2013 Information Brochure New

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Fiona Kelly Belinda Baldey Sue Morgan


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Monday 4th February Monday 6th May Monday 22nd July Monday 14th October Friday 19th April Friday 5th July Friday 27th September Thursday 19th December

GENERAL INFORMATION We extend a warm welcome to you and hope that your association with North Fremantle Primary School will be a long and fruitful one. North Fremantle Primary School seeks and promotes active parent involvement. There are many interesting activities occurring within our school, which we encourage you to be involved in. Fortnightly newsletters and our website will keep you informed. IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS School Telephone 9335 2743 School Fax 9335 6575 Dental Therapy Centre (Beaconsfield) 9335 8758 Web address: northfremantle.ps.wa.edu.au School email: northfremantle.ps@education.wa.edu.au SCHOOL HOURS School commences 8.45am School dismisses 3.05pm Early close every Monday 2.30pm Morning Recess 10.40 11.00am Lunch 12.30 1.15pm Office Hours 8.30am 3.30pm

SCHOOL BOOKLIST Copies of our school book lists are available from the school office. Parents have a choice of purchasing from Office Max or buying items and materials from other suppliers. SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS In our school, in accordance with Departmental policy, we ask that school contributions be paid as early as possible in the school year. This money is used to enrich the opportunities available to your child. $60 per child. Payment of school contributions within the first two weeks of the new school year will assist the school administration staff in implementing its budgetary process for the year. Parents who feel that they cannot meet this commitment in full are asked to contact the School Registrar so that an alternative arrangement may be negotiated. Activity charges are optional components of the educational program and each childs participation will depend on parents/caregivers willingness to pay. The Semester 1, 2013 activity charge account will be $60. Charges will be subtracted from your account as children participate in activities. If your child does not participate, you will not be charged. If the full amount is not expended the balance will be rolled over into the next semester. It is estimated the Semester 2 activity charge will be $60 but this will be adjusted upon review of Semester 1 expenditure. This amount includes the cost of activities and travel. EARLY CLOSE Every Monday the school closes at 2.30pm to facilitate teacher meetings. DENTAL THERAPY UNIT: A preventative dentistry clinic operates at the dental clinic located at Beaconsfield Primary School. The purpose is to provide a continuous preventative dental service for each child. This is a free service.

LUNCHES Children should bring a packed lunch, preferably including fruit for morning break. Lunches can be ordered in the morning from North Freo Fresh on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays by completing a lunch order bag with correct money. Lunch is prepared by North Freo Fresh following the Department of Education Healthy Food Policy. The order bags and price lists are available at school. There are daily lunch order specials which change each term.

SCHOOL ASSEMBLY During the year, assemblies are held at 8.45am, Thursday mornings of weeks 3, 6, 9 each term. Parents are advised by newsletter of each Terms assemblies and venue. During each assembly, class items, reports, honour certificates and Aussie of the Month certificates are awarded to various children for their efforts and contributions in class. All parents are welcome to attend.

NO HAT NO PLAY IN THE SUN Children are required to wear a wide brim hat at school whenever they go outside to play in the sun. Children without hats are directed to remain in shaded areas. This policy is enforced throughout the year.

LOST PROPERTY Unclaimed items of clothing and personal possessions are placed in the lost property box. Any unclaimed articles are disposed of at the end of each term. Parents may inspect the lost property box at any time. Items of clothing should be clearly marked with your childs name.

PARENTS AND CITIZENS ASSOCIATION The North Fremantle Primary P & C has rendered great assistance to our school over a number of years. It comprises of parents interested in the best possible education for you children. It deserves your support and enthusiasm. Dates of meetings will appear in the newsletter.

SCHOOL COUNCIL The role of the School Council is that of support to the school administration and to shape the direction of the school community. The School Council helps to monitor the school objectives, priorities and general policy direction. The 2013 School Council will be a significant group in the school and its work will underpin major directions for North Fremantle Primary School. Regular information on the North Fremantle Primary School Council appears in the school newsletters. SCHOOL EVACUATION PLAN The school has an emergency evacuation plan in the case of fire, earthquake or bomb threat. SWIMMING Ten 40-minute lessons are provided for children in Years PP 7 as part of the InTerm Swimming Program. These lessons are held during Term 4. SCHOOL DISCIPLINE/BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT POLICY The management of student behaviour is a staff, parent and student concern. Children are expected to follow the Behaviour Management Policy of the school. A Behaviour Management Plan has been formulated by staff in consultation with parents and the community. The document is available at the school office and on our website. COMMUNICATION Communication between school and home is vital to the smooth operation of our school. There are various forms of communication including newsletter, email and interview. School email: northfremantle.ps@education.wa.edu.au , Web page: northfremantle.ps.wa.edu.au Your childs teacher may be contacted via the classroom email. Please select according to room number. Principal: Principal.NorthFremantle.PS@education.wa.edu.au Kindy: Room1.NorthFremantle.PS@education.wa.edu.au PP: Room2.NorthFremantle.PS@education.wa.edu.au Year 1; Room3.NorthFremantle.PS@education.wa.edu.au Year 2/3: Room4.NorthFremantle.PS@education.wa.edu.au Year 4/5/6/7: Room5.NorthFremantle.PS@education.wa.edu.au ADMISSION CARD INFORMATION

Parents are asked to keep the school admission card up to date. A note to the teacher/office concerning change of address and telephone number is desirable. It is important that you can be contacted during the day, in case of emergency. If in an emergency, you or your emergency contact person are unable to be reached and it is considered necessary, your child will be taken to a hospital. If necessary, an ambulance will be called and any accounts will be forwarded to you. Is is also important that the school be aware of any medical or physical problem your child may have. Custody arrangements and access rights within school hours should be clearly stated on the back of the Admission Card and discussed with the Principal if any clarifications need to be made. If it is necessary for copies of custody orders to be held at the school these copies will be held confidentially by the Principal.

PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS If, during the year, parents are concerned about any aspect of their childrens progress, they should take the opportunity of discussing the matter with the classroom teacher. Please make an appointment with the teacher by phoning the school office or contacting by classroom email. This can be done by note, before school or at the conclusion of the days lessons. Class meetings will be held at the beginning of Term 1 and individual interviews at the end of Semester 1.

ATTENDANCE We have an attendance policy at North Fremantle Primary School that all teachers follow. There is a direct line between school performance and attendance and we are diligent in our effort to maximise attendance in every year from Kindy through to Year Seven. In order to keep your child safe, we need to know where a child is at all times. Please notify the teacher, as soon as possible, if your child is absent from school.

SCHOOL TESTING AND REPORTING POLICY During the year children will take home a variety of work samples and test results. Please make an appointment to discuss results with your childrens Teachers if you have any concerns. Parent interviews will occur during Term 2. Written reports are issued at the end of each semester. We invite parents to discuss these reports with the teachers if necessary. Year 3, 5 and 7 students will undertake NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy) testing. LIBRARY/RESOURCE CENTRE Children should have library bags to protect school or library books from damage or loss. Costs associated with books and equipment damaged or mislaid will be recouped from parents. HEALTH From time to time the school nurse carries out checks and examinations of children. Parents are required to show evidence on enrolment that their children have been immunised. HAIR All long hair must be tied back. Head lice infestations do occur from time to time and this is one way of helping to alleviate the problem. Parents are asked to regularly check their childrens hair. SICKNESS We ask parents not to send children to school who are obviously unwell. Should your child become ill at school, we will contact you. MEDICATION The school has developed a medication policy in accordance with the Department of Educations guidelines in this area. If your child needs to take any medication at school e.g. tablets, medicine, asthma inhalers etc. you will need to discuss the situation with the childs teacher in the first instance to plan a course of action.

SCHOOL SECURITY VANDALISM Parents and nearby residents are requested to contact the Education Department Security Section or Police Communications if they notice anyone damaging school property. Contact may be made on the following numbers: Education Department Security 9264 4771 Fremantle Police 9430 1020 DOGS ON SCHOOL PREMISES Dogs are not permitted in the school buildings or on school grounds between 8.30am and 3.30pm due to health and safety reasons. If you exercise your dog after school please pick up after it. CHILDRENS BELONGINGS Children are not permitted to bring personal items such as; radios, electronic games, expensive watches, jewellery, toys or an excessive amount of money to school. Problems occur when these items are lost, stolen or broken. The school cannot take responsibility for such occurrences. MONEY In our school, in accordance with Departmental policy, we ask that School Contributions be paid as early as possible in the school year. This money is used to enrich the opportunities available to your child. CLOTHING Please mark all hats, coats, jumpers and footwear with your childs name. Shoes and sandals are recommended for every day use. DRESS CODE Our aim is to have all children take pride in their school and personal appearance. We ask for your co-operation in seeing that your children come to school clean, neat and tidy, wearing the school uniform. Our school colours are black and white, representing the magpie, which is the logo of our school and uniforms are available from the P & C details on website: northfremantle.ps.wa.edu.au


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