect combination of both.
Immediately following the high
paced roughstock rodeo action the
Red Dirt and Roughstock Tour will
be introducing The Bad River
Band playing red dirt and rodeo
tunes at the after party at Club 27
in Kadoka. Based out of Philip,
S.D., Kenny Feidler is a lyrical
genius when it comes to capturing
the feel of life on the rodeo road,
and along with Clade Schuelke a
genius on a guitar, combined with
Travis Michelson on Bass, and
Nicole Kluck on rhythm guitar,
they have put together The Bad
River Band winners of the Texaco
Country Showdown in Lemmon,
S.D., in July.
Feidler will also be competing in
the bareback riding during the
event, which is what Red Dirt and
Roughstock is all about. Rough-
stock Rodeo action without all the
fluff, and straight up country
music without all the pop. Bring
your dancing boots, its going to be
Also included in the night of
non-stop roughstock action will be
local trick riding sensation Christy
Willert from Kadoka, S.D., per-
forming her high paced trick rid-
ing skills, and funny man
Stretch McKown will be on hand
guaranteeing laughs that the
whole family will enjoy.
Kadokas event will be the third
stop on the 2013 Red Dirt and
Roughstock Tour as the contest-
ants are trying to earn their way
to the big finale event in Rapid
City, S.D., on September 27, fea-
turing the famous Red Dirt Band,
Jason Boland and The Stragglers.
Tour standings and more infor-
mation can be found online at
www. reddi rtroughstock. com.
Opening starts at 6:30 p.m. with
the rodeo action kicking off at 7
p.m. on Friday August 16, 2013 in
Kadoka, S.D. Tickets are $10 for
adults and $5 for children under
10. Bring the whole family!
Saddle Bronc Rollie Wilson winning the March 15 Red Dirt
and Roughstock Tour's Saddle Bronc Riding event in Rapid City
on Spud Creek Rodeo's Boot Licker.
Summer Program lunches The Jones County Summer Program share their appreciation for the ladies who provided them
with lunch during the summer. Murdo Senior Citizen cooks Katherine Patterson, back far left and Susan Moreland, back far right,
made lunches for the summer program kids in addition to making meals for the senior citizen center.
Public Notices
Murdo Coyote August 8, 2013 Page 7
Notice of Summons
State of South Dakota
County of Jones
In Circuit Court
Sixth Judicial Circuit
ANDY GERLACH as Secretary of the
Department of Revenue for the State of
deceased; NOLA PRICE, heir-at-law of
Ingwald Iverson; NORMA IVERSON, the
heir-at-law of Dean Iverson, the heir-at-
law of Ingwald Iverson; OLINE OLSON,
deceased; JAMES MULLEN, deceased;
GENEVIEVE TORNOW; deceased; their
unknown heirs and all persons unknown
who have or claim to have any right, title,
estate, interest, lien or encumbrance
upon the premises described in the
Complaint, to wit: Northeast Quarter of
Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 27
East of the Black Hills Meridian compris-
ing 160 acres more or less, in Jones
County, South Dakota,
REQUIRED to answer the Complaint of
the Plaintiff, which was filed in the Office
of the Clerk of this Court, in Jones Coun-
ty, South Dakota, on the 19th day of July,
2013, and which prays for a judgment
quieting the title to and termination of all
adverse claims against premises
described in the Complaint, situated in
said county, to wit: The Northeast Quar-
ter of Section 11, Township 1 South,
Range 27 East of the BHM in Jones
County, South Dakota
and to serve a copy of your Answer to
said Complaint on the undersigned at
their office at P.O. Box 160, 503 South
Pierre Street, Pierre, South Dakota
57501, within thirty (30) days after the
completed service of this Summons
upon you, exclusive of the day of such
service; and if you said to answer said
Complaint within that time, Plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief demand-
ed in the Complaint.
suant to SDCL 1596 that no personal
claim is made against you in this action,
which is an action to quiet title to the real
property described above.
Dated this 22nd day of July, 2013.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
503 South Pierre Street
P.O. Box 160
Pierre, SD 57501-0160
(605) 224-8803
Published August 8, 15, 22 &29, 2013,
at the total approximate cost of $111.69.
A lady went to visit her daugh-
ter in Denver and while there her
daughter suggested that her moth-
er be seen by her local physician
for a checkup. A full hour for a
very comprehensive evaluation
was spent and most values on her
various tests were normal except
for serum magnesium. Normal
serum magnesium is between 1.8
and 2.6 milligrams percent. Hers
was 1.4 milligram percent. This
was a value slightly low but the
patient had no symptoms that
would suggest low serum magne-
sium. The doctor in Denver had
suggested that she come back for
further testing but by that time,
she had already returned to South
Dakota and inquired here as to
what the test meant and what she
should do about it.
Magnesium metabolism is real-
ly no different that any other body
component. There is a certain
amount of magnesium that is nor-
mal in the body. There is a certain
amount that is taken in each day.
There is a certain amount that is
excreted each day and at the end
of the day, the person should have
the same amount of magnesium in
their body that they had at the
beginning of the day. For an adult
in balance, this is true for all of the
various nutrients that make the
body up.
So if a person has a low serum
magnesium or any other compo-
nent, there are only 2 ways this
abnormality can develop. First the
person can be taking in too little of
the nutrient or secondly, they can
be loosing too much of it. Not tak-
ing in enough includes diets that
are deficient in the given nutrients
such as magnesium or diseases in
which the person does not absorb
the magnesium that they do eat.
Normally, a person consumes
between 200-500 milligrams of
magnesium per day of which only
one-third is absorbed into the
body. The remaining two-thirds
remain in the intestine and are
excreted in the stool. One way to
become magnesium deficient is not
getting enough magnesium in.
The second method of becoming
magnesium deficient is to lose
more magnesium in the stool or
the urine than the person takes in
with their daily intake. Intestinal
conditions such as diarrhea or
chronic nausea/vomiting are com-
mon ways that intestinal losses
can occur. A host of conditions can
affect the kidneys conservation of
magnesium with a resultant
abnormal loss of magnesium in the
urine. Reference to standard med-
ical textbooks will show a checklist
of conditions that lead to the
abnormal urinary losses and/or
the abnormal oral intakes.
On reviewing this ladys history
and the information that she
brought with her from Denver, the
one striking abnormality was her
use of a drug called omeprazole
(Prilosec). This is a drug that she
used to treat her heartburn. It has
a direct effect of turning off stom-
ach acid thereby preventing acid
reflux and the resulting heart
burn. But for every drug there is a
tradeoff, large or small. In this
case, the tradeoff was decreased
magnesium absorption because
stomach acid is pivotal in absorb-
ing magnesium from food. The
result was that she had a chronic
deficiency of magnesium because
she also had milk intolerance and
was a very picky eater.
In as much as the low serum
magnesium was an abnormality
that was written on a piece of
paper, it really didnt affect her.
She had no symptoms that went
with the low serum magnesium.
She was instructed that it didnt
seem to be of any consequence if
she just left it alone. If there was a
need to correct the abnormal
value, stopping the Prilosec would
be step one. Step two would be to
provide a magnesium supplement
but neither of these steps was
essential in maintaining her good
The second case of low serum
magnesium was that of a 62-year
old gentleman who drank more
alcoholic beverage than was good
for him. With his alcohol intake,
he had a very poor diet and came
to the hospital for treatment of
alcohol withdrawal. His magne-
sium level was 0.9 milligrams per-
cent (1.8-2.6 milligrams percent
normal), a value very low and
associated with symptoms of mus-
cle hyper-excitability and painful
severe cramping. Treating his
alcohol withdrawal was one step in
care but a big piece of that was
provision of adequate magnesium
to replace a severe deficiency.
With replacement of the severe
deficiency that he had, the muscle
cramping and hyper-excitability
did resolve. In this case, the mag-
nesium replacement was part of a
comprehensive program to replace
potassium, calcium, magnesium,
and a host of vitamins that this
poor gentleman was deficient in.
Magnesium replacement was an
important and essential part of his
treatment program.
For many people, a slight mag-
nesium deficiency in the blood is of
no consequence. To somebody such
as the alcoholic, replacement can
be a critical aspect of care. The
healthcare professionals at your
local clinics are aware of the
potential considerations regarding
magnesium and can help in sepa-
rating out those situations where
there is a significant clinical prob-
lem and those situations in which
a slightly low blood test is of no
The Clinical View
Dr. P.E. Hoffsten
upsetting someone is not scary to
me. Ive seen people go into a com-
plete panic when a little garter
snake goes by. Garter snakes dont
worry me in the least, and Im not
apt to go running off into the dis-
tance upon seeing one, even if
someone else does. A rattlesnake
too close for comfort might be
another story, but my reaction in
that case is to quickly look around
for any weapon I can use to do the
sucker in. A hoe is my weapon of
choice, but sticks and stones will
suffice if nothing else is at hand.
Cowboys find that their ropes will
work okay if used somewhat like a
whip. There is some concern that
fangs will get embedded in the
rope and cause a second-hand
means of poison transfer, but
ropes might still be used and just
inspected closely before being put
back into use.
Besides scary things like dan-
gerous critters, bad storms, unex-
pected explosions etc., there are
other things that create fear. One
is a feeling of inadequacy. There
may be something we want to do
but arent sure were capable of
accomplishing. This can apply to
taking a test, speaking, singing or
playing an instrument in public,
fighting an addiction, or even
making repairs to something or
other. We might feel inadequate
and not up to the job. If we let fear
take over, we might simply give
up and not try. As a result, some-
times we have to work pretty hard
at conquering our fears.
We see this even happen to
Joshua in the Bible. He had taken
over from Moses and was sup-
posed to be leading the Israelites
into the Promised Land. This was
a daunting task since the Prom-
ised Land was not vacant but
inhabited by strong people who
didnt want to leave. As a result,
God repeatedly instructed Joshua
to be strong and courageous. Eas-
ier said then done, right? Well, not
so much if you listen to the rest of
Gods message which was, For I
will be with you. I am your
So there you have it, the anti-
dote to fear is trust in God and his
care of us. He will be with us and
He is our strength. In other
words, I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me. Now
if we can just remember to keep
that in mind. Lets give it a try.
Fear is contagious. Let one old
cow get spooked about something,
and, in no time at all, the whole
herd can be in headlong flight
down a hill or off to the far corner
of the pasture. Woe betide any-
thing or anyone that gets in the
way. This little scenario was a
common occurrence when four-
wheelers were just starting to be
used. Cows were used to pickups
and paid them little attention
except when they brought food of
some sort. Noisy four-wheelers,
though, were highly suspect at
first and could easily cause a
You see a similar thing with
weaned calves in the fall. These
little guys are pretty nervous any-
way since theyve just been sepa-
rated from their mamas for the
first time. Fortunately, they do
soon get accustomed to their care-
giver since he or she brings them
food and they like that pretty
well. If that caregiver is normally
dressed in green coveralls with a
red cap, then that outfit is what is
expected. If the same person
comes dressed in jeans, plaid
shirt, and blue cap, uneasiness
may be seen. If the nervousness
gets bad enough, the fences may
be in danger of being trampled
down by panicked calves, and this
can result in critters being every-
where and not wanting to be gath-
ered back into the corral.
This panic thing even happens
with people who really should
have better sense. Youve probably
heard of a ballgame or concert
where something scary happened
and everyone bolted for the door.
In the process, some folks got
knocked down and trampled and
maybe even killed. Fear is the
driving force in this case with
herd instinct giving a helping
hand. As a result, avoiding crowds
altogether is the best thing to do,
or it is according to someone like
me who has lived too long on a hill
in the middle of nowhere. Open
spaces dont make me nervous,
but crowds just might.
Nervous fidgets are also conta-
gious. If someone is constantly in
a sweat about every little thing,
your nerves are apt to suffer in
the process. You might decide a
desert island sounds fairly attrac-
tive in comparison to being
around a fuss budget.
In my case, it seems, fear isnt
necessarily contagious if what is
Lookin Around
Syd Iwan
Patient Stories
Legal Notices
If you have a news story or idea for the Murdo Coyote, If you have a news story or idea for the Murdo Coyote,
please call the office at 605-669-2271 or you can email please call the office at 605-669-2271 or you can email or coyoteads or coyoteads
At the
Murdo Coyote
there is no
charge for
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Call us at
for details.
Coyote Classifieds
Murdo Coyote August 8, 2013 Page 8
abuse studies, counseling, psy-
chology or related field preferred.
Competitive salary/excellent ben-
efit package. For more informa-
tion and to apply, please go to Job
ID #1410.
S.D. The City of Freeman is tak-
ing applications for a full time
Police Chief. Responsibilities
include supervision and direction
of police department personnel
and policies, community relations,
police patrol and other law
enforcement duties. High School
Diploma or G.E.D. required. Cer-
tified Officer preferred. Salary is
dependent on qualifications and
experience. Application and job
description can be picked up at
Freeman City Hall, 185 E. 3rd
Street, Freeman, S.D., or call 605-
925-7127. Completed application
can be sent to Lisa Edelman,
Finance Officer, PO Box 178,
Freeman, S.D. 57029. Deadline
for applications is August 23,
ED with Parts and Service
Knowledge. FT with benefits. Will
train. Apply Pierre Sports Center
1440 N Garfield Ave. Pierre, S.D.
Media Specialist. Contact:
Tammy Meyer, 516 8th Ave W Sis-
seton, S.D. 57262 605-698-7613
Position open until filled. EOE.
K-12 spec. ed. teacher. Contact
Peggy Petersen, Supt. (605) 948-
2252 or at Peggy.Petersen@k12. for application. Open until
TRICT is seeking applications for
a HS Math Instructor (w/wo Head
Boys BB Coach); Base Pay -
$34,150 plus signing bonus. Con-
tact Supt. Lenk at Dupree School
(605) 365-5138.
SION is taking applications for
full- time Douglas County High-
way Superintendent. Must have
valid Class A Drivers License.
Experience in road/bridge con-
struction/maintenance. For appli-
cation contact: Douglas County
Auditor (605) 724-2423.
TIVES is seeking people interest-
ed in an agronomy career. Various
positions in central South Dakota
available. Email Dan.haberling@ or call Midwest Coop-
eratives 1(800)658-5535.
window breakage on tractors, skid
steers, and construction equip-
ment. 100% visibility. Two minute
installation. All makes and mod-
els. 512-423-8443,info@usfarmin-
novations, or www.tractorguard.
PERS statewide for only $150.00.
Put the South Dakota Statewide
Classifieds Network to work for
you today! (25 words for $150.
Each additional word $5.) Call
this newspaper or 800-658-3697
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Deadline is Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Call: 669-2271
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initial 20. Each name and initial must be counted as one word.
CARD OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $5.00 minimum for up to 20
words.10 per word after initial 20. Each name and initial must be counted
as one word.
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all charges.
DISPLAY AD RATE: $5.20 per column inch.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate, advertised in this newspaper is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to
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This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate
which is a violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings
advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Garage Sale
ZAUGGS house. August 9 and 10.
9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. both days.
Large variety. M32-1tp
Help Wanted
needed to service our product at
Pilot Flying J in Murdo. The pay is
$15.00 per hour and should take
roughly 10 hours per month.
Please email if interested. M31-2tc
For Sale
FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, grass
seed and high test alfalfa hay.
Delivery available and volume dis-
count available. Call 798-5413.
ING: Specializing in controlling
Canada thistle on rangeland. ATV
application. Also prairie dogs. Call
Bill at 605-669-2298. M21-24tp
Thank You
My heart is filled with thankful-
ness to God for 100 years of life, for
my family and the love that
brought more than 66 of them
hundreds of miles to celebrate
with me in Tennessee. Besides
children, grandchildren, and great
grandchildren, I was able to hug
eleven of my 30 great-great grand-
children. What a blessing to
receive more than 180 cards and
expressions of friendship and love,
many from relatives, old friends or
their children in Murdo, my home-
town. I appreciate the Murdo Coy-
ote keeping me up to date. God
bless you all.
Alice Tornow
So nice of the Chamber of Com-
merce to choose our yard as Yard
of the Week. Thank you!
Nelva and Janet Louder
I want to thank the Jones Coun-
ty Ambulance crew for a timely
and professional response in
transporting me to Pierre hospital
early July 24. They were South
Dakota friendly and I knew most
of their grandparents. Great job!
Bob Thune
Murdo Nutrition
Program Menu
August 12
Shepherds Pie
Corn Bread
Berry Fruit Delight
August 13
Roast Turkey
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
August 14
Barbeque Beef
Scalloped Potatoes
Corn OBrian
Dinner Roll
Mixed Fruit
August 15
Baked Pork Chop in Celery Sauce
Wild Rice Blend
Green Beans
Cranberry Gelatin Salad
August 16
Taco Salad w/ Meat & Beans
Lettuce & Tomato
BULL-A-RAMA Sat., August 17,
2013, 6:30 p.m., Redfield, S.D.,
$3,000 Added Money, Contestant
Registration: Monday, August 12,
2013, From 12pm-l0pm 605-259-
3254 For more info: 605-472-0965.
WANTED. Possible living quar-
ters for the right person. Brand-
ing Iron Inn, Faith, S.D., call Tim
or Deb 1-605-967-2662.
Womens Prison, Pierre, S.D., is
seeking Chemical Dependency
Counselors. Successful candidate
must have the ability to become
certified as CD Counselor. A bach-
elors degree in alcohol and drug
WYLIE? $1000 Flatbed Sign-On
*Home Weekly *Regional. Dedi-
cated Routes *2500 Miles Weekly
*$50 Tarp Pay (888) 691-5705
owner operators, freight from Mid-
west up to 48 states, home regu-
larly, newer equipment, Health,
401K, call Randy, A&A Express,
If youre moving or have
a change of address, please
let us know as soon as
possible to ensure timely
delivery of your
Murdo Coyote!
Call: 605-669-2271
Fax: 605-669-2744

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