Thesun 2009-05-28 Page15 The Rape of Our Hills

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theSun | THURSDAY MAY 28 2009 15


The rape of our hills

ous parts of the body in a short the government should do?
time. Others survive for a few I think the government should
years. The question is whether help organic farmers through the
one has to die earlier because of organic farming scheme under
cancer. No. There is a Chinese the Agriculture and Agro-based
saying “Sickness comes through Industry Ministry. Then people
the mouth”. Food consumption will feel more encouraged to THOUSANDS of people, locals Residents groups, howev- of a dangerous hill slope project which
has a strong linkage with can- consume organic food. It will and visitors alike, have felt their er, have gone even further in should not have been approved at by
cer, apart from smoking and also encourage more organic hearts sink while travelling along pressurising the government MPPP,” it said.
alcohol. Studies say we should farming. Mass production will the slow undulating roads that – from conducting vigorous In September last year, the Penang
only consume 20% acidic food bring prices down. pass through the idyllic Batu petition campaigns to hold- Island Municipal Council (MPPP) issued
and 80% alkaline food. I would Ferringhi and Tanjong Bungah ing boisterous protests with stop-work orders against two develop-
propose that everyone follow Does detoxification help? tourism belts, over the past clanging pots and pans. ers, GLM Property Development Bhd and
this formula. You need to un- Yes, it does. Toxic substances couple of years. In the most recent de- Taman Ratu Sdn Bhd, who were involved
derstand what they are. Reduce are everywhere – in the food, Driving past the area today, velopment, two residents in the hill-slope development above Chee
meat consumption because all water and air. Our body and one cannot help but cringe at TheNutmeg associations submitted a Seng Gardens. Just two months before,
meat is acidic and dairy prod- bacteria in the intestines also the sight of monstrous, seem- memorandum to the state five projects along this same stretch of
ucts and eggs as well. Eat more produce toxins. Alkaline food ingly endless scars that have Verses government, asking for slopes were also briefly issued stop-work
vegetables, fruits and grains. helps to detoxify the body. Fast- been made on what was once by Himanshu Bhatt steep hill-slope projects to orders by the MPPP.
ing facilitates detoxification to a rolling, green range of hills. be banned or restricted. The Another worry – especially in light of
What is healthy living? achieve physical and mental Entire stretches of forests have memorandum highlighted the the hill-slope crisis that hit Bukit Antara-
My family and I believe that an health. Occasional fasting is been decimated for a string of high-rise Bolton Surin project in Chee Seng Gardens, bangsa in Selangor late last year – is the
important path to good health effective in staying healthy and and luxury residential projects on steep raising numerous instances of perceived reported removal of excavated soil and
is via healthy eating habits. We reducing weight. hill slopes overlooking the sea. non-compliance by the developer. rock from hill slopes without the supervi-
also believe consuming vegetar- In the late 1970s, I used to The situation has gotten so ugly that Prepared by the Tanjong Bungah sion of the MPPP.
ian or organic food and fasting have anus itchiness and for residents and tourism bodies have gone Residents’ Association and the Chee “Since the land development work
are some ways for healthy living over 20 years I took medicine up in arms over the blatant devastation of Seng Gardens Action Committee against began in 2008, we have seen hundreds
because we can see the differ- for it. After I changed my diet, what was once one of the most pleasant Dangerous Hill Slope Development, the of lorry loads exiting the construction site
ence in our lives. We are healthy the itchiness disappeared within natural thoroughfares in Penang. sizeable document was handed over to of Bolton Surin, carrying excavated soil
and have not taken medicine three months. It was amazing. “We are very worried,” said Associa- state executive councillor Phee Boon Poh and rocks away from the construction site
since 2004. My eight-year-old tion of Tourism Attractions Penang (ATAP) at the state assembly late last month. everyday,” the memorandum said.
son has to date only gone to a Is conventional medicine chairman Eddy Low. “We find it hard to Most importantly, the memorandum In fact, the extraction of minerals from
clinic once; when he was one- necessary if food can prevent explain to tourists why we are doing this. called for a state-wide ban on all devel- the site was apparently viewed by Phee
year-old. diseases? This should not be part of our state’s opment in Class III (between 26° and 35° himself during a site visit to Bolton Surin
A healthy body makes a I am not saying it is unnecessary behaviour.” gradient) and Class IV (above 35° gradient) on April 9.
healthy mind because it helps but you can avoid it whenever Stressing that it “stuck out like a sore slopes. Class IV is defined by the Science, The situation may seem legally difficult
prevent physical and mental possible. Medical expenses are thumb”, Low and his colleagues have Technology and Environment Ministry as for the state government, since all the
stress. always a burden and the bills asked the state authorities to come up having “extreme geotechnical constraints” projects were approved under the previ-
You have to respect life. If are escalating. Due to financial with urgent remedial measures against for any development projects. ous Barisan Nasional administration.
you are a cancer patient and difficulties, some do not even go hill-scarring by development projects. What the residents are alarmed about But for many Penangites, there should
you want to live longer, you to the clinic for a check up. They Indeed, the industry has received is the safety of present and future popula- never be any compromise. The onus, they
have to respect life without instead rely on pain killers, self- numerous complaints from visitors and tions who will obviously be affected by say, is still on the present government, to
your favourite foods. In fact, it medication or home remedies. participants of the “Malaysia My 2nd the unbridled dangerous development. make a stand, to show its commitment
is not for cancer alone but for People hardly think about Home” (MM2H) programme that much Ongoing land-clearing, blasting and land for our forests and people, and ban all
all diseases. changing their diet to prevent of the stretch’s natural allure had been development works are hardly supervised future projects on Class III and IV slopes
People should remember sickness and stay fit. The gov- compromised. by the municipal council, raising concerns in the state.
that changes take place gradu- ernment and many health-care Most notably, ATAP questioned how about the safety of hill slopes in Tanjong
ally and it is very important to organisations have been pro- the projects were approved in the first Bungah, they said in the memorandum.
start now. Don’t wait till it’s too moting healthy lifestyle but how place – even though they were on slopes “The memorandum shows that the Himanshu is Penang bureau chief. Com-
late because change doesn’t take many take heed. Investing in that rose sharply from the main road. Bolton Surin project is a classic example ment:
place overnight. Change your health food to prevent diseases
menu to suit your pace and food or sickness is worthwhile. We
Research has shown that
should regard health as No.1
on the scale of importance. It letters
over 60% of those above 40 have is natural to think money is
at least one chronic medical more important as it meets our
problem that requires treat-
ment and by 60, at least 60%
material needs but with age, we
gradually realise that money is Moderation in all things
are on regular medication. It is not everything. While money
not about long life; it is about can pay for medical treatment I REFER to “Education and enforce- where the drinker knows his limit For instance, an obsessive
healthy life. and services, it does not guaran- ment, not total ban, the answer: and therefore should not pose too penchant for pasta, fried foods and
tee good health. In any case, we Khir” (May 26). The suggestion much of a threat to himself and such may add to the body excess
But organic food is not should give ourselves a chance of former Selangor Mentri Besar society. adipose tissue and its attendant
cheap. What do you reckon to test the power of natural diet. Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo that In the case of wine there is the health problems.
education and enforcement rather so-called French paradox where it A fondness for sweet things
than a total ban on alcohol is an has been observed that although may lead to diabetes, and even
enlightened one. the diet of the French (who con- an addiction to sex, as the Tao-
But his assertion that “alcohol sume wine regularly) is relatively ists aver, may debilitate the body
is not good for health” perhaps rich in saturated fats, they yet of the male due to the loss of
Chrysler needs some qualification. No suffer a relatively low incidence seminal fluid which is essential for
faces doubt, the evidence that alcohol of coronary heart disease. This is longevity.
consumption (especially exces- thought to be due to the resvera- So, self-control should be the
D-Day as sive or its long-term effects) trol that is in the skin of red grapes guiding principle to avoid a life of
GM nears would eventually lead to cirrhosis used in the making of red wine. dissipation. Inscribed on the tem-
bankruptcy of the liver, irreversible damage But, at the end of the day, it re- ple of Apollo at Delphi is a maxim
to the brain cells, foetal alcohol ally boils down to the question of ascribed to the Seven Wise Men.
pg 17 syndrome, insolvency, etc is indis- being moderate in everything that It says: “Nothing in excess.” I
putable, but many would disagree we do as over-zealousness and will drink to that.
that the same could be said for over-indulgence in the pleasures
mild and moderate consumption of life can be detrimental to the Sylvester Goh
of alcohol (or the occasional tipple) mind, body and spirit. Petaling Jaya

What next for Sri Lanka?

I REFER to “An end to Sri Lan- both sides will take long to be for- in restoring peace and in removing
ka’s nightmare” (May 27) by Eric given and will not be easily forgot- the very causes of this wasteful
Margolis. I wish to congratulate ten. The healing process will take civil war.
him and theSun for publishing a time but there must be immediate The Sri Lankan government
fair and balanced assessment of reconciliation for the wounds of could now show it does not
the Sri Lankan nightmare facing war to heal soon. tolerate inhuman treatment by
the world. National reconciliation must agreeing to set up a War Crimes
Now that this miserable war take place as a matter of urgency Tribunal and a Truth and Reconcili-
is over, we all hope that there will to reduce the suffering and to ation Commission.
be peace at last in that beautiful secure real lasting peace and to Most importantly it has to
former Pearl of the East. But real prevent a revival of hostilities in immediately put in place policy
peace is hanging in the balance as the near future. This will depend measures to provide fair treat-
about 300,000 displaced people on how quickly and genuinely the ment to the Tamil minority in Sri
live under deplorable conditions in Sri Lankan government moves Lanka that has felt persecuted for
makeshift camps administered by to resettle and rehabilitate the so long.
the Sri Lankan military. The UN has thousands of displaced persons Then only will we be confident
described the civil war as a “blood and how fast the divided and dis- that there will be permanent peace
bath” where about 100,000 mostly seminated Tamil families can be and progress in that sad country.
Tamil civilians were killed. mercifully united.
Dr Lim: Occasional The bitterness, the misery and The world is watching the con- Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam
fasting is helpful the inhuman acts committed by duct of the Sri Lankan government Petaling Jaya

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