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theSun | THURSDAY MAY 28 2009 9

news without borders

Chinese educationists
laud meeting with DPM
JIAO ZONG (United Chinese Certificate (UEC) due
School Teachers Association)
president Ong Kow Yee has Press Digest to policy constraints,
Dong Zong will
given the thumbs-up to the by Kong See Hoh continue to organise
ice-breaking meeting be- Unified Examination
tween seven Chinese groups for private Chinese
and Deputy Prime Minister problems,” he said. schools and work
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Dong Zong (United towards its eventual recogni-
Tuesday. Chinese School Commit- tion by the government.
“He talked with us in an tees Association) president Asked to comment on
open manner and listened to Dr Yap Sin Tian said “a lot Muhyiddin’s rejection of
(our explanation on the items more needs to be done by their request for annual
contained in) the memoran- the Chinese groups to work grants for Chinese second-
dum we submitted and has towards their goals” as the ary schools, he said: “Some
given us his answers. In the meeting showed there is state governments are giving
past, we had little chance to still a big gap between their out annual grants to Chinese
interact with the education aspirations and the current schools. Although Muhyiddin
minister, less so the deputy government policies. did not agree that the federal
prime minister,” Ong was “(Changes in) government government should do it as
quoted by Sin Chew Daily as policies cannot be achieved it is a matter of government
saying yesterday. in one or two meetings, and policy, he said he would
“The meeting was proof we will continue with our consider it.”
that he is open and wants efforts (to effect changes) ... Hua Zong (Federation
to understand the problems (Looking at things) From the of Chinese Associations of
concerning Chinese educa- country’s development per- Malaysia) said although
tion.” spective, we need to carry on representatives from the
Ong said Muhyiddin, who and try harder,” he said. Chinese groups were not all
is also the education minis- Yap said although both that happy with the outcome
ter, promised to help where sides were not able to resolve of the meeting, it was fruitful
he can regarding problems several problems that involve in certain ways.
facing Chinese education. government policies, the The other groups in the
“For example, on the Chinese groups’ representa- meeting were Seven Major
problem of teaching staff, he tives were able to put across Clans Association, United
told us to submit the names to Muhyiddin the problems Chinese School Alumni
of those who complained that encountered by Chinese Association of Malaysia,
they had applied to become educationists. Nanyang University Alumni
teachers but were not called He said although the gov- Association of Malaysia and
for interviews. He said he ernment cannot recognise Taiwan Graduates Alumni
would help us resolve such the Unified Examination Association of Malaysia.

Bosses all for online link-up with IRB

MALAYSIAN Employers in touch with the board, the employers can fill in the
Federation president Datuk including holding meet- income of their workers in
Azman Shah Harun is in ings with it, to explore the their tax returns for a more
favour of employers going problems that may crop up simplified e-filing process.
online with the Inland Rev- from such link-up and find Commenting on this, Az-
enue Board (IRB) to facilitate possible solutions, Sin Chew man said things are still at
e-filing. Daily reported yesterday. the initial stage and problems
He said it will benefit IRB director-general have to be overcome.
both parties as they can at Datuk Hasmah Abdullah told Once employers go online
least expect to reduce their the daily in an interview last with IRB, they will no longer
workload. week the board hoped to link need to issue the EA form to
The federation will keep up with employers so that the their employees.

for couples intending to tie the knot to be

tested for thalassaemia.
briefs Dr Asmiati Abd Hamid, of Tawau Hos-
pital, said this was needed to control and
prevent the genetic disease from spread-
Gapena to submit memo ing.
She said such tests could be carried
to Muhyiddin out just like the mandatory HIV/AIDS test
KUALA LUMPUR: Gapena will submit a nine- on couples currently in practice.
point memorandum to Deputy Prime Minister Asmiati made the suggestion at the
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to express support launch of the Tawau Thalassaemia As-
for the 1Malaysia concept and state its posi- sociation by Sabah Assistant Finance
tion on the policy of teaching mathematics and Minister Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan.
science in English. – Bernama
Gapena chief (1) Tan Sri Prof Emeritus
Ismail Hussein said yesterday Gapena re-
mained steadfast in wanting to see the policy
Search for American diver
scrapped and in demanding that the status called off
of the national language be restored in the KUANTAN: The search and rescue opera-
national education system. tion for American diver Kenneth Wayne, 62,
“This is in line with the calls by intellectuals, reported missing when the yacht he was in
cultural activists and literary figures as well as sank in waters off Kuantan Port on Sunday,
findings by several studies organised by uni- was called off yesterday.
versities and public organisations,” he said. The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement
On the 1Malaysia concept, Ismail said Gap- Agency (MMEA) director of operations for
ena offered cooperation in realising the concept Kuantan district, Commander Wan Mat Wan
based on the interpretation of the constitution Abdullah, said the operation was shelved be-
and the laws of the country. – Bernama cause the search and rescue team, comprising
12 divers from the navy, could not ascertain
Mandatory test for the location to carry out the search.
“They will be allowed to resume the search
thalassaemia proposed and rescue operation after the location where
TAWAU: A paediatrician here has proposed the diver went missing can be ascertained,”
that the government make it mandatory he said. – Bernama

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