Thesun 2009-05-28 Page04 Uniform Rules On Alcohol Sale Soon

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4 theSun | THURSDAY MAY 28 2009

news without borders

Uniform rules on We are looking

at this from
the social
impact point of
view – the misuse
Anwar sues Anifah
for RM100m

alcohol sale soon

by Maria J. Dass eas, which they say have a majority
of freedom to
purchase alcohol
and the easy
availability to youth”

that the executive council had

by Tan Yi Liang

KUALA LUMPUR: Parliamentary Opposition Leader

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yesterday filed a RM100
million defamation suit against Foreign Minister Datuk
Anifah Aman for statements made against him at a press Muslim population. Muslim NGOs agreed to gazette the area surround- conference in Washington on May 16.
also expressed concern that the ing the Kampung Kuantan and The suit was filed in the High Court here by Anwar’s
SHAH ALAM: The Selangor gov- easy availability of alcohol would Bukit Belimbing firefly parks as a lawyers M/s S.N. Nair & Partners at 2.15pm.
ernment has set up a task force to entice Muslims and youths to pick protected zone and firefly sanctuary. In his statement of claim, the Parti Keadilan Rakyat
formulate guidelines on the sale of up the habit of consuming alcoholic This will be implemented next week (PKR) adviser is asking for RM100 million in damages
alcohol, including beer, which will drinks. and Lembaga Urus Air Selangor over statements made by Anifah at a joint press confer-
be applied in all local authorities to Those against the ban, on the (Luas) and the Selangor forestry ence with US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton.
ensure uniformity in implementa- other hand, argued that the ban department will manage the area. At the press conference, Anifah claimed Anwar had
tion. infringed on the right of choice of Meanwhile, executive councillor Association offered him the deputy prime minister’s position if he
Executive councillor for local non-Muslims and that the religious for welfare, women’s issues and of Ministers crossed over to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) after the March 8
government, research and devel- education and spiritual strength science, technology and innovation and Deputy general election last year.
opment Ronnie Liu said the task of Muslims should be uplifted to Rodziah Ismail said a RM2 billion Ministers' Anifah also claimed Anwar had tried to buy over
force has been given two months to prevent them from purchasing investment from foreign and local Wives (Bakti) “other legislative members”, a claim which Anwar had
complete its job, and until then, the alcohol. companies would be poured into president Datin vehemently denied.
status quo remains and the issue of Abdul Khalid, who was at the the state to increase internet con- Paduka Rosmah Speaking to reporters after filing the suit in the Duta
a ban does not arise. press conference, said the task force nectivity in Selangor to 100% from Mansor Courts here, Anwar’s lawyer Sankara Nair said an
This was the result of delibera- would be made up of representa- the present 30% within the next launched the earlier notice was given to Anifah’s lawyers who had
tions by the state executive council tives from local authorities, retail five years under the U-WiSel (Wi-Fi new Bakti denied that the statements reported in the press were
yesterday. operators, trade people and the Is- Selangor) project. website at its defamatory.
Last week, a panel headed by Se- lamic council. The focus will be on improving office in Taman “We have given them (Anifah’s lawyers) a notice, and
langor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Until the guidelines come into accessibility in terms of coverage Tun Dr Ismail they have replied that his statements are not defamatory.
Khalid Ibrahim had met with retail- force, operators can continue as and quality, sustainability in terms yesterday. The Therefore, having no choice, my client has decided to
ers, shop owners, hypermarkets, usual or as per the legal require- of ensuring minimal view obstruc- wife of the file a suit and let the court decide whether it is defama-
alcohol dealers associations, Muslim ments and existing laws, he said. tions and reduction of radiation, she prime minister tory or not,” he said, adding the statements made at the
non-governmental organisations “We are looking at this from the said. was the first to press conference were “baseless”. “We are sticking to
(NGOs) and local authority officers social impact point of view – the “We are also looking at introduc- officially log in our stand that it is defamatory. It is unfounded, it is base-
to listen to views on alcohol sale. misuse of freedom to purchase al- ing new technologies like the hybrid to the website. less,” he said.
These were then brought up dur- cohol and the easy availability to wireless network which is a combi- – Bernama
nation of Wi-Fi and Wimax wireless

Logging in ...
ing discussions at yesterday’s exco youth,” Abdul Khalid said.
meeting. “We have to strike a balance technologies.” This technology does
Liu said there is a need for the between business interest and social away with the need for transmission
guidelines as some local authorities impact.” towers and modems, she
had been issuing bans in certain ar- Abdul Khalid also announced said.

Brainstorming session on why

youths not keen on these jobs
PUTRAJAYA: The Labour and find ways to attract these remained at around 20,000.
Department is to hold a youths. On foreign workers, he said
“brainstorming” session to He disclosed that there 300,000 had left the country
find out how to deal with were some 70,000 vacancies in the last three months leav-
the reluctance of locals to fill in various categories but few ing another 1.9 million who
vacancies left by foreigners. locals were interested. were mostly employed in the
“There are thousands of Ismail said in a recent study manufacturing, construction,
jobs going a-begging but there by Universiti Utara Malaysia plantation and services sec-
are very few takers among (UUM), it was revealed the tors.
Malaysian youths,” said Labour workers’ reluctance was due The MTUC welcomed the
director-general Datuk Ismail to poor salary and work con- session and hoped that the
Abdul Rahim. ditions as well as the location department would implement
He told Bernama yesterday and lack of proper facilities for all decisions agreed on at the
the department would like to recreation. meeting. Its vice-president,
know the actual reasons why “We are trying to address A.Balasubramaniam, said
local youths were shying away these issues, yet we find the it would be just a wasteful
from the jobs. response poor,” he added. exercise if “we just meet, talk
The department will invite “Maybe there are other and disperse”.
representatives from the Ma- reasons and we would like to He said unless employers
laysian Trades Union Congress find out through the proposed and the government were
(MTUC), employers organisa- session,” he said. serious about improving
tions, non-governmental On retrenchment, Ismail the work conditions and
organisations and other said it had slowed down since remuneration, nothing would
stakeholders to brainstorm last month and that the figure change. – Bernama

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