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Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive). 1. Look!

He (leave)
is leaving

the house. a test. to school. by bike. to see my grandparents.

2. Quiet please! I (write) 3. She usually (walk) 4. But look! Today she (go) 5. Every Sunday we (go) 6. He often (go) 7. We (play)

to the cinema. Monopoly at the moment. .

8. The child seldom (cry) 9. I (not / do) 10. (watch / he) 11. This (be) 12. He (wear) 13. He (eat) 14. Marc (like) 15. He (eat) 16. Marc (know) 17. This (be) 18. Caroline (have) 19. She usually (wear) 20. Caroline (like)
21. She (play)

anything at the moment. the news regularly? Marc. a t-shirt and shorts today. an apple at the moment. fruits and vegetables. some every day. that apples (be) Caroline. long blond hair. glasses, but now she (wear) sports. handball every Monda contact lenses. good for his health.

Negative sentences
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive. 1. You (see / not) 2. The baby (sleep / not) 3. I (read / not) 4. We (go / not) 5. He (watch / not) her every day. at the moment. a book now. to school on Sundays. the news every day.

Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive. 1. (you / go) 2. (they / play) 3. (she / eat) 4. What (they / do) 5. (she / visit) on holiday by plane sometimes? computer games every day? dinner at the moment? right now? her grandma very often?

Present simple and present continuous (multiple choice)

1) A: What ................ ? B: He's an engineer.
a. b. c. d. is your father doing is your father do does your father do does your father doing

2) Why ................... sunglasses? It's cloudy today.

a. b. c. d. do you wear are you wearing do you wearing are you wear

3) A: How often .................... to the cinema? B: About once a month.

a. b. c. d. do you go are you going are you go do you going

4) ............... a really good book at the moment.

a. b. c. I read I'm reading I reading

5) He................... an iphone, an ipad and a computer. He's so lucky!

a. b. c. is having have has

6) Bill ................... really hard at the moment because his company has just received a big order from China.
a. b. c. works is working is work

7) It ............. a lot in La Spezia in winter.

a. b. c. rains rain is raining

8) A: Where's John? B: He's in the bathroom. He ............... a shower.

a. b. c. d. has is having is making is doing

9) A: What ........................ ? B: I'm looking for my glasses.

a. b. c. are you doing do you do you are doing

10) A: ..................... the party? B: Yes, very much, thank you.

a. b. c. d. Are you enjoying Do you enjoy Are you enjoy Do you enjoying

II. 1 John __________ at this moment. arrive arrives are arriving is arriving 2 John always __________ on time for meetings. arrive arrives are arriving is arriving 3 Barbara usually __________ dinner for her husband after work. cook cooks are cooking is cooking 4 This week Barbara is away on business so Tom __________ dinner for himself. cook cooks are cooking is cooking 5 Mr. and Mrs. Parsons __________ to work together every day. drive drives are driving is driving 6 Today Mr. and Mrs. Parsons __________ to work separately because Mr. Parsons has to go to a meeting at another branch. drive drives

are driving is driving 7 My parents normally __________ breakfast at 7:00 a.m. eat eats are eating is eating 8 At the moment my parents are on vacation, so they __________ breakfast much later. eat eats are eating is eating 9 My husband and his colleague__________ golf right now. play plays are playing is playing 10 My husband and his colleague __________ golf whenever they are not too busy. play plays are playing is playing

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