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The Two Worlds of Rizq vs. Risk: Is it an Opposition or an Opportunity for a Third Word/World? | Space Writing

The Two Worlds of Rizq vs. Risk: Is it an Opposition or an Opportunity for a Third Word/World?
By Ziad Aazam / Friday, 18th November 2011 / Capitalism, Cultural Dialogue, Dialogue, Globalism, Islam vs West, One World / 2 Comments /

( Risk is embedded in the calculation of profit and loss. The Rizq Principle vs. Risk Principle is a subject worth investigating in terms of meaning and cultural differences. I read once in some scholarly work that the English word Risk is, in fact, comes from the word Rizq in Arabic. The sound similarity is very obvious yet the connotations stand in opposition. The Online Etymology Dictionary indicates uncertain origin of the word: Risk (n.) ( 1660s, risque, from Fr. risque, from It. risco, riscio (modern rischio), from riscare run into danger, of uncertain origin. The Anglicized spelling first recorded 1728. Sp. riesgo and Ger. Risiko are Italian loan-words. The verb is from 1680s. Related: Risked; risking. Risk aversion is recorded from 1964; risk factor from 1971; risk management from 1963; risk taker from 1944. Online Etymology Dictionary, 2010 Douglas Harper The verb dates back to the 1680, leaving us with a thought that the words birth must have been a few centuries earlier when Arab Muslims culture of trade and business exchange language happened in Europes Mediterranean region. Here, we have a very interesting concept of opposition that deserves an investigation into meanings of two cultural values. The two words appear as if they are mirror image of themselves Rizq/Risk, with a root in the word Rizq. The word Rizq ( ), as pronounced by Muslim merchants, denotes Gods written profit, in which freedom in the individuals effort to seek Gods bounty is balanced by the predetermined dividend distributed by God from that bounty. Al-Raziq is one of Gods 99 names meaning the Giver. At times of first transactions and exchanges by Muslims and Europeans merchants in the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages, the calculation of profit by the faithful Muslim merchant was based on the Rizq Principle, which meant that one could never know for sure what would be the profit at the end of the day. However, when the very word Rizq transmitted to Non-Muslims, it returned its sound but, in the absence of the Rizq Principle, the word flipped its meaning to its opposite. Risk became the calculation of the danger that could affect the calculation of profit. Similarly, Muslims used the word Rizq to justify their actions upon travelling to unknown worlds seeking Gods th th bounty, i.e. Rizq; while Western explorers used the word Risk in the 16 and 17 centuries as they embarked on their voyages to unknown worlds of danger. That was then, when the influence was impacted upon the Western World by the Muslim World. When conditions flipped and as the impact was reversed, Muslims are now learning the Risk Principle to calculate the dangers associated with making a profit; while forgetting to apply the Rizq Principle that calls for making the best effort to seek Gods bounty while accepting Gods dividends. Yet, the issue that concerns us here is not only the etymology of the word Risk[1] (/Users/Ziad%20Aazam/Documents/ZAA/The%20Rizq%20Principle%20vs%20Risk%20Principle.docx#_ftn1), although a lot can be learned from that since it has already penetrated our vocabulary and action, but also the meaning behind these two words Rizq/Risk and how they reflect opposition and a whole set of cultural beliefs, worldviews, applications, operations, political and economic implications that create two worlds at the core. It is 1/3


The Two Worlds of Rizq vs. Risk: Is it an Opposition or an Opportunity for a Third Word/World? | Space Writing

not only the Wests task to understand the word Risk but also ours. Today, the word Risk has completed its transfer to us with all its heavy attachments whether philosophical as in the cultural worldviews discussed above; or operational as in the application of probability theory and risk assessment that penetrates into mechanical depths devoid of human spirit, etc.; or political and economic as in the politics of fear used deviously for power and financial gain. All of which are recent phenomena occurring at the expense of our understanding of the Rizq Principle. This is not to say that we call for exclusion but rather an understanding at the core level, which, as we speak, the West is trying to fathom this unexplained emerging success of Islamic Finance and Sharia Law that govern an integrated socio-economic system, at least in principles, while Capitalism and its financial institutions and principles are in crisis. In fact, what I am provoking here is to raise the questions that lead to answers for what I may call One Word/World; I am also calling both worlds to participate in this search for opposite meanings; in the hope that a concept of a third word/world may emerge based on the complementary union of the two words rather than their inherent opposition. Of course non-Muslims will rightly say that a third word/world will never emerge out of the two principles since the Rizq Principle is based on a belief system that they couldnt subscribe to. So, it is more of our duty to bring the principle of Rizq back again to our and their attention by searching the meaning of these two words. Mind you, that the Risk Principle itself is based on a belief system too. I believe that the world is made up of discrete entities. These discrete entities, such as, atoms, cells, electrons, digits, numbers, waves, molecules (DNA), genomes, elements and neurons can be found in all lifes manifestations. However, humans, as agents of creating the artificial world from the natural world can also be considered as discrete elements, where cognition and consciousness reside in humans and nowhere else in this life but there. The humans as agents enabled by cognition and consciousness, move in the world by language, where words are discrete entities that carry meanings that shape the world. This world moves in time and space and interacts with nature producing artifacts. Understanding words as discrete entities in the makeup of life is key to understanding the world. Read the first set of verses in the Quran, where word and clot, which I interpret them as discrete entities, are juxtaposed side by side in these verses: Read in the name of your Lord who created (96:1) Created man from a clot. (96:2) Read, and your Lord is the most Generous (96:3) Who taught by the pen (96:4) Taught man that which he knew not. (96:5) No! [But] indeed, man transgresses. (96:6) Because he sees himself self-sufficient. (96:7) Indeed, to your Lord is the return. (96:8) Al-Quran Surat Al-`Alaq, The Clot 96:1 to 96:8. Note: The above is just my own thinking about the two similarly sounding words Rizq vs. Risk, which expanded from a brief reading of a scholarly work by an orientalist hinting to possible origin of the word Risk in the Arabic word Rizq. I did a brief research on the etymology of the word and I found that the West is hesitant as to what the origin of the word Risk is and how the meaning evolved[2] (/Users/Ziad%20Aazam/Documents/ZAA/The%20Rizq%20Principle%20vs%20Risk%20Principle.docx#_ftn2). I am not a linguist; I am only raising a question mark in the presence of a strong similarity of how the two words Rizq/Risk sound, in addition to the assumption that the word Risk is unstable and without clear origin and account of the evolution of the meaning despite its importance to the West. [1] (/Users/Ziad%20Aazam/Documents/ZAA/The%20Rizq%20Principle%20vs%20Risk%20Principle.docx#_ftnref1) Cline, P. (2004) The Etymology of Risk, ( [Accessed: 18 November 2011] [2] (/Users/Ziad%20Aazam/Documents/ZAA/The%20Rizq%20Principle%20vs%20Risk%20Principle.docx#_ftnref2) See 1. Tags: Capitalism (, Meaning (, Middle Age (, Risk (, Rizq (

2 Comments 2/3


The Two Worlds of Rizq vs. Risk: Is it an Opposition or an Opportunity for a Third Word/World? | Space Writing

1. Naser Khan Wednesday, 7th December 2011 at 7:59 am (Edit) Reply Eloquently written. I liked the idea of provoking thoughts to understand different cultures by understanding languages and exploring dissimilarities or oppositions. On freedom in the individuals efforts to seek Gods bounties I quote the following: And you do not will except that Allah wills. Indeed, Allah, is ever Knowing and Wise. 76:30 Surah Al-Insan On so called Islamic Financing I think we can sit together and have discussion (probably a lengthy one) Not all non-Muslims deny rizq but only those who are either aetheist or agnostic. 0 0 i Rate This 2. Ziad Aazam Wednesday, 7th December 2011 at 9:15 am (Edit) Reply Thank you for your comment, Naser. I consider words as discrete elements that make up this life along with other discrete elements like cells, atoms, numbers, etc. This exercise is for the sake of bringing two seemingly separate worlds together through understanding meanings conveyed by words. The exercise extends from cultural understanding through meaning into individuals practices to lessen the so called clash of civilizations. 0 0 i Rate This

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