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theSun | THURSDAY MAY 28 2009  11

news without borders

Sri Lanka confident

Car bomb in Lahore kills 24
LAHORE: A suicide attack flattened a
police building in Pakistan’s city of Lahore
Rescue workers ferried out the injured
on their backs, stumbling over the debris,
AFP the attack was the likely handiwork
of Al-Qaeda linked Taliban militants operat-
of avoiding
war crimes probe
COLOMBO: Sri Lanka said yesterday it was confi-
yesterday, killing 24 people in a bomb that while people tried to dig out bloodied bod- ing from Pakistan’s wild Waziristan, which dent of averting an international probe into alleged
the government branded revenge for an ies buried deep in rubble. borders Afghanistan. war crimes committed during its offensive against
offensive against the Taliban. The blast damaged buildings in the One of the attackers was shot dead the Tamil Tigers. Human Rights Minister Mahinda
The blast – the third deadly attack to security nerve centre of Lahore, two by security guards as he approached the Samarasinghe said the island had managed to lobby
rock the country’s liberal cultural capital in months after a deadly assault on a police building, and two others perished in the enough backing during a special United Nations
as many months – points to a widening net academy near the eastern city claimed by explosion, the investigator said. Human Rights Council session to fend off what he
of Islamist violence which has killed more the Taliban. “Enemies of Pakistan who want to dismissed as little more than empty rhetoric.
than 1,800 people across Pakistan in less “The initial investigation shows that the destabilise the country are coming here “There is no reason for a probe. These are politi-
than two years. attackers first fired at the police and secu- after their defeat in Swat,” Interior Minister cal statements made by various people. I don’t think
Three attackers opened fire and threw rity pickets at the corner of the building Rehman Malik told reporters, linking the we should get excited about it,” said Samarasinghe
a grenade before a van packed with ex- and then an explosives-laden Toyota van attack to the military’s offensive against by telephone from Geneva.
plosives blew up outside an emergency blew up,” said Lahore police chief Pervaiz the Taliban. UN human rights chief Navi Pillay on Tuesday
response building beside the provincial Rathore. “There is a war and this is a war for our said there was credible evidence that both Sri
headquarters of Pakistan’s premier intel- “The terrorists also threw hand gre- survival,” he added. Lankan government forces and the defeated Lib-
ligence agency, investigators said. nades but they could not penetrate the President Asif Ali Zardari accused mili-
US offers eration Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) grossly violated
Authorities said more than 300 people building,” said Rathore. tants of “trying to create panic among the RM9m international humanitarian laws.
were wounded. A top security official told AFP after people through such acts of barbarism”, for three “An independent and credible international
“I heard firing and then a huge blast,” nightfall that 24 people died, including 13 said a spokesman. investigation into recent events should be dis-
said one policeman who staggered out of policemen, civilians and security officers. Anne Patterson, the US ambassador to
Filipino patched to ascertain the occurrence, nature and
the rubble, saying that there were 30 to 35 The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) build- Pakistan, condemned the bombing. terror scale of violations of international human rights and
policemen trapped inside. ing was partly damaged and an intelligence “These attacks serve only to highlight the suspects international humanitarian law, as well as specific
“The wall collapsed on me. I was trapped officer was killed in the blast, one security vicious and inhuman nature of this enemy responsibilities,” she said.
in the wreckage and fell unconscious,” said official told AFP. whose true target is the democratically
pg 12 The Tigers were accused of holding tens of
an elderly man, speaking to reporters from There was no immediate claim of re- elected government of Pakistan and the thousands of Tamil civilians as human shields, while
his hospital bed. sponsibility but a senior investigator told security of all Pakistanis,” she said. – AFP government troops were alleged to have subjected
rebel-held areas packed with civilians to intense,
indiscriminate shelling. But Samarasinghe said there
was no broad support among council members for
Russian police find feral girl in Siberia an international investigation.
“The question of not issuing visas for people to
MOSCOW: Russian police have taken into by several dogs and cats and had never mother was being questioned but her investigate us on war crimes won’t arise,” he said.
care a five-year-old girl who has been shut been outside,” a police statement said. father has not been found yet. “Because the government has a legitimate right to
up in a flat in the company of cats and dogs “The unwashed girl was dressed in She appears to be about two years tackle an internal issue.”
for her entire life, police said yesterday. filthy clothes, had the clear attributes of old, though her real age is five, refuses to At the council meeting, two draft resolutions
The girl, who lived in the Eastern an animal and jumped at people.” eat with a spoon and has taken on many have been put forward – each one at odds in their
Siberian city of Chita, could not speak The flat had no heat or water. of the gestures of the animals with which approach to the aftermath of the conflict. The Asian-
Russian and acted like an dog when A police spokeswoman said the girl, she lived, police said. backed one, which is sponsored by Sri Lanka, com-
police took her into care. known as Natasha, is being monitored “When carers leave the room, the girl mends the government for defeating the LTTE, while
“For five years, the girl was ‘brought up’ by psychologists in an orphanage. Her jumps at the door and barks.” – Reuters the mainly Western-backed one called on Colombo
to investigate alleged abuses. – AFP

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