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1. If the mean and median of a moderately asymmetrical series are 26.8 and 27.

9 respectively, what would be its most probable mode? SOLUTION: Using the empirical relationship : Mode = 3 Median2 Mean we get Mode = (3 27.9) (2 x 26.8) = 83.753.6 = 30.1 Thus the most probable value of Mode would be 30.1 2. Find the value of Mode from the following data : Size of item. 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-110 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180

Frequency 4 6 20 32 33 17 8 2

SOLUTION: If we group the above data we will find that there are two modal classes namely 130140 and 140-150. Clearly the series is bi-modal, In such a case we can determine the empirical value of the Mode by using the relationship: Mode = 3 Median-2 The mean of the series = 139.51 and the median 139.69 As such Mode = (3x139.69) - (2x139.51) = 419.07 - 279.02= 140.05 Thus the value of Mode is 140.05. 3. The median and the mode of the following distribution are known to be $ 335 and $ 340 respectively. Three frequency values from the table are, however, missing. Find the missing values : Wages in Frequency 0100 4 100200 16 200300 60 300400 ? 400500 ? 500600 ? 600700 4 230 SOLUTION: Let the missing frequencies be x1 x2 and x3 for the class-intervals 300-400, 400-500 and 500-600 respectively. Now 230 = 84+x1+x2+x3 or x3=230-84-x1-x2 or x3 = 146(x3+x2)

Now we will recast the table as follows: Wages. Frequency Cumulative Frequency ($) 0100 4 4 100200 16 20 200-300 60 80 300400 x1 80+x1 400-500 X2 80+x1+x2 500600 x3 80+x1+x2+x3 600700 4 84+x1+x2+x3 Median = 335 =l1+(l2-l1)/f1 (m-c) = 300 +100/x1 (115-80) or 335 = 300 +3500/x1 or 35 = 3500/x1 or x1 = 100 Mode = 340 = l1+(f1-f0)/(2f1-f0-f2 )(l2-l1) = 300 + (x1-60)/(2x1-60-x2 100 340 = 300 + (100-60)/(200-60-x2 ) 100 or 40 = 4000/(140-x2 ) or 40 (140x2) = 4000 or x2 = 40 X3 = 146- x1-x2 = 146-100-40 = 6 Thus the missing values are 100, 40 and 6 respectively 4. Modal marks for a group of 94 students are 54. Ten students got mark between 0-20, thirty students between 40-60 and fourteen students between 80-100. Find out the number of students getting marks between 20-40 and 60-80 if the maximum mark of the test were 100. SOLUTION: Marks 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80100 No. of students 10 X 30 y 14 94

so 54 = 40 +(30-x)/(64-x-y) (60-40) 14 = (30-x)/(60-x-y) x 20 or 14 = (600-20x)/(60-x-y) 840-14x-14y = 600-20x 6x-14y = -240 The total number of students is 94, therefore, the missing values (x-y) would be (94-1030-14) or 40. So we have two equations: 6x-14y = -240 and X+y = 40 If they are solved as simultaneous equation we get 6x-14y = - 240 (i) 6x+6y = 240 (ii) Subtracting equation (ii) from (i) we get - 20y = - 480 or y =24 Since x+ y = 40, therefore x= 40-24 or 16 The missing values are thus 16 and 24. 5. The ages of 211 qualified voters in a certain barangay were taken and are shown below. Compute the value of the mode. Classes f 18-23 16

24-29 30-35 36-41 42-47 48-53 54-59 60-65 66-71 72-77 SOLUTION: mode= 35.5 + (9 / (9 + 16) x 6 = 35.5 + 2.16 = 37.66

25 39 46 30 20 15 8 7 4

6. The efficiency ratings of 155 faculty members of a certain college were taken and are shown below. Compute THE Value of the mode. Classes f 73-75 2 76-78 6 79-81 12 82-84 16 85-87 18 88-90 39 91-93 36 94-96 21 97-99 5 SOLUTION: mode= 87.5 + (3 / (3 + 3) x 3 = 87.5 + 1.5 = 89

7. Below is the frequency distribution of the income of 40 rice growers in region 8 during the first cropping. Class Interval f 77 90 2 91 104 4 105 118 5 119 132 12 133 146 9 147 160 5 161 174 2 175 188 1 Find the mode of the income.

SOLUTION: The mode is based from the highest frequency. Since the highest frequency is 12, along that row in the boundary column (also called true lower limit) we can find the value of Lmo = 118.5. The 1 is the difference of the highest frequency and number above it in the f column. Also 2 is the difference of the highest frequency and the number below it. The number above and below hte highest frequency is 5 and 9 respectively. ( [( ( 8 128.3 8. Calculate the mode of a statistical distribution given by the following table: fi [60, 63) [63, 66) [66, 69) [69, 72) [72, 75) 5 18 42 27 8 100 SOLUTION: ) ]

) (

L i is the lower limit of the modal class . f i is the absolute frequency of the modal class. f i--1 is the absolute frequency immediately below the modal class. f i-+1 is the absolute frequency immediately after the modal class. a i is the width of the class containing the modal class.


9. The following table shows the scores of a group of 50 students. Calculate the mode. fi [0, 5) [5, 7) [7, 9) [9, 10) 15 20 12 3 50 SOLUTION: First, find the heights. hi 3 10 6 3

The modal class is the one with the greatest height

And so,

then, 10. Consider the frequency distribution of the examination scores of sixty students. Compute the mode of this distribution. Classes f 11-22 3 23-24 5 35-46 11 47-58 19 59-70 14 71-82 6 83-94 2 SOLUTION: The modal class is 47-58. To get the value of d1 and d2, we have: d1= 19 11 = 8 d2= 19 14 = 5 Substituting these values, we have x = 46.5 + [8 / (8 + 5)] = 53.88. 11. Find the mode for this grouped data of test scores. Scores 65 70

Frequency 2 3

75 80 85 90 95 100

2 5 8 7 5 3

SOLUTION: The mode can be quickly determined by examining the chart to see which score occurred most often. No calculator work needed. The mode is 85. 12.

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