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International French Language Proficiency Diplomas and Exams

Edmonton Public Schools is accredited as an examination centre for the following international French language proficiency credentials: Diplmes dtudes en langue franaise (DELF)/ Diplme approfondi de langue franaise (DALF) Test de connaissance du franais (TCF) Test dvaluation de Franais (TEF) Test de franais international (TFI).

Accreditation comes from the Commission Nationale du DELF et du DALF which has its headquarters at the Centre international d'tudes pdagogiques (CIEP) in Svres, France. Accreditation for the TFI is through Educational Testing Services Canada, Inc. Certification through the above exams is provided for candidates from outside of France.

DELF and DALF Credentials

DELF and DALF Overview The DELF and DALF examinations are offered in 900 examination centres throughout 154 countries. Edmonton Public Schools is the first school district in Canada to be approved as an official examination centre for these internationally recognized diplomas. Candidates receive a rating on the scale of language proficiency of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. DELF Scolaire is a French language proficiency exam that is suitable for students in schools. The diplomas awarded are identical to the standard DELF diploma.

Audiences for Examinations The following audiences may be interested in DELF, DELF scolaire and DALF: school students in basic education in French immersion or French as a second language university or college students public sector employees who work at the local, provincial or federal level. employees or prospective employees in national and multinational companies employees in a Canadian branch of a French company members of the general public who wish to be assessed on the same criteria as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Reasons for Taking Examinations Candidates may take the DELF, DELF scolaire and DALF to: Set goals for French language proficiency Obtain recognition of French language competency Be assessed on the same international language standards as candidates in 154 countries Certify French language achievements Work in a French speaking environment Study in a French speaking educational environment Enrich a resum Get promoted in a job or take on new job responsibilities Complement education with a universally recognized diploma

Description of DELF and DALF Levels DELF and DALF consist of six levels. Candidates choose the appropriate level of exam based on their perceived French language proficiency:

DELF, Diplme d'tudes en langue franaise

DELF A1 This level recognizes basic knowledge targeting the most basic level at which a language is used. The candidate can interact in a simple way: he/she can speak about him/herself and his/her immediate environment. DELF A2 DELF A2 recognizes the linguistic competency of a basic user. The candidate can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring the most common polite phrases and exchanges of information. DELF B1 At this level, the user becomes independent. He/she can maintain interaction; he/she can understand and maintain a discussion and give his/her opinion. He/she is capable of dealing with situations likely to arise in daily life. DELF B2 A B2 user has a degree of independence that allows him/her to construct arguments to defend his/her opinion, explain his/her viewpoint and negotiate. At this level, the candidate has a degree of fluency and spontaneity in regular interactions and is capable of correcting his/her own mistakes. Certification at the B2 level can be used to qualify for entrance into French speaking educational institutions.

DALF, diplme approfondi de langue franaise

DALF C1 Language users at level C1 are independent. They can express themselves fluently and spontaneously. They have a large vocabulary and can choose the appropriate expression to introduce their comments. They can produce clear, well-structured discourse without hesitation and which shows controlled use of structures. DALF C2 C2 users' proficiency in the language is illustrated by precision, appropriateness and fluency of expression. C2 candidates are capable of using the language for academic and advanced-level purposes. People who have passed the DALF (C1 or C2) are exempt from taking language tests for entrance into French universities.

Certifies A1, A2, B1 and B2 language competency for students in schools. DELF-DALF in Braille A Braille version of the DELF and DALF examinations is offered to non-sighted candidates who wish to validate their competences in French.

DELF Scolaire

Examination Dates and Registration Fees

Edmonton Public Schools offers the DELF, DELF scolaire and DALF examinations in the spring and fall of each school year.

2007-08 School Year DELF/DALF Exam Dates: Tous Publics Sessions - For the general public (adults, college and university students): Fall/Winter DELF A1-A2 : lundi 19 novembre 2007 DELF B1-B2 : mardi 20 novembre 2007 DALF C1 : mercredi 21 novembre 2007 DALF C2 : jeudi 22 novembre 2007
Spring DELF A1-A2 : lundi 7 avril 2008 DELF B1-B2 : mardi 8 avril 2008 DALF C1 : mercredi 9 avril 2008 DALF C2 : jeudi 10 avril 2008

Registration Fees
Diplme/ Exam DELF A1 DELF A2 DELF B1 DELF B2 DALF C1 DALF C2 Registration Fee for Test $95.00 CAD $100.00 CAD $115.00 CAD $135.00 CAD $170.00 CAD $170.00 CAD

DELF Scolaire - For students in K-12 schools- group exam schedule:

Fall/Winter DELF A1-A2: lundi 26 novembre 2007 DELF B1-B2: mardi 27 novembre 2007 Spring DELF A1-A2 : lundi 14 avril 2008 DELF B1-B2 : mardi 15 avril 2008 Oral production exams take place in the days following the group exams, as arranged with participating schools.. ****There is no charge for EPSB students who are registered in French programs or courses in the 2007-08 school year.

To register complete the attached registration form and contact :

Rosario Vasquez to register for the appropriate level of the DELF exam. or call 780-429-8516

Further information:
Sandy Forster, Supervisor, Curriculum, Edmonton Public Schools Telephone: 780-498-8766 Fax: 780-425-6405 E-mail: For general information, you can also visit the web site of the Centre international dtudes pdagogiques: (English) (French)

International French Language Proficiency Credentialing Centre dexamen Edmonton Public Schools Exam Centre Inscription DELF / DALF Registration Tous Publics 2007-2008
TESTING DATES: A1/A2: November 19, 2007; B1/B2: November 20, 2007; C1: November 21, 2007; C2: November 22, 2007; April 7, 2008 April 8, 2008 April 9, 2008 April 10, 2008

REGISTRATION DEADLINES: A1/A2: October 22, 2007; March 10, 2008 B1/B2: October 23, 2007; March 11, 2008 C1: October 24, 2007; March 12, 2008 C2: October 25, 2007; March 13, 2008 Level of Exam: A1 A2 B1 B2

NOM (Last Name) Sexe (Gender):


PRNOM (First Name)

F Tlc. (Fax #)

Tlphone (Telephone #)

Adresse lectronique (E-mail address)

Ville de naissance (City of Birth)

Pays de naissance (Country of Birth)

Nationalit (Nationality)




Date de Naissance (Date of Birth)

Apt. # : Ville (City)

Province Adresse (Address) Pays (Country) Code Postal (Postal Code)

Test de connaissance du franais (TCF) Credentials

TCF Overview The Test de connaissance du franais (TCF) is a French language test designed by the Centre international dtudes pdagogiques (CIEP) in Paris under a commission of Frances Ministry of Education. The TCF is a proficiency test, providing a standardized certification of the candidate's French-language ability at a given moment in time and is valid for two years.

Skills Assessed The TCF is designed for non-native speakers and assesses French speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and knowledge of grammatical structures in French. Each candidate receives a certification with a statement of results that is valid for two years. Uses for TCF TCF can be used for personal, work and study purposes: Personal to obtain an evaluation of a candidates speaking, writing and comprehension skills in French. The TCF provides a snapshot of a candidates proficiency in French at the time he/she takes the test. Work the TCF certificate is a benchmark of a candidates language abilities and may be used to endorse job applications or applications for internal promotion. Study the certification process is designed according to international standards and is recognized by universities as meeting French language requirements for entry.

Recognition of TCF The TCF is recognized for admission purposes by French university authorities as well as by university-level language centres and institutions that specialize in French language learning in France and around the world. TCF is a proficiency test, not a diploma. It provides a standardized certification of the candidate's French-language ability at a given moment in time. For this reason, the TCF certificate is only valid for two years.

Description of TCF The TCF has both a compulsory and an optional part. The compulsory part consists of three multiple-choice subtests: listening, reading and command of grammatical structures. The compulsory part consists of 80 items presented in an ascending order of difficulty. The total duration of the compulsory part is 1 hour 30 minutes: Listening comprehension - 25 minutes - 30 items Reading comprehension - 45 minutes - 30 items Command of language structures - 20 minutes - 20 items The optional part consists of two subtests: spoken and written French. The speaking test takes 15 minutes and the written expression test takes 1 hours for a total of 2 hours: Written expression - 105 minutes - 6 subjects, one at each of six levels Oral expression - 15 minutes


- 6 subjects, one at each of six levels. 1 hour 30 minutes for the compulsory part The speaking test takes a maximum of 15 minutes. The written expression test takes 1 hours. It consists of six writing exercises, all of which are mandatory.

Interpretation of Results Candidates are graded on a scale of six levels from beginner to highly advanced. The test results provide a benchmark of candidates' language ability according to the Council of Europe's six-level proficiency scale.

2007-08 School Year TCF Exam Dates and Registration Information

Session Registration Session 1 2 Registration Deadline October 16, 2007 January 15, 2008 Date of Sessions November 13, 2007 February 26, 2008

Registration Fees
The total price of the TCF (obligatory tests + optional tests) is $250. The components written comprehension, oral comprehension, grammar knowledge and vocabulary are mandatory. The cost is $100.The optional tests are: written expression: $75 oral expression: $75. The optional tests can only be taken together with the obligatory tests.


How to Register
Download and complete the TCF registration form

Further information:
Sandy Forster, Supervisor, Curriculum, Edmonton Public Schools Telephone: 780-498-8766 Fax: 780-425-6405 E-mail: For general information, you can also visit the web site of the Centre international des tudes pdagogiques: (French) (English)


Test dvaluation du franais (TEF) Credentials

TEF Overview The Test dEvaluation du franais (TEF) is a French proficiency test from the Chambre de commerce et dindustrie de Paris to test the level of French of non-native speakers of the language.

Skills Assessed The TEF assesses listening comprehension, reading comprehension, oral expression, written expression and understanding of vocabulary and grammar. Uses for TEF The TEF evaluates a candidates level of French and provides business firms with a nationally recognized test of French when they recruit non-native speakers of French. Educational institutions also use TEF to assess a candidates level of French language proficiency for admission purposes. TEF is used by Citizenship and Immigration Canada to assess the French language proficiency of candidates wishing to immigrate to Canada. Recognition of TEF The TEF is officially recognized by Frances Ministry of Education for access to the first and second year of French Universities (premier cycle universitaire). The candidates must take the compulsory papers and the optional written expression paper. The candidates must obtain a minimum level of 5 in the written expression paper which is the equivalent of level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Universities may also use this test for other years of study (deuxime et troisime cycles universitaires) by setting the score they require for the registration in the different fields of study. The TEF is also recognized by the by Citizenship and Immigration Canada as the only French Language Test allowed to assess the French language skills of candidates wishing to migrate to Canada A statement of results is valid for one year.


Description of Test The TEF is composed of two series of tests: three compulsory papers (multiple choices) and two optional papers. The compulsory tests assess reading comprehension, listening comprehension and understanding of grammar and vocabulary. The optional tests assess written expression and oral expression. In the written expression portion, candidates have to write the end of a document and to write a personal document. The compulsory part consists of 150 items: Listening comprehension - 40 minutes - 60 questions - 360 points Reading comprehension - 60 minutes - 50 questions - 300 points Vocabulary and grammar - 30 minutes - 40 questions - 240 points The optional tests consist of two subjects in written expression and in oral expression. Written expression - 60 minutes - 2 subjects - 450 points Oral expression - 35 minutes - 2 subjects - 450 points The three compulsory tests take 2 hours and 10 minutes. The optional tests take 95 minutes: 60 minutes for the written expression test on two topics and a 35-minute oral interview.


Interpretation of Results The results on the TEF can be interpreted with reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Council of Europe C2 Proficient C1 Proficient B2 Independent User B1 Independent User A2 Basic User A1 Basic User TEF Level 6 834-900 points Level 5 699-833 points Level 4 541-698 points Level 3 361 540 points Level 2 204 360 points Level 1 - 69-203 points Level 0 - 0-68 points

Candidates receive a certificate that is valid for one year from the date the exam was taken.

2007-08 School Year TEF Exam Dates and Registration Information

Session 1 2 Registration Deadline October 15, 2007 January 14, 2008 Date of Sessions November 12, 2007 February 11, 2008

Registration Fees
The total price of the TEF (obligatory tests + optional tests) is $365. The components written comprehension, oral comprehension, grammar knowledge and vocabulary are mandatory. The cost is $135.


The optional tests are: written expression: $70 oral expression: $160. The optional tests can only be taken together with the obligatory tests.

How to Register
Download and complete the registration form (Please note an ID photo is required on the form) Further information: Sandy Forster, Supervisor, Curriculum, Edmonton Public Schools Telephone: 780-498-8766 Fax: 780-425-6405 For general information on the TEF, you can also visit the web site of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris.

Test de franais international (TFI)

TFI Overview Le Test de franais international (TFI) is a French language proficiency test designed by Educational Testing Service for non-native speakers of French and administered in Canada by Educational Testing Services Canada Inc. The TFI is intended to assess a candidates ability to communicate in French as it is used in the international workplace and in everyday life.


Skills Assessed TFI assesses listening comprehension and reading comprehension.

Uses for TFI The TFI can be used in an educational context to: Place students in appropriate classes by levels Evaluate the proficiency of students at different stages in their programs Enhance a students curriculum vitae Facilitate human resource decision making, such as selecting new staff and providing professional development.

Recognition of TFI TFI is recognized by many colleges and universities in Quebec and in other provinces for admissions purposes: Universit Laval, Qubec QC Universit de Montral, Montral, QC Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi QC Universit du Qubec Montral, Montral QC HEC, Montral QC Other organizations using TFI include: Agropur, Toronto ON Hpital Douglas, Montral QC YMCA Du Grand Montral, Montral QC Groupes Pages Jaunes, Montral QC


Description of Test The TFI consists of 180 multiple-choice items in two sections: listening comprehension and reading. 180 multiple choice questions Section I: Listening (42 minutes) I Question-Answer 40 questions II Short Dialogues 30 questions III Short Conversations 20 questions Section II: Reading (68 minutes) IV Error Identification 25 questions V Incomplete Sentences 25 questions VI Comprehension 40 questions The test takes 1 hours and 50 minutes to complete. A testing session will last about two hours and 30 minutes, including administration time.

Interpretation of Results The scores on the TFI test are determined by the number of correct answers that are converted to a scale score. The scale is continuous and ranges from 10 to 990 points. A candidate is rated as achieving one of six levels from beginning to advanced: Beginning Proficiency in French: Able to satisfy immediate survival needs Elementary Proficiency in French: Speaker has functional but limited proficiency. Able to maintain very simple face-to-face conversations on familiar topics. Advanced Elementary Proficiency in French: Can initiate and maintain predictable face-to-face conversations and satisfy limited social demands. Basic Working Proficiency in French: Able to satisfy routine social demands and limited work requirements. Working Proficiency in French: Able to satisfy most requirements with language that is often but not always acceptable and effective. Professional proficiency in French: Able to communicate effectively in almost any situation.


2007-08 School Year TFI Exam Dates and Registration Information

Session 1 2 Registration Deadline October 17, 2007 January 16, 2008 Date of Sessions November 14, 2007 February 13, 2008

Registration Fees
The total price of the TFI is $88.00

How to Register
Download and complete the registration form

Further information:
Sandy Forster, Supervisor, Curriculum, Edmonton Public Schools Telephone: 780-498-8766 Fax: 780-425-6405 E-mail: For general information, you can also visit the web site of the Educational Testing Services Canada Inc. at


Updated April 30, 2008


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